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goes nothing gee I sure hope everything works uh ladies and gentlemen can you hear me hello chat I see you guys for making noise in the chat yes I understand I understand yes I'm yes I understand that I'm late hello I was making sure that one last check I guess that everything was working fingers crossed can I get dude just prayer hands in the chat that today's stream runs smoothly that's all that I care as long as today's stream runs smoothly I will be happy is everything okay is the audio okay can you hear Vanguard absolutely bopping in the background can you hear me does it sound okay is it too echoey it's probably too act away I'm gonna be I'm I'm I'm I'm gonna be real it's probably too echoey hello yes I understand noise hello can everyone hear me I'm so confused I'm so confused dude hello I know there's a delay in between when I say something at YouTube chat actually like you know watching all your old streams pure gold a thank you man yeah I haven't I haven't been here uh I haven't been here for a few days um hello new setup yeah new setup yeah run forward uh Intel helped get my yeah I dude I want to get a nuke so bad dude am I gonna be doing a campaign to play through yes I will I will uh okay be honest with me uh be honest with me is is is is is everything is is everything good I I literally you can actually see one in the corner but I literally have put like couch cushions around this room to try to absorb the sound because it's such an echoey room are we are we good even Tim got a nuke I know but Tim has played way more than me listen I haven't had that much that much time plasma with the 41 months my friend thank you so much could you guys hear that alert by the way I couldn't hear that alert oh I I couldn't I couldn't hear that alert but as long as you guys could hear it that's okay it's a bit echoey but not uh not that bad the stin makes me wait is the Sten op people have been saying the stem is super op in Vanguard did you guys hear the uh hear the alert you heard it okay that's good that's good hold on let me let me see if I can okay if if that's the biggest thing that goes wrong with the stream me not being able to hear that alert then we're having a pretty good day I'm not gonna lie we are having a really really good day routing ooh is this it okay line in headphones I should be able to hear it pain I'm not sure why I don't hear it but that's fine that honestly that is fine if that's the biggest issue I have today effort we'll figure that one out later uh hello hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome here are your perfectly and happy birthday well thank you thank you thank you uh let's let's go ahead let's go ahead and get into a game uh quick play so um chat talk to me I haven't I haven't been around Vanguard for a few days Jamie thanks for the 21 months I appreciate it you're an absolute Legend uh be honest with me Chad is the MP40 and the I know that shotguns have been discovered to be the most OP thing ever but is the MP40 and the STG still good is it still good like am I still gonna be able to pop off with these I know the combat shoddy has absolutely popped off but um like I I yeah basically basically my question for you guys is I want to level up I want to get to a higher level I want to reach that max Prestige and everything like that should I should I try to level up the combat shotgun today what do you guys think I I I'm not sure also I'm on so so there's a lot of new things going on Chad obviously I'm in a different place uh I have okay very very good way to start it build AFK okay there we go that's turned off hopefully all my key minds are good I'm literally on a brand new pc so you guys have heard me complaining about PC you guys have heard me complaining about PC issues for a while now in terms of like little game stutters like everything not running quite as like beautifully it's supposed to be um yes hello from my friend um oh I need to oh I need to be able to talk crap to people hold on uh interface keybinds push to talk there we go there's the room is true that you're going to be a real dare I am literally on a brand spanking new pc ow that was super super dope yeah I mean um I'm literally on a brand new pc and so far so good it is buttery right now I know there's probably gonna be some issues that I have in some sort of ways so please please please let me know if there's any issues but this is the butteriest PC I've ever played I've never played a game uh or at least in Call of Duty like I've played lots of others that that worked just fine uh but Call of Duty as you guys know is optimized by a team of gerbils so I've never been able to play Call of Duty on absolutely like lossless like high FPS and so far so good so far it plays absolutely beautifully which I am very very excited about because that means I can actually like you know play a little bit bit better yeah do you guys want me to level uh right now my combat shoddy is literally level one but I understand that if you play in the uh what's it called playlist if you play in the uh dos house playlist it you can you can rank this thing up in like three games because it's so op so should I are you guys down for me to try uh ranking up the shoddy because I've heard that is literally the easiest way to get a nuke as a good player is you literally just play with shoddies on Das house so type 100 actually op bro I I feel like this game is going to be like I feel like this game is going the Modern Warfare 2 uh thing where if every gun is op then nothing is op you know what I mean type 100 is two shot that that just seems that just seems unreal like how can it be two shot try the shoty you won't regret it man I might have to try Nicholas next for the tier 2 ultra member uh ant took my pot sticks with the tier one is the rumors true you're gonna be a real Attack you know what no the rumors are not true yeah so so basically I know I'm gonna get asked this a lot uh basically you guys noticed the new setup I am actually out in La for a uh project that I have going on and I can't talk to you guys about it you guys will uh we'll eventually like get some more info and stuff like that but essentially I'm like so if I have any friends watching this tour in La who want to hang out let me know but um basically yeah I am I'm out and oh my God I almost died to that guy that would have been so embarrassing out in La for a project so uh have a have my setup out here have everything like that so you know a little bit of a little bit of a change here I'm going to be streaming it probably a little bit later times just because of like you know how time zones work like let's be honest I'm not very good at waking up early so God that dog scared the crap out of me so streams this this is probably maybe this is a I think it's still a little bit later then I want to stream but essentially like you know be aware that streams are going to be a little bit later in the days uh from what you guys are used to but I was looking I was actually looking at my audience metrics and everything like that I was actually looking at my audience metrics and so many people are actually us viewers wow that was super unfortunate timing on getting grenaded there um almost everybody almost everybody literally is like a US viewer so I think actually it's not going to be too big of a too big of a deal for most people if anything there will be there will be more like there will be more streams when you guys are done with like work and school and everything like that what time is it in L.A it is uh 3 15. but I know for you know everywhere Central Time and oh my God I got that wall Bank I'm actually nuts I know everybody likes Central Time and above it is you know a little bit later in the day so dude my biggest thing I'm scared of is like obviously with any apartment I am super super super self-conscious and super super nervous that I'm gonna be getting uh uh no a noise complaint like I'm not gonna lie because I literally have heard the people above me stepping and I'm hoping I'm really really really hoping that it's it's one of those things where you know the steps go through the ground better than voices because I mean I'm not gonna lie I'm I'm kind of loud chat I'm kind of loud so I'm not gonna lie I'm a little a little nervous about this um but you know oh this guy had me on Radars how did he know oh he probably had a what's it called a thing where you can tell where someone's looking at your back that guy I kind of smoked me I'm not gonna lie dude I have been absolutely loving this multiplayer as well get some soundproofing do you think you guys I mean obviously that'll work with the uh help with the echo that I have because obviously I like understand that I have a little bit of echo here um do you guys think that would actually help with like the the sound not going through the because because the floors here are concrete right so I feel like concrete is pretty good about like stopping sound right like like right like you would think concrete is a I mean I I know I know that like the the concrete like causes the echo but I that's almost good I feel like because it's keeping the sound trapped in you know what I mean like it's it's keeping the sound in this area rather than like spreading it out to like I literally just almost killed myself with that thing they're all over your what hmm kind of weird bro um but yeah right concrete isn't a good sound absorber but but it like reflects it right like like sound's not gonna go through concrete right it doesn't absorb sound for this room but it shouldn't it should make the sound like stay in this room right which is why you know it causes the echo because it traps the sound in this room right like that's literally what Echo is right right only big sounds to get in like a hammer or something right like so voices would be trapped in by concrete oh what right uh have you ever used 100 these compound to stream on your visits to La before I can't remember I've used it once before I've used it once before and that's the Apex stream that was all laggy that's so so not ideal not ideal it's uh I'm happy to I mean hopefully like so far so good on the stream I hope cheap sound proofing egg cartons yeah I mean I don't I'm spinning them I mean it's my job like you know I don't mind spending the money on good soundproofing or anything but I and that's you know on my list of things like and everything like that yeah traps The Sounds weight Busters did an episode on it years ago wait that's actually kind of progressive like literally The MythBusters say that concrete will trap the sound because that's why parking garages are so loud right like parking garages will literally trap the entire the entirety of the existence of sound it reflects off the walls constantly will give vibrations but that's that's okay I like I don't mind like you know Echo I can figure out but you know what I can't figure out is a noise complaint so I think I oh let's go we got rank 54 which means we can get the vsat now local informants or whatever it's called so I think that's good I think that's good news right you need to run those stamps ah dude I don't like you I don't like running the steps yo ggs guys 31 kills man I I didn't I did the best on my team by far that guy got 49 kills he's the only one popping up on their team hey this is me goodbye reconnaissance in the air why does it show I die I didn't die there that's kind of weird um hold on let me let me turn the air off yeah what is your what is your ideal temperature like I'm talking you are you are 100 at your ideal temperature what do you what do you go for vote for me vote for Noah J okay I'm fine with the tie oh that feels so much better holy crap cold air blowing on me what what is your I 60 69 y'all are CR dude 68. y'all like it cold man please just tell me Mr Donuts please just uh is it rumors true yeah I read that one uh I can't wait to see the get the new are you streaming Battlefield either tonight or tomorrow I'm gonna be streaming Battlefield tomorrow at 10 A.M PST so everybody POG for that 10 a.m PST tomorrow I'm streaming Battlefield um so yeah okay let's try out this combat shotgun I want to see how good this actually is lightweight we got scavenger tactician lightweight um yeah let's try this let's try this um and then I want to take off dogs put on local informants let's try dos house um cool all right let's try this out uh battle dude I yeah we're gonna be playing uh we're we're playing Battlefield tomorrow um and uh 10 a.m PST and we're gonna be playing like all the game modes and we're gonna be playing with the boys we got the whole Squad coming over we got we got chop we got Lex we got JC and I think Milo I think we're gonna have a full group like a full group for uh for this so it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm really really really stoked for it have you tried the combat shotgun no I'm literally trying it right now I've heard it's insanely op oh did I get it off I hope I hope I got it off I hope I got that double weapon XP off is the combat shotgun really that good like I I've seen people talking about it is it really everything people are saying it is Worthy oh my oh my okay wait is is wait last time I played was like three days ago and it was not combat shotgun Central is everybody is everybody running oh my God everybody is running shotguns now wait dude I I'm so confused I am so confused it's gonna get nerfed wait it's really that bad okay it's not I I'll say right now this is not a very satisfying experience with no attachments so far maybe I need to pick up someone's I would actually probably make it better oh my God oh my God wait okay that that that that wasn't that wasn't very good that's fine let me let me pick up this guy combat shoddy wait actually everybody is using this thing oh God oh God with with 10 attachments you're like a Raging Bull really it's that good I mean now I'm excited dude that this is without attachments let's see wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait dude this is Sledgehammer game is tagging means it's employee are you sure oh my [ __ ] god there's like two people with it and his name is Envy I have a feeling that there's a glitch or something like that to get the sledgehammer game stacked I have a feeling there's a glitch this is already level four holy crap him dropped a nuke with him he got 179 kills okay well then this thing is definitely op because I'm dropping that many kills yeah okay bud Timmy oh someone's running fire on it too [Music] much expecting it spectating a guy going ham with it oh God ow there's a glitch to get all three Studio clan tags yeah I'm sure I'm sure there is dude people love like people did that with like re you guys remember Halo back in the day people do that to get recon armor like there were like a bunch of ways to get recon armor and everything like that and everyone would go for that man oh this guy knew where I was I was trying to reload is there a thing to make it reload faster I feel like that would be super super useful too wow there's a MAG called buck and slug really and it's good yeah the without attachments it's kind of bad at range people running Ryan shields on their dude this has gone fully toxic Honestly though it's kind of nice I like toxic Call of Duty I like when that I like things being like you know like chaotic I really like chaos oh my God this thing is nutty all right after after this remind me to do a double XP token remind me to do double XP oh my god dude if this thing just had a little bit more range oh I'm so excited to get this thing leveled so much fun already friendly bombing run on the way yeah yeah do you guys know the build for this like like can you guys help me out in putting all the attachments on here that'll that'll make it good oh God dude Double XP for worse than Black Ops carries everybody have to pop those in those games oh yeah I saw that that wasn't that isn't that been like a thing you could do for a while now bro I I bet everybody hates people who are using this right like I can't imagine people are happy that people are running shotguns like this full choke number three barrel and firearms oh my God long shot oh someone has dogs too dude I actually like I really enjoy this game like the multiplayer I've found myself wanting to play the multiplayer so much I've found myself wanting to uh wanting to do so much with this all right so um I guess after each round I play dog's house we'll get like a new uh we'll get like a new build for it like we'll we'll equip all the attachments that we can I feel like you don't actually want to slide with this [Music] get the sigma stock you're so annoying didn't have the range for that it's literally the 725 all over again bro Call of Duty and shotguns recently reminding me of uh what's it called of the model 1887's heiress all over again not gonna lie game looks good should I buy it if you like multiplayer I I personally really like the multiplayer also what what level do you unlock the uh oh my God that guy is so mad right now no I accidentally melee oh my God accidentally melee that screwed me over so hard all right let's go boys bro you you like straight up can't even tell sometimes when you're getting a Kill get myself I'm kind of dude I wish I had been able to play this game more than I have so far it's it's I have so much fun playing this multiplayer so much fun dual wielding shotguns exist in this game no shot they brought back snake shot right like like no shot their snake shot in this again right is it is it is it a snake shot I tweeted through the full build all right thank you you brother appreciate you oh God that was a big bomb I bet people have absolutely nutty Clips on this art with this gun already oh God he spawned back there there's a glitch for Atomic game already bro this game has a lot of bugs already that's what I'm getting is what I'm picking up I literally need to tap you with oh okay then I go shot in the back about to say I literally need to hit you with anything and you'll die [Music] gun needs to be a level 61 for best attachments level 61. oh that's pretty high that's actually that's actually pretty high um let's see here um can't wait to see the new oh yeah uh Jake here thanks for the tier one member Zohan thanks for the 14 months tier two you're an absolute Legend R thanks to ten dollars know that Vanguard is poopoo you should do Black Ops 4 in 2021 series dude I I still do want to do some more Vanguard zombies it's just like I need breaks in between it because there's just not much to actually do you know what I mean come back to Texas we miss you already I know I miss you easy I miss you Yeezy I'm sorry I was about time to spit near enemies shoot delete the donut wait what's wrong with the donut uh oh yeah yeah delete that here I got it um let's just let's just go ahead and hide this user on the channel man imagine imagine donating ten dollars to be a weirdo try to get people viruses and stuff all right so let me let me back out real quick all right so chat help me out with the build here so first of all combat shotgun gunsmith all right muzzle tighter pellet spread we definitely want that optic I don't think this actually matters the whole I don't think we need an optic stock hip fire accuracy we don't need recoil control on a shotgun that's silly uh plus one accurate let's do Flinch resistance I guess fire rate recoil control do we want this do we want reduced powder that doesn't seem very good Fire custom I guess that that's pretty that's pretty much that's pretty much all we want for right now um let me make sure that I did pop did I pop the double XP wait I didn't pop the double XP oh no I did okay I was about to say I was leveling that up really really fast like really really fast it's nice camo sure let's put the camo on it did I oh I didn't even earn that one surgical okay here we go you get the stuff around drum pretty soon is that good use the shotgun operator which one's the shotgun operator don't be nice bro I literally just hear the shotgun going off got the screaming when you get burned is just a little silly it's everywhere guys oh dang I I thought I collated them for a second I think he would have died if I collided there oh I need some fire rate on this too some fire rate would be real clutch easy grenade hey Noah oh yeah oh my God this guy is lagging all over the place or am I lagging ready for report I'm receiving intelligence oh my God am I lagging who is no I got caught on a Reload I thought my team was still back here pain this is the point blank headshot I got dude I I need to like literally unbind my melee button from this button I accidentally melee so often it's bad I wish there was a way to easily tell if a Molotov was yours or oh my God I burned to death from someone else dang it dude oh my God this this shotgun is insane like this is just this is just broken like there's no other way to say it it's just broken it's actually just broken and that's before I have attachments too so we didn't do the full build all right well I'm gonna be unlocking it slowly but surely so oh that guy was still alive oh my teammates went back there now oh that was from the other I was about to say it's from the other direction right there 100 with the Russian short round mag and vital proficiency the ttk is 88 milliseconds Aaron Rosenberg thanks so much for the tier three step I appreciate you so much thank you thank you King appreciate you very very much oh my God the stun grenade one should I love when I missed like four bullets and then it's like one shot is all I need like right right dang it I looked at the wrong door they both ran through the other door missed like 12 shots one shot is all I need I don't even know what I'm doing oh there's a war machine is the war machine any good in this game chat that was one of the first non one shot one kills I've gotten in a while dude why I'm literally just being nuked like there's an on-screen nuke right now and it's killing me over and over uh do you not hear Donuts yeah that's the one thing I don't have working right now for some reason it's the one thing that isn't working at the moment for some reason um let's see no we're gonna play 2042. uh hahaha no we're getting a new yes I played 22 2042 tomorrow yes I am the Hat thanks to the tier one Aaron Rosenberg thanks for the tier three killer walrus uh I'm going to get a nuke okay chill please and then Matt says use the type 100 Russian short round mag and vital proficiency time to get kills 88 milliseconds and a two shot kill anywhere that sounds incredibly op Matt there's too many guns to level up man there's actually too much to level up it's not fair there's actually so much stuff to level up right now let's see let's go oh why is everyone voting for Papa Willie right here this guy got 51 kills so I I don't know which one should I a lot a lot of people are telling me to use the uh the type 100 as well and then people are telling me to use the stint I don't know what to I don't know what to go with chat what do I do um what do I do Chad um let's see so combat shoddy got some more Optics don't really care about that reload quickness let's go with that slog okay do I do the slug do I do slug chat or no combat shotgun do I do the Slugger now oh the shotgun operator that's right operators there's the type there's a type 100 operator how about Chuck okay shotgun operator that's house there we go I do I do not use slug the type 100 is this dead on steroids oh okay all right so so do I stick with the shot I mean the shotgun is super fun right now I'm not gonna lie I I'm not gonna lie it's super fun I just want to say thank you keep up with the great content thanks yo thank you so much team cool for the 14 months look at look at you all look at you all beautiful and fancy appreciate you oh that's not what I wanted to do thing imagine imagine I just get that kill right there oh you wait so this only has three bullets but you can reload it much faster oh I actually don't I actually don't know if I like this this is this is yeah no why is that a button dude why is that a button to remove everything why is that a what like actually why is that a butt ow 14 months is a sheesh moment gamers no no shot that guy didn't die right two shotguns in the back this thing is supposed to be op portunity oh I missed it oh he he missed more ow and then I just get nated literally had one HP there oh God now it's too cold I haven't figured out the ideal temperature oh this guy's pissing me off sniping in the back there oh God I hate dogs so much in game real life dogs are pogged oh God hey Chad you know and just do me like that sometimes sometimes you get sometimes you just get Point Blank dogs you know that's just how it goes now we're gonna set up in the gym right now all right oh my God is that what was blocking me I was like why can't I run through this door because there was a dog underneath me I love how dogs like have the glitchiest like bodies in the game dude oh my God the amount of bombs going off what's up so what is the what is the level where the combat shotgun just becomes insanely op P like it's already it's already pretty darn powerful but what is the level where it literally just becomes a god weapon that everyone's talking about come on I know you're here oh maybe not ow because everyone else's shotgun is killing me faster [Music] enemy has the hard point see see now I would have died by that when you get the final Barrel like 60 wait it's 60. wait it's actually 60. 58 because of the ammo type you get interesting interesting it's only op on dos house in Dome well yeah but that's like why the playlist is here scenery rounds this dragon breath you just unlocked it do people do you run do you run that on this class or no one elimination death ratio that was it man our team was trash holy our team is absolute doo-doo I mean I didn't do well but I also joined in late so it's time I felt you forgot star plus two good call good call I almost haven't maxed crazy ground but it's super worth it from what I've seen I'm sure I'm sure it is very very worth to get it all the way up incendiary do I want incendiary oh that's that's definitely a better grip Surplus let's get some more kill XP do I want incendiary buck and slug oh Abby oh I see why this is so op that's an ax I thought it was a glitch it's like an actual ammo type oh my wow that is why that is so op goodness gracious all right I need to turn okay it's like too cold now like XP tokens yeah yes did all all your tokens transfer over let's see if that's the sweet spot no your tokens do not transfer over then I know that for a fact yeah I know I have like because I've been saving my like cold war movies don't remember asking no why did I reload there before clearing that that was an easy kill but I started reloading for no reason now God when people are going for launchers so annoying like it's just frustrating to die to him because they like normally they're free kills but then that one time they just launched they just shoot it directly at the ground and kill you oh it's annoying I gotta died before I can shoot him there kind of cringe you know what I mean like they like he just gets you one shot like they always just get you one shot man is there a faster way to reload too I feel like the reloads are so slow man so I got that kill from him burning play early the play early man this guy is just posted up right there ow spotted how am I spotted God the launchers these effing dudes at the launchers I swear faster reload is one of the mags okay cool cool dude like actually F off with these launchers dang it man now killed oh God I choked oh I choked two shots I literally hit the field goal twice dude I I'm kind of I'm kind of thinking about running a what's it called I'm kind of thinking about running the uh what's the equivalent of like uh the shield in this game like the explosive Shield foreign Shield ooh that would actually be pretty pretty fire no pun intended man I I'll tell you what the shotgun is definitely good for one kill like it always burns the person I shoot even if I die foreign I burned to death from that stupid thing you are so dude I think I hate launcher people man I hate him so much seems like the kind of rush just came out I actually I I I I mean it does have bugs and stuff like that but I actually think the multiplayer is super good like I am really really happy with the multiplayer this guy's shooting my body in Das house please chill is there gung-ho in this game is that do people run gung-ho on this this guy is still shooting my body you're a cringe bro I like these thermites have gotta go I need to run the right Shield as well gung-ho is op I feel like gung-ho with this shotgun class would be unbelievable I don't know how that guy got through the door right there but that's cool don't go is awesome it's a proficiency is that is that part of the op class that everyone's running does gung-ho part because I feel like it should be oh God my ran out of mouse pad space I love this wireless mouse that I have but I wish the wireless charger for it had a bigger mouse pad and that's just part of the problem now how is the proficiency not on the shotgun what do you mean the proficiency you want Vitality what does Vitality do I keep seeing people hearing people say Vitality but I don't know what that means what does it actually do no I shouldn't have done that it's just a shot vital not Vitality what does it do more damage to create areas oh that that one is really good that one is really really good I got a gun in her spot he wasn't ready oh my God I missed just so you know they're pretty sure the ride shell doesn't block shots when it's not held in your hands is that true I don't think that's true because I've definitely shot someone Point Blank I'll try it I'll try it I'll try it bro Ganon bombs are literally just a free hit marker no matter where you shoot it it's always just a free hit marker okay that's pretty that's pretty good start here find a bus no someone got up there that fast that guy had the camo glitch as well let's go this guy's voice all right not too bad not too bad of a game I'll say I'd say that's pretty good 63 kills with not even the max level shotgun kind of kind of popping not gonna lie what level do you unlock the ridership I feel like I have the ride still already let me see I might go I might go Overkill and ride Shield highest elimination guys vote for Noah Jay he's really cute LOL oh my God is that the you know no thank you yes yes it is I yes very famous oh my gosh just kidding just kidding no but actually please uh please do it for me please no no what's up Tomo I got a Moji bro what's up Topo how's it going bud let's see you there's a positive and nuke energy hey I'm gonna need it bro I'm gonna need it especially because I'm weapon leveling at the same time I'm not really expecting to get the nuke till I get this thing ranked up then I'm gonna be popping off you know what I mean we're gonna be trying to pop up then uh damage it fired no I don't want that I don't want that proficiency destruction suppression sure let's do that face to fast melee don't need that yeah I'm definitely gonna need some uh some high velocity nuke energy for sure in order to get this thing okay let me oh yeah I was gonna this one I was gonna do Overkill and I was gonna switch this to a combat Shield all right we'll see if that actually works I don't know if it actually works or not MVP gives you extra XP that's why we that's why we get a baby that's that's why we guilt that's why we guilt all these uh kids into voting for me do you get extra uh combat shock and XP for using this operator as well I I feel like I know nothing about this game I feel like I actually know nothing about this game I'm just kind of like riding it you know what I mean oh my God okay that guy just pre-fired the door and it worked perfectly I literally missed and then I died oh just gas grenading myself very poggers please please do not scream I need gung-ho I feel like with gung-ho with the way with the way that I play with the way that I play gung-ho would literally be the perfect attachment for me I would actually pop the frick off of Gun Hill a nuke on this map bro from what I've from what I've seen from the shotgun when I get that when I get those final attachments it's not even not even an issue I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do it although [ __ ] should I should I alternate should I do like one dos house one not dos house should I alternate this gun is broken it is so broken I love it really okay I missed everything sad Pac Sprint is a No-No really just tax fruit and kind of ruined the shotgun in oh oh oh my did the server just die or did my brand new pc that I literally installed today guys die oh God please note oh I was supposed to slide there Under Fire bro I'm not gonna lie if this new PC has issues I will literally lose my mind I'm hoping that was a server lag I'm really really hoping that was server like oh my God these people are like I know I fall asleep to your videos okay I'm almost certain that ride Shields block uh I'm almost certain that ride Shields block uh oh God why is this on my screen there we go my mouse was on my screen for some reason now it's the game don't worry stop aiming hip fire is stronger I promise all right I trust maybe if I just stop sprinting honestly oh my God if I had an ftg right there I would have I would have popped off honestly not even sprinting maybe the way of oh these people are just naming me out everywhere I go calm yourselves screams the screams of the fire bro the fire screams are a little bit ridiculous I'm not gonna lie what graphics card did you get uh 30 90. I can't actually I don't remember if it was a TI or not it's 30 90 though I just burned two people to death with my fire bullets that's so silly this game happened this game is the embodiment is if is if everything is op nothing is yes okay rise Shields definitely block bullets I don't know who said they didn't but confirmed that was like literally right on him down shotties are so toxic man oh God I tried to slide and got body blocked by that guy oh this guy is such a you're such a loser bro you are laying down in your spot holding in a single angle like what [Music] enemy has the hard point if Tim got a nuke today Noah can't do it yeah I I I honestly think like once I get this leveled up it'll just be a matter of time because it is that op h no I heard the uh um the STG is still considered one of the best guns are you you are still laying in that core Corner Zorro Doug I I truly hope at least some point in your life that you moved that'd be great I think that'd be really really help healthy for you oh that guy turned around sometimes I walk past someone like that and I just say ah you know mutual respect so this guy's actually using the riot shield oh that would have been a sick triple kill seven percent left on my Vanguard download OG hardpoint you know what's bad when I have 62 kills and I feel like I'm doing kind of trash like I know jokes feel like I could be doing so much better like actually so much better like I like I actually I actually feel like I could be doing 10 times better that that's how silly this is everyone always slides through there 71 round mag goes hard I heard the pbash kind of trash on this game though true or not true chat ow jeez man the explosions definitely not sure that ppsh's best SMG bro I literally seen I mean I I believe you guys but I saw several tweets saying the ppsh was garbage like I saw several tweets saying that I might I might switch off and do another Blitz game mode after this like like a bigger map and uh interchanged more regular game modes with this one so I don't burn myself out on Dot's House are these friendly dogs are these not friendly dogs I don't know oh my God that guy definitely had the max rank shotgun he jumped around that corner and blasted us man these these fire rounds aren't good but it's annoying that they always die at like after they kill you they always have the chance to kill you guys told you at the time it came out yeah no I I would be willing to bet no one has Atomic camo legit yet I'd be willing to bet no one has the legit it's just like especially with how hard some of the stuff is to do like 100 it's always I think man I need I need to slide around corners a little bit sooner because you get accuracy right at the end of your slide crazy it takes for the 18 months love your face hey I love your face boom boom you know what I love you so much I love you more no I literally I literally love you so much bro I I got your game like is that actually him so I went to your stream and you're streaming I'm sorry for killing you no it's dude this is crazy I'm sorry for using the shotgun I'm toxic no it's not good have a good day I love you I love you too 87 and 51. man I I did not feel like I got 87 kills in that match I think it's because I died 51 times but you know what I mean okay I'll see all right back out of this do you want your break on a normal map yeah already level 26 on this kind of crazy recoil control hip fire accuracy aim down slightly I'll do that plus one oh yeah that's that's good that's more bullets Surplus don't want that Barrel do we want this recoil damage range flange accuracy avinos high speed movement speed Sprint to fire speed that's pretty good wait okay I actually actually we're gonna play one more because I want to try that out I want to try this new Barrel out wholesome interaction I know I love it I love the wholesome I love the wholesome uh interactions with with you guys it's always so much fun it's always so nice it's so nice chat it's so nice I love how nice it is I love how absolutely nice it feels let me let me see the bike up did I miss any donuts or anything this card just doesn't look fun first one since MW2 I haven't bought we're zombies all right let's try this out let's try this out okay okay hold hold up a minute pull up a minute hold up a minute this might be this might be kind of crack capturing dude oh my God dude okay this oh my God this is the build right here dude man I I just need a dude when I get that final attachment oh no I know it's just saying hello what's up Sebastian it's for the two months man appreciate you very much oh my God I just had two people absolutely clapping my cheeks in the back there man the fire is do you guys think I'd be one shot killing more without the fire should I try it without the fire there's so many dogs on the snap right now oh my God this PO this poor enemy team this poor enemy team all right hold on I'm just gonna literally go stand like right here and try to get them to flip it's not working I'm holding the spawns too well no why did I Sprint stupid sprinting man better with normal rounds okay I'm gonna try I think I'd be one shot killing more if I stopped using the fire all right what is the button to remove like a single attachment be [ __ ] oh you gotta deselect it like that okay all right let me try let me try this non-incendiary version I literally just need to take my like once I get into position just take my hand off the Sprint Key all right we're not sprinting we're in position we're not sprinting I really want gung-ho dude this this is so toxic losing objective Charter dude I can kill people from so far away with this thing can't use gung-ho I literally saw something gung-ho I literally saw somebody using it I'm confused as to why you you guys are saying gung-ho isn't a thing forward Intel on yeah forward Intel on oh that should have killed that also should have killed that also should have killed he killed a V2 rocket not a nuke it's gonna be called the same thing when I call it in on you all right I'm all right gamers oh God that guy's slid es bro this this game mode is straight toxicity this is some shipment 24 7 type stuff right here I'm not kidding just turn taxprint off well I want it I just need to stop doing it got the number of shotguns I hear going off oh my God like literally just look at the kill feed all headshots and Tack shotgun kills literally all hey Noah change your ammo type to bucks and slugs smile um oh did I miss any donuts oh God uh I missed Donuts um uh sheesh thank you so much evil bar for the five no I posted your videos almost every night thank you for all the Comfort hey I got you a comfy streamer baby love your face thank you crazy it's night dog this cut just doesn't look fun but first one says model for two haven't bought whereas uh zombies a little content that you just don't play yeah I mean zombie-wise this is one of the worst Call of Duty's ever that's even like attempted to have zombies that much is true he's like very very true on that aspect um but in terms of multiplayer I disagree I think this multiplayer is really fun I think this multiplayer is really really fun anyway just saying hello what's up Sebastian Torin change the ammo types to Black and slugs yeah just here as soon as I unlock it brother oh my God there's so many people there if I had [ __ ] slugs I would have gotten like a triple cloud with a shotgun right there bro oh my God [ __ ] simulator this is unbelievable bro this shit's too much this [ __ ] is too much bro oh my God oh my God 103 multi-kills I don't know what to do anymore holy [ __ ] oh I even realize oh my God no oh Jay what's up what's up dude what's up let's go hello dude everyone's everyone's been so nice on this game I gotta say everyone's been very very sweet in the post game Lobby I didn't like World multiplayer and this just gives me a good time waiting for MW2 but in the meantime uh the f2042 has been here Surplus quick proficiency speed after kills man where did I see gung-ho because you're right there is no gung-ho level 50 level 58 is where we get the thing that we need my lovers are the most toxic dude I've had I've had good experiences with everyone didn't like World War II multiplayer just give me that Vibe waiting for Modern Warfare 2 in the meantime Battlefield 2042 has me yeah I'm gonna be playing Battlefield 2042 uh tomorrow y'all be sure to come tune in the Einhorn revolver shot is going towel oh wait the Einhorn revolver shoddy should I try I have that one level oh my God what just happened um should I try that is that shotgun any good or is all about the combat shotgun because I feel like gung-ho would be so incredibly fun all right hold on let me try this let me try this so let me do shotguns wait what equipped oh I have this one okay Overkill let's do lightweight okay hold on let me see shotguns on her revolving gunsmith muzzle tighter's pellet spread fire rate hip fire accuracy yep under Barrel to fire accuracy magazine minus one bullet penetration minus one damage range let's go with that rear grip let's go that stock Sprints for you wait this might be super toxic wait this actually might be super toxic let me try this I really want to see if this is good frag grenade let's do a Cannon Bomb and let's do yeah let's get stun grenade ghost forward Intel Overkill okay I Gotta Die with the sniper rifle real quick all right here we go I want to try this Sebastian Leva no I hope this helps but thanks for the motivation keep uh to keep me watching my favorite YouTubers yo Sebastian thank you so much bro oh my God wait a second that sucked wait that did not kill at all but that was kind of wild wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on I need a better magazine I need a better better magazine hold on is that is that as best as it can get hold on oh my God wait dude this is trash it's absolutely trash but it's kind of comedy at the same time okay okay never mind it's absolutely garbage hold on I just want to get one drive by kill Ed and then you have to reload for like 10 years that's the problem [Music] dude it's so bad it's actually so bad because of the reload but it's so much fun oh that's pretty fun I'm not gonna lie dude this combat shot even would be unbelievable dang dude I just popped off dude what am I getting what am I even getting killed by I'm getting shot in the back a lot here take the mag off wait on this gun what's wrong with the mag on this gun choking shots choking shots kinda weird any shot in the back kind of weird oh my God oh man I need the Slugs for that no you missed a donut oh thank you long time to attack just so the goat man help us we'll have to say the Pokemon Channel but do what's best for you yeah well thank you so much snifed dog I appreciate the five very very much my friend I I really really do appreciate the five I really really really do take the mag off the revolver shotgun I don't think the mag doesn't really make a difference in the reload speed no my god dude ever I feel like a lot of people are actually running gung-ho no oh my God I just ate a thermite to the face like literally pull on through my face right there what are your thoughts on Vanguard I think it's really fun I've been having a blast with it in terms of multiplayer zombies kind of trash but you know this is what it is I feel like also if I take a shot and then I just get in the habit of like backing up after I take a shot be a little bit better a little bit better off imagine this being better than it is right now but I know it I know it does get better sound on everyone on fire though I know they should they shouldn't make this have no no tacticals or anything and that like that did I just kill that no I didn't wait did I just kill myself with that be pretty weird did you catch like One race though I didn't even know that was a bad guy I'm in the drive to survive doc on Netflix oh my God he just came flying in for the melee dude I hate that slide for some reason is so hard to shoot a shotgun oh cool this dude this dude really went for an execution mid mid fight right there huh that's crazy what does it take to be a member of 100t stand around only uh reloads once run out of time and insta fills for this one you mean yeah but I don't have it unlocked guys level 53. don't I don't have to have yeah I think this is that I'm gonna take a break from this uh game type after um this one wolf wolf guy is Mega annoying with his uh it's lmg dude whoa can you f off bro freaking Wolf Man dude this she's got this this [ __ ] dude oh my god with this suppression lmg it apps up everything my entire screen is just suppressed oh my God you need stems uh I can't I can't like re-chamber my shotgun though if I have stems plus stems are kind of an L anyway I've never I've never been a huge fan of stem gaming Kobe Kobe no my God he did a weird strafe right there maybe you can drop a nuke on Bots man chat oh man I'm okay that's it I'm going to play the other game mode after this really no one spun there whoa you have Deployable cover sitting in your spawn wolf dog I I hate to be the one to tell you this but you have absolutely no friends if you're playing like that he has Deployable cover in his spawn with an lmg with suppression on it are you are you being serious right now bro they have to control like whoa see you kid like like actually see ya like something about people named Wolf Man Iron Wolf 87 kills man I'm I am on fire chat I am on fire donors uh let's see snapdog freaking love you bro did you catch the F1 race in Austin if you haven't I highly recommend the drive to survive series doc on Netflix I need to watch it still I heard it's insanely good I've heard it's insanely insanely good but I maybe I will watch it soon what does it take to be a member of 100 things thank you for reminding me I miss the Donuts by the way my audio is just not working on these for some reason uh what does it take to be a member of 100 thieves um uh you gotta bring something special to the table or you got to get in on the ground floor like me because I'm kind of I'm kind of mid but um I'm kind of mid but I got in on the ground floor you know what I'm saying so um but yeah like bring something special bring something special that no one else can bring you know what I mean um reminding myself to pick up yeah I've been Chad I've been I've been pretty good as good as I can be with like you know moving to LA and stuff like that for the for the stuff uh the project I have I've been pretty good about keeping consistent with uh with my um working out I'm kind of I'm kind of impressed with myself like I'm kind of I'm kind of popping off like I've never been I've never been one to like go to the gym like or anything like that ever since college but I've been I've been kind of impressed with how much I I like I'm gonna go to the gym after the stream I'm keeping on the grind and I I'm I'm proud of myself packed powder is really good wait really I'm kind I'm kind of kind of popping off oh let's go that's really good efficiency steady wire custom Sprinter fire speed uh let's keep it that do I want this so we don't want that cool it did it it feels it feels it feels pretty nice feels pretty nice to be on the grind and everything like that feels pretty darn good I'm not gonna lie um yeah oh I see what happened I see why I can't hear The Dominoes okay should be able to fix it all right here we go let's get it show me nice defend the objective I hope you like a little challenge capturing Abel ready for report why don't you play with courage and oxree they are on it feels nice to like to play with the brain a little bit here oh unfortunate timing right there very unfortunate timing wait is this only 6v6 oh I don't know if I want to play yeah I don't I don't really know 6v6 is kind of slow I I play on that what pacing do you guys play at when you guys play this game y'all play the fast pacing the like medium pacing ran out of ammo with my MP40 you're the last bullet man splits and assault is bliss is the fastest one right dude it's just weird how Call of Duty has always like Call of Duty is finally realizing people just wanna like no brain just rush everything and everything like that like like people don't want like a tactical three-line map people want to absolutely ape every single fight and fight as much as possible with Doug in it Charlie like no joke the less the less people have to use their brains to get in fights that's what people want out of Call of Duty that reload took too long tactical gaming at its best uh yeah this is too slow for me like this reminds me of old Call of Duty's that I would get bored with really fast I had the right idea I just started firing way too early ready for report double kill taking Baker on Mission oh that guy was ghosted unfortunate unfortunate [Applause] um I'm kind of I'm kind of thinking I'm gonna back out of this one chat and let's just let's just bite the bull to do it let's just bite the bullet and do it all right I'm switching my ah do I do assault I want assault and Blitz I I like specifically don't want I like very specifically do not want the uh P highlights Point Blank sure um like very very specifically do not want the uh the other one um Tactical 6v6 this looks good compared to World at War I I I think I think it like this is definitely my favorite multiplayer since Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare was probably my favorite multiplayer for so long why don't you play with courage and Avery they're on I mean I'm down to play with people if they if they want to play I'm not loving the stream I hope you're having a good time on Twitter with the shotgun and what you think of it is my mic straight up too echoey that it's gonna be annoying for everybody else playing you know what I mean is that that's something that I definitely don't want to be is have a bad microphone for other people that I'm playing with that's kind of an l that's kind of an l i I definitely don't want to do that what okay nice we got a good pacing dual fire shotguns that's so toxic that's a chat honestly that's disappointing to me that you would even suggest that I run dual fire shotguns activated somehow I knew I was gonna die there I didn't know from which direction I just felt like I was in a really bad spot I actually know this map like the least out of all the maps like I I think this is this is a map I was pretty close to getting a new con though I got kind of I got kind of low-key snapped on me right there now Mike's great Echo seems better too wait since I started I literally haven't changed anything since I started dude it's so funny I literally just have like pillows from from the couch laying around in this room to try to counteract some of the uh the echo like literally just sprinkled in every corner because isn't that where you want the most like sound absorption is in the corners right like isn't like that's where you want the most sound like to be absorbed is in the corners of things right oh yeah and he got all the way up there I thought my team I was watching it well join Jack's discard um okay give me give me a second yeah well I can just I can just back out whenever he's ready um okay I'll just do it now I'll just do it now there's collage's Discord garage oh there we go no it's it's this is this build is so busted it's so so busted oh I don't have hotkeys [ __ ] Hold on I need I need to set like again this is my first time using Discord on this piece so I see so pray for me Chad actually pray for me right now uh toggle mute is there even okay is there even a point to putting on daddy ever in these games or no no well apparently if they have a Glide bomb and you pop daddy you don't show up on the radar that is true and you do stop showing up on uavs as well oh thank you Corbin that's actually super useful uh hello we actually are full we can't fit Noah oh yeah oh sorry man hey uh real quick is is my mic okay in Discord I'm in a new place right now it is it is okay oh good thank you you sound handsome um yeah and whenever you're ready uh invite me I'll back about this game well we are halfway uh halfway through ours we'll be done in three minutes and eight seconds okay oh God I'm getting smoking forgot I was on full screen I trusted you and I'm in the game thank you I didn't even know you were lying Chad what the Yeah I'm gonna stream at 10 a tomorrow make sure y'all come because I'm really really excited for it I'm really really really excited for it have you dropped a nuke yet no I I need to like Buckle it in and focus up today I have not been on very many nuke streaks I haven't been playing for a nuke as much as I as much as I want to be I have not been playing for a nuke we got much closer multiple more times last time Health players chat every single one of those skills was full health Fighters is Kevin here I need that clipped I know it's like asking if I [ __ ] ghosts this year but it's the same no more zombies no zombies zombies has the like basically zombies I think is in the spot right now where um I really want it to be good like because the mechanics feel good this year but there's just so little content that it's just a huge huge l ol like everything about it is just so bad because there's just no content for it um so I almost want them to just chalk zombies this year like say like say zombies is not getting any more content this year this is the only thing and focus on the next one I just want to go home and see my family man like it's like right over it's like right before Thanksgiving and yeah yeah I just it's like the week before I know but I just want to go home I forget that where you going Joe that kind of pissed me off I think it's good that you can control the kids I didn't win the award oh yeah man you should probably come here because there's a good chance you'll win something wink wink s yeah and then like I didn't go and then the award got given to someone else what the [ __ ] I didn't know that yeah I don't think I've ever said they didn't even ask for like you know a little acceptance video like you know Jack and beer today but you know I got like a I got like a DM I don't know I think I'm pretty good at speaking to other people and can read the room in a lot of situations and I got a DM that was like you should re trust me to Triple really be worth your time if you come here and I like couldn't make it in the last in like the last few days and then uh and then next you know the award I was like watching the award show being like they didn't ask me for an acceptance speech it's kind of weird and the award came up and uh [Applause] I've never been to one of those Chad my heart 360. oh imagine though dude I need to I need to is there a way that I can stop myself from hitting this button on my mouse I hit it so often I accidentally melee especially in this game what do you think about the leaked tarkov Style game mode from Marvel for two huh bro yeah y'all know y'all know so many more leaks than I know I'm not gonna lie y'all know so many leaks and I just feel like I know absolutely nothing that was a cool little execution right there all right boys that's it for me I'm out I will talk to you all right you let Noah see you Joey he looks better Jackie you have to get 30 kills for nuke at 25 25 gun and Equipment kills back out again Noah yeah perfect timing my game just ended all right so shotgun's eh don't get yeah man it's kind of crazy hey I don't really rage that much Davis I don't okay let's change the grip or hold it lower it like forces my thumb is too fat like I don't even have that like like I'm 6'4 but you see how like my thumb just like is right there like this is it literally as low as it can go if for me to have the grip it's like on there I'm trying to show y'all you wanna hear something crazy with the shoddy Noah what's up Symphony has played probably close to 80 hours on this game already he used he swapped that's him combat shotgun for one game on Das house that's all activities played and set his kill record that first game oh my god with like 158 one game with the shotgun that's so silly oh my God dude it's crazy how how big the um the crosshairs are too like it doesn't look like it should kill yeah like that that well yeah it's because that ammo type man the ammo type is what [ __ ] it even more the buck and slog so it shoots a buck and a slug it's like no the shotguns are supposed to be you shoot one or the other you know there's a yeah there's a negative to it but because this game had to have 70 levels and 10 attachments per gun they had to come up with [ __ ] that's just never been a thing before so we got the buck and slug oh when MW came out I was like there's no way it gets crazier than it like what a detached seven attachments there's no way they'll ever go crazier the beta holy [ __ ] it's also just the amount of shotguns that like it's been snake shot it's been the 725. it's been every single shotgun that they could break has been broken well what's nuts too is that um dude oh my God wait all the shoddies are good did you see that clip that's the fastest V2 the dysfunction one well no it's 33 he got in 33 seconds [Music] I'm gonna tweeted about you guys ungodly take it at 25. streaming or no yeah I am I just Linked In the uncle Jack's fun house General Chad both you guys should pull that up on your stream and watch and watch at least like the first 20 seconds of that tweet watch after this game oh my God your vids are amazing thank you Bree appreciate you yeah uh is the last barrel uh this is a really Niche question is the last Barrel on the MP4 I love your streams and have really helped me away from using the MP40 because I'm just taking all the time on this game to just level up every gun that I can for Wars like once I get a gun above like 50 I just stop using it um it takes so long to level your guns in this game too oh that's what we're talking about earlier with like the 10 different ammunition types flat out ads 10 more levels that I think stuff they're completed I just need to give a little bit more XP I don't mind the number of attachments it just takes so long to get everything to max level my Dodgers too and loves your videos oh thank you Brian that's awesome you short yeah yeah I am I am 6'4 so you know I am a I am a short King it's true dude everyone thinks I'm short I saw tweet from Jay God and he was talking about how long it takes to to get uh UPS what is the [ __ ] Atomic camo yeah I saw people like raging about he was like 44 hours into doing it and was like probably not even close to Like A fifth or a sixth of the way there and like I guess I see my thought was this it's like it's four days in a game I don't think anyone should be able to return like 100 completion camo thing and like [ __ ] five days like I feel like that would be a real let down I feel like it'd be Atomic camo is one of those things that should be your journey of grinding the multiplayer game from like kind of the start of the Year towards when the game is out of the cycle maybe maybe halfway through maybe a third of the way through yeah but just like you know it should take you a while it should take you a while I think yeah it's just hard to balance because like for the average person No One's Gonna Be able to get it right like the content creators are going to be able to do it because they like literally do this at their job but I don't know I've always been a more casual MP player like normally I wouldn't even be playing multiplayer at this point in the game's life cycle but I did everything there is to do in zombies in one game so I wish I was talking earlier about it about how Treyarch has been like so shafted lately oh bro it's like not even close to their fault yeah cold War's life cycle got a year decrease or uh just dead cycle got a year decreased off of it yep the zombies they had like [ __ ] four months like eight dollars is a budget yeah that's so attractive just so sad because like it's been proven time and time again how good they can make stuff if they have time and budget and they just never get it but then they're still like all right daddy Activision one we need another zombies this year to Market it come on come on out Treyarch we know you're tired I don't know I think that they should I think campaign at this point should just be completely abandoned yeah I agree and all that all those assets should go towards multiplayer zombies and potential other exciting replayable multiplayer multiplayer experiences yeah there's some ridiculous number like less than five percent of players complete the campaigners oh [ __ ] like take all those devs on that and just put it on stuff that's going to get played a lot I just jumped off the map on a high kill streak [ __ ] me right I think I think honestly the only reason it still gets made is because so much of campaign assets are just like the multiplayer assets and the zombies assets like the last like yeah in the last like seven like the last like seven zombie maps like five of them have been like campaign levels that have just been re-skinned for zombies they spawn out find the bus losing objective Abel yeah sitting [Applause] able heads up man I show I choked that local informance so hard right there chat I actually choked that local performance so hard Hey JC here oh is this a different is this a chatter JC if I had more ammo that would have been a quad feed said uh have y'all played any snd in this game yeah uh yeah how's the play in this right now there's like well I mean it plays good for pubs it plays pretty much exactly like MW which is good yeah I I I don't keep up as much with like what the pros are saying and stuff how are they liking this game for like competitive there are uh there are three there are three pretty game breaking glitches right now and so everyone's excited for that to get patched yeah because I think I think it's gonna be a really good SMB game like it's probably gonna be the best SMB game we've had in them wait the Green Bay English are across the multiple modes or just s d That's s d it's the what the bomb one so there's there's one where you can see when he's using someone's defusing there's one where there's one where you can uh if you have if you have the bomb and you get killed and you drop the bomb the other team can hear when your teammate picks the bomb up oh yeah true and then the other one is there's no silent uh Silent Planet doesn't work so you can just sit beside you can just sit inside a bomb and just sound [ __ ] for yeah he starts planning so once those things good we're good get patched and plus there's a spike I don't know I don't really know what they were going for with the destructible walls but that does not play well in competitive there's just walls that you can break down everything everywhere like I've seen some like Rainbow Six Siege looking Clips where someone will like break a single panel and then just watch like an entire Lane shoot through the floor and busted the ceiling on a bob site yeah yeah which I guess they thought that would be like exciting I don't I don't know what they're thinking but there's got to be a way to take those out I feel like some of those Maps so if you take those walls out I guess I guess let me rephrase it's not that bad I'm gonna resend my thought s on a oh my God that guy's so weak over there yeah but we flipped yeah I don't know I really like this multiplayer I was a huge fan of modern warfare's multiplayer and I feel like this plays yeah my kind of like preference I strongly disliked Cold War I said I literally played two games in the actual retail version aside from the beta but like I know that the meme of doors and competitive is annoying and this destructible Club is crazy if I care about like growth for my stream this is so much better yeah or or grow up with the CDL yeah yeah I'm definitely I'm way more excited about this year than I was for last year I mean there's a reason why MW 2019 I think has become like the longest supported CoD game of all time alongside like yeah three three uh got good bones that's crazy how many creators played it I mean if if I had like I mean hindsight's 2020 but if I could do it all over again we just wouldn't even have played Cold War like like as like TST or whatever we played Modern Warfare the whole like done with Marcel and Wildcat and all them dead yeah yes I do think it's a little bit tough because you are so your audience is very tight not tied but synonymous with CDL I was like a pretty good game for me more than almost any other grader yeah these guys aren't streaming they're watching you because you're at least playing Cold War which is the game that they're interested in yeah how how much I'd be interested to see how much did you guys actually play Cold Black Ops Cold War compared to this dude maybe you're a Cod guy bro you're the sexiest man alive they voted for Paul Rudd but I think they were wrong in the years oh my God I didn't realize how much of a banger game that was 63 and 12. I mean to be fair that's probably what I was thinking at the beginning of Cold War it's like wow thank God I never have to play MW ever again yeah I I I can't remember man I need to like look up a list of Call of Duties but I can't remember the last Call of Duty that I played as much as I played mw's multiplayer and I think it's gonna be the same with this because I played like two games of Cold War and was like yeah no I'm good yeah but these these I don't know what something about this engine and the system and like the time to kill just really like I click well with on these it's a lot of fun um first time doing a living streams really helped me through the days much love yo thick kiwi sorry I missed that again I have like audio bugged where I can't hear the donuts you guys can but I really appreciate it um and uh Jake and Pika loving the stream I hope uh you're having a good time uh I sent you a clip on Twitter with a shotgun and what you think of it oh yeah I need to watch that I need to watch that because I need to see what the actual Max rank shoddy looks like you know what Taylor thinks for the tier one and Mr did I read that one thank you very much thank you everyone appreciate all you guys being here hey Chad if you can hear me right now let's drop a little smile in the chat because you know what I hope you have a good day I like you I like it looks like we're gonna have to get you guys in some uh content creator snds hmm I am absolute cheeks at s d but I am down dude I hit up dot I hit a Lupo and talk and I was like do you all want to do a doc for a stock show match Lupo was like hell yeah I'm down and then doc I I think he almost replied to it go go clip oh my God where am I being shot from yeah he hates uh what the [ __ ] is this wait what is he's like a tree dog what I killed him dude oh God I swear to God thank god oh man I I got Glide bombed five off a nuke uh last time I played it's so sad I would cry I dropped the nuke earlier on dos house it's cool hey this spot is absolutely insane without the shot jumped off [Applause] carrots broccoli rice teriyaki sauce on the balls [ __ ] fire we love a healthy King oh bro I've been eating like a jackass lately and I haven't had food I haven't had food guilt lately which is even worse yeah I haven't had it lately either by lately I mean 27 years oh great I gotta blow up the barrels because I'm like I don't want them to blow me up and they all spawn on me My Bullets don't do that nice little streak there too sprinting too much right now [Music] regular Sprint um or is it about the same I think it's about the same I'm dead like every time I tax friend I lose my fight feel the new coming I I mean is it really yeah because it was [ __ ] it I don't think it's good in doth's house oh yeah definitely not oh my God can I get this talking Glide bombs or whatever that is we'll get back high track you can tell that kid wants to go throwing the CDL but just we'll never make it by just how his movement is it's like slide canceling every corner bee hopping everything it's like dude you need to go touch grass control the hard point speaking going pro I've been I've been playing so much Valor recently been loving that game I like fell back in love with thinking of going bro while Valor and CS so those are all those games that you fall back in love with for sure yeah it's the beauty of them and then I watch Ed the first episode of uh AR en't like oh God no why dude arcane's phenomenal man what is it the League of Legends Show on Netflix it's uh it's now the highest rated original Netflix piece of content of all time what it means the first three episodes yeah yeah well I don't think squid games that like highly rated it's just more like a it's more popular but not like yeah it doesn't have like critic ratings that makes sense I saw uh I just saw eternals recently too and I would do the critics literally eviscerated that movie and I was like I mean it's not a perfect movie but jeez like yeah I actually need to go see eternals it was like 40 on Rotten Tomatoes or something like that yeah it's the lowest rated critic lowest critically rated Marvel film of all time geez I was like color boobies oh they're so picky dude someone watch out and said highest rate until Tiger King two comes out next week for the first Battlefield tonight now Battlefield tomorrow for the second one look at how this guy plays man what What a Sad piece of [ __ ] oh my God how many hit markers hello today reality TV it actually is but like real life just like playing his life over everything oh my God the type is so crazy oh it's it's just it's insanity it's a good YouTube video right there this was this was instantly banned in Pro play you are right this this class was instantly banned in Pro play but man some of the stuff needs it oh yeah this is just bro it's just straight and broken I mean how do you like as a studio of a couple hundred people account for every single combination of like this is Merry Christmas present file something nice the amazing content Noah daddy 456 schools I mean some of it should have been obvious but where did my game audio just go you guys never have all your game audio just decides like it's gonna take a break for a minute yeah I've had that in previous cuts it's like a seven second it just everything goes it feels like you got stunned in real life yeah I'm here like the fuzz of my headset in the background yeah that's cool I'm back killed oh there's so many over here dude I think one of my biggest complaints and it's really only a complaint when I'm playing dos house is that I can't tell the difference between friendly and enemy mollies or like thermites or anything like that it is so annoying to want to run through something and you can't you don't know if you can safely or not do you ever had to have it where a dog is sprinting at you and you don't even know your own dog yeah I have started to learn what the difference is um like one team has German Shepherds one team is Dobermans wait really mm-hmm um so like both teams have a dog out at the same time we're the axes you know what I'm saying yeah but the guy in the tree killed me one off of my vsat that's cool have you used uh drop dead yet or dead drop yet uh what is that shit's busted um it lets you respawn with your current streak so you can literally just like yeah cool down yeah so it basically only works once per game but like let's say you're you play the first half of the game with like Daddy on or some [ __ ] and then like second half of the game you swap the Dead Drop and just like get your streaks fire scene so glad killed actual like real kill streaks are back rather than score streaks they're like oh my God he's out there in the tree yeah the tree spot is nuts I didn't know you got a very Terrorizer and Wildcat talk about it yesterday I'm like what the [ __ ] are they talking about tree spot like or or sorry 407. like there's no way that it's that crazy well oh my God Chad why are they targeting me with the streaks when I'm on a kill streak okay dude I like I found like I always thought I was like a competitive person and stuff like that but recently I feel like I've been transitioned to more of like uh like for instance you know the uh rust server that people had yeah yeah I like I've found recently that I am way more of like RP than like actually competitive like I get competitive about Call of Duty and stuff like that but like in the gtrp the problem with that is it takes so much time like you have to be really invested into it like people literally go into that game and work a nine to five in the game yeah I I just I I feel like it'd be really fun but I don't know like in the rest server I was in the PVP server and I literally just created a haunted house in the PVP server it got like rated bombed out everything like that but I found that so much more fun than just trying to like be better than the other people yeah now when it comes to like when it comes to stuff like that I don't really like PVP at all like I love you guys it was a purge was was dope but yeah yeah let's go yeah that's why I started doing the casino and that I'm like I'm not gonna win against these guys it's more fun yeah yeah it's more fun to just try to like make something fun make good content for other people because I I didn't I didn't stream any of that I literally did all of that off stream oh really Josh L thanks for the three month member appreciate it you were you were on it for like I mean it didn't the server didn't last that long in general it lasts like a month but you were on it for like the first three days and I was like oh yeah it's gonna build out this whole thing and then there was just this Cobblestone Cobblestone because you know that was also like my first real time playing Minecraft as well so that didn't help wait really yeah oh damn you crushed it for that then I thought you were like I thought you played a lot oh okay a redstone Casino for your first time I watched so many YouTube I literally spent I like asked uh whoever was in charge I was like like listen can I just have admin just to try this and then I promise I'll do it all legit but I like messed up so many I spent so many hours just relaying Redstone just trying to follow a YouTube video and then of course like you know casinos always win in the long run but they can definitely lose in the short run and then I just lost all my initial Investments and just couldn't pay anyone back got rated people like C4 did it Jack signed on in the middle of a purge doberman's always friendly German Shepherds always enemy oh thank you Dylan that really helps donors okay thank you so much dude it's so hard do ultra remember today I turned 18 and then sleeping in let's go no what's up Blake thanks for the five appreciate you no I think uh this is an early Christmas present buy something nice to keep an amazing content hey I'll buy I'll use it to buy something on the street how about that look at that I got you fto you're an absolute Legend can I get something for him innocuous Dolan says no it's been a while I've been around since your BFF yeah I can't dude tell us you don't even have to donate I appreciate it Joshua thank you I appreciate you guys letting me know when I'm missing donors because I I do keep missing the donuts laughs [Music] I do appreciate it much chat because I'm gonna get it fixed for next time so I can actually hear the text to speech dude I can't wait for you to see this kill I got with the type 100 man I'm hyped here he calls it in immediately LMAO the title I hate you so much dude yeah yeah I know about it complex I'm not trying to I'm not trying to do any glitches that are going to get me banned here I'm gonna be honest the shot from up top oh this is the eight feet of the STG boom boom Chad how long have we been two hours right I love this map pop-off chat we're going in today we're going in today chat we're popping off I'm such an idiot man I'm doing all sorts of stuff I did not get the nuke yet listen it's coming eventually it's coming eventually I don't know copium it is coming eventually trust talk to me man get stuff off your chest you're talking about everything else oh my God stress almost two hours nothing we might be in English Lobby by the way if you want to re-cue us Baby Let Me Love You I want to play big map Blitz but it also just never puts me in a game let's try let's try let's give this a minute switch spy plane to Counter UAV actually I'm gonna do that chat I'm gonna go UAV dogs ASAP do you get the V2 rocket whenever you get a nuclear like in World War II it's 25 kills in this game hey Justin that's crazy there's 5 784 people watching and not one single person asked that's crazy why don't you post Minecraft when you when you played I don't know I'm just not very good at Minecraft and I feel like people would always roast me and everything like that people I don't like being back seat gamed no read my dono's cute stuff oh sorry sorry oh did you did you use the link in the uh did you release with me damn game because I don't see I think I read all of them yeah it's pretty good pretty darn good chat although homies watching you to drop a like actually true actually true drop a like if you haven't already we are oh we're super close to 2000 we need like we make a ppsh class maybe just search regular Blitz I don't know why this isn't working uh yeah I'm going to take off this MP40 class let's put a ppsh on hey I want to watch this Twitter clip better chat I'll show you guys this oh fastest V2 in the game I see here okay this this has to be it right here we go Twitter is going to be terrible quality how does it feel like no shot that helps God exactly yeah I gotta level the par watching Davis with the VAR the other day was like inspiring it was dude it's so fun it was so cheap it shoots so slow but it's pink pink it reminds me H was Z1 oh my God what the [ __ ] it's reverse the automatonic fan favorite for sure I might be a little bit broken I'm not gonna lie not gonna lie chat that might be a little why do I look so red I'm literally a red gamer right now hold on how do I is this better oh that looks better lighting right guys yeah that looks better right and I gotta figure out my lighting capturing Charlie let's see what this Banksy let's see what this waves guys uh yeah I just watched that in 30 seconds and a throw up oh where's that guy sniping able yeah yeah Chad I'm gonna I'm gonna post that uh reaction video I think I do it really well 30 seconds wait that actually is kind of a fire ride all right now wait wait wait wait wait wait we're all just like Kevin yo we're literally playing with hitch courage and Noah dude no sense I think it's the worst spawns in COD history as of right now oh my God this Call of Duty has perfected just everything is so chaotic you still have fun while dying a lot but also you get a lot of kills yeah that is true that is liangelo ball AST you drop like 40 kills and still like 70 kills and still go negative or something yeah somehow yeah I knew I knew I was playing a ridiculous game mode when I dropped I think I went like 82 and 50 and I was like man I played really bad that game like I felt like it just totally couldn't stop dying well then it also helps with the count on the limb for like [ __ ] everything yeah that's true yeah that's true so you feel even better about yourself because like even to every kid out there right now is like dude I have a 1.0 KD oh my God you guys 18 kills already taking Charlie getting my cheese where the [ __ ] are these guys even at I I I I can't play the 6v6 anymore it's just doesn't it feel so it feels so bad I can feel so bad it's like unbelievable I'll change I can change the combat pacing after this I just have it normally on all right bro the dogs are glitched I can't hit them in our face at all times and I don't even know where the [ __ ] he's at dude oh my God I'm gonna be real I was yeah okay already handled already [ __ ] handled man yeah the dogs were like straight up glitching out I couldn't hit him with any bullets oops already handled bro hurry [Music] yeah getting that skill based matchmaking kicking in I have found that skill base is actually lower in the more player counts as well which is nice maybe that's just a placebo but I donated through the chat button but here's another 15 dollars yeah that that was a little rough right there I'm not gonna lie new setup yeah I'm in uh I moved out to LA for a project I'm working on secret you know what I'm saying very secretive chat are all the usual war zone people are all the usual war zone people are they all playing Vanguard are they still playing um yeah like like what like what are they doing right now I actually think I'm gonna hop off too I'm gonna go uh get some food before I stream tonight wow okay man look at this guy multiple shows I'm literally what I'm just playing with you guys because I like you I'm not even live right now you're not alive I thought you were alive yeah I've just been chilling 88 Dom on dos house you're missing out on man oh it already started damn that's all right well I'll see you guys later all right honestly you might have made the right decision this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting do you have your the shotgun leveled all the way up no mine's like a 27. I'm just leveling every AR and SMG because it's like at least to like 40. so oh my God I just got a five man with the shoddy yeah you know shotgun's [ __ ] when Tim is a guaranteed hundred on this map right now 100 every game because I think that's like whenever you really level it up you can like jump shot people which is so huge with this gun you can just jump around dude having a buck shot and a slog like completely takes away the downsides to certain shotguns yeah I actually wouldn't mind playing some more dos house if you wanted after like actually queuing up for this because I found I found it like even though it's more frustrating I don't tilt as much weirdly I'm playing this we've lost some chats I'm a dirty dos house main now dude [ __ ] fake Break on Mission ready oh my God that jump shot on that guy oh my God the shotgun is so good no wait he's just one hit mate oh he had a bayonet Bayonetta what am I saying banana no am I having a stroke what is it called bayonet okay we thought I've been playing too much Smash Bros I hope you tried that yet no I haven't it makes Commando Pro look like [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man they really they really just said epic everything's okay in this game it's crazy yep the Modern Warfare 2 route hey people loved it ah Sora is so fun I I like I love the way Sora plays I personally don't like Sora but I think it's a very like this spawn in get my get like three kills pop dead drop spawn in next life you know stay alive until I get that drop again pop it die spawn a next life pop dead drop get those streaks so so like so just so I understand how it works you literally pop it and then whenever you spawn you have that kill streak exactly where it was before yeah so if I'm on like a five streak then I spawn on a five three and you can so like say you get like dogs or something like that you can actually like use the like get the dogs and the spawn back in like one-off dogs again if you pop it on like night only works realistically once per game but it guarantees you like how fast did I just get [ __ ] dogs right there are you instantly oh you uh I already have dogs at an advanced UAV this game interesting oh I really want to get bucking slugs for the shotgun dude Noble was just like laughing the whole time we were playing it was so funny oh my God this is paying that guy is ah I think I have a right shield on this class yeah even right shoulder in your back I saw you some of my child was trying to tell me it doesn't stop bullets but I'm like 99 sure it does someone's saying that too and I'm like I don't think that's true at all Baker is lost oh if you ads out of a slide you get the full accuracy I'm hacking objective oh my God the nades oh I just wanted another gun patch notes fix the ride Shield fixed it which way like now it does stop the bullets because oh okay okay so they were right but now there's a new update that fixed it so it actually stops the uh bolts now it didn't before though oh my God oh my God No One's Gonna Die flag the pack at Birth yeah yeah lagging what did what is dude stop knifing oh my God that dude what are those spawns oh my God there's some of the worst spots I've ever seen it was because we have ANC [Music] and no one has any respect they always whenever I run past someone and like games like this I just keep going and everyone always turns around to kill me I can just see all these [ __ ] through the smoke oh chat thank you bro why are you say in the corner come on let's kill this guy he goes Come On Noah uh oh I lost the audio very cool that's I'm gonna die if I'm gonna die anyway no way oh it's on such a good streak there holy [ __ ] like I lived too chat pop another double weapon XP after this game I think I'm running out you smell dude has gotta go doing this dude Tim Tim's like dude no they're not gonna Nerf this by the time Warzone update comes yes I do that's a Monday they will they will absolutely have it done by that this is already op without the op attachment it's definitely getting nerfed oh my God Chad this thing that I I can't I can't get over how good the shotgun is and apparently it gets like two times better Lansing their team has 50 kills with only using the knife no that would have been a stick clap man I got 94 kills what yo ggs guys can't wait to see you have it maxed out yo that's me that's me chat chat that's me ah beautiful shotgun uh that's crazy it's only right that was my that was my finisher right there and I almost dropped 100 that game look at those handsome Devils on the MVP screen with me using an off meta SMG I'll take it I'll take it chat uh do you want to search that oh my God I'm a degenerate I need more listen can we just do Blitz on hardpoint and Dom a little bit yeah okay that's fine I've been live for six hours already and all I did was Tim with sauce house okay that's fair that's fair that's fair I'm trying to give myself a reason to live here Noah my game is not helping no just a little reminder chat my code is Noah j456 if you'd like to you know give that an old whirly gig on your game 60 round drum on this could be crazy the old worldly gig well okay I only any double at weapon XP if it's Das house again double operator XP what is it what is that what are doing the operator what does it even do what do we got Oasis 8v8 okay that's good I don't I don't need the double XP uh on anything except for um the shotgun yeah bro there's a map where you just get set up and Fry everybody who actually started playing World of Warcraft and people hate it oh he's still on it I think he might be playing like a classic Maybe people were just like done with that game in general oh it's so it's definitely in a low point right now I can say that for sure but it's still uh widely loved by degenerates everywhere defense everywhere exactly perfect way to put it oh my God [ __ ] bum I need to put fully loaded on this gun for sure you spawn it with 75 bullets in total like what can I get through this please like look at that there's dogs Noah oh my God I got local informants oh my God I was one off of local informants and just [ __ ] got beamed foreign need to switch to something else because I just used the like the ammo restock ones I might actually throw that on with this I'm on the 17th kill streak is that good I don't know oops I hope so I hope so I am going to camp turtley now because I really want my first V2 love it for you oh God there's a sniper up there I mean not Peak that I I hate that [ __ ] so much there's a bug on that middle jump through where you can't cleanly jump to that window and just got me killed right there chat the enemy has taken the hard point [ __ ] Glide bombed under 20 streak again I'm going to lose my mind tap in once [Applause] wait did did you are you still on the speaker now yeah okay good God I I just there's so many explosions going on around me I don't feel safe foreign Battlefield tomorrow or no yeah 10 a.m PST baby oh yeah we might have some spots too if you're down uh very possibly yeah me and Tim will be on at that point at least you understand very neat yeah I very very possibly him down oh my God I almost just died oh my God I almost just got beamed by that guy oh God wait we might flip spawns here which would be really bad for me enemy has the hard point I don't want to die please dude how do I CL there's some times in this map chat where I just can't tell what I can do you know hardpoint can move that'd be super dope killed him with a stun fair and bounce [Applause] I am camping so hard right now should you're that close [Applause] there's a sniper on the middle right side careful yep hardpoint is ours oh my God here we go that was Jay baby first one ooh oh it felt good I've been trying I've been trying to do that for like probably four hours now so I needed that um absolutely love that thank you thank you thank you I love you all thank you for hyping me up I really appreciate that thank you thank you you're too kind you're too kind thank you thank you actually when we were at 199. uh no I think they kept ticking until 1.99 I could have cried if it didn't go up oh my God I didn't realize it was that much he probably he was a few off of V2 as well he's probably pissed right now [Music] clip it clip it chat oh man that was that was literally the perfect nap for that I I played so aggressive for the first like 17 kills too and then I kind of camped out for the last eight but still oh God all right all right all right all right let's see here just saying hi uh MP Fritz thanks so much for the 25 Mr nun thanks for the tier one yeah the chat button but here's another 15 yo slay thank you so much yeah though if you use the link in the description I'll actually be able to see it no it has to feel it Tim the time and dropped a V2 before you I I did it in less hours than he did and I did it without the shotgun just saying fight me no I actually attempt might have Tim might have beaten me in that too all right what do we get dos house no Dome dude don't play so weird in this man whoa do a nuke counter no I don't want that much pressure because I I you know I played hard for that one I I like went for I like actually really went for it that game and everything so dude I feel like Dome plays so strange on this game I don't remember Dome playing the way it does on this map on this game really I played it like a million times with just Blitz on so take the objective I [ __ ] up that stun so bad Chad God damn it oh thank you I don't see how they ever release a Call of Duty from here on out without combat pacing and Blitz being in it oh it's easy thing that they've ever like like the best innovation in long time in Call of Duty history like it's just so smart just let people play if they want to play like Psychopaths let them do it [Applause] the enemy is ready did you kill I go on the other side of the box boy come on oh ready for action first donation love you and the content from the last four years good job bud oh where where just bottom middle of the map somehow he's able to do that no I was one up in my local two of my low performance pain pain pain I love all the voice lines that are just so clearly not from the time area that this game is from my character goes just goes you're doing great sweetie like no one had ever said that at any point in history for the last couple years actually during the vicious battles of World War II on war-torn Stalingrad when facing the Nazi regime you're doing great sweetie oh sweetheart oh ow ow ow ow Noah Jay the tat man why what's up no what'd I do dang it dude should I buy this guy this game seriously I I like it a lot what a terrible spawn holy I I like this game a lot I really enjoy the multiplayer personally but of course you know everyone has their own preference and you should figure out what you like or wait for a free weekend or play the demo that you can't play anymore I really like it lagging are we lagging oh no no no no are we good you just saved my life thank you Daddy gotcha possible um the the new Warzone map is gonna be like not a revamp it's gonna be like literally completely new right yeah exciting completely new from top to bottom it's been a while since I've been excited for Warzone that'll be a lot of fun yeah it's kind of the entirety of why I'm doing this and just like I'm using every SMG every AR getting them all to a good spot so no matter what the meta becomes one of the parts of why I don't think I enjoyed Cold War Warzone as much for a lot of reasons but I never had the guns leveled and I could never be bothered to load up Cold War to play that multiplayer yeah and it's so much easier to level stuff in multiplayer yep doggies oh let me through why are you challenging me like that you [ __ ] [ __ ] look at that chap I mean what am I looking at oh they got dogs careful counter dogs inbound Oh see now you should see the difference between these two teams by the way yeah I think I think numbers are always bad [Applause] and true so far the Dobermans are always good German Shepherd's always bad oh my God those spawns yeah it's got ridiculous points too response right now are just so bad I don't know it's because of the dogs are in play or what dogs are in play and then it's a mid map hardpoint I'm kind of popping off this game though Loki [ __ ] oh my God man I get Throne blocked [ __ ] you're doing great sweetie oh I got just spawn there too l [Music] uck sometimes just think about the uh like World War II everyone's just slide canceling around like dude I was getting quick earlier and making jokes like I wonder if people quick scoped in World War II so I kind of popped off man 71 kills we kind of carried we kind of carried Loki yo kill cam man new class game 71 on dome this game I love you vote for me don't don't vote for that bum Curry getting them I'm going sweat mode only [Music] I haven't even looked at the challenges I don't know what they are [ __ ] your sound dude you're like actually two years old actually so immature huh you have voice chat for the end of that actually just sad human beings but what else is new Call of Duty and having a sad human beings the use the huge what's the difference between accuracy oh you find out let me know because I don't know what accuracy actually means a break that redirects gases to slightly improve accuracy standard compensator that reduces muzzle climb let me try that yes Hey There Delilah what's it like in New York City accuracy is Bloom like the longer you fire it actually blooms wait there's actually bloom in this game hello yeah I got a nuke last not last game of the game before that scope sway while aiming I don't think that's that house okay pop the XP token go go go go let's go double weapon XP let's get it let's get it it's happening you can see in the details I see I'll look it up Das house congrats on the Nick thank you change your aim assist um I'm playing on PC so there's no aim assist shoddy time baby let's get it trying to get Max rank shoddy are you all enjoying the MP streams I mean obviously obviously haven't been doing oh I should have just hard scoped that door obviously I haven't been doing very many uh oh God he definitely he definitely has the shoddy max out um haven't been doing very many zombie stuff because I just I mean kind of doo-doo but uh have you all been here we go have you all been enjoying the MP streams I hope y'all have been because I've been having a lot of fun doing them oh my God my Sprint to fire time is so bad on this I need a knot oh my God there's so many shots they have the max rank stuff like they they definitely all have Max rank on them If This Owen actually feels pretty damn good how the [ __ ] did I make it here chat oh my God and there's just so many Sidelines in that middle area um taking Faker oh this guy has the dual wield shawties too I don't know which ones those are but he's kind of clapping me with them all the idiot kimbos the kimballs are crazy oh my God what does this guy do give us Charlie needs a Nerf now it seems to seems fair to me chat time I can't I can't play that I can't My Double XP no Chad I was just sick shot I can't do it can't do it and I understand you're there mentally after a morning of pain so I'm gonna play one more game Noah all right all right that puts me at seven hours straight let's go that's a pop-off day right there I've done 11 and a half eight and a half and seven in the last three days all just they're eighty percent yes yeah that's understandable I get it truly [ __ ] yeah we're playing dostos after this chat what do you think of Vanguard campaign and multiplayer I haven't played the campaign yet I am planning on doing a full campaign playthrough um uh multiplayer I I think if you like modern warfare you love this campaign I just think that's how it is it's very very similar in my eyes like in terms of enjoyment like basically the same dude it is so cold in here now I can't get the temperature down I actually can't get the temperature down very good day though I got my type 100 in a really good spot a little by Volk a little bit got my NZ over level 40. level to my Owen to 34. it's a little productive it's those later levels that just take so long like I've used the oh disconnected you do the transmission did you get that yeah you should I think we're we're yeah um hold on a second I'm gonna turn my air down it's too cold I'm freezing I'm freezing the freakies uh what all what let's see what time does our uploading this type 100 Club you gotta watch this [ __ ] what time does Target close eat it to go there as well today I'm saying let's see 0.4 ah 10 P.M 10 p.m okay this is one of those clips that goes up and yeah begins to swing The Meta it begins look at look at that clip on my Twitter it's about to go up that's that final kill it's just ridiculous let me know when it's up there you go just one up okay I'm looking that's a dub that first kill I get is a double kill all those guys at full HP oh my God you don't even have to keep shooting at him there I literally just panicked and shot and killed the guy incendiary rounds like I think I'll just lose lose for everybody honestly that's exactly what I talked about I'm talking about my stream today someone at Sledge is Paige was paid a handsome salary to make the decision that every gun in the game should get incendiary rounds for me anyway I don't think that's a very fun experience like I either want to get the kill or lose the fight I don't want to like get from the grave kills it also just feels terrible to kill somebody have a and then die a second later it's a lose-lose I feel like they're they're absolutely not fun to play against and simple zap yeah oh God these are these guys are pushing the pushing the envelope here they have bombers on the way awesome they're they're this guy with the clan tag nuke camping inside of the building right now that's him that got the bombers too dude that being said the STG is silly in this game hit kills so you just point at names through smoke and you get kills oh my God can I [ __ ] spawn man yeah these courage is bad oh more nice I'm sure I won't die to this smile it would not go down there all right I thought my team was over there such this guy with the bombers chat unbelievable I don't know what's going on can't can't kill him there's a third bomber awesome boys and the skies oh oh I'm trying to kill that guy too yeah re-picked an STG with the sniper like that cracked man that guy was pramming that what do you rate this game I I probably like the multiplayer is I think like an eight out of ten oh my God Michael oh God I just feel the gold every single shot ready I hate feel I hate field goaling shots where you just see two people and you just shoot in between both of them and like every time you're then like [ __ ] I should have shot at the biggest threat yeah [Applause] good good good yes bombers oh my God what a spawn where even is this guy man this is like pure insanity thank you bro I I don't understand where people are right now like no one has anything locked down we're just everywhere all this guy in the chat said no it's so handsome he also shouted out his twist stream or maybe that was someone else that's another bombers for them that's four so far yep yep we're definitely dead how many kills are bombers uh not many like eight and with dead drop it's like guaranteed to get it I don't even know where oh my God I thought there was 20 Damage Done uh I know Sim has been playing this um but uh do you guys do you know what the rest of the war zone guys are doing are they playing this are they still on Warzone like Tim you talking about or just like anyone who usually plays Warzone for like their daily stuff I think a lot of people have been playing like they're kind of swapping back and forth but like if they don't have someone that hashtag puts the time in with them off stream AKA plays for them and levels their guns up yeah um then like they've just been grinding this to level up guns for war zone yeah losing objective faker I think everyone wants to make sure that when the time comes and the ball drops for the new map they are prepared to use whatever could possibly be as powerful you know yeah because you you know they're you know some things are going to be buffed because they want people to buy them and buy the game I I hope they do the uh time to kill increase for war zone for the new stuff Drops make it more like iron trials yeah oh my God I'm like 27 and 27. yeah this is very very mid game for me I hate this I feel like we're all very even oh my God I'm about 17 bomber deaths as well so that's vloggers these guys Chad what the [ __ ] oh my God I can't go anywhere oh my God a good shotgun that dog it was so funny bam oh God the bar feels like the bar feels like it'll be like an Odin oh I've got him in warzone or it's like if you hit someone from mid to close range yeah they're just dead freaking bombers man I can't get a break every time I'm on a streak it just yeah because they they flip they go through they go they go across the map three times stupid like [Music] man I hope the STG is meta because that's the only one I have ranked up yeah I have the scg max um break on Mission ready oh he peaked that I don't think he was gonna Peak that overrun they're all over that church [ __ ] incendiary that's so unenjoyable [Applause] every aspect of that is heavy I'm sorry you flipped into seven things oh can you clip that too please um chat I have a question for y'all what was what was your favorite thing that you ate today and hey you know what if you ate healthy and you're you're glad you ate healthy what's what'd you eat it doesn't have to be necessarily like pizza or something like that you know what what is it what is it that you ate what was your favorite thing that you ate today you seen that Gammon bomb too by the way uh like what about it just using it the nade oh yeah that's what I use all the time yeah it's like you get someone weak and then they're behind cover yeah throw it right there general area the game has come out it's so easy backed out mid me killing him no I died should have waited on the shots there do we got both those kills hostile Recon just got a 17 kill streak and died to a dog rip in a turkey burger on Horizon walls the Chick-fil-A sauce is amazing bro that sounds so fire I'm not gonna lie Hawaiian rolls just are are Elite they just are bad gaming bomb that was a bad Ganon bomb that I could like free throw it or something oh my God this thing sucks oh man how come every time there and there no one no one kills them every time I go in there they're all over it I just love this building in general how about mustard or ketchup oh ketchup mustard l l condiment can't change my mind oh my God all right well that was a very mid game Let's cross the board I kind of turned up a little bit towards the end but no it's so [ __ ] hot 54 kills I had to that 30-something desk that's a sweat Lobby yeah that was definitely a sweat two people nuke in their client attack yeah I love you let's go you're so cute oh my God no one talked in my chat yo I'm voting for me sorry Jack I'm voting for me dude how many I have 26 okay not as many as I thought that was the best song again for the STG and all my problems go away yeah that's usually how it goes shoot it shoot at some red stuff and you win yeah all right Noah I'm heading out okay big boy see you next time yes sir I'll see you in Battlefield yes sir all right chat let's do a little let's do a little dos house here we got 42 minutes Double XP I'm trying to grind my shotgun up trying to grind it dude I want the maximum shotgun so so what this is the most important thing chat oh someone someone tweeted me what Tim's build was which is the maxed out one so 16 so this one needs 16 gauge uh 10 round drums that needs level 53. Harbor 4 grip choke sawed off okay so that's level 50. buyer custom vital and then on hand on hand why would he run on I guess it doesn't really matter and then pine tar grip so basically I just need to get the the last slugs so basically I just need to get the last slugs and that's that's it foreign oh that guy didn't die I thought I got 100 should have should have died best condiment period ooh y'all are gonna y'all are gonna disagree and that's okay but I love mayonnaise I love mayonnaise dude I got just spun right behind me huh you really just went and did that dude mayonnaise goes well on everything dude well maybe not everything that guy was lagging hundo p maybe he doesn't go well on everything everything but my right Shield just made me live so hard right there no shot I shot before that guy 100 a shot before that guy game is broken dude this chewy guy is lagging he's actually lagging please tell me he's trolling with the shoddy what do you mean do these kills look like trolling to you foreign it's just too good man it really is oh God I'll spawn this way let's keep it moving more we need more XP dude I'm telling Chewie is the only person who can kill me probably because he's playing like that all right here we go here we go play like Chewie here we go we're playing like Chewie here okay man it's crazy how call like this is still chaos but it feels so calm because it's only 66. that was friendly friendly internal right there dude Chewie literally I saw his bullets after I already fired he is actually dude can we can we get a check on Chewie cheating like actually Chewie is cheating Chewie is 100 cheating literally I shoot every single time before before I even die and none of my bullets register on him [Music] Chewie is actually shooting and it's kind of Shameless it's kind of Shameless that he's cheating it's kind of Shameless foreign because he's better than you petty bro it's a it's a it's this is for entertainment purposes I'm not actually that upset I'm not actually that upset this is for entertainment purposes only it's okay it'll be okay no I was around it was a chewy of course it was effing chewy of course it was chewy dude Chewie is actually he's actually actually cheating that's crazy freaking dude he is actually my arch nemesis dog he is the anime antagonist to me right now literally he's the only person who kills me he's actually the only person who wins the fights against me I don't know what it is I don't know what it is foreign I am telling you bro this can't dude I'm getting smoked in this game I'm not gonna lie I'm getting absolutely smoked this game I'm thinking about backing out and making better use of My Double XP token oh my God that was ridiculous that was actually ridiculous oh that guy died I I think do I not have the shield on I think I have the shield yeah I have the shield on shot don't worry it's done um they have the patrol Zone don't lose that zone no they both came from that door of all the doors you could have come from what is the zombies like uh very Bare Bones and dry with not much content unfortunately oh that was kind of a that was kind of a pogger's little sequence there at the end [ __ ] bro no I don't think I will I don't think I will what's your favorite wonder weapon the shotgun what is that gun wait what was that gun that he was just using was that the War Machine boom that's me vote for me 23 multi kills I'm the best I am once again asking for your vote to vote for me one of the launchers oh that's a launcher I always thought that was the War Machine oh interesting have you seen the IGN Halo video no what wait oh please don't tell me Halo is bad please don't tell me Halo is bad I will cry I will cry if Halo is like if the reviews are bad for it I'm so excited for that game man plus fully loaded it's print speed equipment dexterity Max range yeah I guess you really really there's like the kit is probably one of the most useful uh useless things I mean not useful useless so I pretty much just need the 10 round mags sawed off and then the buck and slug shotgun thing Halo dies if this game is bad Halo needs Halo needs a good a good halo for sure Halo Halo needs a really good halo for sure but the the flight the flights have been good yeah exactly actually enjoys enjoying Forza five I think I have some sort of sponsor something with Forza 5 coming up here next week I believe this guy oh no okay I need a not Sprint literally you just want to not Sprint with this gun keep it up I got so I canceled not like I'm sure you know what I mean like my slide didn't work and I just got volatile into the face okay free firing that hardpoint seems really tough on this immediately Sprints okay well at this off the spawn I can Sprint that's fine we're just out once once I get to like this range dude I hate the ex like I wish there was just no equipment on this map it's so much better again not sprinting what I got that killed oh my God dude the problem honestly the issue is no one has the uh the Slugs leveled up what I shot that guy perfectly actually perfectly all right I'm gonna stop playing so aggressive eh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna find an area and I'm gonna hold it down if I could just stop sprinting okay chat once that one what's my okay I'm not sprinting from here on out okay that that I was sprinting because I literally had to I was in a bad spot sheesh this is difficult no sprinting no sprinting no sprinting uh oh I missed I missed that shot there I don't think that would have killed anyway ah many explosions this guy is such an L you're just camping there the entire game push the hardpoint loser bro these guys are playing like such pansies man they won't push anything they're just holding they're just holding a bunch of angles point is ours not tracking though I tried I tried I feel like that was very close to Greatness there no how did that shot Miss excuse me did you drop a nuke yet I did I did indeed okay spawn there too maybe I should try to dead drop out I'm gonna try it out what is it called dead drop so you just get you just get a kill streak and then you just use it is that the idea I'm kind of confused as to how it works to be completely honest [Music] oh God there's two people who saw me there I was gonna try to double back around on him for this game is awesome yeah I think it's pretty good double hit markers this is supposed to be a wonder weapon you only activate when you're high in your streaks in your next life you want you won't lose your kills okay can you use like can I use it to get more like can you use it to get like dogs multiple times in a game or can you only use it like for your kill streaks once bro this is so annoying right here oh it's coming in home dude where are my bullets going these guys are really annoying players I gotta say man it wasn't that guy 100 was not even trying to shoot me oh my God I'm just getting I'm just getting stg'd from across the map you can only run the streaks one time then switch to a field look great yeah I see I couldn't fire there for some reason dude oh my bullets feel like they're not activating 16 gauge of course what do you mean 16 gauge oh nice the dog blocked me in the door and killed me ow hit Regis questionable it's been very questionable this game you are correct this has been an L game for sure not not my greatest work at all how do you activate bullets I don't know ask the game because I'm trying to do it and it's not working oh cool the dog literally just hey chat you ever get 360 by a dog if you ever get 316 by an actual talk I'm getting killed around dude this this Lobby is actually trash net code I I don't care what anyone says this Lobby has been absolutely horrible netcode I have shot so many bullets that just have done nothing just hit a clip on you true foreign cool Spawn man we are literally just spawning inside like there's no spawn points are a myth no you a sweat oh I'm 100 a sweat ain't no one trying to watch them losing gameplay come on now mailing me yeah bozo oh I couldn't shoot yet my gun wasn't finished reloading yeah 68 kills 68 kills is good XP combat facing is here to say best thing that haven't caught in a while yeah I've been saying the same thing man boom yeah it's weird that the sawed-off Barrel is so good but what makes the saw-off barrel so good yeah bro that's just so good that's me I love when they have the same exact animation yo vote for Noah J let's go come on I'm once again asking for your voting support let's get those numbers up fellas thank you thank you oh thank you we love that we love that chat that's house nice shotgun level 43 okay we're getting there we're getting there slowly but surely all we need all we need is Bucking slug what does that say buck and slug actually does foreign this is actually clutch because it it doesn't give you like damage fall off or anything like that I oh I total I totally understand I totally understand why there's a uh why sawed off is being ran now if you use the controller you'll instantly get literally cracked I believe it oh my God eradicate steal yourselves oh he got me dang it dude I think he I think he had the uh oh you son of a gun I tried to shotgun him through the wall and he just jumped around the corner right when I did that look cool Angel thanks for the tier one member this blitz pacing so my goal right now is to set up in a single a singular room oh this guy is doing the run and gun shotgun strategy he's doing the Run and Gun one oh no the Run and Gun one is so toxic go away yeah oh my god oh my god dude they won't push I'm holding this down no way you know I'm there oh they probably had a Recon that's annoying they for sure knew I was there foreign people are kind of adapting to the shotgun play now and that people are adapting to the shotgun place and they're literally just laying down in the back camping like like they're laying down in the back just adsing it's the new meta oh goodness gracious they pushed through that I didn't think they were going to oh God wait did I join a game in progress I literally I literally had to right wait did it oh that was just team death match wait what is the stim this game or is it autohill again uh it's Auto heal but there are sims to like you know if you want to use stems oh my God he got all those kills foreign wow brutal vote for me I will make all of your wildest dreams come true when's the next Extinction vid oh you know eventually eventually what are we at Doss house level 45 I'm still Level 45 oh no no go away stop how do I how do I turn these off by the way chat I don't know how to turn these off if you uninstall the game and install pain and suffering oh you think of all the fun you'd miss out on I like the game the game is fun well exactly level 45 with a shotgun foreign with the guys um uh we you know it'll happen it'll happen eventually I need to figure out what the plan is for tomorrow who I'm playing uh Battlefield with I need I need to figure out the plan that shit's on you Soldier hold on to it oh my God where it's so good nice job I didn't know someone saw me there I was gonna try to Dead Drop That I choked I feel gone dude I hate like I I do this all the time I will literally have like two kills lined up and I'll try to get them both at the same time and we'll just screw myself over I do it so I do it so often man I actually do it so often all right there's two kills oh my god did I just shoot the Ganon bomb out of midair look at this [ __ ] oh did it work oh I see I see how the Dead Drop works now I see how the Dead Drop works now I think wait so I still have it right yeah I still have my streak oh my God that's opiate that's so Opie so what so what happens now I I got this we got we got the local informants so what happens now oh ow that guy came back for me so can I use the Dead Drop again or is it over now you can only get them once though so now I want to switch my field upgrade to like Farmers I don't know armor or something right so that so that's how you use it uh I don't know how I feel about it I don't know how I feel about dead drop because it's kind of annoying to like have to switch it back every game because it is good but it's just annoying that it only works sometimes sometime please stop ratat was word for reaching level 20 in the beta oh is that how you actually got it I didn't know that I'll keep you can do it over and over and over again are you sure let me say let me say let me see hey you know I love watching a vix I'm currently taking classes for EMT any tips for school okay so I had that many kills okay let me see how many response wait it does work multiple times now oh you don't actually earn the kill streaks though that's so misleading that's so weird that you can have it but not earn the like not keep getting the kill streaks that's really weird wait why why would you I don't know I don't like that like it just straight it just straight up doesn't work anymore it's bugged because it doesn't say it only works once per game or anything like that part of me thinks like if it doesn't say that then it's bugged yeah her life not per game like it seems like it'd be really op to get it like for life you know what I mean like you could just I can just easily camp and get dogs repeatedly okay man Call of Duty lobbies today are just great once for life yeah but I didn't actually get the uh things back like I didn't actually earn the UAV I was like one kill off the UAV used it didn't get a UAV I think it's I think it's bugged they want to keep the game chaotic I mean that's really chaotic though that is like Omega chaotic hey no I love the office any tips for someone thts starting out in trying to stream so all right we're doing one more game chat one more game level 47 oh I'm getting pretty close to a getting pretty close to the sawed off which will be good and then we have just eight more levels for the buck and slug and then we try to use it as much as we can before it gets uh removed augers how long do y'all think until it actually gets patched never use it whatever shoots you got in that life you can no longer get I don't know if it's bugger intended TBH yeah all right let's try to get level 50 this game three levels I think it's doable Noah ignores his Donuts feels bad oh I I don't hear them oh sorry dude I just got a 17 kill streak die Duo dog rip yo my mirror uh pain that's all I can say to that absolute gun mission ready find the bastards on its way objective maker no the cannon got me on my streak I couldn't I couldn't get another Dead Drop before then um no what's up uh any tips for somebody starting out stream uh work smarter not harder just because you stream a lot of hours doesn't mean you're gonna be successful you have to figure out content that people want to watch that people want to be there for just literally showing up and just streaming isn't gonna work unless you're already an established content creator like I'm being serious it won't work unless they're already established like you you have to do something unique you have to do something that people haven't seen they didn't know they wanted oh my God and then I get dude oh my God I just got five kills I just got five kills no did I did I get lose my look I lost my street local informants is no more such that was the con as well man moms make hardcore literally unplayable oh dude I'm sure because the game bombs like the only just in their balance just because they don't one shot like or if they do you literally have to like hit him directly the nuke doesn't count with the shotgun what do you mean he literally just got nuked on it feels bad [Applause] oh I missed completely yeah Battlefield 20 42 10 a.m PST tomorrow oh God I got stuck in the doorway That was supposed to be really clean and good and it just was none of those things I've burned to death that's so annoying oh man I hate it when I burnt thanks Noah vervich THD was my first Dono love the content keep the boss always there when I need a laugh any game players stream plus slash bot yeah yeah I mean you probably typed that in before you heard me answer but yeah tomorrow at 10 A.M PST is Battlefield time that guy just charged me after getting hit to one shot thanks now that was my first time I love your time to keep it a boss there oh is there anything left thank you uh when he is Cube sorry I I keep I seem like I'm ignoring these because my audio isn't working for donuts but I really do appreciate all the uh Sonos guys I really do appreciate it guys the other the best you are the base dude is it like I I'm just straight up not getting the the streaks anymore at all wait are y'all seeing this I'm literally straight up not getting the streaks at all like I literally just I should have had a UAV there and I didn't get it at all does it bug it out that hard foreign I think I think you have to switch off dead drop or else your streaks get bugged they have been for me ow oh this guy knows exactly what he's doing he's literally just playing for anti-shotgun which hey fair enough are you gonna try the GTA Definitive Edition no I'm not super interested in them I was like I hear people [Music] no way no one is ever watching that foreign yeah well now that I'm kind of set up here we're gonna be you know we're gonna be making more content I know I've been kind of AFK and stuff like that but content is coming don't you worry Kings and coins I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a lot better I promise I'm giving you the streamer promise right now I'm gonna be a lot better for creating content trust trust trust no copium no copium I I actually I actually am gonna be better about making content again shotguns are so but dude shotguns are Omega busted dude it's so funny every every Call of Duty manner or none oh my God oh my God Fury kill baby oh I was trying to two for one of those guys it's been nice would have been nice oh that guy's just turned on me to be fair I was being shot in the back so I had to get out of the line of sight before I could focus on him foreign Shield stop the Bulls from going through him and killing the guy behind him too I think that's what happened not gonna use Dead Drop anymore because I think it bugs your your kill streaks for the rest of the game I really think it does it basically love their shotguns until they get nerfed in the ground uh yeah pretty much pretty much stop everyone calls me God I got eliminated what is all I need no man Hannah they call me the Flixster that was sick okay well it's fine double kill easy no I missed my shot okay bro chilly you were shooting me in the back I didn't even know you were there just tuned in hello mosify you missed my nuke sad [Music] no they spawn out like that stop shooting my body you're such a bot dude I I have a I have a I have a theory that the people who everyone who shoots bodies is an absolute bot foreign man he's still shooting bodies Wild gamer face is real bro I have I have worse I have the worst case of gamer face like actually ever is bad all right what I had 99 kills oh did I get that kill oh if I had if I had gotten that kill that would have been so plain I think that's me yep yep 51 multi-kills 99 kills good way to end it good way to end the chat please vote for me I got too many multi-kills but I go 99 and 47. pretty good game pretty good game that was a nasty kill cam oh okay chat okay good stream good stream got a lot of good games I dropped my nuke finally I dropped my nuke I completed that for myself um had lots of fun hopefully you guys enjoyed watching you can see the pillow where I'm trying to absorb the sound back there L um anyway play hardcore every gun is like shotgun yeah I know I'm good time to kill in this game is already extremely fast open level did I get to level 50 let's go I got the start off we need one more thing coil control aim down side speed oh that's way better the pistol grip is way better Sprint to fire speed and the hip fire accuracy right let's say you hit fire accuracy that is way better holy crap okay cool all right boys well uh oh [ __ ] I just realized I wasn't showing while I was looking at this my bad the Carver for grip look you get hit you get plus two Sprint to fire speed uh and the hip fire accuracy and this one you get minus one aim down side speed recoil and accuracy are not needed anyway yeah so that's it boys oops that's not what I was trying to do anyway thank you guys uh for tuning in tomorrow I'm not sure what I'm gonna be doing what day is tomorrow Friday uh oh yeah Battlefield we're playing Battlefield tomorrow uh early early stream 10 a.m PST we're playing some Battlefield be there game's launching so it's gonna be a lot of fun and uh yeah I love you all I love you all chat let me Zoom this out a little bit there we go I feel like that looks a little better right better edge better yeah boys uh anyway thank you guys so much for tuning in I hope you all hope you all had a fun time watching we'll see all of you guys in the next stream and adios everybody bye-bye bye bye
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 332,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, zombies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 18sec (13398 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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