Can you beat Brutal Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void without increasing your supply?

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well after the extremely anti-climactic end to hard the Swarm I'm more than happy to report that Legacy of the Void has an actual difficulty curve that just doesn't cease to exist or uh a beginning that's actually possible hopefully again mandatory opening disclaimers this is the third part of a series so I do go more in depth with the rules in wings of Liberty but everything is pretty simple I can't make any pylons or nexuses meaning that the supply we start with is what we get obviously if there are events in a mission where we gain more Supply automatically such as finding structures throughout the map or gaining control of our base after an introductory segment those won't count against us for very blatant reasons also specifically for legacy the void we will not allow the deploy pylon nor will we allow the warp in reinforcement's ability since that is still technically building pylons however we will allow the Spear of a dune upgrade for additional starting Supply and I know some of you may disagree with that statement however trust me when I say it really doesn't add a whole lot with that out of the way obviously the first mission is a no build Mission or the challenge has no considerable impact but the next mission is an absolute nightmare this Mission we start with three stalkers and a pays that up isn't powered meaning we can't build any units well that's fine we can just go ahead and find the void pylons out on the map to build our gate oh oh we uh we have to beat this Mission with just these few stalkers don't we oh oh no no well good news for us Captain blink is a really good ability and honestly I thought this Mission would just be entirely impossible at first until I discovered a brand new piece of tech well brand new for me anyways so for whatever reason if you keep your probes on hold position and have units behind the probes the enemy isn't fond of killing the probes and instead will attempt to trace the units on the other side of the wall for all eternity that is absolutely incredible for us as that not only allows us to separate priority targets exceptionally well which means we can Target fire them down with minimal risk but now the melee units in this Mission are essentially non-existent in fact with this strategy we actually turn them into a benefit since they tend to get in the way of roaches and hydras which allows our stalkers to Target fire them down with even less risk than normal and with this this is huge because by far the biggest threats on the map aren't the mutas worms or the roaches or hydras guardians or even the Ultras carriers Immortals or kawasi it is the massive swarms of zerglings that are regularly sent out so whether probe Tech pretty much invalidating those waves they can now attempt to micro our stalkers with blank and attack appropriately to advance throughout the map and the good news is the more we advance throughout the map the more stalkers we can find so although I wouldn't normally struggle to consider 12 stalkers a decent fighting force it is exponentially better than six stalkers I'll tell you that much with all this combined we can start to progress throughout the map at a relatively decent speed All Things Considered and especially once we get to here the only Zerg units that can actually attack my stalkers are mutas roaches and Guardians all which my stalker is completely annihilate with proper micro with one exception there is a mutilist wave near the 25 minute Mark which is blatantly unkillable with my current stalker count so when that attack wave is sent out we need to reach the tempo our base and kill the enemy forces deployed their ASAP the problem is although the forces deployed are pretty scary our probes are much less effective than usual since the immortal is very fond of prioritizing it over the stalkers which means that the intended play of separating the zealots and the immortal from the carrier and the scouts is just not feasible anymore at this point it is 100 up the blank micro and abusing enemy AI so the best way I've found to go about this was to take down the zealots in the skeleton's normal then for the two big threats being the Immortals and the carrier what you can actually do is lure the carrier out and since it attacks with Eno interceptors instead of the actual carrier I found that its lace range is a lot longer than the immortal so if you're able to pull it off you can lure the carrier pretty far away from the base and once it's down you can just go completely all in with your probes and try to burst down the immortal as soon as possible and after several attempts I was eventually able to pull it off with almost no time left on the clock remember that mutilist wave I mentioned earlier yeah they killed every single structure at my base with the only Survivor being a single assimilator I worked in before I went all in and even then it was taking a heavy fire it was extremely stressful but yeah it actually is possible to beat this Mission without placing down this pylon or even building nexuses to artificially increase our supply I actually came into this video fully preparing to say that this was just impossible but it actually is doable but guess what fuckuru this went from bad to worse because the spirit of adune was the mission that took me the longest time to be out of any mission in this entire video series at a resounding uh hold on I'm pausing the script to math to self um seven hours of attempts so the reason this took so long was for one big reason the attack weighs on this Mission are absolutely terrifying they're manageable on paper but with a single pylon to your name and only one base your defensive capabilities are inherently extremely limited and that's a problem because you really really really need to keep your defenses in good shape because once the attack waves start to break through you're just dead and since you only have one pylon you can't place production facilities reliably because firstly this pylon is really inconveniently placed and secondly every single Forge Gateway or cyber core popped down is upwards of four cannons or Shield batteries you miss out on and against the attack waves that's just not going to work and here's ultimately the biggest issue with this and the piece of the puzzle that I needed to solve you need all three of those structures I mentioned if your defense is fall and you don't have a forge you die if you don't have a Gateway you can't make a cyber core and you can't make any offensive units which leaves you dead in the water and if you don't have a cyber core you can't make stalkers which are 100 percent required to beat this mission so what you do here is obviously just destroy the main objectives and put down the structures there yeah sure but there's issues with that firstly every main objective you take down spawns in an attack wave which the first one is super easy to deal with the second one is really difficult and you would actively need to time it perfectly and the third one is just suicide you activate that and you lose also rather conveniently enough the attack waves happen to frequently collide with those main objectives and if a single zurgling Awards the entire attack wave that there's gateways over there be prepared to say goodbye to every single structure that you place down and keep in mind there are infinitely respawning units that are sent over here so you also need to diver resources into defensive structures but don't get it twisted if you choose to diverge even all of your resources into forward defenses you're just going to lose all of it anyways because for whatever reason the pylon power field here instead of being like four maybe even five tiles long is three and since the Cannons and shield batteries inherently take up too your defenses are inherently crippled by 50 which means you're not fending off a goddamn thing so the first five hours was just trial and error finding out what works what doesn't and trying to figure out a game plan eventually though we finally got our strategy online so we immediately Rush our starting stalkers to get the resources around the map so we can build up our base defenses ASAP and if you happen to notice that there's a trapped Zealot in here that's not a mistake I noticed another saves that if you keep a zoet contained in your defenses that the enemies will grow onto it and try to kill it and what the interior Shield batteries it is borderline impossible for the Zealot to die which is great because that allows us to save on minerals since we don't have to replace as many cannons but after Gathering up a decent chunk of resources we then have to place down to warp gates in a cyber core by this power field warp in five stalkers and then casually never lose a stalker was the attack wave coming in it's going to inevitably kill off these three structures and after that it's up to them you cannot replace them they are not Expendable so our new task is killing an entire main objective with five stalkers that cannot die so the way we're going to go about this is by abusing a mechanic with blink so if you're fighting a ranged unit or structure that has an attack that isn't hit scan for lack of a better word if the projectile is in mid-air and you blink your stalker before it lands the attack doesn't land which means your stalker doesn't take any damage this means some units for example the Dragoon spine crawler or Photon Cannon can be killed with absolutely no damage taken if you blink well enough the problem is predictably the fact that we needed to time this perfectly every time an attack came in if you blink too soon the attack is going to be redirected at a different unit and if you blink too late you're going to take the damage from the attack so timing is 100 required here and say for example if there are ever two or three enemies micromanaging that can be absolutely brutal there's also a few things I can't really get too in depth with before making this a comprehensive tutorial on something nobody is going to do such as controlling all this while accounting for the pretty decent cooldown different units having different attack times animation cues projectile acceleration rates and visibility how are enemies having a static plus three upgrade laid on us makes every trade significantly harder and how we account for that how units are different in this patch compared to how they are nowadays and all sorts of other arbitrary game knowledge and another thing that we had to abuse was leash ranges I don't know the Starcraft term for this but in some missions in the campaigns if enemy or Allied units run too far away from where they're supposed to be they'll go ahead and stop fighting to run back to their starting location and luckily for us the Spear of a dune is one of those missions however unfortunately for us this is extremely inconsistent and against enemies like the immortal which can absolutely spread our stalkers it can sometimes just be a coin flip whether or not you kill it or have to reload an old save and try again this wasn't all too fun I had to constantly rebuild my base keep track of my workers perfectly micro my stalkers tie my engagements keep track of enemy attack ways and when they're sent out an abuse the AI as much as possible and sometimes even if I did everything perfectly there were still just elements completely out of my control and I would just lose anyways so this took forever as I've already mentioned but eventually I was able to get the bottom left conduit down and this is where the mission turned from an impossible death march to something that is a bit easier and a victory may actually be feasibly in sight that was because this is the first time in all of my attempts that I can actually put down the structures I've been missing and not skip out on defense this is huge for us as now I can ease up on the perfect stalker micro a tad bit and with the increased defensive presence I don't need to spend as much repair in my base as I usually have to and with one of the big three conduits down there's a very clear path we can take for the rest of the mission and we have a forward Outpost that we can fall back on if need be and the fortune doesn't end there because the next two conduits have a ton of units that can be leashed to hell and back the only units that were difficult for us were the two Immortals in the carrier near the front lines of the last objective which is the best possible spot for them to be so I could just suicide all of my forces in over and over again until it died and once they're down the only units left on the map that we can't kite or leash is I think a guardian a few hydras one or two spine crawlers and an infester not really all that difficult of an engagement and once the forces are down there's a direct path from this conduit to the next one all I have to do is Target fire the objectives until they're down to 10 HP run back to my base get the very first conduit down spot in this second attack wave run a stalker over to the third and fourth conduit Auto attack them once or twice get the third and fourth conduit down beat the mission without having to deal with the attack waves GG easy I was a little bit happy I beat the mission as you can probably tell alrighty so we're roughly two three missions into the video uh how many minutes are we in so uh I assure you progress will be a lot better now now that we have access to the Spear of a dune and can actually obtain upgrades so I wanted to do core Hall first but sadly although Sky Shield is barely manageable with decent enough blink micro Brothers in Arms was effectively not doable the hybrid attack ways were just way too bulky for us and although we could stall them out theoretically forever with the stalker when the disruption Nova event ended all that stalling would realistically do is set us back even further so there's just a point in which we were in a death spiral so instead we're going to have to do shakura's first for our first two unit upgrades we went with a stalker and the Centurion the Centurion just has a decent AOE stun which is a lot better than the Zealot spin especially since they have a really bad tendency to Clump on top of each other and melt the splash damage but really the stalker just steals the show in particular so I've already went extremely in depth with what is possible with wink micro so go ahead and imagine everything I've talked about but give the stalker the ability to regenerate a ton of shields over a very short time span after every blink ability yeah the amount of potential this thing has is insane and even with an extremely low stalker count with proper micro and engagements it's possible to make them effectively Immortal the only real way you're going to lose them is if they get one shot or you can't assure their escape if a situation happens to become dire and at this stage in the campaign I think there's literally one unit that can one shot the stalker and funnily enough I believe it's a projectile you can actually Dodge with blink so again effectively immortal you can abuse this to hell and back and on Sky Shield they were pretty much the only reason as to why it was even doable but uh there's a little bit of a problem on shakuris and it's the fact that you'll unlock the dark Templar here it is more of impossible to beat this entire Mission without building anything because you start off with four dark Templar and you're given the orbital strike ability which means any detectors that may be in the way are just poof gone cease to exist in this very well might be a controversial hot take so stick with me if a unit is effectively Immortal with proper micro and utilization and game knowledge I'd consider that an extremely good unit if unit is effectively Immortal because the only way you can get them to die is if you literally kill them yourself or send them to suicide you can connect the dots oh but don't you worry fuckuru I bet you were thinking to yourself Hmm this thing looks pretty cool but what if it had um an invulnerable AOE burst that is also actually a single Target burst that does a metric trillion damage on a 15 second cooldown that is also able to be used at range and also makes the dark temporar immune if you thought that to yourself I would highly advise looking into therapy or maybe even a mental hospital that's absolutely psychotic but whoopsie dumpsy here we are the dark temporar has become anime I mean I guess the Last Stand does make it slightly more interesting since you have to use them to their fullest extent your supply is extremely low not Expendable and you have to defend for a really long time and I guess vaguely speaking of which although I talked about it earlier I can talk a little bit more about pylon's in depth here so just like Supply Depots and overlords they are invaluable losing them means you lose 8 Supply forever which obviously sucks and since you start most missions with as low as 18 to 26 Supply that's something you never want to have happen under any circumstance however at least for now unlike those two campaigns you are limited to building every single protoss structure in those power Fields excluding the assimilator whoa and uh there's a few problems with that so obviously since we're Limited in Supply we don't have the room available to spare forces to defend which means we need to build defenses and the problem is firstly those defenses need to compete with space for your other buildings and secondly you better hope those defenses are good because if the pylon Falls you don't have any more defenses you don't have any more Supply and chances are you probably don't have a way to produce any units so uh better reload an old save because the threat of Fate has been severed and you're now stun locked into an existence of Decay attrition and inevitably death luckily though in this Mission we do start with an entire three pylons which gives us enough surface area to construct a okay amount of defenses and as I've said earlier we needed to use our DTS to the fullest extent because not only do we need to destroy the three Zenith Stones which meant doing this cool anime move over and over and over again but we also need to assure the survival of our pylons and against the very scary AOE unit sent out such as the bangling or maybe even the bailing and especially the bangling if we didn't burst those down preemptively our buildings were in extreme danger and on top of that much more hybrid or sentel including an entirely brand new flying variant and quite possibly worst of all overseers and their inclusion means that if we didn't use our DTS carefully they were going to die extremely quickly fortunately though by constantly spamming our cool boy anime movie in rebuilding our limited structures whenever they fall this Mission ended up just being barely doable although my base was entirely destroyed in the zel Naga Temple was under siege my dark tempoar fought valiantly to ashore Victory and when the temple was seconds away from its destruction I was eventually able to overload it and scrape by with a pyric victory anyways remember how I said that Sky Shield was doable with cool stalker blink micro it still is but we've essentially doubled the amount of stalkers we can deploy and oh yeah DTS are still a good unit who would have thought and for a pretty cool transition likewise DTS are used again to a massive extent in Brothers in Arms like I said earlier when we first tried this our main bottleneck was the hybrid and not necessarily the fact that they were scary more so we just didn't have enough forces to reliably take them out however now with a dank temper unlocked and almost double our available Supply since the first few waves sent out art detectors they're unable to retaliate against our DTS and yeah the shadow Fury ability is still good it just completely obliterates the attack waves in as little as two to three uses and funnily enough our base defense also wasn't an issue anymore because of one really strange interaction Sophie secured This research facility the AI starts to send out Medics to go onto the front lines to Aid Valyrian and raynor's forces and one really cool thing about them is that they respond instantly if they die so you don't really have to worry about losing them and they're always an option however they respond instantly if they die and if the attack wave just sees them on their way to my base this happens yeah they just never Advance every time they kill the medic and begin to move against our base another medic instantly spawns which the forces will collectively move out to kill which in turn will be replaced with another medic that the force collectively moves out to kill which will be replaced by another medic which will be replaced by another medic and so on and so forth it is kind of hilarious kind of depressing but immensely practical surprisingly enough anyways by the end I Shadow furied enough structures that the constant waves of forces that Varian and Raynor were sending out were able to actually overcome the straggors that managed to survive my indiscriminate Onslaught and with a lack of reinforcements being sent out to contest that tug of war they're able to actually group up a pretty scary Army and defeat the remaining hybrid protecting the Keystone Light and beat the mission for us which is kind of nice because I sort of lost every single dark temp arm at its prior so that's pretty neat oh yeah I probably should have mentioned it by now but I was too caught up in my balance wine we do have the orbital assimilator now which just like all the other campaigns is fantastic because it saves us three supply per simulator and allows us to get additional resources on the map without having a long distance mine and across all three campaigns the assimilator is the most effective variant we've had so far as although gas was massively important to on Taran in somewhat important on Zerg unlike those two races our upgrades cost a bit more our units and structures generally cost a lot more unlike the Terran weekend long distance mine or take an expansion by lifting off our structures and unlike Zerg we don't have the absurdly overpowered twin drones mutations so the produce really really like this upgrade also unlike the other two races we don't have as many good mineral Outlets although that will shake up just a little bit after the next mission on forbidden weapon we have yet another playthrough in which we can utilize the solar lands to completely trivialize the mission if you don't know there's a spot right here where you can use your solar lightsability to destroy pylon on the other side which unpowers the gate connecting these two areas and effectively allows you to skip past two-thirds of the map and that's not where the utility of the sewer Alliance ends so when you get to this position there's a mission trigger where warp prisms begin to fly in to activate unpowered defensive structures and secure warping points however the warp prisms fly in such an alignment they can destroy all of them with only one sore on its ability and if you do that that only leaves two fortifications remaining for you to break through and guess what solar lands can choose those too so both of these pretty scary fortifications at the end are kind of pointless because the way you beat this mission is by getting to this location it doesn't matter what units get there and it doesn't matter how many units you kill all that matters is that you get a unit to this location and guess what pylons yet again power the gates that act as a barrier to entry so all you have to do is kill the pylons powering the gates and just casually run on by while ignoring the forces that attack you I use a dark temp War as my unit of choice to do this but realistically stalkers or even centurions would also be more than enough to do this I mean if you use your Thor lances well enough you can literally just blink a singular stalker in and beat the mission in fact you don't even need to unpower the last gate if you choose to wait until the laser be beam is right on top of the last objective you can just utilize the vision it gains of that location and blink on over really the only benefit we get from using the dark Templar is that the mission is slightly faster however after this mission is over we gain one of the most valuable power boosts in really any of the campaigns period the Energizer so these aren't a replacement for pylons God know if we lose one we're still going to lose however with the Energizer we can now warp in more structures within our base and not have to account for our starting pylons being in god-awful places but now our previously exclusive defensive structures are able to be utilized offensively all the very wonderful buildings we otherwise literally wouldn't be able to use in any offensive capabilities including chill batteries kdor monoliths and cannons are now able to be built anywhere there are downsides to all of this for example we do need to assure the energizer's survival and obviously every Hub we decide to power will cost us to so why compared to the Taran and zergs uh none but God damn it it still unlocks a huge host of strategies that we otherwise would have never been able to utilize and for that you're going to be seeing this little fella throughout most of the challenge however uh go ahead and ignore everything I just said as for the next mission we're going to go ahead and resort to very blatant cheese so there is absolutely no way in hell we're going to beat this mission in the quote-unquote traditional way the enemy attack ways that are sent out are so lethal and are sent out so frequently that there's just absolutely no way a one base economy would be able to effectively defeat them so what we have to do is immediately bum Rush The Mission with our phoenixes if you are extremely and I mean extremely proactive with their first few phoenixes it's actually not impossible to beat this Mission within minutes and hence only have to deal with one attack wave which is extremely small due to it being the first attack wave it took quite a few attempts on my part but there are a bunch of really great routes you can utilize in the dead Zones near every lock this does mean that we can't get the bones objective here but it's not really all too much of a concern for us since most of the upgrades that we do want to purchase with thorite are extremely cheap but once we get the attack wave down and secure the locks all we have to do is rush to the last conduit solar lands all the units protecting it GG easy the mission afterwards is a standard hero Mission but the mission after that we're going back to more comic antics so on this Mission I decided to utilize our annihilators as although DTS can still effectively 100 to zero the mission I did feel slightly more confident with the annihilator as its burst damage is ranged the unit itself is ranged it's much bulkier and as you're going to see it goes alongside the Energizer much better so starting off we're pretty much going to immediately offer High Templar the feedback as many energy units as possible before perishing once you feed back the priority targets namely specters and Medics this Crystal becomes extremely easy to reclaim and the Zerg forces can actually do a small amount of gradual damage not really all that much mind you but enough that they're not completely useless the second walk over here though is when the comic Antics begin to shine although it's no Immortal the annihilator is still a fairly bulky unit and if we utilize Shield batteries with our energizers it's more than possible for us to eventually Whittle away the forces by the second lock with their Shadow Cannon ability although I guess it's like a crystal or whatever well klugacy the void is a campaign that is Infamous for its very unique objectives all with progressively stronger forces protecting everyone I'm going to muddle up the names and scripting God forbid anyways you do have to pull enemies back into the shield batteries if you piss them off too much namely the hybrid are capable of doing a ton of damage in a really short window but even then the annihilator is bulky enough that as long as it has those Shield batteries it's going to live other than that though once you clear the forces right by the crystal we can just go ahead and Target fire the main objective and just in case I did end up utilizing our newly unlocked Mass recall ability which assures that in any scenario the annihilator is going to escape safely and the key thing to note on this mission is that there are two attack ways that spawn once you kill the second and third crystal respectively and they're both pretty scary but luckily Kerrigan is nice enough that once you clear out the enemy forces near an objective she won't actually kill the objective instead urging you to send over forces whenever they're available so she can continue her assault on the enemy forces so we're actually going to keep this first Crystal alive until we're able to ensure the third and fourth Crystal's death which will allow us to beat the mission without having to deal with the attack waves until then though we're actually going to temporarily skip over the third crystal in order to go to the fourth so with us unlocking the starfighters two missions ago we can now utilize their flight in a really nasty way so what a lot of speedrunners do or at least used to do is fly a Corsair or Phoenix right here and spam Spear of doing abilities until they're able to destroy it but honestly I'd rather keep my Spear of a dune energy for the third crystal as I'm not too sure if I'm going to be able to comfortably take it down with my current Supply so instead what we're going to do is fly Corsair near the same location but instead of using the Spear of a dune abilities what we're going to do is build a few kdar monoliths and shield batteries by this objective sometimes there is a hybrid who gets pissed off with this strategy but that's the reason why we built the shield batteries as with their healing they're more than capable of killing off the hybrid but once that one enemy is down as long as the Corsair retains Vision the monoliths are actually able to fire it down with no enemy retaliation and once it's set up we now have a guaranteed way to crowd the last Crystal exceptionally easily which leaves only the third to destroy so for the third crystal I used a similar strategy as the first slash second and if it isn't obvious I kind of can't keep track of how I'm supposed to script this since I'm doing the mission in an order of two four three one instead of you know one two three four but I digress I got my shield batteries up ran my annihilators in did a bunch of damage if I felt like they were in Lethal danger I would use my mass recall ability then rinse and repeat and luckily I only had to do this twice since the viral roaches that were sent out helped me absolutely decimate the few hybrids that remained and I kind of forgot to mention that I was an idiot and killed the fourth Crystal very early on but for whatever reason the hybrid were just completely infatuated with trying to kill my kdar and monolith so I wasn't punished for this terrible play and were able to beat the mission pretty Neato afterwards though we have to choose a planet and for that I decided to go to pure fire land instead of rakshier although they're both interchangeable and the order doesn't matter so for this Mission I had one main strategy firstly I needed to be exceptionally proactive with my starting quasi to get the starting resources hidden throughout the map with their extremely long-range the cloth eye are able to clear out quite a lot of the map before ever needing assistance and because of that what I built was the added resources I got didn't really matter but since I was building energizers anyways I found that warping in Sentinels was always a good choice just due to how much damage they can take stalkers were also always a great choice because of their ability to deal with the air units and their survivability with their Shield recharge and vanguard's just fit in extremely well with their 1 billion damage burst so with this we're able to handily clear up to the third lock and the megalith is inbound to the fourth so what we're going to do is use our orbital bombardment ability to clear out the caves of Zerg which trust me you really need to do what's the situation like this happens this did catch me extremely off guard but luckily with my quasi and vanguards I was able to recover and get to the part that makes this Mission extremely easy so the megalith does just completely awful damage however it is still extremely aggressive towards anything that comes in its way sofa unit tries to fight it and it's in the way of its path it's going to temporarily stop until that unit is dead and the great thing about this is is that it does this with structures too so if you intentionally leave a bunch of structures alive it can take the megalith minutes upon minutes upon minutes to kill it off and that may not sound like a lot but trust me when I say it is immensely appreciated with this newfound time I built up a pretty good army and moved out to the last dessert Hive cluster preemptively without the megalith utilizing our Shield were charged the first Hive wasn't all too bad but when the night as worms begin to emerge you really need to assure their death ASAP and luckily the Vanguard did great at killing the ones that were immediately accessible but the ones that weren't were a different story so for that I needed to utilize a weird spot right here I found in the probes only playthrough if you just keep a unit right here in this little corner you gain full vision of the entire Zerg Hive cluster which allows you to Target down and kill the nidus worms with the Spear of a dune and that was immensely appreciated because the megalith finally finished off the god forsaken roach war and and it would be incoming any second now luckily with all the damage inflicted my stalkers were in a pretty Prime condition to clear out the remaining stragglers there weren't a whole lot of units left that did enough damage to kill off the shields I inherently recharged from blink and even though I did eventually just go for the completely brain dead f2a move play and lose most of them for no reason I was able to warp in a few more units to finish the job then the winged hussars arrived and the megawith finally reached our position and didn't do a thing but it didn't commit suicide violently and we won because of that whoa the next mission though I was put in a tough predicament so the Zerg Attack waves here are scary with tons of hybrid Ultras hydras mutas roaches zerglings forms and support units I had to constantly expend resources on defenses and here's the bad part we only have 46 Supply available which isn't an impossible number but the Zerg here have extremely tight defenses that counter almost every comp I can think of mass Gateway just gets decimated with investors and Ultras robotics facility units just don't get to exist because vipers can helplessly drag them into their inevitable demise and currently our only air unit is the Corsair which uh doesn't do all too well against everything really so that kind of left us with very unfortunate options either we head back to slain get the void Ray and the new Spear of a dune upgrade and head back to Pure Fireland beat this mission in much the same way and then do this Mission with mass void Ray go back to the Spear of a dune and do this Mission Again with a very cheesy Army comp our mastark Templar or what I ended up deciding would be optimal here repeated suicide missions run in a unit gain vision of the null circuit orbitly bombarded defend until the next bombardment becomes available rinse and repeat and I guess I should clarify all vilvis does sound like a really dumb cheese I was actually on the verge of defeat near the end because I needed to stall out two minutes per bombardment which is roughly about the same interval that the hybrid are sent out and if I don't have a bunch of energy readily available that meant I was forced between taking losses or using my valuable energy to clear out the attack wave which delayed the mission by a ton and by the last walk all I had left was my four defenses which were on the verge of death my base was completely destroyed and in terms of a quote-unquote army I had a Corsair four stalkers a sentinel and an Energizer not really the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen But at minute 54 I was able to finally Wipe Out the last null circuit get out of pure Fireland and move on to slain slaying I decided was going to be my mandatory haha look at how funny the dark Arcon is planet since I needed to include at least two missions of it and in regards of which plant to do it on I eventually decided on slame because the missions are actually pretty simple to beat even without it so the first mission is a fun defense slash offense setup where you alternate between defending against a massive onslaught of void forces the Towering forces that come afterwards and then being forced to move throughout the map to destroy the main objectives unfortunately for us though mind controlling the void forces just doesn't work I wanted to say that they just dissolve when the fog rolls away but apparently you just can't period which is definitely a shame too because some of the units in those waves are insanely strong but fortunately the towel dream waves that are sent out afterwards are great because they send out some pretty decent units that you can mind control in fact after a certain point they start sending in fantastic units which when combined with our newly unlocked passive ability which gives our units a brief period of invulnerability after taking lethal damage we were able to really grid it up with their dark archons and get an army up and running that realistically shouldn't have ever been feasible and on the defensive note with our structures and the mind controlled units we were capturing typically doing fantastic long-range damage the waves that came in during the fog started to become pitifully weak and once we mastered death Fleet all we had to do was F2 in a move the remaining objectives and that was about it the same strategy also extended the wreck Shear although it is exponentially more fun here because since this is the legacy of the Void campaign the towel dream just magically poof in a massive Force every few minutes without the need for pesky resources or production facilities or any of that which means later on with a decent amount of dark-cons you can easily claim a respectable three-class eye and three Immortals or three carriers slash tempests every minute or two so predictably by minute 28 will these rates in mind I just had so much towel dream under my control that the mission turned into a complete joke and I was able to completely annihilate everything in my way with ease that's the dark archon you're never going to see them again I'm also going to go ahead and Brace past the next two missions as they're both incredibly boring this one is a slow turtle Fest where we're either AFK first beer of a dune energy to blast the power cores or alternatively AFK for energy to slow push with carriers of the Guardian shell and mass recall abilities both of these aren't interesting and both don't need to be analyzed in depth likewise this is a hero Mission and although we are given the option to build units here in the second segment there aren't any Supply intervals and even if there was it's more than possible to beat this entire segment without making anything and only abducting units with care acts so there's no challenge either way this mission on the other hand is going to be extremely Scrappy I needed to use two units I haven't really been able to use in any of my Starcraft challenges yet and I am so happy I get to finally utilize them before we get into that though I do need to expand a little bit on the early game so I needed to kill this void Shard as quickly as possible and that's kind of problematic because the void shards in this Mission are absolutely horrid to fight so I ended up going for more suicide tactics with orbital bombardment solar bombardment and Sentinel stalkers with a guardian shell passive so there's an interaction with the guardian shell that we're going to be utilizing a ton here so the guardian shell passive activates enemies won't attack or continue to attack that unit so if you just send out one unit and it happens to proc all of the enemies Diago off of it and that gives you a fair amount of time to retreat or push some more damage so that's why our units of choice here were the Sentinel and the stalker since they're unable to be surrounded that short time allows us to blink our stalker away to safety and the Sentinel already has a great move speed but with the ability to resurrect itself upon death and the aggro enemies again it's a two-for-one deal and is always a valid option after juggling this round for a little bit by the time the first Shard is about to go down we can finally unveil the ultimate protoss vessel and God damn it it lives up to the title one thousand Health one thousand Shields a no energy whoa cooldown blink ability a massive AOE stun a decent AOE burst and an attack that does a base of 228 damage that it can fire while moving yeah this thing is insane in other playthroughs it's sometimes just not worth the 10 Supply in over 2 000 resources it takes to acquire but with our very limited Supply and low resource requirements it is absolutely worth it and it's going to make the next step of our plan immensely easier we have to go ahead and clear out these two Landing zones which are just crawling with enemy forces ready to fight us and probably kill us but the MILF ship solves it no problem and it's about this time I can suicide in my starting units in order to get my Arbiters online so the Arbiter has a few Niche abilities that are going to be massively impactful for us first way is it stasis field ability which with these defenses online hat boy deals with every attack wave that aemon can throw at us there are a few different strategies that we have to integrate into every attack wave such as stunning carrier interceptors instead of the carrier wave itself stunning units to block off the ramps or enemies can't gain High Ground Vision or stunning only select groups of units at a time and alternating them but it is pretty simple and luckily with only two Arbiters we can assure our maintain defense and if you're curious why I'm putting so much emphasis on this defending our base isn't structurally difficult but defending her base with absolutely no losses is an entirely different Endeavor and one that only the Arbiter is capable of fulfilling sadly the cloaking ability doesn't work on structures though that isn't very valuable here but there is one other ability that went from Fairly Niche to absolutely vital for us and that's the recall ability first oil for Mama ship is ever in Peril just having an ability that can act as a Lifeline for it without wasting a slot on the Spear of a dune is immensely valuable but more importantly is the fact that we can now wall off our allies Landing zones and let them build up their forces without having to kill another void Shard or possibly luring enemy units towards their location that doesn't apply to the first landing Zone as that opens up after the first Shard anyways and is pretty far away but for the second Shard and especially the third it is absolutely integral as there is no way in hell we're sneaking a probe through all of this so what we're going to do instead is recall a probe in an Energizer to construct the wall and the reason why we're doing this is to assure that aemon never gains vision of our allies and hence never attacks them but primarily it restricts our allies from moving out because despite them having fantastic units that they constantly produce on mass they only send out about 30 to 50 Supply upmost and with avoid shark gaining more and more damage forces stronger forces and all that jazz this ends up being a suicide wave with absolutely no conceivable benefit so caging them in so they don't constantly send out suicide waves and actually get a solid Force up and running is immensely valuable also another positive trait is that when the wall is complete we don't actually have to waste any resources maintaining it so when the walls were constructed this is where I would say I went AFK but realistically I do still have to pay a lot of attention I need to maintain my defenses I need to make sure that my mama ship is still getting off damage and by far most importantly is the fact that I need my probes to keep mining which at this point is really long distance mining this was just a hardcore stalling setup but I needed to maintain a defense for over an hour before I was comfortable enough with my allies forces to take down a void Shard and not all of them mind you but maybe one or two void shards luckily during this time I was able to get down a second void Shard with my mama ship but after enough time passed I felt comfortable enough with my allies forces that I let them out of baby jail I thought that they were capable of taking out two shards and in retrospect yeah I think they were capable of taking out two shards that is if they decided to not wander in three completely different paths and perish so yeah I had to repeat this process a little bit longer but now with the alliance of ourak's forces unfortunately at this point my Mothership was also stuck on team defense as void crystals now gain a One-Shot ability against any unit which effectively made it entirely unusable but after another 30 minutes of stalling I decided to try my luck again but this time I made sure to secure this area as well as this area so that I can wall them off with cyber cores in funnel of my allies into one strict attack timing there was quite a bit of stress here since I knew an attack wave would be coming soon but I ended up timing it well enough that my intended goal ended up going perfectly with this added Aid I was able to give all of my allies she would overcharge and they pretty easily managed to kill off the first Shard with no issues and the second one met a similar fate with our ex-blood hunters and vanguards our single Target damage increased massively which was our Ally's biggest weakness previously obviously barring the terrible pathing with all this combined we're able to comfortably attack the void Shard which very quickly resulted in its destruction and we're now on to the final mission of the campaign and the entire series now I do need to address an elephant in the room if you watch a certain Channel who primarily make Starcraft and Warcraft challenge runs you may very well be yelling at me for not utilizing a piece of tech so there's a weird interaction that you can abuse with a pure fire beam and solar Lance that when used breaks all of the events in a mission and this turns out to be immensely useful in quite a few for example the host turns from this AFK disaster piece to a cakewalk that you can just have to in a move energy approaching them will be extremely dangerous more relevant though in Salvation no attack waves are sent after your base meaning we don't need to maintain defenses past the first five minutes this does unfortunately freeze the timer but with free reign to do literally anything and everything you could possibly want you can just go ahead and casually do this I see an unending tide of protoss signatures sending every last one of the possessed Templar against the Keystone we will hold carrots we must so if it isn't blatantly obvious why I haven't included it breaking the game although kind of hilarious isn't really a satisfying conclusion and I suppose if my attention was to do that making a billion dark archons would probably be a little bit more cinematic so on to the actual conclusion for worse and for worse I decided this would be the mission in which I got rid of my Spear of a dune Supply and also Outlaw any of the tree strategies and my God that was not a great decision so first and foremost we need to utilize our forces at the beginning extremely well I find that using the Sentinel is always good the Vanguard is still a king as always and for the first time ever I decided that it was time for the stalker to be dethroned the adapt will instead take its place here as with proper utilization it is more than possible to use your shade ability on every enemy in every attack wave and I think it goes without saying but a static plus 5 damage on every attack is insane and if you combo that with units that have Splash damage or multiple attacks take for example our previously mentioned Vanguard that's an extremely casual damage increase of uh 80 per attack yeah they're pretty damn good other than that though Shield batteries aren't usually the best on this Mission as enough damage is dealt with that they tend to run out of energy extremely quickly but with our allies pretty much being our only source of fighting units yeah we need to assure their survival for as long as possible speaking of which I actually wasn't able to Chrono boost my mama ship in time which resulted in me getting it at the 13 minute Mark when I should have had that at least three or four minutes ago which wasn't great but fortunately the mama ship is pretty much capable of defending the central path single-handedly which is the main reason why we wanted her as this path is by far the most aggressive and fragile hence it's the one that usually Falls the fastest but afterwards we do need some actual support units and for that I needed Arbiters firstly as always the Arbiter stealth our allies which is debatably useful you really have to keep their positioning in mind as if you don't either the Arbiter can be sniped down which is obviously not great or alternatively the enemy can start bursting down your buildings as they aren't cloaked which usually means your allies will try to push forward a bit more in that usually leaves them in a much more vulnerable position you need to keep them at a range where they're actively with your Allied Forces and cloaking them but not far enough ahead were those two concerns come to pass I found this extremely helpful with careex as with very little support he's essentially able to be entirely self-sufficient it kind of helped out with alrak but with vorazoon she was just not having a good day she was never really able to get her DT dark archon or void Ray count up which means I found myself reinforcing her the most despite my intention to keep the mothership by alrak I'm pretty sure I used her about twice as much by vorazoon instead and this very awkward positioning made a lot of the missions super micro intensive and I forgot to mention one thing in particular about alrak that made it even worse if he lost his foot hold for even a minute I can say goodbye to over a quarter of my available Supply since this is the only entrance with pylons near it and as I've said previously this is usually the entrance that crumbles over the fastest woo eventually at the end although everything was dying exceptionally quickly I was fortunate enough that the enemies were positioning themselves in such a way that I was able to pretty much walk them off at the entrance with my Arbiters and my mother's ship had enough energy Reserve to also reinforce four zones in our expositions with vortexes stalling wasn't how I would imagine this to finish but I can't deny it with this victory in hand I was able to beat Legacy the void on Brutal without constructing additional pylons or nexuses and in fact excluding this one Overlord which I hate with all of my being the entire Trilogy is possible with this rule set and a thing that's pretty neat and I also sincerely hope that you thought it was neat too mostly because this wasn't extremely long Endeavor that lasted over two and a half hours and I don't know why I would watch all this if you didn't at least have a passing interest but uh it's outro time now so now I get to show my patreon in patrons there's no sequel prompt here because there's no Sequel and there is no epwog or Nova covert Ops in bossing say as always a massive thank you to Parabellum Aiden Jacob S Michael P droopy breadman catapult man one chair judge and jury wob kitten naho Yuzu skarner crystalline teddy bear guy cray minister of sauces Mr Bones pyro Musical and Angus Js your support means a lot and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to spend a month on This Disaster piece of a project whether or not that seems like a good trade deal is debatable it's no GameStop or whatever the cool kids are investing in nowadays but I always does not dashcon as always if you want to have your name read in an extremely monotone voice which has previously been described as and I quote amid Western deranged Morgan Freeman exclusive bug videos where I spoiled my dog for an immense amount of time on camera and what kind of objectively be considered drawings feel free to click the link on screen or in the description either way though if you're watching and listening to this you've helped me out way more than you probably think and you're pretty cool for that parasocial sentimentality
Channel: Davey Gunface
Views: 54,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft 2 legacy of the void, starcraft 2 legacy of the void challenge run, starcraft 2 legacy of the void campaign, starcraft legacy of the void campaign, starcraft campaign brutal, davey gunface, davey gunface starcraft 2, davey gunface challenge run, can you beat starcraft 2, can you beat starcraft 2 legacy of the void, davey gunface can you beat
Id: Zxr8G91bCPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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