Can She Threaten Her Husband With Divorce If He Takes a Second Wife? || The Muslim Family Q&A | AMAU

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what Apple Oh Phil called an Imagi @p he is allah jalla jalaluhu well Mustafa Hadi well at a world is a woman allowed to threaten her husband with seeking a holler or divorce if he takes a second wife what should a man do in this instance if he wishes to marry again but fears leaving behind a broken family al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu salam ala abdullah rasool nabina muhammad wa ala ali yo sahbihi ajma'in i looked at a number of different Fattah WA from various scholars on this topic and I found that they were very harsh on this issue and very stern on this issue and they considered it to be forbidden for a woman to threaten her husband with a holla or with colic simply because he married or he wanted to marry another woman as a second wife or because he married a second wife and this includes saying things like it's her or me or forcing him to divorce the other woman or putting pressure on him to do so and I found that there were among the people of knowledge those who attributed this to the major sins to the cavalry from the major sins however there is a second situation in which the issue may be somewhat different and that is if a woman does not threaten her husband with this nor does she say to him if you marry again I will divorce you or I will take a collar or if you marry again I will force you to divorce me or divorce her or whatever but what she does do is she's patient but in the end she realizes that she can't manage it she's patient with it she doesn't threaten him in that way she doesn't force him in that way but she comes to the conclusion that she can't fulfill the laws of Allah towards her husband she can't fulfill the laws of Allah to each other as it relates to her husband because of this issue and in this case we believe that it is permissible for her to seek a hula because it comes under the same ruling as the hadith of the wife of habit and Pais and the hide is narrated by Bukhari from the hadith of Abdullah II Abbas radi allahu anhu MA in which she said to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom she didn't blame babbitt in his hope voilá Dean and not in his religion but she mentioned that she feared she feared a loafer fill Islam she feared that she would not be able to she would not be able to fulfill the rights of the husband and she would not be able to to continue as his wife fulfilling the rights that Allah had commanded her to fulfill so the prophet sallallaahu on us LM allowed her ahora for this and it wasn't because of a second wife but the point is that if a woman reaches such a stage where she reaches a stage in a marriage where she says that because of certain things that have happened I can't fulfill his rights anymore and I fear that I'm actually just earning sin in the sight of Allah then she has the right to go and ask for a hora and it becomes the matter of the judge to decide if they need counseling or if it's a horrid that they can be given immediately whether there could be some reconciliation then that comes into the matter of the judge who may well give her advice and tell her to be patient and tell her - you know - to try and give it time but ultimately the end of the day if the matter reaches that extent without her threatening her husband and without her pressurizing him saying okay I will try my best to be patient she's waiting she tried but she couldn't manage it there's no doubt that being a co wife is not an easy it's not an easy thing it's not an easy thing for a woman to manage and it's not something which is easy for her to bear so women might say that I am earning I feel like I'm earning sin now instead of good deeds because this marriage is not bringing me nearer to Allah it's pushing me away and the things pushing me ways I'm not able to fulfill my husband's rights without blaming him for what he did because what he did was not Haram so that is that's one thing to bear in mind it's also really important the question or part of the question mention the issue of a husband fears that if he were to marry again he would be leaving behind a broken family and there is no doubt that this is something which should be given consideration because the situation in our time today is not like it was in the past the situation now is that when a husband and wife divorce there are often serious and severe repercussions upon the children and the wider family and there can be really really serious things happen and a lot of a lot of the things that used to be there where divorce women would find it relatively easy to remarry and children's rights would be protected and so on those things have often disappeared in many situations in the modern time that we are in and therefore it is important for a man to think about that before he decides that he wants to marry again marrying again is something permissible in Islam it's not Haram and it may be obligatory for a man if he fears for his religion and he fears that he will not be able to stay within the limits set by Allah that that could be a situation but he does have to think about the consequences now there is one other situation that I wanted to mention which could be taken into account and that is if the woman has stip related in the marriage contract that she does not want her husband to take a second wife so within the marriage contract there are additional conditions and we know the prophet saww I said he said a hawkish route and to be he mr. Elton bill for Joe Camel allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the most deserving of conditions for you to fulfil are those would make the private parts halal and we know the prophets by some seller mostly muna I wrote him that Muslims have to fulfill their conditions and so generally speaking from the people of knowledge from from what I have understood from the people of knowledge is that it is acceptable for a woman to put a condition in the marriage contract to say that she does not want her husband to marry another wife if then the husband accepts that and marries her as his decision whether I would recommend a man to marry a woman who puts that condition that's a different matter that's a different situation everybody has their own situation that they have to make a decision about perhaps a man might turn around and say well sorry that's not the kind of condition that I would be willing to accept if this is something he really wants to do but in any case and if he were to agree then she would have the right to dissolve the marriage she would go to the judge and to say to him that I had made a condition and my husband had agreed at the time of marriage that he would not marry again he's married again therefore I want to exercise my right to cancel the marriage because he has broken one of the conditions of the nikah which were agreed upon and I don't think that this is a condition which falls into that which is Haram generally speaking but it certainly has to be taken into account the difficulties that we have that are unique to this time as it relates to issues of divorce particularly when children are involved analyse original knows best assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu how can you do a two second action right now that will give you a share of the road of everything we're doing on this youtube channel simple like this video I click subscribe why it will allow YouTube to recommend our videos to other users and imagine the huge amount of rewards that could be waiting for you on the day of judgment if you did that with a sincere intention of spreading the Deen of Allah you'll be rewarded for every single person who benefits from one of our videos as a result of your like or subscribe that's an easy 2 second action that you definitely don't want to miss out on do it now click like and subscribe and don't forget to make that intention
Channel: Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah
Views: 24,106
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Keywords: Islaam, Islam, Quran, Qur'an, Qur'aan, Sunnah, Muhammad, Hadith, Hadeeth, Ustadh, Abdulrahman Hassan, Ustaadh, Salafi, Salafiyyah, Sunni, Lesson, Islamic, Islaamic, Tawheed, Shirk, Bidah, Jannah, Muhammad Tim Humble, Tim Humble, AMAU, Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah, The Muslim Family, AMAU at Home, AMAU short course, Dawahman, Dawah man, Imran ibn mansur, Naseeha Sessions, Allah, Iman, Eman, Eemaan, Eeman, Imaan, Dawah, Da'wah, Imaan boost, Iman boost, tarbiyyah, tarbiyya, tarbiyah, tarbiya, parents, children
Id: 8nGRaqslmZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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