Can I script a Unity Game with AI Assistant in under 15 minutes?

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In terms of game development I am  a total beginner. I know some of   the basics of Unity. Rider holds no  secrets for me. So I'm wondering...   Can I script A unity game with  AI assistant? If you think I can,   like this video. And subscribe to our channel  for more of these videos. Now let's hit play! I already prepared an empty Unity 3D project  with one modification: I downloaded two   different assets that I can use in the game to  visualize things later on. I have brick figures   and I have bricks that I can use on the scene.  And with that, let's see if we can code a game. So what I'm going to do first is create a  new empty game object and I'm going to call   that one "Main", and this empty main game object  will be the one that controls the entire game. To control the game I'm going to  add a new component, a new script,   and I will call that one "GameController". That  GameController is now being added to my assets,   it's linked up to the empty game object, so  let's see if we can open this one up in Rider. In Rider I already configured AI assistant.  You will need a subscription for that or   use the free trial. But with that, we can  just start coding using the AI assistant. The start method here is the method that I will  use to start generating the game scene that I have   in my game. So what I want to do is create a grid  that is aligned on the x and z axis and that will   use one of the prefabs that I downloaded earlier  from the asset store. So what I'm going to do in   this start method I'm going to Alt+Enter, use  the AI, AI actions, and then Generate code... The prompt I have here is very  specific. I will read it to you,   I just pasted it because it's very long and  I don't want you to see me typing but it's:   "generate a 5x5 grid on the X and  z-axis containing the grid element   preap with a 1.1 distance between each  elements scale the grid element prefab   to 5 by 5 and color the grid element prefab  red, blue, green, yellow or gray randomly". Let's execute that one and see what  the AI Assistant makes of it. So it's   already creating a field to hold my grid  element prefab, it's setting the spacing   in a private variable so that's also quite  useful, and then adding everything to my grid. This looks pretty much okay, so let's accept  all of the changes that we have here, save,   and go back into the Unity editor.  Now my main game object now has a   link to link the grid element prefab, and  what I'm going to do is search the assets   that I have in my project for a two by two  brick to use there. Let's switch into Play   mode and see if we have a grid and... Yes  we have! We have a grid that is generated   by code and I didn't even have to type  a line of code so that's pretty cool. I think the next thing I want to do  is add a player prefab and an enemy   prefab so what I want to do is on that  grid locate a player that I can move   around using the arrow keys and then have  an enemy that tries to catch that player. So what I'm going to do is simply copy  this one, make that player prefab and   make this one enemy prefab, save that,  go back into Unity and just hook things   up so I can visualize everything that I have  there. So for my player prefab I'm going to   use a green block figure that I downloaded  as an asset - so let's go with that one,   and for my enemy I will search for a red one  that I know is in there and use that one. Back into Rider... So what I want to do is add  that player at the center of the grid, so let's   see if we can prompt that using AI assistant.  Now, previously I used the Alt+Enter shortcut   to do that, but you can also write comments and  then Rider will try its best to infer the prompt   from that comment and do something with it. What  we're going to do is say that we want to create a   player from player prefab at the 3x3 position of  the grid. That should be the center. Let's see if   AI Assistant can do something with that. Yes it  can and it's adding something to my grid, nice!   Let's do the same thing with the Enemy. Create  an enemy from the enemy prefab at the edge of   the grid. That looks like a cool prompt so let's  use that... and that also looks nice. It's placing   it at position 0, 0, 0, which should be the edge -  at least one edge of the grid that we have there. Now just to keep track of the player that I want  to use later on to move it around and everything,   I am going to create a new field for that. So I'm  typing some code myself and I'm going to use the   same thing or going to do the same thing with the  Enemy. Now player is not yet a field but I can   Alt+Enter and then create a field from that using  Rider functionality and be done with it. And I can   do the same thing with the Enemy here, create  a field and keep track of the enemy in there. Allright! Just to see if this works, I'm going  going to switch back into Play mode and see if   I now have a player and an enemy on the grid. And  apparently I have, so thank you AI for doing this! Cool, now back into the editor I also want  to move the camera a little bit. So now the   camera was somewhere in the back of the  grid, and ideally I want to have, like,   a top down view of the entire grid so  I can see what is going on in the game. So what I'm going to do is again instruct  AI Assistant to do that and say "move the   camera so that it shows the entire grid from the  top". Let's go with that, we get some code there,   I have no idea if this works. We'll find out  later. But let's go with this one for now. Now one thing we want to do is move the player  around, and that can be done in the Update   function. So for every frame the Update function  is called in Unity, so what we're going to do here   is see if the AI Assistant can help us to make  sure that the player can actually move around   on the grid when we are using keyboard shortcuts.  So again, I'm going to use prompting in line here,   using comments, and going to say "move player to  the grid element in front of it when the arrow up   key is pressed". Now very important I also want  to make sure that we do not move out of the last   grid element just to make sure that we stay  in the boundary of the grid that we created. AI assistant is thinking, it apparently  generated something already so I can just   Tab and look at the code there ,and to be fair  this looks reasonably okay. We are getting the   current player position if it's smaller than  four, which is the grid size that we have,   zero based, then we are going to move  it around based on the key that we have. Now an interesting thing is that when  prompting from comments if you go to the   next line AI Assistant may give you some hints  about other functionality that you want to add,   and it detects that we're using arrow up  key down key we are in a Unity project.   So apparently it inferred that we are trying to  build a game and you will see that there's now   a prompt that says "move the player to the  grid element behind it when the down key is   pressed and do not move out of the first grid  element" which is quite interesting. So let's   Tab and let's go with that. Now hopefully AI  Assistant will also generate a left and right   function... and apparently we do get a left  function and we get a right function in one   go. So that's pretty interesting, let's switch  back into Unity and see if this actually works. So the first thing you will see is that the camera  is now to down so that worked, and if I press the   keys we are essentially seeing the player move  around which is also quite interesting. Nice,   again thank you AI Assistant. The last thing I  want to add in the game, or at least one of the   last things that I want to add in the game, is  the ability for the enemy to catch up with the   player that we have. So we're going to try  to catch the player so that the player will   have to escape the enemy that we have there. So  what we can do there is use coroutines in Unity,   and I'm going to prompt saying "start a  coroutine to move the enemy to the player". That's going to be generated using AI  Assistant which is nice except that that   MoveEnemy method is nowhere to be seen.  So what I'm going to do is use Alt+Enter,   create that method in there,  and just go with IEnumerator. Now an interesting thing happens: this  throw new SystemNotImplementedException   line has the AI Assistant icon right next to  it, which means that I can Alt+Enter and the   first thing that you see in the menu there  is that I can implement this method using AI   Assistant. So let's see if that works.  You will see that AI assist opens up a   chat and weill try to come up with some code  and an explanation of what that code will be   doing. It gets the context of the fact that we  are in a Unity project, it gets the context of   the player and the enemy being there, and  based on that it's going to do something. This looks cool, so I'm going to go with  that. I'm going to select the method that   we have there and I'm just going to  click replace this one and move it   in. That's pretty nice. Going to close this  window, go back into the Unity editor and   see if the enemy is actually trying to  catch up with the player that we have. And yes, it's very fast apparently which  is not what we want so maybe we want to   change the speed there a little bit. But  we can do that using the speed that we   have here and let's uh, let's divide it  by 100s and see if that works better. We'll do that one later on. The final thing that  I want to add in the code here is to also make it   so that when the enemy comes very close to the  player, essentially intersects with the player,   I want to make sure that the player position  resets to the center of the grid or at least   the initial starting position, so that later on  we can even add some scoring functionality etc. So I can do that in the update method, and  what I'm going to do is add another prompt   and say "if the enemy is within 0.5 from  the player reset the player position". Now I   know this is not very specific, but ideally AI  Assistant is going to infer that the original   position was position 3x3 and it is actually  applying that one. So um, this should work. Let's go back into Unity, go back into play  mode and see if this all works or not. So the   enemy is now moving, it is indeed slower,  I can still move my player, the enemy is   changing direction and when the enemy catches  up with the player, which is going to happen,   yes, the player position resets to where uh  it originally started. So I would say our   game is right now it is complete and we can  ship it and probably expand on it and so on. Now if you go back into Rider you  will see that there's other AI   functionality that you can invoke if you  go with the Alt+Enter menu, AI actions,   you will also see that there's the explain code  functionality. This one is super interesting   because maybe you don't remember what you  did or you want to have a quick summary   of what you have been doing while you  were generating the code for this game. So what you can do is explain code. This  will open the AI Assistant chat again and   you can just see what has been going on  and the AIAssistant is going to try and   explain what you have been doing. It's quite  good actually, so you will see that entire   explanation. What's also really interesting  is that I think for not knowing Unity,   not knowing scripting, etc. that in the  past couple of minutes we managed to   build a small game in Unity with Rider and  the AI Assistant, and that's pretty cool. I would say I don't think the code that we wrote  here will win any awards and I think experienced   Unity developers will probably be angry and  frown at me for setting up the entire scene   in code instead of in the editor, but I do think  being being able to explore and learn with the   help of the AI Assistant is quite interesting and  quite helpful. So I would say give this all a try!   Links to the relevant resources are in the video  description below and thank you for watching!
Channel: JetBrains
Views: 3,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JetBrains, software development, developer tools, programming, developer, unity, rider, AI, develop games fast, create games, create unity game, create a game fast
Id: H56LA_tnh54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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