Can You Beat Dark Souls 3 With Only a Dagger?

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Dark Souls 3 has around 200 different weapons some of them good some of them bad most of them bad but today I'm attempting to beat the game using only a dagger [Music] [Music] [Music] we start the challenge by choosing the right name and picking the fief class because he's the only one that starts with a dagger but first let's go over the rules real quick rule number one is obvious I can only use daggers to do damage rule number two I cannot use any summons three I can't use Shields to block but I can use them to Parry enemy attacks four I'm allowed to use resins to buff my dagger and the last rule I have to beat the game all right let's get into it I start the game by getting an extra heal and my first bonfire [Music] after changing into something more comfortable I got a titanite shard and made my way to the first bus yix Gunder he is pretty easy to kill if you know how to Parry his attacks so after stabbing him in the face a few times gundar goes down with no trouble after that I upgraded my healing leveled up a few times and got killed by a homeless guy okay let's just put this over here so you guys know how many times I've died after getting back to him I decided to show him my secret paring [Music] technique and after stealing his drip and selling his soul for a few levels I did some sick parkour got an extra heal and a ring which will give me more souls for each kill okay it's time to move on to high wall of La freak immediately after arriving I exerted my dominance by paring a filthy local and killing the mimic after that I picked up a few important stuff leveled up a few times and it's time to kill wor he is one of the easiest bosses in the entire game I just stuck to his back and attacked him a few times it was really easy [Music] all right it's time for the undead settlement you can actually find a lot of useful stuff in this place but I'm going to go over the ones that I can use in this run first I talk to Y all so I can get a few extra free levels then I got an extra Estus flask and a fist weapon so I can Parry without using a shield but the most important thing here is the fling ring this ring will boost my attack damage the lower my equip load is and considering the fact that I don't wear any armor this is quite a big help after that I leveled up a few times and went straight for the tree man or thing this boss isn't very difficult you just have to destroy his or its XX and stab the big hand a few times and he will go down [Music] easily next St is the road of sacrifice honestly not much going on here but I did find the grass Crest Shield although I can't use it to block if I keep it on my back it actually boosts my stamina recovery so it's quite useful then I met Walter White AKA Crystal Sage he was easy I just ran up to him and stabbed him and because I'm so fast I could just dodge his attacks pretty easily now is the perfect time to mention every time I pick up up an item I can't use or a boss soul for that matter I'm going to sell it and use it to level up next is the Cathedral of the deep I only need one item from here Lloyd's sword ring this ring will boost my attack damage if I'm at Max health and at this point I pretty much have everything I need so I'm not going to go over small details anymore just know that every time I pick up an sess flask or kill a boss I use its souls to level up a few times or just to buy stuff so let's just jump into important stuff okay promise you won't laugh I actually got killed by the deacons in my defense I usually kill them so fast I didn't even know they had a curse attack I killed them my next try though yeah I got my revenge the abys Watchers are next the first phase of this fight is somewhat easy actually most of the time they're just busy killing each other so we can just get behind the main guy and backstab him but the second face is a different story he has faster attacks more damage longer Combos and basically he is way stronger but there is one weakness you can Parry his attacks and after a few well Ed paries the abys Watchers are no more next pass is high Lord wnir he was easy to kill I just smashed his Rings a few times and he died the old Dem human King isn't that much different either he's slow and easy to hit by the way not very fun fact but if you get him down to one HP and not kill him you can actually see this little hidden [Music] animation next up is pontiff Sullivan at the start of the fight he does a massive leap which you can actually parry and it does a lot of damage after that I just dodge his Phantom a few times and focused on the real one it wasn't really difficult but I did die once [Music] following that I picked up the Ring of favor which will give me more HP stamina and damage now it's time to kill aldrid he has a lot of different attacks but the worst one by far is that stupid Arrow rain I did kill him my first try to but he also killed me but unfortunately for him only one of us can respawn now we get to the hardest part of this run y the giant okay let me explain the problem y has a lot of HP and a lot of damage and I um don't at first I thought you can actually use bleed against him but he's immune to it and after dying to him over and over and over over again I realized I've been following sigar's quest line all the way up to this point so instead of headbutting this wall over and over I decided to get some [Music] help you are a saint once again you are my Valiant savior I I ziker of Karina express my deepest gratitude take this a token of my f go on it's all yours ah no please go on ahead I've my own road to take and a duty to fulfill that is soon [Music] [Music] y old friend I sheer of the Knights of kerina have come to hold my [Music] voice let the sun shine upon this Lord of [Music] Cinder sigard can actually solo this fight all I had to do was to keep the aggro on myself and it worked y Was Defeated now does this count as breaking the second rule um kind of okay hear me out sigard isn't really a regular summon if a regular summon dies you can actually resummon him on your next attempt but if sigar dies that's it he won't respawn and I didn't really summon him he just walked in by himself so the answer is the next fight she is a really tough boss she's fast and she does a lot of damage so after dying to her a few times I learned her Combos and killed her it was really difficult [Music] now we get to my favorite area in the game La fre Castle why is it my favorite area two words Titanite chunk so after upgrading my dagger to plus 10 and watching the fire keeper almost fall down I leveled up a few times and now it's time to face the Dragonite armor he or it hits like a truck but if you attack him enough you can actually stagger him and do a lot of damage I killed him my first try it wasn't really difficult the next boss is the two Prince but before that there is something I need to get the eyes of the fire keeper if you give this item to well the fire keeper you can actually unlock a different ending Ashen one if when now pest upon the first flame thou wishest yet for a World Without fire for an end to the linking of the fire then call upon me I am a fire keeper and I tend the flame to the very end thou Hast given me eyes and such it was they showed me but to get it you have to kill two optional bosses the first one is is the consumed King he does a lot of damage but he also takes a lot of damage and honestly if you just stick to his back it's an easy fight and the second one is Champion Gunder this fight is very similar to your first time fighting him he obviously has more damage and uh a few more combos but I just pared his attacks a few times and killed him that way honestly it was quite easy and then I got the eyes and gave him to the fire keeper the two Prince boss fight was brutal I died so many times here because I just couldn't dodge fast enough until I discovered the most broken weapon art in the entire game for those of you who don't know the Quick Step gives you eye frame and is pretty much the best form of dodging in the entire game and after I started using it this boss became a [Music] cakewalk my words fion one and I also destroyed their house I was um I was mad but now I have everything I need to finish the game I put the head of the Lords on their fronts it's time for one last boss fight to the true [Music] air the soul of Cinder is as good as a boss fight can be he is fast he has a lot of damage he has range he has crazy Combos and he can even grab you but just like all who came before for him he was no match for the quick [Music] [Music] step and now there is only one more thing to do [Music] for the first flame quickly Fades Darkness will shortly settle but one day tiny Flames will dance across the darkness like Embers linked by Lord's path
Channel: Castle Gulag
Views: 2,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark souls, dark souls 3, elden ring, dark souls 3 daggers, elden ring challenge run, gaming, challenge run, can you beat, can i beat, i tried beating, dark souls 3 challenge run, elden ring dlc
Id: doBkz5gWCjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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