Can Barcelona Take Over The World?

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on this map we've got every single team in FC 24 and using Barcelona we're going to try to conquer them one by one until we take over the world here's how this works we spin this arrow and it Points West on our map West of Barcelona we find wesa then we open FC 24 and Sim the match and we win it 1 nil then we come back to our map and take over heska's land and also we shift our logo where hua's logo used to be now because we only won by a single goal we only get the land but if we were to win by two goals or more we would actually get a player from the team that we just beat or if we don't like any of their players we can give a plus one overall boost to any one of our players now what happens when we lose let's say hesa won one nil then they would get half of our land but if they had won by two goals then they would get half of our land plus erase one player from our starting 11 determined by spinning a wheel and in this case we would have to say goodbye to our right back kund oh and if we lose by three goals or more that's where we'll end the video all right let's keep going from our position in hesa the arrows pointing Southwest which means it's a match against Real Zaragoza they're a three and a half star side in the second division and we actually lose it in penalties didn't think we would lose this early on now whenever it's a win or lose on penalties we'll only count that as a goal difference of one which means we'll only lose half our land so now we're back in Barcelona spinning the arrow and it points Northwest have to double check this one and it actually hits Zaragoza once again and again we lose 3-2 unbelievable looks like this video is going to end sooner than I thought the only thing we've got going for us is we're only losing by a goal and we're pointing towards zag goza once again so third times the charm and we beat them 2-1 so finally goodbye to Zaragoza but again we're not going to be able to take any players from them now from this spot our arrows pointing Northeast which means we're heading into France to face tulus and we beat them 21 Again by the same score line only by a single goal so we're not able to take any players from tulus all it means is we get their land and we continue attacking from tulus and we get South so in this instance directly south of us we find no teams and if we Zoom all the way out we've got Africa down there and there's not a single club team from Africa and FC 24 unfortunately so what we'll do we'll take the closest team south of us and that team is Andora FC we at least better win this one by two goals and we do 3-1 which means we erase FC andoro from the map and since most of their players are rated in the mid-60s we're going to give a plus one overall boost to Mark gu now you may be wondering why we just boosted Mark gu when we could have boosted any of our starting 11 players that's because we've also got this rule that I didn't mention earlier any players rated higher than 80 overall can't get boosted anymore this is so that the highest rated players remain kind of special for example let's say we played PSG and beat them by two goals and we wanted to take mbappe who's rated 91 overall and at that point if levandowski got boosted all the way to like 96 or 97 it wouldn't make mbappe as special all right continuing from our location in Andora we get North slightly East and over in that direction we actually find rode they're a two star league do side and we barely beat them with Lewandowski scoring the 87th minute but hey a win is a win we take over rh's land and move further north into France and now our next direction of attack will be Southeast and over in that direction we find mulier I switch Romeo with pedri in the starting 11 but we lose this match 2-1 so MIA kicks us out of France we'll count this as half of our land and now from this position our direction of attack is southeast now following the arrow the close closest team I would say is mayorca and we beat mayorca by two goals Lev had a hattick so now we're going to be adding an 82 rated s d that to our team and we also take over May orca's land and from our current position our next direction of attack is West so over in that direction we find Valencia Valencia is going to be tough to beat but we beat them 21 which means we're back on Mainland Spain right here too bad we're not going to be getting any players from Valencia but our next direction of attack is again West and right west of us we find the other Valencia team lante and we beat Levante 3-0 that was our most decisive win so far we take over levante's land and we'll give a plus one upgrade to ROK I realize he would have been a better option to upgrade instead of Mark J in the first place now from this spot in Spain we get South it's slightly East so we're going to attack El Den right here they are at two and a half star side and we beat them two nil so another plus one goes to VOR Ro and we erase elens from the map we also head Southeast and then spin our Arrow to attack East it's also slightly South so in this direction we have nobody again now we could choose to do this where we take over the entire continent but this wouldn't really make that much sense if there's a team like El right next to us but let's say we totally took over Spain and Portugal then the arrow pointed South that's when I think it would make sense to take over Africa but until then we'll just attack the team that's closest to us Whenever there are no teams directly in the path of the arrow so against El we win 40 the plus one goes to ro one again and now from this position we're attacking Southwest which makes things easy because we have kaha there and we take out kahena 5-1 so rock now becomes an 80 overall we can't boost him anymore that was his final plus one and we erase kahena from the map move further Southwest and spin our Arrow once again and it points South slightly West which means we'll be attacking Alia and in this match we'll have Rock in the starting 11 and we end up winning it in penalties Ro missed his penalty and Rafa actually scored both our goals to save us so R not looking impressive at all we get the job done though we keep moving further south and from here we're going to be attacking next door Granada and we beat Granada 4-1 Lewandowski with a hattick once again and from Granada we'll take the 78 rated goalkeeper austo bataya as a backup and we also erase Granada from the map and continue our attack the next direction is again Southwest and in that direction we've got kadis and we say goodbye to kadis as well and also we get a better backup goalkeeper and let Desma in case we end up losing turen we're not looking too bad our goalkeeping got a huge boost and our next direction of attack is Northeast and over in that direction we've got seevilla seevilla is going to be our toughest test so far and we beat them 1 n and from this spot right here we're going to be attacking Betis Ro be are also based in Seeva if you didn't know and we beat them 3-1 so goodbye Roy Betis and welcome nail fake here at this point we haven't had to erase any players cuz we haven't lost by two goals the arrows point in Northeast so that's aloron and we beat them 1 nil goodbye aloron this brings us closer to having an El Classico soon as there's only GFE and valano in between us so let's see if the arrow is going to be pointing East it did and although it's Southeast southeast of us is still getafe and even though we went down to 10 men we ended up winning it in the 86 minute with ra Felix's goal so haaf is a race from the map and now we're neighbors with Real Madrid let's see if the arrow wants an El Classico almost first we have to play valano and we beat them by a goal so now we've surrounded Madrid even more does the arrow want an El Classico it doesn't well at least not yet it wants us to go into Portugal first this is Rio a they're a three and a half star club and we beat them 3-1 so no problems getting into Portugal and also we'll take the 75 rated right wing back costina with us now does the arrow want that El Classico it doesn't it's pointing West slightly South but we still hit viella and we beat them 52 and this is interesting now because now we're neighbors with Porto but first we have to give a plus one to kuari I'm going to try to boost this kid all the way up to 80 and now let's see if we get to face Porto here and we actually don't hit Porto we'll have to play boavista they're a three star team and we beat them two one so with the win we now move north of Porto further away from Real Madrid and our next direction of attack will be South which means it's Porto Porto is only a fourstar side and we lose to them 2-1 so they push us back and I I think this is 50% of our land we have yet to erase a player though so from this position arrows pointing Northeast and is this NL Classico right in the center of our logo have to draw the line but it ends up hitting Porto so once again against Porto we win it on penalties well that was close we say goodbye to Porto we also have to move our logo into Portugal because this is where Porto was and from this spot on the map we get Northwest so north of us the closest team is Gil vente and we beat them 2N no issues here we're moving further north into Portugal avoiding that L classical like the plague when kuari goes up to a 66 overall as we spin the arrow for our next attack and it's East right next to us is falika they are a three star side and we win it 3-1 goodby falika kuari gets another plus one and let's see if we keep moving eastwards we are this Arrow does hit next door Chavez and we beat them 2 N which means kuari goes up to a 68 and we move eastwards next to a attack Southeast now southeast of us it would be Africa but we're going to be attacking valid since they're also just right here and we win the match 32 so we'll take over valids land and move our logo where valad doid was and again we're one step closer to that El Classico do we get it with this Arrow it's close but not close enough points to this team instead buros they are three star side in the second division and we beat them 1 nil so we're slowly surrounding Madrid let's see if we get the El Classico this time we don't heading Northwest it's sporting guon and we beat them 3-0 kuari goes up to a 69 overall and again we move further away from Madrid and spinning the arrow for our next attack and it's West so we have to play against Real oo and we beat them 1 nil man the arrow doesn't want to mess with Real Madrid right now and from this Northwestern point in Spain we get Southwest so this is Victoria and we beat them 2-0 so kuari goes up to 70 overall and we take out one more Portuguese site we've only got put up here and we're going to attack South actually so still no El Classico but south of us this is Moren they three star side and we beat them 51 and kuari goes up to 71 overall so we head back south and now do we finally get an El Classico here I think we do I mean this looks for sure we're going to have it played at barab and here we go Real Madrid win it 3-2 Modric got the winner but we still haven't lost by two goals so we'll count this as 50% of our land as Real Madrid expands its territory now do we attack Real Madrid again and no we get Southwest instead and from this position we actually have to play Benfica we beat Benfica 3-2 it looks as if we're running away from Real Madrid here and we've also completely surrounded araa which means we have to play against them this is just another one of those rules that just makes sense when you do this kind of video over and over again and we beat araka in extras the map just stays cleaner and easier to follow this way and now that we're next to the Atlantic Ocean if we get West I'll tell you guys about another r we get West so in order to cross this ocean into North America especially where Messi is this Arrow has to be super persistent so we have to get this arrow pointing West three times in a row so this time we get Northwest which is still fine so spinning the arrow one more time and we get Northwest again that is three wests in a row so the middle point of all these arrows is Montreal we are running away from Real Madrid right here Montreal are a two and a half star side and we lose to them 1 n so Montreal actually says no you're not running away from Real Madrid but instead they come over the pond and they take half our land what a crazy sight backto back losses and now the arrow will Point West because it's slightly South we'll take the southern team here faren and we beat them in penalties now guys so far we haven't lost a single player and I didn't anticipate this so we're going to go for a rule change here whenever we lose by a goal difference of one instead of losing half our land we're actually going to lose a player and then losing by two we'll lose half far land plus a player so that'll remain the same all right let's keep going I think things will be a little bit more interesting now arrow point Southwest that's pory monen and we beat them 2-0 so goodbye pory monen one more Portuguese team gone kuari goes up to a 72 and we spin our Arrow once again let's see Montreal no pointing Northwest so this is estala Amadora and we win the match 1 nil we move further north and our Arrow points Northeast Northeast of us we have casapia and we beat them in penalties J fix saved us in the 88th minute so goodbye casapia only three Portuguese sides remain we've still got Braga up there and from here we're attacking North so that means we're about to get revenge on Montreal and they win it again 1 nil lowski miss a penalty kick wanyama gets subed on and scores to win it for his team unbelievable so now the wheel finally makes an appearance we have to erase one player from our starting 11 as we spin our wheel and it's our left Winger so we say goodbye to our second best scorer in this video now because we changed the rules we're not losing any land so it's possible that we could rescue Felix now if we beat Montreal because it looks like we have to play them once again draw Felix will be starting against us and we have feron Torres on the left wing now for the third time we beat Montreal 2-1 but because we only want to buy a goal we can't take any players from them which means we can't rescue ja fix and he's gone forever so we finally erased Montreal from the map get all of our land back and guys this also means we head into North America we take all this land such a pain to do all these islands in Canada and now we're going to continue our attack till we get Leonel Messi we're heading south the arrow knows so south of us we've got New England Revolution they are a three star side and we beat them 2-0 fan Torres gets two goals here our new starter trying to keep a permanent spot in the starting 11 we move South into Maine we also give the plus one to kubar and from New England we're heading slightly Northwest which means we have to take on Toronto FC and if we beat them by two goals I think we can add inia to our lineup and we lose to them 2-1 wow these Canadian sides so again we won't lose any land but we're actually going to erase one player and that's our right center back so we have to say goodbye to an 86 rated Aro here Martinez will take his place now because we haven't lost any land we're in the same spot and we're attacking Southwest and the arrow actually points towards New York City FC and we beat them in extras it's been a real struggle against MLS team so far but at least we head further south inching closer to inter Miami we all know what's going to happen when we Face them hopefully and our arrows pointing Southwest where we have New York Red Bull and we take them up by a single goal coming in the 89th minute I mean the struggle continues but we take out New York Red Bull and our next direction of attack is going to be Southwest again it's Philadelphia Union next and Philly is actually a three and a half star sight and we beat them in penalty 7 six in penalties crazy so far we haven't been able to beat any MLS size by at least two goals but anyways our next direction of attack will be Southwest once again and Southwest of us we actually find DC United and finally it's a win by at least two goals we win a 3-1 joa Canelo had two goals and we continue boosting kuari and from where we are now we're either going to attack Toronto FC or charlot in this case we get West so it's Charlotte and we beat Charlotte 4 one we'll give the plus one to kubar once again and we ra Charlotte from the map as well which makes us neighbors with Atlanta and we're inching one step closer to inter Miami and to be perfectly honest I'm not rigging this we keep getting South it's like as if the arrow can see the map but this one's actually going to attack Nashville Nashville are three star side with a hideous logo and we beat them on penalties Frankie deong saved us in the 86th minute so we move west now we could totally bypass Atlanta United let's see if that's going to happen if we get slightly Southwest but we actually get North so it doesn't really matter we're actually attacking FC Cincinnati and we beat them 2-0 which means kubar is going up to 76 and we get to a race FC Cincinnati from the map we now have the MLS Champions north of us that's Columbus but we get Northwest and from our logo Northwest we hit Chicago and we beat Chicago Fire 3-2 so no player boosting here we erased Chicago from the map this isn't what's supposed to happen come on Arrow I mean we could still get to Messi if we get directly south but we get West so next up it's St Louis City and we beat St Louis 40 and you know what this means kuari goes up to a 77 and we take over St Louis's land now from St Lew we're still going west this time it's spor in Kansas City can you imagine if we don't end up playing inter Miami having come this far but St Louis takes us out I mean we stay here cuz we only lost by a goal but we do have to erase a player and that's our right back so just like we did at the beginning of the video we have to say goodbye to kund now s you BTO will take his place in the starting 11 and our next direction of attack will be North and in that direction we've got Minnesota United FC and we beat them in extras and from here there are no upgrades so we're attacking directly south and guys this is where things get exciting because directly south of us is Orlando city and we beat them 1 n we were down to 10 men in the 66th minute but it doesn't matter now we're neighbors with Leonel Messi now all the wheel has to do is give us South but it doesn't we get Northwest instead so we have to play against Atlanta United and we lose to them but at least it's only by a goal so we remain neighbors with Messi and we get to lose our right wing we say goodbye to Rafia here and I just realized laminal is not in the game and it's apparently because he's under 17 that he wasn't included in the game so we'll have rocki take Rafa's place now let's spin the arrow once again and we get Northeast so it's a rematch against Atlanta United and we win it in penalties rafino scored in the 89th minute against us so we do erase Atlanta from the map but we can't rescue Rafia so now let's see if the arrow will Point South it won't but heading over East we've only got the Atlantic Ocean so we need the arrow to point eastwards twice more but it's not so it's pointing North and North of us we've got Columbus Crew and we beat the MLS Champs by two goals which means project kuari continues he goes up to a 77 so yeah while editing I realized I messed up he should have gone up to a 78 but we'll keep it going this way and we head back North to take over Columbus and now our next direction of attack is north and over in that direction we've got Toronto FC remember they stole Aro from us and we beat them 3-1 which means we get to rescue Aro he goes back to our starting 11 but I'm going to put him at right back and we also race Toronto FC from the map that was a lot of land we just took but we're just a little bit further away from Messi and we get Southwest and over in that direction we're actually going to play Kansas City and you'll remember they took kund from us so let's see if we can also rescue him from there and we lose again on penalties sporting Casey proving to be another case of Montreal and we lose our right back which means Aro is leaving us for a second time it's also funny how Kansas City got right backs on both occasions the only thing we've got going for us is we haven't lost by two goals and we get South slightly West and our line is closer to inter Miami I would say so I think it's time inter Miami AKA little Barcelona has a whole bunch of our former players we have to win by two goals if we want Messi back quick simming it 3 2 1 and we lose Suarez he wins it an extras for inter Miami now Messi got subbed off in the 54th minute and Inter Miami hadn't scored up until that point he did play with a rating of 6.3 he did want to come back but Suarez said no so we now have to erase one player and it's our right center back so we say goodbye to inogo Martinez which now means kubar is going to be in the starting lineup now let's see if we get to attack inter Miami once again we get south I mean because this arrow is more south than East we'll count this as inter Miami they are now a fourstar side and we beat them 3-1 VTO Ro Fon Tores and leandi Messi did score against us but the goat is coming back home Messi is back at Barcelona and we'll put him back on the right wing we'll give him the captain's armband so we can finally erase inter Miami from the map and spin the arrow one second again and it points Southwest now what we'll do is we'll jump over to Cuba and we'll Spin The Arrow once again and from here we get Northwest and over in that direction we actually hit FC Dallas and we win this match 42 levandowski had all four goals so we'll give the plus one to kuari again and spin for our next direction of attack which is Northwest and Northwest from our logo we actually hit Sporting Kansas City they have Aro and kund and we beat them 4-1 Messi yet to score a goal so we'll take back Aro here once again and we can finally erase boarding Kansas City from the map and from this point on the map we're going to attack West we've got Colorado there and we beat them 2-n Messi still without a goal and he consistently keeps getting one of the worst ratings in our team we'll boost kuari to a 79 and our next direction of attack will be West directly west of us we've got real Salt Lake City and Messi finally gets his first goal we win 3-1 kubar goes up to an 80 we head a little bit further west and our arrow point South and over in that direction we find LA Galaxy and we beat them 3-1 and from LA Galaxy we can bring back Ricky pu heads South too bad no Mexico teams are in fc24 we'll just spin the arrow and our Arrow Points East now and east of us we've got Austin and we beat Austin FC 3-1 as well Messi scored two goals we'll take Sebastian drussi from Austin and the only team that remains in Texas is Houston and we've surrounded them so we might as well attack them and we beat them 3-1 Messi with two goals again and guys since they've got nowhere to go we might as well just conquer them one by one starting with lafc but first we'll give a plus one boost to Ricky pu and now against lafc we win it 3-0 next up we'll play San Jose but first Ricky pu gets another boost we also beat San Jose 3-0 and Ricky pu goes up to 79 next up we've got the Portland Timbers and we beat them 3-2 leowski had a hattick and now we have the Seattle Sounders and this one's a 2-1 win and now only one final team remains in North America and that's that's Vancouver White Caps and our North American journey ends with a 3-1 win goodbye Vancouver and with Barca we've totally conquered North America I don't know why there's a border here will automatically get Mexico as well as Central America and the rest of the Caribbean and also young Ricky goes up to an 80 overall all right now if we get East we'll go back to Europe we don't have to have that persistent East and here the era actually Point Southeast I mean it's close enough to Tenerife and we take out the second division side with Messi's goal which means we're back in Europe and we'll just take on Las palas since we're here they are at fourstar La Liga side and we beat them 3-1 so we say goodbye to Las Palmas and I'm going to boost Marcos Alonzo here they didn't really have any players we really really needed now we get West once we'll have to get it twice more to move into South America and we'll count this as West because it's Southwest and then do we get a third West we don't we get Northeast and you know what that means it's an El Classico we're back at the bav against Real Madrid with Messi and we beat them 2-n Messi scored joselu missed the penalty kick so that means Vin Jr's joining our side and he's now a Barcelona player and we come back to Spain and erase our biggest Rivals from the map now we're right next to Atletico Madrid but first look at that front three Vinnie Jr levandowski and Messi at this point I don't know who's going to be able to beat us by three goals and we get East so we have to play against Atletico Madrid we're now at civitas metropolitano and we lose by penalties so we don't lose any land but we're going to have to erase one player so spinning the wheel and yes I got scared it was going to land on right wing for a second but it lands on goalkeeper so we actually lose t St again now spinning the arrow for our next attack and it's East again we've now got an 82 rated lisma in goal and we lose one nil second loss in a row against Atletico at least it's Again by a goal but we have to erase our left back so we say goodbye to Canelo as he joins Atletico for the time being an 81 rated Bal will be taking his spot and now to see if we're going to attack them once again we get Northeast for a second I thought we might be getting mandez but it's actually Atletico again and Taran was the goalkeeper in that 1- nil match just now and the third time is not the charm because they win 1 nil once again in tan with a performance of 8.4 we can't seem to score against Atletico and ter again and we have to get rid of our left Center back I got scared it was going to be levandowski so now we say goodbye to Christensen kuari goes back into the starting 11 and look at atletico's lineup with three of our players so I would be okay with not getting them next but we get East again but it's South enough so we'll play leanas instead they are a three star side and we beat them in extras Vinnie Jr finally with a goal and Messi got the other two so it's refreshing to finally get a win and our next direction of attack will be West and over in that direction we've got sporting not an easy team to play against by any means but we beat them 3-1 and we'll take the 81 rated Striker gues he's been on fire this season I think he's going to be a hot commodity come the summer transfer window so it made sense to just snatch him up right now estor is cornered here so we'll just play against them and we beat them 2-1 we'll remain where we are the only Portuguese team remaining is Braga but we're going to spin the arrow and the arrow is going to be pointing North so we'll count this as Braga and we lose to them 3-2 y has scored his first to take it into extras but bruma won it anyway wow little Braga don't get offended if you're a Braga fan but they're racing are left Winger so Venus Jr goes off to Braga and now let's see where the arrow is going to be pointing and it Points North again this is operation rescue Vinnie Jr and we lose on penalties Vinnie Jr scored against us and Messi was the only one who scored his penalty they're going to be erasing a second player from us and oh no we say good goodbye to levandowski Yokes goes into the starting 11 and brag has done so much damage to us in two matches and we get Southeast and over in that direction we've got no teams but Alba right here is south of us and east of us they are a three star side and we beat them 3-0 as we have no more center backs we'll take this guy from alete and from this spot now our next direction of attack is Northeast so that's Viet lb and we beat them 2-1 surprised we couldn't win by two goals though and the next Direction of attack is going to be South well here's the deal if we get South two more times I'll move the logo into central Africa but our next direction of attack is Northeast so that's viel and we win it by a goal Gerard Moreno really didn't want to come to Barca so he scored in the 89th minute to save himself and now from this spot our next direction of attack is south and we spin it once again and we get South again so if we get South one more time we're moving down to Africa and we are so this one's for all the Barcelona fans in Africa I wish we still had the South African teams in rest of the world but we don't even have them anymore so we're spinning from here and we get Northeast which means we're heading into Saudi Arabia and the arrows pointing towards abha club they're only a two star side and we beat them 2-1 Messi scored both goals and we take over abha club's land and guys guess what we only have a few teams separating Al Naser and Barcelona now so we could soon have a Messi versus Ronaldo contest on our hands but we get Northwest so over in that direction is ala and we beat them in extras so just like the MLS it hasn't really been easy here and now we're neighbors with benzema's team which we're attacking next they are a fourstar side and we beat them by a single goal so we can't take Benz unfortunately but we erase itot from the map which now makes us neighbors with Al hillal and our next direction of attack is Southwest that doesn't work cuz there's no teams there it's Southeast this time so we're going to attack Al AI they have firmino and we beat them by only a goal again so we're not getting firmino either so now our next direction of attack is going to be Southwest but it still means we're playing Dak and we beat Dak 3-0 and from them we'll take the 73 rated Center back our depth that Center back is terrible and our next direction of attack is Northeast so from our logo that's Al shabab and we lose to them 3-2 rakitic our former player even missed a penalty had he scored we would have lost half our land but instead we're going to lose our goalkeeper again so Le is going to join Al shabab so now in goal we'll have bataya and when we spin our Arrow once again the next direction of attack is going to be al-shabab again and this time we beat them 4 two and we get an 84 rated Yanik carasco from them leismo wasn't the best goalkeeper so I didn't want to rescue him and guys guess what we're now neighbors with Al Naser this is about to be our 99th contest and we get North this is how Christiano Ronaldo's team is going to be lining up if we now win by two goals Cristiano Ronaldo could be joining us and we lose by two goals Messi scored mané scored it went to extras Ronaldo scored and mané scored again we hadn't lost by two goals in a long time so first we have to erase one player we have to say goodbye I don't want to look we have to say goodbye to our Striker not bad so gues joins Al Naser and to make life simple Al Naser takes over Africa as half our land they also take this portion of Saudi Arabia so we get pushed back into southern Spain here and we spin for our next direction of attack which is west but there are no teams there so we'll spin once again and this time we get East and because we've got these islands we'll just be able to hop over to Sardinia otherwise as I explained near the beginning of the video we can't travel through big masses of water but here against calot we win it 2-0 which means we get a part of Italy and if we get an arrow that's pointing East we'll be able to attack Italian sides and if we get an arrow pointing North we'll be able to attack French sides and from kalar we'll pick up a Mina and now our next direction of attack will be Northeast and this is really close but we're attacking Roma and we lose by two goals to Roma Cammy Abraham with two goals we've been losing a lot lately and Roma's going to get to erase our right center midfielder so we say goodbye to gundan and now we have to give them half our land which means they get all this in Spain and they get Northern North America and we're pushed back West and from here we'll be attacking Roma again gav's now in the starting lineup and we lose to Roma once again in the 88th minute it's only by a goal so we don't lose any land but we're going to lose our Striker once again so we say goodbye to VOR Ro which means I'm going to switch formation we'll go 433 false 9 Messi is going to play center forward and we'll have feron Torres on the right wing and now let's see if we attack Roma for the third time in a row we get east Southeast so in that direction we've got Al Naser and guys because we controlled Africa previously we don't need that persistent East AA to take us back over the ocean so it's the second meeting between Messi and Ronaldo and this time Ronaldo scores the winner in the9th minute mané scored again in this match in the 61st and Messi played with a rating of 5.7 so alnaser beats us for the second time in a row and they're going to erase Leonel Messi well they're actually taking Messi away from us which means now Ronaldo and Messi are on the same team but they were in the wrong colors and now we have to play fak here at striker and now our next direction of attack is again Roma and we beat Roma in the 89th minute Gabi gets the winner too bad we're not going to be able to rescue gundan but at least we get North America back as well as Europe and we completely erase Roma from the map and now our next direction of attack is going to be Northeast and over in that direction we find Tarana they are two star side and we beat them in penalties they were up by two goals at some point unbelievable man it's been tough as of late and our next direction of attack is East so over there we've got asoli asoli are three stars and we win a 42 so we erase ascoli from the map so we'll take the 71 rated Macedonian Striker nestorovski and from this point in Italy our next direction of attack is South slightly West so we'll count this as ltio and we beat them on penalties it would have been good to take immob from them but that's not the case so from this point our next direction of attack is going to be Northwest and we find fantina there and we beat them by a goal as well and our next direction of attack is Northeast Northeast of us we've got bologna they are a fourstar side and we beat them 3-0 we'll take the 75 rated Striker xery and at this point I wish the arrow would Point South so we could get Messi back but we get Northeast and I'm going to count this as vona because that's the closest team we find Northeast of us with a border and we lose to them on penalties 11 to 10 what that's just unbelievable so the player that they're racing from us is our left Winger so we have to say goodbye to Yan carasco and now our next direction of attack is East I mean with all the experience of us Crossing oceans we'll go attack huk split across the water and we beat the Croatian side in extras goodbye hyuk split and now from our location in Croatia we're attacking Southeast now over Southeast we've got all this empty land in the Balkans so we'll first take all that we'll move our logo right in the center and from here we'll attack North so we're looking to recover in Romania we're going to play Cova and we lose to the Romanian inside that's just unbelievable so we have to lose yet another player and that player is going to be our CDM and this is a tough loss our highest rated player Frankie deang moves to Cova our starting lineup is looking really weak at this point and now our next direction of attack is going to be Northwest so that's another Romanian side that's UTA luckily this team's only one and a half stars and we beat them 21 goodbye UTA and from this spot we're going to be attacking the Hungarian side panv they're a decent three and a half star side and they beat us by two goals 2 N we're still at 4 and 1 half star side but we've been losing so many matches lately and we're losing our left Winger here and on our left wing we had Gabi so he joins the Hungarian side due to a lack of Wingers I'm switching to a 4312 formation we are banished once again to North America and from here our next direction of attack is North so we're going to play Fen Vos and we lose again so we have to lose another player and it's going to be our left Center midfielder and that there he also joins faren Vos this time we're attacking Northwest it's a third straight match against faren Vos and it's a third straight lost this time on penalties what how crazy is it that we keep losing to a rest of the world side so we lose our right center midfielder this time and that player is pedri at this point we're a fourstar club and Fen Vos have also become four stars they've now beaten us three times in a row just as Atletico Madrid did and we have to face them again hopefully we can rescue one of those Center Midfield ERS and this one is a 3-2 win we came back from behind to win it an extras but all we're getting out of this win is land if you're a fat anvar supporter you should be very proud of your team we only ended up winning an extras on top of all the losses so we'll take over Slovakia and we'll spin once again and from this location we're attacking Southwest so over that way we've got doomo Zagreb they're also a three and a half star side and we beat them 3-2 so all we got here was land no upgrades and our next direction of attack is Northwest which means we take over Slovenia and when we Spin The Arrow once again we get North straight north of us is hartburg this is a two-star Austrian side and we beat them 21 and now our next direction of attack is South while it's Southwest and I had to draw this line here and we're hitting Al Naser because we have all of central Italy so we keep going and it's Al Naser so it's Cristiano Ronaldo together with Messi they are still a fourstar side but based on recent results I don't have a good feeling here let's see and it's a 4-2 win mess scores he was the man of the match 9.9 rating I'm not sure if we're going to be able to recover from this as we lose our goalkeeper so as austo bataya joins Al Naser we're left with a 73 rated inaki Peña in goal and our backup is 61 rated aalaga this again now means we're back in North America with al- Naser north of us this time and our next direction of attack will be South so maybe we can recover in South America uh we'll play Atletico National right here since they have a border with us Atletico our three star side and we beat them 2-0 and we'll take a 75 rated pbone from them we have now officially entered South America and our next direction of attack from here is Northwest we just got here too but we have to play al- nuser again and guys we're going to hold for a miracle here let's see we lose again kishka with both goals Ronaldo and Messi both got subbed off I mean it's that easy for them at this point they're subbing off Messi and Ronaldo at the same time and we're losing our cam so that's nail Faker going Al nesser we now switch back to a 433 and I put Pabon in the Starling 11 and hopefully we can recover some power in South America we get South so we have to play Deport with Pereira they're three star side and we beat them 2-n and we're going to take a 74 rated Kevin vienda from them but we can't because they don't have 17 outfielders so instead we'll give a plus one to xery and from this spot in Colombia our next direction of attack is Northwest which means once again we have to play against Messi alnaser is now a four and a half star side but I think we're we're going to be able to beat them this time come on let's rescue Messi and we lose on penalties Messi scored against us so it's apparent that he doesn't want to come back and we have to erase our left Center back so that's kubar and he also joins al- nesser this I believe was our fourth loss to Al nuser and next is southeast so that's Deportes to Lia a decent three star site and we beat them on penalties so no upgrades no new players and now from our position in Colombia we're going Southwest so we'll count it has the Ecuadorian site ldu their three star site with a four-star logo and we beat the current Champions 4-0 and we'll take their 75 rated goalkeeper it's a two overall upgrade for us and from our spot in Kito we go Southwest so that's AAS and we beat them 21 still in Kito I believe and from this spot we're going Northeast and over in that direction we've got Santa Fe Santa Fe is a three and a half star side and we beat them 1 nil so so far things haven't been that bad in South America we're also now neighbors with Brazilians teams and our next direction of attack will now be Southwest so this is ucv one of the worst Peruvian sides this season and we beat them 3-0 we'll give xery another plus one and now from our position in Peru we're attacking Southeast and following this Arrow it actually hits Brazil so that's go I and we beat them 2-1 so we only take a massive chunk of Brazil we move into the Amazon forest and our next direction of attack will be North and over North we've got Fort ala there are three and a half star side and we beat them 3-1 so no issues taking over fortalesa and we're not going to take any players from them instead xery goes up to 78 now our next direction of attack is east and straight east of us there's only one side al- Naser and they beat us two nil Ronaldo with the first Messi with the second goal so which means they were racing one more player and it's the right center back so now araho joins Al Naser and they're going to take half our land I think about this much does it so we're again pushed back into the state so that's not decisive so we'll spin again and we'll get Southeast so we have to take them out somehow they look absolutely stacked but we pull off the upset in the 88th minute habon this guy's been amazing he scored both goals even though we don't get Messi back we finally destroyed al- Naser we get all of our lands back after being oppressed by them for so long and move into Saudi Arabia it sucks that we can't get Messi or Ronaldo from there but hey at least we've survived and next direction of attack is North so it's going to be this team ala and we beat them 42 and we'll take a 77 rated wak we're again neighbors with alhilal and we have to play them they're a fourstar side and we lose Neymar scores ooh I forgot about Neymar being there and we lose our right center back once again so that was Mina he joins alhilal and we Spin The Arrow once again and we get alhilal again and we lose again and we lose our Striker xery joins alhilal and let's see if the arrow points towards I'll H once again and it does now we've got Wakim in the starting 11 third times the charm no milinkovic savage gets to winner once again I mean we're down but we're not out we're losing our left Center mid so that was DUI he also joins Al Hill and now for the fourth time we're not attacking alhilal well it was close though we're attacking Riyad FC and we beat them 2-1 and our next direction of attack is again alhilal and we lose by a goal once again and it's always mitrovic getting the winner for some reason and they're getting our right center mid that is an 80 rated Ricky pu next we're attacking East and over in that direction we've got eifac but we beat them 3-0 that was an easy win so we will take an 81 rated SEO fana and our next direction of attack will be West which means we have to face alhilal once again and we lose one nil it's milinkovic Savage again it's always by a goal and it's always from milink kovit Savage and he's erasing our right back luckily at right back we we had costina so he's the one moving over to alhilal and spinning the arrow one more time and it points Northwest but it's going to be Al Taun and we beat them 41 and we'll take the 77 rated Ashraf Al mahwi now we're looking to escape alhilal don't give us South and we got South but it's Southwest so we'll play al-hazm and we beat them 3-1 and we'll take the 74 rated Bruno via this gives us a plus one upgrade as well as an extra Center back but I feel like we walked into a trap look at this if the arrow point points anywhere South it's going to be alhilal but it points Northwest so we're going to play alai and we beat them 21 so our escape plan is still on and now our next direction of attack is going to be North slightly West I mean first I think we're taking over Asia look at that but because we've completely surrounded Al red and alhilal we have to play against them that's what we did in the past if you'll remember Estoril in Portugal besides sporting so we'll have to take on Al raed first so this one ends 4-1 our substitute Striker with two goals EST rovski and we take over Al raid's land and race them from the map now next up since we're closer to KH FC's land we're going to play them but first we'll also take Amir s from Al raid and we also beat Al Khal 4-1 Fon Torres has been doing the heavy lifting so he had a hattick in this match and from Al kiz we'll take Fabio Martins these three teams we still haven't surrounded from the south so unfortunately we have to play Al hillal and it's not just 3-0 it's 40 milinkovic Savage Neymar and mitrovic with two goals which means we're erased from the map alhilal deals The Knockout blow and it's the end of the Barcelona Empire I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe and watch this video as well I'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Ghiellini
Views: 393,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barcelona, barcelona fc 24, barcelona fifa, barcelona career, barcelona imperialism, barcelona domination, fc barcelona
Id: rKW6BGa1kIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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