Came Back AFTER 17 Years, He Proved His Voice To SIMON 🤔

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Looking gorgeous Thank you Why are you from louder? You're a bit of an accent in there? I'm from Bradford in Yorkshire. Oh, yeah We auction boys. Really we altar boy. I Tell you what though you brought some personality on the stage already and thank God for you. That's too short life's too short Live every day with a smile on your face So how old are you? I'm 37 years young and Why isn't a career in entertainment happened for you before or has he? I'd be try for Simon many years ago on the TV show called Pop Idol. Okay, and what happened? Oh Not a lot. That's why I'm lucky What did Simon say It was actually very nice I think back then it was a very image led business 70 years ago 70 years ago 17 and this is serious for you This for me is my will Cup final. I have waited 17 years to sing back in front you to show you all these years That I've still got it and I still have the same passion as before Darling don't go out in the Sammy's main. This is mine. This is my year. Let's hear You're the best man and there's no way I said I'm not leavin without you what expecting that Danny? Thank you, thank you, thank you you're gonna love Who strive to kill Don't go no. No These are the best man No, but there's no way actor now You catch you catch you at you I loved it from the minute you got on stage. Give me personality Give me personality or the zero point in turning up. I'm gonna tell you yes for me anyway right now So much You were right I am gonna love you And by the way, I'm gonna let you in our little secret Danny. I have a soft spot for men from the north So you got all my trump cards tonight, and I'm so glad you came. Thank you so much. Thank you So much Sorry boys York Sherman had known for we're in our heart and our sleeve right and that's the whole performance the Passion that was pouring out from you. You should be really really proud Pink I remember saying to you 17 years ago. You should come back in 17 years time And it could work He said something to me earlier on you said years ago who is an image LED business and I have felt something Different over the last couple of years, which is that the music business has to be more open-minded It should be about who deserves an opportunity and I could not be took more I really appreciate thank you so much. I think you've had the yes from already from my friend and the end It's all the yeses I could possibly give you massive massive. Yes with may well turn that I want to give you a yes, they come up and apologize for saying no 17 years ago Oh I couldn't dream right about I just met everything for me all these Danny came along blew us all away somebody to believe in, you know, it was inspiring Mom I got I got a full Aminah standing ovation
Channel: Kevas Music
Views: 12,094,884
Rating: 4.8780804 out of 5
Keywords: x factor uk 2018, x factor 2018 audition, x factor best auditions, x factor danny tetley, and i'm telling you, x factor and i'm telling you, and im am telling you x factor, danny tetley and i am telling you, danny tetley and i am telling you i'm not going (live), danny tetley audition, danny tetley full audition, and i'm telling you cover, danny tetley x factor performances, and i'm telling you audition, x factor and i am telling you 2018, he came back
Id: zN3OiiBlla4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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