Camille Paglia Destroys Second Wave Feminism in Under 5 Minutes

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as I suddenly discovered this period just after women had won the right to vote in the 1920s and 30s we've had all these career women like Amelia Earhart and Dorothy Parker Dorothy Thompson you know you know Clare Boothe Luce oh well I guess there's just so many women Margaret bourke-white and it's so but a time second wave feminism revived okay which was with thee with Betty Friedan's co-founding of now in 1967 yeah I I was out of sync with them okay so when they all suddenly they revived and began complaining about men and all that stuff and so on so forth I'm gonna play you know I hated it okay and I was all out and I was a it was clearly clashes that I had with those feminists from the start I try try to join second wave feminism they wouldn't have me they can't they come to me because I would not badmouth man you see these women like a million heart and so and they did not they did not badmouth men okay they admired men they admired what men had done okay and what they said was we demand equal opportunity for women which give us the opportunity to show that we can achieve at the same level as men as to who did all these great things that was not the tone okay if second wave feminists on the starters almost like man has a picture like this and so on bunch of I mean these women we're insane okay I friend the from the start okay I'd like I went to this feminist conference okay at the Yale Law School okay when I was in graduate school it was 1971 Kate Millett was there Rita Mae brown he later became a lesbian novelist and lives on a horse farm in Virginia Bay around and so on maybe she's here she's like very rich and so now right at any rate sorry mister Rita Mae brown said to me okay she said difference between you and me communique is that you want to save the universities and I want to burn them down okay now this is that no what can you say with a conversation stopper okay so I had I had I had the knockdown argument the Rolling Stones okay with the New Haven women's liberation rock band okay all right I adored the stones they hated the stones okay so we have this huge screaming argument okay I with my backwards to the wall they were sitting in my face okay and and and I and I said yes the Rolling Stones are sexist but they make great music alright let's say it looks like the deal is a under my thumb under my thumb yes it's sexist Lee but it's a great song it's a work of art okay and so on and these women like they said to me it means a art art nothing that demeans women can be art now that was a Stalinist view of art okay [Laughter] there was wait a minute then then there was the argument that I had okay this is what Amelia Earhart do you asked me leo yes then I had my first job at Bennington College 1972 okay and people said Oh Thursday this is new Women's Studies department when the first effort said the State University of New York at Albany okay you know they'll be wondering okay so okay so they're feminists I'm feminine okay all right so we had like a dinner okay we're gonna go to a lecture and so on and we didn't get through to dessert let me tell you over that dinner okay because we had this screaming argument about about hormones okay they deny that hormones have the slightest impact on human life they said hormuz won't even exist okay they told me I had been brainwashed okay by male scientists Dibley I so I mean these were women were in the English department you know a wonderful education they had in biology is like all right I mean I mean at any rate Amelia Earhart okay just never okay it never was like this with man this is the point okay so Amelia Earhart had one has an effect in fact my next book on my next essay collection I'm going to reproduce the page from Newsweek magazine okay 1963 okay I wrote in a letter to the editor there was like a number one letter I'm 16 years old okay at that point okay and and and what was it oh I know it was a thing they put a piece of picture of Amelia Earhart there and it was valentina Tereshkova okay had become the first woman in space okay and I the Soviet Union had sent her up and I wrote a protest letter into Newsweek and I said that valentina Tereshkova has become the HIPAA cosmonaut has become the first woman on the anniversary that Amelia Earhart flew the ocean whatever it whatever it was was some big anniversary of her and I said I say it obviously you know Amelia Earhart's lifelong in a fight if are there for a cooperative or American women remains to be one that's 1963 it's a Gloria Steinem okay can lick dirt okay so I was I'm concerned you know when I was doing that Gloria Steinem was running around New York and a plastic skirt I'm telling you you should have brought that woman you
Channel: PhilosophyInsights
Views: 47,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camille Paglia, Feminism, women, liberation, art, university, study, campus, lecture, second wave, right, equality, equal opportunity, feminist
Id: m5D56npU-80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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