Can I make a house shaped like a cat in The Sims 4?

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My cat and I were hanging out just now I know she doesn't look very pleased but I swear she is her and I are really good friends We were hanging out just now and it got me thinking you know what if I built a house in the shape of a cat in The Sims 4 I've done a lot of these Let me did a triangle an octagon a plumb bob a heart, you know, we did all these things. What about a cat? So I say I think snaps pretty excited about this concept. Uh, so I think we should go for it She might not look it but that's just her face. She's got one of those faces. She's on my desk. She's on my desk Okay, we are gonna not have access to my keyboard I knew she'd want to be a part of it But I didn't realize she was gonna want to be like this much a part of it You know I don't know how to tell her this but I don't think she can use a keyboard or a mouse. You don't have fingers I think we should build this house in between my two most horrible monstrosity like right here, you know Okay, what does a cat look like and I have to redo this a little bit bigger I just realized the house is kind of small. That's a cat. See also kind of a spaceship looking thing Let's just okay. Let's do this, but bigger then I don't know how big I messed up I messed up I messed up that right. Let me get rid of it. Hang on Okay, it's fine I think I may have made it too oh by snaps I think that's too big It's pretty big we can make like a two-bedroom cat house. You know what my channel is really gone off the deep end recently I'm like looking at these houses nearby and I'm like is this really what I'm doing? Is this really what I'm doing on my youtube channel? I made it a little bit smaller Maybe even like a little bit smaller than that that makes more sense. That's a decent shaped cat How do we go about this? Do we like really embrace the fact that it's a cat and make the outside look like a cat Should it be a black cat? I like the idea of being a black cat? Oh, I say we go for it doesn't have to be like that extreme either we could do like a dark grey, you know I've always wanted a black cat. Am I gonna use for its eyes? I don't know. Oh wait. I've got an idea Oh my god, this is so dumb. Hang on. Oh My god, I need like a little triangle for its mouth I swear I'm gonna furnish the house - I just got to do this part first. Oh, here's an idea Here's a theory right? We could use those are wrong these things like whiskers and then they'll light up at night I know we can figure that out. We got to do some alt placing but we'll do that Can we just leave it like this? Look how cute it looks I got no idea what I'm doing right now. By the way, I'm trying to make its mouth. Okay Why is that kind of cute just on its own but can I leave it like that? I love this guy. What's its name? I'm gonna name it cookie. I have to make it into a house. I didn't think about that part I was too distracted with my cat decorating I know I didn't give him whiskers or anything, but I don't really know how I say. We just call it a day I'm really gonna post this as a thumbnail on YouTube to our night. It's ridiculous I'm sorry. Okay. Where does the front door go? How do we go about this? I'm gonna send my boyfriend a picture of this and see what he says. No Context just a screenshot of the top of the cat's face. Well, I'm having a great time He just said oh my god, that's not helpful or funny I was hoping were something more exciting than that, you know like OMG. What did you do? Like what were you thinking you that's the kind of thing? I was hoping for but instead we just gotten oh my god, which is really boring. Okay, where do we put the floor plan? What are we doing with this? We put some lights in so you can see how about we do a bathroom in the corner back there Because we can pull that off pretty easily. Well Easy's may be a strong word. This can become a bedroom. Well, that's not bad Let's do an ensuite bathroom, too We deserve that should we put another bedroom like in the corner over here like maybe a kid's bedroom Oh, there could be two doors into the bathroom could be like a jack-and-jill, you know Because then we only need to have one but maybe the kids bedroom should be a little bit bigger Like why isn't it kids under the same size as the bathroom? I feel like that's probably not appropriate. Okay Yeah, but mm maybe it has to be the same size. I'm sorry, and there needs to be windows in there, too I forgot about that, too Yeah, well do in the exact same place on both sides But this way we could have the kitchen like in this little part because it's not diagonal or anything kitchen like their living space here Maybe a little dining table. Oh, this is gonna be so good easy I'm actually excited with this we can make it look kind of cool. No, I'm into it This is gonna be good mark my words. Okay. This is gonna be one of the better versions. We've done of weird shaped houses I'm gonna regret saying that in a minute, but for now I kind of want to use the island living floors I'm using the island living windows. Should we use the floors from that pack too? I don't know what sort of tile to pick Hmm, and we do like all white walls everywhere. That could be fun. Look at this with this is an accent. Ooh Behind the kitchen Wow, see no. I'm good at this. I know how to build in the same I know how to make cat shaped houses in the sims doesn't even count as building does it let's use white counters We should do different floors. They're not dark enough It looks weird with the walls that I picked and I want to keep these walls cuz they're cool Oh, what about that? That's kind of fun. I like the jungle adventure fridge and stove. They're kind of cool-looking. It looks really weird. Doesn't it? Maybe shouldn't be the black appliances. Well do silver yeah, that's probably better I liked my fun idea of the dark, but I feel like it was kind of a weird contrast So we'll do it like this instead we can put cabinets up there about white cabinets It's also kind of dark in here. White fridge. That's weird. That's too no. That's too much put it back. Don't do that That's fine. Don't don't make it too extreme. Kala. That's a better floor. Oh my god what about this city living rug like the Really fluffy rug from city living you get it in white and we'll put cat trees like all over the place. Obviously Because it wouldn't be a cat house. We thought we should probably look into that first. Hang on Is there like a nice solid black and white one that we could use? Ooh, no, uh-uh. That might work. That's not the vibe Okay, to be honest. This one's kind of funny-looking. Well, put it in front of the window Oh my cat would love that with the view. Oh, yeah, that's good. Cat gets the prime spot in the house Maybe the bedroom maybe the master bedroom is the cat's room. And then this is it This is the master bedroom for the adult the human. No, we won't do that. That's too far I bet the cat loves to watch the TV. I'm kind of jealous of that TV. That'd be nice It's a nice house. I bet their neighbors are not too pleased though can you imagine living next door to a house like this even because there on the front it looks kind of weird and then you Like look out from your second-floor bedroom window and look look at your view if imagine being this house This isn't that weird from the outside. This is a weird house on the inside It's a it's in every rooms a different color challenge. So it's a rainbow nightmare on the inside But like imagine you live in like this bedroom and you look out the window and look at your view this house this house Wow Wow, that's some curb appeal right there search cat I want to see what comes up if we could get like oh my god, imagine we put that on the wall Oh, let's put we could like raise up and place these on here and pretend they're on the shelf Oh, it's kind of floating but don't look too closely. Yeah, that's good. That's that's exactly what I want. I love this build I'm having so much fun. I want to put that poster on the wall, too It's like a secret cat lady's house like she tries to play it cool. It's chic. It's fun It's fresh, but you look a little bit too closely and you you realize the truth I feel very tempted to use this zebra print rug for the dining room Has nothing to do with cats and I'm aware of that. But I just I think it's fun Genuinely, what am I doing? Okay, let's search cat again. What else do we have? Like is that thing a fun centerpiece for the table? Yeah, I think so. No, that's weird. Put it in the kitchen Don't be too don't be too extreme sims ii we talked about this. Oh my god, there's oh, oh, we'll use these outside Don't worry. Yeah, that's pretty nice. I like it. I don't like it at all. It's kind of weird in here Maybe if we had like some more texture on this wall, and that could help Okay, where does the bed go or maybe if we had okay, I know we had this whole black and white color scheme But like imagine for one second. Oh, maybe the bigger zebra prints better for this. That's a little bit less extreme Okay, but I was going to say imagine for one second. Where's the cheetah one? Hello I swear we had one maybe we could do like this tiger sort of fit. No, it doesn't fit in there Stop it, Kayla. Stop. I think that is a nice looking room. I Hate this house. It's so ugly I think this rug the white rug is part of the problem if we had maybe if we had like I don't know a sofa. That was maybe a little bit less Yeah, the gray is probably better money something to break it up a little bit more. I think that kind of helps I don't know. It's still ugly but it's okay You can make these gray instead - yeah, that's still ugly also, but maybe that helps to not it's more tones. That'll be good I don't know how to do the bathroom truly. I have no idea I'm trying to figure out how to have a shower and a tub in here and I think the tub being in front of the Window kind of helps. I do think we maybe need some curtains though. Yeah, we could just leave it now. Let's just leave it No one's gonna see into this house Why would you want to do that? It's scary in here. Okay, and the kids bedroom last but not least Well, they all the outside but the last bedroom we have to furnish is the kids bedroom Maybe I'll use some of the eco lifestyle stuff. I really like the eco lifestyle stuff. It's a nice furniture It doesn't really fit much furniture into this room, huh? I guess that's their problem. Not mine It's not a nice thing to say is it I'm sorry. I I do I am concerned with bedroom of the child I wanted to be nice. I don't have a good time. Like I want them to succeed and have a nice bedroom Sure, but you know it's kind of small and that's it's not my fault that their bedroom is small there That's we care more about the cats. So I forgot the roof looked like that. Okay, let's decorate the house I put down this like pavement everywhere. We probably don't need that. I think what's more important is that we have like cat? Topiaries leading up to the house. I don't know how much we need to do for this Like I truly don't know what is expected of me here like where's the line? And when do we cross it? Because I do want it to look cool from the top view still We could put a fenced-in backyard easy should not have a pool cats. Don't like water We can have like a little Joey pretty see I don't know what kind of trees to use. I'm really at a loss here So weird It's such a big tree listen You know the drill when in doubt try and cover up your mistakes with trees when you look at the house from the front Uh, it's not so obvious What you're getting yourself into and I think that's part of what I like about it also I feel like usually the floor plan is the hardest part for these the floor plan was not hard in this one like I think This is a great floor plan. I think the bedroom could be a little bit bigger for the kid But like otherwise, it's not that bad. It's really fine. You've got a computer You got a space for three sims to sleep. You've got a huge cat tree Huge TV and living space like you've got all the bases are covered You could fit a rocket ship in the backyard if you wanted to maybe the cat goes to space Cat goes to space that makes sense that Makes sense. I got a bunch of catnip plants. I think this makes sense. Well plant a bunch of catnip over here I'm actually really excited about this build. I think it's kind of fun I'm trying to like find a balance of where to put these plants I don't want him to look too weird and like symmetrical I guess that works How about a little bar think the cat's big into entertaining? so maybe the bar could go on this side that could be kind of cool in front of these plants on the wall that I Put down looking through all the cats Oh a litter box. Oh my god. I forgot about the litter box How could I forget about the litter box? It's literally a cat house I don't know where to put it Mmm, we should have gotten a fish tank. This house is too small. Never mind is not good enough I failed I failed there's a no barking sign should we put that in the front yard? No barking no pooping. No dogs. Oh and we'll get a cat mailbox Obviously, oh I shouldn't settle our fee. The kids should have a cat. There you go. That's good I'm kind of thinking maybe another one of the cat trees outside I slide the cat would love that. I could watch the rocket and the birds Oh the birds should we get there's not enough landscaping out here Maybe if this were a little bit bigger you like it makes for a sort of oddly shaped patio That's probably for the best. Anyway, I'm pressing ctrl F so I can get these little triangle tiles and fix that there That's a pro tip for you But there's an actual bird feeder that came with the backyard stuff packed we could put that out here and the cat could literally watch Birds I've got big dreams for this cat that's gonna live in this house. I'm too invested in this I'm like fully making up stories and stuff. Like it's kind of ridiculous. I made sure I landscape properly Let's put a no dog sign link back there. I really like this house. It started out as a joke I wasn't sure I was gonna finish it. I was like my cat was on my lap So I was like, oh I'll make a cat house, haha and now look at it Just straight up actual cat house. I really like it I feel so dumb, but I really like it and it turned out really fun Should we get some like outdoor lighting and then call it a day? I think this is one of my favorite dumb builds I've ever done. I truly really enjoy this house You're welcome. This is some quality YouTube content. Okay, feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel If you haven't already you get more stuff like this you couldn't put this on the gallery Cathouse two bedrooms one bathroom. This house is shaped like a cat Hashtag will sense it. Feel free to download that off the gallery I love to see people say about see I would love to see what they say about this but most people does comment first so Like there's not really anything interesting in my gallery comments But on that note I'm going to go I'll link some more of my like weird Sims shape houses down below if you want to watch the triangle one or something and like I said Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Do you like it Snappy? Do you like your house I made you? I made you I gave you a whole spot to watch Birds. Yeah, in fact, I don't think she cares at all Oh, she's going near it. No. She's just sitting on my desk. Okay. Bye
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 404,753
Rating: 4.9777603 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, cat, house, cat house, sims 4 build, let's build, build challenge, sims building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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