Can I Collect All 37 Blox Fruits in 1 Hour?

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ladies and gentlemen I have exactly 1 hour to collect every single Blox fruit in the game now the timer has already started and what better place for me to start then spinning a fruit now here's my list of every single fruit it's so small it's so small brother that's what she said okay I just got myself a bomb so that's one bomb and then what's the next fruit sand like who just leaves this around one sand bro I don't know why people be hating on sand sand is actually a decent fruit Axor you still play this game since what oh a ghost fruit oh yeah yo I'm on a spre and one ghost now a lot of these fruits are about to be a lot easier than others should I spin now what about the heart of the cards should I risk it oh oh I can't do it I'm scared but you know what I can do make sure I can store the fruits with the fruit storage slot got me okay Bet 1 2 3 we out the Hut ah you wouldn't jump me would you shirtless what the heck is you wearing get away from me wait wait wait wait wait where'd he go where'd he go shess man roll of fruit roll of fruit please you can't out run me roll bro bro bro is you lagging bro roller through please wait bro he's just running bro bro [Music] bro oh my gosh just wasting my time this is wasting my time why know I can't waste time can you not bro I must be a fruit man okay no matters come on I'm nervous oh what do I do okay I need to trade somebody I need to get every fruit e now looking at the list of block fruits I think we should start with the hardest ones leopard dragon that's already going be hard enough so I got to look for a trade I already got ghost I don't need that okay go to Second see okay believe in me I'm doing this Okay who wants to trade anybody anybody come on come on trade me trade me trade oh bro I'm going need some good game passes that I can get anything for what do people want magma yeah yeah yeah perm magma right that's a little expensive light light people like perm light no perm magma that's going to go crazy with the CBS oh my gosh I'm out a robu buy it them okay I got it now I just need the mythical fruits I want all of them in this one trade trade me for per magma please please please what's the timer at bro it's already been 5 minutes I have three fruits out of 37 and it's been 5 minutes okay B icy Cola you now I got the goods oh Dragon give me leopard leopard are you out of your mind no more give more oh my God he just offered me oh bro get the hell out this seat get the hell out this seat somebody else is coming yep right here right here right here okay brand stinky you have permanent magma Game Pass that's right all the sweats are going to have permanent magma what was I thinking oh I already have per magma I swear to okay a lot of the time people just drop fruits around they don't want like this guy's holding a rubber maybe he don't want that and I can get it from him cuz I need a rubber fruit drop rubber should I spin oh my God I only have one spin you get one every two hours I only have 1 hour bro what are y'all even trading bro is this even ghost bro look look you see per magma you see it Spirit come come on offer up Spirit okay Venom okay leopard yeah get rid of the ghost shadow H throw in this gets rid of a lot of the big fruits you got leopard should I do it should I do it that's four of the mythicals okay you know what take it take it take it I'm taking it I'm taking it that's four mythicals I even care this out trade wait Spirit Venom do Shadow wait okay it worked it worked it worked Spirit Venom do and we got Shadow all right Ro 7 out of 37 not bad still only at 52 minutes okay I need more roblo to to make more trades I can only make four more trades too how am I going to get 30 fruits of four trades oh bro I may have to go to third SE where they drop fruits do I risk it okay I'm going to try and make one more trade let's go for 4,900 Robux starold Fiji boys I'm being held captive by very powerful people that forced me to make BL through videos use the star code wait wait wait wait I hear people fighting outside and it it doesn't sound like noobs oh these guys got trades bro cyborg V4 is that a mammoth a portal dark yo no no these guys got fruits okay I need something to offer let's go oh Buddha why didn't I think bro I can get anything for Buddha thore in inventory okay bet that has to be one of them let's go Buddha I'm going to buy another magma cuz I I I just know that's useful okay maybe I can get all the mythicals with this trading per budha yeah I know they hear me I know they hear me where' they go where they where did they go they left right here right here stop stop stop stop stop bro stop please bro I'm talking to you bro stop I'll make you stop right now hold what's my what's my stats in oh yeah I'll make you stop right now trade me wait did they listen oh wait wait they came they came per budha per Buddha okay I got sit down rip Ken okay let's see what he got okay I'm going to put per magma oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I need those wait I could trade another on wait wait wait wait wait can't I oh hell no what did I just get from the last trade dough Shadow Venom I could probably get these four fruits with like a Venom no no no put it back put it back no I have ghost no no no not not ghost no ghost give me something else I'll take it cuz I can get this Venom back with the Buddha I can get it I can get it back with the Buddha why no out of add I need one more fruit I'll take that barrier bro I need it oh that's so dumb what am I doing I have sand no sand I have this is the worst trade I've ever seen in my life am I going to take it out rubber you know what you know what I'm going to do here here here you could take here take the shadow take the shadow take the shadow I got you I got you take the shadow I can get the shadow back did he just take you think this is a fair trade are you out of your mind oh I smacked the goofy got you no come outside come come come come come come come come on come on come on bro come on I'm outside come outside come outside come outside right here right here oh I need those fruits oh I'm running out of time you know what I'll trade for the Lesser fruits later that that's a that's a way smarter idea bro got a q for a head his name is Paul all trading per fruits come on come on what's your name what's your name yeah yeah I know you sweaty yeah he sat right down I knew it pH exility per magma what you got for it bro what you got for it I know you good for it look at you you got the sweatiest build there is control Paul you look like the biggest Noob of ever seen in my life bro I I could a phoenix a ghost how can you a love a quake will you take the shadow for it okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so I'm letting go of my shadow wait why would I do this I need the bigger fruits first I need the phoenix love Quake light okay whatever whatever let's do it Phoenix love Quake light and I lost my shadow was that the worst trade in the world pain and sound no oh these are good but like I need T Buddha yeah give me come on bro oh I need a real Trader man I okay okay I can't do I can't do no more troll trades okay y'all see my list I'm I'm at 10 fruits out of 37 with less than 44 minutes yo hop in the seat bro who is this guy okay I'm sitting down oh my gosh I can get a dragon that means I need a leopard perm Buddha I can I can give up the magma he said wao look look how happy he is weend okay wait wait wait wait he said please Buddha okay H we can stay right there all right I got you my boy who is this coconut in the shadow I just lost that pain Phoenix not good enough come on come on come on come on come on come on I need the good fruits all right let's let's see what Bros got lqx you know he a hacker he got L RZ on his for head wait let me see what you got it's right there bro you see it he said oh what the come on you got the good stuff you got the ooh ooh okay so I got D and Venom already um do you have leopard and control I already have these two I got control okay I'm going to tell him switch out D put Buddha okay you know what I'll take this now I already have this right Venom Buddha control Shadow oh my gosh two Venom Buddha control and I got the shadow back okay my next trade I'm I'm going have to get leopard I'm going have to get dragon I'm going to need Mammoth those are the hardest fruits to get otherwise I'm I'm done for I'm literally done and I only have a couple more trades left and I can get dragon and portal that's a good one but why can't I get everything I want though portal I need leopard and dragon oh no this is bad this may be my second last trade I don't have the fruit bro oh oh I can't be a leopard short Mammoth gravity I have love so I can't do love Do you have more than love bro oh wait this guy has cdk Buddha Quake I could do a quake okay I'm going to tell him to keep the same trade remember this all right I'm I'm a flating the Buddha in front of him cuz he wants it so I can come back to him let me just see what this guy has okay the cdk man anyone got leopard and dragon this is what I need oh I'm stressed oh I have 38 minutes and I only got 12 fruits out of 37 I can't do this who got leopard and dragon bro now I got to go to third C I have to I have to I I can't I can't Dibble dabble here anymore a portal dragon tray would be crazy but if I find a really good Pro Player he should have everything from leopard dragon portal and Mammoth I can get that all in one trade and then and then life becomes easier okay you know what I'm going I'm going to go to third SE I'm going to thirdy I'm going to risk letting go of that trade to see if I can get some more bro I hope I don't regret this wait wait wait I can get Rocket okay you know what before I do that Turtle Mansion is anybody here oh they're here they're here trading perm Buddha okay these guys are fighting hopefully I can make them stop okay everybody stop okay yeah this is how you make people show up all right Isaac what you got for me do looking for do Venom I have that bro I'm I'm looking for leopard and dragon okay you know what I'm wasting time I think I'm coming up to the halfway point you know what we just go ahead and get a fruit I can get my 13th fruit right here all right so if you come to this dogghouse and you talk to it right I can waste my Roo 97 Robux want to buy a physical rocket sure I'm not about to do this am I well now you guys know you ever want a rocket fruit okay that's 13 out of 37 all right we need a better visual representation these two are the fruits I need they're the fruits that matter leopard and dragon the rarest fruits Mammoth is also going to be very hard as well as maybe Rumble and portal now I had a chance to get two of them I'm really not that smart the r should be easy if people just spin but like I need people to spin and nobody's here okay I'm going to try again new server okay okay please drop please drop no I have that I have that don't even drop don't even worry about it okay I said does anyone got leopard and dragon for trade trading per Buddha and nobody speaks English in here are y'all serious I'm going just sit down I'm going I typed out Buddha I know they're going to show up come on come on come on everybody show up yep right here right here okay I'm going to trade with Davey I have a feeling Davey like Davey Jones Locker Dragon talk to me talk to me Davey talk to me no no no not Shadow you got leopard come on on Davey come on did you just get up oh I didn't I didn't show it I didn't show it I got to show it then he's going to give me his best trade look look look it's on the table you see it yeah you see the per Buddha yeah you see it that's all you got what else you got bro he said Portuguese that's what you got Portuguese you just own the whole language Pedro Pedro You're My Last Hope Pedro come on Pedro right here right here take a seat okay seor seor Pedro you see it you see it on the table I've laid it on the table that's a dragon matter of fact what else you got that's a that's a shadow I have that um that's a gravity that must be his best fruits I get a gravity quake and a dragon and if I look at my list that's actually not bad but then all the rest are common wait I said that's all you got he said no wait what do you mean no wait what do you mean please that's all you got no please he's like he's like acting like I got a gun to his head about to scam him for everything he owns yeah Pedro Pedro you good but you said please okay hold on hold on Pedro let let me I'm I'mma spin back to you I'mma spin back to you I'm going to spin back to you okay yeah I think bro over here wants to trade me rip Johnny look at him look at the evil in his eyes do you have leopard he said no Mammoth one leopard for Buddha perm are you out of your mind no Mammoth wait Pedro said leopard leopard you got leopard Pedro you good you good for it I'm said perm Buddha and he's offering me two sounds in a d I swear perm Buddha is worth like three leopards bro you have everything Shadow you have everything you do I like that leopard yo yo dragon dragon shadow shadow shadow shadow what game pass do you want for leopard dragon plus ads let me talk to him yeah I found somebody I found them Shadow what you want he said no have gay pass no no no no what game pass do you want I'm poor bro I didn't ask your financial status I hold on stay here stay here stay here oh somebody chasing me somebody chasing me oh no we it's a race it's a race it's a race this way this way this way I'm here somebody's racing me faster faster faster SI refugi siui no no no I think a rock turn Albuquerque up up up it's on top it's on top it's on top give me diamond let's go okay B I got myself a diamond diamond stored yes come Shad Fiji bro M man the M what do you need he said wait oh my gosh he said wait oh he's right there he's right there okay let me make sure I get this Rumble bro if he lied to me and I have to spend my money for a rumble that like he has or something that's all my robox okay you know what I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I bought the per Rumble we Shadow come come come sit sit sit all right bet throw it on the table bro throw it all on the table Lay It lay it down on the table Mammoth replace Venom with gravity this this should add dragon leopard Mammoth gravity that gets the hard ones out the way bad B bad except except go ahead take it take it my boy you arned it you ared it y oh I'm being scammed yeah I'm being scammed the real time and I'm cheering leopard dragon Mammoth gravity bet put on the list leopard dragon Mammoth and gravity okay that's it he said thanks bro no problem man take a look all the mythical fruits I have gotten every single one of them okay control Venom and Rumble now perm he's so happy bro let me add him let me add him oh he's maxed okay now this may be a good time to roll my fruit no I got to get people to roll that's the only other way 19 out of 37 I have all these bad fruits to get and it should be very easy if people just roll them right he said oh my God he's so happy bro okay wait wait wait wait can you do me one more trade I need blizzard paid Rumble portal okay for magma perm yeah I can do magma perm do you got those okay for this fruits let's see let's see let's see let's see if we got it I want blizzard pain Rumble portal those four do you have those four I repeat okay he has Rumble wait H oh my gosh bro he he don't speak English this is impossible possible I trade this fruits for per magma oh my gosh I'm going to slap do you have portal talk to me bro T to me rip Shadow T to me yes or no he said no oh no oh I need to type it out those fruits are actually hard to get wait this is bad trading Mammoth bro I already have Mammoth oh this is not good perm Buddha on the table no okay this is it this is where I struggle pain Venom no do have portal put blizzard okay I'm telling him what to put right now his name is red Robo 8 this boy this boy look like the goofiest man I ever seen he he's he replied to me okay and I can confirm that he's not putting the fruits I asked for what's my timer at I have 19 minutes and and I and I'm negotiating with a man that that can't understand what I'm saying did he just ready up again we have game pass me I have Game Pass who asked who asked trade okay I know this guy yo red Robo can you get out the chair my boy okay rumo's good okay hear me out hear me out okay okay he dropped the surprise face hear me out do you have portal oh sorry I don't um blizzard bro I no sorry this is bad this is bad this is looking real bad boys I have some other stuff though like what wait trading mammoth Venom Buddha and blizzard and pain I have a guy who could give you some good fruits but I don't think he's understanding bro okay he had it remove Mammoth okay people are asking me to trade they said senior trade he said okay to trade look at his goofy face oh wait he's listening okay who's got it leopard I hear you bro I hear you that's cool and all I have that I have that now if you have leopard that means you have more hear me out hear me out hear me out this is what I need do you have por no pain okay I'm going to try to negotiate for a second I'm running out of time I'm about to hit the 15minute mark bro bro said he don't have pain okay Rumble okay I got to give up I'm at my last 15 minutes I got 19 out of 37 I need my boys to help me spin at least the next like 15 they should be pretty easy I'm being chased I don't care you're not catching me I am out I am out my boy that perha is going to be for somebody else less than 15 minutes come on I'm going to have to spend 200 Robux to buy a private server Senor p2w buy now okay my Robux is already low all right I crafted up a message send I said emergency again I need everyone to come in the second SE server roll of fruit drop it then leave game instantly please I'm running out of time can you boys clutch come on boys we can make this work this is possible if you look at my list I've kind of got all the good fruits actually except blizzard paid Rumble that that's going to be hard maybe I have to trade somebody for that but the rest could be rolled now I just need people to spawn in I heard the first person spawn in I'm going to be waiting right here come on come on come on come on Senor I'm waiting okay I'm hearing everybody spawn in okay yeah everybody's coming in everybody's coming in bro is this a a block blue man that's supposed to be Minecraft Steve okay hold on my boy Red Bull pulled up oh my gosh here comes the Fiji verse let's see what we get what we get what we get oh this is a speedrun we got 12 minutes remaining we run it on top bro he said Buddha Buddha Buddha that's good that's good you good you good I don't need that not enough money wait emotional support bro I don't need emotional support please roll and leave quick okay I got Buddha keep it keep it Drop Smoke drop it drop it drop it okay got us have a smoke that's 20 bro what are these guys doing bro I I got a bunch of sellers they just standing in here y flame drop it drop it drop it okay got myself flame rubber oh I'll definitely take that rubber let's go boy check me out One Flame one rubber okay I I don't need that flame but thank you Goku thank you so much don't need that smoke come on where are the spins where are the chops I I need one of those seor holda holda bye bye seniors bye okay so the server's piled up but but but but I see a lot of not rolling going on boys I'm at the 10-minute Mark ice ice ice ice ice ice ice I need that I need that please please please I take the ice come on Come on load me up load me up poy load me up oh magma please that's the one I needed drop oh I needed magma magma let's go I hate my life what' you get come on come on gravity I don't need that I don't okay you can just drop it drop it if you want bro quick quick quck quick quck please please please yes Quake yes oh my gosh yes I have a quake already I'm I'm I'm I'm a literal troll oh my gosh I have a smoke I have a smoke I have a smoke flame I already got this boys boys on we're at the 9 Minute mark Mar this this is not looking good I have to do the math to see how many fruits we got but this was a good why is everybody pulling flame okay we're 24 out of 37 24 out of 37 no they're going to start fighting each other no don't do it don't do it rocket I have the rocket bro I just wasted 97 Robux for nothing bro stop fighting bro have time I already have Falcon Falcon I need that oh my gosh I'm getting D I'm getting do no there's no way bro okay bro oh no they're ruining it it's being ruined Falcon please drop drop it drop it drop it I need that that Mak that'll give me 25 drop it I don't think I got it I don't think I got it I didn't get it I didn't get it oh I didn't get the Falcon why why bro Falcon I got it I got it I got it oh my God yeah I got somebody trying to kill me oh my gosh bro this is bad what's his name I add a falcon to the list come on come on come on come on 12 fruits 12 fruits and a lot of them are like the super super mid ones all right oh is this guy rip him and you blocked get yourself bed okay look look look boys is not going good I Got 5 minutes left Diamond I I need to make an emergency call this is not working I managed to get all these fruits look at these though everybody's dark dark I need that I don't have a dark yet please drop please drop all right let's go boys I Got 5 minutes left do you think I can do it I I need to make an emergency call there's only one wait I'm calling the rip guy is he going to pick up rip guy I need you bro rip guy rip guy rip guy please he's not picking up this is not good oh No 3 minutes left I'm not going to make it I'm not going to make it there's no way there's no way I don't make it I'm so close wait I got a response rip guy he's not picking up he's not he's not he's out he's out I already got a Time rip guy you barrier drop it I'll take it drop drop the fuit bro he's not oh my gosh I'm being trolled yes a chop oh I've never thought I'd be so happy to see a chop or a spin drop but the last 2 minutes were're made okay okay yes I got myself a barrier he dropped it okay I need that spin drop spin yes I got a spin I never thought I'd say those words still no chop still no chop almost almost a minute left we got Rumble and blizzard for trade oh my gosh I'm running back and forth chop jump jum oh my gosh this is my timer my timer no no not 8 seconds I can make a trade I can make a trade one trade who can do it I got time for one trade poy it doesn't have it he doesn't have space no no so close so y see the timer let's take a look let's take a look let's count him up rocket spin chop we did it get spring are you serious boys I managed to get 30 out of 37 fruits and all of block fruits in just 1 hour take a look this is what it looks like in the inventory this here is 1 30 out of 37 looks like bro all the mythicals missing legendaries rares oh my we was so close W and just like that I Fe you click this video on the screen if you want to see how many fruits I could collect in 1 hour period bro it was more than 37 I'll tell you that subscribe next time I won't lose later days
Channel: imFiji
Views: 349,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imFiji, roblox, im fiji, one piece, one piece roblox, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, sanguine art, sanguine art blox fruit, leviathan blox fruits, leviathan, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits sanguine art, blox fruits sanguine, blox fruits leviathan, how to spawn leviathan blox fruits, leviathan blox fruits update 20, sanguine art showcase, shark anchor, sound fruit, enchantment, legendary hearts, mythical hearts, Blox Fruits But There's LEGENDARY Hearts
Id: dZ67lBNm03c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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