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whoa we're at roblox ragdoll over a wall wow how do you play this game this game is super unique so check this out i don't see all these walls we can't even jump over this first one right yeah dude i can't get over it but check this out you can actually make clones of yourself that are ragdolls check this out wait what are you doing wow i made some clones of myself that are ragdolls i'm going to make some more and now we can jump over these to get over the wall wow it works this game is awesome yeah guys now not only are we gonna beat all these basic walls we are actually gonna go max level in this video and show you guys the secret strategies to beat this for example the wall whoa it's so tall we're gonna get to the top of that that's not even the craziest part guys we actually in this video show you guys how to beat the max level statue over here look at this this won't even fit on our screen whoa guys this video is gonna be crazy make sure to watch to the end dude let's rag doll okay on three one two three [Music] what is up guys welcome to this episode of laggy box today we're seeing if we can go max level in roblox ragdoll over walls whoa what is it we're getting red dolls through the walls whoa it's like a pretty cool like obby puzzle game where you gotta use ragdolls to get over obstacles okay it says reset to make rag dolls wait what reset to make ragdolls okay i oofed and then what oh oh we made a ragdoll version of ourselves oh so you gotta like make a rag doll of yourself and then jump on it you gotta make a pile of your own cells wow this game is funny wait that's actually really creative for a game i've never seen this before yeah so eventually guys we're gonna try to go max level and we're gonna have like a super tall tower of lanky box ragdoll you gotta make a bunch of little rag dolls of ourselves wow gotta actually be creative now we can use teamwork to make the dream work out we gotta do this yeah okay we're ragdolling we're really ragdolling with everything we're worth we're gonna make a super big lanky box pile i'm a rag doll oh so you can just um buy ragdolls you can make 200 rag dolls with 75 robux whoa that's cool hey we're not going to spend any roll bugs yet guys but we might have too soon yeah you're right oh we might have to oh can i get up there yeah nice press the button press the button nice oh we did it adam presses the button and opens it for me too nice wow and zoom way out you can see we got to get to that super high platform hey we're going max level hey yo hey yo guys we're gonna try our best to beat as many of these as we can i know there's one at the end we're gonna try that's basically impossible and we're gonna try and do it okay adam now when will you make the pile let me get over the top so i can press the button okay all right you gotta go here we go okay we're making the pile we gotta make the pile ow look oh look how happy this dusty looks give me chillin chillin all right let's go nice okay teamwork makes a dream work we're making a pretty big pile already awesome all right nice we're looking pretty good dude this would be a fun game to play with like 10 other people yeah pretty easy to beat but we don't know 10 friends yeah so in our case we just probably got to spend robux eventually we don't know any friends yeah we got this oh oh oh oh okay yeah well we got the lanky box plushies true okay i wouldn't jump on them though adam they're our friends yeah you're right they're awesome yo we need to make this pile like wider it's too tall yeah it's not very stable okay come on adam come on let's go wow this game is so fun okay this is a pretty creative game i've never played anything like this in roblox oh you can get to the top all right let me make it up there and here we go all right you gotta do it here we go easy easy easy peasy easy peasy no wait don't wait how did you get up oh you jump from here nice okay here we go nice wait did it okay you get larger every time you win so if you get to the end you get larger then it's easier to make it to the end oh it's almost like a simulator that's cool that was like a tycoon wow you can see your stats you can see your stats see oh i see i'm super tired yeah okay let's keep going oh yeah it says total wins and total rag dolls made oh wow okay i'm just gonna try and buy a hundred rag dolls see what happens oh good idea i just want to see what happens whoa they're spawning in from everywhere whoa it's raining justin it's raining justice that's awesome oh the little jessies are piling up everywhere that's so cool oh oh wait they spawned one on the top no justin get up oh i jumped on one to get up here oh no way this is sick i'm gonna press the button oh and we're still spotting more wow this is helpful yo this is addicting okay let's go jump jump jump jump all the justies oh they're still coming down there's so many justices of just the army whoa this is sick how many did you spawn i spotted a hundred wow that's a lot of justin it's too many justices that's 99 too many justices oh can we get up to the top oh can i like try boosting you that's all that's all we got it's all hundred we gotta go back to working hard adam all right now i did see in the shop there's a double rag doll so every time you drop two ragdolls okay let's go yeah so now we'll go twice as fast okay let's go that's pretty cool okay nice okay nice all right i'm ragdolling oh we can increase our size too just paying for it oh nice i'm gonna increase my size by ten see how big i get because i gotta get thick whoa are you bigger now oh i'm definitely bigger oh i'm way bigger awesome okay okay let me see let me see nice oh yeah i'm way bigger dude yeah that's definitely going to help in a long way so oh yeah it makes two ragdolls every time now oh okay adam we're back to ragdoll we got to make a bunch of ragdolls we got to get over here yeah you're right come on justine a huge pile of justin and adam we gotta go back level we gotta go next level we gotta see how many wins we can do yeah dude nice keep going adam keep going don't know what the prize is at the end of this like last uh puzzle keep working adam i would go talk to lil justy over here you doing all right justine doing okay he's taking a little nap okay what's happening okay we're still working all right we're still zooming over here wow nice nice nice okay nice oh we're close to the top guys okay yeah i think we can get there i think we can get there all right here we go here we go i make the jumps i'm making the jumps i'm gonna make the jumps nice stop okay we gotta make a few more rag dolls adam just a couple more okay keep making rag dolls adam all right i'm trying to jump up there we go make some rag dolls do it nice oh we gotta make some more ah we eat it ourselves don't knock them off at them calm down calm down calm down stop knocking them i'm ragdolling no calm down okay ragdoll all right there you go and then don't move and just let him let him stay there and then rag doll and see that's how you do it guys calm down all right here we go we made it nice awesome we got past that one wow that's really satisfying look at that yeah wow you can see all of our hard work wow okay we're back to ragdoll guys these last levels might take a long time actually dude there's a trophy at the end guys it's the win that's how you get a win yeah we gotta get the trophy i'm back to ragdoll and i'm back to ragdoll yeah so yeah if you guys have a bunch of friends like or whatever uh then this game will be a lot easier because you guys could all be making ragdolls at the same time that's what i'm saying adam that's what i said yes that's like a little hack okay here we go okay be popular okay and go slow and steady don't don't don't be like adam jumping everywhere slow down we'll slow down because if you make the ragdolls and they fall off there's no point right go nice and slow nice that's that's perfect that's perfect right there oh nice oh got a good pile there he goes okay there we go oh nice okay oh oh nice okay okay nice nice nice nice nice okay nice okay you gotta try and get good rag doll placement all right i'm a rag doll right here ah nice cool keep going oh they fell off ouch yeah sometimes they just kind of drop off well the rag dolls ate them oh come on this could actually get difficult yeah especially if they get super high oh this is gonna be really difficult uh oh ouchy i can't even make one that stays on the pile now yeah oh okay oh oh no oh there we go if they fall off the side they don't count huh okay nice okay okay calm down calm down don't move it don't move hate him all right there we go nice okay nice nice nice nice nice yeah slow down and we got slow oh okay okay nice got caught oh okay slow down slow down adam all righty there you go ragdoll go nice nice nice nice nice i see that's good placement good ah you guys slow down and if you guys slow down guys in life you can't rush nice okay we're making a nice pile i'm a rag doll right here yep nice nice nice back dice nice nice nice oh nice okay nice okay this is really good and we have the double on too if we didn't have that it'd be really difficult yeah we're halfway there or over halfway i think we're there i think oh adams didn't stay there that time um okay i got it oh no oh they fell down i thought i had a rag doll all right i'm ragdolling right here yeah that's it you should be able to get up that's good oh nice we got two there oh come on so close come on out yeah nice okay we're getting better at this game cool teamwork it takes a real skill guys i'm gonna try and lay a good foundation nice oh good idea i'm gonna go really wide on the foundation this time oh okay cool big brain dude i got a big brain i got a big brain yeah you're right okay nice i'm gonna make see i'm i'm smart i'll make a big layer of justice instead of just piling up oh it's like a pyramid see now they'll all stand now i'll stay here oh okay i'm gonna i'm gonna spawn right here i got a big brain dude see oh this is great this is great yeah we're gonna make a pyramid of lanky box that might be the hack in this game guys is just make like a big base so that they'll all stay here right because yeah if you just make like a really tall skinny tower then they're just gonna fall off yeah they'll fall off the side yeah yeah oh this is big brain it's actually gonna work i think you're on to something okay this is nice this is big brain and this is a big practice for later in the video when we try like super hard levels yeah because yeah if you don't have a good foundation it's not going to be good got a good foundation we're looking good oh nice that was good okay i like it i like it this game's kind of random where you land yeah dude and we we bought the double game pass if we didn't have that this would be a lot harder yeah it would take a long time okay nice we're looking good okay nice oh right nice cool i stayed on we made a really good oh wow these walls are getting really tall adam oh boy oh spaghettios yeah look at look at how narrow our tower was on last one look at that yeah we managed to beat it though that's real difficult though all right let's keep going nice and slow okay yep that was good oh cool okay nice nice nice okay you know what i want to buy the 200 rag dolls oh it's gonna start raining justice all right let's see if we can get to the top all right this should work oh they're all just falling off oh man this is not good they're all just falling off into nowhere oh but some of them are staying on then no they're all just falling off they're tumbling oh i'm trying to try to jump on one in the air oh i did it no way wow all right go let's keep going because i still got 200 spotted let's go yeah maybe you could try more of those hacks like that ah i can jump on all the justice jump on the justice all right i might have to spawn in a adam's rainstorm as well okay do it do it do it all right here we go oh i'm buying them so glitchy this is so much fun actually wow look at that dude the stack on the last one was shorter than this one but we got over with like a hack yeah dude the game's like lagging we got too many ragdolls oh i almost made it oh no way dude i actually almost made it from there oh yeah cause you can like jump on your own clones yeah exactly oh oh i almost made it there again wow look at how many lanky box characters there are no it's not enough to get us over the wall come on i feel like you're kind of wasting the boost because we're not being smart with where the ragdolls land at all yeah but it is helping speed it up though for sure is it yeah because we're already almost halfway oh the game's lagging my game's lagging oh oh my game's lagging it's okay oh it's lagging oh we're almost to the top though oh it's lagging oh what am i oh i did it wow we both got there [Applause] all right guys we're on the final round of this first part okay guys yo this is getting tricky look at the piles that's actually really satisfying guys the roblox is lagging though there's too many dusty's everywhere yeah they're spawning like crazy probably a thousand justice on this map right now all right they're reigning in okay keep going and keep going hey let's let's call it another 200 let's go that's a good call right now okay i'm just gonna stand still and just let them all just come in oh a big pile it's lagging it's lagging so badly oh boy i'm lagging i'm am i lagging you got it dude i'm lagging oh it looks good now it looks okay it's still lagging it's probably super laggy when you like have the rain of uh stuff because that's a lot of roblox did you buy another one yeah mine's still going oh okay you buy 200 yeah oh i almost made it right there come on we gotta get to the top jump jump jump jump jump ah i get the trophy i can't do it oh i almost made it with the help of a dusty rag doll come on come on come on okay we're getting close please just a few more i can't even see what's going on there's too many justices which one is the real dusty oh you're right there don't worry i can't even tell which one's the real me who is the real justy dude you're so we can close it we can do it oh oh oh i almost made it come on please no keep jumping don't give up oh elves made it again don't give up i got you off it's all up to you don't give up don't give up there's an item at the top and press the button oh i almost made it i always made it oh man yeah our clones are making it but not us i'm still jumping for all i'm worth i'm a jumping jelly bean oh we got it dude go oh i'm so close come on okay let's just let the rag dolls pile up it's not working right now okay good idea okay okay oh i made it on top okay hold on wait for me wait for me all right you got it dude wait for me i gotta get a jump i gotta get a jump i'm waiting i'm just gonna let the ragdolls pile up hold on hold on all right i'm gonna see if this can be yeah okay yeah if you just oh oh it's not moving okay i'm gonna call it some more all right it's right here oh there's just like item heads over here wow yeah guys i think all that jumping around probably slowed it down a little bit because then they were like fallen oh nice nice we made it all right three two one get the trophy wow awesome we got one win one win so now we get to make our guy bigger wait where do we go now 32 to 64. two wins every completion what oh it's like a more difficult one can we get over this yo we got to get over the tallest one dude no way we got you is that even possible don't be negative adam okay now i think which one's the tallest one this one is 150 tall this one's 200 tall oh wait you have to get four wins to go over here oh i get it wait but if we beat this one we'll get three wins and that's four wins in total oh oh this one like slopes this way that's gonna be hard okay let's do this one the wall all right we can do this for sure hey we're gonna do this one dude hey uh uh actually i don't know if we're gonna do this one a rainbow wall i'm buying the ragdoll time to buy the ragdolls go go go go go all right i'm going to spawn mine on the right side and i just got left oh wait they can't fall off the side oh that helps so much wow that's way more helpful mine are falling off but maybe yours are invincible are they really yours are falling off yeah a little bit because mine are super thick wait no they're not falling off yo we're lagging so badly oh boy we're lagging like crazy oh wow i'm lagging bro i'm lagging i'm lagging all right i'm gonna select i'm just gonna let mine yeah i'm gonna try not to move too much i'm lagging so badly dude is my computer still on yeah it is don't worry look at the little items adjust he's falling off the side there's too many look like little ants oh we're gonna get that high up oh we just gotta believe in ourselves we gotta buy a thousand of these dude we gotta buy thousands of rag dolls yeah you're right okay okay my computer might explode dude if you go to the menu the computer might explain you can see the total amount of rag dolls you made it's almost a thousand justin's my our computer might explode hold on i gotta i gotta go roblox and turn out the graphic settings okay adam hopefully this is better all right yeah oh wait also we can buy agility so we can jump higher oh really yeah buy that oh that'll help okay we can jump higher by 50 all right cool okay nice and we're still oh okay okay yeah we got a big pile here whoa i like almost did a hack where i was almost like jumping to the top whoa okay oh you still spawning uh yeah i am whoa there's so many out of adjusting oh we're under the purple this is crazy if we do this guys it's gonna be absolutely nuts bro yeah how many wins do we get if we beat this we get three so then we can move on to the hardest one move on no the hardest one of all time except i think my computer will explode if we try to do that yeah we might have to restart roblox before we even try i think my computer is going to explode at him oh it's going to catch on fire oh oh it actually fixed it because all these ones went away oh okay that's good oh and we're not spawning i'm spawning more i'm spotting more all right you want me to spawn yeah spawn all right we're spawning in some atoms oh we're spawning in some lag is what we're doing oh roblox getting laggy oh boy robot's getting laggy and we ain't got no super computers okay let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on whoa yeah most people will probably quit at this point i would never quit we don't quit here guys oh we made it up two colors and there's four colors to go all right so we can do it we're a third of the way so far so good yeah there's so many dusties and items wow come on adam keep going keep going it would be pretty cool to have your own twin what i have my own twin justine oh yeah you have a twin sister that's cool i got justine yeah okay now we're actually showing adam's camera because my computer is lagging so much guys wow guys check it out i'll show you guys the tower from a distance hey yo we're halfway wow that's crazy i gotta go back up the tower yeah wait if you guys look at my screen now we're back on my screen it's not lagging too bad i think it lags really bad when both of us are spawning and and we're like in the same spot yeah but we're almost at the yellow are you spawning right now you're not no i'm not okay if you spawn my computer's gonna go boom boom and we gotta watch on item screen all right you got it okay adam's doing good adam you guys spot yeah i know okay do it all right i'm making some rag dolls okay do it nice okay all right now the computer's gonna go boom boom okay guys here we go nice oh man oh man we got look at how many justices we got over here we got so many okay nice oh my computer's not lagging too badly oh oh it's okay well adam hasn't spawned yet okay now adam's spawning and yes instantly my computer has almost exploded all right we'll see what happens all right we're on edit screen now okay it's looking pretty good you can get oh okay he's looking pretty good we're almost there oh you guys can see we got the yellow and then the green and that's all we need we're almost there while was there come on spawn atom spots here oh oh mine stops buying i'm gonna buy it again nice i'll buy it again i'll buy it again we must go higher oh there's so many there's probably like ten thousand adam and justice in here whoa i almost can't even get to the top of where i make it guys i think we're lagging because not only are we spotting we're also we have the double game pass all right so we're making two ragdolls every time look at it look at how many there are there's too many wait you show the whole pile all right here's the whole pile how many there are there's so many ragdolls is this what it feels like to be an aunt i have a bunch of friends i fell down the pile no i gotta go back up you gotta just reset there's no getting back up this thing oh this is crazy oh go back up nice okay this is a very unique roblox game never played anything like this before oh man okay guys hey it's lagging but it's lagging on adam's computer too there's there's no help in this we got oh oh i made it you actually did it i don't know how that even happened i just jumped like that wow i'm gonna unlock it i got it for both of us let's go sweet we made it to the end of this one we got four wins which means we can go hey now should we try the max level one hey dude i think we should are you serious bro our computer is gonna explode yeah wait it says what it says nine wins what do you mean oh it was four to unlock these oh okay that's still pretty max level okay should we do wait this one's easy this one has like steps oh okay we could try it this one's easy bro come on let's go the pyramid all right this one should be pretty easy because it's like a staircase all right i'll try all right let's go let's go let's go yo i'm about to beat the first part of this right now well that's pretty easy okay let's go oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh my god wow look these jelly's like stuck in the wall so i can stand on them oh wow nice it's like rock climbing okay let's go let's go i'm spawning i'm spawning again i'm spawning again oh yeah this is easy okay okay lanky box rock climbing okay wait this is very interesting if they spawn and they get stuck in the wall it's very easy to jump up them yeah all right nice oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh you can jump on it i'm jumping out oh i made it oh sweet guys yo this might be the way to farm wins yeah because the pyramid one you can use this like hack to get up there yeah wait what this is the hack that the roblox developers don't want you to know about let's go oh keep going up higher come on are you still spawning items yeah okay nice i'm trying to get up to where you're at though okay nice you can do it oh oh i made it again really hey yo i'm solo climbing this bro dude i'm still stuck at the lower stage you gotta have the skill with the jumps okay nice okay nice okay nice come on get me up there okay okay nice i'm one behind you now oh oh oh oh once you get one of them stuck in the wall it's actually really easy whoa is that the hack another one stuck yes i made it again no way you almost had the trophy what was it the trophy doing a solo climb bro guys look at how much we've learned just by playing this game like it's a hard level but we still managed to beat it so quick yo you can actually like rock climb all the i made it no way hey yo i gotta do that again and wait did you did you get it you got the trophy i got it wait so how many wins do i have i'm climbing up i have seven wins if i can do that again we can go to the max level area adam no way are your ragdolls still on the wall oh they aren't but i learned the strategy guys i learned the hack oh good idea okay yo this game is sick i actually feel like i learned to hack yeah definitely all right all right nice nice all right so but to do this hack you do have to buy the roblox the ragdoll spawner yeah which does cause robux guys oh yeah i can just solo climb this whoa i don't know why it works so well on this map but it really does and then we get to the max level wall yo this hack is busted yeah that's a lot of fun guys this hack is so much fun i i feel like it's it's like a rock climbing out myself oh oh i almost made it the trophy on mine yo this game is sick wow okay i did make it to the trophy guys it's possible by yourself huh yeah whoa sweet oh i'm getting through here i'm getting through here look i got a bridge of justice to stand on wow come on come on i'm almost there again i'm almost at the top again wow cool i'm there i'm there i'm almost there all right i got 13 total wins oh how did you get 13 i don't know wait is that a glitch you get to win twice maybe check your menu i think it gave you the win twice i said i don't know how i got 13. we glitched the game guys you guys see on my screen it says total wins 13. we glitched the game not only are we doubling our ragdolls we're doubling our wins i'll take it guys yeah cause you had seven so then it gave you 10 and then 13. yeah you won twice whoa cool i have double winner chicken dinner silken dinner winner winner chilkin dinner i made it though no way i almost did i almost did okay nice oh let's hope the hack works for justin as well maybe i can get two wins back to back yeah ow let me up let me up let me up let me up justice come on please okay nice come on one of them needs to get stuck oh yep that one's stuck oh can i jump on him oh oh oh oh i gotta jump yep i'm like blocking my my own way okay yup get out of the way justine oh you pushed yourself just hey that's some deep life lessons never get in the way of your own success hey come on justin get out the way you're your own worst enemy that's what i'm saying bro come on nice okay okay i got did i get the win yeah can i get it again can i cheese it no way this is what happened adam he got glitched at the top yeah guys like it took me i thought the game was broken i thought it wasn't like spawning me i have 10 wins can i get 13 please i just stay on there hopefully it works did you just get did you just get reset like this yeah it just took like a minute of me just standing there i was gonna stand here go on the trophy too oh and then yeah just go on the on the checkpoint again that's what i did for it to work i can't even stand on it because there's too many justices all your clones are trying to get the wins too just oh wait i got two wins yeah we both got 13. can we go to the max level wow we don't take l's here guys give us that w we gotta learn we gotta use what we learned to go here wait this is seven wins every completion is this the max level it's the max level this is the hardest because yeah how do you even beat this well why like the statue like all your ragdolls will just fall off hey let's hey let's get to climbing guys we're gonna beat the toughest level in this video guys no cap oh boy oh you gotta like go you gotta like switch the side oh wait how'd you get over there i don't know i get confused oh you can jump up on the foot yeah let's see okay oh i almost made it again oh this is this is a real challenge guys this is no joke this is gonna be hard do we need to like upgrade our guy before we do that no adam oh okay oh i can just kind of climb it oh really oh is this just a hobby is this just is this just a hobby no way yo wait hey hey yo yo i might solo climb this i might yolo climb this oh no oh no oh no no no no no i need a good job i need a good job come on oh no way justin beats the hardest part of the game i'm about halfway this game is very difficult i gotta find the right place to go i think i gotta sneak around and go over here guys make sure you leave a like and subscribe for good luck right now this is not gonna be easy this is gonna be so difficult bro i don't know how to get up here bro maybe go around the other way because it's like slanted that way what like and now never mind that won't work i think i got to go here i just need some justice here to stand on come on please ragdoll this is really difficult if you didn't have the ragdoll spawner this would be very this would be impossible well if you had friends it'd be possible that is true oh i went for it and i made it whoa yo this is like half game half hobby because you just got to make these jumps that are really difficult yeah can you get one of your clones to stick uh yeah if i can get some my old clothes pushed me down no no guys we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it dude i need clothes to spawn here i need oh man i need to i need to buy this while i'm still jumping good idea good idea jumping jelly bean i'm a jumbo jelly bean the clothes are just raining down i don't even know i don't even know what's going on i'm on the bottom now yo yo you can do it we can do it we can do it together come on all right we gotta beat this together believe it yourself adam i will always believe in myself okay that's good oh yup oh you you have to get the clone spawner otherwise there's no getting up here yeah oh gee i fell to the bottom like a lot of roblox games you pretty much have to spend robux unless you have like a hundred friends yeah that would help too uh which we definitely do not have we don't even have one nope we can make your mom a roblox account if we clone if we do make one friend then we can use the the clone thing to make a hundred huh like if we take if we end up making one friend we can use this the cloner in this game to make 100 friends so you're saying we should make your mom make a roblox account yeah and then she could clone herself okay that's a good i'll tell her about that lady all right cool yeah how'd you how did you make it past this how did i make it past this that first time i don't know i think uh just luck and skill darn it oh it's okay i want to beat this adam i don't know if we can though it's getting really difficult oh we got so high up dude we actually got so lucky though because i don't know what happened in the game like it glitched wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can i just upgrade my size and become huge can you match your size to 110. all right i'm super thick now maybe i can make bigger jumps whoa you are really big okay i'm definitely bigger oh yep yep oh no no no but the big the jumps do seem a little easier now okay here i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it right here bro check this out all right i gotta buy 200 okay okay no way this works okay here we go okay there's nothing else we can buy guys we had to spend a bunch of robots to get this to go all right i'm gonna go around here okay nice now i need i need one to spawn above me they're just falling down from everywhere that's not good oh they're spotting them too high oh they're like caught up there i gotta get something to spawn around here i don't know how to do that oh there we go oh that's not what i want okay go around here i need oh yes yes no they fell ah that's where we need them to spawn how did i do this the first time i think i just got really lucky yeah you like jumped on yourself in the air i mean it does seem like if you just buy enough you can just get up right but it would cost like hundreds of robux yeah and the computer would explode that's true yeah i don't know if the computer would even be able to do it that no all the clones are stuck come on come on that was close come on come on come on i need someone to spawn under me guys it's getting tricky guys it's getting tricky it's all right although wait i feel like with mag size the area is filling up really fast look yeah i could try buying max size buyback size hey we're gonna spend roblox we're gonna do it we will get to the top guys if the computer goes boom boom it's it's not our fault guys we need everyone to leave a like because this video is going to get expensive and take a while tell adam tell adam's mom we did it for science yeah you're right we did it for science she doesn't like us spending money but we tell her that it's for the videos and that it's important it's for science and then she still gets really mad at us and it's okay because i'm trying to become the next musk oh i wonder if like you could like jump on me yeah i think we could use teamwork actually here all right i'm right here all right all right stand still oh i can't even i can't even move bro i can't i'm lagging all right hold on all right nice jump on your head i can't jump on your head oh we can only jump on the rag dolls i get it that's okay i think if we just wait long enough all these ragdolls falling down no they'll fill up this whole thing if you tilt the camera to look down then that you're you stick to the this more so you don't like fall down about man i don't know does that really work oh we're not raining anymore i gotta buy more more spawn are you max size that's really important yeah i max my size okay nice come on please make some fries later i made it i made oh i know i had it ah i had it then i fell like an idiot oh oh i had it again and i felt like an idiot oh man oh my computer's lagging oh the computer is saying bye bye the computer is saying bye bye guys come on try on this side the computer saying bye-bye there's too much going on there's way too much the computer is my computer still on is your computer lagging yeah but it's okay can you still see they're definitely like filling up this area though way bigger yeah way faster because we bought max eyes my computer has had enough oh oh i think we can reliably get up here now nice yeah you're right okay now guys when you get here you want to sneak across here and we got dude we got one little justice here that saves us here no way can you jump on them i hope so yes yes i can oh no no oh that would have been clutch the computer has had enough bro it's not it's not my computer's like off right now wait i'm pretty high up oh yeah yeah i would be if my computer was getting more than one frame per second oh wow there's like a staircase of atoms here yeah i was using that to climb up yo wait this might be the half part no i'm gonna try and jump on this atom check this out try it wow you bumped your head no this game is crazy okay let's go let's go okay we can reliably get over this part though yeah you're right we were stuck here before hey we're not neither of us are spawning anymore oh boy ah i almost had it gotta buy some more yo the little ladder of items might might get us out of here yeah it's the secret hack yo the ladder of atoms oh no i can't even tell what's going on my computer is lagging so hard oh boy i've never seen this much lag in a roblox game in my life guys if you've ever played this game and been able to make it to the top let us know because i think this would be really hard unless you spend a ton of roblox yeah which is what we're doing right okay nice okay okay okay i'm making progress i'm making progress i'm gonna try and go around the back around here oh nice okay i can't oh there's so many items oh oh oh oh oh it worked i made a bunch of progress though i think i know like a path to get up there oh guys there's the end we're so close are we actually close well there's a couple more okay i'm actually not oh i'm still spawning i was gonna say i'm actually not spying no i bump my head okay i can make it i can i can make it i can make it i believe just got to believe in ourselves adam we got to believe dude i hope i hope if we do this for too long that the game doesn't despawn all of our clones that would be very very bad that happens guys we're into the video i'ma i'ma break my computer yeah i would be pretty upset if it i'm about to break the computer anyways because there's too much lag okay i i think okay i think only i'm spawning let's just keep it that way don't spawn anything for now okay you guys otherwise our computer is gonna explode you got it how come i can't jump wait a minute guys i'm actually i'm actually getting up pretty high yeah guys it's actually like an hobby now of what just gotta jump on the right oh oh okay okay i'm right behind you i'm right behind you can i go up here oh yes oh there's so many up here yeah i know why are there so many up here i guess they like spawned here this jesse look at this jesse just gave up on it on himself can i go up here no no this jesse just gave up entirely on everything oh oh yeah oh yeah higher than me okay okay okay close okay just gotta find the right jumps [Music] no way hey yo hey yo hey yo oh no this guy's t-posing or something no way he's making it real difficult i i think if i spawn a bunch up here i can do it are you sure you want to spawn you just want to try it i'm not i'm not going to there's how am i going to make any jumps here i can't i just don't want you to get bonked off i'll try to not get bumped off but i need to spawn some friends around here all right i have to i there's no other choice oh guys justin is so high up right now guys we can do it i think if i just spawn a bunch right here i can make it really yeah yeah yeah yeah all right try your best that's all what i always do in my life adam okay and sometimes my best is not enough but today it will be today it must be okay i got all these gusty friends with me we have our awesome viewers yeah how could i not do it you can't let everyone down i won't adam i won't i won't not again all right i'm i'm getting up there oh oh oh oh oh no what happened what happened oh i almost fell all the way back down dude that would have been terrible come on come on come on guys come on guys all right i'm right next to you nice we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it all right i'll be the guinea pig and just try to do it normally i think you can go around here yeah this way but then there's nowhere to go from there on the guy's back oh wait you can just climb on his back yeah wait wait why can't you just do that and then we both made it wait hold on don't celebrate too early don't celebrate too early there's too many justices there's too many justices i actually can't i actually i actually fell i just fell i actually fell oh god i fell i fell okay i'm gonna try and get back one more time if i can't we're gonna look on adam's screen okay bro come on okay there's so many dude i shouldn't have spawned you're right we could have just done it without the justice oh man no we needed the justice for moral support yeah okay okay i'm getting back there okay i'm getting back there at least it's easy to get back there yeah because all the spawns oh no maybe it's not easy to get back there where do i go from here try going around the leg up the leg that one yeah yeah yeah okay we're not spotting anything right now so now there's no more lag oh thank goodness thank goodness all right guys you're about to see the very top of the very max level obstacle how did you get up oh one jump okay yo we did it way it can we get up there though yeah yes wow we made it did it dude wow guys leave away you can subscribe go check out what a journey this has been hey yo we actually made it to the top of it i never thought in a million years we would do that wow look at how many total wins you have yo we got 20 wins that was a journey we get max level because we did the rag doll imma go eat a cinnamon roll [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 5,021,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox funny, lankybox ragdoll, lankybox ragdoll over a wall, roblox ragdoll, roblox ragdoll over a wall, lankybox rage, lankybox obby, lankybox ragdoll simulator
Id: bg6QKqq4VrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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