TRIMMING MY BAREFOOT BARREL HORSE (Preparing for our trip to Texas!)

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I am getting ready to trim Eevee's feet we're getting ready for Texas so that means we got to get her little tootsies in shape um now her I do run all my horses Barefoot um so it makes it super super convenient uh to just trim all my own instead of having to have someone else do it for me but I need to go grab her and bring her in the barn right now I have her tied to the round pin because she was being a little bit of a pill this morning so she got a little bit of a timeout session uh but I'm going to go ahead grab her and we're going to get her feet trimmed hello eie how are you you ready to get your feet trimmed oh yes Little Miss impatient ready to get your feet done all right so as you can see her toes are a little long this one especially um but this foot she has a bit of a flare right through here and the reason for that is because the way she stands she stands with this foot forward when she grazes this foot goes forward this foot goes back and she's standing with her toe and putting all that pressure right here on that toe so we're going to I'll probably start on that foot first I was kind of like to do that anyway start on that foot first work on it and then I always do the front feet first that if anything ever happens you know um they're at least balance on the front instead of doing you know front and then back and then back and then front I just like to do front first and then the back but oops as you can see right here as I was saying that flare right there her heels are pretty even um everything looks like it's wearing pretty even here so I don't want to change any of that all I want to do is just kind of trim it back um cuz she is sound I know this is not like an ideal foot but she does run fairly successfully on this foot so yes Madam so we're just going to trim it back I'm not going to take any Soul away um made trimmer bars back just a little bit but anyway let's get to it all right stop I don't stop I don't necessarily like to use the Nippers quite as much as a lot of faers um it's like her feet yeah I can get done faster using the Nippers especially at this area right here but you have a little bit more control with your WRA and you do Nippers so anyone who's just starting out you know go ahead and use your Nipper or your uh rasp more than your Nippers cuz that's going to save you a lot of Heartache cuz you can't put material back you just got to let it grow got to let it grow back as you can see try to help you see it here but got that flare right there if I'm putting all that weight on that corner now a lot of that has to do with the fact that I was not able to keep her feet trim the way I wanted to um when I was working at Amazon I didn't have the time for it and that made me very upset so I've been being very diligent here lately and trying to make sure that her feet are where they should be especially now we're getting ready to go to Texas so one place I will use the Nippers trim your toe back some especially on that little flare we you're doing so good oh please don't step on my okay try to make this hook wall the same disc or the same width all the way around I may go ahead and shave off a little bit more on that [Music] player so that way [Music] okay when she goes to walk we're not putting any extra stress now I will say Eevee this play used to be much worse it's gotten a lot better especially now that she's in work like it'll be a maaz even not having shoes on you know that blood flow gets to their foot and their Barefoot and they heal so much faster in many ways and that's why I like to keep them Barefoot P you better okay so I'm just going to round this she does have a pretty good little FL it's just this flare it's growing out pretty nice it's about right here right here is where the flare stops so the next few trim Cycles hopefully we can get get that little bitty flare on control and you'll have a very pretty food I am that perfectionist okay there you go good all right so another thing I really like to use is Hof armor um now she does have really good feet and I didn't pair any of that Soul away but I just want to be a little more safe than sorry uh I'm gonna put this hoof armor on her um it's not going to hurt her to have it on because all this does um if you've got like a horse that has a thin sole even if they have shoes on you want to give them a little bit more protection this just creates a thin barrier over the sole so it's kind of like an extra skin or an extra sole that just helps protect it and if you got a horse has thin soles or Tender soles um this is really good it also helps um to thicken that sole as well helps build more so material you want to make sure your surface is clean let me go ahead and scrape some of this away now the reason I'm not trimming this here that is a callus I'm not touching that we're going to leave it if I trim it it will more than likely make her a little bit tender we don't want that we want her to stay nice and sound cuz she's already Super Sound On The Rocks Super Sound everywhere we go so we want it to stay like that so how we do this this normally comes with a little um nozzle on the top I don't know where it's at so we're just going to going to use this the way it is you just put little little drops it is much more much more effective o e stop when you only use a few drops put that there and then what you do use baby powder I just have lime just cover it voila that foot is done it already looks so much prettier her angle is a lot better she's got good heel height I'm try to see if I can't show you a flare at all but yeah she's got just a little bit of a flare there that will go away as long as we keep that toe trimmed back so now we're going to go on to her good foot this is her good foot her toe is just a little long uh but it's super easy to get turned back um a lot more not more balanced surface on this foot versus this foot but she does have pretty little feet and even though they're white she is sounded on the rocks and a lot of that has to do with her diet growing up and um getting plenty of movement getting good trims not as frequent as of course I wanted to as I said but she does have pretty good feet for for being a a white- footed horse her feet do grow pretty quick that is one thing about my horses is that their feet do grow very fast same with the other foot take just a little bit of that protruding bar out of there leave the rest oh I to way over here why did you move [Music] all right her front feet are done this looks a lot better she's not really standing on even even Matt so and she's not standing where she should be but that is a much better foot than it was when we first started now we get to do her [Music] backf he will survive [Music] there if you like this video go ahead leave a thumbs up I still have ripped coughing over there leave a thumbs up subscribe I hope I've earned your subscription today I do have more horses that I need to trim but I also got to move my cows first they're starting to have babies now we've got like five babies on the ground Little Miss impatience I'll see you all in the next video and uh until then work hard stay Misfits [Music] [Music]
Channel: Misfit Barrel Racing Studios
Views: 1,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barrel Racer, Equestrian, Horses, Barefoot Horse, Barefoot Trimmer
Id: -uQwU1SZ9bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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