Camping & Fishing an Alaskan Salmon River - Camp Catch & Cook

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luke tom and nate here with the outdoor boys youtube channel we're here in talkeetna alaska and we're about to get on a jet boat head up river into the bush and go camping fishing and just having a great adventure in some serious bear country you guys ready yeah yeah we're here with phantom river charters and for a very reasonable price they will take you and drop you off various locations along the river and pick you up whenever you want and so we are going to camp all night and fish for uh silvers pinks chums trout it's it's going to be awesome and i think we might be eating some fresh salmon tonight but they are around but somebody got mauled down by gerdwood last week uh they're scared of you yes she is she's your navigator and can you go these jet boat rides are awesome look at this we could not ask for more beautiful weather here down there with the byu all right guys so this is the talkeetna river and this right here is the big suscita river these rivers are no joke man you don't drive a boat on this thing unless you know what you're doing highest mountain in north america mount denali we're going to be flying over that on friday we're here filming in alaska for six weeks so if you guys want to see the entire six week adventure make sure you click subscribe and look down in the video description we're gonna put a link to our entire adventure as we post it [Music] oh look at that i can see fish look at all the salmon here [Music] there's just hundreds and hundreds of pink salmon in here we get a lot of them there's a lot of these creeks that dump in and these are all great fishing spots for salmon look at all this for the big red ones are silvers the red ones are silvers the gray ones are pinks they call them pinks because their meat is pink not because their skin is pink the ones that turn pink have red or orange meat well red's taking us up the river and showing us a couple different creeks and a couple different places we can camp and uh we're just going to go ahead and pick one and see what see what happens i mean this is just well we're spoiled for choices [Music] well rhett thank you very much we'll see you tomorrow here we go guys we're in alaska now folks there goes our ride our connection to civilization and i now got to find out where the boys ran off to yeah that is a bear prank that's a small bear this place is called clear creek and you can see how it got its name look at how clear that is and there's salmon right in there i can already see salmon there's one right there there's one right there there's one right there oh there's a bunch right there i mean they're only in 10 inches of water i mean you don't need to cast out far deep to get into fish this is gonna be awesome all right we've been here five minutes and nathan's socks are already wet that's pretty standard fired all right you guys having fun yeah number one bait for salmon salmon eggs they love to eat their own eggs it's got like a number two hook with i've tied an egg loop knot this little retractable reusable loop go and we're gonna hook this on put it around there pull it tight there we go got my rod sitting here in a fork stick and i've got another stick right here in front of the reel to keep a fish from stealing my rod hits already do this hold it hold it he's taking line look at that toss [Music] how's that there you go well there we go that was about an 18-inch rainbow trout man that was pretty nice drink it jerk it drink it hold on this is a wonderful truck oh there he goes he popped off yay all right just to mix it up i've got some eggs underneath the float no lead slightly bigger hooks so we might miss some of those trout we're gonna check that out there and see what happens yeah he's pulling some drag oh nathan nathan that's a monster keep that run up keep it right over the air buddy don't let him pull your rod down there you go oh keep that up that's a silver buddy that's not a big rainbow look at that oh look at him look at the mark he's got on him that's like where a seal bit him did you find the big rock if you can't find a rock daddy's got this there we go that is a lovely silver look at this oh it's another beautiful silver he devoured that oh my goodness it is on fire we have gotten two silvers in five minutes i need to get myself a stringer to keep these guys fresh yep this water is like 40 degrees so it's the second best thing to a cooler hand right here okay look go go see that see that see that yeah oh you got to hit it go for it hit it hit him hit it hit it hit it hit it yeah you got him there you go oh it's a beauty here walk over here walk to shore walk to shore oh walk to shore okay don't reel anymore just walk keep pulling pulling along the shore pull up on the shore there we go buddy you're you're first silver well the boys are saying they're hungry as they should be it's a little past lunch time and i put the rod in the rod holder with some bells and uh we're gonna get them some snacks i've got soft lemon cookies and cherry strudels and we are having a very unhealthy but delicious lunch got one buddy [Music] oh i think you might have a dolly here oh we got an oh look at that dolly that is a beauty that that is a beautiful dollyvarden it's a member of the char family those dots hold them up they have so teeth okay you pick him up oh that's the tops of my boots well all three of the nickels boys have gone over the tops of their boots so there's no help in it we're all wet so we're gonna wait out here a little bit further and see if i can't reach that far bank there's a bit of a shadow forming that's usually a good place to hit oh that's a perfect one look at that here holy what a beautiful trout oh you got him buddy you got him keep that rod up keep the rod up in the air oh oh that's a big one i can see him he's gorgeous oh look at him fight oh he was crazy hey walk him all the way up hold him right up pull him right up [Music] high five that was a heck of a fight nate another beautiful dying bright silver is look at this this is just amazing what a wonderful place to fish let alone camp huh we got a heck of a night ahead of us jerk it hard jerking hard what you got there oh now he's a beautiful trout yeah he's a rainbow yeah he's kind of great he's awesome nathan what you got oh nice dolly nathan's tearing him up he's got two dollies and a bunch of trout [Laughter] he popped off right at the shore and i had to use some old football techniques [Music] well guys i'm gonna be eating barbecued fresh salmon with corn on the cob but my boys are a bit more particular so nathan's got his favorite cup of noodle and tommy asked for steak so we got a little bit of everything for everyone dancers so now fresh alaskan salmon is one of those fish it's hard to screw up hands down my favorite recipe is melted butter and brown sugar smothered all over a filet and grilled oh so good there you go a slab of fresh grilled salmon and corn on the cob man oh that was so good i ate that entire fillet by myself i'll tell you what guys i am absolutely having a ball if you're thinking of coming to alaska and you're on a budget the phantom river charter drop-off service should be number one on your list of things to do it's probably the best deal around for catching a salmon and if you're not confident enough to do this on your own what i would recommend is go with their charter service their normal guided trips at the beginning of your trip figure out what's going on get some confidence figure out what gear to use what rigs to use and then come out here and do this on your own at the end of your trip kids settle down to bed all right guys lay down and go to sleep the boys are to bed it's gotten dark and so i started fishing again and really wasn't getting any action so i just wandered down the bank a little bit and i don't know if you can see this but there are just tons of fish just piled up right up close to shore so i i think that's the key i just need to go downstream a little bit there we go nice almost every single silver we're catching has scars from either gill nets or seals or orcas or something these fish everything tries to kill them well there we go folks we have officially limited out on silver salmon i just might do a little catch and release fishing there's another one in like five minutes there we go that's another gorgeous dolly garden i don't know how this day could have turned out any better but uh i'm gonna go catch some sleep and i will see you guys in the morning oh well good morning i think i'm gonna do a little fishing so this right here is a pink salmon and there are thousands of them right in there okay all right hit my first peak there you go i switched to lures to try to catch some pinks and there you go i caught one but it's hard not to snag them i mean there are literally thousands of them right here in front of me i don't know if you can see this but there's easily five 600 salmon in front of me just piled up in crystal clear water all right this is why they call them humpies the males get the big hump on the back and there's just thousands of them there we go another pink these pinks are just in here thick i'm getting hit almost every cast but i should get the fire going and get breakfast made so the boys have something warm to wake up to good morning dad yeah you got we got a little sun on the old back waking up to bacon egg sandwiches um you know i packed a clean shirt and i could have swore i packed a clean pair of pants but apparently i didn't so i'm wearing my uh thermals i think it's a good look for me all right our boat's here let's get loaded up we put our bobber out bam bam bam got three as soon as we as soon as we started then is this cool do you like this tom oh we had an awesome time if you guys want to come here and do this i'll put a link to phantom river charters website in our video description but thanks for watching guys we hope you enjoyed this video if you want to see more videos from the outdoor boys youtube channel don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every saturday morning nailed it if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every saturday morning and hit that bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 1,473,434
Rating: 4.8779759 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, camping, catch and cook, camp catch cook, catch clean cook, how to catch salmon, salmon fishing, Alaskan adventure, camping in Alaska, fishing in Alaska, silver salmon, silver salmon fishing, cooking silver salmon, cooking salmon, Wilderness camping, back country camping, cheap fishing charters in Alaska, self guided charters in Alaska, Alaska fishing charter, Fishing talkeetna, fishing susitna, Alaska vacation, traveling to Alaska, things to do in Alaska
Id: yZYGYRp5m1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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