Can I Build an "Anime-Style Swordsman" in Pathfinder 2e? part 2

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notice this video was made before player Core 2 came out for Pathfinder 2E and so uses some class options from the original Pathfinder 2 core rule book hello YouTube and welcome to S Prime Productions I'm here to help enhance your tabletop gaming experience all right welcome to part two of how to build an anime style swordsman in Pathfinder 2E if you missed part one here's a quick catchup I'm a weeb I want to build anime style swordsman in Pathfinder 2E what do I mean by Ane style swordsman well I have three criteria they have to use a katana or Katana likee weapon have to be unarmored and have to be able to do well in Frontline combat I know this technically discounts some fan favorites like guts from berserk I have nothing against those characters it's just not the vibe I'm going for for these builds got it okay let's move on in part one we built a monk who uses an Elven curve blade which I counted as close enough to a katana but some of you may be unsatisfied with that so let's move on to a build that uses actual katas now warning this is the most general of the three builds builds so there are a million ways you can tweak it if I didn't mention the tweak you thought of here I probably just didn't have the time all right let's get started as always when building a character we start with the ABCs of character creation and a stands for ancestry and that's basically going to be the beginning and end of this build see this build really relies on only one trick the trick is that there is this one ability that four ancestries have that basically turns their bodies into the equivalent of breastplate armor now there are slight variations on this ability but all of these abilities turn your character's body into a medium armor that provides a plus4 item bonus to AC A Plus One Max Dex and armor penalty of -2 speed reduction of 5 ft you can mitigate these downsides with a strength bonus of plus three and they all essentially have the Comfort trait meaning you can sleep in your torso without getting fatigued the four ancestries that get this ability are the nagaji who are snake people Kos Rishi who are Rhino people automatons who are robots with souls and krasu who are Shar cards of cosmic Consciousness who grow their own bodies made out of wood two of these ancestries the krasu and the nagaji have this ability as a Heritage and two the automaton and the krishi have it as a first level ancestry feat just use the Ability that gets you the armored body whatever it's called and as for the remaining ability whether it be Heritage or ancestry feet pick your favorite but wait there's more player core one allows for an optional rule where you can turn any ancestry into a versatile Heritage you simply take an ancestry as a base ancestry let's say human then you take another ancestry let's say automaton then for your heritage you choose custom mixed Heritage and choose the other ancestry so in our example our human would have the ancestry custom mixed Heritage automaton you gain the traits of the second ancestry so in our case construct and automaton important note you only gain the traits not the associated immunities or resistances you also gain the ability to grab the second ancest 's ancestry Feats you may also gain low light vision now you can use that first level ancestry feat to pick up the armored body ancestry feet which for automatons is called reinforced chassis now this is an optional rule so talk to your GM before doing it but in this way you could maybe say make a human that maybe has so many replacement Prosthetics that they count as part automaton however you do it you are going to want your ancestry boosts to go to strength and Constitution at this point I could probably stop the video you know the rest just grab a marshall class and pick up a katana but for the sake of completeness let's finish this up be as for background and just like the elf video you can pick your favorite although we will want to grab us a bonus to strength and Constitution since we went with Marshall disciple last time I'm going to go with raised by belief for the de shizuru goddess of swordplay especially Katana based Sword Play I'll throw up what the background gives a player on screen here C is for class and at this point you can basically choose any strength-based Marshall class that gets medium armor proficiency Barbarian Champion maybe a megas if you want to throw some magic in there for my money the two to consider are fighter and Ranger fighter can get you a bunch of solid basic combat abilities and makes you the theoretical best swordsman in the game because you can get up to Legendary with your Katana on the other hand Ranger can grab you some very animesque Feats such as quick draw and that level six feet skirmisher strike which lets you step and then strike or vice versa as a single action this lets us do that fun anime thing where you move past somebody and strike them down in a single Motion in either case both Ranger and fighter have options for two weapon fighting if you want to be that guy who wields a katana in one hand and a wakazashi in the other either way choose whichever class and skills speak to you just remember to up your strength lastly we get four free attribute boosts let's bring our strength up to plus4 Dex to plus one con to plus three and then plus one to any mental ability score you want your choice then all you have to do is pick up your Katana and you're good to go now is this the most broken build in the game no of course not you won't be wearing full plate so your armor isn't going to be maxed out but it's certainly competitive with other Frontline Fighters maybe consider grabbing a Dusty Rose prism Aon stone for that free Shield spell that you can throw up if you have an action to spare but listen I know what you're going to say you don't want this build you don't want to be part robot or part Rhino person or or even a whole Rhino Samurai maybe your GM is disallowing those uncommon and rare ancestries you want a full human wielding an actual Katana well yeah we can do that in part three if you like this Channel and want to see it grow please like And subscribe that tells not only me but also YouTube that you want to see more of my kind of content until then thank you good luck and happy gaming
Channel: Psi Prime Productions
Views: 1,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wPsLcHE1dF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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