Why I use Jetbrains Rider instead of Visual Studio for C# and .NET

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hello everybody i'm nick and this i want to talk to you about one of the questions i get all the time and that is what idea am i using it comes in many forms um i've seen it as what plugin are you using on visual studio code to make it look like this or is that resharper or how is your visual studio looking like this and mine doesn't so it's along those lines but the truth is i'm using a completely separate non-microsoft made id called jetbrains rider it's made by jetbrains the same people who make resharper and effectively combines the best qualities of visual studio and resharper into one id which is fully cross-platform now as a disclaimer i'm not actually paying for rider it is a paid product i'm not paying for it myself i'm a microsoft mvp and we get a license for free that being said before i was a microsoft mvp i was actually paying it out of my own pocket i was paying for his shopper and then when ryder came out i was able to transfer that like with a small fee to a rider license it was a cross-promotion type of thing so i have been using it since almost the very beginning and i've been through the rough parts of it but also through the nice things of it so in this video i want to talk to you about this what i think and just give you my opinion on the product now before i go start touching points and say this this this and this is why uh it's better or worse than visual studio for example or visual studio code i want to talk to you about why i am using it and you might not have the same use case as me so let's talk about that first now the first point is i don't only write dot net or c sharp i actually write a lot of java and love kotlin as well which means i'm using a java id to do that and a kotlin id and the idea of choice there is intellij idea which is a free idea made by jetbrains and because it's made by the same people on the same skeleton i can take all the configuration i have there and i can use it in rider so all my key bindings all my themes all that everything is just cross um not cross platform but cross ide so it gives you this nice quality on the id where i can be on my mac or i can be on my linux so i can be on my pc i can code java kotlin csharp.net whatever and i can have the exact same experience and this is very important for my productivity because i can just for example i might want to start letting go and they have a golang id there so i could very much just transfer everything that i have from my rider into that go id and have the exact same experience and this is awesome i cannot stress that enough this is probably one of the biggest points where i personally use it and the other one is because it is cross-platform i know there's visual studio for mac but the experience the developer experience between one and the other are miles away like i could not code in visual studio mac i just couldn't and that's my personal opinion visual studio on windows amazing it's fine it's perfect and with resharper is even better but it's taking a performance hit ryder is addressing that performance hit by doing a lot of optimizations and by owning the way things run you know you're not just a parasite you're not just a plug-in on the platform you're actually the platform and you can optimize for that now microsoft has invested heavily in visual studio and i can see that it's going in a way better place than when it was when i changed to rider but i'd rather pay for writer than go back to visual studio at this point i think a last thing i want to touch upon before i move just on the visual studio and intellij comparison is that you can take visual studio code and turn it into an id but by default it's not an id it's a text editor and i'm sure you can have an amazing cross-platform experience with village studio code but i rather have an integrated developer environment like rider that comes with a lot of stuff out of the box so i can have language support for so many different languages out of the box with autocompletes and syntaxes and whatever than taking visual studio code and trying to turn it into visual studio that exists and it's called video studio i'd rather use that the problem is i cannot use the same visual studio in all environments so yeah now the biggest advantage out of all of them is that it is truly fully cross-platform whatever you have on windows you have on linux and you have on mac it's the same thing nothing changes and that's because it's made in java or kotlin i think but it runs on the jvm and it can just run the exact same way everywhere because java is cross-platform which is fairly nice it's it's uh it makes you wonder what microsoft can do with dot net being cross platform now now making truly cross platform id with that being said that's a huge advantage especially for somebody who is writing in many machines i have a mac i have linux on my laptop and i have my desktop which is windows so it's a huge thing for me another huge advantage that you also have with resharper so writer does have resharper features so i'm not going to mention it every single time but it is being able to debug external code without having debug symbols and all that writer can do that visual studio cannot out of the box so it's a good selling point because sometimes the library that you might be using might have a bug and you don't want to go download the github sources look into the code try to think where your code would go and try to find the bug in the library you can just debug in the code and get there and that's amazing developer experience it really comes down to that another thing i've mentioned right after i transitioned is that you can do solution-wide or folder-wide searching and replacing and it's so so so much better than what you get in visual studio it's insanely better you really get this more fluid development experience by using writer as opposed to something like visual studio which feels like it feels more clunky it feels like an old times id that would run only on windows you know it's like comparing a winforms project and something that runs in electron being backed by a develo a web technology that makes it look very nice and feel very nice unit testing is a very big thing for me in tdd as well i do it all the time and code coverage is very important visual studio on its free version doesn't actually have code coverage you have to have an enterprise license and something similar exists in rider you need to have the dot ultimate package which is just 10 pounds more per year than the plain version of rider so you're probably gonna buy that because it has resharper.memory.trace.cover it has a bunch of other things and all of these just give you a nice feature set for your writer experience and one of them is code coverage every time you run your tests you get your code coverage 90 coverage on my unit testing or whatever and you don't need to pay an enterprise license in visual studio to have that you can just have it on rider for 10 more pounds the number of quick tips and refactorings and all that is just way way better and way more it's way more responsive as well and i do have a pretty beefy machine as well but writer just runs better on my machine at least my machine than visual studio does even with that resharper also because jetbrains have all of these other ids they have these language analysis for many other projects and they can just cross use them in different ids so if i have typescript or javascript or any other language on my writer the the project will have language support enabled for other languages as well so it's this typescript it says i can optimize that let me show you a suggestion there so you have these small things that you think you don't need but you kind of do and you get them for sql server as well you get them for a lot of things it's very nice it also has a plugin environment same way that microsoft has one with extensions but the good thing is you can actually in some cases in most cases you can use a plugin that's made for an other ide type like intellij into your rider so because java is more popular with intellij you can actually benefit off of that in a parasitic nature by using their plugins into your own service now let's move to the disadvantages of which there are a few first it's not free you have to pay for it i think it's 109 pounds a year just for rider and 119 pounds a year for the dot ultimate which also has a ryder recycler and a bunch of other jet brain related services however in most companies you should be able to expense that at least no company that i've worked for big or small has refused me to expense something for the id another problem is because some things are visual studio specific whenever a c-sharp language comes out or whenever a new.net version comes out it might take some time for code completion or feature support refactoring support for those new features to actually be in place by jetbrains because remember they're completely separate from microsoft they don't actually have everything on launch and microsoft can know and prepare everything for visual studio but you might have to wait for jetbrains an example for that is that when blazer came out and even now blazer support on rider is not great your debugging experience might not be as good as visual studios and you will also have this thing where something won't auto-complete correctly and you could break the project accidentally it's not common but it could happen and that might be a deal breaker for you one of the things i really love about visual studio is the peak definition feature which sadly doesn't work the way that it works in visual studio in writer and that's very sad i really liked it basically the c-sub file you're working on you should be able to just pick definition on a method and will show the method like in front of you like a hint the implementation and then go away in writer i think it's a pop-up window which is not great developer experience and it's such a shame that it's not working and the same way that it is working in visual studio i guess i can go on and on adding features on advantages and disadvantages but the main thing the main idea is that if you're working with more than one languages and you are using these other ids anyway it makes sense for you to jump on ryder even if you're not using these other languages i would suggest that you use the trial the 30-day trial that there is there you download it you use it you see if you like it and if you do like it just buy it it might be too expensive for some people but if you're making the money out of the programs that you're writing if you're more productive you might be able to expense it out of its performance and its features if you know what i mean at least that's my opinion on the matter what do you think what id are you using and have you used ryder leave a comment description down below that's all i had for you for this video thank you very much for watching special thanks to my github sponsors for making these videos possible if you want to support me as well you're going to find a link description down below leave a like if you liked the video subscribe for more content like this ring the bell as well and i'll see you in the next video keep coding
Channel: Nick Chapsas
Views: 163,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elfocrash, elfo, coding, asp.net, .netcore, dot net, core, C#, how to code, tutorial, asp.net core, javascript, js, csharp, rest, development, software engineering, dev, microsoft, microsoft mvp, .net core, nick chapsas, chapsas, jetbrains, jetbrains rider, rider, intellij idea, intellij, best dotnet ide, best C# IDE, Why I use Jetbrains Rider instead of Visual Studio, visual studio, visual studio code, dotnet, .net
Id: 9BHnDmAM164
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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