Can I Weld Glass?

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all right everyone welcome back Cody's lab so in the video dissolving gold using cherry pits I broke a piece of glassware this a distillation adapter here after I had added two acid into the flask I went to cap it off and this piece of glass broke off right here it just snapped it now I think the reason for that is this is actually a smooth sided fitting meant for a cork and I thought it was a ground glass fitting I mean it looks like it should be a ground glass fitting right but that's that's not ground glass right there some people didn't notice that i changed distillation adapters between cuts and this is why so i was going to throw this away and buy another one perhaps one that actually has a ground glass fitting and i saw that i had another piece of glassware that was broke that did have a ground glass fitting and it's the right size and everything and i was wondering could I take this one off and put it over onto here basically you'll cut that cut it here I'm gonna roll them together and make a distillation adapter and save my 30 bucks well let's find out if I can do it so I went and I dug up this old tile saw here it's not the cleanest but it still works makes a lot of noise though it's got a diamond blade I should be able to cut glass with it so here's the two pieces cut and I need to join them right there this piece looks like it's a lot larger but it's just kind of flared out when I heat it it should shrink in now I was going to try to do this with a blowtorch and I just don't think that'll put out enough heat so I'm gonna have to use the oxy acetylene torch the problem with that is it puts out too much heat and it will cause the glass to break as soon as I hit it with the flame so I'm gonna have to pre warm this so that little furnace here which I can use for that purpose I've also got another flask which is more or less okay except to Scotland a ste crack going through it I'm gonna see if I can fix this today as well so the idea here is I'm gonna put it inside of this furnace turn the furnace on and bring it up to about not hot enough to melt the glass I don't even want the glass soft just hot so that the torch won't be as much of a thermal shock so probably around 800 degrees you know just barely glowing red-hot should do it alright so over the past little while the furnace has come up to temperature I'm gonna pull out that flask let's see if we can weld it torch don't need that big of a flame okay heat all over again let's see if I can stop this crack from spreading look yeah that's a little little warm crack is just gonna get bigger alright this isn't working I'm not able to keep the whole thing hot for long enough let's work on the other thing see if we get that work see if I can Lotus okay I think I got working it can actually push the glass around the flame of the torch a little bit and it's nice to be able to do that okay that looks pretty good let's put it back in the furnace so they can stay hot until we can slowly cool it off all right well I got it in there it hasn't broke yet so I'm gonna let this slowly cool off and hopefully we'll have a working distillation adapter by the end of this oh yeah moment of truth it's been about 12 hours I just let this cool down naturally these firebrick are pretty insulating so it took hours and hours to cool this down the room temperature now here we are it doesn't look like it's cracked it's pretty good that's some white powder on there I wonder what that is [Music] yeah there's no sharp edge they're twisting it around I can't break it just my hands let's see if our plug will fit it no problem it looks like that will be vacuum tight to a see faking that blow air into it and it'll hold it no leaks I think that's good might not use it for something that's mission-critical but for everyday distillation and stuff that should work just fine so I've tried to repair glass or before I think this might be the first time I've been successful definitely help to be able to put inside the furnace for it to cool down slowly the large flask I was not able to salvage this probably because there's just too much you know while I'm heating over here over here's cooling off in the air maybe if I could have had somebody else with a torch blowing on it to help keep it more evenly heated let's be honest this was pretty ambitious I didn't expect it to work out but for small things looks like it works pretty good save myself like 30 bucks hope you enjoyed I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody'sLab
Views: 530,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welding, glass, melt, liquid, distill, fix, DIY
Id: 86X5f9xprQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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