Can the LFC *BEAT* Wave 100???

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in today's video we're going to be using the worst rare unit in trying to beat wave 100 can I do it let's find out all right boys so for our Squad in this challenge we got the large firework here man obviously he is the uh hero of this video we also got the DJ to boost us we got the chief to boost Us in range Santa for money Astro for slowing and Mech for more boosting with cooldown so we have our Squad here let's jump into the match real quick guys before the match starts if you haven't done so already head on over to my website LTC because I got a special giveaway for you guys just go to the giveaway button down here and once this page loads up when we hit 550,000 subscribers we're going to be giving away this awesome ultimate unit so make sure you guys if you haven't done so already hit that like button hit that subscribe button share the video and Channel with a friend and hopefully we'll get to this goal soon so we can give away this awesome unit and also today I updated all my values so you guys don't get scammed and you can have happy trades all right so let's get back and start this challenge up all right guys we just loaded into the match so the challenge has officially started as you guys know we are going to be giving ourselves a little bit of extra money just so we could get the uh little farm units going a little bit earlier and that's going to help us out in the long run so boom there we go we got these guys up and running and then we can work on getting down our firework guys now listen the Only Rule that I have here is I have to only use like one of each of the boosters so one Mech one Astro one ch be and one DJ and the rest have to be fireworks and then other than that you know we just got to get to the uh goal which once again if you guys forgot is getting to wave 100 and killing the boss so also I should probably mention that Autos skip will be on the entire time so things are going to get hectic out here guys don't get me wrong it's just will it be enough 10,000 DPS to kill these big bosses which have a lot of HP so I don't know but what I do have to do is make sure I get this Mech right here in the middle because it's very very important I get that placement perfect otherwise it will be very very very bad for me so there we go we'll get him right there he can also help out the start this guy is huge look at how big this guy is what the heck he's like in the lava though so his like Circle you see here guys the circle is like in the Rocks right there what the heck well oh well no big deal also though guys before we get any further than this challenge have you guys noticed something different about my character let me think you guys think for second all right go ahead keep thinking keep thinking yeah I got my 500k merch it's out guys make sure you join my Roblox group if you haven't done so already here let me show you real quick so if you go to uh Roblox here go to groups if you look up the crazy Club crazy Club just like that go to the store and boom you'll notice that we got the black and purple 500k and the white and purple 500k so whatever one you like more you want to get both make sure you grab it before it's gone forever guys cuz when we hit 600k this merch is going to be gone for forever so make sure you get it now just like the 400k 1 300K 200 you know all those they're gone I mean you still own them but they're not going to be uh you know be able to bot anymore so that way when we get to 1 million one day you guys could be like yeah I was a true fan since 500k or you know whatever also don't forget to join my little crazy Club Studios group this is where we're going to be releasing our game inside of this group here so if you guys haven't done so already make sure you join up here and enter this group all right but uh the links for that stuff will be in the description if you need it just go there find it click it you'll be good to go all right but anyways hey guess what guys we're already on Wave seven and we got a lot of money to spend so let's get this guy upgraded luckily his range is is not that good but it's enough to at least reach that part of the track now so that is on the bright side actually I think that we're going to have to move him well we'll see here once I get the chief down I don't even know if he could be boosted to be quite honest with you so we're going to find out here soon but uh let's see he is able to be boosted so that is good it does increase is range a little teeny tiny bit there in order to reach some parts of the track that you wouldn't really expec them to be able to reach so that's good very good guys very very good that's awesome so let's max out this uh Chief here that will just give us that 15% range boost so as you guys can see now you know it's still not perfect I guess that's just bad placement I really wish he had like 50 range if he had 50 55 he'd be golden but he only has 35 and then the the plus uh 6.25 because of my booster but that's okay guys it's it's fine you know at the end of the day it is what it is we're just going to have to make the most out of it all right so let's go ahead get down to DJ here and then I'm thinking you know we're going to Max the DJ out right away that way he gets uh you know even a little bit more coold down help and also damage helps so it's going to make his damage go from 10,000 DPS to a little bit more which is good so that is very nice to see but outside of that we got the clock spiders going to be helping us out here too that's definitely going to be good for us not our full intention here without that guys I will say though this challenge there's no point of even trying it obviously I'm not going to make it to 100 but give myself some booster units and stuff like that it does make this challenge potentially doable so that's the uh reason why we're doing this now we will also worry about getting down our Astro here because he is going to be our Perma slower guys so that is going to be good for us because we need that slowing in order to do a lots of DPS without that once again GG's we ain't going to make it very far so ideally though in the future guys sometime I would probably get down like other healer type units but I don't have any healers on this team I wish I had seven slots I don't have seven slots though guys so it's quite unfortunate but it is what it is if I do get stun that is going to be quite a bit of a problem for us so hopefully we don't get stun very very much during this match if I do then I'm in trouble but guys I just can't stop looking at this Merch this merch is fire he did a really good job on this I like the white and purple one this time I usually go for the Dark theme but this time I'm feeling the light theme on this one guys I don't know what it is about it but it really pops out it's uh it's a good vibe I really really like this one I went with like the you know I I think that we're going to continue this pattern of like the paintball Splash like spider I don't know if you guys know what I'm talking about but that's basically the pattern of this kind of like a little bit of tieish to Vibes but that is the pattern I'm going with and I really like it on this one it looks so good it's like a nice bright purple and then the white really makes the purple pop so I'm feeling it 500k merch is looking good guys looking very very nice and hopefully we'll be releasing that 600k merch soon you guys got to tell me what color I should choose though should we go with like so we already did blue red we did green and yellow so we got a couple other options left not too many more but you know there's other options out there we definitely probably like when we get to like 1 million or something maybe we'll do like an awesome black and white one or black and gold or white and gold something like that but then again that's kind of just like yellow so that won't really matter maybe a rainbow one though honestly I don't know you know rainbow you know it could be a good vibe I'm going get to you know 1 million I mean just all the colors allinone imagine that like split like imagine if we did like just like lines going down the shirt and just you know did it like that or something I don't know it would be kind of cool that would be pretty pretty epic not going to lie but hey we're on live 19 guys we got to keep it up here we're doing pretty darn good so far so challenge ain't looking so bad quite yet we do have to upgrade the Astro in order to make it a little bit further here so let's get that going but as you can see already he is able to reach all the way out to there so that slowing is in effect already and it's going to help our guys do damage very very easily so that's good so let's go ahead think can we put down a nice little firework guy like right here that should be good and it should help reach all those different areas which is exactly what we want so it is working as intended there we go and yeah so that's you know pretty much the the way we're trying to do this so there we go good start so far guys Good Start Good Start we got everything that we really need here so far and so far so good everything's looking just mighty fine and I think that if we keep on continuing to get down some more firework guys like in this path or in this vcinity here somewhere it doesn't seem like i' fit down one right here unfortunately I think it's CU this stupid guy right here maybe if I sell him and then put down one yeah right there I just have to sell the guy in the back and then it'll actually work so there we go that's good and I can fit down like one more guys there we go and now we have like five maxed out firework guys we have room for nine more troops so nine more fireworks plus three more because I'll delete the Santas later on in the match when I get more money so keep that in mind and also don't forget too because of this setup I have two emergencies so if I need to use those on bosses this will be very very perfect and you know we won't have to be scared for our lives out here we could actually probably clutch this up and kill the bosses like if we get the broken heart one hopefully we can get him stunn un locked if you guys remember in a couple of my old videos he got stun locked and like literally couldn't move so if we can make that happen that my friends would be ideal but once again we don't live in an Ideal World guys so that's probably not going to happen we'll see but it's probably not going to happen anyways though let's get this little Mech bunny maxed out too because he is going to have this nice little ability for us to do 25% less cool down which I think stacks on top of even the DJ so 50% let cool down which means we're going to be shooting these fireworks Ops super duper quickly and doing lots and lots and lots of damage very nicely so that is I think a really good plan for us and something that I'm going to do but is it going to truly help us when we get to like 60s 7s 80s I don't know I hope so guys but man these bosses they have a lot of HP and it is not going to be easy guys not going to be easy at all but I will try my best for y'all I want to win this challenge and you know hopefully be able to pull this off so we'll see what happens guys I'm truly hoping that we could actually do this will we I'm not sure but I'm hoping that we could because it would be super duper epic so let's find out now I have $35,000 that should be enough to almost Max this guy out I just need like 6,000 more 5,500 more whatever and then this Mech bunny Titan is officially maxed so once again though he's not the best but I mean he's got that cool down ability so that's going to be good for these firework guys we really need that cool down guys without that like I was saying it's truly going to be a very difficult challenge so there we go we got that now and now all of my other booster units are maxed so once again just got to focus up on firework guys now guys that's it just firework fireworks and more fireworks so here we go and it's kind of funny too cuz Fourth of July is right around the corner guys for those of you who live in the US oops didn't mean to do that got to get rid of that off the screen but uh for those who that live in the US we are uh you know getting very close to the 4th of July so this challenge is kind of like perfect timing maybe I'll do something similar like this in the future but I'm sure they're going to make some sort of like you know firework update later on then too so we won't have to really worry too too too much about that I don't think I should probably get this guy right here though don't y'all think maybe I should get him right there because if I don't then he can't really cover where I need him to cover so there we go guys now this guy over here is actually covered by the 25% damage boost and cool down and range so that's good and it's going to give us a big big big radius here to do damage so that's exactly what you know we are looking for here from our Squad so let's get this next guy down boom just like that and I'm making money and not quick enough but I am definitely making money here and it's going to help us get to what we need to do soon but just got to grind it out and get this money and then also upgrade these firework launchers I really hope that they you know like think about buffing these guys one day or if they don't buff off these guys and I hope that they make some more good firework guys for the Fourth of July cuz I mean it only makes sense right I mean they should theoretically you you would think we would have to all assume but it is still it's our of fence so don't assume nothing guys who knows what the devs are going to be planning for this uh next update coming around the corner here who the heck knows because I surely don't know guys I surely surely don't know but you know we will see we will see guys but hey W 36 let's keep on going so far like honestly no issues at all these enemies have not even really gotten past this first curve here but if they start getting past the curve around like wave 50 then we know there's going to be a problem but I mean so far so good still right let's keep it up out here and we should possibly maybe be okay we'll have to see though guys we'll just have to see let's get down another firework guy we're probably going to want to get some back over here on this side too just because you know keep in mind these enemies are going to be getting over to this corner at some point I don't know when exactly but you know it will happen and we have to be prepared for that because if we're not then we will be in big trouble so there we go let's get some more down that's another three down luckily they're not too expensive to upgrade that is one plus side to them they're not very expensive guys so that's good but you know still the damage is just what's lacking on them I mean in this day and age guys 10,000 DPS is truly nothing when there's some unit in this game that do like 60 to 150,000 you know what I mean so like there's just no reason you would ever bring in the large firework cameraman but that's why I'm hoping like if they increase his DPS to like 50k then like he'd be worth it you know but it's just not or 50k and maybe he does like some sort of boost like boost cool down boost damage I don't know do something it's just cool or maybe like add Splash to all your enemies I don't know just something weird like that it would be kind of cool kind of neat but for right now he's kind of a trash unit when he was released yeah he was really good but you know as time passes the old units get worse and worse and worse so that's why you know Buffs need to be you know happening so that is very very much so why very very much so why all right the wave 41 let's see here let's see let's see can we kill this wave I think we're going to be able to looks like we took out the boss already that's a good sign very very good sign I think that uh you know hey guys so far so good and the weird part is like basically the only thing that's really a doing damage right now weirdly enough is like the chief cockman so you know I know he's just one my one of my boosters but then once I get into this range of the fireworks that's when the true DPS really unleashes itself so that's good very very solid and I love the animation of the fireworks guys look at when they uh blow up like that that's cool actually very very nice very nicely done to whoever animated the firework launcher guys it's uh a really really good- looking unit and I like their outfits too it's a Cool vibe of the outfit right there I mean can't go wrong with that am I right but we'll see guys we'll see do they have a little hat on too they do have a little party hat on I could you know they celebrated like the new year so they have a little party hat on that's kind of funny I didn't even realize that till just now look at that though that's kind of nice all right let's get down another one we have room for two more for now and then we'll sell those uh Whatchamacallit those Santas once it's time so not time quite yet but soon soon enough guys it will be time all right now we are running out of room here to put down more troops so H I'm not sure let's see right here maybe yeah that'll be good for now and then get down another one like right there yep yep yep yep yep yep and maxed out now I have 40K so I can sell these sand and then guess what guys we are living big and we should be able to get down three more fireworks and that's it then it's just like all about can we do enough DPS to stay alive I'm hoping we could but you know you never know right this slowing though is definitely helping out a lot having that Astra on the team very important I always got to remember to bring him in or the chief or sorry not the chief the chef because the chef is actually better he does 100% slowing whereas this guy guy actually only does like 65 or 70 so you could get even better but you just have to sacrifice that range whereas like you know you might need two chefs instead of just one Astro cuz see the Astro he covers the whole map basically but the chef he has very very poor range or radius with his Circle there so you know not as good not as good so just got to keep that in mind if you are going to go down that route but we are not I prefer the Astro although we lack like that 35 extra what is the slowing so the slowing is oh so 40% slowing we miss out on wow so it's actually quite a bit that you lose out on but I think that you know it's it's still okay cuz that range really makes up for it and then you get to have an extra one of your DPS units on your team so that I'm pretty sure just you know makes it still worth it so yeah it's all good with 50 though guys I think this will be the first time I potentially pop my rabbit ability just to kind of see if it does help out a lot it seems like these enemies are getting a lot further than the previous waves so we're going to have to see here if everything is still okay I mean so far everything's looking okay but once again you can never truly know until you know you know what I mean so we'll see soon guys we'll see soon but so far so good J toets going down and he is the boss isn't he where is the boss guys I don't even see him did he the boss even SP oh I have the boss uh things turned off let me go in my settings there we go sorry guys I was wondering where the heck is the boss I had my boss uh health bar turned off that makes sense all right so these enemies let's use the Rabid ability and let's see what just happens here okay does it actually do anything I mean it shows that all my units are affected but I don't know if it actually affects my guys or not I really it's hard to actually notice I mean still says- 25 cool down but it's supposed to be 50 so I don't really know but it seems like we are destroying these scientist toilets fairly quickly so I think we are doing something right now we got the Beret rocket launcher toilet he's almost got 10 million HP so if we kill him relatively quickly here then that's a good sign that we will be able to take out some of those really uh you know super high HP enemies later on that have like 3040 50 million then the bosses have 140 million but once again the bosses I have like three chances with those cuz I got the emergency ability so yeah as long as I don't waste the emergency ability on like you know the broken heart guy then the 100 boss should be a piece of cake you know if we make it that far now will we make it that far I don't know but we're going to keep on trying some of these enemies are getting a little bit further than I'd like especially these 4.0 bosses they are you know they have 5 million HP so it kind of makes sense but ideally I'd like to set them back and stop them a little bit sooner rather than later because right now they're not bunched up and they are not getting slowed down by my most of my guys here but there we go this group of enemies is mainly getting all slowed at once so they are uh getting halted there and dying relatively all at the same time which is what you want to do in order to maximize your damage so so far so good when it comes to that got all these giant blind toets they don't seem to be too much of an issue the TNT and fireworks are just obliterating them so that's good and yeah I can't imagine guys like if these dudes do get buffed I mean they are going to be very very good units 100% they will but just once again so for now just having that 10,000 DPS I think that they do deserve a little bit of a buff luckily though on the bride side they are boostable without that they would really suck but they are currently boostable units so that is a good sign I just think that you know give them a little bit more damage like 20 to 50K range make them a whole another unit make them usable again which would be so cool now this helmet boss 4.0 he sucks because he has a shield so you got to make sure you kill him early when he has a shield down if you don't the enemies will start to get kind of far and as you can see here in this scenario the enemies are getting very very far but uh you know we're going to be able to take him out there pretty soon now we got some massive oven toilets coming after us these ones are super duper annoying but once again they are being slowed and stunned and all Splash damage so that's good and we are you know quickly taking them out here so I got no complaints when it comes to that I do have a lot of money right now guys but I don't have anything to really spend it on unfortunately but Boom the wave 60 boss is here he's got 13 million HP so so far that is currently the strongest boss we have seen all day guys will we be able to kill it man I sure hope so will we not if not then I lose and I'm a loser but I don't want to be a loser today I want to be a winner I want to win a challenge for once guys I want to get to 100 beat it and be happy about it you know what I'm saying so we will see though we will see I'm really uh you know I'm feeling good with my squad though I I I think that they are better than I thought they were going to perform I thought we were going to die around like wave 50 but look at us go we're on Wave 62 right now and we're still cooking so so far things are looking okay unfortunately here though this boss is making it pretty far however you know we are killing him he's only down to 30% already so that means that you know yeah we could do 12 million HP damage that's not bad that's not bad at all then all these other enemies when they get close they do just immediately get slowed down so it's uh it's good for the grouping with the splashing because they all get Splash damage so that's a good sign guys very good sign now however what's not good is we got these scientist toilets getting extremely far and there's like no enemies behind them so the uh the order here like we got to catch up we got to really get like back to slowing enemies down at that front curve if we can't do that then we are in big trouble guys big trouble luckily the TNT guy and some of these dudes are still shooting the enemies in the back so as you can see you know slightly their damaged when they're coming around the corner but other than that it's not enough guys we got to do some more we got to do some more here luckily though the mech bunny is helping out quite a bit can I pop his rapid ability again yes I could let's do that for now just to help speed up the damage and that should easily be able to wipe out most of these guys here for the most part let's see yeah I mean look at that guys just by popping that rabbit ability I think we really got back into the fight so that's a good sign you know when we get to those Future boss waves 7s you know 80s 80 boss is easy so is the 70 Boss it's just the the what do you call uh Thanksgiving boss the turkey guys so he's not too bad like yeah he is a little bit hard but nothing that we can handle I don't think we should be fine we should be able to kill him relatively quickly and then we'll go on from there and try to take out the wave of 90 ones so the 90 and the Dual cargo we're going to be more or so on the challenging side the Dual cargo maybe not cuz he only has like less than 10 million HP but he is quick but then again I got my Astros so maybe he actually won't be a problem look at this guys so there's just these groups here and then that group over there but that group over there is dying so that's good we might be able to catch back up here and get back on track when it comes to you know just taking out the guys in the front but now these guys with the little uh scientist toilets in their little gun up there they're kind of getting far so yeah that group damage is not going well right now but that's okay because the Michael Jackson type looking dude is about to be gone there we go he's dead and we got to get to the oven and the small scientist toilets which it does look like in fact we are absolutely destroying them and taking them out severely uh easily here so that's good but wave 70 the next boss is going to be spawning in and once again it is going to be the turkey boss so yes he is going to be tough but he is going to be killable and if he does get super far then I'll have to send him back with the emergency ability now the one problem though is I could get stunned here if I get stunned I'm all out of the fight and that's not good we got to be extremely careful with that and yeah there he is guys 22 million HP he is a slower boss though so we have plenty of time to kill him then once again like I said if he does for some reason make it kind of far then I could easily just you know reset my guys and then we'll be good but he's right here already and we only have done 3% damage so not a good sign guys not a good sign and he's stunning now so all my dudes are stuned in fact bad sign bad look bad look for us 45 more seconds here on this ability and then I could actually send some of these guys you know hopefully and boost them and get that cool down going quicker so that way we're doing a lot more damage and that would be very very good for us but right now things are not looking good guys these toxic mutants are making it pretty far they only have 2 million HP left though so I guess that's not too too bad we should be able to kill them relatively quickly Here If I Could Just Kill Them like right now that would be fine and then we be good but it's not looking good guys they still have 3 million HP left holy smokes that scientist toet needs to die right about now come on send out one of your clock spiders dude that would help out a bunch right now come on spawn one in right now right now have 500 HP damage would be so op actually but not going to happen well we maybe get the 500 and kill that jetpack guy there that would still be pretty good how about we use our rabbit ability now and hopefully this really changes the tide of the match for us because if it doesn't we are in big trouble but hey I am still extremely proud of my units here because I mean like realistically guys we have done a lot we made it to wave 75 literally using the worst like rare unit in the game so that is impressive I'm not mad these Phantom toilets Unfortunately they kind of Dash forward like that so they are tough to kill but I mean guys that's you know this this isn't bad I'm proud I'm proud of my team on this one I I surely thought that I would die a lot sooner I was hoping to win the challenge but I mean come on now you got to give me some credit here don't don't give me the credit give the fireworks to credit guys they did handle themselves pretty well for being the worst prayer unit in the game I mean come on now that's impressive guys it's pretty impressive they just need some more Buffs to their damage range and then they'll be back on top seriously the range is lacking on them their range is horrible but 69 waves beat in and we made it to wave 77 so pretty good guys that was a fun challenge I hope that you guys enjoyed watching this one with me if you guys want me to do another specific unit in the next video let me know in the comments or it's just some sort of other challenge like drillman only you know AOE only something like that let me know in the comments and I can make that happen but uh thank you for making it this far if you want to watch my last video it's a good one about the engineer go check it out it's on your screen now click it and I'll see you guys on over there adios
Channel: LTkrazy
Views: 6,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Toilet Tower Defense, TTD, firework cameraman
Id: DMHzd-twPv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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