Can 10,000 Pounds Of Ice Be Turned Into Giant Art? | ZHC

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RamjagJr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we made a giant glowing ice sculpture using 10,000 pounds of ice it stands over six feet tall and took over five days for us to make but it was too big to bring back home so we thought it would be a good idea to torch it with a flamethrower shatter it with an ice pick and crush it using huge blocks of ice a few months ago I was looking at ice sculptures on Instagram and I came across this talented ice sculptor named max IDM Tim and asked if he wanted to make a huge ice sculpture with me which was something I always wanted to do as a kid the only problem was when it comes to sculpting I'm about as talentless as a french fry so I flew out to his ice sculpting facility in Kentucky so that we can make this insane glowing ice sculpture My name is Matthew Stoddard I'm 22 years old I have been sculpting ice for about 11 years now they have two freezers for ice sculpting which is around 15 degrees and can drop to as low as 0 degrees for the concept drawing I decided to draw my original character decks in a pretty fire stance I discussed it with met and he was able to block it out on a computer so that we knew how to stack the ice this ice needs to be kept in a specialized freezer in order to make the ice clear after an entire week they were done freezing so we took them out and cut them [Music] they had a special machine that could engrave ice which was a really good thing considering my handwriting looks like a four year olds now is so welcoming he taught us so much he was honestly just such a nice and genuine guy so Michelle and I are paying him a total of five thousand dollars he doesn't know it yet we're gonna surprise him at the end it's gonna be really fun to see his reaction all right so now we have like nine to ten huge blocks of ice and we're just gonna try to stack it up Oh Turkey where are you ready yeah so to start out we're just trying to pile up the huge ice box and we needed this red device to lift the ice box up cuz they were so heavy like none of us could lift it by ourselves look at how big these ice blocks are on a hot day you're gonna want to put one of these in your drinks here Oh sticks under my clothes after stegun two blocks Matt pulled out this really strange device it have nails all over it and I had no idea what it was for the veil so it turns out the nails aren't for scratching off the top of the ice this way it evens out the ice and then we can stack more on top of it deeper it was actually so satisfying the sound just going like this and then when you wipe off the snow I love it all right this is gonna beat reduce the first time in the ice so Turkey doesn't even have a jacket [Music] [Music] so this already looks like a law but it's actually only three blocks so far you stick that on to their knees for water in it pull them out I should probably use that to cut my steak [Music] a showman sees these big saws so they use something called fusion where they squirt water between the ice box which freezes and just causes it to stick together like glue so this is like a water gun yes sir [Music] guys this is a couple of thousand pounds of ice toy Terry we don't even have all the blocks on yeah it's very icy whoa look at that you can see the water coming in over here fallin for breakfast we got lunch over here dinner full course meal hungry this stage I rose cameras already all destroyed this ice all over the place sorry Turkey but I think I'm gonna use this to buy me a new camera stay with me guys stay with Bryce I had to keep rubbing it otherwise it's gonna keep fogging up see you're not handling the cold well why tell toes alright this lens is pretty much ruined alright guys so we're around 2 hours then we have so many blocks of ice right now it's absolutely insane Michelle and I can't stand the cold right now so we have to come out for a bit I think right now it's only like 3,000 pounds of ice it takes that much work just to put a couple ice blocks together we didn't even start carving yet what do you think about the turkey let's do this right now I am taking the logo and I'm plugging with water where the residual snow is from the bit when it refreezes when you create white ice top CHC calm it sounds like a good website look at how big this thing is just all of it you don't like it he's still smiling all right guys day one complete this is how you save cold cameras don't taking care one rows in wasteland lately with ice sculpting muse chainsaws all of our channels are specially modified to cut through the ice faster pretty much we take all the safety features off extra dangerous but safety risk exactly we walked back in and the ground was covered in fresh snow it was so nice at first we're gonna use a huge machine to print out a template to put on the ice but unfortunately the machine stopped working alright right now I'm gonna be drawing decks directly on top of the ice so we can carve it out it's a pretty icy canvas it was kind of slippery but I'm surprised the red marker stayed I like this better than the white boards at school is my bet so far look we're now going to take this and trace over all the lines that Zack just drew onto the ice [Music] [Music] that rule kicks up so much snow and we were just covered in snow and because we had to start carving we had a lower the temperature of the fridge so it got even colder now that we have those lines and we're gonna be cutting with the chainsaw looks like it we have a shield over here I think we're gonna need it chainsaw was so big it's kind of cool having the snow fly all over the place I go back with our big song to create almost a cookie cutter in a sense I like cookies Michelle got covered in so much snow [Music] it's so awesome I could be in here forever and that's about enough for today inside the snow is kicking up so much it actually almost broke one of the cameras gonna switch to the GoPros now it's so cold in there and my hair is all covered in eyes this is so much harder than it looks [Music] we got a sharp little chisel safety first kids look how satisfying that is all right now Michelle's gonna try it how do you guys like it so far I love the show what do you think I like G you like I think he has something under his armpit all right that's better to keep your armpits clean thank you and now you're cool shut the hole Michelle would it stop hitting me with snowballs sorry don't mess with the guy with the chainsaw you don't have a chainsaw Michelle and I were getting really cold so he told us to shovel some snow to warm up our bodies we're gonna do some shoveling there's a lot of ice on the floor I need to clean up no littering [Music] Michelle what are you doing it's still cold Becky can't flex anymore [Music] this is what we have I think it looks pretty cool so far so these right here are the arms these arms will be cut off and attached onto here later look at that look how thick this leg is oh that's the skull piece it is definitely really really cold in here right now I think it's around 10 degrees yeah hey yeah yeah I get some rest tonight and we'll be back early in the morning all right jack hang in there though that wraps it up for day 3 we have a ruff sculpture done I am really excited to see what the details are gonna look like Damaris coldest witch in the game oh now that's scary dr. Matt carried us for most of the project we finally got our own little project on the side we were gonna make a nice shiny ball whoa look at this it went from a kid to that we're gonna take it we're gonna do three rings around him [Music] we now have what I like to call a geosphere still a little rough who farted [Music] my shoulders hurt for three days after that it was not fun a lot more tiring than it looks the good work out though this is called a shaping birth momma's got all these little teeth right here gonna help us really bring the whole coasters to life do you like giant ball yeah [Music] feels great that torch looked so cool on the ball it made it so shiny so this water just refused to hike together and toes of drinking water make a wish right right now I'm gonna be a hand model hey Matt do you need a hand oh the warm air feels so good you want to go back inside apparently it's even colder now so it's gonna be fun you ready Michelle [Music] [Music] I don't even know how to describe it there was like a metal plate inside and then they removed it they put it together it froze together it was awesome but this is what is called gum freeze so it's like super hole nitrogen in a sense I don't know why but for some reason if you have clear ice and you put a light behind it it makes the entire thing glow it's so cool I think you need to lay down last day was the coldest day let's go finish this up no it was so cool I just wanted to get out of there it's gonna be fun trying not to freeze my eyes are still getting bothered by the propane now was using the propane torch to clear up the ice for some reason I just had a reaction to the propane it was not good that propane does not feel good five days and it's finally done I was so excited to see it well turkeys over there no what do you think so there's so much texture on we got a slight boho and he even has a chain and the whole doll to get the skull to what would you even have the wrist spike all right we're gonna destroy and we have the skies later any day and give us five turkey punches out of five you know what let's give us some more I mean it was pretty big it's okay turkey right it was glowing [Music] whoa make that turkey just suppose take that there's Dex guys go to shop zc calm we started destroying it ah it was so satisfying guys go coffee yourself some of the coldest merch in the game what is this ax HC what does that stand for no it doesn't matter this is you if you don't subscribe make sure you subscribe that person did not subscribe yet that's we're not turning on post notifications what's that you didn't like the video conversation here's how you break the ice Michelle that's tiny say hello to my friend gravity Oh oh that was a good one now time for the big surprise they don't even know yeah since you guys are so nice it's like a tradition on my channel to like give something extra at the end so we went and those is for you guys how just holy grass next
Channel: ZHC
Views: 14,796,054
Rating: 4.9032121 out of 5
Keywords: zhc, art, mrbeast, mr beast, challenge, art challenge, ice sculpture, glowing ice, oddly satisfying art, crushing ice, 1000 degree, frozen, experiment, life hack, diy, asmr, test, experiments
Id: qb3N2ewnUiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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