WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY: Engine STRESS TEST, fighting compartment fitout and turret!

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the grand Tang project is finally drawing to a close after nearly 12 months of full-time work what a journey it's been this week the boys stress test the engine and encounter a little bit of a problem we fit out the internal fighting compartment and finally dovetail the turret and turret basket to the hull hi I'm Kurt from Oz armor and welcome to Workshop Wednesday [Music] on the weekend Jesse spent hours painting the interior of the grant tank we've had some people write to us asking us why we chose white as the color white helps amplify what little light might be able to get into the vehicle and also helps the crew spot oil leaks everything is ready to be fitted but before we commit to making the tank even more cramped than what it already is the boys want to put the engine and transmission into a stress test [Music] that's oil from the manual transmission nearly every running vehicle in the museum especially ones from World War II have this problem it shouldn't give us any serious issues as we service them regularly oh that does not look good it's all that black stuff wrong with uh unburnt diesel all right here foreign way too much fuel [Music] too much unburned fuel is making its way through the engine which over time will foul everything up with carbon and cause serious problems down the track time to head back into the workshop and see what the issue is pop smoke so take it out for like a load test now and we've got low power as we've seen start the struggle that's a lot it's a lot of fuel and then basically if you keep running it like that you're just going to sort the entire engine inside the engine up yeah okay so we don't want that all right we'll have a look yeah Ryan takes the air filter off and the muffler here we go there we go that was meant for it perfect we'll just leave it here that's how that's how that's meant to be are you made that for that that's how they used to have it yeah if this makes a difference yeah hopefully fingers crossed don't worry boys we'll get to you soon [Music] thank you still no good back to the workshop well she's smoking further investigation required she's very smoky very smoky it's time to start pulling things apart but luckily things are not as bad as what they could have been there how on Earth did that happen we were saying I hope it is array because we know that what the problem's gonna be that's awesome actually how good is this going to run now let's go straight to the pool room that'll be good sir we'll sell that on the website yeah yeah exactly yeah all right well that's good this rag was placed into the turbo intake in order to stop debris from entering while the boys were working on the engine bay and we forgot to take it out before putting everything back together little hiccups like this are inevitable and we always try to make light of it at least it wasn't anything serious much better [Music] we go let's listen to that turbo spool up the suspension is performing beautifully as well there is still some smoke but that's a normal amount for this type of engine I thank heavens for that happy with that Ryan yeah that's good yeah it just powered up right yeah Ryan and the boys are happy now it's time to start fitting out the interior foreign he supplied the engine and transmission for this project as well as some other bits and pieces he's been an invaluable source of knowledge on this build since he's somewhat of a grant restoration expert he dropped in for a visit and ended up giving us a hand for a few days too [Applause] let's see [Music] [Music] the lasers [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] shouldn't pulled me out [Music] this drops in for the top of England [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] details to add in later but at this point we are ready for the turret basket and the turret the boys first maneuver the vehicle into a position under the highest point of the ceiling so that the forklift can safely drop in the turret ring and basket all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to you know push him that way we've got plenty of room there yeah so we're just getting the nudge with a bit of wood there yeah a slight adjustment for the sledgehammer yeah [Music] perfectly so that's a bit firmer than what we hope for so but if we lift it up a bit shim it a bit and then then have another look at it but it should work it dropped in nicely there is one or two spots where I notice it's hitting the guard but the guard can be pushed and pulled out back in the spot into place so we'll reap we'll get into it tomorrow tomorrow we'll uh yeah get stuck into it now the boys start bolting down the turret ring is it is [Music] it's like it for that one actually getting there yeah young man's game mate I'm telling you with the turret ring bolted down and secure it's time for the turret itself to drop into position thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it was an emotional moment as it always is whenever a project begins to draw to a close like this the addition of the turret is a huge milestone and it won't be long until the Oz armor Grant tank will be ready for the final fit out painting and its first big test drive around our track but that's all we have time for today join us next Wednesday for your weekly tank restoration fix so until then I'm Kurt from Oz armor and I'll see you on the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: The Australian Armour & Artillery Museum
Views: 146,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grant tank restoration, wwii grant tank, grant, detroit diesel, detroit diesel 8v71t, workshop wednesday, australian armour and artillery museum, restauration du réservoir de subventions, réservoir de subventions de la seconde guerre mondiale, subvention, raccord, restauration de réservoir, musée australien de l'armure et de l'artillerie, montaje, tanque restauración, taller miércoles, wwii, ww2, stress test, turret basket, restoration
Id: 6wwVj29CW60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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