Calvary New Testament Church of God Live Stream

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okay thank you lord when you're praying hey hear my god this is delivering healing and setting captive freedom amen right where you the are yes right here around your dinner table yes minister mark and myself you're here a little bit more today we had a wonderful service this morning but i'm not ready to go home yet i'm gonna give you some more live dvd good afternoon it is 2 54 p.m by 3 o'clock latest ten after three we're gonna be giving you the message jpj yes good afternoon jamaica england africa australia canada my folks so that the body of christ can come together yes somebody give me a a check on youtube make sure we are we are connecting before we go into ah look at my little friend honor flower is in the house glad you're blessed and i thank god for the broadcast to god be the glory children to god be the glory amen truth truth is what set you for free i am here to help men to get ready for the return of jesus christ yes i feel excited i feel happy that i'm doing what god wants me to do and i'm doing something about what's going on in the earth the darkness moving against darkness thank you jb i see you we are kicking on youtube yes call a friend tell them that the host the house that loved them the most i'll be here tell them that bishop blake is on the air oh judy did i get enough yes i would love to hear today message i would love to hear it now sit down and really listen to today's message yes we need the holy ghost to come back to church if the holy ghost is not in church we have i hear your daughter the holy ghost is not in church and we don't have checks amen but now life has meaning amen we are people not only walking and eating and sleeping and living for the lord but we are people with hope adulterers liars thieves amen who are among us god still love us i say move through every blockage amen just to get to us his love his mercy is kindness the door that he opened for this thing is escalating also for my brothers and sisters in israel everybody get amen yes it's raining it's raining oh god but we don't want that kind of rain that carolina we want the power of god to be moving in the earth reversing every curse from heroes liberating his people and setting his people free oh glory to god yes kj i'm good afternoon thank you for joining us again angelita diane harding god bless you thank you for joining us i pray that today dvd will be a blessing to you i just don't feel like going home yet i don't think i use tomorrow in the evening service so when i give you spend two hours at two and a half hours extra with you amen you get to know that we love you mr mac and myself we love you and we can't give you enough we want you to grow in grace in the knowledge of jesus christ so trust the good lord to take you through amen whatever you're going through yes in a few minutes okay yes god i know that i know that it is gross and that's just bishop i just need now to handle my resting period wisely amen like get my arrest before i come in to do god's work when i'm finished taking some more rest i need to use my time wisely but i can't do enough for you candice i didn't see you today amen tell your husband tell the family we can make it many wonderful people out there in the world we are trying to reach them because god said they are those who are belong to his followers not yet in the fall you want to get them in before it's too late you was there candles outside as you cut this together a yes yes somebody help me praise the lord this evening jesus glad you enjoyed the word of god god us pm i don't wanna get started good good afternoon all right good afternoon hallelujah yes yes come on up here with me okay oh can't get enough of jesus in these days yes thank you thank you thank you ma'am thank you for helping out daughter today with your mother thank you one day i get to meet you again here i'm back home no no no no no no no no for me something special for his children daughter i'm oh father's business all right get some rest jesus god it was a few more minutes i i i do not yes hello good evening james yes this is for your game jesus and i've crossed oh me oh yes yes jesus let's take life one day at a time get it together yes hello i'm down here well thank you yes he was yes he was because of you and no no no died now trees yes we're going right into the dvd right after this the church is she's is christ is the foundation in which the church jesus christ is thank you sister let's take our christian walk another level of glory down satan and demons this of those livelies oh the church is a winner and we'll always be a winner i want to find somebody today who are in love with jesus stay tuned stay stay tuned hallelujah glory hallelujah i presented my third series on this message pulling down of strongholds amen we thank god jesus for amen the young believers and from the unbelievers class what god is doing among us a man glory to god hallelujah the move is on there's a wind blow so many people you don't even know them broadcast let me thank god to set it up now and amen brother amen for amen pushing out the gospel touching lives this morning a call from england and the woman said i'm so glad when somebody told me he said i ran away from facebook but somebody told me you've got to get back on facebook he said and she said i'm so happy that i'm able to get back on facebook because today god bless you my brother amen so many have been blessed around the world this gospel shall be preached toward all the region and then now the world and then shall the end come i saw something in the news last week had the week before and he said nato nato is moving to belgium the headquarter billion-dollar million dollar headquarter to belgium amen turkey amen do you know where the computer bank want to be and already built in turkey every person around the world name will be in that computer bank and nato is moving to turkey amen somebody ten federated kingdom 10 free gonna move against the antichrist and be destroyed amen while seven will stand strong with the antichrist look to your neighbor and said the end amen is near at the church era is near get yourself ready for the bible so when you see these signs look up look at the corruption that we are seeing around us today pure madness mankind become bankrupt church folks getting discouraged and running amen like a roaming stone running even running here running they're confused don't know what they want amen glory to god the book is the book the bible this is it we live by this and we die by this as christian you can't lose when you follow this there's one thing i tell you i can't hold none of you here but the holy ghost can if you love god you've seen it all something came to me and it hurt my heart deeply deeply and i'm just going to pray and leave it alone amen glory to god because there is a force from hell who tried to hurt my heart when i give and give and give and only get a knife into my heart it hurts amen so i said to them there's two things about serving god and get god's blessing staying up i don't get the blessing one is stay in god's direct will not god permissive will amen because if you force god and let you do what you want to do when hell break loose against you don't blame god seek for the will of god you can only look at your name and say neighbor hold your seat in zion and pray wrestle with god amen because god plans on purpose must come to pass second corinthians 10 amen from verse 3 for though we walk in the flesh we do not amen war after the flesh for the weapon weapons of a warfare not carnal but mighty true god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imagination and every i think that exhorted itself against the knowledge of god bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ hallelujah glory to god hallelujah somebody give the lord a praise the galatian ephesians 6 and verse amen 12 amen glory to god it says 6 and verse 12 amen from verse 12 for the for we wrestle not again flesh and blood but against principalities and powers amen somebody against the rulers of the darkness of this world again stand stand stand before have your lines going about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shard with the pepper the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked father we praise you we invoke your presence you've been here god you're coming for a glorious church a church without spot or wrinkle you're speaking to us god to your word you said in the book of revelation he didn't hear to hear god you're knocking i pray against the force of hell if the power of darkness will come to steal the word let the word go forth with clarity with power bring every heart and every mind o god into one today as we focus on your word what you have to say for we are sanctified by the word thank you god we bind you devil meet your need write down reach the right way you are amen something simple yet powerful amen to help you to line up amen to god and what he has planned for you god don't create failure and god did not intend for any of you any of you on any of us to experience defeat in our lives he understand that we are in war fear and as the devil the warfare and the battle is against satan and demons amen the powers of darkness he's telling us as his anointed people as children of god amen that we must take captives thoughts things that come to a mind to distract us and to stop us from becoming what god did intend for us to become god didn't save you for you to fail he didn't save you an intent for you to take a nation and move against hell without giving you the weapons to fight with he told us that the weapons are for waffy are not carnal amen none of us have a carnal streak within us because no matter how long you sieve the flesh never see it there's always a conflict and a war going on but god has given us weaponry that we can use against that devil every time that he raised up his ugly head anybody in this house so amen glory guarded intensity to start this race and then fall by the wayside oh god almighty intend for us to be overcomer amen second corinthians 5 and 17 he said therefore if any man be in christ you cannot be the same our god if any man be in christ he's a new creation all things passed away all things become new but how many you know that if you don't pay me to stay one place too long amen glory that the things of the past will catch up with you but the amen can't intend for you to grow increase any knowledge of him somebody taught somebody and said knowledge is power even glory to god the church today is suffering amen from amen the spirit of amen ignorance amen why because they don't take time to study the word of god so they can be powerful they don't spend time with god to grow in the knowledge of him to get to know him we must mature we must grow we must drop off every deal there's a war there's a conflict and i told you before and i say it again that there's a battle amen between the flesh amen and your soul and hell amen the flesh takes side i said within you might hear another preacher say but i said it seemed like the flesh amen giant contract with the devil to pull your soul into hell even you cannot trust this it's weak and by god so you must lay aside these weirds when you get see if there are certain things you don't defend when it's not righteousness it's not of god you don't defend it but if you do that you become a stronghold you see that the death of a stronghold over your life we're not battling against flesh and blood what this enemy does if you want to destroy an army set up among them traitors and spies in the mids hallelujah that's how we operate but within the body of christ we must have seen eyes hello somebody where we can locate the enemy noise strategy know his battle plans and moving for 100 victory every time because it's in the word of god we are not creators amen glory we can't use human techniques man's better than one plan to aim men to reap this harvest no we need spiritual weapons fire fasting amen studying of god's word amen speaking in tongues hoping you know that one of the most powerful weapons that the church that god has given to the church is able to speak in tongues you can sing in tongues you can worship in tongues you can pray in tongues and there are some cases you pop up against a man glory to god even speaking english language will not get your breakthrough you gotta back up and start to he talk sometimes heavenly language glory to god and every team and got to back up went in a case of when i looked at the woman process like legions and when i said shake on the blood of jesus she upon carry on and i turn around i said god i can't leave her like this amen and i'll turn around and say in the name of i spoke a language i've never spoken before and instantly every demon fly out the woman was still live at that very moment so again there are many weapons fasting is another weapon cannot fast no more my stomach your stomach will get healed get up in the morning hop somewhat and drink the hot water get this away off your stomach and go pray amen glory to god because if you want to grow if you want to stay strong if you want to have power you must utilize these weapons you know hear me we have our kind of spirit fighting have been assigned to our lives all kind of spirit david said i humble myself to fasting and prayer paul said i died dearly what do you use prayer and fasting to kill yourself because satan don't want you to go to heaven anybody in this house pulling down that stronghold you have to fight hello i don't care how many people are saying this i'm saying that nothing amen stand above the word of god and when the holy ghost gets a call of truth he has this confirmation somebody give the lord a praise they're not fighting against each other we're not fighting in a natural battle it's a spiritual battle and we need spiritual weapon to fight in other words amen you can't go up against that devil if your life is not right i tell people over and over jesus said if you don't believe i'm the son of god will be for the very worse sake amen glory to god because siacome cannot cast out satan he'll laugh at you i told you i went to this house and when the preacher there four days battling one demon amen glory five if that afternoon they called me when i went there i said what's going on he said the demon talking to us i said you don't talk to demon you send demon to hell if a demon will expose you didn't want to destroy you they want to attack you to death you know hear what i'm saying because they know your life from about a child they know when you do the wrong way back then he knows when you don't talk to demons they don't belong here they're illegal and i said look at me i said what happened he said i died here and they come here and move the carpet and take away my resting place and i possess the woman and the preacher and these members are there for a week can't do nothing i said look at me i said your master is defeated and you're weak even just possess an ungodly woman i said come out of her and go to hell i said the blood immediately dropped to the ground amen and come back to him listen to me god has given us a weapon and giving us power to subdue the devil every time that he raised his hockey head somebody gave the lord a praise too much people are afraid of the devil too many amen glory with my chucking stronghold amen and we take captive shut down every proud look amen every hearty talking on every amen glory to god every argument that rise up against god the christian must lock it down you don't hear what i'm saying it's called stronghold because if something is wrong and you know that god knows that it's wrong and you know don't back it hello don't encourage it you put away those things this is what you struggle with before you get sick hello so that's when you come to god you don't hold on to the cigarette on this back at the top of the white room you don't hold on to it because a little level left like the whole lung so every day you fight to get rid of which time before you and god look at your eventual growth talking to me and say look at your neighbor and say growth god intends for the church to grow amen become to church for years and we have nothing you can't even defend the gospel the name of jesus you don't have a testimony something is wrong if you have your baby and your baby not growing you're gonna find a doctor something is wrong i don't come from a family i have nobody who have dwarfs amen my boy is two years old i'm not talking not walking amen glory to god not growing the same little thing lying there something is wrong when you find yourself in the church of god for years seeing god at work even you're not growing something is wrong there is a stronghold over your life that seat and when he ready he walks in and he do what he wants to do slap your neighbor and say it's time you wrestle with god oh lord did i hear you he said the altar is for the sins of altar what we have today like nothing is everything is all right and so in the heart to see because i told you you can't sit on fire when you've got god and you're going through the winter to the storm to snow you're going to do what god tell me to do you're going to win souls but we come in from sunday to sunday and we sit down and look around and we criticize and we talk and we go away nothing no change the word of god was the word of god sanctify the word of god claims the word hello god word is a mirror for the heart so when you hear the word of god you look into yourself don't see it and have a stronghold in your life but he can't walk in when he wants to and just knock you over and do what you want to do you can't do nothing about it it's a stronghold it's time for you to what how are you going to put it down you can't put it on by yourself you need your other army to help you you talk about legion you talk about satan amend glory to god we need jesus on our side and by our side somebody clap your hand for the lord amen glory to god satan wants to keep you and die from growth for if your crowd his kingdom is in trouble you are gonna see things that no others cannot see you're gonna hear what others cannot hear i want the devil to tell lie how adultery i do something wrong the holy ghost so you can't hello whatever was your weakness before and still targeted with it what today you need to fight for even though you see him amen the whole flesh he still you have to kill it you don't believe me you know read romans chapter seven i'll say every time i try to do good evil but hey many get a hold of god even know that through the grace of god and the holy spirit hey many tally penalties have i walked in the spirit i can never fulfill the lust of the flesh slap your neighbor and say we need to get in the spirit line up with the holy ghost let him teach him we have to understand that as a coming of the lord get near get closer conflict will not be in the clubs it would be in the church hello somebody amen and what our sister said this morning god said those who are filthy gonna be filthy still those are righteous be righteous still slap your neighbor and say i don't want a wooden stone take my place hello this is an individual thing you know hello you can't go to heaven and my back it's an individual thing when you leave from church after i give you what god gives me you have to go fight the demon on your own so for you to feed and build up yourself and get fat in god amen line up yourself so that when your enemy comes in like a flood god remember you unleash upon standard anybody in this house yes amen you must have a relationship and for you to have a relationship with god and for god to reveal his secrets to you you have to spend time with god hello i said you have to spend time with god to get build up that relationship for you to become the friend of god what did god do to abram amen come out of your offer of the childish come up from your pick and worshiper come on amen from your paragon parents who may worship idol and maybe even sorcery amen whatever they do get out of it and i'm gonna make you a new nation i'm gonna bless you amen everywhere the boy grow the bible study build an altar you build an altar overcome stronghold take captive every imagination you have to have a prior life god didn't tell us to preach and to sing and to dance without ceasing he said pray disciple didn't say lord just how to pray teach us how to die sick teach us how to put a three point message together amen even theme of it scripture automatics on my music you don't care about none of this thing but he said pray teach us how to pray but when you talk to god oh hallelujah you're turning close to god and what god we're gonna do reveal to you what you need to know hello people are hungry for truth and truth cannot be effective when until it's coming from a heart that knows god god said confirm it with signs follow me ah sit in a way you get close to god and it's time and because somebody said i know what hurts you and who will hurt you and so and when you rise up on your real like king kong amen glory in the coming years feel shame you feel bad bible said angry about sin not you're angry because something's wrong you're angry because of what the devil is doing but amen control your anger swap your name and say learn self-management you're not talking to me learn self-management somebody give the lord a praise anger anger is a spirit in the church hello it's a demonic spirit a stronghold in your life hello and he knows because he listen when you pray and say god remove this from me god he knows so the very thing that you don't like that you're fighting against that's what you're gonna send against you until you learn to step over that and you'll learn to control that or you're gonna control it through prayer and fasting any time flesh starts to rise up we shut it down through prayer and fasting and if your prayer and there's no chance turned on the player amen oh the longer you let this thing steer the stronger it's going to get and it's called a stronghold but we have to pull them down hello no other method can do that there's nothing that can break down and take captive and human remove those barriers in our lives amen but the power of the holy spirit how do you get him you get him through prayer fasting meditating on the word of god and once you pray and spend time with god and god line you up with his word you walk with us and see it and set you up and you walk away from it hello because of god's strength i'm not preaching i'm preaching to the lights tonight today amen but we must use what god gave us what weapons amen glory to god somebody give a lot of praise weapons been assigned to our lives weapon of fasting prayer amen christian no fast and pray we don't have time to pray we have to work tired we don't come to church i unsharpened it come to church you get washed i let them call you hypocrite come to church you get washed no christians were to stay home and say somebody hurt me i'm not coming to church you have a problem see then have a stronghold over your life because hebrew 10 25 says you must not forsake the assembling of yourself let me tell you something nobody hurt you and can't hurt you how to hurt you worse than church folks and you must understand it's not everybody come to church you see it i told you that jesus amen select 12 and he said i want to use that devil so if you have 500 or whatever in this church look at yourself all i can tell every one of you make sure that you hunker hole make sure you know god for yourself but if you come tonight struggle around this ministry what i'm playing god so they go everywhere to try to shut me down and some of you don't have them don't have the eye to see amen that listen and don't trouble the hypocrite any one of you did to get close to god bruise yourself you must suffer persecution i told you lastly the lord said tell my people because the churches do they have tough heart and soft skin tough heart stronghold in their lives so you can control them with skin their heart tough can't take not they just lean and don't give up even the skin is so soft if you look at them funny i ain't going back over there hey who's soul in trouble my soul not mine hello you must understand jesus select your weak and tears grow together young believers if you're looking for a perfect church you won't find none it doesn't exist and if god was to find perfect people to build his kingdom he could not use us use us but thank god through the blood of jesus christ even he knows your heart he works in the desire of your heart and he loves you amen glory to god not because even the sin so i say lay aside the words lay aside rid of it ah when you get seen all things pass away it's a new life so if you strive to grow in grace in the knowledge of jesus christ can i talk to you a little more if you're not running today i feel like talking to you amen somebody because we have to understand this is war from the day you'll get serious in the army of god i watch all that honor that man all week amen is a man i'm proud of because he stand up for moral values when everybody bowing him mr mccain don't bow hello somebody and look at the honor can you imagine when you stand up for jesus and get down in heaven stepping on the porch of glory because you've been faithful you were determined you were committed what god gonna say to you well done and nobody can handle you more than god better than god nobody amen somebody i'm serving to hear well done stop your neighbor says serve to hear well done don't be a man please pleaser don't serve to please me i may never tell you thank you but he said i'm coming back with my hands full of reward to pay for man according to what your work shall be amen and i said him yesterday i said amen there are many going to hell it's not god sending them there is a choice they make the record in revelation 20. he said a book gonna be open and another book and also if a name was not written in the book of life were cast in the hell according to their works according to their works and forever and ever there will be suffering there will be suffering in hell according to your work is not god it's a choice you make make sure you're not just coming to church to warm bench make sure that the devil does not control your life that when you walk you feel like again is walking and just a man bring her to you walk in and just disturb your spirit walking and make you feel god hello each time we grow to a place of maturity you look at it and say no hello we must see a god again you know let's go still there i'm on my way to glory i know somebody every day i take self-examination hello i'm saying we are called to be warriors um i come to lift up jesus christ the mighty warrior amen who wants the world to know that satan the saucer has the wicked to know that satan is not the mighty warrior who is he all right oh glory to god hello jesus christ is that mighty warrior who conquered every spiritual foe lorena's king over every realm in heaven and earth come on and heal to tell you of his authority that's what i come to do yet today amen glory to god who holds the characters flourish too amen throughout the universe he takes the keys of death and hell amen glory to god and that he has given to the believer hear me i'm talking about the one who liberated us from the power of sin the destroyer of satan and death the mighty savior amen glory to god whose name is christ the lamb of revelation who break the seal and open the book the secrets of god right i'm talking about the rider of the white horse amen glory who will return to set up his eternal kingdom i am not i know him amen as jesus christ the king of glory you know what i'm saying the mighty conqueror who give us the power and authority to stop satan and demon am i talking to anybody here why do you run from the dead what we do we live in puny weak christian life when god has given us dominion and authority over the devil you don't have to sin you don't have to fear god the god will begin up would work in you the lord just said that last week the last time that the lord showed me something he said look at the baby look at the baby so in the natural show it is in the spiritual that's what he said when you become a man you put away childish things when you're a child you act like a child the way some of us are acting like children we don't read the bible so we come to church this one talking while the preaching is going on this one say i look at you funny and you have an attitude you have a problem you have an attitude problem you cannot rebuke christian believers today amen everybody lifting up i mean hello can you turn to your neighbor and say we all got little children and he said except we become like children we cannot enter heaven hello no matter who talk to your deacon ushers ministers pastor you have an attitude you need to get saved preacher satan cannot possess a christian you know but you can have a demon and write your back every day even say to mess up your mind and whatever thought comes to your mind if you don't arrest it become a reality when it gets into your heart and hack itself out when somebody come and tell you something come out of them no it's in the heart hello are you what i'm saying the mouth the tongue prophesies what's in the heart that's what you think before you pray i mean mouth you can't take it back hello and we need to understand that when we get the word of god in us and grow i am not my brother nor my sister killer that's one of the spirit in the body of christ we don't give life galatians six and one don't come i mean in the life of the believers today what he said if any taken in us heart he that is spiritual restore but the body of christ today we don't try to bring healing we tear apart jesus said lord let them be one some of us have a problem it's called generational curse if somebody come to you with a gossip you know the word of god you shut it down hello i shut it down because you always tell me what somebody say but it's a one-way argument let me tell you something people is in every church and people here they are the gossipers will not go to those people hello but the one you see listens let me tell you who you are your garbage dump so they come they don't get garbage on you and they see them straight i mean punishment that that one gonna take the gossip again you're gonna get it because you're a listener let me tell you it's a stronghold satan set up so everything i'm trying to do you try to recruit others so you listen and all of a sudden you'll be the same spirit catch you and you begin to gossip too what am i saying stronghold stronghold if anything you put in your spirit that's what's gonna come out if you put god word in what he said the thing about just the thing about people that are lovely think on those things christian clean up your mind take captive too much junk that's why you can't get hold it goes too much stuff can i say hey man you know but look when you try to get the holy ghost what happened ah you're kneeling there and something from two weeks ago you remember what your brother said about you do you remember what that's the devil you just put your mind one by one one vow and you get frustrated you mean something you'll see people determine it's just like a voila on the carpet and screaming out they're trying to break through and trying to get a breakthrough hello let me tell you something of your heart now right you can't love people who can't you're corrupt you have karaoke don't lay hand on nobody's ever receive the holy ghost don't do it don't know it you can pray people through when you know how to wrestle with god am i talking here hello we have to understand in life we have to deal with the good and the bad until jesus comes hello and no matter what you have done or where you're going i cannot be judgmental i leave that to god my job is to try to restore you and if you don't want to change me leave you alone you're not gonna wear me off hello god give you two years to hear you don't know what life living is all about until you know jesus christ watching me by live streaming you don't know what living is all about until you meet the master of life long i see it and have a control over you two million spirit preacher he released in the body of christ and adam and eve in security and inferiority when we have this spirit we find we become carnal how we covet everybody how we envy everybody how we criticize everybody carnal and you cannot see them i don't care how long you've been saved i look at you in this flesh you have a carnal streak no and for you to kill the deeds martifa the deeds of the flesh you have to stay on the altar hello and as you kneel down god so you tell lie today hello you did something wrong and you have to ask god right then and then forgive me lord and strengthen me lord am i talking to anybody here oh god almighty but every one of us some people cannot stand to see others prosper they become envious bad mind hello huh some of us when we god bless us we all know something nice we drive past our brothers and sisters i didn't give a little right pride we began to idolize things we have to be careful this this thing i told you wash it to the good stain the socket in the in the whirlpool watch it good you get up tomorrow morning hello hello he just what it's ungrateful hello the lord say fast and pray and all of a sudden you never had gas problems before all of a sudden what kind of problem you just come up lock that thing up you go fast if i die you want of us because i have a problem sit and set up a stronghold what is your stronghold today what is it you're facing that make you bow when sit and ready i said listen god don't want a part of us he said i am jealous of you i want all of you i am quoting you to be my bride hello i get no room for nobody else but you cannot serve to master i'm not going to share my glory so if you serve me save me don't tell me i've been saved for years and i still watching buddha pornography i'm still drinking i'm still doing all kind of sin now something is wrong you're not growing every one of us in here made mistake from we started out he said just shifting the point is this you got he said there are no newborn babe desire the sincere milk of the word of god unto me so every day you look into the word hello pastor preacher gets here sister so-and-so preacher gets here somebody pray for you'll get see but to understand the christian work you know go to candidate class you'll now listen to the word of god you know read the bible for yourself and get the word david said thy word have i what that i really want what so every time there's nothing new under the sun so now the things amen that you face every day somebody already been to that did that done that come back from that and they said that and today they are stronger you made me stronger i've got to get the word god don't want us to be spirited want us to be spiritual there must be a balance hello that's all i think that caused confusion we'll have pure spirit and no word there must be a balance people you must understand while i'm pointing my finger to you at your reverend a fool pointing back at me and if i don't draw close together i keep my heart regard my heart with all diligence you're going to find out that the whole sutton start come back and the youngster i play the blood and i plead him lord hello but when you're playing the blood you must change you must want to change myself here so now amen there are things we call generational curses you don't hear people talk about that much when you're hearing this church some of you never do wrong but your grandfather your father your grandmother was wicked they have blood in the hand and today this fourth generation is suffering i don't even know why hello you can't get ahead because of some wicked deep thing that was done hello never repented of it oh glory to god and you're off now that's bible generational curse it's that stronghold most we must put an end to it my father was a wife peter i'm not supposed to be a wife he's a stronghold it's a curse must break it if my mother and father mean the bible says what the future is kindness we must pray that we take from everybody but we don't give nothing you know i hear me know i'm saying you know i'ma talk some church folks not even god don't give title and wrap that up to your curse with a curse we want holy ghost we want to heal our body we want god to be savior from no you are cursed with a curse or whatever curse upon the mother and father end up on the children read bible we are leaving too much ignorance why we need to do line up with the word of god don't you never say don't let the devil put any stronghold in your life you must put it down and say what men call salvation today is simply the first stage of god's plan for our lives what we call salvation where we started with but god intends to form himself in us and the more of the world that get into us the more time we spend before god is the more flesh dies the last time you come to church i don't care how you cut it hello it's a more self rise no we're not coming to church because so and so in a church and we cannot worship with that you're out of order you need to get see if you don't understand you're living in ignorance huh who was judas he said i see the 12 for your money is that devil and the disciples say who is it lord you don't want to pollute so what happened here he said why are you that deep with me all 12 of them deep but jesus used wisdom because i'm going to have heat and riot among him and division you know what i'm saying he said to me just the other day he said do you notice that the disciple all the teach that jesus teaching that jesus gave to the disciples all the miracles but they still didn't understand him they never understand him when he's speaking about spiritual things they were talking about carnal things when he rose from the dead everybody was excited already know jesus but the first test come they would have failed just like before because they are afraid of dying but when the holy ghost came on the day of pentecost the clothing tongues of fire and rest upon them god almighty when you say peter we won't kill you let's just kill james we won't beat you you're gonna die next he said i can't if you don't stop preaching about jesus he said i can't but speak the things i have seen and i have a heart okay but speak it the same because i mean i know him and the bible says she had three times three times just a few hours ago he almost cut off spread of my head open but now he's shamed i don't know him we need to spend time the church is living in fear we don't want nobody know that we are safe we can't take nothing we are soft amen tough amen tough heart and soft skin we're ready to fight we're ready to for you to go to heaven you have to have a suffer and anybody have a tough heart sit and control that heart that demon control that spirit can control at heart you've got to even have soft heart quick to forgive knowing we are not fighting flesh and blood talking to you today pull on me stronghold amen satan set up a stronghold they want to do something everybody life hello come to church only certain people can't preach to you be careful this is a fellowship fellowship holy fellow in worship hello glory to god and if i live a child heartless street naked hello the word is a word hello take the word take what's yours oh god i don't they don't like that you know but it's my job to give you the medicine you need i'll show you if you can't see it hello pride is taking over the body of christ the higher you climb the humbler we must become everything that exalt itself against god you must come down the humblest man what this earth is jesus christ and look at him he's sat with this thing on he eat you look everyone talk hello and take all kind of stuff in the right eating cinnamon drink in drinking liquor everything he do they criticized well all his purpose was souls i come to seek those that are lost i pray to god you'll open our eyes that we receive that we learn to be compassionate and sympathetic with those who are going through help them to overcome because it's a reason why god calls them there's a calling on their lives but there's some issues that they're fighting with don't criticize them because they have a sore thumb but help them to get that sore thumb healed and when that is done like the same person that you help that come back now ah thanking you for the day when you help them and not only that they in turn turn around helping you and your family holy ghost help me today signs of god we need to understand a balance in the body of christ can we christian must have saved heart and be sympathetic with others amen and try to help knowing that we're all trying to make it into heaven come on somebody we need to ask god to take out from one level to the other god want to conform us into the very character and power and the very image and concept of jesus christ he wants us to be like him if we fail to see our relationship to god as such will allow too many areas within us to remain unchanged and open up to the devil from the moment you are doing something that god and then i'm god's word even somebody you must try your best to change because i tell you several times from this point you can come up while you're young hello but as you get older everything you practice then become a chronic inside of you and people want to know even before you get oh you're going to email fear along the way because that thing become no chronic inside of you get rid of anything that even appease the devil anything to go to heaven because you didn't pursue the young life the new life in your way put the word in your spirit so now that demon look and he saw that the vest is empty hello anytime you find yourself don't want to come to church to fellowship with your brother and sister it is like a man's church is god's church something is wrong because what the devil want is division and confused john we must love to come together when we come together high and sharp that i am we must not let the devil put up any stronghold i pray to god that we all will see amen and understand we don't draw away we join in and say listen we are trying to win the world but for us to win the world we have to make sure that those inside the church is coming together i'm doing right so now any time from this day you hear something that's not biblical line up with the word of god shut it down because you see that devil trying to bring instead of a stronghold and to bring division lord god god gonna move i'm saying and i see a lot of people are going to believe the song tough you know all kind of disease gonna break up you understand what i'm saying there's no way to get help nowhere only god when god get tired when i tell god no matter who it is i don't care who it is if it's me you do what you have to do so it's my job to make sure because you make me a one and serve me or die and i'm not looking for nothing in this world nothing impress me go not to do the work of god let me close i'm not giving no development all over my life you think if i give him strong over my life i'll be surviving today living today huh you have killed me a long time ago he just wanted a chance to destroy me i imagine somebody but i have to continue focus god says still focus you know better than me son pulling down stronghold what done demolition and removal of the old ways of thinking so that the amen the actual presence of jesus christ can be manifested people don't want to see flesh people don't hear a man they want to hear god not only that amen glory to god do you know that you can sit here and try to tell my spirit when i come here make sure come here anointed because if i don't i call me i came here too even the last time i preached on this message and i see the darkness coming from every direction ever and coming toward the church to stop me from preaching and i hear the lord spoke to me some language i sent it back to hell he says why but for 44 years i'm doing warfare 44 years and i have no intention of stopping because somebody has to tell the world that satan has no power that god has given us dominion over the devil and now we need you to pull up that weapon this is not what they call praises you start to worship you can't find no english language to know where to pray express yourself in in prayer but the skill must start to worship one that all of a sudden fire something stuck in your belly and rise to the top hello are you ready to go again people you have to fight if you don't want to go to hell you have to fight and you cannot fight for yourself alone you have to fight for your brothers and sisters too we are our brothers and sisters keeper oh come on somebody we need to come together as one god's pride amen and help each other to make it into heaven can i talk to you a little more amen glory to god hallelujah that we are thinking god wants to form himself in us amen he wants to when we walk and we talk somebody see the beauty of jesus huh glory to god i said we can see pulling down stronghold is i told you the demolition and removal of the all we are thinking hello i said hey i've seen things let me tell you something pastoring is not easy some of you come from poco some of you come from baptists some of you come from jesus only some of you come from 70 and 60 or whatever hello some used to be jew over weakness some you should be muslim you think it's easy to bring everybody together and want to come you take the holy spirit to do so you sit there and somebody believe it you know and that's how it goes but you come into this ministry hello you can't bring your religion and come here because if it was good europe still be where you are but god intend to help you to go to heaven so you walk with the man of god that's it you avoid confused and uncomfortable glory to god and like for me to show you from scripture let the lord say about certain things i'm saying religion told you the day that the lord said the spirit of religion has taken over the body of christ people are religious and you're seeking beyond to find other knowledge hear me this is it the 66 book you don't need nothing more but just leave it walk in it seed yourself with it and i guarantee you because god said before be still if not pass away we don't need not more those people if you want to talk about oh in the simple let it be i don't practice hebrew and arabic and greek i'm talking to most of you caribbean people english partner hello glory to god yes give him praise somebody so when we come we come together the gospel is simple but everybody can understand it i don't need to impress none of you all i need to tell you that there's a heaven there's a hell and you have to live holy to get to heaven and if you want god to use as a light in this world you better line up yourself with the word of god and believe god for when you do that he says you're barely gonna flow rivers you want to preach and you can't stop preaching amen glory to god he said not only that but when you finish preaching their sign one there's a miracle and i said god such a miracle i'm going to build this church and there's no demon in here you can't fight fight all you want amen but when god get ready this place gonna what he showed me what he told me gonna come to pass give him praise but god waiting on some of you i closed for today i closed for today the presence of god god wants us to become like him lord jesus christ somebody clap your hand for jesus all successful deliverance brothers and sisters must begin by first removing that which defends the enemy if you want to grow you want to get holy ghost you want to get good vision and dreams if you want to be a vessel that god can use you must first get rid of that amen which defends the enemy hello anything in your life that will look like righteousness turn to your neighbor and said neighbor anything in your life that does not look like righteousness get rid of it if you don't get rid of it jesus won't come in it won't get holy ghost amen god show you what it is everybody in this room you know what you're struggling with hello some people just are lying down you just can't stop their life some people just naked you know what your weaknesses show if you're perfect where's your hand where's your hand no but every day you're going what onto what every day how do you get there by the things that don't look like god you'll get rid of it because they say it must take captive everyone thought and have imagination amen so because all things passed away everything now is huh and speaking of spiritual warfare paul used this word stronghold the divine it the spiritual fortress wherein satan and his legions hide and are protected and these fortress exit in the thoughts and ideas that govern individual and churches as well as cities and nations and i'm here to tell you that before victory can be claimed these strongholds must come down and shall now no more cause and shake an army removed from your life then the mighty weapon of the world and the spirit can effectively plunder satan ah plunder see a condominium but if you know that you're carnal you're not you're not doing anything about it if you're not you're slandering a gospel you're not doing anything about that demon it's a demon when i say anything that is not righteousness is sin and if you continue to encounter it you open up yourself to the devil and shut yourself off from the spirit of god every time we preach there's something there for you take it i want to say it again because you don't get it i said the fortress that place in your life that you cherish your love amen you won't give it up for god it's all of you or none of you hello it's all of you you must totally young believer you're listening to me hello you know when you get shiva cannot go home and live with the man again unless you're married hello you don't go to jail they can't bring up white room anybody because the bible says be unto those that give his neighbor a drink you know what i'm saying to you hello we don't want to look at people until people can move they might go together how can a creator start to bring confusion in the body of christ captive christian must always be positive sin positive no a lot of people being wounded and crushed by people who allow the devil to beat up a stronghold in them righteousness people anything that is right we must practice it lord god upon a song lord wash my mind in calvary's blood take away the sins of yesterday the pain of yesterday's sin with your precious blood huh every day there's a conflict and only this strong going to survive i need you need your pastor you need your brother and sister no so now let's get it right because the lord said the church is filled with religious people he said my host become an entertainment center so everybody just want to be entertained now we will take amen the whole morning to sing unknown time for the word is that the singing that won't keep you it's not a feel good that will keep you you want to get something that cut away the coral core and expose what's in there i can't go to work except i read my hyroscope i want to know if i'm going to crash under i will madness hello you're marvin how many people are reading even horoscope and i don't know that their personal psychic hello i run their lives no god anything that not of god is ideology oh god the man said bishop i went somewhere what are you doing there i was in the air and i saw a member coming out of a house a christian person and i knew that house oh yeah know that house so we come to church and some people grow up certain way and they continue to control their lives no you don't there are people appearing in style mug installment to the devil to keep your job you don't know god i'm not talking to you i'm talking to the dog we don't have them here talking to those watching my livestream stupid taking on a curse on yourself humble yourself read deuteronomy 20 line up yourself with the word of god there's no stronghold satan can put me away for the lord when he come one way i'm gonna scatter him sad wise you know what i'm saying to you you're hit with christ in god it's later gotta do what i have to do so let me close i'm here to tell you before victory can be claimed the stronghold in your life gentlemen said never you know what a stronghold is in and don't act like you're perfect i'll hear what i'm saying must be removed must come down before we can claim victory they must be removed the old carnal way ah so that the spirit can effectively plunge that satan what is the biblical meaning for those these words struggle in the old testament a stronghold is a man was a fortified dwelling used as a means of protection from an image we saw it in second and first samuel 23 verse 42 19 we find david hiding from saul in a wilderness stronghold at irish amen the these were usually caves high on the mountain side and very hard and very hard to climb it was the image in the mind that inspired the writer paul amended the word of stronghold according to psalm 18 verse 2 a stronghold from the devil who run people amen even though someone was black we can't like be white we are racists our children don't wrap up with other children at all we don't sit we don't sit beside certain people be careful people god make us one pride go before destruction and our heart is straight before we have not gotten to death in this message amen but you must have an idea what i'm talking about the things that hinder me from growing i used to we don't want to hear what i used to amen you're not looking back you're going far that means if last year i was here this year i should be here i'm growing for the devil and if we all flesh the habit behind me trying to catch up with me but the more i grow in god form god form himself in me and i'm able to say no i will not lie no i will not commit sin against god because i love him oh god change our hearts god fix us change my heart it is sad to know how many gonna walk to the church into hell sing the song change my heart may i raise your hand everybody and said change my heart make it ever true may i be like you for you are the partner i am for clean mode oh change my heart themselves right now if you hear you're not saved you're struggling with an habit and something that dragging your soul happy happy yes in your life bishop running down this would i enjoy doing the work of the lord whatever i can do to encourage one somebody to line up themselves to get events best he gave his life if god please with our service i need to sit down and listen to that message again this morning it was a soul stirring one day as i talked with the lord this morning looking far to get ready the bible said in john 8 32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free i want you to be free father i want you to enjoy your god we promise you a hundred fold in this world and in life to come life everlasting honor god bless you and your family bless you my world cup what a wonderful thing vivian where are you lord of mercy dpp all the church has gone too far in the world's system the word of god so god has called us out sanctified us separate us from the world and the system we are in it but not of it where pilgrims are genuinely passing through amen the young people today don't know reality amen for the past 40 years a different type of religion has taken place in the body of christ if you don't get food to get half truth because amen you can't preach truth to your preaching truth and live with the standard life god will not confirm that word amen with our foolishness and our follies we need to make up our mind amen when we start to live certain lifestyle we turn others away everybody all day service barbara i'm proud of him that's right on that daniel god solar deliver jp yes he is i wanted to know your heavenly father many of us never have a father that loves us karen and shows and taught us the way you gotta do is raise your hands to him with an open heart love him fall in love with him and i guarantee you he will speak to you and hear his voice he will take you through life with joy amen when you're going to your rough time you tell your don't worry daughter i'm cheering you i am god hallelujah hallelujah yourself in yoga bandage we pull out the reverse gear we don't go backward we go forward like i said the road to heaven is very it's a is it it's one that you can detour from you must not be too far rough sometimes rocky road bumps in the road hills and mountain valleys and caves you have to go through tunnels to get to heaven but your lord and savior your bridegroom your prank home take your time friends and box riders around the world jesus christ where's my little girl one more time one more time you wanna be free that jesus christ jesus christ sometimes you have no guaranteed said jesus is tonight is the night of your life jesus christ loud and clear sometimes oh jesus christ is foreign too much excuses dinner jesus christ is oh bless the name of jesus jesus jesus warriors i'm jesus prisoners children yes just to make it funny will win we have got championships we don't make deal bishop god's champion we don't make deal with terrorists satan is a terror satan and demon are terrorists and the worst kind we don't make deals put on truck with talk to me talk to me covered in the blood of jesus i'll be going home in the future victory you trust in jehovah foreign just make you funny hi i am foreign is oh sunday talk to me i wanna go home you know i wanna go home jesus christ we oh in jersey don't try to stop me everywhere i turn someone tried to play pray for me my daughter pray for me please that can stop you tonight foreign the glory of god awaits me god god bless you yes good evening my brothers and sisters today slap the bed the blood of jesus slap the table the blood of jesus when you get the thing slapped in the blood of jesus well let's say that some folks come to jamaica preaching and vacationing bring together so many of some preachers somebody affects so many people and then they spread it out that's it you don't know a few cases don't take any chance and even if you have one don't take no chance that the country open up to other countries people can sneak in the country with you can see it and intend to destroy man you know what i'm saying until they get cured until there's a cure after god released the jews we have to go through until we find god and this is one of the reasons why this is happening amen god so when i close up heaven sickness and disease will come upon the land but if my people will call on me i return from your wicked ways i will forgive your sin of your life you're asking about olive oil for now you want ali for you yes it's too nice inside here it's too nice inside here it's too nice inside here my belly's hot jesus i want everybody around the world to put your hands together to all the praise belong to god here we go oh jesus returned to god pray pray please get back to the roots with one yes straight hallelujah y'all where are you all i gotta do is sleep a little later tomorrow no one else we beat up jesus we lift up jesus oh talk to me talk to me talk to me oh hallelujah maybe of us let's try to get to a few of them you want to be what a god i know who i am we oh your father's is 5 20. that was slain from before the foundation of the world it's like when i'm ready to go home that's when the things start getting hot who are you i'm not what people say that i am i whose people say i am humility um i am no more defeated look at me rubble i know who i am ah yes i know who i am i want to hear this one we just gotta make it it goes jesus christ is it's a full day of presence staggering hands our tomorrow is in your hands the writer said i don't know about it i don't know about tomorrow but i i know that the man who holds his hands and boys is oh as you did in the holy church you protect your preserve even though they were facing the challenges and the storms lord god they remain faithful unto death you like right for your children now those who are following near visit them we pray give them pleasant dreams and good night's sleep draw your servant closer to your god we want answers we should have returned back to you will heal and heal the land i pray that your christendom will be a call to repentance will you call god through your dedication my name is your lies to you in the name of jesus satan your time is up you are a loser hell in jesus name kill corona save the lives of your people our assistant pakistan oh god in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus jesus yes this is it this is it trust me are you to play that song for my friend jesus god bless you let me take off my headphones that you can see that i'm serious good night love you talk with you guys again see you guys again of god and wednesday to come be blessed stay safe my life i've been a sinner could you please calm down if you i'ma see that i saw and lord you hold me nothing we haven't spoken for so long oh come down i promise you that i understand for me you have no time hello yes i am could you please calm down before me you have no time i guess you just could you please come down
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 341
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: st05UogOL0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 36sec (9636 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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