Camille Paglia - Women should regard men with a mix of gratitude and rational fear

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[Music] they're attracted to this Dogma because of its the ideology of it which is it which is saturated with anti male bias okay that's what that's what really disturbs me about it okay that is they see a world that is nothing but sexual violence and abortion these are the two things now I am absolutely a hunk percentage for abortion rights free and unrestricted access to it okay I just to belong to Planned Parenthood until I realize it was just an event you know an arm of the Democratic Party my own party but this is a it's a hysterical pathological projection that reality is nothing but sexual violence okay an abortion okay look at what look a look a look at the you know the incredible abundance of material in the history of culture pain literature and art and everything else there's a complete absence of sexual psychology now because Perkis Freud was thrown out the window okay so they can't understand anything my theory in sexual persona and I still maintain is that that this male sexual impulse is neurologically intertwined okay with the hunting hunting instinct okay there's the danger for women okay the hunt okay that the male hormone impels toward pursuits toward the hunt visual identification of the prey yes okay that's why we use we were a predator okay for sexual predator and so on okay we see it in psychotics okay they am i in my ear there was the movie psycho Alberta shucks you know psycho in which you have you know fetishism you know the you know it like a you know totally socially socially disassociated figure played by Anthony Perkins okay who who who processes the sexual sexual you know excitation as in some way an invasion was an autonomy and has to kill the object if you know that you know that excites him there is a psychopathology to this kind of criminality to the to the rape murder okay to the you know to the to these these the abductors okay just snatch women off you know off the street we have had a whole series of joggers okay who's been kidnapped and killed okay and and we have just week after week after week of this okay and what this famine what do women studies people have to say about it nothing except well we're going to retrain all men we're going to re-educate all men okay so on now I keep on saying and I've been saying for decades all right you could re-educate 999 out of every 1000 men maybe which I doubt you could say anyway okay there will still be the chance that that you a woman are going to encounter a psychotic okay that one in a thousand okay the who's a psychotic okay right and who sees you as prey okay and who and who actually takes and this is a you know the crime of lust murder that we've seen thousands of years of human evidence of it is it is a and when in my explanation okay is that it's not that these men have been socialized to hate women all right it's the opposite okay what we're seeing there is a failure of socialization it's the failure of socialization okay and the more that you have with gender studies people saying that yeah yes we're going to retrain all young men from the moment they're born and have them be more like women from the moment they're born so this is f this is a fool's errand okay you will never be able to protect women in that way okay because of because of what I'm saying that this wouldn't when a screw goes loose you think because you know even the intelligence spectrum has been shown again and again okay is that that women occupy the great middle of the IQ spectrum right but with men you have them turning up at the opposite extremes you have male geniuses and you have male psychotics okay and so on alright that's why I have mice Mike one like I think one of my great sentences I say that you know there is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper you see okay alright what I'm saying is the explanation for why are there no great women artists okay the feminist explanation always says women have been held back sooth will have the great feel Mac went oh have the female Leonardo and some sort of I'm saying okay alright I in my argument such a persona okay is that's okay women don't need art okay and the mania of art making to exist there are there important women artists okay but there I I do not meet that many compulsive obsessive driven women okay who have to defend and define their own identities okay by creating something else an object okay most women I know are perfectly content to live okay there because they see reality for what it is okay and they are centered in reality they have their own sense of identity from the moment they're big menstruate they know they're women okay but men are driven men don't know they have to define themselves constantly okay and so on they're driven to hormone mix them like crazy and so they're searching for this so what I when I look at in male history I you know I don't see I don't see what what most gender studies people say which is you know male oppression and female victim age that's not what I see right now what I see is like wave after wave of men desperate okay to create their own identity pushing out okay dying you know they're the ones they're like Myrmidon but I'm pushing pushing they're pushing human civilization out the women sit at the hearth okay see conversing in nursing the babies you know cooking the food and so on the men are out in American culture okay whatever I mean you know what I've learned about okay you know the the women stayed at you know back at the fire okay the men in the dead of winter okay the in the Indian hunters went out to get the meats they froze to death okay so they could eat they couldn't even light a fire because the smoke would drive away that you know the deer okay you have you have men dying and sacrificing themselves okay for the women for the children okay so that's this is what I see so what I see is like men always pushing pushing pushing out the limits okay of human life and dying and there's so many sacrifices and they make it so so so all the you know all the great things in culture and all the all the major crimes and culture have been produced by men as far as I can see and I applaud men okay for that I learned from them okay if my voice is strong okay as a writer okay is I've learned from men okay and some are very few women only Simone de Beauvoir okay alright there's an example of a woman who really just spread herself you know in a very firm in across she was French okay they helped okay what the problem really is is the the culture we're living now the society you know the economy has switched from the old manufacturing based economy you know it into the first the white-collar a comment and now into its protective base the economy and so essentially you men it looked it appears as if men are necessary in aging into many women but men go on at the working-class level okay playing the same role they always did this why I've tried I've tried to you bring attention to this in my in my writing is that the monk debate that I had in in Toronto several years ago you know when there's a flood when there's a an ice storm you know when when the electric wires you know fall okay and you and you have a horrible dangerous situation who is the one who's going out there okay in the middle of the night okay and and you know and and risking their life maybe picking up these broken wires in the restoring power I mean the in the most brutal conditions it's men okay I saw a scene about a year ago okay where there was a in suburban Philadelphia where there was a sewage break a very serious sewage break okay and the the whole street area was filled with raw sewage okay and I saw people in hazmat suits out there in the city horrible conditions okay very dangerous and and and squalid conditions who were they men okay right it's men who are maintaining the infrastructure it's it's it's men who are operating those cranes it's men who are up there washing the windows okay at the twentieth floor installing the panes of glass and so on I'm sick and tired okay of you know of the citizen okay of you know the upper-middle class both male and female which fails to notice okay how how many benefits are flowing from the age-old labor and risk-taking of men okay so I mean so the men are some movements I mean I mean I don't know who's calling it proto-fascist or whatever but you know I obviously you know men I think that's one reason for jordan Peterson's popularity on an international level right now is that he's speaking directly to men and demanding that you know that men be given the dignity they deserve women are working side by side with men in the office they who are doing the same jobs as they are okay essentially just just a computer screen right and so that so it's natural for upper middle class women to think of men and you know these products of the Ivy League okay the only people the only the only guys who are applying to the Ivy League and getting into the Ivy League our boys who have already been ground down okay to the bourgeois norm that is palatable to upper-middle class women okay so I mean I remember I mean I've gone repeatedly I think been there for I've been a guest of the Yale political union student run of five to four times really and I remember a might what was it for me five years ago one of my my parents is there I was having dinner with the young people and they were in the young men were telling me about the way they are coached and trained every September with how you know how to behave on dates and so forth and I said why are you accepting this and so on and they the idea that that they should not accept it it had never occurred to them and never occurred to them you need to say with this we are not in college to be preached to about our private behavior now you never occurred to anyone because they're so glad to be that they are viewing right they just accept the norm okay to be you know to be as smooth down and woman-like as they can okay so they can fit into this like the distance business with the smoothly operating bourgeois mechanism okay and that's the feeder into prosperous jobs and so on and so forth okay right but on the working-class level I know I don't these norms haven't filtered down at all okay so I think I think this colleges have turned much more the woman oriented yeah young men to succeed in college they have to behave like women and some say well I think that you know that women have taken or essentially taken over the campuses that you're getting I think you can get men dropping out from society from society essentially someone was just telling me the other day about the the sudden resurgence okay in Hell's Angels okay as a as a worldwide phenomenon the health angels on motorcycles and I said half the men are rebelling the men have a truck are dropping out and rebelling okay alright the person said to me well isn't it's dangerous and I said no I said because because with civilization Falls okay as it will inevitably okay the only people will protect us okay and keep everything together are the Hells Angels on their motorbikes oh man so and that's what we're gonna look the police are not gonna be able to contain its gonna be like Mad Max the Mad Max film so when everything degenerates you know again I just think we're just we're in this terrible moments okay where women are rising and ascendant and and and you know and female manners are dominant okay but inevitably the cycle will turn okay well in the general collapse of culture okay I can imagine how many women are actually going to go out there okay you're you you have barbarians running in the street and people fighting over food and water okay the men are not gonna be pushed off the door at a good minutes ago we bring the things home again okay I think we're looking at all so what I think I think civilization is constantly replaying and you know relearning lessons so it's a it's not a great time to be a man of the middle class you know right right now and I'm very concerned you know about morale okay with middle-class feminists are demanding in a man okay is a total erasure of all genuinely masculine aspects you know because they they are projecting this whole notion of toxic mess you've masculinity me again I think that's they're just a bit backwards way of approaching the issue of ethics okay whether it mean that is a terrible thing and there's a horrible phrase toxic masculinity alright because it implies that masculine team you know added at its heart is poisonous what kind of a message is that to broadcast to you know to to to you know to students in you know in in public school and later on College and what does this do to the sense of stable male identity I think it's absolutely wrong I think it's I think it's evil I mean it's really evil okay I think it's the result of unclear thinking okay I mean I think hooliganism okay I know an abusive behavior okay should not be tolerated anywhere in you know India in the old world of the the pre-modern world with women were protected okay by their fathers and their brothers and you know and and and their husbands okay so say if there was a a rape occurred okay in a countryside in Italy the rapist would be hunted down and would end up they would be dead okay with it that's what control things is in men essentially you know we're there is the kind of built-in police force and now in this new modern period okay we can expect that women should be able to take care of themselves right but don't to projects it's constant you know malevolence you know motives you know two men may I just think that this is that this is not the way women are ever going to achieve sexual happiness
Channel: The Mill Series
Views: 622,498
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Id: HrscwJYO8G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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