Can we clean a corroded PCB using FLUX?

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hi guys welcome to learn electronics repair I thought I'd make a video about corrosion on the electronics this is an old graphics card but the problem could be anywhere to be quite honest I haven't had a lot of Joy cleaning up this sort of corrosion with very good for example the last time I actually dissolved uh some of the pins in an AGP slot so if we look at this you can see it's quite messy just gotta focus on it there you go you can see this is really quite messy a lot of corrosion around on it especially on these memory chips okay and elsewhere out here as well you can see the mess we have so I thought we could try and I don't know how this is going to work out by the way I really don't know we could try creating the job basically using Forks because that's what flux is for yeah so I thought I'd go around these chips you can see the mess they're in and try drag sold me with Fox and this Soldier tonight A nice chunky tip and see how clean they come up okay these ones at the end for example that one is pretty good actually this one not so bad but you can see on the side this one is much worse okay these two in particular so that's what we've faced with and that's what we're going to try and sort out and we'll also have a loop down in this area as well you can see the mess we have down there and down there okay the connector on the end of this thing as well you can see it okay I'm just gonna try this to see if it actually works I mean you never know with these things but I'll be surprised if it does work so we'll attach that on there we'll put on an old Pentium too that's what it came from what this is called working bought we've tried it before a lot of recorder booty videos and let's see if it works and then if it does well if it doesn't makes no difference let's try and clean this up okay so there we have our graphics card off connected this speaker power supply we'll just switch this on let's see what it does well the fan spinning or trying [Music] yeah and that blip say no graphics card so we know it can't see the graphics card The Edge connector itself that's pretty good I don't think that's the cause of the problem okay I think it's much more likely it's all this corrosion okay let's get on with this if it works afterwards that's a bonus but if it looks good afterwards well that's a result yeah let's go so which Fork should we use well this is the one I normally use this is nc559asm this is probably a copy of it it comes from AliExpress but it works very well another one I have is this this is probably the strongest foot I have this is a hard Forks but I can probably get enough of his on there with the chunky soldering iron tip so we can try that but we'll try the five five nine first let's see what this does I'll start with this chip here I think so I'll add some flux and that will Zoom down for you guys okay see well we have plenty of folks I want to get plenty on I don't think you can put too much on for this sort of work to be honest certainly plenty of hooks on there Fox is definitely not overrated step left step by the way so we have that um normal ready solder 0.6 mil we use this one mechanic so that's what we're going to use and we'll use a bc3 tip on the T12 set at 380. I think first I'll try and warm this up with the hot air a little bit because the forks activates when it gets warm and that might actually help I mean I don't know as I say this is a an experiment I've not actually tried this before so I'll put the graphics card onto a metal tray just zoom into the maximum we'll warm it up not enough to melt the solder I just want to get this what to kind of fire wonder and activate let's see if this doors or anything Financial you know guys this is an experiment how about me doing this all around this not using the soldering iron see where the the force actually cleans this corrosion off by itself okay again plenty of it a little bit stiff getting it out of this a tube in fact I'll actually just take the needle off so I can get a lot of these on here okay there fall around it okay that's a good amount of forks on there now right let's see what happens I mean I've literally 40 different flux as you can see let's take a stiff brush and just rub that around she's just taking me a minute or two to find a step brush so I guess that's some soaking in in the meantime I have it I'll warm it again okay [Music] [Music] right I'll just let it cool down a little moment or three and then that's clean that was some ice and see what the result is right let's give us a couple minutes cool down well guys that looks pretty good actually I'm a bit surprised I don't think it's perfectly good I think he's selling better yeah that's interesting let's look at all to the microscope Okay so that is pretty God just got a bit more why Charlie's I think they're still flocks down in between there on this side in particular but yeah sir that's certainly made a difference to that let's try again just on this patch so we have for components they're not fatty but we can see how tarnished the pads are let's try the same on that the same technique so I'll add a good amount of forks I may end up taking the end office again actually yeah it's just a good blob of thoughts on this that's not a mess about there we go we'll hit it up and then scrub it with the coarse brush I like it I'll try to leave it on the pads for a little while it's a soap on there for a little bit maybe give it a couple of minutes okay so that's sort of like not solidified which formed like a film I'll warm it again we'll scroll back it for a little bit okay you see the clues are still there let's try okay and then we'll just um wash it off with some ISO again once again it looks fairly good it hasn't removed that corrosion though let's look again onto the microscope and you can see guys this time it didn't remove the corrosion okay we'll try with the stronger flux and we'll also have a go at this tip as well the next one let's see yeah if we can do anything with that you can see how it is at the moment okay getting the other thoughts on might be hard but I think I have a bit of a plan on how to do it so this is a hard Forks it's solid okay to get to this we need to melt it with the soldering iron I'm going to try that and then in fact we'll be well it's molten kind of like pour it on or rubbish on with the iron another trick with this is to kind of like shave pieces off and dissolve them in ISO profile so that's another thing we can try but first of all let's see if we can just get some onto here so to do this I have the soldier iron set at 380 centigrade I'm gonna find melt some of this flops in the air you can see I'm just effectively rubbing it up today board okay it's on so we're here where the corrosion is as well so I have plenty of it there let's have a go at this other chip as well so we'll just uh get this stuff on this a little bit Smoky this you might just want to put a fan or something to put the fumes away from you I actually quite like the smell of it there you go that's just me yeah Okay so we've got some of that on there this will solidify quite quickly as you can see so I'll let that uh solidify on there then we'll reheat it with the hot air and we'll try again with the stiff brush I may have to dip the stiff brush into some ISO profile to help this to flow we can see okay so again I'll give that a couple of minutes and now let's see what it's done okay let's give it a go let's all warm us up that's melted just fine [Music] foreign [Music] work it a little bit okay I can work this around a little bit now I'll add a little bit of iso to this so we'll come looking like groceries go to a nice mixture with whoops and ISO now [Music] also on [Music] [Music] try and get out of my high brush it's all kind of clogged up and it's okay huh I think it's actually uh the heat of it just melted part of my before I have to get another one of these I didn't realize it was so warm when I did the still very sticky a lot of iso now let's see how that came out well again it didn't remove the corrosion from those parts well this chap is looking like what better now that it did before okay I start Forks in between it but I mean we could get that out obviously some footstep on it okay I'll give it another clean but it seems to me and interesting to what you guys think that the forks are doing a good job on its own of this but we will try the other method of drag soldering as well okay so here's the results of another cleaning yeah that definitely looks much better than when we started these are the ones that we haven't done yet but these were fairly clean to start off with because it's just a shadow from the capacity to there and the same I think on this side yeah it just Shadows okay so that looks pretty good let's try drag solding to see if that improves anymore this one was probably the most kubernetes so we'll try on this one this is far easier for me to do with the optical microscope picture isn't quite so good for you guys but it helps me a lot I have stereo vision I'm going to use this Liquid Force I think that hard Fox is a bit harsher the way it makes it difficult to do because it was solidifying so quickly again I'm just going to take the end office and just put some on I want to get quite a bit down this side okay solding guy the same temperature 380. I'm gonna use the bc3 tip I do have a BC to M that somebody mentioned a hoof type table I'm very used to working with this one so you can put just a little bit of solder on and that was to drag the solving on up and down the edge of the chip like so yeah I even go like that a little bit that might not be a good idea Michael's salty Bridges not tried this before this is all kind of new okay but you can see that we just dragging that up and down we'll go again on these pads as well just more solder a Forks doesn't seem to be doing much to those I must admit okay but I think the shape has come out a lot cleaner I'm not sure if I have any soldiers or not I think I probably don't have let's go around the other sides as well and see how well this comes out a bit tough to get down there I think I need a new end on this tube to be honest I'll change the needle and I change the tube especially empty now I think I have more than enough on here so I'm just going to take some of this and here on this side okay yeah there we go okay let's go again same technique very small amount of solder into the forks and up and down we go this time I'll just go across the bottom I won't go up onto the legs like I did before okay looking fairly promising okay okay I'll just actually do that I like that we've got to have a solder Bridge there you can see let's clear this cylinder off the tip I'm sorry for what that was out of the shop for you guys I have a much wider field of view than you have on the camera hopefully you saw some of it I'll clean this up now and let's see how well this came out okay guys I've cleaned this up um this obviously I have sacrificed it for this experiment if anybody knows where to get these from I'm pretty sure it came from AliExpress and possibly came with like a mobile phone repair kit those at one time I might get into that sort of work but never did I think that's where this came from anybody knows where it's at you know the easel pack of these some would be very appreciative otherwise I'll just have to have a look around it was a very good drill spot not so much the power yeah that's the way it goes let's have a look at this but it's looking fairly promise and there we have it guys so that really is clean but again these pads it didn't help okay that is Queen I don't see any soldered videos down here no I would so I have one at the end there you can see so I can soon and deal with that probably why I haven't done it the mic let's go yeah let's just see if we can do this without even using it right just oh yeah effectively just warming it with the soldier line with no shoulder on okay let's have a look otherwise it's going back under the optional microscope yeah I got it yeah that looks good compared to the other one you can see he starts to tarnish out and saw him corrosion down in there okay yeah these were not so bad anyway I think I'll actually go around all of these now I will go around the Trident chip as well just the same methods I've just been using and let's see where we end up there the other place I was concerned about is down here I think with this I'll just get some liquid folks down there and just heat it up and use a scrubbing brush I can't get the soldering iron down there easily at all and these pads I'm just going to try adding some fresh solder to them let's see how well that works okay so a bit of flocks I mean these don't matter it's just really for that experiment you know I mean we know that there's nothing connected here but let's see a better focus on there okay a bit of fresh solder those I think will be a lot better now we can do the same with these SMD components but I do suggest you hold them with tweezers don't do what I just did you might want to push them off the board yeah this area down here let's get liquid foots down there we'll try we'll use heat but not enough hopefully so we're going to mount these connects I mean I could take this Pinhead off I I've got them but let's just try our liquid floats down there with a bit of heat and scrubby and the other chips I'll just go around using the same technique you've seen me use on this one but I won't make you wash it all again I've tried cleaning the nozzle off the liquid Forks but that's what the thing I cleaned my this old twinkle little got it down in there now it was quite stiff this should help getting folks down there okay yeah I'm much better though should have done that before okay plenty of it can't we put too much right I'll warming from a distance so I don't want to melt the plastic but I'm pretty sure I can get the first liquify yeah you can see there I left a little bit more than the other side all okay so that we can just let it percolate a little while [Music] okay [Music] and the other chips I'll just go around and re-float on basically [Music] [Music] foreign foreign guys here are the results so down here is much better now invest on some corrosion on there but I think I've got the corrosion out from between these resistor packs the resistor packs all go to this connector which I guess is some sort of add-on so it may not actually cause a problem down there I think if I really wanted to clean it so I'd have to take this probably fit a new one of these actually so it'll probably get damaged that every move it the RAM chips well you can see these the first two so I cleaned these up this one there's no solder bridges in there that I can see okay they're always good I didn't clean this one so much is pretty much in the original state that one was pretty good anyway this one has been coins that's okay you can see I use the same technique around here so again this is looking pretty good I have to spot it and sold the bridge there so let's deal with it okay probably this will come out with just a bit of a change of the sold I mean I don't need anything else it's warm is it probably or something sold it if not well if braid would do it but you see I've actually got it there okay yeah there's a solder Bridge there maybe yeah I have a few solder biddies so I'll just go around this a little bit and tie these up the connectors are corroded so I will try including these with a razor basically the best thing to use on that and now let's give this a go okay guys so we have it let's see if this works now I have no idea what was originally wrong with this so you know who knows plus the connector on the end is not very good it's all may not even make a connection to the VGA but let's see if the computer even detects the graphics card we'll know from the bleep without giving a picture I think that would be a result but yeah we can have a look if this doesn't work I'm not doing a class as a failure really because we can definitely see that this method does clean the corrosion from these chips that's for sure but it would be nice if we had some icing on the cake I'd see what it does well fun is jammed what I knew about that ah one bleep and and the blue lights on the monitor but I have messed up picture okay but yeah that's definitely got us somewhere there's obviously some other problem with this but I think we can cast that as a result to be quite honest yeah hope you guys with twasp yeah maybe not the total result but pretty good one so yeah there you go guys using Fox will Queen corrosion off things like graphics cards if this was something valuable then I would be now we can just see if I can find out what the problem is maybe a ram chip by the way was on it something like that but comments Below guys what do you think I look forward to seeing you all soon on another word electronics repair video ciao for now guys
Channel: Learn Electronics Repair
Views: 8,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn electronics repair, learn electronic repair, electronic repair, school, lessons, course, training, soldering, pcb corrosion, clean corrosion, microsoldering, how to solder
Id: OpgV1gJ_U8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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