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holy moly oh boy welcome back everybody to another camping with  Tony and for the first time Bruno who is behind me   hey Bruno so I'll cover all the details later  obviously those who know my channel know we're all   about Bruce um I'll explain that later and I'll  introduce you to Bruno and everything about him   but first we've got to go camping and  because this is Bruno's first proper camp   we are going to take it easy we're  gonna go to a site that I've only   been to a couple of times before but that's  safe easy for Bruno um it's a nice sight   it's a miserable very Grim Day and I think we've  got a lot of rain to come as well so typical   camping with Tony fashion I will bring you back  from the campsite uh ready to set up camp and this   is going to be a chilled one an easy one we're  gonna eat some good food we're gonna drink some   good uh beers and maybe wine and hopefully you  will enjoy it so bring you back from the campsite okay welcome back everybody it's about  uh an hour later and we're at the site and it it's got more grim we're  gonna be setting up in the rain not a big problem I've got a different idea this  time I'm not going to be using the awning on the   truck I've got a tarp with me I've got a  big air tent with me the zempire pronto   four person tent so what I'm going to do is Hook  the top up um across the and I found my spot here   I just need to go and turn around yeah hook the  tarp up over the top of the tent and we're sorted so I have to put on all my wet weather gear  and then I will come back to you outside   getting soaking wet okay welcome back  everybody it is grim absolutely chucking   down I've got to get camp set up quickly  my plan is to get the tent set up behind   uh and then get the tarp over but Bruno's  in here he wants to come out his gagging   to come out he's gonna get soaked but I'll  dry him off later so let's let Bruno out   so this is Bruno uh you might have  seen him before when I picked him   up as a pup he's 10 months old so he's  just at that stage of being a border   collie where you would train him for  sheep herding for all sorts of things all right so what I want to do first is  get him a treat uh that he can go play   oh he perked up when I said that so we can go  play it and I can set the tent up Bruno tree   these you're gonna sit sit sit good boy   upset so Border Collies are extremely intelligent  but they are excitable and you've got to control   them you've got to train them early as pups  or else they'll try and dominate you so you   really got to do that you've got to do all  these things like sitting the discipline   all sorts of things so I very excited so  here we go wait for your treat wait wait good boy now he might or might not either  on camera I don't know right first   things first is let's get the tent  set up I want to set it up so that   um I can then run a tarp over the back of  it I found my spot I want to be just a few   like a meter or a meter and a half maybe  away from the back of the truck because   I want to be able to cook on there and things  like that and yeah I've got the top I'm not using   the truck top this time uh the warning because I  want to try something different so let's do this   now the temperature is about 10  degrees Centigrade it's quite chilly   I'm not gonna be able to fire here it's a no  fire zone some people have lit fires here you   can get in a lot of trouble if you do that  and you've got to respect the rules okay so   we're going to get the tent set up first I  could do the top first so I can work under   the top but let's just get the tent done so  I've got the massive zempire Quanto 4 tent now you can't see Bruno he's behind  the camera with his little toy   he's a little bit confused  this is his first car camp so just bear with me with him it's gonna  be this is going to be an interesting time   okay so this is Empire Pronto Shore air tent now it's already connected inside so I should  be able to set it up without the interior   getting soaking wet it's a very simple concept seen me use this  before if you've seen my channel before is one of the easier tents to set up as I said the inner is already attached so hopefully it doesn't get wet inside if it does  I'll just towel towel dry it off this is always a good test for a  tent can you set it up in the rain so it's got to be pumped up and you just need to Pump It Up from one valve I've got to remember where the valve is oh here we go there's a valve is that about oh yeah gosh no almost lost the uh  cover for it okay so let's pump this up yes I don't want the interior  getting wet while I do this shouldn't take me that long to do it comes with a pump and a  pressure gauge where is it here the ending start pumping how do we know foreign enough for now I just need to close the storm doors hold on Bruno got worried there where I was okay I've done something wrong here I don't know what it's twisted  okay let me take this off hang on I haven't used this for a while I can't remember how I packed it up but I must do attach this wrong  way hold on oh yeah there you go okay it's better huh you know I just can't remember how this goes I think I've got this cooked  on the wrong way round hold on that's it okay that's better all right  now we're laughing okay I think that's enough air in it as well right so all you have to do is  stake it out and you're good to go so as I say I want to be fairly close and I want to be scented to the truck so I think the closer the better foreign yeah perfect okay oh right so I've got to take it out my pegs Peppa Pigs well when I say they're special they're  not that special they're just massive see these huge things here okay so thank you thank you okay let's get the back pegged up that's looking good that's looking very good I  don't need to guide the rest out   there's no wind forecast for here so let's  just get the front down get the top done   okay so playing with the top is  quite simple in my mind it is anyway   I want to throw it over the top here  and hook it off the back over there   hopefully I brought the lights up four by  three meter hopefully it's long enough said yeah so this is a four meter by three meter tarp   now it needs to reach the middle and  it needs to just click on the end here Okay so to measure this out I'll  just hook it up temporarily now there's a couple of  points I could hook this to all right so I'm going to use some  carabinas from my guy line to do this okay I might it might work  it might work I don't know you know what I'm gonna have to use skylines   I didn't think it through talk  about yourself for a minute  oh boy it is really coming down Okay so what I'm going to do is  attach attach it to the wheels I think that's going to be the easiest way  using the ends and just throw it up there and then secure it again later we'll see if that does the trick   all right so what I want to do is center of the top there I mean there are some tie points up  here that I could attach it to but   we'll just do it to the wheels for now  it's not clear in my head what to do okay put that one to the wheel   so it's nice and tight and then  do the same on the other side okay and this should give me just enough cover now the reason the reason I'm doing  it to the wheels and not to here is I   want more of a 45 degree angle on this  counter when I pull it over the tent all right that should be  enough something to go anywhere okay and then throw this over the  tent cook up a couple more skylines and a couple of tags and a couple of guidelines and yes it would have been a lot easier just  to use the power awning truck warning but I wanted to do something different they said on the other side all right with this much rain we're  going to get pulling inevitable okay let's do one at a time not for you Bruno okay then we'll go outside so where oh yeah okay that looks like it's working success now I'm not doing this I'm not covering the  temp because I think the Tank's gonna leak I   know it doesn't leak I've already used it in  massive rainstorm now I'm doing this because I want to be able to sit out in between the truck   number 10. and the truck awnings  does not cover it properly thank you no you probably can't see Bruno at  my feet here trying to take the pegs   you're gonna mind out mind the  guideline find out good boy all right and inside we should have cozy shelter which I do well that works very well wow I'm really  I'm really surprised how good that is okay let's get inside all right now  there is going to be a problem here in the let me get all the water  off this first it's on this side okay there's a slight floor in the design of  this uh this Pronto tent just a slight floor   but there should really be Zips down the side here  to allow you to undo this and not get water inside   but they don't have that and I have spoken to him  about it because the problem is as soon as you   open this up it's going to start leaking through  not out you're not allowed in there not yet   yeah so thank you I'll show you what I'm talking  about you can't roll this door up without water getting in and  that's not a waterproof interior and it leaks because the zip is there well we'll see we'll see how it goes so I mean that is sorry it is waterproof there  but there's a zip there that's the problem it's like a power power outlet   so I don't know why they did that hopefully on the version three this is version  two hook be on version three they fix it because that's a bit of a pain and what I can do is just dry the top  of the tent off once I've hooked this up because all that rain is going to come in that zip I'll show you what I'm talking about let me angle you down a bit so this ZIP  here leaks that's for a power outlet and   the problem is because the the the the fly  doesn't come across like this there's no way   to do it because there's only one ZIP and it's  behind here you can't stop water coming on here   so you see even now water's coming inside  um so I'd say that's flawed design because   you actually cannot use this tent in the  rain by itself without the door closed   impossible even if you set this up as an awning  water is still going to come streaming in   I've tried and there's just nothing  you can do about it um so they need   to fix that they need to add two more zips  here so you can attach the side Wing here   to protect the side but whatever it is what it is  okay so we don't need this tools the fly Mesh Door that goes into its little pocket here all right now apart from where I've been  walking around in my boots it's dry in here   I'm going to dry it off a bit more so  I need gear I need a towel here we go okay and that Bruno isn't trained for tent so  I'm sure he's going to come in here soak in   wet and making more of a mess of it but  we'll deal with that when we come to it wow I'll tell you what considering what I've just  put this through setting it up in the pouring rain   it's remarkably dry there's  only a couple of drops in here   and that's because I didn't have the sides zipped  up in advance so next time when I dry the tent I'll set it up so that uh it's all all  sealed in so you can sit up in the rain   completely and won't get any problems yeah that zip is a problem I might uh   I might stick some duct tape on it I don't know  if it will hold on this waterproof material   all right let's start bringing stuff in  I need to get a mat down get my dry shoes shoes I need to use a floor mat from the car in the  truck actually you know what I've got a map here there you go okay all right everyone what I'm going to do is um I'm gonna get everything out and packed  up chucked in here and then I think I'll   bring you back when I've chilled out I've got  my chair all set up and uh we can put some   put some food on I need to get styling set up  there's no signal here and I need to stay in touch   with home so what I'm going to do is actually I  tell you what let me get the bedding out first because that I can do oh let me take all this off   so I've got for Bruno so I want usually Brucey  would have slept on on the bed his dog bed but I   wanted Bruno to get used to sleeping on the floor  next to me so I've got I've got his dog bed here   and a blanket for him and this is  what I'm going to be using when we're   wild camping up in the mountains and wherever  so I want him to get used to that gear I've got that for him okay I've got I've got my zen bivi Moto bed this is the extra large version foreign unit and that's it basically I've just  got to blow it up that's easy enough stay outside Bruno stay outside no no no  no no no good boy all right there's no way   I can let Bruno win because he is absolutely  drenched oh and I've got muddy shoes oh no no just stay out there's a good  boy hey I've got my pillow which is my Nemo which I think is broken oh no there it is okay yep that's working okay so yeah I've got  my pillow I've got cooking gear change of   clothes and I've got my my chair so I'll set my  chair up now let me just get the pump put away   so you saw how easy that was to  set the tent up really it just took   I don't know what was it 10 minutes if  that considering I'm by myself and it's a   four person tent I'm doing it in the rain and  keeping an eye on a puppy that was bad going   instructions are in the bag if you do  get one of these Empire tents the only   thing I would say is that the pegs that  they come with are just those useless   Shepherds hook pegs which yeah are no good  to anybody I don't know why they do that why make a great product and just uh ruin it with  crap pegs so it was Empire if you're listening and   I know you probably are please please and  pigs all right I need to get Bruno water foreign so he's very loyal like all Border Collies see it doesn't go very far keeps you in sight all the time  okay my chair got the click chair I think it's the high back I can't remember  what it's called to click high back chair   it's pretty simple to use I think that was it yeah  extend it extend it extend it   and that's it share is done tighten the back up wow listen to the Rain cup  holder to sloping either side   so we've got my cup holder there as well all good wow it's coming down now I've got to do something about this ZIP I just don't know what to do about it I really don't want to have  this whole thing zipped up   what I could do let me see if there's a way to  do it okay what I'm probably gonna have to do is you see the zip here is a waterproof  either but there is a gutter   okay here's what we'll do I'll  leave it zipped up to about there and that should stop its stop splashes going in that might work but the zip is still going to be a  problem all these Zips they're not   these Zips inner Zips are not uh water sealed so  they will eat only the outer one is is seam sealed   and behind the scene these are not again if  I got to design this tent there's a couple of   things I would change on it just to make it  absolutely perfect it's a great start though and it's not leaking at all  I mean I've got the tarp on   it and I haven't got pooling either which is great oh no my chair oh no I wasn't paying attention   so now that is typical camping with  Tony leave your chair out in the rain okay luckily it wipes off really quickly I can't believe I just did that it's so  stupid I'm sorry Bruno am I in your way oh all right I need to just chill for a second   in my comfy chair let me just  angle you down a bit hold on there we go to say this is a comfy chair and it does support you back which is nice  Okay so I'm in my little cocoon I'm dry   now there's no way that rank gets me I've  got these flaps coming down at the side   some sort of doubly protected I can cook  right here on my car on my truck as a table   that's pretty awesome all right I've got a couple  of things I need to do I need to set the starlink   up I won't show you won't bother showing you  that um and then I will bring you back when   I'm having a snack and a cup of coffee okay so  I've unpacked everything let me give you a little   tour outside of camp I don't know where Bruno  is let's see if he comes when I call him Bruno that's how far away he is go go go  come on oh you're so fast good boy   he's exploring okay so here's my camp check  it out what do you think Bruno do you like it   oh he's not seen the camera before he doesn't know  what this is it's a hod what is that it's not a   stick Bruno that's for sure I've managed  to set up right next to a massive puddle   that's okay though it's draining the other way um so yeah the everything is is looking pretty  cool this is pretty taut on the sides I could   pull that down more but there's absolutely  no need it's not pooling nothing's happening   um this is all waterproof down here don't go in there Bruno no no he can smell food okay what else we got um  starlink is set up on the roof is my best of a truck yeah starlink is on the roof  there it's just a temporary setup I don't want a   hard wire styling in um but it does the job I'm  getting something like 250 down on that amazing   camera you can see where I attached the guy  lines to the wheels and it gives me that   perfect 45 degree angle you see that's why  I did it that's why I didn't do it to here   I've learned that from the past I could even I've  actually got room to bring It Forward even more   if if the wind was blowing in this way   so sort of blowing in this way I've even got  room to bring it further this way if I have to   um because it is getting wet here  just but I don't see that as a problem I can see you yeah so I could I could move  it forward more but honestly I don't want   Bruno with the guy lines you haven't  got used to guidelines yet have you   got a proper introduction to everybody hello you can hear noises ducks or something goats so  he's got the same thing as Bruce he's learned a   lot from Bruce some of that's not good some  of it's great but because he spent so much   time with Bruce all the time he's got a lot  of Bruce's traits right it is disgusting out   here it's absolutely chucking down I need  to get under my cover and get get a brew on um this is just a bit more detail of what I was  talking about this problem with the zip here   so that leaks just there and really  this this flap needs to come all the   way down to the side not attached to the  awning but I have spoken to him about it   hopefully hopefully they'll see this video  as well and make a change on version three   of this because that's a really really  simple fix really simple there's already   a seam there they just need to sew a zip into  there instead and then that's it good to go   and the rest of it's doing really well you  can see it's beading off very very waterproof and I have had this out and  horrendous horrendous rain before   what you got there Bruno oh he's got  a pine cone come on then ah right it's pretty grim oh I am pooling damn it oh just when I said I wasn't pooling I am  okay so that probably means I need to   put another guy onto the back just to  tighten that up okay so let's do that I hope this works okay yeah that's good that's tightened it up now all right good job we've done it okay maybe now I could chill out oh wow it is filthy out there oh God I've had worse because of  wind but that's a lot of rain you know what we need to do  is I need to get a brew on I think the first thing I need to do  take this soaking wet jacket off oh man okay oh everything is drenched oh sit down okay okay I'm dry I wish you could see  Bruno but he's got a pine cone and he's   behind unfortunately he's way over  there he's behind the pipe the camera whoa this rain I wonder if I can get Bruno to come  and lay down here um maybe hey Bruno come on come   here bring a pine cone what is that come on boy  come on what's here come here come on come on he   knows I'm going to take the pine cone so he's not  coming nope he's run away he's not stupid come on   yeah come on all right maybe I've got to make  him Bruno here come on to me come good boy come   on come here here to me so you see you've got to  have discipline come on here Bruno to me digital   come here come here give me that good boy so he's  got pine cone yeah come here who knows here here   you go wait lay down lie down that's it he's not he's not gonna stay for you go on  then and he's gonna run off and there he goes   nothing I could do about it  okay I need to get a brew on so let's get that all set up   all right let's get a brew on now I've  switched the lens to wide angle because   I've had to bring the camera right in so it's  it's it's no longer outside of the tent of the top   we're not are we calling no we're not okay all right a much needed cup of coffee coming up I'm really thankful to have such   a good tent to be honest in these conditions  and where I've parked up is so slimy that makes a huge difference flame on I don't know why my watch thinks I'm playing music has anyone else have this problem yeah it's it's so confused Apple watch okay that will boil in no time at all so I just I've just stopped off at the shop got some stuff you know what I might do is switch you guys over I'm still a bit worried that  water is going to come in here   I'm definitely gonna have to close this  door up tonight no way I can leave it open made that mistake before  hello Bruno I've always heard he's heard the sound of something can you see him he's just come from all over there with his pine  cone just because I'm making that noise there I'll tell you it's got amazing ears okay yeah so what I'll do is I'll  bring you back when I'm having this   coffee I'm going to switch you over  to the wireless microphone as well welcome back everybody oh that's better my uh  so I went outside and just to adjust something   and my my hoodie got completely drenched I lent  in what was a puddle on top of the truck nightmare cheers everybody welcome back thanks for coming oh yeah now I don't know if no doesn't  fit in there yeah it's okay I have no   idea where Bruno is he's loitering somewhere  if I get cold I've got a puffer jacket Uno let's see where he is Bruno come on here you are good boy now what I might  do oh you're soaked I might just get his lead   oh I've got to go out in the  rain okay let's get his lead okay now this is just temporary but I  want to just put him on the lead because come here come on just because you know I I  need to keep an eye on me as a puppy he can   get in trouble and I need to be able  to see him all the time at the moment   so I do need him to stay put here he's not going to want to but he  hasn't got most Choice he hasn't   got much say in the matter because he's a puppy although saying that I can't get his lead attached  then you can do whatever he wants okay there we   go Bruno come here come on yeah yeah come on  come here no bring your pine cone where's your   pine cone where is it go get it good boy he's  coming and he's bringing it to me come here   here to me come on come on here come around  here good boy hang on you're not running off oopsie so just like Bruce he will   he's learning he's learning how long the lead is  he wants to go and lie out in the rain he loves   the rain just like Bruce did no sorry come on  come around come around no you can't come around   come on Bruno bring it here come and lie down  come on lay down not in the mud here come and   lie down under there just like Bruce used to go on  go on lie down there you go lie down down up Bruno just wants to play he just wants to play I might  just leave him to work out what he wants to do   um yeah so just like Bruce if this is the first  time you've watched my channel and you don't   have a clue what I'm talking about but Bruce uh my  other border collie who passed away two months ago   and it's quite famous everybody knows him he's  all over the world people know who he is was   Bruno absolutely adored Bruce and spent so much  time with him wherever Bruce went Bruno went   um even if it annoyed the hell out of Bruce  and he's doing exactly what Bruce does   lying out in the rain doesn't care he'd  rather be out in the rain than Undercover   and he's got a plain cone and he's just going to  destroy it so the characteristics he's learned   a lot of characteristics from Bruce he's got a  lot of his training from watching Bruce as well   um so yeah he's like a mini a 10 month old  version of Bruce Bruce was 11 years old   I'll talk about what happened to  Bruce later in the video at cigar time okay in the meantime I am going to kick back relax  it's still quite early so   it's just gone lunch I might I might just  chill out now that I've got this all set   up because that was quite stressful I  don't want to go back out there again um but there's no pooling going on now  it's just just heavy rain just heavy rain   so I'll just bring you back later when I'm  doing um dinner and for now I'm just going   to sit here and chill and enjoy my coffee  thanks for coming again everyone thanks Bruno what have you got there and there goes Bruno out into the rain loving life come on just like Bruce welcome back everybody it's it's got quite a bit colder and it's quite  Grim outside it's absolutely chucking down   the good news is there's no pooling at all I've  tried to get Bruno to come in the tent with me   not interested I don't know where he is  Bruno he's I've let him off but oh here he is   so he's not going very far hello hello my lovely  you still don't want to come in he's just having   too much fun it's all new to him so there's  so much for him to explore and to see I need   to sort this roof out this this awning there's  so much for him to do and see and it's all new   to him so he's got no interest in coming in and  lying down and just chilling let me just fix this   so so yeah I don't think you're going to be  really seeing much of Bruno until his food   then you'll see an awful lot of them honestly  he's he loves his food as do most dogs   but Bruno really loves his food okay so the  reason I've moved into the tent is why not   I've got the front open as much as I need it to be  I'm still using this sort of as a deflector here   but it's got it got windy outside so and cold  and that's why I've got my down jacket on now   and because it was so windy I just thought  well the wind's cutting through the middle here it's non-stop it's it's just a swamp out  there anyway yeah so the wind was cutting   through it so I thought well I'll come in  here there's so much space I've got so much   room this is a four person tent I forget  you can actually sleep four adults in here   um so I just thought we'll come in here it's  it's warmer I've got ventilation I can close   these up if I really want to but I actually quite  like having the windows open I can see out a bit   the rain's not coming in if it was then I  would close these up but by having these   open a bit I can see where Bruno is so I  can see him over there through the window   yeah it's it's good it's a nice  space in here having it connected   to the truck wow what a difference that  makes as well you know because I've got   that's protected me from the front um I could  set my computer up I've got it here at the   moment I could set it up there watch TV uh just  chill out whatever cook everything done there   this is the only thing that's bugging me really is  having to have this door up but it's the only way   to stop water coming in and that zip has just  got a drop on it that's all not leaking much so we do need to they do need to fix that and seal  it I'm sure most people don't come camping in the   rain but if it did happen uh then that's what  you need to do he he so Bruno could see me just   through the mesh here he is about 30 meters away  it's quite a way just roaming he's having such a   good time um Bruce used to do the same and but  he keeps popping up just to look to see if I'm   still here he keeps looking up so he's still  very nervous a bit skittish but yeah as long   as I can see so there's a big river a big drop  over there I just don't want him going over there   um so as long as he's just around here then no  problem all right sorry I'll bring you I keep   bringing you back when it's not dinner but uh I'll  bring it back for dinner this rain something else yeah Bruno absolutely chucking down it's so grim Bruno is down here he doesn't  want to come in he just wants   snacks and things and he just keeps running if  I give him anything he just runs straight out   into the rain and plays he's got a rope  out there now on the grass you can see it   and he just bolts around around he loves it  but he doesn't want to actually come in the   second I say come on then come in and lie  on your bed it's like no he walks off hey okay welcome back everybody right it's quite a  bit later um it's freezing cold here's Bruno is   just a muddy mess he refused to come into the  tent so he's been out here and it's a swamp   we're on a swamp right now I'm glad I've got my  boots um I'm glad I've got my my puffer jacket   as I said I got a change of clothes  but I didn't bring a change of Hoodie   and my hoodie is damp yeah  look at that it's where I   lent on the top and you know you don't want to put  wet stuff on although saying that inside actually   it's pretty dry it's just on the outside yeah so  because it's these these hoodies the double layer   but anyway forgetting that let's have some  dinner and then we'll we'll get Bruno's   dinner at the same time okay so first of  all let me just put some light on here okay so you can see a bit better um  it hasn't stopped raining I think it   stopped for maybe 60 Seconds and now it's  just pelting down as you can probably see   um but you know he's dug a big hole okay so dinner   what have I got for dinner okay well first of all  you know what I need I'll tell you what I need I need a glass of wine glass of wine to warm me up so here we've got a Villa Maria from New Zealand  Merlot cab Sav Malbec probably can't see that oh man I need this it is it's called I mean it's not freezing  but it's it's about what now eight degrees   Centigrade I'll have to look that up and maybe  post it or someone can uh just put it in the   comments eight degrees the wind chill makes it  a feel like it's zero centigrade there are holes   everywhere where Bruno's been digging this is  why he's so muddy oh man it's just made a mess   um okay so what I might do is this gas canister  I think is past its sell by let's have a look   yeah there's not much left in there  let me swap that out for a full one yeah it's full okay all right so dinner   guess what I'm having for my first dinner  back oh cheers by the way cheers everyone um oh that's nice needs to breathe  a bit very fruity very fruity okay we will get there we will get  there right I've got some delicious beef burgers beef and lamb burgers these silver Fern Farms New Zealand oh I can't remember these the ones that  you should okay so there's actually four I'll save a pack because it's always good  to save a pack turn that heat right down and then when I want to get into my cart okay I've had these burgers before they are absolutely  delicious but the paper doesn't come off easily that is a very reassuring sound okay my rubbish bin all right now what have I done with my wet wipes always bring wet wipes with you I say that  every time but honestly they're worth it and get their flashable ones if you can because  they break down just like toilet paper much better okay all right we're getting there so I'll  ditch that put these Burgers back in my cool bag put that in this cool bag oh my God I can't believe it wow I can't believe what I forgotten I forgot the burger buns you know it wouldn't be camping with me if  I didn't forget something and I forgot the   burger buns yeah I can't believe how stupid  I am forgetting those unbelievable okay I forgot the burger buns what do I do   I've got cheese I've got Burgers if I'm not having  burger buns I could probably have four burgers hello I don't know if you can see him down here  he's so muddy the smell is driving him crazy   hang on now I need to think what to do hang on there might be a solution what if  I had what if I had burgers with noodles   would that work what if I  had burgers with a pot noodle you know that might work let's do that so so Bruno is loitering now because there's food you I don't you might  just be able to make him out here who does love his food okay  so what I need to do is I'll put the um I'll put the seasoning in I can't believe that I can't  believe I forgot the Buns   well I can believe it actually because it's  the first time I've been back camping for   let's see I haven't camped now for over  two months because I've been on vacation which I'm sure many of you knew all right so what I need to do is put some   boiling water in there so let  me quickly boil this water up okay boiler water yeah yeah okay I've got  a plan I've got a plan improvise noodles with burgers and you know what I think  I've got a spare pack of noodles as well I do and I think I can just add these  ramen noodles to the pack as well so let's break these up oh no you know  what it's got a noodle in my wine so while I was away from New Zealand they had record amounts of  rainfall it just non-stop rain and I I can believe it because it hasn't stopped since we've been back either  I think we had two nice days that was it it's been relentless it does rain a lot in New Zealand but not this much this is  another level for for rain here all right we've got a plan now seriously if you're new to this channel if this  is the first time you watch one of my videos   this is par for the course I don't hide anything Bruno what are you doing Bruno can smell something  on my trousers can you leave me alone thank you   oh he's piping hot I tell  you what he's soaking wet   but he's been running around so  much so like all Border Collies   they've got this this thick coat double  coat and underneath it's waterproof coat so they just don't feel it  they don't feel the cold hello okay put all the water in here you know what this could actually  turn out to be quite good I have high hopes very high hopes right let's flip these burgers put a couple of pieces of cheese on  because you know cheeseburgers with noodles   I don't know look I might start  a new thing here you never know if you want to see a channel where nothing ever  goes wrong this isn't the one go and watch Jurg   uh go four by four it's a lot more organized than I am we do joke about it a lot but I'm such a mess I I am in a lake here   it's amazing hello I know you keep  coming back but you're so muddy so he's going to want his dinner as well a little Bruno and he's on uh  he's on a diet he definitely   can't have the burgers got onion in all sorts   so what I've got him for dinner is his special  dog food but he's having a treat he's gonna have   some dog beer now what is dog beer this is what it  is bone broth dog beer check it out you see that yeah a can of bone broth dog beer it's called   which should be fascinating  let me just get his dog food all right okay so you've got the  burgers we've got the noodles and we've got Bruno's food  so let's put Bruno's food on when I say put it on so he's got a special puppy food uh by science Hills Science Diet okay we'll save half the bone broth  for tomorrow give him half now he is gonna love this he's really gonna love this  okay the burgers look dumb so what I'm thinking of doing  here just to get more flavor is tip the burg tip the  ramen noodle soup into there to reduce it sorry about the steam let's  reduce this as much as possible because I don't want it soupy Bruno  you're standing in up right under the   top where the rain is be tilt down about  I just don't know if you can see them but he's he's so desperate for his dinner so you might be wondering why I haven't um got a fire with me it's a fire ban in this area  no fires allowed okay let's give Bruno his his   food now because he's absolutely desperate and  I think I'm misting the lens up a bit hold on   let me move you around oh  Bruno watch out okay how's that there is that better I think I got a  little bit of mist on the lens just then   a bit of steam okay I'll give him his  now you're not gonna see it because   I don't want him to get muddy so I'm going to  do it under here go on the printer there you   go it's he's having his he's all good he's got  loads and loads of food in there for him mine is doing well that's almost completely  reduced not much longer I think the wind whipping through here isn't helping  just put this bag in the way and then we'll be good we'll top  up the wine and we'll eat inside and it's a shame Bruno won't come in  the tent with me but he just won't he'll want to go and play oh man it's rain wow this is with this has stood up really really  well the um the tarp set up with this tent   no leaking from inside the tent at all  okay it's got the tarp on there as well but   side windows everything else sorry if it  sounds like I'm shouting and actually that   zip hasn't actually leaked we'll see I don't  know if it could cope all night who knows okay this is reducing nicely I  think we're actually there now yeah so with the pot noodles if you want noodles  and just reduce them down from a pot noodle   then you'll get proper noodles all right considering this was a complete  [ __ ] up and I've forgotten my burger buns   I think this is going to work out very very well this is why you always carry spare food   spare meals so I always carry a  complete extra day's worth of food   and also in the truck I've got a full seven  to two hours worth of MREs in there as well just in case all right we are laughing okay my knife will wipe oh man it's it's so loud I  I don't want to shout but it holy moly okay a little bit I'm trying to talk  over this a little bit of tomato ketchup for my gourmet meal oh it's so  loud it's so loud okay here we go   noodles noodles and some cheeseburgers  it I've got to bring you in because it's violent now really violent I'm gonna bring your camera  in and try not to get soaked at the same time man okay okay all right we did it let me just pan  it out ah look what do you want me to say   it is hammering down and it is so loud it's  actually quieter in the tent so I'm gonna go   in the tent and then zip this door back up a bit  afterwards I've got my little table set up in here holy moly okay I I don't even know if you can see the rain in the background wow so uh Bruno is having his dinner still  under under the car here can you see out okay this is crazy absolutely crazy and there is no leaking at all in here nope it's absolutely bone dry in here Grim as  anything out there though look I've got to be   honest this is some of the worst conditions I've  ever seen there's just a a river it's a river   running through Camp to be honest and there's a  river over there you can you can see the waves   of water coming down it's crazy hello you can stay  out there for a minute because I know you're going   to need to go and pee and play he's just run off  into the into the rain it doesn't phase him at all okay cheers everybody thanks again for coming so as I was saying I've got my   bring this down just a little bit got my um what  have I got Burgers cheeseburgers and ramen noodles oh yeah lovely wow oh my God that's so loud well the good news is that Bruno is is handling  this just as he did but just as Bruce used to in other words you couldn't care  less let me pan this down just a bit and then you might be able to see him hello no Bruno you stay there you can come in  afterwards and I'll dry you off no Bruno no wait   you've had your dinner Bruce  was the same with the begging and the smells are driving him crazy  again he's a puppy he's got to get   used to the smells of me you know me  cooking food it's not the smells of me that that was so loud it's going to be an interesting drive out of here  tomorrow I've got to cross a couple of streams but luckily nothing too big oh wow  those noodles are spicy that's hot so anytime Bruno doesn't want to be in  the rain he can just lie under the truck   the truck is massive there's so much room  under there and he was lying under there   earlier and just under the truck is a mound  a high spot where the water isn't flowing   he's not interested he's just  interested in the smells of the food   and he'll go out and he'll lay  down in the rain in a minute Bruce was exactly exactly the same  and there he goes he just doesn't care I'll tell you what burgers and noodles who'd have  thought it it's a good combination let me put the light on in here uh Bruno did you see that I turned  around he jumped up to lick the BAM no no that's my dinner you've had  your dinner go on go away it's a puppy he's still learning no you just took it for granted about Bruce  being the way he was well that was training   and now I've got to train him up to the  same standard as a trained um uh Bruce up oh boy well I'm glad I wasn't setting up the camp in this to be honest I would have just stayed in the truck tried to set something up like this  before that was with the um Oz 10 air 10.   and that was an absolute nightmare  got drenched it was freezing cold horrible experience I think in these conditions  if you're already set up all you got to worry about then is wind if you've  got the pooling sorted yeah all you need to   care about is wind but you know I don't think  this tent needs any guidelines it's so strong what you can't see is he is here he's right here between me and the camera and he's just  desperate to eat what I'm eating even though   he's just had a massive bowl  of food with his bone broth these smells are driving him nuts I keep looking around just to  make sure there's no leaking I tell you what I love this  tent I really love this tent if they could just sort the awning  out so I've got those side flaps then I think they'll have nailed it you could cook in here no problem even though  you're not meant to but you could cook in here   no problem you've got loads of rum just leave the  leave this door open and close the main door a bit   we've got venting that's again got so much venting  I don't think condensation would be an issue I wonder if his Empire would be up for a um   a collaboration and do an A B camping version  where I can actually have a say on what goes on so you see that's the problem I've got to put that up to there because if it  because it doesn't have a storm flap on the side   I know I'm going on about that but that's actually  a pretty crucial bit when it comes to camping in   storms rain or whatever and rain does happen  you know it's not always going to be sunny and I'll definitely be putting that down tonight so I'm glad I bought the tarp with me definitely   if if I just use the awning like I did last  time I used the truck awning the last time   I used this tent I used the trucker warning  and I used this as an awning at the front um I think too much compromise you don't get all of the space at the back even  with the awning fully out it doesn't Shield you   enough it's good don't get me wrong but it's not  as it's never going to be as good as a proper top because you can customize that configure  it get it closer to the vehicle so I like this setup I really do and  having these the sides of the awning   come down more protects you so much  more from the from the wind driven rain well you know what I've got to show you oh it's  a shame I haven't got my camera here I really   want to I was going to just show you what  it looks like out there right now the river you know what let me get my camera hang on  let me get the camera and I will show you and that's it we are in a flooded field and over there in the distance on the  road and zoom in there's actually a river by that sign yeah just by the  sign over there is a river now we're on very elevated ground here so I'm not  afraid that it's gonna flood or anything like that   but look Bruno's sitting in a socking puddle  now it's not that he wants to come in honestly   he does not want to come in he's just he's  just here because I've got my food here   that's the only reason he does not want to  come in he's just loitering where the food is but look at that that is some serious rain are you happy because he's finished all his dinner it was so muddy look at that  digging your holes there's a hole he's a cheeky boy okay back to dinner yeah so there you go as you can  see it's much nicer in the tent I've got another tank coming from  zempire that I've just ordered it's a smaller version of the big  green one that I used the last year   so it's got one bedroom and then it's got an open  porch and I've got an awning kit coming with it it'll be interesting to see what  that is like compared to this   this is great but it doesn't have  a separate blackout bedroom um so we'll see I think   for most situations this is all you need you know  you just pump up from one area but again you're   restricted because you don't have this awning  thing so if there is bad weather or whatever   then you are sort of stuck you have to come in the  tent whereas with the others Empire tent I think I think you could actually you wouldn't have to   come in the tent you could stay in  the awning area and you'd be fine much better suited for rain   so if you like camping in the rain which  some people do I love camping in the rain then that will probably suit you better see he doesn't want to come in here he's  just watching my every move because of food but he'll grow out of that once he realizes that he gets nothing  for begging and he couldn't have any   of this especially not especially not if  he's sleeping the night in a tent with me I've had a couple of situations where  Bruce has had diarrhea in the tent I've just never filmed it I've got to say Clean Plate that was absolutely absolutely  delicious in some ways I'm glad   I'm glad that I forgot my um burger buns it's a night and day Difference  by the way the temperature in here   compared to the temperature out there huge  difference and that's with the door open   but it's the breeze even if it's a  slight breeze it just cuts through you whereas in here I've still got full View the front left and right I can see the trees I can  see through the gaps the mountain I can see the   mountain that way I don't feel claustrophobic at  all I'm in nature got some great food great wine got my dog with me who has now run off  I don't know where he is oh there I can   see him in the camera it's just there um so  you see he knows I've finished my food now yeah he doesn't want to come in and I know Brucie wouldn't want to  come in either literally you have   to say right that's it you're coming  in dry them off and then they're in   and then they're miserable because all  they know is they want to be out playing and exploring your nose driving you nuts it's all new to him so you're seeing firsthand first  time for him to go proper camping in these conditions as well which  don't phase him which is great   soon he'll be ready for wild camping and then  after that when I think he's ready we'll do   tops camping uh we're coming into winter here in  New Zealand so it will be interesting to see what   his reaction is the first time he sees snow he's  over he's never seen snow before if he's anything   like Bruce Bruce loved the snow he would just go  and lie in it again they've got a special coat   this double layer coat they stay remarkably warm  when you stick your fingers in underneath the top   coat into the bottom coat there it's baking hot  so they can just sit in the snow play in the snow   and their paws don't the snow doesn't stick in  their paws for some reason just like Huskies I   don't know why that is Border Collies so they  don't get ice build up in their in their paws   so they don't need booties or anything like that  they don't need raincoats they're Border Collies   they're bred for sheep farming in in Scotland and  Wales you know they don't have they didn't have   coats they don't care about the rain they love  it all right everybody I'm gonna sit back relax have some more wine just let the meal go down   and I'll bring you back for  cigar time cheers everybody okay welcome back everybody hello Bruno  now I bought a car mat out for Bruno to   lie on come on see if you go on there come  on it no straight off it I tried no interest   ah cigar time the first one for a long  time now this would be interesting   because Bruno hasn't got a clue what's  going on he doesn't know what cigars is I'm just in the way this is all about him  now I'm not smoking in the tent obviously   it's gonna stink it out so  I'll Brave it I'll be brave   that's some sarcasm there and brave the  breeze but it's not so bad it's not so bad   I've got a warm jacket on that's crucial  hello puppy you're not gonna like this so   Bruno has he ever oh he has been around my  fancy girl stop everything is new to him   even though he's been around me when I've  had cigar everything is new to him you won't   like it when I light it and you're making me  wet you're not gonna like any of this Bruno it's gonna smell bad for you oh well you're all getting to see  firsthand what his reaction is   we know lovely kisses thank you for showing  so much attention and care and love but   something tells me you're just looking  for food this isn't food it really isn't he's so into his food once he realizes  it's not food and it's just a Stinky Cigar   then he'll be out of it oh  he's out of here he's gone um my first cigar in two months over two months and it is nice so welcome back  everybody and thank you for coming now I just got dripped on  that's interesting oh I know why   okay I just got drifting on the head and  I know why because it's flowing backwards   from the top of the tent it's not that it's  leaking it's just that this is the midpoint yeah okay got me worried there I thought wow  this tarp is is a superb top I can't believe   it's leaking but no it's not it's just flowing  the water's just flowing down from the other side oh um Okay so hope you can hear the rain cheers  and I've got a hot chocolate here as well I've got it all I need to just  pour it I just boiled the water there you go I thought I forgot something   um that's hot nice so you've got a little bit of  fun with him in the background what I might do is put his light on remember Bruce's old light the  one that I used to clip on I've got that with me let's put that on Bruno hold on just be patient with me here we go Bruno let's put this on you let's not have it red let's have it white oh oh my gosh this is a nightmare hold on  hang on Bruno I need to figure this out where's White who's this by x-tar ah there it is come here Bruno  come here come on good boy come here come on come   here let me put this on you don't worry trust me  if you're anything like Bruno Bruce you'll like it   hopefully it doesn't go nuts like Bruce did oops hang on sorry Bruno hold on hold on  hold on I'm getting there there you go okay   all right yeah now you can go and play and  you might see him in the background Okay so oh so again thank you everyone for coming on this   I want to thank you all uh especially everyone  who bought a streets on buy me a coffee um everyone who signed up and became a  YouTube member I do release videos early   just a bit early because of the algorithm you  have to time when you release videos but I put   them up early and YouTube members get access  to those so thank you very much to those guys   thank you everyone who bought merch  that means a lot it's it's great to   think there are people walking around  with an AB camping hoodie or whatever   Bruce stickers on the car the Brucie stickers  everybody loves those you see them on cars   um thank you to them thank you to patreon members  thank you everyone who comments nice comments   uh who gives thumbs up and who subscribes thank  you to everybody and thank you just for watching   and leaving the video on and just  watching I know some people think   I talk too much it's just who I am I  talk a lot no Bruno you don't want this are you dumb got hilly anything so I'm going to leave the Bruce conversation until  the end uh there's a couple of things I wanted   to talk about before that the uh thank you to  the two the two or three I can't remember the   people we met in Singapore on the meet and greet  we canceled all the meet and greets um once we got   the news about Bruce and I am sorry about that I  know people really wanted to meet up and chat but   I honestly I was not in a fit state it wouldn't  have happened I still haven't talked about it so   um I'm sorry I'm really sorry that uh some people  might have felt put out that I didn't do the meet   and greets that I just wasn't up to it 100 wasn't  up to it I had to have a holiday with Anne my wife   and my son and the only way I could do that was to  switch off and completely disassociate myself with   what had happened it was the only way I could  get through it so I'm really sorry about that the holiday the vacation was absolutely fantastic the hospitality we received everywhere was superb   so where did we go we started in  Singapore we did two nights there now I used to live in Singapore many moons  ago and I love it I love Singapore it's it's   it's vibrant the people are so friendly and  welcoming um we had a good time there nice   relaxing time enjoyed the Heat I enjoyed the  service superb had a great time loved Singapore   then we're in London just for a couple  of nights with Brandon we had a great   time there as well then we went to Spain  to drop Brandon off for his Golf Academy   and we took a holiday there while we  were there and we went to a few places   um Granada Seville uh to name a couple of places  fantastic time in Spain great time really did have   a good time met some wonderful people had some  great tours good food great wine love my riojas   um loved it Spain was superb it's  it's a beautiful country really is   I'd recommend a visit if you haven't been then  we dropped yeah we dropped Brandon off for his   Golf Academy and we went back to the UK where  we uh spent time um with our friends and and   family that was all fantastic as well had  a great time doing that we did some Canal   boating which was superb I'm getting tripped on  again but you know what it is it's condensation   ah there's condensation on the inside  of the tarp here and it's flicking   and blowing on me but it's not much so Uno  come on you can't you can't have a cigar oh can you see him here he's so funny I'll explain  more about Bruno in a bit   so we had you'll burn yourself if  you go near that so don't go near it   yeah we did some Canal boating uh we went on  the I think it was the uh the union union canal   we went to Warwick it was really rushed went  past rugby with our friends um David and Susan   uh who I also stayed with while I was there and uh  just absolutely loved it I got to see friends got   to see my friend cian got to see my see my family  uh Auntie Chris on you know Uncle Ray Martin   um who am I missing oh and I also got to see  my nephew Kieran and uh his girlfriend Holly   who had just moved to London literally three  days before uh we met up with him uh from   New Zealand so got to meet with them brilliant  time had a great time then we got to the states   wow am I is this leaking or am I oh no it  is just flicking on me it is just flicking   I was getting confused there but what's  happening is water is coming back a little   bit on the inside because I've got it attached  to the tent and occasionally a drop comes down   from it it's not leaking it's just flowing back  underneath because of the way I've set it up   oh well whatever it doesn't matter it's a tiny  amount one drop maybe every five minutes um what was it going to say oh yeah so that  was UK brilliant good time loved it I do   love the UK I do love visiting I am from the UK  but being a tourist in London is something else   then we got to the states sorry while we're in  the UK I collected my dad's ashes anyone who's   been watching for a long time will know that uh  my dad passed away almost two years ago actually   two years ago we couldn't be there because  of covid and all those stupid restrictions   so his ashes have been there the whole  time with my uncle my Uncle Ray and   um so I went to his um to collect them and uh  so I have them with me now brought them back   to New Zealand so my brother and I will work  out what we're going to do with those ashes   and then we went to the states yeah just  myself and Anne I left Brandon and Spain   and I've got to say we had just the most amazing  time the hospitality was just another level   everyone was so friendly everywhere we went and it  doesn't matter what you think of different places   even if you live in America um we started in New  York I used to do a lot of work in New York at   Morgan Stanley and we stayed at Times Square and  just had the most amazing time everyone was so   friendly I do love New York you know sometimes it  gets a bad rap people hate it whatever but I love   it and it's it's it's just I just do like it I  just like it it's there was a lot to do people   were so friendly we got to do the tour of the  uh the the police horse unit the mounted unit   thanks to one of our viewers go back  and you'll see the post about that   um we did the met I missed out on a couple  of invitations to do the uh Natural History   Museum and to go for dinner at certain places that  viewers had uh left tickets for whatever I just   didn't get the chance we were so jammed and we had  to meet friends as well we got to see the Yankees   play and Anne loved it she had a great time we did  a lot we did a lot we fitted in a lot and then we   went from there to Vegas had a good time in Vegas  I'll be honest we've done Vegas now it's we had   fun it was okay but it wasn't really my cup of tea  we stayed at the wind which was beautiful uh we   were in the Tower Suites for the at the win lovely  loved it it's just that Vegas itself was just   two heaving and um it was just too much for us  it's not just not for us so we had a good time   though but we've seen it now we've done it so  you know unless we're going back to with Brandon   I doubt we'd go back again but we did have a good  time and then last couple of nights we spent in LA   uh we saw friends we saw Pat my friend  here um I went we went to uh Pat took us to   um the car museum is it the Peterson car  museum I can't remember what it's called   and I saw a Tesla cyber truck For the First Time  In the Flesh man that thing is ugly and man it is   huge it's too big for New Zealand so I'm probably  gonna have to cancel my order because it won't   fit on the roads here it won't fit in the car  park spaces at all no chance left to take up two   um and you'd stand out so much in New Zealand  it just wouldn't be worth it everyone would   know it was you you'd have no anonymity um so  I guess the Cyber truck idea is is is dead now   yeah it just it just stands out too much  it's too huge for here for New Zealand it   just wouldn't work I don't even know if it  would be road legal here to be honest anyway so we did all that and then we flew back   and had a great time it was a  fantastic vacation we really needed it we were gone seven weeks   we hadn't had a family vacation away  outside of New Zealand for years years and Bruno please don't knock the tripod the light's not bothering him so he's  not neurotic about the light or Shadows   like Bruce was he doesn't have that trade  so he's not triggered by the light at all   it's not bothering him when he gets older  maybe I don't know thank you for my kisses   he's so loving um so yeah so that was the holiday Okay so oh thank you Bruno the next bit about Brucie now I need to explain that I haven't really talked  about this with anyone about Bruce um Bruno no you   can't have a cigar and we've only just got back to  New Zealand so I've only just literally a week ago   so less than a week ago spoken to the  vet face to face about what happened   so I'm going to ask please as a favor to me   do not write in the comment section theories  about what happened to Bruce okay it's   it's not helpful you don't have any of the  facts or the information you weren't there um it had nothing to do with the wasp sting that  happened on the video that you saw that had   been filmed a month before he passed nothing to  do with that whatsoever completely different leg   so please just as a favor to me do  not theorize I I don't need to hear it   so please don't after I you know I  talk about this please don't give   me your theories or comments about what you think  really happened to him or what it could have been   he had the best care and um they know and I'll  I'll tell you what I know from what they know so we got the message um while we were on holiday   uh We've we just got to London and we got the  message that Bruce was ill and we got it from the   people who were looking after him that something  was wrong with Bruce and that they'd taken him   to the vet and the vet decided to hold him keep  him there uh there was something wrong with his   leg he wasn't licking it or anything like that  but they noticed that he was limping and so it   took a minute and he then started to get a bit  lethargic and they had to carry him into the Vet so the vet uh brought him in and then messaged me   and said we got him we're going to hold  him um we're not quite sure what's going   on whether it's a seed whether it's a spider  bite something like that excuse the wind and then so that was um in the morning sorry that  was at night went to sleep then in the morning in   London uh I text the vet and said look what's  happening and he said the prognosis is not good   in fact it's I've got to brace myself he said  he's gone into acute kidney failure the leg   has lost it's gone completely cold it's bruised  it's in pain so they they had them on painkillers   he was on everything at the end he was on Fentanyl  uh everything so sepsis had really taken its hold   by this point Bruce didn't know what was going  on he was obviously completely drugged up   but clearly his leg was gone um they were going  to amputate but then realized that actually it   had got further than that so amputation wouldn't  have done anything wouldn't have achieved anything   and I've seen pictures of his shaved  leg uh the bruising and everything else um the vet said in his 40 years he'd  never seen anything like it before   one of those freak events and what he thinks is  that Bruce caught his leg somehow in a in a fence   in a chain fence maybe a rusty chain fence I  don't know mate but caught it and got it stuck   and yanked it back out and damaged it slightly but  enough that the rust or whatever says took effect   and it got into a system and it was so  fast it was all over within 48 hours um and that was it couldn't take it anymore sorry now um I couldn't be there with him which is what upset me more than anything is that I wasn't there  with him I didn't get to say goodbye as I said I haven't talked about it  since so I'm sorry it's a little bit Raw so um they cremated him and I picked up his ashes a few days ago sorry I've been dreading this  absolutely dreading talking about it um we're lucky that we've got  memories of him on all the videos we're lucky that we've got  Bruno who is so much like Bruce   he adopted so many of his  mannerisms and characteristics I learned a lot from him um Bruno was okay he had so many other dogs to  go and play with in the end uh he had a good time   um when we got him home he was  confused he was looking for Bruce uh yeah that took a   that took a little while you know a day  for for a Bruno to work out or to settle it was a lot easier on us having Bruno there I don't know what how would have  felt if we didn't have Bruno that would have been very hard but we just  kept it all about Bruno he needed attention   he needed our love so we've  been diverting everything to him and he's so loving he's more  loving than even Bruce was he's a lovely pup Bruno he really is very smart  very smart very inquisitive and very loving and he's got his pine cone you  might see him walk past a minute so yeah Bruce was what was he 11 years old  he had a lot more years left of him   it's gone way too soon hello um but he's gone I want to thank everyone for the thousands oh the thousands of  messages about Bruce and I'm not joking   across everywhere it's it's I think it was  12 000 messages across all sorts of platforms um thank you everyone for the cards  the gifts the drawings there were many um one of our subscribers  had a blanket made or sewn   uh someone commissioned an artwork others Drew him as Empire I want to thank's Empire  they sent a a care package about Bruce he obviously meant a lot to a lot of people so yeah I want to thank everybody I didn't get  to read all of the comments I'm afraid there   was just too many that's it twelve thousand  I I couldn't I tried there were just so many as I say I have Bruce's ashes now and I  want to do something special with them his favorite spot I wanted I want  to Place him at his favorite spot   which was the tops it just was he loved the tops   he loved lots of places he loved it here he  had fun just like Bruno is doing here behind me but the tops was something else and Bruce loved  the tops oh when he knew we were going up there he was so excited and we get up  there and he just bound around   all over the place he loved it loved the  tops so that's when I'll take Bruce with   me and uh we'll bury his ashes of  scatter his ashes there on the tops so again thank you to everyone and thank you to everyone who who  bought all suddenly bought all the   Boosie stickers and things like  that it was so sweet of you um you know he'll be remembered  forever in all of those videos he will not be forgotten I'm sorry about the   wind noise it's just suddenly  started howling through here okay and so the future of the channel a lot  of people said to me please don't stop well I'm not going to stop but I am going to count  my Bruno a lot it's a bit earlier than I expected   but he's 10 months now and that's how old  it is when you train Border Collies to work   so he's fully capable he's smart enough  he's intelligent enough and he's so loving   he's keen and he's very loyal and he  stays nearby as you've seen already   he doesn't run off he doesn't disappear  he stays close um he's already loving it know what cigar is because he can't remember because he was a tiny  puppy when I had a cigar when I picked him up anyway he will be on the videos from  now on it will be Tony and Bruno okay I think I need to chill out now have  the rest of my wine and my hot chocolate um hello you don't want any of this  you don't want a cigar it's horrible   it's not for you it really isn't  it's such a Mucky pup look at you   I'm gonna have to dry him off let's go and  take ages no change there between him and uh him and Bruce so you can't see him he's  just sitting there nicely in the rain   even though I bought this mat out  for him to sit on he doesn't care   he's not interested all right  everybody thanks for coming and I will bring you back for bedtime see you then welcome back everybody to bedtime I'm exhausted we're both exhausted I think  Bruno's exhausted because he's been running   around like crazy outside I hope you can see  him can't tell if you can I think you can   just this little face peeking out he was soaked  so I've had to really try and dry him off   but he's still a bit damp but  he'll be dry by the morning and he's taken to this to this blanket and  bed straight away as soon as I put him in   it he closed his eyes oh he was he was out of it  loved it it has not stopped raining you probably   well I don't know if you can hear it or not it's a  bit light at the moment but um oh man it was heavy   comes and goes it's meant to be  clear in the morning so we'll see   oh it's been a nice relaxing  evening I watched a movie   finished my wine and my hot  chocolate and I'm just chilling now   comfy I'm on my Moto bed  my zen baby so that's comfy   we'll see how he is tonight he he sleeps by the  bed now since we've been back um at home so we'll   see let's see how he copes he's very clingy so  he's probably gonna try and get on the bed with   me at some point I don't know he's soaking wet so  I hope he doesn't try that but I'll tuck him in   so that he can't you can't do that he's done  very well considering he's not used to me   talking to the camera I mean look at him he's  looking at me but it's not phrasing him at all he's so warm he just like I think he loves this being  tucked under the blanket and I'll cover   him up completely I'll cover his face  oh here we go again shocking down again I don't know if the microphone's picking it up in here uh completely dry except where I  expected it to be a bit damp uh by the zip   um so I've clean I've cleaned that now and  then I closed the outer door so now it's   completely sealed up um but there's no leaking  anywhere else I mean we've got the tarp on so   I always expect anyway but I've been in this  thing in serious conditions and no rain I've   got the vent open at the back here but  it's vented all along the top anyway   um and if I get cold I'll just close this up but  it's nice to get the airflow through especially   with him in here he's damp and you don't want  condensation and this this creates the airflow   all right everyone it's time to hit  the sack it's time to go to bed so   bring you back in the morning good night everybody not everybody good morning everybody morning Bruno morning puppy  you spent most of the night lying sort of half   on here with his head right next to mine nice  and dry now came to bed soaking wet last night   yeah so he stayed under the blanket and he came I  guess about 2 A.M something like that cuddles yeah morning morning thank you for my kisses  good morning oh yeah he's loving   I had a good night's sleep the Moto  bed comfy as usual it stopped raining   at about thank you for my kisses it  stopped raining about two o'clock sounds drying out I could hear the birds singing  it's getting bright in here hopefully the sun   hopefully this decent sunrise although  I doubt it morning is it warm now right I think it's time to get up hello I think it's time to  get up and have a coffee oh on Face the day and then face  the fat I've got to pack all this up   thank you for my kisses thank  you Bruno yes hello morning so yeah he slept well in a blanket next  to me basically so that's a good start   it's a good time isn't it morning happy all  right everyone I'll bring it back for coffee okay let's let Bruno out hmm Amy doesn't know what to do you're gonna find your way out Bruno hmm  you've been in a tent like this before have you   there he goes oh beautiful morning look at that lovely tent did very well very impressed it was a it was a lake  here right at the back of the tent   oh there still is a bit of one but um the floor of the tent was just absolutely  perfect absolutely perfect so yeah I couldn't   really test the waterproofing of the tent  because I had to tarp over the whole thing   but I said I've I've slept in it before in the  heaving rain and it would stood it all no problem   oh it's a bit chilly but I'll survive yeah I'm happy happy with camp and I hope the Sun comes out that would make for a much nicer morning Bruno  no jumping don't jump up morning Are you full of   beans come on go go oh you're so springy come  on where are you going where's your pine cone come on where are you going with your pine cone it's very clever you knew what  a pain comb was straight away good boy I can hear the river we should go and have a quick look I don't  want to get my shoes soaking wet so I'm gonna   put the boots on so I'll bring you back I'm  gonna bring you back for a little walk over   to the river all right welcome back everybody  okay Jack it on come on let's go for a walk let's go take Bruno for a walk down to the  river I can hear it which I must be flying   fast now Bruno's been in rivers before Scott  you know he's already explored all of this place yeah Bruno's been in rivers before  small gentle ones Creeks Bruno but never raging ones and this is  Raging now Bruce once went in this River   underestimated the power of it and got swept away  and he really swam swam and he got to shore I   mean he was such a strong swimmer so it wasn't a  problem but the look on his face was like oh my   god what have I done so I'm not gonna let Bruno do  that because there's no way well Bruno is actually   you know what Bruno is a stronger swimmer as Bruce  ever was because Bruno's got longer legs Bruno   yeah come here you stay behind good boy stay so  part of the training come with me with me part of   the training with the Border Collie is keeping  them with you like that so you don't say heel   I could do with normal dogs with me he said  with me and you see he's doing it hey hey hey   here's a puppy still so you've got to remember  his his instinct is to go a is to go blasting off   but I mustn't let him because wow the  river's High okay so before who know with me   oh there is a little spot to stand  on okay so he can get his feet wet   because again he's he's an intelligent dog he's  he's not stupid he's not gonna go running into   a raging River Bruce did it because he  got overconfident wow it's very slippery so Bruno's right at my feet in case you're  wondering where he is he's not running off   see he's being a good boy okay I just need  to navigate these steps hold on Bruno hold on   because it's slippery just wait wait there wait ah stay so another thing is making up  stay stay sit you've got to go through all   these different things sit well you can't sit  sorry I told him to sit where you can't wait stay good boy don't go in so what  happened this is the river beautiful River and fruit Bruce went in somewhere  here and the speed that it came comes around the   corner here just it just took him I think he  went in there and he just underestimated it   and it took him and he then swam back to here  but he had a look of panic on his face hit me so   I just got to keep an eye on him you're all new  to him oh no no no no no no no he's in straight   away come over here Bruno shallow bit come on  he loves swimming come on then got shallow there   one thing that Bruno does that Bruce never ever  would do is Bruno retrieves sticks Bruce never   did this if I take this massive stick you watch  Bruce would Bruce would never bring a stick back   oh you got the stick come on  then go get it get it where is it oh no he's too distracted now maybe  it was too big he's too distracted stick you know stay in the shallows good boy  where's your stick where's your stick there   it is good boy come on it's a bit big for him  actually oh you're a smaller stick shouldn't I look at this spot though how beautiful is this oh it's better instead of the stick where's  the stick gun you're standing on it he's looking for it I know that wasn't a good one was it what   about this one here Bruno what  about this stick this is better good boy good boy so Bruce would never bring sticks back he once  he threw a stick at me um with an old video   which was hilarious but he really really bought a  stick back you bring the ball back from not stick   all right I'm gonna play down here for a bit  with Bruno let him play throw some sticks for him   wait for the sun to come up and just take  in this magic place because it is beautiful yeah we see here we go Bruno I called him  Brucey oh my God it's so hard come on Bruno this Camp if it's not going to  rain I might take the top off just so it feels a little less claustrophobic but  you just can't tell if it's going to rain or not um it doesn't look like it is some big cloud over there but it's not blowing  this way so maybe I'll take the top off   so we can sits out and if  it rains I get in the tent   okay bring it back okay I'll take the tarp off  from the truck and peel it back I think that's the   best way to do this now I did end up clipping it  up the top here which is how I got wet last night there's a lot of condensation on this thing all right that's better now I can see and  we'll just let this drain off the side ah so it's better already but without the tarp that would  have been quite miserable last night all right I've had a noodle explosion here old dry noodles okay Bruno's gonna want his breakfast and I  need a cup of coffee okay let's get a coffee on I might be able to lose the puffer jacket in a minute  because it's not that cold now coffee Bruno's found some random old  water bottle that someone's thrown away   and he's just hering around around with it oh one man's trash another dog's  treasure so here we he will be what   time is it okay he's gonna be hungry  so Bruno do you want your breakfast do you want your breakfast can we get rid  of that disgusting old water bottle okay let's give him his breakfast let's  get rid of that that's disgusting he doesn't he doesn't know what to do all right and you're gonna get  the rest of your bone broth yum yum now I know you all want to see him eat   just to see what he's like  so I'll pan him for that here you go wait who know Bruno wait  good boy go on then he's a good boy let me give you a close-up okay enough of that as interesting as that is it's a bit too much okay coffee time ah  what a muddy mess look at this it is just   disgustingly muddy and Bruno was quite happy  just to lie in it oh this chair is so relaxing   this is a good stargazing chair really good it doesn't it doesn't move forward   outer Proclaim I think it's permanently reclined  I don't think there's any way to adjust that no but if you've got if you just want to chill this is the chair  I'm glad I got it it's really expensive though   also it's very heavy it's only for car  camping this click CLA Hue I think it is   yeah so I wouldn't recommend this  for backpacking it's way too heavy   Uno have you finished have  you finished your breakfast do you finish your breakfast  good boy ah okay Kettle good time considering the amount of rain we have everything is held up so well now Bruno you've heard you've had your breakfast you've just had it he's even more greedy than Bruce was no no  that's my why are you licking your lips it's just just honestly he's he's just he's  such a puppy but he's so cute he's   so beautiful and you saw the greeting this  morning usually he he sort of cries a bit   um he didn't this morning which was interesting  but he cries he's so excited when he sees Anne   later because he hasn't seen Anne for a  few days because she's been out cycling   uh for a few days on a cycle trip but when  she sees him when she when he sees her   he'll oh there'll be tears there'll be so much  crying from him he'll be so excited to see her and he's he's his thick coat is coming on really  nicely he'll be ready for snow I'd say in a month   yeah I'll just take extra blankets for him and  stuff but he's he's already got a nice thick coat in bread for this only bread for cold so an  interesting difference between Bruno and Bruce   Bruno has zero aggression zero no aggression  whatsoever which Bruce did so Bruce would would   he's bitten a couple of people who've  got in his face who he didn't know uh   just because they've invaded his privacy  not that he's a violent not the Bruce is   a violent dog or anything it's just uh he  didn't like anyone coming into his space   Bruno loves it and he comes from more and more  and more and cuddles and cuddles and Cuddles   so part of the reason of that is it is nature  but also I think because he was the puppy to   Bruce and he was so submissive to Bruce and  Bruce was so nasty to him so much at the time   he did play with him a lot but after that he  didn't want to have anything to do with him and   you've seen that you saw that on on the video  when I came home from from a video from a trip   and Bruno jumps in the car and Bruce was just  snarling away didn't want anything to do with   Bruno so unfortunately that was the dynamic  um Bruce was very much his own dog and he was   you know fine with me and Anne and Brandon  but everyone else he just sort of tolerated um so yeah Bruno is very different Bruno  just loves everybody no matter what   um very very loving so he's a sweetie he really is cheers everybody coffee time so last night was interesting that was a lot of  rain everything is is mulch but inside is dry   the advantage of Bruno the the matting  system that I used for Bruno that was   Bruce's is it dries him off really well  um and then you just hang that out to dry   the zambivi bed was comfy I was warm tucked in  that and Bruno lay nicely beside me I was I was   actually surprised I thought it might be an issue  but no he laid nicely I thought he was going to   climb all over me um but no he was a good boy so  yeah I enjoyed it I had a really good evening it's   really nice to be back two months away and this  was my first Camp a comfy car camp in seriously   Heavy Rain I mean that I don't know if the lens  or the camera I mean the microphone picked that up   but man it was coming down it was really  coming down and at one point it was quite   Grim it was quite cold which is why I went  inside but uh out here it was fine all right   I'm gonna have my coffee and then I'll bring you  back for breakfast okay welcome back everybody time for me to cook up my breakfast um I wish you could see Bruno but there's  no easy way to uh to show him in here   actually what I'll do is I'll swap  the camera around then you can see him   around so he'll come over as soon  as he starts smelling some food   right so for breakfast what have we got let's get  it out okay yum we got pancake mix and we've got   and here comes Bruno we've got bacon so I'm  gonna let Bruno have a little bit of bacon   not much um because well it's not great for  humans it's definitely not great for dogs Okay so cooking I'll tell you what I'm gonna  take my jacket off the reason I'm going to   take this off is even though it's quite chilly  is I don't want to get bacon fat all over it and bacon has a habit of  spitting all over the place first things first is I need to do I  need to scrub this pan out a bit no all right bacon let's get this done what  do you think Bruno do you want some bacon I think I need to sharpen my knife again   it's because I've left it so  long it's been washed a few times all right this is when you're going to see a lot  of Bruno I don't think he's going to disappear now   because you can smell it'll smell the food cooking tongs so while that bacon is in the pan  cooking let's get the pancake mix ready Shake It Up so you've got to remember that everything  is new to Bruno everything all of this   he's been camping with me and Bruce once  and he was so tiny he was three months old and that was when I picked him  up so he won't remember any of it then everything was new to him and he's just  been you know taken from the one place he knows   and was with a stranger and another dog  that wasn't particularly nice to him even though he then fell in love with Bruce okay that ought to do it right what next   oh it's chaos absolute chaos I wish it wasn't so  muddy but at least I've got this floor mat down wet wipes see I told you he'd be loitering oh yes okay so I'm going to bring  you back when the Bacon's   done and we're ready to put the pancakes on okay Bacon's ready that's gonna be nice and crispy  I think I've incinerated it okay now we need to get rid of all these horrible  scraps that are in here and a lot of this fat but I don't want Bruno getting it so that I mean what I might do is pour it  out into my cup and then deal with it later yeah because that would be very bad  for Bruno to get his hands on that okay right let's just turn that up  a little bit put some fresh oil in and let's get a pancake on so anyone who knows my channel  knows I love just a big pancake go big or go home all right I'll bring you back for the pancake  flip okay pancakes ready time for the flip let's do this yes got it okay just got it oh that was close   all right we need to put some  of this into Bruno's Bowl throw his water out okay a couple of pieces of  bacon I might just break them up a bit for him okay so that's for Bruno   that's there waiting you're probably going to see  his head pop up now as he jumps up to have a look he's just he's just at my feet constantly he's nudging me let me see so it's his face he's  just waiting constantly hovering   he's way worse than Bruce ever was I've never known a dog to love  his food or love any food so much   I mean Bruce loves food as well but not to the same extent all right looks  like I've got a good fluffy pancake here   so I might do is just fold it in half okay cool beans right now while that's doing its thing the kettle because I want another coffee need the hot water to um cook stuff up right so what are we missing uh maple syrup okay what have I done with maple syrup sear it is oh I thought I forgot that  that would have been crucial loss okay slather the maple syrup on I didn't heat  the maple syrup this time oh well whatever you see it's sitting right there hahaha   okay all right it's time I think  what we'll do is I'll eat out here my knife my Fork and we've got Bruno's food  okay so let me just sort this out right how   are we looking okay we're looking good oh and  I've got Bruno's here now he's gonna finish   this in seconds that's it sit Bruno sit no Bruno  sit what's this come around here this is training   a lot of training required sit good boy wait  wait Bruno wait hey hey hey hey hey wait sit   Bruno sit you've got to get on top of this because  if you've got a border collie wait and you don't   control them you don't train them properly they're  going to be a pest forever gone there good boy and that's the reason Bruno was so amazing was  he was just well trained right pancakes and bacon hmm oh man I missed this wow that's good um and I missed New Zealand bacon it's so good just a shoe pup no no cheeky so he needs to learn that once he's  had his that's it begging won't work no I know there'll be two or three of you that maybe comment saying oh let  him have more blah blah blah blah   let him have whatever he wants it honestly no  because training training and discipline is   so important with Border Collies they are not  normal pets they're not normal dogs purebred   Border Collies you have to train them you have  to control them you have to give them discipline   they need an alpha and then they'll happily  strip below that Alpha and they will be happy also you've got to keep them fit and healthy oops I used to get a lot of comments from India Sam Bruce didn't look healthy you look too  thin you're not feeding your dog enough   this was the stupidity that I used to have to put  up with whenever I see a comment like that now any comment honestly it doesn't really matter who  um if it pops up on my feed where someone says   they're telling me how to look after him what  I should be doing I just blocked that person   um because I just don't have any patience  or tolerance for it anymore I used to try   and get involved in a conversation with them  and then it just wouldn't work I'd ask them   what their credentials were and they'll say oh  they've owned pets before I've owned dogs for   years uh and you know I know exactly what's  good for them and what's not good for them and I don't need armchair experts  telling me how to look after my dog so please don't I'm sure there'll  be a couple of people out there that will try and tell me what to do  and it just drives me crazy no Bruno no   um and I just have zero tolerance for it who  are these people that they think that I'm   going to listen to internet stranger  about how to look after my own dog anyway rant over hmm this is so good right I'm gonna finish the rest of this   have another coffee and I'll bring  you back for packing everything up okay welcome back everybody okay it's chilly uh right it's time to pack  everything up now everything is soaked so this is gonna be a quick pack up because I've  got to take everything out again when I get home Point doing a neat job just gotta get on with it so  I will speed it up from now okay okay right time to finish with your  water okay time to dismantle the tent   so I've got to take the top down first  uh need the hammer to pull the pegs out   and the top is all at the back now so let's just  take that out and then stuff it in the stuff sack all right Bruno what are you eating okay relatively  painless let's stuff it in the stuff sack Bruno no he's alone who knows chasing the cords he's trying to bite bite them stop it  it was a lot easier with Bruce oh dear but because it's all new to Bruno it's all a game okay well if this fits in here it'll be a  miracle because it's absolutely drenched so this this top is pretty old now  this is one of my very first tarps and I've actually got a feeling  the seams are starting to go   because I did feel a few drops last night and  I couldn't quite work out what was going on so I might need to re-seam seal it myself there's plenty of videos on how you seam seal   nylon tops so you don't need  me to show you one how to do it okay next up the tent so I've emptied  everything out inside zipped everything   up but left some air gaps just to let some  air out we're going to zip up the front door because I want it to be all closed in when I do this okay let's get the pegs out so Bruno's got a disgusting water  bottle that you can see here honestly I buy him all these toys  I've got toys with me for him   that he wants to play with a water bottle all right tent so with the tent what  you're doing is you basically just   let all the air out so I'll  zoom in but so you can see it there you go and that noise you can hear  is Bruno running around with a water bottle yeah there are two valves one on the front one on the  back you get them both out oops remember to pick up that valve so yeah the valve came off I  don't know why it keeps coming off that's a bit of a worry that it doesn't stay on be quite easy to lose that all right  then it's just a matter of uh folding it now you better fold it to match the bag size all right again this is another first for Bruno so that's about is that about the bag width yeah okay squidget to let all the air out Sam flies are coming out they're like mosquitoes I don't even know if it's worth putting this back  in the bag just going to make the bag all muddy there is actually a strap and I don't know what I've done with it okay I've put the strap somewhere and I have no  idea where what I might do is just roll it up   and just Chuck it in the back because  it's so muddy I don't want to get that all in the bag I'm gonna have to clean this off at home so yeah there's no point putting this in the  bag it's just going to make it all filthy and I haven't got the strap anyway and you need  the strap really this won't fit in properly yuck yeah okay and go straight in this is gonna be so messy  getting it all out at home okay last bits of cord and then Bruno's lead is under  there so I need to get that look at the mud on that mat need to rinse that  off with water before I put that back in the truck wow that was just filthy the whole  ground is just it's just gross thank you I think I think we're pretty much done all I've  got to do is Stow the starlink so I'll do that yeah I'll Stow the starlink and  I'll bring you back right stole   link is stored stowed starlink is  stowed and we're all ready to go get Bruno's lead  ER come on up up here Bruno not in there this  side come on up up there Bruno come on   this is Charlie getting the driver's  side okay what do you think Bruno   hey come here was that fun all right everybody  thanks very much for coming on this camp   I think we had a great time let  me just pan you up a bit hold on   there we go yeah come here come on it's all right  oh no no no Bruno you're so confused come on up   we're going home I know you don't know what  that is yet so he doesn't know anything yet I   mean you remember with Bruce Bruce knew exactly  and he would jump in the front passenger seat   Bruno's got to learn all this stuff  this is gonna take a little while   but it's worth it stick around to  watch the training of Bruno and how he   evolves over time into his own type  of dog he'll be different to Bruce but   Border Collies of Border Collies come  here yeah I'm gonna say goodbye come on he just doesn't know what to do all right  everybody thanks very much for coming I   hope you enjoyed it um this was our first Camp  back for two months first since Bruce and um   brought back a lot of memories earned some  great memories I also made it very sad but   it's a new beginning and you've  got to move on uh it is what it is   and we'll bring you back again soon for  another camping with Tony and Bruno for a   b camping thanks very much everyone see you next  time should we go home should we go home come on
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 966,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camping in the rain, wild camping, stealth camping, camping gear, tent camping, best camping gear, hammock camping, new camping gear, camping gear review, camping list, camping gear and gadgets, asmr, rain, camping gear 2021, best new camping gear 2021, nature sounds, nature, rain camping, rain sounds, rain sound, heavy rain, rain and thunder sounds, camping gear rental, ab outdoors, ab camping, tent camping in rain, camping with dogs, car camping, truck camping
Id: vcjh85gheoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 35sec (11555 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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