Camping on a Mountain (This is why I do it!!) - Wild Camping at Loch Lomond

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yeah just cool more to you left thank you sir that's the air that's a new city move to knitting technique for crawl under logs yeah in case you stop details with your destination you have to make sure you but are they equipment what if cruisers are a must a space that in the knee area otherwise hypothermia and they say in the walk and you must also have a bag that shows exactly this bag also like we you I almost want to make me sweaty myself and Jerry have been there wondering about the forests of America and it's been yeah the usual route of this hole is closed because of a tree failing and there's been some interest well you probably just seen at me crawling under this under the trees makes a bit interesting this park on but there yeah it's um home to do a wild camp tonight you see the size of my back I said well he use jelly there Jenny's gonna lightweight aside difference in size I think your must be a font of the way I main think here how it has of that even so I'll be more comfortable to me possibly impossible I'm not sure how much room there anyway so we're gonna head up here hopefully get over this forest it's gonna be a bit of a bit fainting I've got of adventurous sir last time I came up it was absolute desolation they were chopping down the trees it was the stuff we took the bikes after us oh god yeah and it was ankle breaking clear Italy and a few bits you just couldn't get across because it worked like big [ __ ] cup for the diggers so hopefully we'll not catered any enacted it yeah last thing dude what's you saying it will get correct on so we made our way up through the trees and up a different route to what's usually used for the sole as we mentioned earlier the normal route was closed due to the the chief ailing operations which had been ongoing for the last 18 months and it was a bit boggy and there was a few fallen trees to negotiate rain but before long we made two over the tree trees and up onto the open toe laid and those you started to open up it was lovely okay that's you know jelly babies behind that it was a breezy on the summit that we stole took some time to take in those fabulous views of the article Alps and of the three locks which we can see from this Trek point click and the views here of the stunning under your well used to this view they warn you this is my local hell literally and it's a kook Tarbert and people look on the map they'll see there's lots of tablets in Scotland ya know I harbored the narrow Escalus of land between two bodies of water which used usually as a boat drag and a portage between in this case tarpon Loch Lomond lies in the tablet lane between Locke long yeah Erica uh-huh target lost lumen the drag is between the air and the story is in this occasion this star but the Vikings came up Locke long drag the long ships across the target and redid all the villages a lot womaned and it was quite a convenient boat drag for them because it's quite short passage and also there's a pub half way along it's handy for the open it yeah we think if you look at the mouth and look all the targets and you see the every target in Scotland there's quite a few of them a cat not doing the exact number the old there always I see on these narrow isthmus between the sea and a lock or two locks or whatever but target lock lumens the only one that's a card beta star bet there are on a ERT and the recent loch lomond is a table a Tyranitar bait is because when they anchor size that for the maps something couldn't spell basically and let this holes called creek tar pit and this is what i'm gonna be seeing the night i'll be staying on the top i wouldn't have to go away don't rain thing somewhere for shelter journey will be doing the same but his shell is bricks-and-mortar on the side of the hell I'm gonna be roughing it tonight so yeah I'll let you get cracked on Jenny I'm the gun trained face I'm gonna face the dead and there's wind so myself and Jerry said our farewells and he made his short route back don't isn't he's comfortable aboard with a comfortable night ahead and I say about looking for somewhere to spend the night in the tent and what I'm gonna have to do now is I'm gonna scout a boat and try and find somewhere to pitch the tent try and get out of this wind that's kind of a northwesterly at the moment and I noticed a swing road into South we're still in the morning so I can face somewhere that's relatively shelter from those two directions I'm going to be fading and it added to that one to training thing someone with a nice view but isn't going to be hard from up here because it really is 360 views from up here something right let's go for it we skate around a relatively flat spot there we switch between a so it's cliche Lord over here so make a wide get it in and up to back up to the stomach to get my bag intent and came back down to this wonderful spot to camp it was really quite sheltered I know the wind and always views de los lumen tomorrow Wow you can see for yourself or pretty spectacular so I said about getting the tent oh I know before the good dark as you can probably see behind me the tent is now up and it's not not a bad location I don't think look at that view though whoa woman then you see Ben womaned over my shoulder there sure yeah it says roundabout sunset so I'm going to take the short walk up to the summit the hole and just enjoy the sunset there it was a bit breezy when we were up there where it's lovely and calm here but yeah I'm gonna go up in there watch the sunset then come back down and get some food or nobody so it took me a whole two minutes to walk back up to the summit and I decided to head a little further west the a good view to walk along and watch the sunset going over the Col Peninsula it wasn't a bad evening and the skies turned a lovely color but before long starting to get a bit darker so I headed back to the tent to enjoy a wee bit more of those dusk skies hey as you can see them back back at the tent no it was a really lovely lovely sunset tonight the clothes over here doing walk woman turned a deep purple I was just lovely and I went over just before dusk to watch the Sun go down over sort of the Cole Peninsula a nowhere stone law firm that was lovely it's just absolute it's a cracking mate it's really quite breezy in the summit so I've got enough drop dome and I've got a wee bit of shelter here that's north that's waste that's so so at the moment the winds are coming in from the northwest I'm well sure Lord but through the night they're meant to soar swinging to the west and then South West I'm just hoping that come in the morning I'll still be quite shelter to you but what we'll do now we're gonna set it ain't for the we well I'm gonna meet my team I've got my we fire stove with me which share which I might I might put on later on to warm up keeps the air so the stove keeps the fire off the grounding clicks all the the dubbings from the fire so it's not it's not damaging the ground so I might try that and then when it gets dark hopefully the skies will remain clear I can see that a couple of starter already and yeah maybe try some astrophotography later on I might even try and get some short stone the the lock cedar may get the tree of the late feels from the car but yes it's a lovely sport fantastic really looking forward to the evening so yeah Rachel they get some food on so I'll see you probably when I'm eating my food [Applause] say what this coffee is tasting good after that meal and it's no pitch black star as ammo come out the clear the the clothes have all cleared now I can see Orion over ban lumen then over to the north is the ploy so the plan is I'm going to sit here enjoy this let's make up a coffee mmm sooo nice cup of coffee and then I'm going to go I go for the be warden that I think is gonna be one day on the summit but I'm gonna go and try and take some pictures of the stars and yeah I'll come back and I make it out we that we mini twig stove on and see if it warms my my hands up and maybe have some whiskey at that point so I sort of pour back after taking some pictures so after finishing my coffee I took a short under up to the summit and had a look around to see if I could take some pictures of the stars over those snow-capped mountains and I got the tripod I got a cameras out and see about taking some snaps or the stars it was a cracking evening for it [Music] it's gonna need to be spot over here looking down the waka matias just doing there but the starry sky is just absolutely glorious there's Orion you'll see much shame disappears with darker still see the stars they're shining I saw we're towards artic it helps over here something that I think it's a play here we go there's a plate up above so he settlement there and I'll show you the walk I remember the name of it we've paddled look lost a few teams I drove the tail there so with to watch of chaucer's then background there's a banner woman'd great my tent staying there somewhere so I'm gonna head down there and get a fire so as you can see when I go back to the tent I've got the small twig burning stove up and running and up is lovely it was just cracking having this small stove burning away and warming up my hands and feet oh this is lovely but let's be fire certainly keep my feet ice to keep my feet warm it's always the one thing that gets cooled for me during these winter camp this is my feet tend to get maybe get cold and I usual after cold sleeping bag tea my boots off to keep warm but I've got this me small really small almost ago with Bernard 20 some what have you and it's been great it's really fantastic and it's just lifted up off the ground so it doesn't down we should go into Mojave so anyway this has been fantastic I've taken some shorts as you've seen of the of the stars it's quite nice really starting know the winds dropped there's a slight breeze in the summit nothing too bad sir definitely not is wouldn't be is the worst team win absolutely that was yeah that was pretty stormy that was 40 to 50 ml there I guess at night so thankfully no no Acton eight it's been good it really has been good and the reason I decided to come onto the cell the cells are we very smaller you can see that this done of you love me doubt the surrounding holes are all snow-covered and the snow probably probably lying the snow lanes probably about six hundred meters and the top of the saw was a bit 400 450 and the reason for that was the wooden speeds higher up are to be twenty to thirty melon or ones and that's fine if you got that shell or but for summit camps I just thought I'll come here it's less yeah it's gonna be less wouldn't in its waste of a crater talkin it doesn't have that much time I was quite handy who's Jerry those live locally as you saw as well it was nice to have some company in the real but this is just lovely yeah just been relaxing here missus it's amazing it's just such a small fire but the difference it makes has given off a bet he and I'm not called from I got my gloves on all of you and I've been the other thing that might be contributing to my warmth first I've been suffering away on there I'm a whiskey today I've got some Glenmorangie which was actually Christmas present from Jerry and it's lovely it's fantastic so I've been suffering away in there and having some peanuts which as you know if you watch the videos my is made a little cheat to myself because I'm not allowed that was bad cool it's a it's nice so yeah I'm just gonna sit here and mad I basically picked up the twigs twigs that you saw me putting on our on see them all heroes all dead to exact picked up on the way up just dead but some bulbs I didn't take anything too big you wouldn't be able to fit anything big in this anyway it's really just a twig partner but I tell you what it's a it's cracking it's lovely stuff had a good team it's me so I'm just going to sit here and there just relax and gears up at these stars it's lovely after enjoying my whiskey and doing a bit of stargazing the whiskey Rado as did the twigs and the fire started to die down and it was soon time for bed and I went to bed nice and snug hoping for a nice sunrise the following morning [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Wow look at this wasn't was expecting this to happen this is absolutely stunning look at ask I don't if you Kimiko but it's just gotten really pink absolutely brilliant this was not expecting this at all Luke like it was just gonna die it's just bill up again what a fantastic morning it's a shameless will be better clothes and bill woman but that sky is absolutely sublime and the lock is just pink and then there's this little lying miss just blowing through hopefully you can pick this up in the camera absolutely stunning so I've had my coffee has you can tell a little bit more cioppino especially with a sunrise I'm going to stop talking and we would take some pictures of this this stunning sky water morming fantastically famous you up and get this camera off video would and then to picture a tree let's take some pictures well here we go so one morning has been hopefully you've seen some nice pictures and maybe some time lapses of the of that sunrise it was just fantastic and it's very atmospheric know the the clothes can have Western rune the seed of the the whole here and yeah the Sun starting to come up over my shoulder and it's good anyway I'm just about done I've left at the tents virtually empty never taking a sleeping bag down and deflated the ground mats and all those sort of chores but I thought I'd just tell you about my new my new tent pegs so I've done all that self focus but if I bring my missus in you when you tent peg there and the reason I bought these as I'd been a few of the the ones that come from tarp time we show these ones and these have been great you wanna see if so go up still using these as well but I did it to get some quickly so I ended up ordering these of Amazon Prime and they're called Jibo means tent stakes as I don't know why the cold means is it's absolutely solid anyway they seem to have worked quite well aluminium they're really late these these things are really good you can easily pull them at the ground without we bit of string during the end there's we not just you have to hold it in place that's been really good that went into the ground well it held the tent up really well today and the only thing I would see which is bear with this this one's gotta be protected in there for when you're pushing it and this is a this could do with something like that it's all been well I want to pour back and let you know who the air yeah who the perform with an AC well cams but yeah they're only eight pounds and yeah it seemed pretty snugly than the job so yeah what's going till the tent they know that's the Sun no shaming so yeah I'm probably just a silhouette I've set the camera up in the wrong place tape down and they get down the whole let's go well that's me they need to go pack them listen up always have a we Scout aboot to me should have not left in hand okay let's fly yes I suppose great please Allah no man left no rubbish nothing like that so they know think the head back don't see jelly see home he was in his nice cozy bed last night a lot to see to be fair dice won't quit well it's been a fantastic adventure it's not an easy hell to get to this at the moment because of the forestry work so in the air of course caution if you don't like a rough past pathless bogey yeah pushed apocalyptic landscape anyway right I'm not procrastinating let's get his black battle and lose the health [Music] [Music] you I see yes you do not I'm going to speak to the camera no I'm wonderful me Jenny Jenny stay in there another tourist Reuben ah but then if you can make out this straw that's so far though he is for me not too far that's quite a jelly says if it gets cool this bike door will be open so be there no you know what I'll be able to do you
Channel: Scotland's Mountains
Views: 40,577
Rating: 4.9692545 out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, camping, wild camping in scotland, wild camping scotland, loch lomond, camping in scotland, wild camp, wild camping uk, camping at loch rannoch, mountain summit camping, summit camping scottish mountains, wild camping in autumn, tarp and bivvy wild camping in woods, camping in the rain storm, camping in the rain and cooking, camping scottish highlands, scotland, wild camping guide, Loch Lomond camping, winter wild camping, can I camp at Loch Lomond
Id: 1z4EOvTLqaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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