How to trap and relocate children - Parenting Hack

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Damn the thumbnail title is something...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/abhishekcringes 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is so well made! As a parent I can relate. Just the right balance between disturbing and unreliable to create a wonderful parody while not passing as child abuse for some viewers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NotAScreenNamePerson 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Finally! Now i dont have to hit their head with a club.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
Luke dominate here with the outdoor boys YouTube channel and I'm going to show you how to track toddlers [Music] well guys we have got a serious toddler and infestation at this house it's been getting worse and worse over the last five years and finally it has just gotten out of control so in this video what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to one identify toddler issues and tell whether or not you have a toddler problem in your home how to prevent toddlers from investing your home and also show you how to humanely trap and relocate toddlers so let me show you what I'm talking about so look at this room this is an awesome game room slash mancave and it is absolutely overrun with toys this is a classic sign that you've got a toddler infestation look at this we've got all this stuff right here just we got blankets and toys and no toddlers think about toddlers is if you see one there means there's like a hundred more hiding behind the fridge so definitely massive toddler infestation another sure sign that you've got a toddler problem is finding toddler scat around the house yeah this one's fresh well some people think toddlers are cute they are in fact very destructive it can often be seen leaving their marks around the house if a toddler and physician gets really bad they'll get in between the walls and up in the crawl spaces and then it's really hard getting them out so definitely if you start seeing holes in the walls it's time to do something about your toddler problems children are also known to be common carriers of many infectious diseases such as flu elephantitis cholera dengue fever rabies Lou Gehrig's disease hunt a virus plague also known as Black Death and menopause chronic exposure to children is also known to cause fatigue weight gain headaches lack of desire and in some cases Tourette syndrome don't let their looks fool you folks these little things can be very dangerous so if you have a toddler infestation make sure you take care of it quickly obviously preventing a toddler infestation is the best way to avoid these troubles and to do that you should follow these three simple steps number one avoid eye contact with women number two make sure you don't wash or use deodorant and finally under no circumstances should you listen to anything performed by Al Green none of his albums at all however if you find yourself in a situation where you already have a toddler infestation I'm gonna show you how to humanely catch and relocate those children so what I have here is a mock-up of our toddler trap and for those of you who follow my other youtube channel the catfish and carp youtube channel you may recognize this as the squirrel trap I built for my squirrel trapping video the way it works is pretty simple it's basically a box with a sliding door and a trigger in the back when the trigger gets sprung down goes the door and your toddler is trapped [Music] yeah pretty cool night huh I made this from a farriers rasp you want to see that video check out the link in the description below so let me show you my favorite toddler bait here we go guys doughnuts assorted dozen that'll definitely catch some toddlers I know my local ones like chocolate and raspberry filled so that should work really well to set the trap up what you do is you take this stick with the notch you put it through the hole and just catch it just barely on the edge of the wood and then it's perfectly balanced okay take one of the doughnuts we're gonna put it back behind the trigger all right now the traps baited and we're ready to catch yourself some toddlers Oh it worked we caught ourselves the big one oh look at that alright guys well we caught one and he's a big one Oh be careful now these things can really bite so don't put your fingers inside the cage or they will take them off isn't that right now here comes the tricky part we've got to transport them so I got myself this burlap sack and we're gonna try to get him inside oh okay there we go well we got them subdued and in the sack how's that donut once you have the kids secured in the bag you want to sedate them with some basic chloroform now I know everybody has their own secret formula that they like to use but basic good old-fashioned chloroform is really hard to beat works every time alright so we got one in the bag but that does not solve our problem you got to get all the toddlers out of the house or you're just gonna have the same issues all right so let's rebate the crap and see if we can catch another one Oh what do we got in there oh my goodness all right let's see if we can get this one in the gunnysack we're gonna tie the boots up with the good old-fashioned constrictor knot all right now I'm gonna chloroform them know how it works every time with trapping children you tend to get the big ones first so I want to reset the trap and trying to target the smaller ones and for that I'm going to use a different type of bait this formula works really well for little guys all right okay we got another one let's check him out let's see oh look we got a little one these guys are easy to deal with let's get them in the gunnysack oh yeah yeah that's a nice one let's go ahead and put them in this bag here got them in the sack just spray with the chloroform and then you're good to go all right that's three of them so we've got three kids in the bag we're gonna put them on top of the car and I'm gonna drive them out to a spot that I've got planned to relocate that I'm gonna show you how to safely relocate children all right let's get them on top man I am so glad I invested in these roof racks I use these things all the time all right [Music] but my bad oh they're starting to wake up starting to wake up chloroform's wearing off oh oh there you go are you doing the guy yeah go go play so black okay there you go those guys make us go play go boy you know what your kind of acuity I just might keep you well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see more great videos from the outdoor boys YouTube channel don't forget to click Subscribe and please leave a comment and tell me all of your horror stories of raising kids if you've got a great story there's something you did when you're a kid or when you're raising kids finger-painting with poo letting a squirrel loose in the house whatever it was leave it in the comment and let us share in your pain but thanks for watching and don't forget to check out our Nate and Tom video playlist and our fun project playlist I'll put a link in the description thanks for watching we hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see more great videos from the outdoor boy's YouTube channel don't forget to click Subscribe we put out new videos every week and don't forget to hit that Bell button so you'll get notified when we put out another great video Nathan who you playing with
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 6,099,385
Rating: 4.294147 out of 5
Keywords: parenitng, parenting hack, parenting hacks, parenting 101, trapping, catch alive trap, children, kids, toddlers, parenting comedy, funny parenting video, funny video, How to video, how to trap, how to catch, how to trap kids, how to trap toddlers
Id: FTpcaJzYenQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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