Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Game Movie

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all warfare is based on deception for years the West's hypocrisy has made the world a battlefield [Music] the corrupt talk while our brothers and Sons fill their own blood [Music] but the seat cuts both ways the attack was orchestrated by an American CIA open the bigger the lie the more likely people who believe and when a nation cries for vengeance and relies threats like a wildfire the fire bells devouring everything in its the United States our enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history and all it takes is the will of a single man your world did you know it is gone how far will you go over the back Shepard created a war but only we knew the truth Nicolai get so belly yeah I know a place [Music] [Applause] what's the sitrep on New York the Russian jamming rigs have neutralized their air support as long as they maintain air dominance it's a losing fight we cannot lose New York are there any special mission units in the area we can request JSOC Scott a Delta Force team at Bennett Field callsign metal Overlord metal zero one is up on green set glad to have you in our corner Sandman the Russians are using electronic countermeasures to jam our comms and guidance systems the primary emission Tower is on top of the stock exchange I need your team to destroy it the jammers full spectrum so until it's down you'll have no radio contact I have ground assets to get you close over copy all we'll get it done [Music] [Music] frost frost get switched on we got to move now jammers 500 meters north' will like it from here let's go tuck you up we're good friendly soldier fire please don't shoot bridge same as before burn the jam or kill the bad guys I like it French truck hold here to my signal Frost with me rod Britt's truck tighten up maintain the time line we need to hit the exchange multiple voices Ali behind the door frost toss the nine beggar watch the windows and doors double check the shadows hold up quiet shooters in the store below the ball we clear the store I'm on it attacked a stop [Music] team approaching anybody hit we're going what's the sitrep on Midtown Russians have a lockdown kicking her ass 25 in points your mouth we will secure the lobby while you hit the trading floor Roger that metal let's roll [Music] the jamming system second-tier the power supply will cover better blast radius burn it for us that's affirmative we got you loud and clear Raj is 0-1 all systems are operational we're sending a black op to your location for exfil eta three minutes is ours back online we are detecting multiple hostiles on the rooftops in your area fraud establish it open put the predator bias I ain't coming knock it out of the sky oh we're going vertical multiple kind of tax water Roger overextended we have multiple Russian warships D reports we sent the steel to install to command vessel feed to New York Harbor to his fist copy your last l01 bfi's we're seeing multiple enemy rotor raised in your airspace Russian bird left feels okay gentlemen respective hydraulics holding collective and pace this is 0-1 we're on route to the harbor over Rogers dr1 the skies are clear good luck out [Music] this is lightning 3:1 guidance systems are back online standing by with a full payload of JMS requesting clearance Lightning 3-1 you are cleared to engage bring it on FTO T 5 seconds away verify initial strikes on the predator feed sir appears all sides have been neutralized good work Sandman we've regained air dominance over Manhattan and pushed the front line back to the river what's our next target the Russian command vessel is an Oscar to submarine carrying enough cruise missiles to level the eastern seaboard we need to strike fast before they can launch a counter-attack Roger what's the mission infiltrate the vessel take over the bridge then turn their weapons against their own fleet I need you to link up with the seals and get it done good luck get up boys where's our Brooklyn Battery Tunnel I thought it collapsed it did in position STV team for this is metal zero on radio checking the blind over Roger zero 1 we have you five-by-five baseline echo secure we have executed 40 we're one minute out copy that just don't start the party without us it's almost through hi Marianne checkpoint is open stay tight easy to get separated down here damn think anyone got out nothing we can do for them now maintain two nine five degrees 300 meters to link up level zero wine got you on the tracker Roger approaching rendezvous the SEAL team should be up ahead I see them subs on the move intercept window is closing fast Roger that leads away watch so not listen to any mods eyes on your Sona steady right right power down here we go Oscar tingly applaud steady okay call get in position play planting tries to plant the mine on ass up lines armed clear out good job will prep the exfil going explosive filler this is metal zero one stuff is surfacing domestic assault Roger zero one continue to primary objectives we need control hatch opening contact coming out of hash clear head down side sweep and clear all unknowns our hostel rendezvous downstairs stairs clear [Music] move now frosting point [Music] [Music] okay put a kicker charge on the door [Music] all right I got the launch keys Overlord this is metal zero one I sent checkpoint neptune over Roger zero 1 copy Neptune I have the missile key and I'm accessing the launch boats now grid coordinates follow tango whiskey zero five six six to eight coordinates confirmed firing on Russian fleet in 30 seconds frost get on the console three two one turn this was a little launching Roger SEAL team is in position for exfil keep up with that zodiac shoot the minds that was everyone we are feet wet mission complete Roger middle zero one missile strikes confirmed on multiple Russian hard targets an array of Paul primary threats neutralized good work team as one for the books easy day overlord all friendly call signs we are no longer on the defensive I repeat consolidate and counter-attack beyond the jagged edges at war there were still Russians who rejected Makarov lunacy men willing to stand against the tide price we've got vital signs but they're weak so pointless without proper attention he's out bastard trust me he'll make it we're picking up inbound signatures they've got company miss Makarov he's tying up loose ends who's your best man Yuri X fitness only man I know who hits maker of more than you get him they'll use the Richland for cover I'm flying from the south how do you know it's what I do [Applause] Yuri over here we need to get start to the chopper what is that Yuri take position on the balcony we need to buy the duck to some time keep your eyes on the coach on we could have sucked to the choppa cash at the edge of dog we are your TV store there then we use that to get to the sofa of a civilian [Music] this way oi you GPS in a shipping crate directly below you I see it unmanned ground vehicle 2-centimeter armor plating mounted ready go controls are gonna be in Russian Yuri Europe Yury clear upon the chopper will be right behind you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's happy now [Music] [Applause] very good we'll need him we're going off the Makarov they say truth is the first casualty of war but how'd you find what's true [Music] his daughter Elena the Russian president is flying to our boat to negotiate a peace treaty with NATO delegates truth it's just a matter of the perspective the tushy of every soldier is to protect the asset and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil the war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale from how it looks like the world may finally know peace the only truth I've found is that we live in as a giant tinderbox all it takes is someone to light the match let's go this is coming down the road Dan burger schedule clear all teams report in to buy land in Hamburg in two hours Dean wanna meet with the president until touchdown Vasily is waiting for a father he's expecting an answer from me one morning I don't like him he's good at his job he won't want to hear it he has no choice the president I'll see you at dinner [Music] mr. president were silly mr. president [Music] gentlemen we have only two choices peace or war life or death for the sake of our children we must seek peace with the West in it now is not the time to appease our enemies we destroy our enemies when we make friends with them if we cannot end our differences at least that's gunfire [Music] [Music] [Music] Parker good morning stuck-up you have to find a president [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know I'm yes then you know what I want good save Russia will take all of Europe even if it must stand up on a pile of ashes I want the launch codes mr. president forget there every man has his weakness [Music] now the Russian president never arrived in Hamburg for the peace summit with his whereabouts currently unknown no one is certain what this means looks like Makarov just played his next hand if he puts himself back on the grid he wants it to be known so where do we start hunting Africa Makarov been using local paramilitary group to move shipments into Sierra Leone from there they go towards Morocco and into Spain is moving north right towards her Majesty's doorstep was the cargo I don't know but it's important to him then I want it we can use the river to get in close there's a factory in the camp where they store the shipments the PRS been waging genocide in the highlands for months they'll be everywhere Makarov wouldn't let this travel lightly if he didn't serve a greater purpose and chances are the faster will be there personally to see things off if he's back on the grid then sell away [Applause] Nicholi we just outside the village the factory isn't far from here macros cargo should be there keep it silent let's move main Tina will propel militias all over this area so try not to die this time you worry about yourself the AUSA project Fandral I wonder well they're gonna porch the poor bastard let's light them up before they light him up [Music] Tango's up ahead there's too many of them don't do anything stupid less [Music] all right get ready get off the road get downtown all clear Oh Huck clear see the factory just up the road right Sophie and I will advance Yuri your overwatch get your position on the roof and cover us I'll start approaching the five meters no West they come down patrolling the roads take em out quick [Music] moving moving preaching now [Music] oh yeah clear this place is bloody empty Nikolai the factory is dead end no sign of Makarov he must have move to the militias headquarters at the center of town we're living there now heads up for company will comprise [Applause] put fire on the technical is headed straight for us [Music] [Music] very slender bastards Coolidge is heading away then let's give him a proper local fury man the motor on the roof putting a range looks like two technicals in a bunch of trucks for now nicolai approaching the church now you're sure the cargo will be there area clear now nicolai the shipments gone we missed our window just get us out of here empty what do you think Makarov was after will ask the bastard when we find him et Lester chuckles I want lcbi massage hipty it on that interval on Don now crab nails in Mauritania conserve our problem the French just intercepted a message concerning a suspicious ship and headed for British soil have we identified the vessel the call came from a number on the watch list but forgot the industry's weight of mi5 and notify them that we have an imminent threat gentlemen what do we know nothing solid Special Branch is sweeping up known persons of interest that we advise tasking SAS to investigate Tier one threats attach me to develop it ma'am I understand we have our non horsetails expecting a package mi5 has identified several possible points of entry be advised the nature of the cargo is currently unknown Roger much he was making ready will be on plot with a nail art don't worry man whoever they're up to will purse dog to it nice play Roger that Bravo six there are multiple trucks in the dog smart charity world wait this time we believe they are target Netaji weather and carry work the drugs are leaving the docks right now now so so while our transport pin fell on the saw here's the shipment came from high value targets overseas be advised one of the trucks they're still at the docks or gets victory now sing the whole bloody thing in a river until high profile Bravo six folks you're supposed to look afraid I'll cover for now let's just get this thing done a busted wheel is picking up heat signatures in the warehouses you will need to clear those buildings before securing the truck what table check where has one Vice player window is closing fast we're ready to take this off copy that all you've got the nod listened as a call let's do this the beste whereas in front of us bird will sweep you claim weapons free sure Coolio Bravo no nuh-uh beyond the door call me it's definitely that mages take a bell having clear ready all right cut it wrong clear upstairs movement up ahead says why more at a corner Bravo six this is Sierra 1 to our stars on the top floor your building taking the shot send them forever it is secure great I'll chase go - oMG what's the size of the rest of her sex okay and eject stocks find out whether headed them Oh Bravo six come in Bravo six do you copy Bravo six what's your status the trying's down in on the Westminster those bosses were using this transport me advice the trucks are headed in your direction get topside an RV with Bravo twos copy come on boys looks like it's just us now now [Applause] [Applause] nice break the lorries down we're secure what's to say it's only of us most play come in base plate where are the tracks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] at 6:22 Greenwich Mean Time chemical attack triggered across Roger we are aware of the gas attack and are sending decon units your way say again Rammstein what Russian forces this was no act of terrorism the attacks were intended to our defences and pave the way for an invasion we need to hit them now with everything we've got sir we've lost contact with the delegation in Hamburg metal 0 1 this is Overlord actual you are being rerouted for Hamburg we've got a principal level hostage-rescue the vice president [Music] this is 2/3 copy that user let's fight it get these guys we need you boys to sweep the forward area make sure the only way through is down in that parking garage down the other side we're gonna have to take it slow all right [Music] you guys okay yeah can you soup alright basics fellas fine cover return fire let us know if you need help now we move fast let's go ben'll zero one is our has spotted the convoy half a klick from your position get there fast [Music] the convoy they're not here overlord negative precious cargo I say again they're not at the convoy copy check the area for any sign of the delegates but be advised Raptor 4 will be on station for exfil at 10 minutes over copy your last look at me look at me overlord PID and the vice president we're ready for extraction solid copy 0-1 right we got our guy nice I guess the first rounds on us [Music] I'll see we've got a caller with a leader the chemical attack says he'll only speak to you identify yourself Mac this John but for a lot of names in the clock color this we glad it was Makarov the bastard slick for my fingers in Sierra Leone what is mi6 now you're on everyone shitless John there's no way I could get you clearance don't give me that you still owe me for prep yet I'm calling it in easy son all right we've traced the delivery freighter to an outfit in pesasso Somalia it's run by a nasty piece of work named Bobby my hands are full with the bleeding at home so you're on your own good hunting what's the security look like this is strictly second division local triggermen guard the compound will stick Arabic bollocks in our Bulldog sterile snow an option then we just have to kick in the front door tell Nikolai it's already his men just move quicker we will be before he bolts in fast Bravo Team take point three the guy nikohl I prep for exfil echo team is standing by that possible on the second floor that's the door to his office all right whether it's time [Music] [Applause] we make sure in 20 seconds that storm is massive so I think what I'll be was telling its remoter polke he was telling the truth I've made my cross alike warning [Music] the indents inside we need to push to the truckball [Music] they can I do you copy that care tape because Bernie stand understand stories on top of us we need emergency exfil Roger Thank You Nikolai where's the convoy you're requesting they just push the edge [Music] we go okay caller please identity access code black Viking give me a secure line to exit metal zero one price thanks for the tip ID kingfish you should know Uncle Sam's gotta kill capture order on your head till teacher in the bloody queue Mike Ross bomb-maker Volk is in Paris we need to act before he bolts and I can't make the window you're the only one I trust with this I'm on it the bastard used forgetting industries is a front that distributed WMDs I'm on route to the European HQ French Special Forces have located 4G IGN tracked them deep behind enemy lines but they're pinned down you want us to unpin them prosecute the target as needed but Volk comes back alive five Niner five this is Overlord actual negative engaged triage the civilians to lose your team up windows Roger I'll meet you at the LZ in one hell of good luck fellas dear one GI GN is pinned down at the Palm D'Or a restaurant get there faster or lose the only shot we've got at finding Makarov budget local 595 sounds like they got hit hard a lot of rooks of that unit no one's a rook today Archer step 0 1 be advised G IGN is taking heavy casualties they won't last long you'll need to double-time it to make the RV say Mohammed saga 3 minutes out just keep your perimeter secure we're almost there Sandman watch your player to the north we are coming to you which is does seven men standing wears for the wrestlers to chemically attack from a staging ground in the catacombs we're gonna focus there we got your six things away Overlord this is metal zero one link up complete we're in route to the HPI quotation now organ targets we established or TARDIS [Music] we're clear insurance he's a bed zero-one I'm thinking he'll give me 10 likes to gas up and rearm copy that thanks for the assist want to have her over he'll be addressed to the catacombs [Music] checking for toxins old um I've got negative contamination in this area masks off but keep your eyes open we need to minimize our signature one light source only follow me stay close metal zero one blue force tracker drop to fix on your position we're in the catacombs Roger zero one we're sending a ranger QRF to your location mark your route with flares so they can locate your position Roger your last zero one out have it at least it won't kill you Oh keel move up the chemical strike at our barracks at Santoli last night most of my men died within minutes dizzily this is white folk must pay for what he's done stay sharp this way approaching suspected location of hvi 100 meters how many bodies I think of buried down here let's go we got a runner captured alive the only actionable Intel on Makarov [Music] in the gray sedan boom you go I'll cover you fire they need you back here now [Music] me goes down zero-one Jack folks secured our jury son of a bring him in for interrogation will extract any Intel he has a Makarov truck we got Volk we're on our way copy rats - spinning up now [Music] generally your online of a president national security council mr. president general have you found Makarov yet no but we received actionable intelligence on his bomb maker the situation is developing developing do you have him or not a Delta team just took him down I'm sending you the footage now what's their status they have Vulcan custody but their ops X been compromised in English general please they're gonna have to shoot their way to the extraction point general I want this man folk alive I don't care what it takes you bring those men home in one piece y-you see our friendlies we're not building we suspect there are civilians mills01480 Stargate stores of that location zero while we got you destroy thanks for the assist solid copy 1 warlord metal 0 was clean life but loads are an area west entities that remained Westies Bobby West days Toby thinks you are cleared for Barbara TR d50 fire in the south where the birds are entering the airspace pedals here oh bomber singing I mean I could give it he headed your way I recommend you hold your position until we've swept up over Wallace at your clearable where did I keep 154 over [Applause] we got our PG fire for the building in front of us permission to engage goes down thanks for the assist bells are over the Sunnah for six to we're secure sakera let's roll damn that was close those birds now take those birds Oh go ahead [Music] did a mantle they always talk we got names dates locations both gave us everything even forgot oh it seems your hunch was right captain Michaels already making friends he's meeting with his top advisor six hours from now location is the hotel lustick it's in the center of the city near the old square we have Tier one groups assigned to handle this but I don't think they'll make it in time but you're close very I'll contact you will is done Negros council all together in the middle of a war zone sounds convenient overconfidence makes you careless will infiltrate long two separate routes so you and Yuri head for the church and provide overwatch the city's lockdown table will need a bank door leave that to me welcome to Prague kids the resistance is expecting us have a quick let's get this over with they've already taken prisoners fast we need to be focused on keeping toilet used emotes her cover the dogs mr. Biba's quiet okay sure it was nothing man no it had to be done to get you this far enough chitchat so theory mr. on your wife will meet you at the running point let's go hold up I've got contacts 20 meters ahead stay low we don't want to attract any attention like guys on and tell you we'll see what they do split up must be our lucky day okay take the snipers foster they'll all have the other have you don't [Applause] you can take out the snipers on the rooftop I take the other the dog is afraid of light it ain't the bodies let's go no I never say we need to get ahead of this follow me control overhead here one has multi other one year mr. another sniper don't force attention wait here price every coffee go ahead remember on the street keep your eyes high Cypress are everywhere we'll keep an eye out let's go [Music] stay or too many of them get down mr. Irish stay close goodnight Oh 20 plus 1 foot and then bring in at all so what's your status little buddy are me in front of us we're coming in from the West watch your fire Oh JA take care of it they stamen all that once that me will be before man and neighborhood dozens don't worry I'll pour some friends [Music] these guys quietly put my god let's move our weight out there please don't pay you get comfortable we've got a few hours to amazing oh yeah let's go south [Music] which vehicle will he be in the constantly rotate for security we won't know until he steps out you seem in a war but back it off alpha-1 Radio check over level 1 coffee well dug in Medina site right camera rocks our eyes and ears inside the hotel once he gives us the nod we'll kick this off what do you see father told me nicely Michael off slate for the zones you know sit tight until we get a clean shot then you can put as many rounds only ways you like he'll only take one it's almost time heads up my crafts convoy is arriving now I see four armored vehicles no visual and Makarov yet starting in front of the Weddell don't you see him there's the bastard third vehicle sheet I think he's looking late asked easy just sit tight pulling into the garage there all right camera off you're out Carroll currently probably forgot to switch it on doesn't matter Mike Rossi a human forward with the plan I'm in position ready nearly 5,000 years ago he's at the top of the hotel we got you we got some activity on the balcony [Music] take it my to get out you what the hell race who is that camera I'm sorry price get the price [Applause] Yuri [Music] this way turned out it's no cycle smooth come on toss up you can make it here is a terrible just leave me place now I'm getting you out of this hey for that buildings in the northwest [Applause] come on with me son so you have to go now get off me [Music] I'm sorry [Music] [Music] so trusted you I thought I could choke so why are you buddy he'll just know you wake up it's a guy wouldn't want you to miss this there's deal will generate millions for our cause money can buy many things even power the road to our future begins here my friend [Music] yeah yeah never forgot what he did our reward is power but power corrupts today we show the walleye true strength is everything ready do it thousands of souls extinguished by the push of a button this is only the beginning this wasn't war it was madness I know what you have done Yuri I know what you have told them my friend my Ally my beer player what happens here today will change the world forever nothing can stop this not even you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I was a soldier of Russia not a taker of innocent lives but in his eyes this marked me as the enemy okay Yuri you bought yourself some time for now there's a clock tower in Hereford where the names of the dead are inscribed we try to honor their deeds even as their faces fate from my memory those memories are all this left when the bastards have taken everything else what happened he killed some he's gone back what do you need from me son a location our Russian says Mac refused to cash weapons in an old castle near Prague he's got nothing more solid than that can you trust him what choice do I have he's going on reasons for warning Makarov dead nice ring any bells hi we're on drones orbit a suspect castle back in sac ASD who we never caught wind of our targets visiting the area what am i up against the place is a fortress only one way in or out unless you've learned to fly security office on the far side of the compound and a command center north of that both what heavily guarded if Mac adopts there he'll be in our control room what's this you're sending me equipment list that's a lot hard well John well you plan on doing will you taught me to do get them all Eva prolly get behind get down CACO in those lights and we're done before we started quite [Music] let's wake him now what we down there you move when I move do as I do understand let's go I got the truck right with policy forward to cover our escape place down if we have what you think about you but knowing this my life wait for it now me the music Joe Mitchell we have there's a security I love it go cameras outside the closet both sites here and here well we just have to knock on the door ready free sweep through this area fast they won't know how few we are in the dark taking our vision off we do this the other way we have about ten minutes until they quite they did this bridge is the other way the bass change of plan Control Center is just above us look somebody won't have to shoot our way the Thunder will hide the sound of the blasts wait [Music] we can climb up here come on for the last time I will not bow to the demands of terrorist acts I reply surrender a nuclear watchdog smarter oh I see this is what we're dealing with brothers a stubborn old man hopelessly out of step with the changing world security well change get down there find out what's going on Aleksey as you haven't confirmed yes sir our men are on the way to Berlin are you listening the daughter is there we will have her in a matter of hours keep me updated time to go Nikolai the daughters in believe moshevsky will break if they found a girl Yuri they're just in time did I get us out of here don't you I'm on my way Makarov tracked for chef skis daughter to Berlin if they find the girl it's only a matter of time till he gives up the nuclear codes do we have her exact location triangulating now is a cell phone snipers just intercepted a call from her that she needs drew in three two one Elana four chefs keep the American Special Forces do you speak English stay calm we're in route to you now where are you exactly which side there's a building across the road sign oh please hurry okay put the phone down and don't move we'll come to you Athena is still with us weapons tight and don't throw any shots [Music] [Music] it's done ready team is going up to the daughter watch the back go secure this area fast [Music] little zero one room secure green light on granite trust get an overwatch Brandon 0 1 we're in position solid copy zero copy that we're inbound now read let's got company doorway under that for more put effects on target pops was on the roof clear granite keep moving solid copy dear corridor is clear for our agents to commence gun runs we'll take it from here armors down you're good to go thanks for your sis we owe you one maintain eyes on the building breaching now granted if you got eyes on affion [Applause] granite granite what the hell Laurie credit team is down I repeat Eagles down we're going after Athena affirmative Sandman wake up with a German tank call him south of your position and proceed to the target building over solid copy Sandman out [Music] [Music] seven Romeo eight five one am i contain we're on the verge we need you to take out that tank those tanks take to reach the hotel those tanks stay close to we reach the hotel [Music] contact with the German division commander what's the status on the ground again building on us Sandman advise immediate pullback to extraction point negative Overlord we are going for the girl her beacon is still active through here I see it overlord we're at the target building any update on the girl bell 0 1 is our shows they're extracting the girl now we know we can make it this way [Music] we can't risk Oh overlord negative precious cargo we lost her twice we lost the girl looks like the helo took her to a diamond mile in Siberia look at her have one shot to grab the president before he gives up the Luigi codes of Makarov turns Europe into glass once we get boots on the ground it's gonna get a lively down there hopefully you can keep up old man I know you young stars you take all the credit so hurry and I'll keep the neighbors in check while we roll out to secure the hostages okay weapons tight guys no one likes a dead hostage what's the score boss everyone's hostile ain't that the truth ready this thing go any faster easy rich top off your rifles now [Music] oh you're up on it [Music] Overlord this is Sandman we're at the bottom of the mine we're gonna need air support affirmative Sandman bull chop a predator to you ready I prefer taking out targets at the construction site multiple a GM's online [Applause] we're in approaching the target battle zero one what is your status have you secured the president negative overlord but we have the girl we'll prep a team for extraction continue searching for the president [Music] [Music] [Music] this reinforced steel we go get through this Kanchana here here and here [Music] overlord jackpot the president is secure solid copy gather your team and proceed to these ravine she's alive copy that hammer one is now on route eta 30 seconds standby [Music] Ronny's you gotta go make sure the president gets out think about it Mike cover the right side you might be right behind me [Music] filled up gathered today to greet president more chefs tea at his return to Moscow reports have confirmed that peace talks between Russia and the US are about to begin in other news the ultra-nationalist leader Vladimir Makarov is still at large we cross the president dissolving a press conference with Russian premier four chefs key to formally announce an end to the hostilities on this historic day the representatives of two great nations stand before you United there's a simplicity to war attacking is the only secret dad in the world yields recipes how quickly they forget that all it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man very existence is this prisoner six to seven I'm coming for you Makarov haven't you heard price is here war is over my warrens with you like that ended for captain McTavish tell me price how long did he take him to die I've destroyed your world piece by piece it's only a matter of time until I find you you won't have to look far Youssou this armor will protect us they'll pass time nicolai are you passionate to the system working on its way Alex a little rusty I've tapped into their security feed macros in the egg cream on the top floor this is it just leave here alive [Music] get ready we've got their attention shake away her responses will be coming at any moment in there my girl bill in the atrium but he's on the move the haters sitting them down for your power most of the restaurants shameful he's got a large security detail with him what kind of office issues whitey force 40-plus footballs SMGs and of sorta rifles enemy chopper closing on your position Nikolai's we need another lift I'll tell you why all right hey press equipo my SCOTUS [Applause] [Music] theories what's happenin jump up we we don't let him get away they're all telling total he's going for the chopper [Music] by price [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Gamematics
Views: 6,724,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machinima, MW, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Video Game), Call Of Duty (Video Game Series), COD MW3, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3, MW3, CODMW3, Call Of Duty (Video Game), COD, Machinima (Website Category), Game Movie, gameplay, walkthrough, movie
Id: 0dn10Fsj_Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 23sec (10103 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 08 2014
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