Can You Beat Pokemon Scarlet with Just A Fuecoco?

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can you beat scarlet and violet with only a Fuego wife wait Coco I mean look at that face that is an adorable Pokemon but will it be strong enough to beat a game that I was told is one of the toughest game freak has ever made well there's only one way to find out now if you've watched my channel before this isn't the first time I've done one of these solo runs but this is the first time I've done one on a game that has just come out with zero information usually I talk about foikoko's stats I don't know them it's move pool I don't know it what TMS it learns I don't even know what TMS are in the game I had to do this with zero information and if I could still win I think that bodes well for fuego now for those of you who haven't paid much attention to the news scarlet and violet don't work the exact same way as other Pokemon games do they are in fact open world meaning you can do any of the 18 events yes there are 18 of them in whatever order you like give or take there's some exceptions here eight of these events are Gym Battles the same type we know and love from previous Pokemon games in this game the villain team is named Team star and they are located in five compounds each of those compounds has a leader that specializes in one of the five types that the gym leaders don't and there are five Titan Pokemon roaming around we need to defeat all these in order to complete the game and as there are 18 events and 18 types we have to face something of every single type which is pretty good now luckily for fuicoco the first gym battle the only time the game actually tells you what to do is a bug type gem end bug is an exceptional matchup since we both resist its moves and our moves are super effective so how did the battle go so gym leader Katie sends out Nimble which I believe is bug fighting it's not gonna really matter and we're going to terasterize what the heck is that so meet the new Dynamax to rastilization this is an interesting mechanic that we're going to use throughout the game and in terms of how exactly it works I still don't know what I do know is it does two things for sure the first is potentially change your Pokemon's type but most Pokemon's territype is just the type they already are so fuecocos is fire by default so why bother because it also boosts moves of that type based on my experiences I think it's an additional 50 but don't quote me on that I don't have the exact numbers it doesn't increase our speed though so Nimble is is able to use double kick thankfully it only does 10 damage and we use Ember you might wonder why I have animations on as far as I can tell there's no way to turn those off in this game so we're just gonna have to deal with that and we knock out the Nimble next comes out tarantula it also goes first it uses Assurance which actually does more damage vorgo last I go for Ember we get that extra animation because it's our Terror type and that indicates more damage we even get a critical hit not that it mattered and we knock out the tarantula now the final Pokemon is Teddy Ursa which isn't a bug type but wouldn't you know she is going to terastalize it into a bug type so I think it still maintains its same type attack bonus for normal but defensively it is going to be considered a bug type which is good for us and it also is going to get same type attack bonus from bug moves but hopefully that's not going to matter so after all those animations play Teddy Ursa misses with Fury swipes I again go for Ember it doesn't quite knock out Teddy Ursa that gives it one more opportunity to attack us but thankfully and yes there is a lot of talking during these Gym Battles Teddy Ursa goes for Fury cutter we knock it out with Ember and that is one badge in the books one out of 18 events let's go so in terms of what we're gonna do next I looked at the map and I saw there was a grass type gym leader it was fairly close so I figured it would be at similar level and I mean we're fire type so let's go do that now I should say before you challenge a gym leader in this game you need to do a little test so the first gym I had to roll an olive into a basket this one you gotta find some sunflora in the city they're not really relevant for the purposes of a solo run but thought I'd mention them in case you guys were curious anyways after I finished finding all 10s on Flora it was time to battle the grass leader brassius a mixture of Brutus and Cassius I don't know anyway we're of course going to terastalize once again and this time we have incinerate we outspeed the pet little and we knock it out so that is one down pretty good next comes out the smallev a new Pokemon but it is also kind of slow and not very strong and we're gonna use a Terra boosted incinerate and that is two down pretty good right unfortunately this is where the good times are gonna come to an end the final Pokemon is one that isn't actually a grass type but looks like one it is Sudowoodo I guess now it's a Trudeau wudo but yeah it's gonna to rationalize into the grass type but it still has rock moves we do out speed and incinerate does about 75 percent of its HP and it looks like I got lucky it went for its grass move Trail Blaze which raises speed and here's rock throw and we lost oh that's great now normally I would just retry but because the game is open world I decided to go and try a different event maybe it would be easier right around Artisan where the grass gym is located there is the team Star Fire compound so I tried to battle the trainer outside the game and it went quite poorly while the Sudowoodo was roughly around my level houndor is level 25 and if the trainer outside the gate is level 25 I'd hate to see what the Pokemon are like inside the compound so we have to try something else so at this point I just decided to explore the world a bit more and the one thing you can do to figure out where you should go next is just look at what level the wild Pokemon are see this Phalanx it's level 14 right around these ruins is the dark type compound for team star so the fact that Pokemon arounder level 14 gave me a pretty good idea that this might be a compound My Way Cocoa might have a better chance against sure enough the trainer outside this compound uses a murkrow another dark type Pokemon but this time we can actually use our fire moves and although the murkrow out speeds us we are able to knock it out in just two incinerates and finally make our way inside the compound now once you're inside the compound what you need to do is knock out 30 Pokemon using the Auto Battle feature which doesn't give you any experience points and is kind of weird to navigate for a solo run you need to use at least three Pokemon so I tried using really weak Pokemon a hop hip and a Magikarp I mean Magikarp doesn't even have attacking moves right but it doesn't quite work like that I'm not sure how Auto battles are calculated but they seem unbelievably simplified Magikarp knocked out a few Pokemon now in the Overworld when you Auto Battle your Pokemon can't actually be knocked out they'll just not be able to fight anymore and return to you here they can be knocked out but I say that seems more of a theoretical possibility because even if you're insanely under leveled Not only was fuekoko never knocked out it wouldn't even lose HP a lot of the time you can't really control how Auto battles work they're automatic and you get 10 minutes but I never needed longer than two or three honestly this just ended up being like the gym tests before a bit of busy work before you get to the real challenge now I'm just gonna call this guy Giacomo which I'm sure is wrong but you guys make fun of the way I pronounce Giovanni and Laura Lee anyway so it's on brand anyway Giacomo leads off with a pawn yard and shockingly it out speeds me I've got to terasterize but I still knock it out and to my shock the next Pokemon Giacomo sends out is the car he's standing on now as it turns out I think it's just the engine and it's attached to the big car but it's still ridiculous that you fight a giant Mad Max looking car the segan Starmobile so I to raftilize and I decide to go for incinerate even though disarming voice is super effective I think with the same type plus Terra bonus we should do more damage it out speeds goes for metal sound that's fine it's just gonna lower my special defense and now we need to see how much incinerate does to the giant car and yeah it's not gonna work giant car uses snarl which lowers my special attack so we actually gonna do the same because when we're at 33 HP or lower our fire moves are further increased due to the ability Blaze I try to run away but I'm just gonna have to lose this battle it goes for snarl and we're gonna need to either level up or find something else to do with that said in traveling across the Overworld trying to look for new things to do I've leveled up enough that I think I can beat brassius we already know we're easily gonna one shot the first two of his Pokemon the question becomes will we one shot Sudowoodo or heck maybe we could even survive two of its attacks well it's the moment of truth I go for incinerate and I forgot Sudowoodo has sturdy so we did one shot but it didn't really help it once again uses trailblaze but it only base 30 speed the increase is is not enough this time that is two gym badges in the books but we still haven't defeated any team Star members or even attempted one of the Titan Pokemon I try battling Giacomo now that I'm level 28 and I do have flamethrower I even try to get a maximum boosted Terra boosted flamethrower with charcoal in blaze range and it only does about 70 percent maybe less probably more like 65 percent I don't care that the game says this thing is at level 20 it is very tough for fuego now I happen to be in the desert area and the big Dawn fan was right around the corner I decided to try and battle it it didn't go well knock off which isn't even a ground move almost knocked me out and I wanted to see how much damage I would do I didn't even do half so this is clearly not the Pokemon we should be facing right now we're still trying to find our way unfortunately even though we have access to a lot of TMS way Coco seems to have an extremely shallow move pool thankfully you can get the power items to EV train really easily and you can even buy mints to change your nature we started with timid nature which is pretty good plus speed minus attack we're using special attacks for the most part right now though it just feels like we're in a really awkward position where we're just not strong enough to defeat anything and so leveling up usually is the only option especially in a game where I just don't know if there are other items TMS or whatever available to me well just like with breathius now that we've traveled a bunch we're at a higher level and we did finally defeat Giacomo nothing too exciting here we were able to out speed the pawn yard and thankfully now that we're at level 32 with a Terra boosted flamethrower we are doing over half to the Rev of room and it didn't even attack me just use metal sound twice which I guess would have been nice whatever knocking to complain so that's three out of 18 events done we're just one-sixth of the way done but hopefully this opens up a little more in terms of what we can do next I was able to make some more progress in the fire type compound and battle Mila or Mela don't know what her name should be pronounced as but regardless I was able to take out her first Pokemon her torkal but her rev of room which I guess they just act like terrestrialized Pokemon with the type they're supposed to be so this one acts as a fire type I wasn't able to do enough damage I actually came kinda close but not close enough so I decided I would come back to this one a little bit later in the meantime I did some more exploring and I came upon the electric type gem led by iono the streamer trainer it's kind of bizarre to see a streamer in a Pokemon game anyway way her Pokemon seem pretty under leveled she leads with the watrell and we just terrestrialize use flamethrower and that Latrell stood no chance in well you can insert the rhyme there next we have a belly bolt and it's got a big belly but it's about to bolt back to its Pokeball because flamethrower absolutely annihilates it that is too down finally we get fire blast which is going to be super useful so our moves are right now is flamethrower I'm gonna delete disarming voice because only base 40 power and I have snarl and hyper voice there aren't any more TMS I can really learn and these seem to be the only special attacks that kind of sucks anyway Luxio comes out next we're gonna go for flamethrower and it's a one AKO and now she sends out a Miss Mages or Miss magius apparently that's how you're supposed to pronounce it but we're not gonna have to worry about pronouncing it because it's not going to last very long it does out speed hex does some decent damage but a terasterized flamethrower we're just too high level at this point and this is what happens with open world had I a set order perhaps I could have done this at a much lower level but in trying to get past the team's Star members I've leveled up a lot and that just made iono way too easy that's okay this has taken a pretty long time anyway to get through just three gym leaders and one team star so we're now 4 out of 18 done are there any other trainers that will be fairly easy to defeat well maybe instead of a trainer we should go and fight one of the Titans that we do have a good matchup against earthworm I have no idea what level it is like I said I knew nothing about this game going in but as a fire type Pokemon we're good both offensively and defensively might as well give it a try we have to chase it around but eventually it will battle us it misses with iron tail we go for flamethrower and this thing has a giant boss like HP meter which we knock out in one go and then it runs away all right that was anticlimactic as it turns out all these Titan Pokemon you beat them once they run away they eat the magical sandwich ingredients seriously Arvin tells you initially that your goal is to make the perfect sandwich quite an interesting quest in Pokemon but as you would suspect even though earthworm is powered up it's now a 2V1 battle Arvin actually will help me out here not that he needed to because fire blast one shots the earthworm and we have finally defeated our first Titan Pokemon and as it turns out as you defeat the Titan Pokemon you're legendary which you use to Traverse the world gets one of its abilities restored beating earthworm lets you jump higher which should allow me to access a little bit more of the game so this is what I meant when I said the game is practically open world because you do lack certain abilities like swimming and climbing that we will get later as we defeat the Titans who sometimes are very difficult like Dawn fan or are quite easy like earthworm I guess it's gonna really depend on our tight matchup and also their level which I just don't know and I'm kind of having to guess I then tried taking on the poison type team star member Atticus but you'll notice it's raining you see sometimes in the Overworld it randomly rains and while if we had a quaxley this would be quite good with the Fuego this means our fire moves are going to do much less damage and this just kind of sucks there's no way I can really deal with this other than just waiting but unsurprisingly since I did try to do this in the Rain the Rev of room is easily able to defeat me I pretty much was already almost defeated by the skunk tank these Pokemon seem pretty difficult anyway so I think I'm gonna try again later but the key part of showing this battle was to illustrate how the rain in this game is annoying as heck and is something that would help us as a water type but really hurts us as a fire type unfortunately since pretty much every battle is outside in this game it seems to be just another layer of Randomness we're gonna have to deal with moving forward anyway I decide to explore around a bit and I fight another Titan Bombardier Bombardier I fight the sky Titan and it goes pretty well even though I don't have a type advantage my flamethrower instantly takes it into the second phase and in the second phase while it does out speed it does not do a lot of damage and fire blast knocks it out so that is two Titans one member of Team star and three gems I think we might have a fish officially found ourselves in a little bit of a Groove here now while you might think the sky Titan gives the ability to fly it actually gives you the ability to swim which opens up a little bit more of the game so I explode around for another hour and ended up finding the normal type gym leader Larry you have to order a secret menu item to battle him kind of annoying but battle him we will he leads with Kamala so I tarastalize I hid with flamethrower but unfortunately even though I've leveled up a lot I still don't one shot and the Kamala goes for yawn so I will actually knock out Kamala but we're gonna go to sleep now and now the did on sparse it looks a lot like just regular Dunsparce with an extra segment but it's the evolved form of Dunsparce I'm asleep it goes for drill run which doesn't quite knock me out but then it goes for hyper drill and yeah that's not gonna work now I did battle Larry a few more times but it wasn't working at this level essentially what would happen is that if Kamala didn't use yawn it could go for slam which did about half my HP what's worse is the dun spars could go for glare now I could equip Cherry Berry and hope for slam and that would get me to Larry's final Pokemon which I'm gonna say is the Raptor unfortunately what you're probably seeing right now is the cut scene that plays in the middle of the gym battle like come on do we need this and this is unskippable even if you say skip cutscenes because technically this isn't a cut scene but like really game freak do we need this in the middle of a gym battle I mean I'm not even thinking about replaying this game just every time you lose having to re-watch this is very frustrating anyway this is also when I figured out you couldn't shut off animations but we're gonna have to come back unfortunately we probably need to one shot both Kamala and maybe then to done Sparks and then even if star Raptor out speeds which it does now will have enough HP to knock it out with a flamethrower because it's special defense it's pretty low well I decided to battle Mila Mela the fire type team star member it's been a long time we're at a way higher level and thus partially due to torkel's Drought ability we're able to One-Shot it with flamethrower I don't think the crit mattered torkel has horrible special defense the Rev room uses Screech and I go for flamethrower I don't have charcoal and it's doing just under half so fireblast would knock it out it has speed boosts not that it matters I go for fire blast it goes for blazing torque which obviously is not very effective and once Mila stops talking as long as we hit with fire blast we win looks like we're gonna hit and looks like we're gonna win now I once again decide to do some exploring and I made my way to Montana I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly but it's in the snowy mountains but it is the Ghost Gym City starting in generation six you could get these items called bottle caps to train your Pokemon's IVs Pokemon stats are made of three components base dots which are determined by species IVs which are determined by the individual Pokemon and Eevees which are determined by what you train against EV training in this game is really easy because you get the power items early on and can just battle a whole bunch of wild Pokemon IVs are usually fixed however if you hit Level 100 you can use a bottle cap and do hyper training in scarlet and violet it seems this has been lowered to level 50. and since bottle caps are just buyable at the deli bird stores you actually can perfect all your IVs as soon as you hit Level 50 which means if we do these runs going forward we don't have to worry about any luck components we can choose our own nature and we can perfect our IVs and we can EV train so we can get basically a perfect competitive Pokemon every single time we're not quite at level 50 yet but this is massive and if I ever do more videos in this the ability to hyper train at level 50 will be a massive reason why I do now I may have explored a little bit too much because by the time I do another important battle against Atticus remember him we battled him in the rain well it goes a little bit differently I'm level 56 now so even though skunk tank uses Sucker Punch that's gonna be one of the only attacks that's actually going to connect because we one shot the skunk tank then comes out a real rev of room which is steel and poison we knock it out with a flamethrower obviously muck is the next Pokemon and at level 56 we easily knock it out and now the Starmobile comes to battle this one poison type it does out speed and hit with noxious torque but it's not really a big deal doesn't do nearly enough so even a crit the next turn we on the other hand do more than enough damage that it's gonna be a two a KO and after the second noxious tour kits we have defeated our third of the five team Star members leaving only the fighting type member and the fairy type member neither of whom we've even attempted yet and both of whom look to be at the end of the game after how easy that was I decided to battle Larry again and after terastalizing flamethrower does One-Shot Kamala which we talked about would need to happen next comes out to Dunn sparse this thing probably is pretty bulky but I don't know if it's going to be bulky enough for fire blast unfortunately we miss and the done stars is able to paralyze us we can see how much drill run is doing it's doing about 50. we do hit with fire blast and we knock it out and we might still win because even though the star raptor is gonna to rasterize itself we might be able to be in blaze range and knock it out with a flamethrower it all comes down to this do we survive it goes for facade and I'm paralyzed lovely all right we gotta try that again so at this point I've been playing for a while and I forget to terastalize which isn't going to matter versus Kamala but it did matter versus The Dun sparse because I also went for flamethrower meaning I could have gone for flamethrower last time and we would have won but don't worry it's gonna work out fine for me because although it's gonna take a second hit and thankfully it went for drill run the star Raptor comes out it goes for its own to rasterized facade but we're able to knock it out using a terasterized flamethrower and that is nine of the 18 events four Gym badges three team star two Titans what will be next to fall to Fuego well before we talk about that let's talk about terasterizing a little bit more as it turns out you can actually change your Tara type after you beat Larry it's just really difficult to do so you can get these shards when you do raid battles which exist throughout the world and the higher the level of Raid Battle the more shards you get you need 50 to change your Tara type and level 4 raids only seem to give three or four and I don't think you get access to five or higher until the post game now you do get 50 normal shards for free and I'm actually going to change my Terra type to normal which might seem bizarre but I actually think it's a really good idea because although normal isn't the best type for defensive purposes it only has one weakness fighting and it nullifies all of my weaknesses to Raw water ground Etc so I'll sacrifice a little bit of offense by not having my Terra type be fire but I think we'll make up for it by having a much stronger defensive type and I still do know hypervoice which is pretty lucky so I've decided to do that going forward and that should make some of the remaining gyms a lot less scary it should be noted like mega evolving once a Pokemon has to rasterized it has done so for the entire battle even if it switches out which we can't do but I thought I'd mention that here now we've defeated all the leaders we've attempted at least once but there's one more Titan we tried and could not defeat the big Dawn fan now that we're much higher level well just watch yeah we're doing pretty well but as you did just see Don fan is still doing a ton of damage to me and I actually did lose once before this battle but thankfully we got a little bit better luck the last attempt I to rasterized into the normal type this time I chose not to I didn't know Don fan had stomping tantrum which is a ground type move but in the end it didn't matter we are able to deal enough damage and thankfully Don fan focuses on arvin's Pokemon and that is three Titans down and you know what how about a fourth because cloth as it turns out should have been the first Titan we battled I didn't know this but yeah snarl one shots and once we Face the second form it doesn't get all that more difficult in fact arvin's using like a low-level shelter and the worst part of all this is that cloth allows you to dash so if I just would have battled yes it was rock type but if I just would have battled cloth first we could have moved throughout the world much faster so that sucks but what can you do speaking of under leveled Pokemon we're now going to battle kofu the water type gym leader now that we can terastalize into the normal type he is a joke his first Pokemon Volusia is only level 29 we're going to terrathalize use hypervoice and that's one down next comes out wug Trio The Water Dog Trio we're gonna use hyper voice and unsurprisingly it also won shots two down finally kofu sends out krabominable which could be scary it is a nice fighting type of course it's gonna to rasterize into water type I go for hypervoice but it has pretty good defenses it does not one shot it goes for rock smash but that's a base 40 attack not nearly strong enough and that is the fifth gym badge we're finally starting to find our stride and just take down these Gym Leaders one after another so let's hope that continues remember we did the hyper training here but we never actually battled rhyme the Ghost type gym leader she requires double battles and we're just gonna use a Magikarp and Shadow sneak from Banette is going to knock it out we've terrastralized to normal type so the ghost moves can't hit us we use snarl which thankfully does half to Banette and knocks out mimikyu's disguise on the next turn bananas to go for Sucker Punch because I don't know what else it uses to hit me but it's a little too late doesn't do enough damage snarl's Gonna Knock Out Banette and lower mimikyu special attack although it's probably a physical attacker so that's one down next comes out houndstone which is kind of cute honestly what isn't cute is that the audience seems to be boosting stats at least my stats I'm sure it'll happen the opponent I remember something like this happening in sword and shield too I hated it then but it's not gonna matter snarl does a lot of damage but it doesn't knock out either Pokemon and they do quite a bit to me after slash and play rough and then they get ancient power boost essentially which isn't very good because now mimikyu out speeds and goes for slash but houndstone is still slower than me so I'm able to knock out both of them and that means it's going to be 1v1 or it would be if the audience wouldn't stop interfering so I get another boost to all my stats and rhyme's final Pokemon is toxicity which makes sense because she's a rapper and it's kind of a musician type Pokemon after it to wrathalizes into the Ghost type I go for snarl which is super useful because it goes for discharge a special attack it does under half but then it gets the ancient power boost will it out speed me if it does I believe it wins of course it wins after that boost I out speed I win a very silly battle but a first try Victory not bad Fuego alright I decide to take on the ice type gym next but nimona who I've been battling throughout decides to battle me here and I'm just gonna spoil I lose this one and I really like that in this game when you lose to nimona it just counts as a loss you don't white out you don't battle her again she just takes the W which she should she won now we're gonna have to battle her again and lycanrock is going to be really bad because Normal and fire are our main offensive moves and both of of those are resisted by Rock maybe I can to rationalize into grass or water at some point but it's not looking very likely I don't have many shards so for now we're just gonna take our loss and hope that the ice type gym leader isn't as big a problem unfortunately it was things start out well she leads with ice Volcarona I mean Frost moth I love ice ball Corona I think Frost Moss a really cool Pokemon my favorite from gen 8 anyway it's double weak to Fire and not a very good Pokemon competitively the next Pokemon is bear tick from generation 5. it doesn't do well against a flamethrower but then comes out to Titan a new Pokemon and a really cool pun based on citation which is what the scientific for whales and dolphins are anyway even though I am super effective it may have thick fat or something because it survives and even though I get a fluke burn liquidation still does over half my HP now if someone is watching this in the future and they're like J Rose why didn't you to rasterize you keep your same type attack bonus from fire I didn't know if that was true I don't know if that's true the game has just come out the information just simply isn't there so I will preface that perhaps there was an easier way around this I do knock out this a Titan but the final Pokemon is Altaria which is obviously gonna to rationalize into the ice type based on the damage it did it probably doesn't affect your your offensive typing but whatever hurricane is a 70 accurate move it hits it knocks me out from half HP so I decide this isn't worth it even with the favorable type matchup we can battle grusha later there are plenty of other people to battle even though we're late in the game there are still parts of the world haven't explored yet so I go and did that for about an hour and decided to battle grusha again obviously I've leveled up in the meantime you know we're gonna One-Shot Frost moth so that's not an issue and you know we're gonna One-Shot bear tick so let's just gloss over them and focus on the Titan obviously this time I know I should use fire blast and I'm hoping I do enough to knock it out I don't however however we've leveled up to the point it's still even without the burn doing about half I also think I hyper train my defense here and it all comes down to Altaria although I hyper trained my speed too so we might actually out speed and if we do there's a solid chance we win we do out speed we hit with fire blast and it is a one shot in spite of altaria's excellent defenses we are almost done there is basically nothing left we have the psychic gym the fighting and fairy team Star members and the Dragon Titan in spite of the fact we've used Joseph way Coco and have no information about this game we're doing pretty well unfortunately we do hit another road bump with the fairy type compound and Ortega his first Pokemon is azumarel and azumarel is really bad we could rasterize to normal type and use hypervoice but the thing is fire actually resists fairy type attacks so we'd get a short-term benefit but a long-term negative so I think it might just be worth it to try Ortega again a little bit later or maybe we'll find evulite or something who knows unfortunately that didn't happen but we still have one gym leader left tulip the psychic type gym leader and I decided to go battle her because we're starting to get up there in level and there's not that much more left to do she leads off with a photograph a giraffe rig Evolution it looks so cool well unfortunately while it looks cool and I want to do a solo run with giraffe rig but we knock it out with a single flamethrower one down next comes out Gardevoir I'm worried about its special defense so I go for fire blast and a little bit to my surprise we one shot that's two down next comes out the ESP I think I'm pronouncing that properly looks like a cassowary but anyway it doesn't have really good special defense or I'm just really over leveled flamethrower one shot so there's only one more Pokemon remaining it's florges I think that's how it's pronounced I think it's a pun on gorgeous anyway it to rastolizes into the psychic type floor just has very very good special defense kind of like Gardevoir so obviously it survives it goes for psychic but it only does 70. and so we're going to be able to knock it out with a flamethrower and that means we have defeated the eight gems of paldia we can go and take on the Pokemon League right now but I had a feeling we would need to complete the other two story lines anyway so might as well do those first because I have a pretty strong feeling there will also be equivalent final tasks for those ones like the Elite Four and the champion for the gym M storyline I don't know that but I have a pretty strong feeling that's what they're gonna do after looking for hours I finally figure out how to get to the fighting type compound and I battle Arie the fighting type leader of Team star she leads with Toxicroak which I think has dry skin so flamethrower is gonna one shot that's one down and this is the first time the game has asked me if I want to swap Pokemon I think this is the first member of Team star that had more than two this is when I realized that there is no shift or set mode in this game you just have shift mode on all the time and can choose to ignore it kinda lame speaking of lame persimian in this battle is kind of lame it just shows up gets flamethrowered two down next comes out the primape evolution annihil ape an A plus pun right there this time flamethrower does not one shot but annihilates close combat doesn't do as much as I thought it would not even half so we're able to knock it out there's only two Pokemon remaining this also got me thinking that evulite primate might actually be a strategy which is kind of neat well the second to last Pokemon is Lucario and Lucario is Steel type unless it has extreme speed which I don't think it gets normally flamethrower hits knocks it out and now like always we have to battle the Rev of room or really just the big car we don't want it to rasterize its fighting type it goes for shift gear I go for flamethrower and it does just under half stamina raises defense which isn't too big a deal we're using special attacks but there's High horsepower and oh my gosh we just won I went for flamethrower thinking it couldn't really do much to me but since we are below one-third Health our fire moves are getting buffed another 50 percent and we are almost almost done one more member of Team star one more Titan let's go we did level up a little bit so I tried to battle Ortega again but it didn't go well we do get past the zoomarell this time but barely and I just want to skip ahead because we're gonna battle the dash button and unbeknownst to me its ability when hit by a fire type move the move does nothing and it sharply raises its defense which is a problem for me because we were using boosted fire types attack with blaze and that was the only way we were gonna win at around 30 HP so if that's not gonna work we might need to come back a lot later but before we do that I want to try one last time with a different strategy you can buy leftovers we can to rasterize into normal type right away so we're gonna do that and you can see how much more hypervoice does now that we've terrastralized I mean it makes sense right we are normal type and it gets the Boost so azumarill uses Aqua tail it doesn't do nearly as much since we're no longer a fire type and I can save on animation Time by using flamethrower to knock out a zoomerelle we gain a little back with leftovers I use hyper voice against Wigglytuff and much to my delight it is a one shot so we're gaining even more back via leftovers and we actually have a move to hit the dash button I don't know if it's gonna one shot we go for hypervoice it does so all that's left between us and defeating team star R is the final rev of room now this is just weird it starts with Misty terrain and then it's steel roller attack takes away that Misty Terrain don't get it don't get it at all also this is level 50. so clearly Arie was actually supposed to be the last member of Team star anyway I was hoping hyper voice would do half but it doesn't it only does just over a third then rev of room goes for confused Ray which is annoying it's only 25 chance that you're solving confusion but are you kidding me why do you even have that well we donate ourselves in confusion and so as long as nothing silly happens we are going to win well rev room goes for Magical torque I don't know exactly what that does but what I do know is hitting myself and confusion is really bad we still do have a bit of a buffer but that was annoying it goes for Magical torque again we are still confused and of course we hit ourselves in confusion so I think this leftovers might be what saves us it goes for Magical torque we survive on just 12 hp we snap out of confusion and oh gosh that was a nail biter but we have defeated team star and there is just one more task the dragon type Titan we just have to find it we have to defeat it and then move on to the end of the game now finding this thing is really annoying it's not just running around in the Overworld like the other ones no no no no no no no you've gotta talk to this fish that says Titan and then this bigger fish eats it and we are ready to finally battle this took me an hour and a half to find Don dozo the false Dragon Titan it's actually water type so we're gonna to rastolize into normal type hypervoice does over half we still have the leftovers equipped and we're gonna knock it out with a hyper voice we then have to chase it down Arvin shows up you know this goes and we can somehow to wrathalize again which is pretty cool I didn't think we were able to the game tells me you can only do it once before you heal the Pokemon Center so not really sure what's going on there anyway we hit with hypervoice it's doing about a third the dondoza uses order up and hits gradient with it greedon uses takedown so that's now under half if this happens again it'll be a two shot so I'm gonna go for the hyper voice again it doesn't knock it out very close Don dozo uses Aqua tail this time it hits me but the greeden knocks it out and we've won right okay I guess we haven't won that's odd so the tattoo giri the real Titan and we can to rasterize now a third time I'm not quite sure what's going on lots of things aren't making sense here but turns out that fish was the actual Titan and it's much stronger we do barely any damage with our hyper voice thankfully the icy wind misses slowly but surely we're gonna Whittle this down especially if he uses icy win we get a pretty clutch critical hit icy wind isn't doing very much so we know we're gonna win the gradient is helping it goes first but hyper voice is going to knock it out and now finally for reals this time we have knocked out the final Titan Pokemon and as I predicted earlier there are three different things we could do we can go to the elite four but I think I want to do that at the end in case the credits do roll when you beat the champion you also need to battle the leader of Team star this mysterious leader who I always knew who it was because it was so obvious I mean you probably did too it's really obvious and then you also need to battle Arvin his mom is trapped in the center of paldia and we need to go and rescue her now I figured the battle against Arvin would be the easiest and maybe it would be but not for fuego so Arvin leads with a gradient and the thing is greedant knows earthquake so if you don't to rationalize it deals a lot of damage but the bigger issue is what comes after greedand after greeting comes garganical which is a rock type I don't know what its special defense is like but it's good enough that it's gonna be at least a 3ko with the moves I have now it on the other hand has Stone Edge which does over three quarters is when I'm a fire type so this is just not going to work right now I try to battle some grass raid dens which you can find on your map and the four star raids are giving me about three to four shards but if I were to get four shards that would mean I need to at least 13 of these and there aren't even three or four on the map changing the clock seems to work and resetting them but you only get maybe two or three this would take hours so I kind of abandoned changing my Terra type we're just gonna have to stick with Terra normal for what I think will be the rest of the game now I battled Arvin again and I'm gonna spoil this one it went badly but I want to explain what I was trying to do here so I don't know what freikoko's total moveset is but in this game you can craft TMS you craft them at Pokemon centers by the way so it's pretty easy to find a crafting location and you can see what Pokemon can learn which moves and it's very very clear that Fuego while it might have better special attack in a way it has a better physical moveset I say in a way because I could not find a TM for flare Blitz and without that foikoko doesn't have a powerful fire move then again with terastalizing you don't really need one you can use body slam as your normal type move and then it can learn moves like thunderfang seed bomb which is what I tried here it can learn dig which while not a perfect move set gives it a lot of coverage and that would help us from having to rely on hyper voice and flamethrower which is pretty much all we've been using right now for this battle I think I changed my nature to naughty which is minus special attack plus attack and I try to invest some EVS in attack unfortunately I couldn't find the Eevee reducing berries to do this perfectly but I could tell it really wasn't making a huge difference so I decided to reinvest those EVS in special attack and abandon the strategy but I just wanted to explain that even in a run with very little information I still didn't just want to level up if there were other options available to me I did level up a little but I decided rather than battling Arvin again I would try to complete the other storyline and defeat the mysterious leader of Team star before I did that you have to battle clavel and he's kind of difficult the biggest problem is that he leads with an Oren Guru that likes to use yawn and how long I'm asleep really will determine whether this battle is a win or a loss so we're at level 90 now we use flamethrower and we do about 70 percent to Oren Guru who like we talked about uses yawn we can knock out orenguru but that means we're gonna fall asleep and the next Pokemon is Houndoom that uses dark Paws that also has a chance of flinching us if Houndoom goes first this is why I had to get to level 90 because now we outspeed Houndoom Dark Pulse does about 80 damage but I do have leftovers recovery which is a strategy I plan on using going forward anyway I wake up my second term I don't teraskalize and it does about 70 damage Dark Pulse has taken me down to about a hundred and three HP but I'm gonna get Lefty's recovery so it's more like 118. I'm able to knock out Houndoom as the rain starts in the Overworld which is awful because the next Pokemon is a polti Geist and I have to use flamethrower in the rain I can terastalize to avoid a potential Ghost type attack and after flamethrower hits it almost knocks it out Shadow Ball then cannot affect look at that NPC walking the background come on like seriously I I just I can't get over how bad that looks anyway it goes for Sucker Punch does next to nothing will pretty much recover that with leftovers and we knock it out with flamethrower now we get kind of lucky I guess just in terms of what's coming out next a bomb of snow it uses snow warning so that gets rid of the rain we would have knocked it out with flamethrower anyway but our fire moves are no longer going to be weakened which is super great even better the Pokemon coming out next is a Mungus another Pokemon week to fire moves and there's only one Pokemon left for clavel the water type starter I believe it's pronounced quack quavo clavel to rasterizes it obviously into the water type I go for seed bombs since I still know it but it doesn't do that much damage just under half it goes for brick break and nearly knocks me out but I'm pretty sure hypervoice will knock it out I go for it and it does knock out the qua quavo and we have beaten clavel who in fact is not the leader of Team star spoiler alert the real leader we need to battle next spoiler again it's Penny we encounter her at the beginning of the game and she shows up throughout to give us items it was very clear she was the leader of Team star after all and she battles us with a team of six Eeveelutions Espeon and glacion don't make the cut but the rest of them are going to be battled which is not good for me because Vaporeon would be very bad for a fire type Pokemon so we probably need to terasterize Penny leads with one of my favorites Umbreon I actually like all the evolutions to be honest it goes for baby doll eyes which is like growl but with priority I didn't actually know it had priority so that's kind of cool we hit with flamethrower and because it used baby doll eyes we're actually Gonna Knock Out Umbreon without taking any damage which is pretty cool next Penny sends out Vaporeon we're gonna terastalize to normal to avoid the Hydra pump knocking us out we're gonna use hypervoice but it's gonna obviously be a 2 a KO unfortunately even though hydropomp has a decent chance of missing it doesn't and it still does a lot of damage to us a second hypervoice does knock out Vaporeon but we have still lost a good chunk of our HP now comes out Flareon ordinarily we would resist flare Blitz but obviously we won't hypervoice doesn't knock it out it goes for flare Blitz and it does a lot of damage to us like we're gonna knock out the Flareon but I have a very bad feeling we can't win this Jolteon is a very fast Pokemon and at level 62 it does out speed hits with thunder and we're gonna need to figure out a different strategy or something because this isn't going to work so I do come up with a new wrinkle to the strategy and it works pretty well we're gonna just speed through this battle I'm gonna teraskalize right at the beginning not that it really matters everything is still a to a KO but now we're gonna be using protect every turn we can giving us just a little bit of leftovers recovery this is going to really add up and will allow us to make it farther in the battle unfortunately not far enough so this time around Flareon comes out next because since we're normal type Vaporeon is no longer strong and at least for Vaporeon and Jolteon potentially there's a chance for a miss and it looks like we're going to need a Miss at least one because as I speed through this battle what's going to eventually happen is after we knock out the three Kanto Eeveelutions and Umbreon then comes out the Sinnoh Evolution Leafeon thankfully we're super effective but then comes out Sylveon that has excellent special defense and really good special attack and so even though we've managed to maintain 115 HP it isn't enough to survive a terastalized moon blast and so we either need to stay as fire Fuego the whole time or maybe level up a little bit more because I don't see another way to do this so now I'm at level 94 and at this level all things change a little bit first off it seems like a 50 50 chance Umbreon will use baby doll eyes and doodle leftovers recovery it actually doesn't matter too much if it uses baby doll eyes it just saves us a little bit of time so that's kind of nice you notice I don't terastalize right away I just prefer Vaporeon to come out first because it has a chance to miss and since this is taking me a long time I can potentially reset quicker if I don't get a hydra pump Miss assuming we need one so we do terasolize it's still going to be a 2A KO crits are only one in 24 so not very likely we don't get the Hydra pump Miss but we do knock out the Vaporeon of course I am skipping past the turns where I use protect we are still using that strategy it's slow and tedious but it is very effective so before Flareon attacks I have 227 HP nearly full obviously I'm gonna go for hyper voice my fire moves would just get absorbed and Flareon goes for flare Blitz if it gets a burn which has happened that's a reset because it'll nullify my leftovers recovery the same thing goes if Jolteon gets a thunder paralysis now at this level there is a slight possibility that's kind of bad which does happen here that Flareon can knock itself out with Flare Blitz just because I have a little bit more HP and I deal a little bit more damage I would like the extra turn turn of leftovers recovery but I don't get it and hopefully it's gonna be enough but it might not obviously I use protecting against Jolteon so I have 159 HP Jolteon out speed so it gets two opportunities I need at least one Thunder Miss and we get it the first time around that's good A little above average luck because the chance it hits with two Thunders and 70 accuracy isn't actually that great we don't get a critical hit which would have been exceptional there's also the very slim possibility the Thunder misses twice but we don't get that either and we knock out Jolteon with a flamethrower we're gonna be just over 100 HP heading to Leafeon and of course like always we'll use protect then we're gonna knock it out with flamethrower and hopefully after using protect against Sylveon we have just enough to survive a moon blast so we have a 153 HP I think that's gonna be enough we use hypervoice we don't get the crit it uses Moon blast it doesn't knock us out so this took me about an hour don't forget since I'm playing at single speed these attempts take way way longer animations are on so it's not fun to do these again and again and again but we have completed the first of the three storylines team star was the first to fall now all I need to do is defeat Arvin and then take on the elite foreign champion and then I think I'm done I don't know we'll see what happens I've never played this before now that we've leveled up and have committed to using leftover protect strats I think we have a pretty solid shot of defeating Arvin I terastalize right away to normal type use hypervoice and one shot the gradient so that's really good next comes out the garganicle I use it to rationalize hyper voice it's doing about a third it goes for body press which deals about 100 damage that's not too terrible especially when you consider we're gonna get two leftovers recovery if we could get a critical hit that would be exceptional but I don't think we can unsurprisingly the second hypervoice does not knock it out but body press leaves me at 97 HP before leftovers recovery so when we finally knock out the garganticle with another hyper voice we're gonna be at over half HP but it gets better the next Pokemon is a toad scroll basically a pal the intentic rule it is weak to fire moves I'm not actually sure what type it is I think it's grass type but whatever type it is it's weak to my fire move so I'm gonna go for flamethrower and now we have even more HP next comes out the sko villain and I actually forget to use protect so I go straight for hypervoice hopefully it's not too big a deal Cloister comes out next I just decide you know what I've been playing this game for far too long let's go for hyper voice close to his horrible special defense we knock it out I mean we have a ton of HP so even though my boss stiff looks kind of scary I think we should be fine it has intimidate which doesn't matter because we're using special attacks it to rasterizes into the dark type we're gonna use hypervoice it nearly knocks it out my bostiff uses Crunch and this is the Moment of Truth does a ton of damage but we have 99 HP to spare we're actually going to recover even more with leftovers and we can finally knock out Arvin with a flamethrower and that completes the second of the three stories yes after we defeat Arvin it's clear that the final task we need is to go to the center of paldia but we need need a team to accompany us it's very clear that team involves him Penny and nimona who is likely waiting for us to defeat the Elite Four and the champion so might as well go and do that right now we're at a very high level but typically the Elite Four is pretty challenging for a first form Pokemon so I'm not anticipating this being a cakewalk by any means after completing a very tedious and unnecessary interview segment we are introduced to the first Elite Four member Rika I have no idea what type they use but I just have to go in battle so let's go the first Pokemon Rika sends out is with cash so I don't know if it's going to be a water type battle or a ground type battle no matter what terastalizing to normal type makes sense so I do that hypervoice does an insane amount of damage but does not knock out whisk cash that uses muddy water it does decent damage to me and thankfully doesn't lower my accuracy and I'm able to knock out whisk cash the next turn so that's one down next comes out camera up confirming this is a ground type battle I go for hypervoice and this time it does one shot so that's two down we might be a little over leveled next comes out Dawn fan we might not one shot because of sturdy it uses earthquake but doesn't do all that much to me I could use protect but I'm just gonna use flamethrower knock it out only two Pokemon remaining the last one will obviously tarastalize Doug Trio is next we don't out speed and it goes for sandstorm flamethrower does hit Dugtrio has horrible HP in special defense so we knock it out and now out comes the final Pokemon What's it gonna be a clod sire never seen this Pokemon before no idea what its stats are but we're just gonna go for hypervoice obviously it to rasterize it into the ground type first time we've seen a ground to rationalization looks really cool claude'sire survives on half HP or just under that but it uses toxic I can anticipate it's probably going to use protect here because that would make the most sense the AI seems to be pretty smart and as I suspected it does but it's too little too late even with Sandstorm nullifying my leftovers even with toxic racking up damage the fact of the matter is with just five Pokemon and at level 94 way Coco just couldn't be stopped and we have a first try Victory so far of the four finale battles that we've had this one has been the easiest which is a little disappointing but there are three more members the Elite Four to go maybe they'll be a lot tougher unfortunately though I don't think that's very likely based on who we're about to face next and no I'm not talking about Elite Four member Poppy's appearance but rather the fact she specializes in Steel type Pokemon we're probably just gonna out-speed in one shot everything so the Koopa Raja comes out first we use flamethrower one down next comes out bronzong this could have a fire resisting ability or it could have levitate I'm gonna go for flamethrower and based on the damage it did it probably has levitate so that's two down corbinite comes out next it's slow it has bad special defense and has pressure not sturdy so that's gonna be three down now Magnezone actually could have sturdy I love the way it's reflective I think that looks really cool and it indeed does have sturdy so I am going to actually be attacked which is cool or not Magnezone uses light screen which while problematic it faints so there's only one Pokemon remaining and it'll likely be a two shot that's not a big deal and so for rika's final Pokemon she sends out a tinkerton not sure what its type is other than steel and it doesn't really matter because it's going to terrafftolize into a pure Steel type anyway I decide to go for fire blast thankfully we hit the animation looks amazing by the way tinkerton gets burnt and yeah this battle is over it goes for Stone Edge so even if it didn't get burnt we would have won it would need to have gotten a critical hit I still think we win because Critical Hits only do 50 more damage so GG we also got two burns with our fire moves that's exceptionally unlikely hopefully that luck doesn't suddenly reverse later in the game foreshadowing anyway next Elite Four member is Larry yeah he serves double Duty as an elite four member and a gym leader because he was just so cool the last time Larry also uses a different team he is a flying type member so he leads with Tropius Tropius is of course weak to flamethrower we outspeed we one shot next comes out star Raptor I don't know if it's the same star Raptor but it's a star after nonetheless we out speed though this time we one shot and that's two down next comes out oricorio the electric form we outspeed we one shot we won't though out speed in one shot Altaria we're gonna go out speed I'm not gonna to rasterize just yet because we can't undo that thankfully hypervoice does about half it's gonna be a tuik AO Dragon pulse hits I could go for protect here but we're doing so well we're just gonna knock out Altaria and face Larry's final Pokemon we're already there and it's a flamigo which I think is part fighting type anyway I accidentally Miss click and go for hypervoice it's gonna teracelize into pure flying we don't and hypervoice even though it's not same type we're not to rasterize it nearly knocks it out flamigo goes for a terasterized Brave Bird does quite a lot of damage to me but not nearly enough second time definitely wasn't the charm Larry we've defeated you quite easily once again actually the first time wasn't even that easy so he kind of got worse although relatively speaking we're at a higher level doesn't matter three first try victories against the elite four doesn't bode necessarily well for this game being super tough if you remember badoof and Brilliant Diamond shining Pearl was way way more difficult and we were even at a higher level there is still one more Elite Four member to go and I'm not sure what type it's gonna be I've seen a pattern here that they're using the types of the Titans so there's two options for hassle he can either be the rock type member which would be terrible or more likely he'll be the dragon type and looking at his tie clearly he has a dragon type theme going on not a good type to face but much better than Rock so we're gonna try and get four straight victories and is there even a champion is nimona the champion I don't know exactly how it's gonna work let's find out but we have to beat hassle first so hassle leads with Noivern and it goes for super Fang which is terrible I'm at half HP right as the battle begins and it even outsped me hypervoice hopefully is going to one shot thankfully it does we get a little bit of Lefty's recovery but this battle looks far more like the challenge we were hoping for next comes out dragon that has pretty good special defense we do out speed but as I expected hypervoice does in one shot it also has adaptability so when it uses sludge bomb it deals a ton of damage I probably should have used protect there we're only at 68 HP to face the final three Pokemon well no that's not true we're gonna gain leftovers and in fact I should use protect before knocking out dragalgee so in reality once we do knock it out we're gonna be at 116 HP as hassle sends out flapple I'm gonna play it safe and use protective start and I don't know how strong flapple is I didn't play a ton of generation 8. I'm gonna go for hyper voice because even though fire does normal damage I think hypervoice does more and it did enough to knock it out so there are only two Pokemon remaining next comes out Haxorus gonna use protect once again and it does not have great special defense there is a solid chance hyper voice one shots hopefully it does and now we have quite a bit of HP and you can see just how powerful leftovers are you can buy them so early and combining them with protect you can gain way more HP than you might think for a weak Pokemon like if we Coco this is huge the final Pokemon hassle sends out is a back Excalibur I haven't seen one of these things yet I have no idea what they even evolved from it's probably Steel Dragon but it's gonna to rasterize anyway and I'm normal type so it wouldn't even matter I'm going to go for protect just gain a little more HP back I nearly have 200 hp by the time I use hypervoice hopefully this does decent damage it does just over half but now back caliber counters with Glade Rush is that how you whoa I don't know how you pronounce it but that did a ton of damage holy moly protect really really mattered I can't believe how much that did thankfully it didn't out speed and thankfully we too shot and we have first try victoried every single member of the Elite Four even at level 94 there are other games where that definitely doesn't happen with the first form Pokemon so I'm pretty confident in saying they are definitely a little bit easier than in other games but when you consider the fact that Arvin and Penny also are pretty tough battles I guess I understand why there is still a champion we need to face her name is Gita and in paldia she is known as top Champion everyone who defeats her is just a regular Champion hopefully I will be one of them and can we make it five for five that'd be pretty funny let's see well she leads with the cassowary espathra we know it's psychic type it's probably psychic flying and we also know it doesn't do well when hit by flamethrower so I don't erastalize I go for flamethrower and I One Shot that's good next comes out avalog the absolute perfect Pokemon to face it's slow I believe sturdy is its hidden ability and it has horrible special defense so as long as it doesn't actually have sturdy which it doesn't that's too down with just two flamethrowers we still haven't had to teraskalize yet that's a really good thing because we can do this strategically to trick our opponent to use a ghost move well next she's sending out king Gambit which I can already tell is gonna be an evolution for Bisharp it looks really darn cool unfortunately it's not going to stick around very long doesn't look like a fast Pokemon maybe it'll use Sucker Punch it doesn't so this is going pretty well finally a Pokemon that could give us some trouble the loser a water type Pokemon but we can just to rastolize and even if we don't one shot which got away for this animation we do one shot so never mind don't know what movie was gonna use I know there's only two Pokemon left and that's soon to be one Pokemon left holy moly there are three Pokemon weak to fire on this team that's not great for Gita but she does have a Pokemon that can to rasterize itself maybe that Pokemon is going to be next to Impossible what's that Pokemon it's a glamora never heard of this no idea what type it is but it's terasterizing and that building with stone pillars indicates it is now a rock type Pokemon the worst possible type but it makes sense every single other type has got one to rationalization so far unfortunately I thought it was a grass type and didn't anticipate it triathlizing into rock so I go for flamethrower which does next to nothing it goes for sludge wave which does decent damage and also gets the 10 chance to poison so remember how I said I hoped our luck would continue yeah it's not continuing right now I think we're gonna lose I don't think it matters whether I'm gonna use hyper voice or flamethrower it's gonna take two more hits to knock this out so I'm just gonna save time and use flamethrower because the animation is shorter protect is no longer an option because we're poisoned which does 1 8 versus 1 16 recovery and uh oh it's gonna use Terra Blast a move that changes its type to match the Pokemon's Terror type and also is either physical or special depending on whatever is stronger like Photon geyser I think think we just lost oh but wait I think the Poison's gonna knock me out if it doesn't it's because we had leftovers no way for HP let's go five battles five victories I'll take it that battle went kind of off the rails we got some horrible luck sludge wave 10 sludge bomb is 30 by the way so Gita pulled out all the stops but we are still Champion however I don't see credits so we gotta do some more stuff first it seems we have to battle our rival nimona we have battled her a few times already she proved pretty tough when we were at the ice gym so hopefully this goes okay well it seems like nimona should be championed because that lycanroc looks a heck of a lot scarier than any of gita's Pokemon I'm gonna have to terraff the lies right away into normal type and go for hypervoice thankfully as this game was made in 2022 nimona even though in Universe she's been watching my games doesn't know my very obvious strategy goes for drill run which is not same type it's a ground move which does very little hypervoice meanwhile does half damage and of course considering this might be one of the final battles I'm gonna go for protector there is no reason to play this recklessly we know lycanroc is going to out speed it goes for Stone Edge hopefully it doesn't I was gonna say hopefully it doesn't crit but it missed alright that was really good good luck man looks like luck is back on our side that's one Pokemon down probably her scariest Pokemon next comes out palmat or Pomo if it's French it goes for ice punch doesn't do very much and thankfully doesn't freeze I played safe and go for hypervoice and it does one shot so that's two down next she sends out our old pal earthworm remember that Titan earthworm this is gonna be just about as difficult we're gonna out speed we're gonna use flamethrower and we're gonna knock out earthworm maybe could a youth protect first but if we outspeed and want to kill the next Pokemon we will be at full HP that Pokemon is a de Dunsparce this probably will survive a hyper voice it does hopefully it doesn't go for glare here it goes for coil a truly useless move and that means we are going to be at full HB the battle is almost over I think we're gonna go six for six man this game was actually pretty difficult up to this point a little disappointing but who knows maybe there's another battle after this well hold on the next Pokemon is Goodra a Pokemon known for its exceptional special defense I'm gonna use hyper voice but I don't think it even did half HP this might be our first three hit KO in a very long time Goodra also has pretty good offensive stats and dragon pulse deals about a third of my HP more actually right off the bat so that's pretty scary I'm scared enough that I'm going to use protect because I don't know what the last Pokemon is and I might need all the HP I can get with 204 HP hopefully this knocks out Goodra it does not Goodra uses another powerful Dragon pulse and when it's all said and done we're going to be at just around half HP by the time the final Pokemon attacks us hopefully it's not a fighting Pokemon that would be really bad but wait I know what it is it's the grass cat thing it's sprigatido the final form wait a minute we got this all right it's called meowskarada and it's gonna to rasterize into grass but it's probably not going to do all that much damage although we are normal type now we should be fine right especially if we out speed so okay it does out speed flower trick wow are you critical I okay that that was unexpected um I keep forgetting I'm not a fire type still but thankfully with blaze and super effective even with the critical hit we still did win as it turns out once again using protect and leftovers 100 won US the battle we would never have had enough HP otherwise and it seems like the game still isn't over we have to go to the center of paldia I didn't know if that was post game it isn't and to be quite honest this entire section plays like a giant cutscene you kind of have some gameplay segments so I'm just gonna summarize what happens here it depends on whether you're playing Scarlet or Violet but major story spoilers here the professor invented a time machine and now there's either future or past Pokemon running around we've already seen one of them the weird looking Dawn fan we battled but now there are more of them including a past Jigglypuff it's a neat concept to be honest it just takes a long time finally once you're done the walking simulator you get to the very bottom of the crater and to make a long story short you've got to destroy the time machine because it's causing problems but the professor arvin's mom she actually what's the YouTube friendly way of saying this got sent to the shadow realm years ago and the person you're battling is just an AI with her memories that is programmed to defend the time machine and is gonna battle you with past versions of Pokemon we already know and this battle is one of the toughest I've ever done ever I'm just going to say that right off the bat this battle was impossibly difficult she leads with ancient Volcarona otherwise known in this game as Slither wing it is not a bug fire but rather a bug fighting doesn't matter flamethrower will knock it out the next Pokemon is ancient amungus known as brute Bonnet believe it is grass dark type it is still grass type though and it is still slow so we knock it out two down the third Pokemon though is ancient Magneton and its name is Sandy shocks now I should have figured out by that name it is a ground type but I didn't flamethrower deals a decent amount of damage and it burns but a same type boosted earth power still hurts a lot considering it isn't affected by burn and yeah we probably lost here so I can try to use protect strats to gain a little bit more HP back but that is a huge blow early in the battle we do knock out the Sandy shocks and we make it to flutter Maine ancient mischievous so I'm just gonna go for protect see what it's gonna do and this was good because it went for power gem a rock type move so I terrazolize into the normal type to avoid super effective damage it goes for power Gem and it still does over half my remaining HP flamethrower is now boosted by Blaze but it still doesn't knock out the flutter Main in I can use protect to gain myself a little bit more HP maybe just see one final Pokemon it uses Thunderbolt I just just make it so I'm able to see what's coming up next and it turns out it is the ancient Jigglypuff known as scream tail now this Pokemon uses Zen headbutt the bigger problem is that it actually outsped me and we have only made it through the first four Pokemon most of them are two at Kos this isn't looking good now I'm sure some of you are asking but what happens if you terastalize against the Sandy shocks and I'll tell you things go a little bit better when you lose this battle you're just taken outside the room where this whole interaction occurs and you need to watch like a one minute cut scene even if you have cut scenes disabled which is really really annoying it's being annoying I terastalize to avoid the earth power so if fire blast would have been more powerful if I didn't maybe that's on me but it doesn't quite knock out the Sandy shocks if it did then we could get through the first three Pokemon without taking any damage that would be super super helpful instead we get hit by Earth power even though it's not super effective it still does a whole bunch of damage and it's not the last Pokemon that's going to be able to damage me from now on Pokemon are actually going to outspeed me which this can can as well I'm going to tell you I've battled these many times and they have items the Sandy shock has a quick claw because I modify my stats using berries and mints and I just out speed seemingly randomly the only explanation is that I'm actually faster but it's using quick law which activates 20 of the time so that's annoying scream tail however just normally out speeds me and I don't know if it's part fighting type but it does know drain punch which is super effective we get pretty lucky that we burn because now drain punch is going to do less damage and it's gonna lose a bunch of HP to burn meaning that it's going to be knocked out in two hits now comes out the mischievous sorry I go back and forth calling them by their new names or just the ancient versions of the Pokemon I know now if you're already to rasterized it just goes for Thunderbolt two times and that does do more damage and there's a chance to paralyze I probably should have used protect but as you're about to figure out it doesn't matter for the first time I make it to Roaring Moon the Salamence and I have 98 HP I want to see if I outspeed the answer no the damage more than 98 which is not good we're also pretty close to level 100 in fact in the battle you're seeing now we're gonna hit level 100 and I'm Gonna Save after and I'm gonna explain to you why this battle took me over five hours part of it is the cut scene but the other part is that it's just really hard so I kind of figured out a consistent way through the first three Pokemon flamethrow for the first two you've already seen that against the Magneton once you're at level 100 even with leftovers if we're not to rationalized I don't know if that matters it does matter for the next thing so don't teraskolize you have a 15 chance to miss if you miss or if it gets quick law it's a reset otherwise you one shot every single time which is cool next will come out the mischievous so we want to not to rasterize because we need every hit point we can get so it's gonna go for power gem which also cannot get a paralysis effect and then it's gonna go for Thunderbolt we're always going to two shot with flamethrower if we could get a critical hit it would be really nice I didn't get a single critical hit not in five hours I mean I did for like the second hit which didn't matter I didn't get one useful critical hit which is good so I can explain these battles really thoroughly after you knock out the mischievous you move on to Jigglypuff as you can see we have to use protect and leftover strats we need every single hit point and Jigglypuff for whatever reason stopped reliably being a 2A KO at some point um it's kind of confusing because I kept messing with my stats and I must have accidentally lowered my special attack but during this battle it still was a 2 a KO that's also part of why it took so long because I didn't realize what was going on and this needs to be a two-hit KO having a move that restores its HP is really annoying but more annoying still is that my plan for beating the Salamence doesn't seem to work in gen 9. you see I would have just enough HP to survive two dragon claws if I could use protect back to back now I tried this against low-level wild Pokemon as far as I can tell protect will always fail back to back kind of like Destiny Bond and that took my chance from winning from 50 percent to uh oh what the heck do I do now let me make this very clear I have used bottle caps on all my stats and I've tried to max out speed with Tim in nature so plus speed and special attack I don't have much investment although I do have some in both defense and HP and so roughly Dragon claw does between 100 to 118. that's a huge range but it does give me an idea of how much HP I need in order to win still trying to have that much HP was easier said than done there was no way I was going to out speed the Jigglypuff or mischievous if I knew their exact stats maybe I also could teach fairy voice which is only 40 base power because the Salamence is Dragon Dark type but I didn't think it was worth giving up on flamethrower which is a hundred percent accurate and every time I lose I have to watch the cut scene now you might be wondering if I was just trying to get a critical hit and I definitely was trying to but I was also changing my stats I have all the stat reducing berries in the lake you can get the wings which give one EV in any stat you want so I was able to really get in there and try to create the perfect stat layout furfway Coco it was just a ton of trial and error I tried using throat spray an item from gen 8 that boosts your special attack when you use a voice move like hypervoice unfortunately when have enough HP so all I could do is keep making adjustments and keep battling I got so sick of watching that same cut scene over and over and over again I could always make it through the first two Pokemon imagine if they were more difficult and note that in Violet version these are completely different Pokemon maybe it would be even easier for free Coco but I haven't played Violet and don't know what they are there was always a chance we could lose to the Magneton if it ever hit us fire blast always knocked out but if it missed or if quick claw activated it was a reset now against flutter Maine you might be wondering would you have enough special attack to maybe knock it out with fire blast in one hit the problem is I just couldn't figure out exactly how much speed I needed to out speed the Magneton I did try using a modest mint and I got outsped every single time so maybe there was a possibility for fire blast one-shotting the mischievous but I simply could not figure out what the correct stats were without having information it is very much just guess and check and when each mistake costs five minutes it's a frustrating process thankfully Thunderbolt never paralyzed me a single time the only luck I got so unless it got a critical hit I would always make it to the Jigglypuff unfortunately here is where the runs stalled because as I mentioned I just couldn't get the guaranteed to a KO and the frustrating thing is even though I'd have more HP than before it still wasn't enough to take two dragon Claws from salomons I would hope in vain that I might get a clutch critical hit and I could finally start working on this video but alas the game game would not let me but after tinkering with my stats I was able to make a bit of a breakthrough it wasn't though against Jigglypuff necessarily but actually against the mystery of us what did I do well I figured out that all the investment in defense was kind of worthless and I really needed to double down on special attack if I focused on it enough I actually could I also lowered speed a little bit just enough to out speed the Sandy shocks so not only is Sandy shocks a guaranteed one okay with fire blast but mischievous is a potential one at Ko with fire blast now in this battle we don't get the one at Ko but we get the one in ten chance for a burn which actually ended up being even better we got the lowest role possible I think and so not even after the burn damage was mischievous knocked out however I got a free turn to set up protect and gain just a little bit more back via leftovers and then the burn damage did take it out so I probably saved myself around 60 HP which should be enough to tank the final two drain punches and the dragon claws but there's only one way to fight find out with the increased special attack drain punch doesn't seem to be doing that much more even though I lowered my defense a bit but I'm doing way more guaranteeing that to a KO once again and so after I knock out the scream tail I have 194 HP after one more protect that is 212. the most I think this could do with two Max rolls based on what I've seen is 236 so this is going to be unbelievably close it goes for Dragon claw and gets a huge High Roll 115 so we may have just lost I go for hyper voice of course I can't get that clutch grit like I said no clutch crits but we gained some leftovers back so we're gonna be at 115 and you know what I actually think we're gonna be fine I did the math wrong in my head we're gonna use protect again that's gonna put me all the way up up to 130 HP like I said the highest I've seen is 118. I think that's the most it can do and so as long as it doesn't crit we win one more attack finally oh my goodness this took me almost as long actually longer than all the Elite Four and the major battles oh my this was quite uh Saga I will tell you that the game continues for a little bit there is pretty much a pseudo-scripted battle with your legendary Pokemon taking on another of its kind I believe you can lose but you can't use your starter so from the perspective of a solo Run the game is over after that pseudo-scripted battle the credits do in fact roll there is a post game but this video has been way too long I apologize but it is a new game I had a lot to say and I also have a lot more videos to make thank you guys for watching like sub show that support I'm gonna be back with new videos on all the different Pokemon games and I gotta go make them take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 593,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Fuecoco, Scarlet, Violet, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Scarlet and Violet, Quaxly, Sprigatito
Id: frpT_aieqTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 28sec (5728 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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