Can You Beat Fallout 3 As A Group?

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first let me start by saying i apologize it's been about five months since my last fallout 3 video simply because i wanted this video to be next and truth be told i had no idea how long it would take to record given the setup that is required to pull this off and follow three in particular that said i think i've kept you all waiting long enough so without further ado today's a day we finally find out can you beat fallout 3 as a group the rules will be the exact same as the last three videos under the grip banner i myself am not allowed to engage in combat in any way and i must try and recruit as many of the game's permanent companions as possible before beginning the main story to jump very far ahead here the initial idea was that i planned to play through broken steel as well seeing how some of the followers such as fox don't join until near the end of the game but that end up not happening for the strangest of reasons i'll also mention unlike fallout 4 skyrim and new vegas with hardcore turned off companions can actually die in fallout 3. grounded i'm not all that worried about this as some of them have an absolutely absurd amount of health to the point where it is not impossible for that to happen now with all that out of the way let's begin starting at the vault entrance i get to assign my special stats and i amd all of my points from strength agility and luck as they are primarily combat specials that i won't be using and put all the remaining points into endurance charisma intelligence and perception all these specials will give me a slight boost of skills that i may find useful going forward and then intelligence simply get the most skill points as possible to assign every level for my tag skills i go with barter speech and explosives bartering speech to get better prices on certain companions and cheaper healing supplies and then explosives so i can immediately disarm the bomb of megaton for a bunch of caps on a free level exiting the hole in the ground i level up and put every single point in the speech before taking the swift learner perk because for as much as i love this game i will be the very first person to tell you that a majority of the early game perks are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle my persuasive ways come in quite handy right away as i convince silver to part with 400 caps that i'll be making use of very shortly it's probably about time that i actually go over a few of the small annoyances of attempting this run than fallout 3. first off almost every single companion requires you to have a certain karma before they'll body up with you whether that's good evil or neutral what this means is that i will need to be constantly lowering and raising said karma continuously throughout the run just to recruit different people my eyes are currently set on jericho and megaton as he's the closest companion to my current location and requires evil karma as well as 1000 caps hence the reason i am getting as much money as possible right after the game truth be told the money isn't all that difficult to come by as i already have the 400 from silver and then i can charm my way to get another 500 lucas sims bringing my total up to 900. i can then sell any items i loaded from the vault or silver's house tomorrow to easily make up the last 100. problem is i am currently at good karma thanks to disarming the bomb so i now need to find ways to lower it if i want any hope of bringing along jericho for now i just decided to go from building the building and take everything that isn't nailed down it took a while but it eventually worked and after finding armand could recruit him to the cause and begin to get the ball rolling i also gave him some eyeglasses for the time being simply because i thought he'd look like walter white and that's funny to me anyway i figured the next companion i should pick up his dog mead is after all he has no karma requirement plus unlike fallout 4 he is in his own category when it comes to followers so he can be by your side even if you have someone else without any glitches having jericho along for the ride certainly makes things a bit more interesting his chinese assault rifle while incredibly inaccurate at times is effective at tearing through other low-level raiders and blue flies blue flies in particular he seemed to have vendetta against as he would never leave them alone for the rest of the run if there was ever one nearby you could be certain that jericho was in hot pursuit by the time i arrived in the scrapyard dogmed had already finished off as attackers works for me as i loot the bodies for selling purposes and then recruit the bestest boy to the crew alright so it's from this point where things actually begin to get tedious as i now need to use a specific glitch multiple times in order to recruit the rest of the companions as like the rest of the games you're only limited to one at a time dog meat of course withstanding the glitch in question revolves entirely around sergeant rl 3 so that means i would not only need neutral karma but also another 1 000 caps to boot well raising karma is actually incredibly simple as all i need to do is go to my robot butler demand he hands over as much purified water as he can and then i can give it to mickey outside of megaton for a substantial amount of good boy points with a neutral karma all i would need now is the funds and after selling all the former raider supplies to maura i had just under 400 so now it was time to find a way to make up the difference i started by getting the supplies from the hauled out rock around the back of the town as well as letting dogmeat and jericho have their fun with some nearby mole rats whose squishy bits i also procured for some much-needed moolah i didn't really have a great sense of where to go for more money right now so i figured i might as well start making my way for temp mini tar this is because rl3 is in that general direction plus the tower itself has many vendors and therefore many caps to be made as many people are expected to come this way right from the start thanks to our resident michael myers enthusiast mr burke many of the encounters are that of a low level well i say that but i actually ended up stumbling on one of the game's many random events the one in question being the traitor with a deathclaw golden schematic accompanied by a weakened low-level deathclaw it wasn't hostile at first which presented a small issue but unfortunately as i got within swiping distance it became aggressive and from there it wasn't long before bites and bullets put it down we will just count ourselves lucky that its legs appeared to be crippled otherwise i may not have survived the strange encounters didn't stop there it's almost right after we came across a few brotherhood outcasts minding their own business unfortunately for them their laser weapons fetch a very high price for most merchants so after purposely failing a few pickpocket attempts they turned hostile and now it was time for jericho and dogmeat to prove their worth turns out despite all of their edgy armor outcasts are in fact very squishy people it took less than 20 seconds from them to be put down and i was in such disbelief that i made sure to check the difficulty was still on normal after loading them of all their valuables i gave jericho a set of their armor you have to give them a little bit of cushion going forward from here with smooth ceilings at 10 penny tar where i may have used the same pickpocket tactic on roy phillips to speed the entry process along but that's not important what is important is going around all the various shops and vendors and hand over all of my valuables until i had just over 1 000 cops i could now show you exactly how to recruit multiple companions keep in mind i am on console so i have no idea whether this glitch works on pc i am certain that someone will be able to verify in the comments anyway i head over to tinker jew when i'm there i tell jared who to wait and then dismiss him back to megaton making sure i have neutral karma i then recruit rl3 as normal i then need to wait a bit for jericho to make his way back to megaton and once he does i'm lower my karma once again thanks to stealing and then go to find him at moriarty's this is neither part of the glitch you'll need to do every time you want a new follower you must tell rl3 to wait which will automatically end dialogue with him you then want to speak with him again and say not just yet i want to talk about something else this will then bring up the menu where you can fire him do so then agree to dismissing him naturally this is freed of a companion slot therefore you can recruit jericho as of right now this is nothing special you then need to wait up to seven in game days or until you get the message saying that rl3 has returned to canterbury commons when this happens make sure to once again reset your karma to neutral by quickly shoving bottles down mickey's throat and then should everything have worked correctly when you speak with rl3 at canterbury commons the karma option should be there to recruit him and he will agree to follow you not acknowledging your other companions i will need to do this with every follower going forward so with no time to lose it was after underworld to recruit the best companion in the game please don't at me as a dc aryan fallout 3 is a me is crafted by a masochist this means i will need to travel down to the metro tunnels and hopefully pick the right tunnel that will lead me to the mall last i wish to go and see in as i spring around the random parts of the downtown area like a hyperactive whack-a-mole fortunately i have some experience with volley 3 probably more than the other games combined if i'm being honest so i know that just across the river from grandma sparkles i can find an entrance that will get me into the underworld rather quickly i do have to run away from satan on the way there so nothing too out of the ordinary for the time being the tunnels are primarily filled with mole rats raiders and the occasional feral ghoul so in other words my three companions will be fighting each other more than anything else to find the space to increase their body counts the most noteworthy though was a unique raider named rock salt and while she may have been difficult i can't really say as she was stuck in the middle of a death sandwich i'm probably eaten by dogme to refrain from repeating myself know from this point on that i am loading every single enemy and valuable material or item i can find as i know out of the remaining companions i stealth to dish out about 1500 caps and recruitment fees just thought i should mention this so i don't have to tell you all in detail about how i had to travel back and forward between megaton and 10 penny tar just empty my inventory multiple times to multiple vendors in order to afford more friends experience is very hard to come by and follow three when you refrain from killing so i make do with what i can get this run and disarm all the minds are littering the sewers just to have a chance of reaching the next level resurfacing when we arrive at georgetown which primarily served as our first encounter with supremes this could have proven difficult you know but lucky for us jericho doesn't play by the rules of mere mortals and therefore can just shoot straight through walls while also using cover to avoid any counter attacks by this brute needless to say it takes a bit for him to kill him from this distance but rest assured he was never at risk of losing this fight into the sewers part 2 and wouldn't you know it it's just more raiders or how i see them right now more walking bags of caps after this quick distraction we emerged just outside the lincoln memorial and can make our way safely to underworld or at least we do after i provoke some brotherhood soldiers into a fight by a theft resulting in you guessed it more death supplies and money having a high enough barter skill allows me to convince the rectangular face-shaped ghoul that charon would be better off with me he reluctantly agrees as i slide 1000 caps across the table and sadly despite the fact charon wipes him out after the fact i am not allowed to retrieve my money from the corpses corpse with charon now available for conscription i repeat the rl3 glitches before give charan some extra protection as a gesture of good will and then begin the tedious process of waiting to get the pop-up message it sounds like this i really wish we could just wait as fast as we could back in morrowind after getting my robot back there is only one other companion available at this point in the story and that's crazy clover up in paradise falls it's required that you have an evil karma to purchase clover but after that you can recruit her no matter what it was also here that i found a very quick and simple way to earn evil points that wouldn't involve me tapping into my inner kleptomaniac back in moriarty saloon i just entered through the back door and repeatedly accessed moriarty's terminal as each time you do so you get negative karma so thankfully it takes less than a minute to reach the threshold and now for once in my life it was off to paradise falls without the intention to emancipate the gang continues to prove their combat effectiveness on the road ahead however our journey was nearly cut short by a secret of certain with a missile launcher hiding out in the back of an old truck thankfully he didn't get a direct hit on anyone and only jericho was left in a bad shape due to getting caught in the blast radius afterwards through the power of teamwork and the mutant's own reluctance to blow his feet off the crew dealt the finishing blue and from there was a relatively simple track to paradise falls thanks to my negative karma groose lets me in without any hassle and once more i barter my way for a 50 off coupon on sleeves and can obtain clover for only 500 caps one robot glitch later were able to diversify the team a little bit and after gearing her up with a bit of combat armor not that she needs it by the way the woman is deadly with her sword and shotgun combo we can then go re-re-re-recruit rl-3 and now with every permanent follower i can possibly have for the time being it's time to begin the main story or at least it should be but i decided why not pick up a couple of the companions of the non-permanent variety the three that immediately come to mind are red shorty and sticky so with that it's time to get ready for a prison break rescue trying to remember some of the basics of cqc as it turns out the group are very good when it comes to close quarters at least for now anyway once the whole party is present things will no doubt get a lot more cluttered it's not long before the halls of the station are painted red and green with the remains of our enemies and we make our way to shorty and then red and record time interesting thing about these type of quest related limited time followers is that they do not heal automatically after every battle like the rest of us do what this means is that i will need to make sure they have some stimpacks to heal themselves with should i want them to survive for more than five minutes after supplying them with the means to defend themselves all that was left was to make my way for lamb light and find sticky on the bright side this does let me mark smith casey's garage and lamplight as fast travel points for later so i should at least breathe through the later part of the game i came across another random event on the way this one definitely more interesting than the last as i witnessed four raiders surrounding the low naked raider while they took turns giving him his lumps the initiation was cut short as we appeared over the horizon and swiftly dealt with the situation on the bright side we did get some new gear for shorty so that's neat coming face to face with a young friend from the fallout 4 group video and i have more than enough points in speech to easy my way inside and find the man we're looking for sticky is probably the only companion who isn't actually worth having along for the ride simply because his incessant whining really just brings down the party's mood he's kind of like a reverse bard in that way i suppose okay now it was officially time to begin the story and rather than skip it i will be following it as close as you would on your first playthrough just to get the most mileage out of the group as well as having access to more quests and therefore more experience what this means is we find ourselves traveling through the fargo west station which proved to be a mistake sure this is usually the easiest of any of the underground sections as after all you would normally find yourself here around level 2. but being overconfident proved to be our downfall or perhaps being too gung-ho was the real culprit as while the group carelessly fired away taking down feral girls and mole rats a few too many shots missed their targets and made contact with the nearby generator putting it in critical condition this then caused the device to explode and unfortunately red shorty and sticky were all caught in the blast red barely managed to survive and was able to fix herself up shorty and sticky though yeah they got cooked to remember their valiant efforts i took sticky's party hat and wore it for the rest of the run meeting up with the lion's pride and despite being down two whole members we still manage to shoot them up in the coming battle as we easily swept our way through the mutants and all the way to the plaza without even breaking a sweat next up is the behemoth fight while i could have handed the nearby fat man to one of the team to speed along the fight just think for a moment considering their inaccuracies in the metro tunnels would you want to hand them a fat man they are honestly more likely to kill themselves than anything else so i passed another opportunity and decided to see how they would fare with their base weapons the fight actually doesn't last all that long which is surprising i am not entirely certain who landed the killing blue but i think it was clover with her sonoff shotgun regardless i gave her the reward from the creature's belly that being the scoop 44 magnum and as such with the day saved it was on for more fetch quest before continuing with the main quest i am of course referring to three dog who sends me off to destroy pieces of history so they can fix his radio station watching the group fight their way to the museum of technology was actually a lot of fun it's great to see how strong the grip is becoming with each new member as they battle their way through the trenches and work together to cut a path through the seemingly never-ending wave of supermutants they do tend to get distracted by less important enemies though the workaround for this was having me sprint headfirst into danger as more often than not they would stop what they were doing and come to my rescue if i was being targeted compared to that you would think the museum of technology would be a walk in the park and you would be correct at least it was for everyone but per red whose limited health finally caught up to her as even with stimpak she couldn't heal through her head getting turned into a soggy football honestly given how little it took to take out shorty and sticky i'm shocked that red lasted as long as she did we briefly mourn the loss of death number three grab the dish take the only working elevator in the game to our destination install said dish and then return to three dog for some information of where to go next on this wild groceries as i've already been to underworld i can fast travel back there and use the metro tunnels right outside to emerge right at the entrance to rivet city i then quickly get the info i need from lee before walking down the street to the jefferson memorial and letting the gang partake one more time in everyone's favorite pastime mutant hunting i of course grab the whole tips i need to advance while inside but i also make sure to head down to the basement and clear out any of the stragglers just so qui gone won't ask me to do it later keeping up with the breakneck pace i once again used my previous explorations to my advantage as i immediately fast traveled to the garage and after going a little overboard on the ordinance needed to take out some more rats and roaches can enter the simulation summon the chinese and rescue that this then puts us ever closer to our last few soldiers i do need to make sure to get everyone to follow me again though when i get back out thank god i just need to ask him to follow could you imagine if i had to go back and repeat the recruitment process and glitch all over again that would be maddening we all know the first part of the quest for project purity is just running back and forth pretending to be a scientist so let's move on to when the enclave arrived to be fair they weren't even the most difficult part trying to maneuver around my small army in the drainage pipe was honestly the most difficult task i had to do here if i have said it once i have said it a hundred times in these fallout 3 runs the enclave are the biggest pushovers in the capital wasteland simply because the developers didn't want to punish the hell or the players who just bee lined the main story this means my group of heavily armored soldiers tear through the other group of heavily armored soldiers for her efforts i finally awarded clover with her own suit of power armor i would have given her one of the spare sets of outcast armor i grabbed near the start of the run but i like the idea of everyone wearing something different just so you can hopefully all understand who's who from a glance back to the plot liam neeson finally kicks the bucket and leaves his recording booth and therefore the remainder of the budget can be spent in level design as now it's time to lead through the sewers the slaughter continues while lee tries to hack a computer everyone else decides to rush headlong into danger and take the fight to the enclave even after the door was open my little bloodthirsty children stayed around until the final enclave soldier was dead pressing on through the sewers and were out by the citadel no time at all but then we had to go back because garza had a heart condition oh no and to be fair this was actually a blessing in disguise the positive karma from helping him would be enough for me to get star powder and cross my next companion to join the team after traveling through the sewers one and a half times we make our way to the citadel and i get frozen in place thanks to the elder and i have to sit through this cutscene it's not all bad though we get to watch dog me do some tippy taps with his little feets and that's just adorable so funny enough there's actually a second multiple companions glitch that actually works with star holding cross it's not something you can repeat like rl3's glitch but rather it's something you can do when you speak there for the first time should you already have the karma requirements for and a companion by your side all you have to do is be nice about your dab when the topic of him comes up and then select the option that says i don't suppose i could stop you followed by i'd be honored and just like that one more meat shield added to the line of duty we're now reaching the end point of the story so that means it's back to lamplight albeit this time we're a lot less sticky that said we can also pick up another companion before we go at this stage we're live back in the vault 101 to help with the trouble on the home front quest now there are multiple ways to go about this but i just go with the fastest possible way to produces the outcome that we need as soon as i'm in i head down to the reactor and pick back of the terminal password off of stanley and after mashing my fist against some buttons for a few seconds i can destroy part of the vault rendering it uninhabitable and forcing all the residents to leave i just convinced the overseer in a matter that it's someone else's fault and just like that another simple quest done our final companion is butch the old-school bully and grease enthusiast who will now be hanging around the muddy rudder in riverton riverton what the f where the [ __ ] is riverton rivet city thankfully butch just requires neutral karma again easily reset via moriarty's terminal and after confusing rl3 yet again i can add the delinquent to the team i have currently run out of power armor variants to make people look different so butch will be getting the short end of the stick and just have combat armor instead he is also by far the worst of the lot as he is the only one who has a limited amount of ammo for his gun that being a 10 millimeter pistol and should have run out he'll resort to using this switchblade and something tells me this won't get him very far through vault 87 i just give him what weapons and ammo i currently have on me and hope for the best only one follower left to go and as it turns out we will get him after this quest so everything is falling into place the massacre begins the incident we set foot in the vault it's evident by how quickly the initial trio of sermons are dealt with just how the rest of the vault will go in fact we killed them so fast that the mutants were still talking from beyond the grave starting to piss me off say men will come to us one day to take green stuff let them come to us we'll take them apart all these dead mutants are actually wonderful for butch as now he could join jericho as part of the assault rifle club as he would have a steady supply of ammo for it like the previous group videos before them the team are working as an incredibly well-oiled machine as we have both effective melee and ranged fighters or you know just sharon who despite having a shotgun is still seemingly able to snipe mutants from far outside of his weapons range freeing fox and beating up the other unfortunate test subjects as child's play i do however ask fox to give me his unique super sledge and give it to clover he will eventually get a gatling laser so we'll have no need for it whereas clover has been doing so well that i believe she's entitled to a better weapon fox despite craving his freedom does very little in the way of shortening his time here as he walks very slowly towards the get not having time for shenanigans and knowing full well he'll get stuck behind the group i opted to just go ahead and get the geck myself a very important thing to do here is to send rl3 away before grabbing the thing because according to the wiki if i don't he will either become lost or the glitch will stop working neither of which are ideal i was then somehow and i really do stress somehow kidnapped by colonel autumn and his two guards we all know the grip should have torn them to shreds so i guess they also decided to take a sabbatical when i wasn't looking running through ravenrock is nothing to bother going over i can't attack or do anything without my team so i just run jump and heal my way through the enclave soldiers before convincing eden that this is indeed a bad idea and it is right when i escape that the rum begins to fall apart fox is nowhere to be found okay so this has happened before so i just wait a few days and my way to the museum of history and nope he still isn't there it turns out if you get the geck yourself without his help even if you have freed him fox will just sometimes not you up anymore and can just disappear i looked online and found a bunch of people with the same issue it's a pain but the easiest solution is to load back to right before i picked up the geck wait for fox to do it instead and then run through ravenrock yet again it goes pretty much the same except this time fox is actually outside i lack the karma requirements to get him now so i quickly go and feed the homeless as well as pick up the rest of the crew in the way and when i get to him i can recruit him wonderful except not quite he is on the team technically given the dialogue options he has but under no circumstances will he move from this spot i tried changing his tactics firing and rehiring him loading old saves and even giving him back his super sledge to make sure he wasn't being petty and all of it changed nothing so no matter what fox is stuck here and will not budge it's a shame but like i said in a weird way he's still a follower so maybe if i finish the final mission he would get teleported to the citadel the beginning of the broken steel and fix himself it seemed like a long shot but it was currently my only choice so that's what i did as this is really a follow the leader mission for like 80 of it there isn't a whole lot for us to do i did get a really nice shot of us all running down the bridge together just pretend that fox is here as well for what it's worth i did do my best to push on ahead and not fall behind in the hopes that we could do some damage before prime stole all the kills and for a while it worked but he is one deadly robot and always gets his target autumn and his two guards from before are no match for the power franchise would seem the colonel in particular probably should have worn something more protective than a coat if he wanted to survive being dogmeat's personal chew toy now it's decision making time and i go around my companions seeing who wants to jump into the glowing bathwater naturally as you might expect all the human characters decline leaving only fox charring an rl3 well fox is a few miles away so he's out and i used rl3 to do this more recently than charon so i figured it's charon's turn once again dooms over the rods besides radiation heals ghouls so if anything this should make him healthier i mentioned at the beginning that i couldn't do broken steel and this is why the ending scene here played out as normal but then right after the slideshow finished before the game could even display the two weeks later message to start broken steel this happened i suppose this is good bye friend but ah i would say cycle it seems like fox has reached me from beyond the grave and has pulled me into purgatory with him in all seriousness while this is hilarious and something i did not see coming i tried this multiple times and every time it caused the game to crash with that i suppose the run ends here and i think it's possible to beat volley 3 as a grip i mean fox was technically there in spirit form i guess in my spare time i am definitely going to try and fix this sieve to try and not only get fox to follow but also make it so he doesn't nuke the ending and therefore find a way to broken steel should i manage to find a way i will upload the broken sales of group as its own bonus video regardless that's going to be in this challenge video enjoy your socks or give a video a like can you address a more challenging feature feel free to subscribe check out one of these videos out every week my name's nervous everyone i'll see y'all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Nerbit
Views: 496,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerbit, can you beat fallout 3 as a group, fallout, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, challenge, can you beat, can, you, beat, bethesda, multiple companions, multiple companions fallout 3 glitch, group video
Id: 8yQnoYK37wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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