Call Of Duty Modern Warfare - Game Movie

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you our war is not for our faith we fight to remove foreign power from our soil we are Alcantara we are the killers we fight without sorrow we wage war without sympathy the only way [Music] [Music] echo 3 1 2 Charlie to actual go for actual LZ is in sight boys are on that time Colonel vodka three one hitman teams are locked and loaded for assault you are green to go Colonel we may have a problem - lately as well we're live not until I say so watch it a 3:1 how copy taken cheaply as well traffic general barkhov has sent a new shipment of crawling gas to his Depot but his mercs are prepping to move the chem sunderers extend via convoy tonight you're still clear to engage but live fire on Russian military is prohibited we cannot have an international incident no guarantees Russian army won't respond on this case understood Alan just locate the gas commandeer Volkov attractive get off yeah Kubby watcher will handle it but hitman teams push to yourself I read to keep this on a tight loop barkos men are moving the gas tonight one of the odds we run into general Markoff Russian general would be caught dead out here just hey watch this waiting okay drop we're clear copy post up on the ridge and let's get the lay of the land echo 3 1 2 blue Viking 5 call for fire standby for target confirmation copy 31 Viking standing by let's ricky the area and make sure there's no russian army down there vehicle come in to the main gate medium transport truck transport for the gas movement in the rail yard that's how the gas comes in vehicles on the move one in the tower left side hi not army no Russian military press call it in CIA Tolu Viking five this is echo 3-1 troops in the open south gate you are cleared hot Roger 31 target acquired weapon three and five seconds five seconds echo 3 1 good effect on target biking is RTP bunch of slides biking we'll take it from here hold on looks like someone was playing with fire serves them right hawking this chemical ship Poorna for Mikey do [Music] put him out of their misery [Music] boy don't take it [Music] element of surprise is not on our side boys stay frosty stay sharp or blind on this bridge [Music] he's dug in place oppression to get up we need to hear the gas before they move it they're moving get moving movement target but it might jump line moving 20 meters out the back stop mg God I see him he got the area runners I see him flip gasps must be inside unless we're too late where-where-where chems maybe inside masks up let's do this [ __ ] they killed the power don't like mice on me let's pitch black in there [ __ ] see that find him sorry Oh clear let's get the power up shed some light find this gas lights coming on alright you got a problem it's got some Russian army that's nice we want to watch you Marcos hired guns or Spetsnaz we got Russian army ok ok we need to bug out now not our choice never is three one out jackpot the idea in the gas solid copy three one Roger that let's move out [Music] all stations we are Oscar Mike to the RV watch your sectors good work Alex rally at the hub point free dress [Music] [ __ ] my buddies picked up tossing me [Music] echo 3-1 watcher terrorist attack multiple Marines ki-yay gasps stolen we need evac now Roger tracking multiple Russian forces headed your way sit tight we're pushing to you for best exfil watch her out separation is now compartmentalized what the hell does that mean means you no longer have clearance colonel those are my Marines we need a QRF in there right now it's not advisable and that is not your carnal last well general my man Norris give us a minute yes ma'am we've got a situation the Kremlin has suspended all deconfliction channels the 6th fleet is pushing into the Black Sea and chemical weapons are now in the wild your fingerprints are all over this Laswell fix it general right now intelligence is our best weapon we've tried intelligence get me a better weapon [Music] John as well where are you okay bud I've got a problem Russians where travels fast Jellico weapons fun it's terrorist hands they could be anywhere Paris New York what can you breathe we just did nothing counter to Roger often go for Gary's terror threat level is now critical possible multiple attackers vomit or something worse we have snipers in position negative sergeant count on Julie alarm the public terrorists no there - sir Garrick don't turn London into a war zone yeah yeah crystal out looks like we're on our own lads we land on it let's get it done yeah a phone sergeant it's up white van leopards in view a stem save it to raven white van multiple military age males weapons visible on the ground root stomach [ __ ] on it David rhew what the hell is going on down there there's been a detonation of Piccadilly Circus shots fired officers down who do you better come down here now yeah get these people safe this is sabertooth bookshop secure ravenous Sabre - where's the bunny army deployed Ravan saber two officers down outside the tanto building officers down after get in the building stand by you want up yes sir captain price sergeant Kurek with me say those corners voltages up so get off me please get it off me so I need you over here try it let me see if I go strong enough spices warm is clear what medical coming up everybody stay calm I'm gonna get you Alec Robbie I'm good [Music] sigh flies today sergeant this shouldn't have happened in the first place sir they said it's in how fast so everyone can just keep pretending with all war you're like the [ __ ] century those why if we got our hands tied let's just take the bloody gloves off a fight sir cool we don't stand a chance in hell with these rules of engagement captain they can tell us where they can tell us when don't tell us out remember track in that cell for weeks you were the actionable Intel on this quite this up [Music] Alcatel is claiming responsibility notice Nobel physics done Alex is on the ground they're looking for the stolen Kemp's only amid the liberation force on his side so Ivan comes out to see our you know commander Kareem you're acquainted use my name for don't kill him what is your message from Captain Price made a Corrine call me Alex I'm listening Alex this is classified you know what I've done jaws what helical 48 hours ago terrorists or shipment of Russian gas only I'll khatallah will do this russia's make no distinction between Alcatel are your people and i make no distinction between alcohol and the russian army they're both terrorists we would never use these poisons then help us track it before they before they what take it to Europe what America we live like this every day commander it's time to go who is this Alex this is my brother and my penance Xavier you're CIA he works with Captain Price then you kill Russians yes I have friends you can help us but your sister decides what's next of course my sister is in command and the Russian army is still here this occupation must end that we can all agree on yes no general barkos men control the city we have plans to change that we have no missiles but we have a lesson if you stay we can help you but if you stay you fight you go on our - what about Leos ecstatics follow me these tunnels are our lifeline we have Intel Russian troop commanders are in town today we're going to wash them how explosives I'll get their attention and we'll security away from the Russian base leaving it open to an attack we must hold nothing back too far on that path and we lose ourselves get set for the airbase attack be safe Alex take those charges c4 with remote detonator Thanks watch my sister good luck you two oops sorry murky gsella make a fool here Alex anyway look hey dodo tarik what's the report Russians are just outside if they see you they will shoot before it starts give us away follow me what kind of dirty work get through that [Music] [Music] yeah diabolical addicting you're resourceful good I have contacts pasta just ahead they'll have more explosives for us a bigger blast will pull more forces away from the Russian dice Dodgers have found that contacts they may be dead already can't go long need a suppressor this one's a that'll do it do you have a shot yep take to clear it wait sorry about your contacts we have the explosives will not be in vain I'd begun we're going back outside follow me [Music] goodbye general pain an example [Music] what is it please she's just scared stand down I know what we understand why we do they hang because they killed our soldiers no look at them what can we do here apathetic Volkov is standing in helicopters we take them out for superelevation come running Oh God is giving your way pick them up quietly make it back in when you're through guards on the entry on the entry to down still looking for a way up I'm at the target art set this will make one hell of a distraction use the stairs stop there was a guard top of the stairs left side [ __ ] you covered you got cat-like reflexes bye relax well done now this way wait take a look okay mine [Music] [Music] [Music] generous of you a shame to miss the show but we have to get down without a tax before it's too late the next week will lead us back to the Pelham understand [Music] Potter what the hell is this keep your head [Music] Master dick that you nobody look reinforcements from the air they my plan is working it's how to do something we're storage then you would never abandon his post I said I'll get you a beer you lost good people today that is the cost of this war now let's take verticals air base so that it deaths are not in vain we're in for a hell of a fight so what are they idea has a plan you are in my house now at ease I set up on the edge of my crawlspace those [ __ ] dachshund check friends close enemies closer I told you we have our ways no grenades so we improvise not burn if you fight this war with sticks and stones on the city we set up an army yesterday the Russians only understand violence so I show them violence Barkov has an air force so we have 1 2 RC planes no did we speak to anybody man food are we ready yes commander let's fly Alex fly to the helicopter for impact amen hello the elevator to the head are back inside let's get down there baby Lily's dead ahead second team were covered us with a cannon echo three one to watch local forces are moving out of archives air base requesting close air support copy three one task and unmarked gun ship to your position stand by Roger that get ready we attack at all Marie's take their weapons and take that airfield close cousins we fight to free others expand and take back our country unloosen now see what out of my planes in the air Alex beauty queen of ocean she's not coming Kollek the rest fielding first armors clear the gate we need to take photos evidence I know what to do I'm going to run it through one watcher determine where their support down with me what's pushing to the tailback [Applause] [Music] I see Alex jump here Alex one I'm really curious apply on me we're going to get boxed in I hear before exact [ __ ] twice approach ready for testing 1 4 this is 3 1 got damn good to hear your voice runs in the hangar clear top targeted got a guy in our PJs so you do kill Russians with the bad ones today was a great victory for a 6/10 thank you we make a good team yes we've both time but Barca will retaliate so will we Alexson commander Kareem's forces a destroyed general birkhoff's forward operations base temporarily limiting russian air capability and essex time we need to move fast sergeant going thanks to your Intel we track the our guitarists are responsible for the Piccadilly attack to a townhouse in North London three SAS things will get inside and connected dots if the wolf is in possession of the stolen Russian gas in his extent we need to find them be advised and they be non-combatants on target secure shots togheter up boys let's get this off Bravo six with other vehicles four sixes offered you about to enter the white belly living in the area alpha brain injury to the front door X right down two weeks race down for secure first so secure only robber six momen to the second floor [Music] [Music] [Music] this wrong not secured properly taking a third floor taking shots all teams turn our secure convinced SSE copy boss [ __ ] now she was going for bloody detonator good job we traveled in we made the right call sir about your house we've got a location on the wolf the Attic of the Alcatel the townhouse was a gold mine looks like we found the wolf communications from the laptop were tracked to Rama's a hospital Isaac Stan where the author Tyler leaders believed to be holed up forest forces will track terror activity at the hospital while the Marine ground force can be mobilized to advance on the complex echo three one will capture the wolf for interrogation about the stolen Russian gas mocchi habanero should be zero my soldiers confirm that the hospital is under siege al capella has taken civilians as human shields they're protecting someone or something tomorrow we find out all for your sister Hadid is my best sniper you can rely on him and all my fighters ladies want their pound of flesh let me charge on this I told you we would help you when you keeping your word I don't do this to keep my word the invaders of my country have no regard for human life the gas kills all things even through their gardens if you use these tactics you are my enemy no exceptions none a capella has given my people a bad name and we have paid dearly for their crimes I want to see the world unaged I'll make sure you're at the Embassy for they hand off the price and you what will you go when this is over wherever they send me you don't choose not exactly rest up tomorrow's a big day [Music] what about you and your man will be you until sunrise I'll cover the open corner the hospital is at the end of the road half a klick I'll be hoping it with the Marines echo 3 1 sergeant Griggs all day tell me Alex no locals on this one not my call your Karim all day hmm nice work in the Russians we share friends and enemies it's folly [ __ ] go find this a target-rich environment watch the windows good guys look like bad guys around here shit's [ __ ] up deep in one tune 555 Viper we're yin Vipers Roland I found a check like Omaha one two trip wires on the alcohol searched disarming check on it handled these wire traps 3 1 all of the armor and stood close lady let's move steps dismantle it moving a third deck Claire I repeat inspector is player all diamond dog road is clear where's this fire on the intro RPG visual cover [Music] demons are on the hunt let's bag the Centre for pigs pigs take them alive everyone let's clear all stations demons are moving to second deck they're trying to keep us away from something that's for damn sure [Music] take point on this 3 1 D 2 3 - what's your status 1 2 3 get up what's in the outfit let's move got oneself died [Music] nicely done echo my [ __ ] pleasure sergeant nothing sergeant good eyes in that room the idea in the wolf three marine hostages he's gonna kill him we got a breach [ __ ] flank him from the rear I'll take the main Griggs were headed inside standby hold demon said take this animal alive Alex don't shoot him get him on the ground we got you brother man you're alright good drinks Omar silvermont you are now custody a special operations force do exactly as you're told as you're dead man hell yeah all demon teams Marines are secure wolf is in the bag let's move them to the embassy Oh Nadine - six echo is on the third deck for our V be advised primary entry point is clear but that window is rapidly closing three minutes three minutes my people will be inside they will kill all of you I chose to take you alive I can still change my mind you'll have the wrong man lies gather much of them we did not steal the gas you did someone very dangerous whereas I wish I knew the butcher is outside then burn the city they have to save yourself daughter join us do not talk to her hey tap the brakes I am NOT your child old man I lead soldiers you trained killers but we are all killers here no look at a bridge we're gonna move now three one two two six shots fired you just hear dat I will advise copy three one promos on stationary position of prep three back [ __ ] 30 seconds Puckett's hold us down there we have to recheck oh fast a lot of how they do every time you broke it okay HECO three one proper instruction file went down on the earth what's the call cap it's a safe room in the basement ed there will be right be hard we have to reach the safe room before I'll get solid that at the embassy puss it up I'll get on to see if it a wolf so holy good you're here they need five minutes and finish up what can I do to help fine weapons barricade the doors to the extraction tape loyal open this door look at me harvest Joe six echo three one during the basement big room he advised the butcher is outside yellow shirt the new instruction played fast negative they get you to sign their glossary salute before we miss a good checkpoint yo open this now everyone but only want to know what else happened today who has the key card I do but you got it you let them die Mercy's weak [Music] [Music] three-one IQs freaks are inside your wife [Music] [Music] let's get to the basement car checkpoint look I thought it [Music] three one in the basement Raj be advised we have hospitals outside the safe room what's it care here says it 3-1 we're here we're still fighting a good fight always kept them ambassador still decide sir he's trapped okay keep him on the line he might be our way out of here but there thanks for the assist I pleasure sir Omar Suleiman have we met yeah back when you were on our side the wolf was a freedom fighter I still AM brother the butcher's men are closing on the Ambassador captain Roger Kyle man these cameras they write the ambassador's safety we'll need his key card to open the rear doors rest of you on me mr. ambassador can you hear me captain the Ambassador is down by Ken Lee this assistance hello can you hear me uh-huh this is sergeant Kyle Garrick just do exactly as I say and go you safe take the ambassador's keycard and move to the door [Applause] go right there's a cabin at the end of the door go now there's a cart by the door stay low someone else there's a cartoon ooh the bookshelves go now go to the little desk stay long you don't want me to come to your country and take your people that's too bad they're killing other side of the desk God go to the hallway now continue down the hallway around the corner god no [Applause] pick up the phone damn it leave it don't scream Stacy don't move I wanna go home okay there Stacy you're almost out he's gone next cubicle move the other cubicle go now move to the whiteboard there's a guard blocking the exit you'll have to distract him the shredder goth now no do not go around the corner of the ward okay get to the exit run sergeant we caught on let's regroup in the parking lot words of that bus all stations this net embassy has fallen Marines are setting up a rally point at the Ambassador residence current we leave it where's that what's the plan wake up with the Marines at the southern compound where's the compound another through the alley across the street let's get there well I got it up here Thank You sergeant you saved my life moving [Music] yellow McCammon home reposition no there is a compound Garrett used to Kiko get us in this is Bravo six si yes didn't it make will either sick or restore prism yes sir is your room in the residence follow me just love to do thank God watching we will be back for him I will become present but we will meet again zero six only their support nor leave it now negative can't risk another verse okay get me something will be first in the whole building sitting the only drone in range need to refuel can't stay up for long just get it here zero six out Alex the echo North cover that Ruth Kyle Farah go with me right captain Marines have got the embassy covered if they follow nothing out there sir they'll be back they'll come from the other side how do you know cuz I would she's right reposition across the roof now jig in a little on the side across that food jet 12 cafe multiple military-age males stay with them two more butter that messengers look at our way no bueno drag them own it something's gone spooked check right two more right you got more unknowns far into the field proving Phibes that he had for us no thanks all quiet hang on I got movement midfield 11 o'clock we're negative just the wind hold your mud the watching us captain another word I'll send you out yes sir pick them off in the light illumination was back in the field shirts keep your head down where the hell are they I don't [ __ ] out there [ __ ] you go dope can't see where they're shooting from you [ __ ] filled out your room it's not over they'll be more let's give me a round come getting love almost out check your shorts make okay come trucks moving self are to the field cope we probably get the [ __ ] out of Dodge they're repositioning what's better great go black what's that security all me for resupply stay like they do not leave this building sergeant load up come and see me Roger Bravo six is the Jaguar for one on station for close their guns hot don't be full one stand by for targets no fuel roger actual never thrown on the station I need you to mark targets we should roll up the wolf engulf the x- we defend this position we live to fight another day cut bait left zero six Jaguar for once overhead for firemen direct splash we're clear each side unknown vehicle across the field a civilian or a car bomb is headed our way and we've done we're good 0-6 Jaguar for one you've got enemies inbound from the east over Sonic [Music] no it shot Stalin shot Gary that box Jaguars peeling off for reload standby zero six add one for one is bingo fuel egressing at this time Road your whole walk thanks for the assist what does this mean he's out of gas we're on our own again [Applause] we gotta take them out I'm sorry go with the deer [Music] must be over the water I'll get us inside 0-6 wrote the target building moving it stations Bravo two six all more this down building is clear running back at a compound [Applause] see said they're bringing in more like this there is no fire Kelvin Oh clip he's gone they breach the wall [ __ ] you know the golden capsule we will find him a deer get your team to the crossroads bring everything you've got yes sister Samantha the wolf is with the butcher terrorist cells in the city we'll hide them Bravo would clear house to house in search my people will help you if they try to escape to the mountains there is only one round tarik and moved the highway of death the Russians bombed it during the invasion killing the people trying to escape there is a village at the crossroads I said hadir and his fighters there to prepare an ambush Alex and I would join them and take up firing positions above the road lying in wait for the wolf the highway is below us a gate has reinforcements position - understood we're easy prey for the Russians out here yes our window is short what comes men will be on the hunt he has lost control is it home let's move we have to put the wolf up at the mess before the war is village had families and laughter laughter is the best medicine tell me a joke what happens when the CIA goes to sleep what they go undercover well bad probably better in English you told it in English Julia tear up a deer took the high ground for us my father called her their shovel is it a lion what happened - he died fighting cotton cotton on Xhosa I'd mean say it is he a burnished aboo-seer Alex this way a deer is waiting for us I told him to bring everything is go Alex check this out 338 Lapua armor-piercing at 600 metres I put it together myself please use it so dieter protected with your life she will do the same for you Thanks our dear perfect for this distance now spot for you Alex we are brothers now make me proud go through your scope let's get you dialed in look for the glinting light near the highway got it now adjust your the magnification on it commander how former Ally is the a bill by Ian stay with him and you'll see my team near the road yep I see him they'll support us when we attack the alcoholic envoy Risa have been the head of general bus and to quani vertical notches are just for the distance each one is 200 meters yeah at em motors year the target is 400 meters away aim two notches above it do not just got it the wind will push your shots off target use the flags for Direction shoot against the wind try adjusting one knots to the right done no fire my brother your biggest fan let's try another target at a different range there's a blue house in the distance can you see it the jewel on the blue house there's fruit on the ice box range 600 meters fire when you're ready sit back mom dad I heard there yeah hi Owen pay attention boys you should be dialed in now remember use the environment to your advantage flags for wind direction landmarks for distance understood good now watch the highway for activity they won't be long now mocchi lotta has remove dispose of the vehicle right side could be the wolf or lease man looks like we finally got some company there scouts for the wolf hold your fire wait for a clean shot Ali shahe phone she eyes on the roof Alex - on the roof yep I see him 400 meters fire when you're ready to a challenge good hit one more let's shut to of the wolf Scouts gone Alec yella Rua hadir is resourceful he has them setting a trap for the wolf's men Alex cover the team drinking the truck killing the wolf doesn't guarantee as the stolen gas true what happens if you don't find it I have to [Music] daddy pendulum mocchi anthers rol is shara the woods men will have to move the track to pass through wait until they're close then that'll make it more complete buffoon do Robel Connor halka the wolf soldiers are here Alex right side of the highway are Catala vehicles I see check fire let them get in range hollien doctor [Music] closer go on don't be shy they see it they're moving to the track a deer oh yeah get ready Alex detonate the truck Alex Alex left side tip a Q on the bus to kill Alex inside the bus it works have reinforcements I did do it Holly [ __ ] that shoot the engines stop it's down [Music] yes Alex take them out look for the methyl flash when they tired eyes on their down headaches there's another octa Tata Motors team take them out in my sight clear they're down now got you there's still more turn out there autumn motors are clear suicide truck left side left side [Applause] close call good shooting Alex the wolf must be coming or they wouldn't send these forces to clear the way started planting IEDs brother Adira and I will reinforce the perimeter Alex get to the east bunker and resupply for the wood more explosives adir never too much same as before enemies get close that connect them watch your distance Alex Captain Price is calling on the radio he says it's urgent that go 3-1 for actual troops in contact actually no don't let them see you is scope will reflect in the sunlight look for the glint repositioning he's repositioning Garmin good kill Alex al khatallah is regrouping across the highway this could be him that's 600 meters Alex hit them ah [ __ ] Marcus army will be here soon sister smoke white smoke on the net Alex find a way to stop death keep it up Alex [Music] keep yourself addicts concealing the advance [Music] we didn't move we need help when it's kept in place my truck is full of explosives it's time to use them open the tailgate quickly I'll cover us open it Alex yes [Music] [Music] we had no choice better all bets are off now no like this listen to me I slowed the gas from the Russians to help us only to help us Tara telex [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this way we're together I'll go ahead make sure it's safe keep behind okay that's my god do as I say and you will be sick [Applause] this way [Music] please it's poison killers get in here I close the windows like you told me good boy we'll be safe from the gas for now come with me to the kitchen both of you coming sorry my boy why are they doing this Bubba I think we help the rebels here take this mask okay you need your own I'll help your sister take these phones use them if we get separated Rostov region goes to the mountains we'll be safe there cuff they will take you away and lock you up okay I know we'll come back I promise there you'll be strong for your sister now okay you keep mama here and you keep this clear that's how we survive you understand yes papa then we get outside you stay with me okay it's only my children please [Music] this [Music] this is how I deal with [Music] [Music] don't be afraid there's a chicken's body I let's try and think is rifle come on yourselves I can't go what do we do can you survive whatever it takes [Music] goodbye daddy I can't reach the lock I try to pry it open just go [Music] Oh [Music] anything you two against the board if we run away their caches we need that drug they'll hear you coughing time to [Music] find a gun and if you could scare use the phone to distract them don't be of an IT solution spaghetti monster water water joke that they're not skiers come see it law I never forgit furniture boys you're sure hey come back you did it you saved us so you are the little devils that killed my soldiers it was a deal here is the thief you know what you're putting it okay father good there's one hostage target now my brother always wanted to fight with others Larry's broken Oracle hi dear went north he was picked up by aq fighters in the foothills voluntarily or by force we don't know I'm sorry father your brother is a Daedalus is an American asset who was either with or in terrorist hands idears fights not with us he could have killed everyone when he stole the gas but he chose not to how do you know this I was there trying to stop it why didn't you tell me we believed it was Al khattala we didn't know it was him we know now we're going after him tonight I'll come with you you'll be hunting your own brother he is not my brother not anymore Barca is gonna put a bounty on his head all right well let's get in first any further complications are more at war with Russia that don't come precursor it's a bad idea Farah what they care about only well usually what that means because here old fella team trying to ask him fine you have executed thority all of you imagery confirms Hadiya was in possession of the remaining stolen gas when he made direct contact with Alcatel as most brutal enforcer the butcher surveillance tracked their vehicles to a residential complex in the accros mountains believed to be the wolf stronghold Alexson fire will hold orbit for secondary clearance while Bravo six leads the assault force to locate the chemical agents retrieve hadir and kill the wolf hold orbit Roger action standing by one dog fifteen seconds out for work boats down boys you know what psychoville would check into another world clear holding all right clear left us all you sergeant breach barrier six three at the rear door first thing clear right coming to you from the other side sergeant let's kill the power put these guys in the dark killing power second day only oh yes it's a second Oh clear one ki8 109 copy we did secure no idea negative on the wolf dry hole shine full Bravo reorg on the first deck there's 4-2-3-1 Center ethic Oh what do you want stations for basic election copy that sometimes the distance towards the fact people with this caped Rock logical minuses we're not cutting bait Holly negative they want to talk [Music] this is lucky good evening Thank You Rajesh listen Tabitha we inhale deep da da fell at children welcome down to us so we got ourselves a gopher both stations tell us a building to make a mystery all right down the hatch I'll take point good owning your right [ __ ] echo 3 1 Bravo 0 6 tunnel collapse what's your status they cut off zombie ass now just like old times yes but we're not alone we're on the Woolston now tripwires here Stella disarmed keep the grenade go slow they hide everywhere you have voices right is that you but they know we're here another us require careful here keep moving [Music] I see one let outcome moving left watch the roof behind you left sides clear going right right side clear [Music] I'm good we need to get past this looks like we can crawl through I came here by choice come with us hi dear go show your face and die me these people are willing to help us you are a liar a traitor James you're hardcore but in there [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm good no stairs there's deer I'll find a way up you want you to back down there everyone 2:06 over all stations this is Echo 3:1 transmitting in the blind target is still in the tunnels currently tracking Hansy fire spreading I gotta go can't stay here died I need to get up there we wear that thanks cousin this way your handiwork [Music] that's the wolf dead ahead [Music] hi mother he has a vest there is noise we can use salad with Alex help me 20 seconds cut the wire exactly when I say not to be for ready green wire in 3 2 1 cut green next yellow in 2 1 cut it yellow done last one is red there are two Reds the top one in two one now cut this and good job well thanks to you good work how'd you learn that years of experience too many all stations this is Echo 3:1 in the blind jackpot primary target is kie it wasn't me that it was you but we couldn't kill twice thanks mate congratulations on a job well done as much as we can all hear the ice in the glass I'm afraid our toast has to wait hi dear and his new friends around the move what are they one step at a time no one said their friends the general would tend to disagree Norris I asked you to little as well or I will Command has officially be designated virus forces you want to translate that from [ __ ] to English it means they're on the list what list foreign terror organization list I've ordered my Marines to treat foras army as hostels what they're our allies now not anymore will you keep your Muppets on a short string kernel or what [ __ ] on you from it Kate these people need our support there's nothing else we can do what there's plenty we can do I'm tired being told who my friends are Alex don't I'm going back there's extent staying with fathers army what you're doing is illegal I'm pretty sure everything we do is illegal only the good stuff you got friends nearby you to thank you for everything well it's not over yet just like I always have [Music] Farra sister wake up but there is that you yes let me see you how long have you been in solitary and this look sick no food or water sister it's okay I can take it or if they put us together like this they're using you to get to me they would have to kill me first no idea I need you alive look I started key to what he was fight out here spigot catch catch the key fella got it good I did generous part coffees coming he knows about the messages does he know that your tree will see look family reunion oh my stop you tell me the truth jujitsu honest Club make him talk this one's all mine Jerry I hope you had a nice visit with your brother I never see you again shut up and go in the corner do not face me Farah any plans you have to escape you will soon forget face me now it's hotter than hell in a [ __ ] country you must be so thirsty [Music] one--some none left let's get you some what follow me in there the cheer there will be no escape what I know and it's coming to your rescue I'm in control here and they can make your life much much easy now tell me about commander cut him and the failed message Kurt Amy's dead stop protecting him protect yourself have been patient with you no more stay awake and you might see a brother one last time he's gonna give you a drink try to breathe [Music] that's it there you go nice you're pretty good at this [Music] so strong Farah keep it up when you will see a deer one more time who is Kareem I told you Kareem is dead lying for him again posture no I did sisters I said nothing it's okay hasn't it what the life is in your hands now father stay awake she lives best out she dies you showed us let me make this perfectly clear I call the search I give you a chance to save a life now let me show you how to reach it see what you mean you must be hungry eat you think this is a game you think you can beat me enough your brother took a key from what did you lose a key one is missing but we have others but doesn't the key open I think just a smart team yes now where is the key your brother stole for me what key the one you're hiding here [Music] this country is a breeding ground for terrorists I am here to bring order to this you didn't save your people Farah Karim you killed them [Music] [Music] hmm nice little Shiv okay I must go [Music] doesn't fit I have to get in there I can use this dude [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] watch or get dirty here there's only one way out I'm coming sisters over here sisters you escaped I knew she would the cards left what's happening barkos forces are under attack yes let's get him the guards are coming back quickly we'll ambush them how point and shoot until they fall like we said [Music] [Applause] well Marco block the others in the warehouse let's get there before they're all dead you know okay [Music] - stop let's be the others from the warehouse before it's too late only sisters [Music] understand that's what I see hold it by the bed he saw us [Music] now whoa [Music] [Music] snipers down good kill should when they come up enemy by that where's commander Corinne I mean we got your message let's send a joke price where the others stay close let's go boys stay back [Music] [Music] collect survivors and supplies leaving [Music] the highway all right now embark ups gonna come and claim is dead yeah like the sediment you know he's gonna make you pay for this we will make them pay we'll be ready all men have cleared the road to the north you can count that thankful thank you the revolution begins now assist at the water begins now brother even worsse a high ground slowly six was up and to 20 years of civil war there's nothing simple about it adheres well-trained teamed up kidnapped doesn't matter he took the gas to Russia he did that without its own as help got the network in the manpower could you blame it right unofficially no but this is bigger than hadir now we've got two options what we've almost come or we let Mother Russia have a taste of our own medicine a little bit of people in there died at the hands of a Western Asset cursory let's cut to the chase what do you suggest a business trip unsanctioned Black is your team smokin right in a certain he's ready I can get you in after that you're on your own host nation weapons only gave it to me as a hell of a view Nikolai was the capital before Moscow the good old days hmm I got you on the tour world hotel inside watch a good spot barking here sucks mr. butcher and yellow shirt pasta for the embassy no gas another deal easy shot hmm tempting know how fast a butcher gets us to a idea well the gas attack goes off well if that happens then we're all [ __ ] let's gear up get Abel clock's ticking this way what's that time for him hours or less you get the gear best I could do on short notice suppressors mo no flash bangs nice job Nick 40 Cal hollow points 150 green your favorite conceal it for now earlier at the warehouse broach in a package on my way captain oh no you want another stroke the butcher okay deep enough for that sick bastard sir you're at your chance all right right now we need a butcher alive yep so we sweep the guards up so they can alert the others then move it on the rear door watch goes off my signal more before easy easy mate we've got promise nicolai trash in the early I brought back you think of everything check your shots butcher gets us the idea we need to breathe and until he does the pain and suffering it's not ours but we give special thanks our new soldier strong soldier idea or good fortune there was the life on out of you yellow behind the table and if he is gone we deliver his truth to those who order V good night [Music] Claire well Claire can start don't let him get away let's go boys don't let him get away street doors open even sound stand by for it struck the gunshots of course stay with us oh boy stay on him I'll circle around for intercept they died because of you oh good sir targets on the move Riverside [Music] contract vehicle left side take it up [Music] hit that all p.g up easy step put your Sony forward get it sticking up he's pulling it what's the perimeter through the cafe Riverside South where are you inbound captain what's for reinforcements he's headed for the river we got it ah it's goes in the car you so maybe I can send your head home to your families [ __ ] off small problem engine easily [Music] [Music] well as the chemicals of your [ __ ] Russian ass you can't hurt me you weak piece of [ __ ] but you captain oh you can do better than that you think I forgot your face sis for you sergeant we need to break this boss a captain we're about to Nikolai where's the package calling you now captain okay you got a Nikolai you get a package you come back here what [Music] sergeant Derek Beckett is in the back what is it truth for a negotiation perhaps the butcher where are we going mama we are going to talk to some men we are innocent people like the man to know why we are you Karl you don't have to do this you answer [Music] your own child he's got no problems ensure that there are surgeon non shut up you promised to keep this away from us Kevin I can't do this excuse me pick it up sergeant hey hey okay stop please please leave them alone sergeant captain leaves even though they have no information we've all Hadiya only want the gas we're all they cannot fix these things they will happen nothing here will change that shoot me kill me kill me kill me and you will never get you pull the hammer sergeant not me rest assured I wouldn't let the sergeant brandish loaded weapon indoors unless he had to now last chance where's the gas the gas Athena I swear to you where's the deal Youngblood you're too late to stop him go sergeant save some [ __ ] Russians general berkov already be dead oh dear he's going after Park off with a mute side come in hey Russia and the West we go to war and leave our land alone no sergeant I told you everything sergeant do what you want with me I let my family leave oh you have what you want if you're going to shoot me kill me please stop it you try to be a hero but you're just an angry boy gases are the correct Theatre Joran call it any another drill will do cruiser is yours it'll get you out of the city there's a park of the state he's gonna kill it and start to world war what if we kill him first all right get in the car covers ROG there's a fine line between right and wrong yet these Rahimi Cathy nemanja have Sam the loss the keepers a pasta steeped in Makati at celli miss Nick's dish the shortest in the city of booty [Applause] Hey checkpoint for us what is there a difference roads blocked what's the plan shotgun or why they got those and almost weightless seconds [Music] holy [ __ ] Nikolai sector bacon whilst they follow they want boss the hell are we doing it looking an upper mess with women and children I will over and they were hostages you try the gloves off you get blood on your hands Kyle so it works where do we draw the line I saw you draw the line wherever you need it soldier under the day someone has to fight the enemy scared of the dark we get dirty and a wolf stays clean that's the mission now if you were having second thoughts and I can do this in a mile no sir no second thoughts good now let's get here before he kills birkoff [Music] we need to come up our [Applause] [Applause] okay on the ride over looks ahead mr. generals compound let's see what we're up against we'll be cumbersome a horseless flying got movement in the clock tower Church and pull rock down I'll provide overwatch [Applause] take em out careful throughout numbers but you can Troy disengage if things go loud or the life for you so they'll Qatar let's go hostage no sign of the death but they have a hostage the hostage my father the bus it's done in we still have to take this you let your clock tower adhere copy that heads up thank you something's wrong there technical [Applause] [Music] [Music] still not an idea it's another stitch see if I can still hold I won't betray my family she got it the hostages are bar coughs family bar cops men came into her Diaz house never know he's in this get to the church now if they have a hostage he won't lost them you're coming up to the church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I have a visual on him I've lost visual here when you're open Oh mother dear third thought four five one third floor it broke him what he's saying third floor four five one it's all we got to go on get up stop for all your stain don't meet you there place just let up like a bloody football ground get to the third floor now all right come inside edge of the floor we can both Ronnie Ronnie sees [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you protecting you now we're taking you scum wait I'm not your enemy I know what the gas is made I have the locations a spark of chemical fire yes I'm taking it down we're still on the same soil or orders then help us please help my sister I know way out there ma Chestatee [ __ ] about stand the hornet's nest in here marketable and hence to this we have to now just keep your Gunners terrified puppets you've done in sergeant on your feet we are leaving keep moving north hit the extra teller I'm fishing on the tunnel it's not captain I need something it's lovely sir you helped me attack the lab yes I know in your life you going down for this temptation was a one-way trip for do you knew that but you're doing the right thing yes boss tell me we're gonna lose this we need support so we get it captain please give Fator the plans tell her the truth he'll have a chance to tell the whole world I don't care about the worst / well what's she doing it ah smoking on that bin so keep it on you yes sir tell addition the off switch with turning them over Russia print this book it's one way boss standby don't make this ugly cap your mere region it's a proxy war John we're all just pawns in this you speak for yourself and iboga it sir Adir is yours intel's mine whatever you've got going on here I can help I'll call you if I need you [Music] [Music] go he sticks captain I know how this works captain what this time they gave the deer to the Russians don't kill him if he's lucky looks like you saved the free world again captain price a deer allocated Barkov slab in eastern Georgia gas factory he had plans to destroy it is [ __ ] crazy yeah well we were a little crazy help me he's not right Alex affirmative sir would you help Wade cover finish what he started you're a good friend captain and the worst enemy I'm sure but I do not cross borders and invade I defend my people here at home sometimes the best line of defense it's all that plans personnel I see a militia with no ties to the West could carry out this mission I don't blame the terrorists goodnight I knew I could trust you if bar comes there he's mine this is a covert operation to destroy bar coughs gasps lab Nikolai's on the inside he'll provide the explosives two teams will infiltrate Garak and I will plant charges on the pipeline fahren Alex you'll get a detonator from Nikolai and rig the main furnace when the charges are set get a safe distance and bring it down there support from as well paves the way rest is up to us the shoes on rumors open Kate we're moving in watch out Marja target market now you gotta Jaguars today 85 HECO yeah where it's ready for testing reload Varro's weapon say for repo steady market target call it a strike head coach at Juarez what clear that go see this is ridiculous the charges let's go to work well armed for lab [Music] okay oh my god second level I need a little thing Oh quickly get to charges the detonator will start the chain reaction Norma furnace the rest Paulo correct don't lose it why help us but could be sustained in my country it will not stand suppose even Nicola see on the other side [Music] yeah activate the bass [Music] to the furnace now actual Roger I go out you heard him let's get it done clear what's happened detonators [ __ ] instead I'll go in there do what Debbie night the furnace you'll never get away in time I know what I'm doing Farah listen to me no you listen to me because of this poison my people have known something worse than war I did not come this far to turn back I'm not asking you to turn back I'm asking you to give me the order I won't do that commander please I am NOT your CEO then who is because someone needs to light this fire someone needs to kill Barkov and you can't do both I've got an assignment not my whole life this is what I believe in give me the order what a freedom fighter Alex you're a born leader Farah say the word go yes ma'am good luck Bravo let's go it burn it baris go ahead reco fine to the pipeline now sergeant no are at least now I kept it all stored away that sniper okay big birthday card on me I've seen this way let's get this done yes sir [Music] all right said the charges are scoped my plate judge is hot [Music] looking out beyond the food of the courier you stood here I told your father you can't breathe that's why you're here do you see I was trying to protect Russia I was trying to stop this noise I should've done I am NOT a nerd and Kareem [Music] captain Markov is dead Roger that Alex George is dead forever it Sir Alex I'm not getting out of here let's do this thank you yes ma'am oh Claire captain watch full churches oh my god Mother Russia would approve where to Kazakhstan Oh tea yeah well I'm a long way from her proper pine Russia disowned Barkov well I didn't have much choice did they he's dead you took a big bite out of that problem John for now my left unchecked there won't be general Shepherd pulled the files you asked for what exactly is this about a task force we already have loose ends and I will tie them I can fund assets not outlaws enjoy the tea then Sakai Avant's barkhov Sturm I almost bury them in Pripyat with a millon that was the father this is the son Victor lovely family you're big fans of hot ears will explain why he's still alive they're gonna get him out give me what I need who's your crew sergeant go Kyle they're calling gas he never said anything John or Tabish SAS sniper demolitions goes by so why it's classified there he is Simon Riley there's no picture never not arrest that's need-to-know - we got a deal what are you calling this Task Force one for one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that's all of them [Music] city's under evacuation Alcatel has got complete control this place was nice once it's known anymore east and west rebuilt her dance after the Cold War if you didn't like that cooperation now they've got armor heavy weapons that'll raise the sweet Thanks was it a help someone new nice hit what's his name we don't know but he's got friends I should flush it Intel what if you get it my counterpart in Moscow the CIA working with the FSB no the first time camera of Captain Price Nikolai been a bad boy from you that's a compliment please we're all friends here I owed you for Beirut sergeant camera is gonna help conduct this operation these new weapons give Alcatel us a power to turn acts of terror into acts of war that's the problem for everyone we're launching a multilateral force to hunt ecus new leader and contain this threat while we still can okay worried start of your team's that's something you [Music]
Channel: Gamematics
Views: 2,826,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Video Game), Call Of Duty (Video Game Series), COD MW, CODMW, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, call of duty cinematics, call of duty cutscenes, call of duty modern warfare cinematics, call of duty modern warfare cutscenes, cinematics, COD, gameplay, movie, cutscenes, game movie, gamematics
Id: w6cJRU4JQ5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 41sec (14021 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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