Calvinism, Arminianism, Election, Predestination, Purification (Part 2) - Zac Poonen

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together and try to build a church and they haven't got their destination right you're gonna have a lot of problems it's like a hundred people sitting on a bus and they all got a different opinion as to where they want to end up so that's the problem in a lot of churches we want to build churches where everybody knows where they're going what's your destination what's written on your ticket you get into the bus after you see well this is the bus I want to get on to this is the plane I want to get on to otherwise get off as your destination is not heaven it's becoming like Christ and we're going to get closer and closer to that every day and the way we get closer is by purifying ourselves see the Bible speaks about two types of cleansing it's like two sides of a coin they're not separate it's the same coin one side is God cleansing us the other side is we cleansing ourselves now we need to know what God cleanses us from and what we're to cleanse ourselves from if we walk in the light 1 John 1:7 the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin God promises to cleanse us from whatever sin we confess if we confess our sins 1 John 1:9 he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so God cleanses us from the guilt of past sin we can never do that any amount of Tears works can never take care of our sin we don't believe in salvation from by works salvation is by faith of the blood of Christ is all sufficient to cleanse the guilt of every sin I've ever committed that's the cleansing God does but here it speaks of our purifying ourselves and this is not the only verse second corinthians 7 and verse 1 says in the middle let us cleanse ourselves not God cleansing us we cleansing ourselves and what's the purpose of our cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit this is not to go to heaven that cleansing God does when the guilt of my sin is removed I'm prepared to meet God face to face I will not face the judgment of God but this cleansing is too perfect holiness in the fear of God so here's not talking about having our sins forgiven here is talking about being perfect in holiness now the reason why a lot of people don't understand or are not interested in this type of cleansing is because they are not interested in perfect holiness their constant song is there's nobody perfect we are also imperfect everybody else is imperfect but the Bible speaks in the New Testament about pressing on to perfection and of perfecting holiness so it's only if you're interested in that that you'll ever learn about cleansing yourself I mean it's like in in cotton colleges they offer different courses and if there's a course on perfecting holiness then you're not interested and you don't join the class you learn nothing that's the reason why a lot of Christians have a problem with cleansing themselves they only know about God's cleansing and so they remain defeated defeated defeated year after year and they're content with that and they've got preachers who will tickle their ears and tell them you're okay when I say to you you know not okay there's something seriously wrong with your Christianity and if you continue like that you'll be lost because a Christian is supposed to progress the part of the righteous which says in proverbs 4:18 increases in brightness until the day Christ comes like the Sun rise up to noonday position that's the only part of the right system if you're not on that part you're not in the path of the righteous so let us cleanse ourselves in perfect holiness cleanse ourselves from filthiness of the flesh which is external sin full habits and filthiness of the Spirit which is wrong attitudes wrong motives wrong inner thoughts etc one more verse in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 it says you know verse 20 and 21 this is in a large house there are gold and silver vessels and vessels of wood and earthenware and some to honors home to dishonor so huh supposing you're a vessel of dishonor how can you be a vessel of Honor how can you be a vessel useful for God see a lot of people in our churches are not being used by God they are passive listeners the good sermons and they look for a church where they'll feel comfortable and listen to good sermons and they never think that God wants to use them they think God uses only some people up there in the pulpit but here it says if a man cleanses himself second Timothy 2:21 if you cleanse yourself from these things from all filthiness and wickedness you will become a vessel for honor sanctified useful to the master for every good work so if you're not a vessel unto honor being used by God for every type of good work it's not because God didn't gift you this because God saw you you had no interest in cleansing yourself you were satisfied with your defeated keeping on sinning confessing sinning confessing sinning confessing endless cycle or merry-go-round as I say he saw that you were never interested in getting off that never interested in cleansing yourself so that your Christian life becomes more and more perfect and that's the reason God doesn't use you it's not because you say well daughter hasn't gifted me well he'll never gift you because he sees you have no interest in cleansing so if he saw that interest he'd have probably given you gifts today which you don't have I really believe that many many Christians have missed God's purpose for their lives because they have not taken seriously this matter of cleansing themselves so once we see that predestination is to becoming like Christ we will cleanse ourselves there was an earlier question on you know what I don't know whether all of you know what Calvinists and Armenians are Calvinists are people who believe that God is sovereign controls everything and he decides supposed to be saying Armenians emphasize the free will of man man chooses so very often my reply to that is when I preach I'm an Armenian when I pray I'm a Calvinist that means when I preach I see it all depends on you brother if you don't turn you're finished you're doomed but when I pray I say Lauren it all depends on you otherwise how could I pray Lord save that man's soul I mean if it all depends on him how in the world can ask God to save us all so I find that healthy balance is good you
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 1,568
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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