Can I beat Cuphead without killing ANY minions?

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hello everybody welcome back to another video so in today's video we've got probably one of the hardest challenges i've ever attempted obviously the cup lock will never be beaten you know go watch that if you haven't but in today's video we are going to be seeing if i can beat cuphead without killing any minions just a quick game theory for all of you maybe the bees are working for hitler what is a minion a minion is literally anything that the boss sends out although if it has a knockout screen or if it's actually a part of the boss's hp i did not count that as a minion but if i can kill it without dealing any damage to the boss then i counted it as a minion so yeah the rules are pretty simple i'm not allowed to kill any minions and all bosses must be completed on expert mode just a quick reminder before we start this video only five percent of you that watch my videos are actually subscribed i don't know why is it is it like is it me don't don't answer that anyways just subscribe to the channel because i'd really appreciate it and all my videos go to subscription box so it just makes it easier on you also we have a discord the link will be posted in the description it's just a really cool place to hang out and talk about cuphead or i don't know but it doesn't matter just join the discord because it's cool if you like this video consider subscribing and if not you could leave a like and if not i hope you enjoy it so with all that out of the way let's get right into the video this is later editing me talking i forgot to say that i'm probably gonna make another video of all the boss fights just so you can see if i killed any minions i don't think i did but you guys are better critics so yeah that video is going to be out in a bit i'm not going to have it up instantly after this because i still have to edit it but yeah it's going to be out in a bit instead of going to the usual boss we're going to mix it up and go straight to ribby and croaks if you don't know already i made a separate video on ribby and croaks so you can actually watch that video if you want a more in-depth strategy because i'm not gonna make it in this video because i already said it but yeah watch that video if you haven't during this boss fight the only problem is gonna be in their first phase because if you don't know croaks actually sends out a couple fireflies and by a couple i mean a lot for this boss fight i went as miss chalice so i could have her invincibility role and i could also have her extra hit point in super art 2. basically the strategy was dodge around until i get my super built up and then stand right in front of them using the spreadshot so then i can make sure that i don't kill any of the fireflies but if some of them manage to smash their face into the ground that's not my problem after a significant amount of spreadshots were shot into this frog's crotch we were done with that phase and phase two and three are easy because there's no summons so we're done with this boss after that terrible boss we're gonna go to literally the easiest boss in the entire game goopy legrand because he doesn't have any summons so yeah this is literally just completely regular goopy legrand but just don't look at the hearts in the corner [Music] i told you not to look anyways with that boss done let's go to a boss that's a tiny bit harder the root pack you might be thinking to yourself but there's not actually any summons during this boss fight and technically you'd be right during the potato phase there's nothing that i would count as a summon that's the same as the onion phase but technically during the carrot phase there are summons because they're not a part of the boss's hp and i can kill them so technically they're summons but with miss chalice's double jump they're very easy to loop so all i did was do that and use the charge shot and this boss was pretty easy we've got three down and two to go but i regret to inform you that one of them that has to go is probably one of the most difficult bosses in this challenge and that boss is hildeberg i like the mini compilation for jumpless grim matchstick and i think this also deserves one i'm not 100 sure if this needs a volume warning but i yell a moderate amount so yeah there's also a lot of swearing i mean if you don't want to listen to that then you can just skip to this time stamp but i felt like it made the compilation less funny if i censored all of it so yeah we're gonna use this when there's nobody on screen cool beans brother [ __ ] you [Music] [ __ ] fungal dupers bro [ __ ] man direct line of sight good job me ah ah i didn't even do nothing bro there's [ __ ] three of them what the [ __ ] bro i'm not feeling too good about it whoa just kidding i'm [ __ ] pranking you oh [ __ ] i ain't pranking you no more [Music] okay i [ __ ] killed how did i kill one bro they ain't even on screen oh they're crooked the cricket the qriket is in my life the cricket the crooked is in my life that's unfortunate because i can't dodge that you just like whoa oh call me cream cheese [ __ ] stop bro i didn't even do anything [ __ ] why why can i [Applause] win the game of [ __ ] you boy you are a little [ __ ] no no no [ __ ] i [ __ ] had it bro i had it bro stop stop [Music] i'ma need to make explanation there if i just throw my controller so high in the air that it comes down and i just [ __ ] die so yeah funnily enough i don't actually have much to say about this boss fight my main strategy was just to shoot the boss as much as possible while the minions were on screen so i know that no more would spawn and yeah after just tons of attempts and just getting lucky with none of them running into the bullets themselves we were able to beat this boss i'm just gonna address this really quick technically during the sagittarius phase you could make a point in saying that the blue stars are summons but the wiki doesn't straight up say that they're minions so i didn't count them you can if you want to but i really don't care and also it's a star it's not like it's living so it's still pacifist anyways the final boss of inkwell aisle one is obviously gonna be cagney carnation simply put this boss is actually pretty easy all you have to worry about is his first phase where he spawns like a lot of stuff but if you just choose your openings for charge shots it's actually not a bad phase and then once we beat that we're pretty much set for the rest of the boss fight i use spreadshot for the remaining phases just because it's way faster than using the charge shot and yeah pretty easy boss overall and we were able to finish it with the vegan finished we're done with inkwell aisle one and we're on to inkwell aisle two you know the first boss of inkwell isle 2 is going to be barnes von bonbon now i already know you're typing in the comments oh but cheeky ninja the dj minions baby shut up no they're not refer back to the rules if it's a part of the boss's hp then it's not a minion so shut up anyways with those rules in place the only minions in this boss fight are the small jelly beans that go across the bottom of the screen and the big clouds that she shoots at you during her third phase with that said this boss fight's actually pretty easy for all the segments with the minions i decided to go with the charge shot just so i can select when i would shoot and for her final phase i went with the crack shot just because it's the best for the winning attempt we got the gumball machine the jawbreaker and edp and then after that all we had to do was just not die to the final phase and it was done just to switch it up we're gonna fight beppy next this boss actually has a surprising amount of minions during his first phase i counted the ducks as minions because the wiki does during his second phase the balloon dogs are also minions and then during his final phase the penguins are minions even with all those minions since i missed chalice i've got the invincibility rolls the first phase is easy same goes for the second phase because i've got the charge shot so i really just have to dodge with the double jump the third phase has no minions and the final phase i want to use my spreadshot during the beginning of this phase and then once he actually sends out penguins i'm gonna switch to the charge shot and it's pretty simple after that our next boss up is gonna be jimmy the great the only phase that actually has minions is phase three and phase three is a serious problem because he sends out a lot of minions and when i say a lot i mean a lot the strategy for this boss fight is actually pretty interesting during his first phase i want to parry and do as much damage as possible including using my super and then for his second phase when there's a pillar with two heads on it i want to kill both heads because if you don't know it actually deals more damage if you kill both with the tons of damage in both phase one and phase two we can pretty much skip the entirety of phase three [Music] clean after that phases four and five are completely normal because there's no minions so we don't have to worry about anything and we got it done although after jimmy we do have another plane level wally warbles this boss fight was pretty annoying it was a lot like hildeberg but a bit easier because i knew the strategy now again the strategy was just shoot him while the birds were on screen because no more than four can spawn at a time so when the first row of birds would come out i could shoot him then because i knew that no more would be there so yeah that was the main strategy it really worked well in the second phase because whenever i saw the birds appear i would stop shooting to make sure i didn't accidentally kill one and then if i could get them out of sync then i could shoot while the birds were on screen and yeah once we got past that phase we're on to phase three which is easy because there's no minions and the same goes for phase four and after a couple bombs we killed him we're on to the final boss of inkwell aisle two grim matchstick and he is really easy he doesn't even have any summons so i beat it first try and i just decided to make it harder so i said in the third phase i couldn't kill any fireballs even though they're not minions but it made it harder i guess i still beat it first try but yeah the first phase is just completely normal second phase is the exact same and during the third phase i'm gonna use the lobber and just in between when he's shooting the fireballs i'm gonna want to shoot so i don't accidentally hit one of them and have to restart but yeah after a bit more time than usual we beat him our next boss is obviously going to be honey bottoms for this boss fight the only phase that really matters is phase one because that's the only one with minions just as a fun fact this is actually the original idea for this challenge i was doing this boss for a mini challenge and i thought i might as well turn it into a big challenge so yeah after a few charge shots the first phase goes down and then it's pretty simple after that phase two is perfectly normal and we beat it pretty easily with the lobber i try to deal as much damage as possible during your phase transition just so i don't have to deal with phase three but yeah after a couple more hits we killed her the next boss in inkweil three's gonna be wiener rat for this boss it's actually pretty simple the first phase and the second phase don't have any minions so we're fine in that department the first phase is especially easy because i'm playing as miss chalice and i probably did the fastest phase two i've ever done in this fight it was actually like insane but yeah after that on expert mode the cat spawns four ghost rats but they're easy to deal with if i just stand in the middle and i can also double jump and use my ex for a lot of damage and with that we're done alright we're switching it up the next boss is calamaria now i know you would probably expect this boss to be really really difficult considering how many minions there are but i actually beat it first try during the first phase i got really really good rng the only rotation with killable minions was the one with the puffer fish and i could just dodge them without having to kill any of them so yeah now before you say this parrying does not count as killing because you're allowed to parry in pacifist runs on running guns and you can still get the p rank while parrying so no they don't count once i entered the second phase i just tried to shoot her as much as possible when the eels weren't on screen and it actually was pretty easy once she enters her final phase there's nothing to kill but her so it's pretty easy the next boss we're gonna verse is of course briny beard this boss is actually really similar to cala maria because it's mainly just rng based the only minions i can technically kill are the dogfish other than that there is the squid i did not kill it in this run but technically you cannot kill it but other than that there is the shark which you cannot kill and then other than that there's literally nothing else in this boss fight so yeah whenever those quote-unquote killable minions would appear on screen i would switch back to the charge shot but if they weren't there then i would just use the crack shot and yeah we beat him the next boss of this challenge is going to be sally stage play and something nice she doesn't actually have any minions she does have minions in her secret phase but i'm not gonna make it even harder so yeah her first phase is fine technically in her second phase you can kill the babies but [Music] they don't die they just get deactivated [Music] but yeah other than that phase and the secret phase which i didn't do there's nothing else to kill so this is really really easy so easy that we even got an s rank oh oh you already know i had to do it do it but sadly all the fun in the s ranks stop here because every boss after this causes absolute existential dread and guaranteed piss in the bed the next boss is gonna be dr cal now this boss cannot be talked about without a mini compilation let's go [Music] jesus christ well that's all you get for a mini compilation literally all the clips are either me swearing or me yelling so they're not going in the video for the first phase i wanted to kill the bottom part first just because i don't really like the robot things that come out and i prefer the bombs and yeah for the rest of the first phase i really just tried to get the bombs to run into each other because then that gets them off screen without me doing anything and for the second phase i used my super when i could just because it pretty much kills his entire health bar for the second phase and for his final phase it's just regular dr cal there's nothing to worry about so i paired as much as possible and used my super as much as possible and we got it done the next boss is gonna be the thanos of this challenge the absolute worst boss for this challenge the phantom express now this is no doctor cal situation this deserves a real compilation [Music] [ __ ] what what excuse me [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh my god how many times do i have to go like that there's actually [ __ ] work answer more than once oh my god dude oh my god bro how am i supposed to keep track of all this [ __ ] dude [Music] oh again much like dr cal i'd show more of this but the rest of it's literally just me complaining but yeah if you couldn't tell this boss is really really really really hard and that is pretty much all because of his first phase if you don't know during his first phase he spawns about 18 million eyeballs and my job is to not kill a single one of them and kill him at the same time yeah literally the only way i could do this part was hitting him with charged shots in between dodges and also parrying until i got my invincibility and then i would just damage tank with the spreadshot so i could kill him going into the second phase most of the time i would only have one hit so i'd try to parry as much as possible so i could get my shield heart back and other than that this phase isn't really that bad all i have to do is just not suck and this is fine phase 3 looks like it's going to be pretty bad but it's actually not terrible all i gotta do is loop the ghosts multiple times and use my charge shot as much as possible and it's pretty easy once the final phase comes my main goal is to just loop the ghosts until they're all matched up and then once they're matched up i can actually take damage and they'll all die i know it looks like i'm actually hitting them with the charge shot but i'm actually not if you look you can see them they actually take damage before the charge shot even goes off so yeah and then other than that i just have to watch where my charge shot goes and make sure i'm not hitting any of the pumpkins and we're done with the hardest boss of this challenge our next boss of the challenge is gonna be king dice now me being funny haha man i thought it'd be cool if i could beat every single mini boss i i i don't even know anymore not every single mini boss has minions in its boss fight so we're going to go through every single one of those right now and before you say anything they're mini bosses they have a knockout screen so they're not minions shut up for this fight chips bettigan mr wheezy hop hopper's pocus fear lap pirouetta mangosteen and mr chimes all don't have minions although before we get into the other mini bosses the mr chimes boss fight this time was completely busted just look at this [Applause] what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] is that stop what the [ __ ] is happening what is that stop [ __ ] delaying it stop it i hate you i hate you i hate you stop doing that stop stop stop just stop stop stop stop quit it stop it stop why why whoa what is happening right now what is this garbage what is this garbage that i'm playing right now now with whatever that was out of our way we go on to the only bosses that matter the tipsy troop and pip and dot the tipsy troop is probably the most difficult boss in this challenge mainly because of the amount of minions they spawn the only minions that can spawn are the flying olive things basically one of the glasses spawns the olive things and they kind of just shoot eyeballs at you so really all i did was dodge around and use my charge shot and it was pretty easy the next boss that actually matters is going to be pip and dot for pip and dots boss fight the only things that they can actually spawn are these weird domino birds that really don't do that much they go up above the top of the screen then they go down to the bottom of the screen and go across so i literally just tried not to shoot them and yeah it's pretty easy and of course we're on to the main villain king dice now this boss fight is really really easy especially if you're not total app garbage at parrying if you can parry somewhat decently then this boss is actually really easy so i didn't have much of a challenge with this and we're done with king dice and we're on to the final boss the devil so the first phase of this boss fight's actually pretty easy the only minions he can spawn are the little purple devils that go across the bottom of the screen so all i really want to do is just jump over the top of them and use my charge shot as much as possible and yeah it's pretty easy the second phase of this fight is even easier there's technically not even any minions i counted the bombs as minions just because they're technically alive because they have eyeballs i don't know once he enters his third phase that's where everything goes to [ __ ] there's stuff beside me there's stuff above me there's things dropping onto the platforms there's so much stuff to keep track of and i literally just panicked and jumped around until he died but once he enters his final phase all the minions die off and we know we've won because there's nothing else for us to kill and we take home the victory [Music] we did it boys let's go [Music] i was celebrated too early i thought it was three but it's far oh my god so to answer the question can you be cuphead without killing any minions the answer is yes feel free to comment down some ideas for me to do later this was really fun thank you to all the people who suggested it and yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it please leave a like and consider subscribing and i'll see you guys the next video bye
Channel: Chickeninja42
Views: 623,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Cuphead, #Cuphead Challenge, #Gaming, #Playstation, #Ps4, #Cuphead Pacifist, #Chickeninja42
Id: O1zW677EPD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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