Can I Get Uber Eats Delivered To A Maze?

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[Music] food delivered to your door in minutes what a time to be alive thanks mate when you're enjoying your chicken noodles do you think of a treacherous weather the harsh work conditions the below minimum wages that some of these drivers get neither so I'm going to give them a delivery to Remember by ordering food to a list of increasingly weird and random locations and when they get there they'll be met with a healthy tip ordered see ya this is the longest maze in the UK three miles of thick Hedges elaborate the wrong turns into some idiot in the middle will they deliver we're about to find out as he arrived he was told there was an idiot stuck in the Maze and was handed a GoPro and without question he was away a nice view isn't it yeah hello my friend hello oh I'm lost oh okay okay you're so confused he's actually going into the ladies oh my God I hope it takes them right he's making progress though you got this money if you need any help at any point I can try and guide you a driver walks straight to the maze with Pace but this would lead to his first mistake he's literally gonna go back to his start medieval people don't know where's your way together we'll check back in on rodigo later because I've ordered to five different locations of increasing difficulty and there was already a driver turning up to level one a trampoline park and for everyone he bounced on I was going to increase his tip but would he accept the challenge hello my friend welcome to the arena okay are you up for the challenge my friend okay yeah thank you how was that it's good I supposed to do this every day isn't it thank you very much our Smiley guy passed level one with Good Vibes and despite the questionable jumping technique he gave us our first indication of how these guys are willing to go above and beyond for their jobs sometimes I go to the buildings the lift is not work I need to go 10 floors 15 floors some people I asked for to help half off yeah you say no can you deliver on my door please I was starting to get the sense that this can be a thankless job for most drivers so I wanted to make sure my deliveries at least gave them a story to remember which meant it was time for level two next up we've got a nice little animal enclosure home to a furry Beast very sharp claws very territorial okay okay they might look cute and fluffy but these little teddy bears would actually eat your fingers I eat a lot of meat so they will take your fingers and have a good lunch nobody told me they eat meat not only were they bloodthirsty but they also had some interesting methods to adapt to the British climber he's a woman is not so go on lad but while I was distracted the delivery driver was already pulling up in his car so I needed to get in position fast hello boys and girls the question is would he deliver to me in this meerkat enclosure hello sir how are we doing I'm good they've locked me in there for four days lad oh my God what you want left thanks for delivering this my friend appreciate that got some food for you boys I have no idea [Music] oh my God they're absolutely rather than us well we may have fooled the delivery driver with our sneaky edition of grasshoppers to the order but he was loving it just look at the smile on his face he even started feeding them oh they're still wanting it there's one hiding in the Box in fact he fed them so much things started to get out of hand oh my God even iron browsing got shots like these yeah there you go mate all of that yeah yeah are you serious yeah yeah of course it's got to be the biggest clip call me again if you want as long as it's not tarantulas yeah I wouldn't do that oh it's not a doggy so little spider okay maybe I would but that's level two complete so it was time to check back in with rodigo in the Maze so surprised if this is experience I love the pace he's absolutely pacing it oh you're getting close oh finally so wow oh yeah so close here so far oh dear you started all this way to go let's continue with level three I think [Music] that's I can grab the tree oh you haven't got the GoPro or the megaphone I'm on an island I'm also starving so for this level I'm gonna see if ubereats will deliver me food on a unicorn pedalo it's just so cute he's adorable anyway time to order the food as I ordered the food look at my location right now literally in the middle it became clear there were more things to worry about than just the driver reaching me quite a lot of goose on here known to be pretty aggressive now there's two on the island three minutes left oh one minute one minute oh no I don't want any trouble I didn't know how to scare off the geese so I just thought I'd try singing a song I'm an island boy gonna hear him real oh but then the delivery driver appeared to the road and he was already admiring The View would he get on the boat and deliver me my food hello my friend if you can make it across these treacherous Waters you'll get yourself a lovely tip a little bit of a language barrier but that's fine despite the language barrier Maxwell hopped on board without hesitation but be careful Maxwell because the geese are aggressive you're going the wrong way yes it turned like this yeah what language [Music] Ronaldo good good yeah no no it's okay thank you it's still conformer that's so cute that's adorable as always big up the drivers they are the real heroes here foreign thank you this delivery may have been done but Maxwell's memories will last forever I would die for Maxwell anyway next up we're making things a little less wholesome because we have an entire courtroom we've got a judge we've got entire jewelry the driver's on his way thanks Max for letting me borrow your courtroom laughs [Music] go ordered food this is ridiculous I thought man I I ordered the food yeah yeah yeah [Music] please please come in and take a seat yeah [Music] I sentence you to four years for absolute criminal upload schedule the court is now adjourned yeah no take them away take him away stop that at once [Applause] I had no idea the judge would get that into his role but thankfully for me this guy was a trooper first-time life experience what is that is that a water bottle no not a water bottle what is it then it's an error the new set-based flavor Innovation that allows you to flavor normal water with scent oh how does that work I'm glad you asked it's science baby because of this sneaky little scent pot at the top this enables you to breathe through your nose and taste the flavors I'm talking retro nasal smell yeah give me those smells what flavors luckily for this guy Arab has loads of scented flavor pods all you have to do is slide it on the bottle pull it up to release the flavor and drink so head to my link in the description now cut yourself an air up and join The Taste sensation oh my God at this stage you do realize it's a three mile long Maze and he's only just completed the first section of it yeah it's good oh he's answering the questions now dotted throughout the maze was a series of animal questions which if answered correctly would lead you on the correct path that's very funny man and it turns out Rodrigo was an animal expert let's try Avail which family does pork yeah another question up 200. I think leverage let's go come on here you go yes that's when he made it to question one wrong move here and they'd have to go all this way in the wrong direction who does Footprints below too that's right no you have to go back he's starting to go back on himself now so let's take the letter e yeah about you let's do this one this is where we just were Rodrigo I'm sending help thank you very much I really appreciate that and with a little bit of help he was close and he could sense it yes finally garbage is coming here let's go buddy let's go oh yeah this is it that's it buddy oh finally we love you my friend amazing amazing just a few more turns this pizza's gonna taste great yeah and there you have it five of the most Good Vibes people I've ever met going above and beyond to get me my food thank you so much that was record timing for friends this is for you take care of yourself that took him 27 minutes and 56 seconds exactly
Channel: Zac Alsop
Views: 1,777,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zac and Jay, the Zac and Jay show, Zac Alsop, Zack and jay, I ordered Uber eats to a maze, Food delivery to a maze, Funny food delivery, Uber eats funny, Funny delivery driver
Id: 65C6ejENtmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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