Can the Lord Restore You?

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sure it's grab your Bibles tonight in turn I can't believe I'm gonna say it so excited turn to Isaiah chapter 60 chapters 60 it's amazing this is a big deal it's taken us four years to get here and Isaiah chapter 60 heading out of course to chapter 66 the end of the book from this time on think of this from this time on it gets Technicolor it gets extremely descriptive of what is coming and what God is gonna do and it's an amazing thing to keep in mind listen Christian tonight if you don't know this revel in it for those of us who know this we take comfort in this that our God is sovereign and the Bible has never failed yet and what it is described nor shall it ever fail it is God's Word it is inerrant and God's truth will prevail and you need to remember that as we get into these portions of Scripture because you're gonna hear about the future and Isaiah is writing this remember nearly 3,000 years ago he is one of the most beloved prophets to the Jewish people and certainly to Christians throughout the millennia and Isaiah chapter 60 is going to be a chapter that is themed up with really a question and if you're a note-taker tonight you can write that down and the question is this can the Lord restore you Isaiah chapter 60 all the way through to the end is going to be about God restoring can I say this everything he's gonna of course dial down on Israel because the Bible says he's going to restore Israel to the glory that was promised to her God's people he's going to restore the earth during the millennial reign of Christ that's the thousand-year reign of Christ which by the way you know this by now Jesus Christ must rule and reign from Jerusalem not Toronto not Washington DC not Chile he got to rule and reign from Jerusalem so much so the Bible is so elaborate on that fact that if Jesus Christ doesn't rule from Jerusalem then you and I have worshiped the wrong Jesus all these years with 2,000 years of worshipers included then we would have missed them that's how important the return of Christ is in Isaiah chapter 60 is beginning to lay that out in a very colorful manner and you think about this by the way as we get into this and in the the title about you I us being restored and the question is can God restore you it's funny how we think as humans either number one our mind swings to one end and we are so self-reliant and so proud and so self-assured that we don't need God people think in fact people who think like that they think that people who need God they're weak or they need a crutch if you've read somebody remind you of that I've had people tell me that in my lifetime oh you know what oh you're believer in God well everybody needs a crutch well what's your crutch if you don't believe in Jesus if you don't have the Word of God as your foundation and promise what do you believe in and by the way Jesus is not my crutch he's my wheelchair he's my therapy center he's my entire Hospital he's my everything and so the proud people the proud would would say well religion that's good for you Jesus that's good for you if you need that more power to you I don't need that Wow really that's amazing and then the pendulum swings to the other side which is equally wrong to where the point you you see yourself so so bad so wicked so unredeemable that you think others can be saved but not you and so the human psyche swings from one end to the other both are wrong both are wrong if you're proud you need to repent and get away from that sin and come to Christ and if you're on the other end you see yourself outside the saving power of God and the power of his blood you need to repent and you need to come to Christ because he's mighty to save and you're gonna hear a lot about his salvation from here on out into the closing of the book but it's an amazing thing to realize that God is a God of restoration in Isaiah chapter 60 as I said a moment ago is all summed up looked ahead by the way look down to verse 16 Yatta Circle it her and highlight it because it's the very theme verse of the chapter Isaiah chapter 60 verse 16 says you shall know that I the LORD am your Savior notice he's the Lord and Savior he says and your Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob Jacobs another name for Israel but listen you're gonna learn very quickly that this one who is the Lord he's the savior he's the Redeemer he's the Mighty One of Jacob he's the one that saves all those who will come to him and the great thing about tonight in this message that God can restore you is the fact that every one of us need a touch from God in our lives we need God's touch to restore us and when think about the chronology of chapter 60 Bible students mark this down if you take a notes that in Isaiah chapter 60 now begins a chronology of endtime events that Isaiah is looking at by the way when I say looking at remember this in the opening study of the Book of Isaiah Isaiah says these are visions that God gave me that is Isaiah Isaiah saw visions he didn't see words appear on a scroll he wrote down imagine this he has seen things a superimposed upon his reality he is in his element he's in his place and somehow before him was that visual ease revealed in front of him did he see it in his mind but they were visions and he wrote down what he saw and we have been studying these visions from chapter to chapter and so in this particular verse 16 God is saying I'm the Lord I'm the Savior I'm the Redeemer I'm the Mighty One Church this is important for us because all of us need to have that kind of strength spoken to us regarding our restoration God wants your life restored he wants your life renewed better than even renewal when we talk about restoration I like to think of restoration in the sense of resurrection according to the Bible you and I are dead apart from Christ in our sins but God makes us alive and he does that by his mighty word that goes forth listen I'm gonna give you five things that got it right down by way of introduction and then as we get into this that when we talk about the chronology from chapter 62 66 number one as we look at chapters 60 tonight you're going to be learning about the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth and that's found in the book of Revelation chapter one of course in Isaiah chapter 63 so you're gonna see the second coming of Christ to earth that's important in Isaiah 60 number two you're going to hear about the remnant of Israel having survived the Great Tribulation Period out of the seven year Tribulation Period that is yet to come Israel a remnant will survive and you can read about that in Revelation 19 the third thing that we're going to learn in this chapter is that there's the surviving nations that become a shelter to Israel during that Tribulation Period that's found in Matthew chapter 28 nations there will be nations that will be judged before God and they will be approved by how they treated the Jewish people during the seven-year tribulation period again that's Matthew chapter 25 regarding the separation of the nations the Bible says that Jesus when he comes back will separate as it were the sheep from the goats that's nations not sheep and goats not believers from unbelievers it's the separation of nations and the criteria is how the nation's treated Israel in the tribulation period it's important to know that you're gonna learn tonight fourthly that the throne of David is the established location of Jesus's throne listen Jesus is seated tonight are you guys listening Jesus is seated tonight at the right hand of God the Father book of Acts chapter 7 tells us this among other passages Jesus has never sat upon the throne of David the Old Testament promises that the Messiah must sit on the throne of David Jesus has never sat on the throne of David not yet the throne of David is in Jerusalem that's why by the way Jesus is called the son of David there has to be the fulfillment of the promise that came from God to David that from his DNA that from his genealogy would come the Messiah and he would sit upon the throne of David to establish it forever right think of that that's going to be here and then also number five will see that there are hints of a post-millennial eternal age that is known in the Bible as the day of God it's in 2nd Peter chapter 3 that after the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ are you guys confused yes some say yes and we're going through the chronology you should have written those five things down that at the end there's at the end of the millennium all that is physical is dissolved and gone away and the Bible calls it the day of God where you and I will be listen you and I will be in that state of what is actually referred to as eternity God dwells in eternity but after the Millennium where Christ is on earth seated upon the throne of David and exercised in his government over the earth when that time expires at the end of a thousand years then this earth is all done away can you imagine it's all going to be dissolved the Bible says and the day of God begins which is this which is all eternity for us it's when we enter to this eternal realm and all that is of this world and of this universe is gone so the first thing we see tonight regarding can the Lord restore you and you ought to be asking yourself that question it's found in verses 1 to 14 and it's this Israel is God's example of renewal will you write that down why Israel why is Israel so important why is Israel in the Bible so much what does it matter it matters everything Church please mark this down for this reason more and more churches more and more Christians today are writing Israel off they're listening to liberal preaching and and manipulation of the Bible to say oh the Jew is no longer relevant Israel's not relevant in fact today Israel is an illegitimate government the land is not theirs it's all symbolic language it's all now it's really spiritual eyes and it's about the church listen you do that and you completely completely not only mess up the Bible for yourself but you have no confidence in any scripture whatsoever if you begin to manipulate the Bible like that let the Bible say exactly what it says and when God says I've made an eternal everlasting covenant with Israel guess what that means exactly that exact well no you know they they were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus they lost all of those privileges where'd you get that from where'd you get that from book of Romans tells you clearly from chapters 9 10 and 11 that God has not cast Israel off forever but for a period of time he has set them off to the side until the fullness of the Gentiles that is the number of Gentiles known only to God is complete and then God will restore the nation of Israel and it all begins if you know your Bible prophecy study it all begins at some period of time after the rapture of the church when the church is taken up and off the earth then God focuses his single attention on the nation of Israel and restores them so when God restores or renews Israel it is absolutely vital look at verse 1 it says arise shine for your light has come God is speaking to the nation of Israel this is prophetic this is coming and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you now look at verse 2 and I'll explain in a moment for behold the darkness shall cover the earth in the deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you and as glory will be seen upon you verse 1 announces that God is going to do this enlightening work God is gonna do this restoration work when will he do it that's verse 2 when the world when Israel when there is darkness upon the land when there's sin when things looked so hopeless God is gonna resurrect God is going to bring his people back into his covenant relationship right now they're away from him even though they've been gathered together and have been coming together physically since 1948 Israel as a nation has come into being for the second time in the history of man they have not yet turned their eyes to Christ as they will there'll be a remnant of Jews that will be saved out of that God says it's going to happen at a very dark period of time and you think about the Tribulation Period we talked about this a few weeks ago it is gonna be a horrific time but note this the seven years that God speaks about that he deals with the nation Israel it has to be done as he has prescribed in Daniel chapter nine seven years God will deal specifically with the nation of Israel the world will be greatly affected as he focuses on his people and he will reveal himself he will deliver them from the tyranny of the Antichrist and he will eventually come back of course in the second coming all to bring about renewal God has given them promises that he will fulfill Church does that mean that God will keep his promises made to you in the Bible he has to I said what I'm about to say many years ago at a conference and I had a conference teacher in fact he pulled he was here last Sunday by the way about 20 years ago I was a conference and I said what I'm about to say and it shocked him and he told me because that shocked me and I said that if God does not keep his promises to the nation of Israel and to the Jewish people God is not obligated to keep any new testament promised to you the believer if he breaks his covenant promise with Israel then he can break his covenant promise with you the believer and I just went on and I was teaching and afterwards dr. David Hakeem pulled me up to the side and he said I've never heard that before that's absolutely true and you think about that so if David Harkin had never heard it before then it must have been from God but um that's true you can take that to the bank why what's it based upon God's ability to fulfill what he has said he will never let you down and if anyone will come to him he will restore them don't be too proud and don't see yourself unredeemable he will restore you by the way the word arise in verse 1 whom is the Hebrew word and it means to stand to your feet with your eyes wide open look at that stand to your feet with your eyes wide open shine for your light has come what a great announcement by the way again from the beginning God's people his he has sovereignly chosen Israel to be his people and if you're skeptic in the house tonight you have to think about that why Israel why Israel why all this history of Israel why all the drama with Israel why is it every generation that Jew is the most persecuted people in the face of the earth always Satan hates them God loves them they're very stubborn people and God said you're a very stubborn people and I believe personally he picked Israel because he sends a message to us that if God can save a Jew he can save anybody and God can save a Jill asked Paul the Apostle in fact he said in the Old Testament don't think I picked you because you're special than all the other nations of the earth you're not special he said that way he said I picked you you're a stiff-necked people why would God do that to show the rest of the world that you can be restored to well pastor Jack I've gone from marriage to marriage or a relationship I've got gone up I've gone down I've been in I've been out this has happened that's it it's all he can restore you he can restore you there's nothing that he cannot repair in your life he's so good his invitation goes out to his people and here's this going grand and glorious announcement of Israel the your light is gonna shine someday in Romans chapter 9 verses 4 and 5 the Bible says there Paul writes and he says in Romans 9 verse 4 to whom Israelite pertains the adoption listen to this to Israelites to the Jews pertains the adoption the glory the covenants the giving of the law God gave a lot of the Jews not to the Gentiles the service of God and the promises God gave him to the Jews first of whom are the fathers and from whom according to the flesh Christ came who is over all look at this who is over all the eternal blessed God amen you'll see that that first of all this is not part of the Bible study but look at the closing end of verse 5 that is a radical statement regarding the deity of Jesus Christ look at it Christ came who is over all the eternally blessed God it gets no clearer than that right there but what the message that's being announced is the fact that from Israel came to us the very scriptures you and I have the Bible tonight because the Jews were meticulous copiers of God's Word did you know that right here and from them the promises come to us think of it God will restore them so you be careful if you go traffic around Christians or a church that says no no what done with the Jews yikes not according to God he is not God's promises will never fail verse 3 the Gentiles shall come to your light you guys should school you should oh wow so what is this what does this mean the Gentiles how many of you are non-jews your non-jews raise your head non-jews okay that that hey I'm getting goose bumps right now because this verse I shared with a friend in Israel a Jew a practicing Jew who could not understand he told me he said I don't get why you know our Bible so well and you're a Gentile and I said it's your Hebrew Scriptures that announces to me that God saves the Gentiles he says I've never heard of this God saves Gentiles yes book of Isaiah chapter 60 right here in this verse it's absolutely awesome it says right here that the Gentiles we Gentiles shall come to your light if it's a reference to salvation the Gentiles will be saved by the going forth of the gospel in Israel listen two thousand years ago was supposed to be the custodian of the gospel to the world they didn't receive the gospel God knew this prophesied this Israel was put off to the side the church was born the gospel went to the ends of the earth via the Gentile Church now we're at the end of that game of that run and God is about ready again to dial down on the nation of Israel the church age is just about up and God will now use the Jew have you read the book of Revelation lately the Bible says a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews not Jehovah Witnesses sorry if you're j-dub the Bible says the 144,000 are Jews they're men they're virgins they speak Hebrew apparently they're able to speak any language and they preach to the world and the fruit of their preaching is a number of people Gentiles saved so great John said nobody can even count them if they're beyond counting when does that happen the Tribulation Period how does that happen through Israel the Jew being the witness the evangelists all promised by God God's not done with the Jews the Gentiles shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising as Israel is established by the restoration of God verse 4 lift up your eyes all around and see that all gather together they come to you your sons shall come from afar and your daughters shall be nursed at your side this is absolutely awesome again remember this everybody - you and I this is common Isaiah said this at a time looking out beyond the horizon that there'll be a day at the end this has this is not the Babylonian restoration this is not the Persian the medo-persian restoration of the Jew nope this is beyond the horizon Isaiah is casting as it were his view and in the end in the last days when the Gentiles are coming to the salvation of God and the Jews are the vehicle by which the gospel is being preached the announcement is made that what God will do with the nation is that he will assemble them from the ends of the earth God will bring back his people I have this question for you out of all the peoples of the earth of all the countries of the world there's only one that is famous for a phenomenon that has been taking place since 1895 and that is the Jew around the world who has woken up in Argentina or in the United States or in Canada or in China and they've said you know what I'm gonna move to Israel did you know that it's a documented fact and they have moved in fact I don't look you and I have been alive when Ronald Reagan said mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall remember that and the breakup of the Soviet empire I'm sure that was done for two reasons number one in the list over 600,000 Russian born Jews when that happened at the decree of Reagan moved to Israel fulfillment of Scripture and that's gonna increase that's gonna continue God's gonna keep doing that he's got such an awesome heart of restoration please PLEASE friend no matter what you've gone through in your life don't write yourself off you are not beyond the cleansing rester of power of God okay well Jack I don't think there's any hope for me stop it just stop thinking like that that's that's dark satanic thought and that's not you you rebuke that in the name of Jesus you bring that fought under the captivity of Christ and like we said last Sunday you preached yourself the gospel of God and listen some of us we might need to remind ourselves of the gospel every day you just remember that you've not gone too far look at verse five then you shall see and become radiant and your heart shall swell with joy because of the abundance of the sea most scholars understand to be of the abundance of the merchants this gets fantastic watch this the process of that resources of the sea some have believed in recent days years that this may be referring to the abundance of the sea to oil I don't know about that but I you do know that Israel now has some of the largest oil reserves on earth right off its coast now and also in the region of Israel where the tribe of Asher once used to be and what's interesting about that the Bible says regarding Asher that a shore the Sun he will dip his sins in the Bible says he will he will dip his toe in oil in the Old Testament that's a weird thing to say as the prophetic words are given to the tribes to the children and a sure you will dip your your toe and oil and lo and behold Israel has found oil and what used to be the ancient realm of Asher but look Israel has what's a natural gas reserve that's been discovered that they're calling it Leviathan because it is so big Israel tiny country size in New Jersey is a super as an economic superpower in that part of the world you know that now and that's only going to increase yeah there's days coming ahead and if I stick true to my notes we'll talk about the Tribulation Period where all of their prosperity and advancements are gonna draw they're gonna become a point of nucleus but Israel is going to forget God or not turn to God and they're gonna look to their prosperity but all that's gonna come crashing down but that's that's later on but for us to study but it's remarkable to me you look at verse five and it says that they shall turn to you the the merchants shall turn to you the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you the wealth of the nations will come to Israel again this is yet future but for those of us who have been to Israel when you when you get to Tel Aviv and you turn left and you go north you drive through Herzliya and you go up the coast on the via Mars it's it's Pacific Coast Highway you know we have one they have two men they have the Mediterranean coast highway the VMR is the way of the sea and you drive guess what you're driving you look out the window Raytheon hewlett-packard Apple all of these research facilities in Israel and you shouldn't be surprised you know how many of you have a Samsung or iPhone anybody raise your hand you have a Jewish phone the guts of your phone the inside of your phone is it's all circumcised that's Jewish you have is you have a those are all kosher parts it's amazing did you know that Israel's moving away from the barcode you know we have the barcode they've invented something so small that has a zillion times more data than the barcode and it's they can put it within a a weave of a fiber inside the clothes or inside the item inside the car inside your shoe inside your contact lens it's freakish they're genius technologies is prospering them and God says and there's going to be a day think about it the merchants and the wealth of the Gentiles will flow into Israel some day and I think in many ways we're seeing hints of that but the interesting to keep in mind is that before Isaiah 60 can happen there must be a terrible time as they referenced a moment ago and that time is known as in Jeremiah 30 verse 7 it's known as the time of Jacob's trouble it says alas for the day is great so church right now you and I are living in the 21st century as I complete this verse listen right now Israel's starting to prosper but there's a day coming alas for that day is great so that it is there's none like it and it is the time of Jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it a remnant will be saved Church listen Israel and all of its glory and all of its grandeur of today and all of its might it's one of those powerful armies on earth it's going to play host to this man that we talked about a few weeks ago called the Antichrist three and a half years of his government with the Jews it's all going to come crumbling down and the Bible calls that a time of Jacob's trouble it will be unlike anything ever on earth can you imagine it's gonna be worse than the Holocaust worse than the invasions of Israel in Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 Jesus said then there shall be Great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time no nor ever shall be and unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved but for the elects sake circle that in your Bible that would be for the remnant of Israel the believers Matthew 24 is God speaking to his people but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened a remarkable thing it's amazing look at verse 6 the multitude of camels shall cover your land the dromedaries of Midian and ephah all those of Sheba Sheba is a region of that is today for a Saudi Arabia shall come they shall bring gold and incense interesting and they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord verse 6 look at verse 7 all the flocks of Kedar kadar is Kuwait the region of Kuwait today by the way Saddam Hussein said that he was a descendent of Kedar did you know that Saddam is I remember the guy Kuwait the region of Kuwait shall be gathered together to you the Rams of nabo am shall minister to you and they shall ascend with acceptance on my altar and I will glorify the house of my glory this is the millennia this is a reference to the temple that will be in Jerusalem during the Millennial age it's amazing but by the way look back at verse 6 it says that they shall come they shall bring gold and incense some of your Bible translations look carefully have gold and frankincense usually when the Bible mentions instance by the way it is frankincense there's every mind you of something at this time of the year gold frankincense and what notice that MERS not here myrrh is not appearing in Isaiah 60 why because has to do at the future when Jesus came the first time it was gold they brought him gifts of gold frankincense and listen gold respects of his kingship frankincense speaks of his priesthood and what does myrrh speak of his death his sacrifice in the second coming when he establishes his kingdom the world will bring to him gold and frankincense because he will be king and he will be priest he will not be the sacrifice why there won't be a sacrifice because he did that two thousand years ago my dear Jewish friends tonight listen I know that when you read your scriptures you do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah because you say Jesus can't be because he was ill-treated beaten arrested condemned and killed no Jewish Messiah would allow that to happen to himself that's the argument of the Jew tonight we will not follow a loser he didn't even defend himself and so you reject him but it's your own scriptures that say that he will be rejected by the world crucified that God the Father will see the lamentation of his soul and be satisfied when he makes an atonement for sin this one that was to be born in Bethlehem Micah chapter 5 verse 2 born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 all Jewish Scriptures tonight see the Jew reads the Bible and not all of the Bible selected portions the rabbi's will tell them to read not all of it why do they not read much of Isaiah because the rabbi's don't want the people to read Isaiah they'll find out that Jesus is the Messiah think of it most Jews do not know proverbs 30 verse 4th that announces that the God of Israel has a son when you look at the scriptures you just look for the verses that say he's mighty and he's gonna deliver Israel yes but you know what he took care of business first big business first the big business first was to make atonement for our sins Jesus Christ went to the cross as the suffering Messiah the atoning sacrifice according to the scriptures when he comes back oh yeah yeah he'll come back in vengeance and in power yes but he first came as the Messiah to be sacrificed now he's going to come back as the Messiah the conquering king he's the same one see the Jews today say we're waiting for the Messiah to come we say we're waiting for the Messiah to come back big difference big difference but God's house will be re-established there'll be a millennial throne and there'll be a millennial temple in Jerusalem during that thousand year reign verse 8 and who are these who fly like a cloud and like doves to their roost surely the coastlands shall wait for me and the ships of tarshish yet a circle this tortious will come first to bring your sons from afar what's interesting about this we'll pause right here for a second Tarsus not all scholars agree some Tarsha as some scholars say Tarsus is Spain some say and I believe this understanding Tarsus is the region of Great Britain because the Tarsha the ancient word Tarsus is rooted to 10 - mining anybody know another name of great oh what's it called the UK or Great Britain you at Britain means 10 or the land of 10 Britain if you've been if you ever been to Cornwall region of England and that Brits cut its 10 England exported ten to the world what's the deal it doesn't matter if it's Spain or England at this moment of our study what it does mean is the West the European West and beyond so you might want to take note of that it says that ships that speaks of wealth of Tarsus will come first to bring your sons from afar their silver and their gold with them it's interesting - the name of the Lord your God and - the Holy One of Israel because he has glorified you verse 10 the sons of foreigners shall build up your walls and their kings shall minister to you for my wrath I struct you he's got this is God speaking to Israel I my wrath God struck you Israel but in my favor I have had mercy on you Isaiah chapter 43 answers verses 8 through 10 listen to this Isaiah 43 verse 3 for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your Saviour I gave Egypt for your ransom true or false you know this you ever watch of the ten commandments of Charlton Heston there you go Ethiopia and Sheba in your place since you were precious in my sight you have been honored this is God speaking to Israel and I have loved you therefore I will give men for you in other words people are gonna die for Israel's preservation who said that God said that and people for your life fear not for I am with you I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the West I will say to the north give them up and to the south do not keep them back bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth what nation on earth gets this kind of announcement Israel only do you see that does it bless you blesses me because of God I'm watching history unfold and I live in the 21st century and I can study back and see wow this I know when Israel followed God they were blessed and they prospered when they forgot God and walked out on him and embraced paganism they were just they were destroyed in their prosperity he always left a remnant to restart the nation they were never extent terminated how many times in your Bible do you read where there are those who said basically we're gonna exterminate them Pharaoh he failed remember um Haman failed that's a great story didn't it anyway every time Hitler every time you set out to destroy the Jew and erase them from the earth God preserves them and then they multiply man I wish we had more time you know why Jews are although you know why bankers are mostly Jewish this is not a joke it sounds like a joke uh there was a banker he was a Jew No why aren't why are many why is such global financial operations Jewish why are the Jewish why are the Jewish people so entrenched in Hollywood the arts why are they why are they such notable craftsmen why are they renowned diamond cutters in fact some of us have been to Tiberias when Japanese Chinese Jets come and land with executives with bags of diamonds they go to Tiberius and they wait there for hours on end as these master world-renowned craftsmen cut diamonds in Tiberius most famous cut a diamond cutter cutters in the world what's with that did you know that all of those accountants mat the mat what do you know that all of these things God went every time God dispersed them to other parts of the world in their captivity they were slaves and when they were slaves like Joseph they learned banking and horticulture in their slavery when they were in Egypt the Egyptians kicked back and relaxed and the Jews learned how to build houses they learned at a farm when they were taken captive in Germany those that were not exterminated were made accountants oskar schindler and every medo-persian Babylonian Roman every time the Jew gets set free they get set free with a skill listen they used to be part of the slave market in the Roman Empire to perform for the Caesars they played the music they did the skits they did the acting they moved to Hollywood they make the movies a Spielberg isn't it amazing this is what God does with his people they follow him they prosper in their blessed they reject him they loose and God says and the end I'm gonna bring them from all over the world in the last days back into their own land look at verse 11 therefore your gates shall be open continually this is the Millennial temple write that down in your margin of your Bible verse 11 this is the temple during the thousand year reign of Christ the gates of Jerusalem and the temple will be opened they shall not be shut day or night that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations or the Gentiles and their kings in procession Wow absolutely amazing verse 12 for the nation and Kingdom which will not serve you this is during the Millennium Shall Perish and those nations shall be utterly ruined the glory of Lebanon shall come to you the Cypress the pine and the box tree together you know Lebanon has all weight look at the history of Israel in Lebanon in the Old Testament remember King Hiram when he heard that Solomon wanted to build a temple in Jerusalem he said hey you know what I mean he didn't say this next part I'm one of his in his mind thinking don't build it with the toothpicks you guys have grown there Israel let me send you some real trees and Lebanon look at the lip look at this the national flag of Lebanon what's on the flag the cedar Cypress cedar famous they floated by the way those massive massive trees down the Mediterranean it's amazing he says there that to beautify the place of my sanctuary again the Millennial temple and I will make the place of my feet glorious God is saying Wow again we don't have time I'm really bummed but it says the place of my feet glorious there's a you and I think well that's easy that means the temples gonna have a nice floor I'm sure it is but to the Jewish mind you know what this means it's awesome we can't prove it it's so romantic though it's incredible that when when they believe the Jews believe I actually believe this there's just I believe it the Jews believe that when God created the physical universe he it had to start somewhere the Jews believe that when God created the physical universe it formed underneath his feet so imagine that for a moment the universe and the earth and everything he's spoken into existence well if that's true and the Jew romantically says that had happened beneath his feet the Bible says and it is true that when you look at Jerusalem he says I've embossed my name on Jerusalem which is amazing because when you look at an aerial view of Jerusalem this is the Alpha the alphabet of God's name and the hills and the valley in the hills and the valley and the hills make God's name over Jerusalem from a satellite view the Jews believed that when God created it all formed under his feet and that was his glory revealed so this mentioned here the place of my feet shall be glorious they believe that this is God restoring the earth like he made it in the first place if you and you will read in Isaiah that when he restores when Jesus comes back the Bible says that the needle the desert the cactus will bloom he's going to restore the earth not Al Gore not Al Gore not Jerry Brown Jesus is gonna do it thank God for that and it says listen to this verse 14 also the sons of those who afflict adduce shall come bowing to you and all those who despised you shall fall that is full prostrate face down on their face at the soles of your feet and they shall call you the city of the Lord Zion the Holy One of Israel awesome look at verses 15 to 22 God wants to restore you my friend and Israel's has got an example of blessing if he can bless them he can bless you verse 15 says whereas you have been Forsaken and hated so that no one went through you in other words avoided the land I will make you an eternal excellence a joy of many generations verse 16 this is the theme verse you shall drink the milk of the Gentiles that is the net this is an interesting word it means comfort and prosperity of the Gentiles and melt the breasts of kings I'll explain that in a moment because it's weird for us to hear that you shall know that i am the lord I am your Savior and your Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob the God who restores what is this when it says here that and melt the breasts of kings what does that mean it means this that the good things the milk speaks of the good things remember when God said I'm gonna send you to a land of milk and honey it means the of good things abundant things blessed things and then when it says the breasts of kings this is the delight of Kings the delight of Kings you said that's kind of weird it is weird for us we don't talk or think like that but as I've told you guys before you need to remember this if you read Genesis to Malachi and the Jewish mindsets skip the entire New Testament and then pick up and read revelation if you're Jewish I encourage you to do that read Genesis to Malachi skip the entire New Testament and read the book of Revelation and you'll get it did you know that everything mentioned in the book of Revelation has a pre-event pre spoken in the Old Testament you know Christians today who say I don't understand the book of Revelation I I know why because you've never read your Old Testament you can't understand the book of Revelation without reading the Old Testament it's Jewish so regarding the milk in the breasts of kings comfort the comfort and the delights listen to this revelation 1:13 chapter 1 verse 13 in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest does anybody have an old King James Version Bible here tonight anybody old King James what does it say for chest says paps right PAP s and the New King James it says chest and the old King James it's paps P a PS you say what is that it means breasts see what are you kidding me Jesus the Bible says is walking through the midst of the seven lampstands and all of his glory the seven lampstands represent the church and it says across his paps is a golden band the golden band speaks of his kingship and of his authority the reason why it mentions in this feminine gender breast is because Jesus the conquering king the ruler the mighty God in flesh he also possesses the power to restore to nurture to comfort and to put at rest isn't it amazing that the Jesus the book of Revelation for those who believe and trust in him is a comfort in Jesus he's the one with the sword and the eyes of flame of fire it's fire the face that's bright like the Sun and all of his it looks like the Bible says it looks like legs are like brass it's like they're burning from the fire this is the conquering Jesus he's coming back and yet across his heart across just his chest the Bible refers to him as having breasts that would come for you know it's symbolic speech of course it means that in his heart he desires to come for you why because he's the God of restoration I have three minutes we're gonna finish this are you ready get ready the power of God provides this is what it's talking about he's the bees that restore who provides the comfort that comes from a breast to nurture and to feed and to comfort listen to this he's the Lord that restores your joy the Bible says Psalm 51 verse 10 created me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit in me make this your prayer tonight Saint do not cast me away from your presence and do not take take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous spirit he's the Lord that restores your joy my friend number two he's the Lord that restores your favor Deuteronomy 30 beginning at verse 1 now it came to pass when all these things come upon you the blessing and the curse which I've set before you and you call them to mind among all the nations where the Lord your God drives you verse 2 and you return to the Lord your God and obey his voice according to all that I command you today and you and your children with all of your heart and with all of your soul that the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity some of you need to hear this tonight and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where the Lord your God has scattered you and if any of you are driven out to the furthest parts under heaven from there the Lord your God will gather you and from there he will bring you verse 5 then the Lord your God will bring you to the land which your father's possessed and you shall possess it he will prosper you and multiply you more than your father's he's a God that restores third he's the Lord that restores your fellowship galatians chapter 6 verse 1 brethren if a man is overtaken in a trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ if there's a brother or sister that's fallen into sin and they've repented restore him listen if there's a wife that's gone wayward and she's repented and she comes back husband forgive her no I got a divorce sir no you don't restorations first that goes both ways he's the Lord that restores your hope Hosea chapter 6 verse 1 come and let us return to the Lord for he has torn but he will heal us he has stricken but he will bind us up he's the Lord of Hope he's the restorer of Hope next he's the Lord that restores your Liberty first John chapter 1 verse 5 this is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and we walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness he's the Lord that restores your vision Matthew 6:33 but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you he's the Lord that restores your security Zechariah 9 verse 12 come back to the place of safety all you prisoners who still have hope I promise the very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles Wow he's the Lord that restores your loss Joel chapter 2 verse 25 so I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eh mmm the crawling locusts the consuming locusts the chewy locusts my great army which I sent among you you shall eat and plenty and be satisfied listen this is God's will for your soul this is God's will for your life that should be restored Christian and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be put to shame so pick it up quickly in verse 17 because we're gonna end this chapter we are going to do this chapter tonight instead of bronze listen to this act of restoration instead of bronze I bring you gold instead of iron I will bring you silver instead of wood bronze instead of stones iron I will also make your officers peace and your magistrates righteousness verse 18 violence shall no longer be heard in your lands wouldn't that be awesome to have a politic that has that kind of influence neither wasting or destruction within your borders but you shall call your walls salvation and your gates praise verse 19 the Sun shall no longer be your light by day so what is this nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you but the Lord will be to you and everlasting light and your God your glory verse 20 your son shall no longer go down nor shall your moon withdraw itself for the Lord will be your ever lest in light very quick church listen what is he talking about Revelation chapter 21 verse 22 revelation 21 22 but I saw John saw no temple he sees eternity listen to this John sees the dwelling of God I saw no temple therefore the Lord Almighty and the lamb are its temple and the city he's talking about the heavenly eternal Jerusalem the heavenly city called Jerusalem not the one on earth the city had no need of the Sun or the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it the lamb is its light is that also and that look at verse chapter chapter 60 verse 20 and the days of your mourning shall be ended also your people this is the national salvation of the remnant this is the national salvation of the remnant of Israel shall be righteous they shall inherit the land forever don't tell the UN that the branch of my planting the work of my hands that I may be glorified a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation I the Lord will hasten it in its time Wow what this means is God wants it's awesome right now it's kind of going along when we're watching things happen but God says when it started when it starts to happen it's going to go quick listen friend let's pray tonight that God would be granted the opportunity to restore you right here right now you know what it's late but it's not too late father we come to you tonight and we ask Lord in the name of Jesus that there are those of us here tonight that need restoration of the mind Mayans that are tormented vandalized Minds that have been just pressured to the point of crushing and tonight the Lord would speak to you and say let me restore you there may be emotions here tonight of a life that has been dashed by disappointment heartache and brokenness and the Lord says to unite let me restore your hearts there may be an atheist here tonight and your atheism has raped you has left you without answers without hope and you've despaired and even if life itself and the Lord is saying to you tonight let me restore you by coming to Jesus Christ Lord and Savior to trust Jesus the one God has prophesied that would die on the cross for your sins my friend trust in him tonight go to him not in religion but in a heartfelt cry and let God restore you backslidden Christian God's waiting to restore you weary Saint God is ready to restore you alright this is pastor Jack and if you were blessed by the message you can like it and you can also receive more of our teaching by hitting the subscribe button we'd love to bring you more of the Word of God god bless you
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 33,270
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Keywords: sin, jesus, god, bible, jack hibbs, hope, church, iniquity, israel, israelites christianity, christian, jesus christ, prophet Isaiah, gospel, isaiah the prophet, the book of Isaiah, Isaiah, prayer, forgive, forgiveness, confession, messiah, holiness, salvation, old testament, old testament prophets, old testament books of the bible, biblical prophet, bible study, calvary chapel, real life with jack hibbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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