Can You Beat Isaacle Hard Mode?

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[Music] what is up everyone welcome back to another video I hope you all having a great weekend today I'm going to be demoing Isle hard mode and also the Nerf devil deals so actually realized I've never actually recorded myself playing isaco though I thought that this would be a good opportunity to showcase my isaco skills or lack of skills I've been working on hard mode and the devil deal Nerfs all week and I think I found a good balance for them both I tried to keep the entire player base in mind while making these changes so that way newer players who aren't that familiar with all the items can still play more experienced players can toggle on hard mode and play with the Nerf devil deals and the ultra Hardcore Gamers can just toggle on hard mode and use no Double Deals for a true challenge of Isaac item knowledge before we jump into the demo um I have it currently set up so that the answer is not The Daily Item so don't worry about being spoiled for today but it is instead a random item based on the current time of the machine um essentially every time I refresh the page item will change also if you want to give this a try yourself and help me beta test hard mode we'll be making a new secret page for it here at ISAC beta currently it is not out yet at the time of the recording but I will be making a post about when beta testing is available on my Discord server so if you are interested make sure sure to join the Discord server for the latest updates also make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already okay let us start guessing so first off let's start off with normal mode so normal mode is the regular game mode that we all know in love you start with 12 hp ISAC looks normal um the devil deals been swapped around a bit I also added some new Devil deals which you will see in a bit so first I'll be demoing the changes to normal mode hits are still unlocked after four guesses and devil deals will now come in two waves after the fourth and the seventh guess so just for demo purposes I'll be guessing some random items here and on the fourth guest you can see three new Double Deals um and these deals correspond to the item pool description and color categories and clicking on one of of them will reveal all the information about the answers category so in this case let's click description so we know that the answer the answer's description will have either it relates either to boss or familiar you can only pick one of these so Choose Wisely if you continue guessing some more let's say dollar L of coal and a pony you can see the second wave of devil deal hints will be released which are the silhouette and the quote hint not that you must pick one of the category hints or else the silhouette and quote hints won't show up I moved the silhouette and quote hints so that they are further into the game but newer players can still rely on them as a last resort if needed so if we use both of these hints here yes I have no idea what this is still Unleash the Power Unleash the Power false familiar delirium delirium okay I got delirious delirious was delirious cool that one was normal mode but what is hard mode exactly hard mode here it says it's less HP and hints are less helpful and that is true because when you click this button as it becomes more bloody and you start with less Max HP you only get 10 HP to work with here and devil deals will still cost one heart each um just for demo purposes again we will be guessing some random items to start more item here and this will still unlock uh the same wave of devil deal hints so one for item pool description and color um the difference here is that when you click on one of these you get only partial information for a particular category so if there were two colors here let's say gray and black could be gray here it could show black here and the other one will always be covered by plus X more if there is more than one color then it would be like plus three more or plus four more depending on what the item answer color has so also if we continue guessing for three more times you see that we have silhouette and quote hint as well but it made it so that you only have 2 Hp so if you're going to use one of these you better make sure you get the right answer in your next guess so let's say we use silhouette here and this is a the nerfed silhouette hint the item is now blurred but you can't really make out what it exactly is we know it's gray and it's a thin passive item that's quality to Gray and green it's green item oh my goodness could it be rotten baby is it familiar it quality 2 I think brought baby's quality three it's a flash item Green Flash item that's thin oh boy oh boy oh boy green item that's thin what is a green thin item from flash it's crazy it's a gray and green item there's not that many green items in the game and it's found in the boss room and item room and it doesn't affect here or damage or coins there's something here it's not contact damage so that leaves us with Dash flight I don't think there's a boss room item that gives us flight it's probably a speed stat and dash is very rare very rare invincibility is also pretty rare I don't think there's a item that gives invincibility from the boss room so we're looking at the speed stat it's green gray and gives you speed so it's either like wooden spoon or like the belt it's a quality 2 item that's always unlocked what could this be and it's very thin H very thin item as well what could it be I feel like if I see it I'll just know the green item that's thin cannot be contact damage it's not a familiar not tears or tear stats no way there's no way it's gray oh yeah it's gray and green it's gray and green confirmed it's boss room and item room why is my own game so difficult um could it be what could it be what gives us speed I don't could be mini mushh or something like that no that affects your size come on brain come on brain oh it could be oh oh you know what it is it's it's one of these what is the one that gives you speed the virus gives you Red I need the gray I need the I need the gray needle the green I need the green needle what is the green needle called what is the the green needle call what's the green needle call void rage Roid Rage Roid Rage all in all in on Roid Rage yes yes yes I still got it I still got [Music] it oh boy so that was a nerfed silhouette hint I made a blurry let's showcase the nerfed quote hint so let's get to the hint section again seeing four random items this time let's go with let's go with the the item pool so we know found in the crane game and the item room and guessing three more times go the quote hint so the quote hint debuff or Nerf is that there's a 50% chance of for a letter in the quote to be replaced by an underscore so here we see the effect of that um it's probably something tears something tears I don't know what the first word is though we take a look at these items that I randomly put in oh these are all unique huh pretty cool uh we know that it's a white item has something to do with your tears probably found then the crane game and item room and that is it it's also a flash item it is white always unlocked as a tier 2 passive item as well based on all this information information have no idea what it could be white item that affects your tears that is quality two and it's a flash item and something tears [Music] you think it's do you think this says Boomerang tears b o o m e r a n g okay it might be Boomerang tears okay my reflection is this a quality 2 item is this a quality 2 item might be a quality 2 item yes okay we're still safe we're still safe okay okay round three round three here we are going to try and do this with no hints whatsoever to see if I can pull this off okay I'm not going to put in some random items this time this time I'm actually going to think a bit okay looking at this list I think Angelic prism is a pretty good item to start with okay never mind it is not a good item to start with but we do know it's green red white or yellow so I guess that helps let's go with something like oh we also know that's not a passive item so let's try Mega Blast cuz it was it was a recent item from the ISAC daily and is not Mega Blast it's not laser beams all right it's not tear so why would it be te okay so it's probably red and it's game progression right so it's not game progression it's active item not four three quality active item that is Flash probably or repentance that doesn't affect your tears maybe let's try broken watch no not broken much um think it's broken shovel either let's to glowing hourglass glowing hourglass level the rank three item uh not blue or brown and it's one of these one of these that's a red item too red item too okay remember that it's a red item could be Pony I think Pony is unlocked though it's not always unlocked though um maybe maybe maybe it's a book it could be a book is there a book that's read tanic Bible Anarchist Cookbook an archist an archist cookbook could be a guess white and red okay okay it is a flash item it is not it is not white and red or it could be both of these it's not a bomb item it is probably an item room item and it's quality one as well okay we got six more guesses here I really need to know something here for the effect or description so me just take a look at this list not black and red it's an active item that is probably red is probably red EO chamber a that's a passive item [Music] a jump I don't think how to jump as a flash item mom's bottle of pills huh huh you know this could be it it's not this and the colors are still a bit off um what other active items are there is in too many I shouldn't I couldn't narrow it down here come on okay give me something about the description here like should I just waste a guest to find out the description what about uh what's another red Act item Abyss maybe no that's not flash these are not flash these are not flash okay scroll scrolling through the list here going to find something something [Music] good flash item could be a flash item flash active item oh you know what's a good one yum heart yum heart going be yum heart yes yes let's go if you made it this far into the video thank you so much for watching I'm going to be stopping here for today but if you have an opinion on the changes make sure to leave a comment here or in the Discord try to get the beta version up as soon as possible so make sure to keep a lookout for that too we also got our first tier 2 patreon so special shout out to smer for all the support if any of you want a special shout out at the end of the video video make sure to check out my patreon and the link in the description until the next video
Channel: Chunobi
Views: 4,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, Isaac, tboi, rougelike, playthrough, modded, streak, mod, gaming, mods, unlock
Id: kE5w93nDjl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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