Can illness be cured by prayer? (2/2)

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but to be fair to wears and others you I mean just I've got to go to the audience and it please do put your hands up I come run and get some comments you're not suggesting that people don't use conventional methods your order you're a kind of icing on icing on the cake the lady over here oh yeah I kind of believe a lot of what you're talking about with the corn there is actually positivity because I'm both me and Sarah have them disability ting illnesses I have MS and of um arthritis and I believe being positive yep mind is just people Stephen miser yeah anyone else yes sir yeah it's like this gentleman said he believed in something like their BMWs in the traffic lights yeah you hope to believe in something but personally you know a friend of mine his mother-in-law was ill and he asked me because I'm the secretary of the biggest mosque in Southampton and she is a practicing Christian herself yeah to pray for me we prayed Christian prayer and believe me she's much better now so yeah but the interesting thing is she believes there was the press that's it okay so that's great that's muhammad and jesus working together yes but you say yeah right i just want to say that healing or miracles they mainly depend on faith and i'm a christian and in the bible there were times where the Apostles and even Jesus himself was surprised you to the lack of faith and no miracles happened so I mean I believe that jesus heals I mean more than intervening he is the one who performs miracles awesome so I think you know the faith plays a key role in the healing yeah layout required you do not have to believe in God to be healed it's lovely if you do it adds another dimension to the energy but we acknowledge another another dimension to the energy from God if you have faith but we accept that the energy is there provided by the God force to be used for the betterment of mankind whether they are Christian whether they are not whether they're spiritually sore not it does not matter there is a beneficent energy in the universe for us to use for the good of all times you want to come in on I just wanted to throw to throw the ball to you you know if we had total answers there would be no faith oh yeah you know Nathan the European Union faced about the European Union it's making us poorer Kevin one of the sad things about this is that given the state of the NHS at the moment given the way the government's demolished it it's no wonder that some people are sadly turned to prayer and that's the really iniquity of this and what happens with some of these issues around can prayer cure illness is people turn away they'd Eve and also they're not getting some people like the other Kevin Kevin Byrne can try a cure illness i absolutely believe it can i think the sad element to this really is is that our hearts have grown callous towards God in this in this country in the modern developed countries in the world if you've got a headache you turn to a pill I've been into third world countries where I have laid my hands on cataracts and they have cleared in front of me I have laid my hands on people that have had that baby humidity I'm not a healer I got people that I and I and I declare that they're healed in Jesus name and are they and I have seen miracle after miracle after miracle sadly miracle what miracle have you seen Oh Ike remember once we went down in this is internally in India me and a guy called mark walky walky we went into the High Street and there was a guy there who was bandaged from here to here on a rickshaw yeah but it was designed for his hands yeah so I said to Mike let's pray for this guy and everyone around we're saying no no no all gods are the same all gods are the same so he said will you call upon your gods to heal this man very quickly I didn't we we prayed for this guy and he was jumping up and down each other more than that three days later he came and sought us out to prove and show to us that he was still healed they've got that deserve we have to listen you've been a good give your all give yourselves all a round of applause today's continued online on Twitter next week in glasses I understand goodbye class are watching enjoy your Sunday the changes planned to our pensions the Pensions Minister Steve Webb joins Andrew Neil for the Sunday politics next on BBC one
Channel: Tr3Vel0cita
Views: 46,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qK0uujyXRoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 23 2014
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