Call of Duty Advanced Warfare FULL MOVIE

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[Music] we come into this world with our eyes closed and most of us choose to live our whole lives that way a blindly follow anyone who will lead us giving ourselves over to anything that provides us with a sense of purpose for me it was the Marines I had enlisted six months ago with my best friend will now we were a half a world away being deployed into South Korea we were brothers in arms no matter how bad it got I could always count on him to keep me in line zero Mitchell can't be all that bad it's just finally starting to sink in nice what we signed up for the old man was a Leatherneck so I didn't really have much of a choice yeah I joined up cuz the old man two more just to get away from him I can't get much further away than this listen up we have Otis inserting an LC epsilon down and dirty just like we taught you everybody know what's going on everybody North Korea was invading Seoul we had a pushin back this wasn't just a mission it was an initiation everybody Oh time here we go just like in training [Music] on the other side reset it he's still in one piece Mitchell hit the door [Music] I do service Atlas PMC rescue force transporting a principal by the south side it's a [ __ ] mess better odds taking the East tunnel out copy that look let's move on me demo team should be nearby over there ki-yay okay I see their explosive pens you can still do this sir we aren't a demolition steam no we're not we wait for another demo team and that launchers better position I'll get the charge you sir just give me cover I'm sure will yeah I can make it okay Mitchell you're with iets go cover your Mitchell over here there are two moms Brooke I'm worried about that time you one more time pull lift it off gotta go now Mitchell Brad time you gotta jump yeah it's okay serious a [Music] back to its down I need immediate medevac stay with me you're gonna be all right [Music] we're gonna get you home after a second day of heavy fighting US Marines were successfully able to drive North Korean forces out of Seoul with an additional division arriving soon hopes are high that we may finally see a return to peace and stability in the region why is one man spared while another taken to this day I couldn't give you an answer but death comes for us all eventually when you lose over six thousand men and for hours it's easy for one death to become just another number but all I knew was my best friend was gone and the part of me wished I had been taken instead the dead we've settled their deaths it's up to the living to pick up the tab so it is time to say farewell to private William Robert irons a man I had the privilege and honor to have under my command a life is only important in proportion to its impact in the lives of others by this standard private irons ranks among one of our very best he leaves behind family friends fellow Marines and a grateful nation [Music] I'm sorry Mitchell well was one of our best look we take care of all if you ever need excuse me private Mitchell I'm Jonathan irons I'm Will's father mr. irons I'm sorry for your loss I'm sure you are a surgeon private Mitchell you were wills best friend he both paid too high a price for your country was an unfortunate tragedy sir it was more than unfortunate sergeant it was unnecessary son I want to offer you a second chance mr. irons Mitchell's been discharged with his injury I'm aware of his injuries sergeant at Atlas we have prosthetics that are 20 years beyond anything the military could offer you will told me what kind of soldier you were you deserve to fight for a military that's as effective as you are think about it don't let Will's death go in vain sergeant okay everyone knows what to do this time get into position sloppy Mitchell you're a dead man reset no excuse for equipment failure that's weapon you have is the one between your ears use it was his arm sir I knew it was too early that arms worth more to me than this entire facility how's my boy doing he's a work in progress well keep working this is a great soldier it's a sad day indeed when the military has no use for good men like you jump in I'll give you the tour Joker we're bringing Mitchell over to R&D get the sim prep for another run you got it boss what you're seeing is advanced warfare Atlas has the single largest standing military in the world that we answer to no country unlike the government we don't keep secrets of our capabilities we don't sell policy we sell power we are a superpower for higher power isn't just about the ability to destroy atlases built infrastructures in places like Korea Sarah Lyon Nigeria we do in a few years when it takes governments decades to accomplish in fact the truth is we're often more effective than the governments that hire us my son found out the hard way Mitchell I know you're not in this for the money you remind me a lot of will in that way now go get that arm face all right over here ion's is taking a shine to don't let it go we've developed two types of exo-m's assault and specialist each has a primary and secondary ability the salt is equipped with boost jump as well as Sonics for crowd control the specialist xou wearing has a built-in shield in addition to overdrive capability technicians are waiting for you here that thing fixed up meet me out here hello Mitchell let's see what's going on with that arm please step over here go ahead and place your arm on the table okay just gonna run some Diagnostics try and move your arm for me please making a small adjustment hang on okay again please I think I see the problem one more time please all right you good but I recommend some trigger time to check the calibration let's head to the range he's got the assaulter we're heading up switching the sim to assault mode this time not then we're ready to go preparing assault mode simulation starting in three two one execute get the president inside do it right this time looks like we have an operator on our hands he's kidding this up he's ready for some real work good job son welcome to Atlas [Music] after Korea I thought I was done but irons gave me something to believe in it's one thing to get your foot in the door next you got to prove you belong there I got my first chance two months later just over 12 hours ago Nigerian Prime Minister Samuel a Bedoya was taken hostage while attending an international technology summit in Lagos we believe this to be the work of the KVA a leading anti Western terrorist organization founded by former chechen separatists the location and true identity of its leader codenamed Hades remains unknown while the motivation for this abduction is unclear it is in keeping with a series of bolder attacks attributed to the KVA over the past several years your mission is to link up with host nation forces under the command of Captain Ajani and effect the immediate release of the p.m. news a man says he can't understand hostage rescue is done [Applause] [Music] you're up fly drones live sending you the feet approaching target building [Applause] we got multiple KB a South room on the second floor keep moving [Applause] conference room up ahead Hades we're gonna bag our first priority [Music] [Applause] deal profit let's just execute a hostage we're striking now copy Albert to 112 executor Thor teams were green we're green three mics two-phase line now four o'clock so we're stuck now if they will kill the Prime Minister they'll kill him anyway we'll get him out alive keep it tight [Music] target's down Alice rescue force nobody move looks like Hades bailed not our problem Mitchell secure the p.m. if there's no other hostages the technologies from our summit the TVA wanted them not off Johnny what my mentor spotted them in a box on color what color weight position we're living downtown all right let's move Alpha Team One secured the second sir you'll be safe here you should have eyes on the truck I see it [ __ ] it let's do this [Music] [Music] boy no dozing jobs not over till I say these please tell me this [ __ ] alive up stressing he's breathing we want with this guy anyway don't know don't care that's up to the boffins back at HQ you get your money's worth a journey you do live at exactly as promised drinks on me tonight you did it all right Mitchell life with Atlas was nothing like the Marines but I wasn't complaining with lives hanging in the balance Atlas forces moved in swiftly to rescue the hostages dammit Gideon I didn't know you were a movie star Oh easy now I know it's probably the first time your backwoods hillbilly ass has seen someone with a full set of teeth but I'll get carried away that's funny because that's what your mom did you see that [ __ ] not bad right yeah you got lucky hey PA he's getting better every day whatever happened that guy we pulled out a drink anyway Mayans took that with them it's fine by me [ __ ] bad-ass is your worst son as you were sir uh something we can help you with sir well the glass would be a start I'll do you one better gather round yes [Music] there's an old military saying you treat your men like you would your own beloved sons and they'll follow you into the deepest Valley I lost my son and it taught me the importance of seizing the moment of saying what needs to be said when you have the chance you gentlemen did a hell of a job out there loggers has opened up fantastic opportunities for Atlas and for that I am grateful to you Jim it felt good to celebrate but Gideon was right we just got lucky and the KVA was getting better and thinking bigger every day [Music] of the world you have hidden behind the protection of technology technology is a cancer I am here to liberate you from this cancer the world must be reset to its nature of I we have a visual on enemy patch in the northern lay down yard alpha has engage multiple targets at ERG grid kilo four Niner everyone see this we have actionable Intel that the KVA are trying to trigger a meltdown in the reactor we're inserting in the South courtyard and we'll push north this [ __ ] ends in the control room in a position engaging self just like Korea all radiation we've got to launch our down down Rob Mitchell hit those Tigers on the roof cool attempts maintaining need to further cooling pools levels are dropping kitties cultish we have a level 7 event withdrawal for the area now [ __ ] copy that area is compromised it's just an you're looking at what is obviously a very disturbing live shot there that is the vector on Pacific reactor and appears to be some kind of kV a meter Haiti's my fellow citizens of the world today you are afraid you are afraid because you have been woken from sleep there are some days we never forget moments burned into our memory until the day we die where were you the day everything changed four years ago one man tried to destroy our way of life one man tried to throw the world into darkness it felt like we could never find our way back but we did together when you were vulnerable we gave you our strength when you were sick we delivered you the Cure when there was chaos we brought you order stability safety a chance to start again who are we where the way forward you [Music] welcome to detroit two and a half million people live in cabs just like this one no [ __ ] the other day they got food water security all courtesy of Atlas now the KVA have the balls to move in next door [ __ ] me you look like [ __ ] 22 days straight KVA doesn't take a break neither the week copy that they were gonna start moving people back in next month then the KBO showed up now everything's on lockdown they're protecting our target we still locked in on him dr. Pierre de noir he's in the Midtown hospital we're green 4 years of hunting down Hades this right hand man turns up at our doorstep [ __ ] [Music] [Music] one second captain scanning for isotopes please wait doing in Detroit boss empty city without police or eyewitnesses good place to hide something or someone clear Gideon Taurus you set they're good to go bikes of prep time line is locked in all right saddle up sing to me keep it on order robbed of joy dr. Tim Walz holding position at the hospital watch ticking company move it hitting checkmark live in five remember caps are only we need help to find Haiti Oh Jeff Bob oh wow name and order number by 5 to 7 hold on got 4 operatives on bikes head again mission over 5 5 to 7 okay profit father - what the pus face might tell to stay locked up you can't believe this is Detroit hasn't changed that much [Music] my cup point ahead 12 o'clock profit rather to one of makeup is that by standing by to what the Mitchell and I are taking the north side you to a South survey on bait story reg that [Applause] HHO target down you can push to the south side think up there don't shoot ready seeing your power eighties recently I won't talk that's what they all say just before the screaming starts you think this will change anything you have no idea what he's capable of you are all yet we are dead not today bag and drag in pleasure Mitchell on me [Music] [Music] reactionary forces are inbound we've got you covered I can take the doctor move out while you can like to know who's watching my back mate that's classified me okay with this boss oh sure we have a choice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] target is secure taking him in for interrogation it was as close as we'd ever been for years on Hades trail and now we had his number two the doctor was the key to everything so we'll begin again these people who are they so this is what you think of me huh you think I'm a rat [ __ ] you I think you are whatever I tell you to blood Valona was one of a kind exbest nuts now working for Atlas she could be your best friend or your worst nightmare they never knew which we have the names now we just need to know when and where the meeting is even this will kill me I'm already dead once she got under your skin please fear work with me let us help each other it was all over it's a single source as the Attell been verified the Intel is good Hades is meeting with his financial backers and sensory need 24 hours from now mr. irons the protocols for mounting an assault this man is responsible for 50,000 deaths general we are going in an operation on foreign sovereign soil it would be an act of war without congressional approval Atlas is an internationally registered private company we don't need Congress gentlemen are we operational we're other ready sir you're the trigger I want your team on the ground in six hours on whose authority on my authority [Music] [Music] lean forward a boner supposed to be on your honeymoon keep your eyes on the Hades not me g-man is approaching market your app Mitchell [Music] oh boy good let's find a key man scan for comm signals you'll have to zoom in for a proper scan now look for the kV a comm signal that'll be our ticket inside the safe house there check him out KVA signal is closed he's not here switch to another camera track him kV a signal is closed negative not KVA we're gonna lose him Mitchell track him comm signal is a kb8 match he's our key man that's our ticket inside but I am moving team I don't need to remind you how important this mission is Hades is responsible for the nuclear attacks four years ago we bring him down we bring down the whole KVA Network there's no room for error get it done [Applause] loose follows then take him off I'll clear out the back don't call this hub ladies [Music] this is private property you need to leave I'm looking for the market I guess I got lost it's not here let's get up take the drone Mitchell output ears on Hades meeting 200 meters to target zoom in on that conference room there have eyes on hades poppin easy of it get the Intel first Alfa's truck is rolling to the game also go black gospel stop wait for the gods to get most improper yeah make it quick this is a boring conversation anyway Alfa ready to breach Mitchell I'll call your targets shoot the two on the overwatch Oh Koni unclear alpha hold you have a watcher inside [ __ ] Gideon is in trouble [ __ ] Boston it's clear the Alpha move on [ __ ] are up to alpha will mop up waiting on wasps homeless clear alpha movie alpha position placing a new charge copy that alpha Mitchell swing around and cover the glass side of the trip ready nice job Maitreya miss cleanup all stations be advised it looks as though Hades is starting the meeting don't want to miss the big pitch copy that shoot two at the top of the stairs Kill Confirmed need to pull KVA off that door so I'll come down trip a car lot [Music] que VA spoofing what hit the three headed for the car don't think there was clear alpha moving to breach point Mitchell get eyes on that meeting whiner Hades nice all teams stand by for trench on fire on my mark I keep it close to me at all times it will keep us safe you will contact him again for further payment they have two days that's it [Music] scan and read negative it's not Hades not Hades [Music] well thanks for that all right let's get you out of here ideas confirmed Hades is eki a I send again Hades as eki a nose irons nose what does irons know [Music] Hades death left us with more questions than answers that all that mattered was that he was gone it was the start of a new chapter for all of us at last time ran out for Joseph to ket's aid better known as Hades leader of the KBA and mastermind behind the devastating attacks of four years ago we recently spoke with jonathan ions founder and CEO of atlas international the private military corporation responsible for hunting down and killing Hades congratulations you've achieved what no government was able to Thank You Wendy but the real heroes of the day are the men and women of Atlas I couldn't be prouder what they accomplished out there this week there are rumors that the UN will offer you a seat on the Security Council can a life in politics be far behind well I like to get things done so no but look at what we've done a new Baghdad 40 years ago we pulled out of Iraq with that place in ruins and our tail between our legs and now it's a testament to what happens when you put efficiency before bureaucracy the last four years have been huge for you in the wake of the KVA attacks Atlas has become the world's biggest corporation and you now preside over the world's largest standing military so what's next for Jonathan ions you as it feels to be the hero of the world don't let it go to your head Ian Mitchell I need to see you right now Valona what is it meet me in maintenance room 6a don't bring anyone else all right we're moving let's find out what the hell she wants not to believe this is Baghdad two years ago you couldn't step outside without getting shot echo teams up down another KVA cell yesterday whole networks unraveling Hades was the key the world my friend is running out of bad guys you might be looking at an early retirement afternoon sir this is it did you tell anyone you were coming no so what Rambler will only buy us a few minutes sink to my card I have to show you something bloody hell's going just watch this that's iron with the technologist you see gotta be cool from the rhythm he never made it back to Nigeria give you an attack he told me everything what kind of attack power punch all over the way they wanted me to compromise where are they planning on hitting yeah Paris Tokyo thousands will die we have to tell someone we have to tell everyone it's okay it's all right I'll take care of this right now [ __ ] you knew it you knew and he let it happen all those people dead and he [ __ ] profited from it where did you get this Hades his last act before he died was giving us this how do you know it's not it was coded and encrypted in our own algorithm it's from Atlas no one has seen this but us we need to get out of here we saw it we saw everything you saw what you know about the attacks all those in us you saw Ford's recording from a terrorist you're insane you're a monster I'm disappointed in you you could have had everything hold them here until the reporters leave Gideon yes sir Gideon you know what you saw you said it was a fake he's made his decision stay where you are without the paperwork so system I need you to trust me in three seconds fire suppression system [Music] [Music] [Music] so what now you'll need to get through Old Town pick toward the docks they're going to lock down the entire city to find us that's why you need to move fast put on that grapple attachment are you alright when you move copy boots finished we're on foot extraction quadrant right above remember owed sergeant don't you let's get you out of here you're wrong about irons I'll hunt you down myself I'm not wrong roof is clear no sign of him all right inside now you've got questions it's time for some answers until now we've stayed in the shadows watching waiting were formed four years ago a us-led multinational unit code named Sentinel our mission to investigate the KVA attacks and prevent anything like that from ever happening again but soon it became clear that there was an even greater threat a man ready to exploit this tragedy for his own gain after the attacks madness rose to new heights it took over security for ports shipping lanes pipelines nation after nation ended over their most critical infrastructure - Jonathan irons we realized too late he was surrounding us but now in the last ten days I hate chatter has searched one word keeps getting flagged Manticore iris is about to make a move but we don't know what it was a risk extracting you but you're our best shot to find out what Manticore is and stop it so how about admit you are you in [Music] here it comes time to find out what we signed up for it's good to have you back in the fold we're under better circumstances we get our old teammates people we trained with forthwith I know this is difficult but I need you to move past that this is bigger than any of us Tame that the greenlight for operation lone wolf thanks to Intel from Mitchell you know that ions will be traveling to his private estate for a high-level meeting I'll be leading the insertion team until teens will be on standby for exfil irons it's priority number one we infiltrate his home and we gather intel on his next move let's get it done Nux how's it going almost done patching into the drone Network I mean the drone patrols are switching out clock is team king bed read the front door gobby you were clear to knock ready hooks Kings Bay go for sitting to set foot one copy we had here well the tracker time to see if the print got was worth the price uploading prints to your suit I mean okay I've got full control of their campus good job get out of there drones are back online back to the roof hurry up Mitchell we're in but still we can find found something knocks we've got the meeting itinerary it's in the hangar happening soon the hangar sealed up tight docks we have a situation locked out of the system I see they sent out a full alert patrols I headed your way you've got to get out of there [Applause] [Music] family in position knocks okay you're all clear wait well that name already on alias productive year Dan woth I thought it was writing it at the zoo tonight I don't know what the hell that was doing here copy that there's been a security breach what's going on please sir mr. irons is this we'll see who is he I'm sorry a very serious problem of our intruders discover the contents of this container dr. Venus fastest really unstable it's compromised by premature exposure don't worry that all your money is already in the bank everything else from your own [Applause] finally [Music] ready my job you touch we've got him kingpin okay bring him home good work team let's find out where that plane tank bed it's a signal to three trappers been successfully coupled with the target copy that two three we've got pandora in the crosshairs now protect the destination this real guy a ghost airbase if Irons is planning a strike anywhere at the hemisphere this would represent an ideal staging point our only option is to intercept pandora in international airspace and force a controlled landing coordinates for mid-air rendezvous to follow Roger that I've got a team suiting up now it's a big step Cormac will be hit again it was directly of are working from the shadows [Music] it's a sentinel two three on final approach copy all Sentinel two three your primary objective is the cargo all other assets are expendable run a but would call you to five at the drop point each other have to make backflips all right Mitchell time to bring this bird [Music] watch the way activated my fault Bobby doesn't go on Guardian slide is on the ground ready to receive have your signal setting up go diving switch on target to the drop point it's by a [ __ ] [Music] what do we got the extraction team through the back action is securing the cargo units be advised we picked up Annapolis QRF on approach kingpin do you copy we're too deep we need to find a way to the cargo looks to be an opening through here [Music] we can try and follow the water through here doesn't look like we have a choice I'll take lead [Music] [Music] [Music] why now Gideon you could have escaped from New Baghdad with us we'd all be none the wiser you're just too many questions I needed to find some answers for myself Mayans is planning a preemptive strike against the United States who's been secretly developing a WMD a bioweapon we're supposed to follow you if he wanted to kill us we'd already be dead my niece has betrayed everything I stood for I want him in the ground the same as you if you want to stop him we need to get to that cargo now okay you lead the way this is medical a biological agent designed to target specific genotypes if your DNA signature isn't in the Atlas database you're dead so he can drop this in the middle of a battle his troops live I was dying that's right contact with even a single Sports failed chem suits are useless is it operations I know but because he produced this sample he could already be manufacturing at an industrial scale if he is we need to know the where and the how it's the only way we bring ions down the problem is Atlas has dozens of sites capable of mass production by the time we put the pieces Gideon has the location are you sure he can be trusted this mission doesn't happen without him what other choice do we have area composed under viewpoints I think help with Cormac Ennis tape just took me a while to figure it out apparently did never write one for you we still be stumbling around in the dark just like old times [Music] and come on [Applause] go-go-go [Applause] no rebooting he loves circling around come on up here move it oh come on make those up look Cormack we're on approach good I need an exfil sharpish had to drop a few of their guys it's gonna be a riot when they discovered the bodies missing isn't over yet here doc mission was over before it began we're not leaving until we take a look at this place I don't see a [ __ ] thing knocks sure if any of you must be chemical signature boss and they've got something to hide we lost the initiative we should come back another day there is no other day this thing goes sideways is on you nothing it's always been is it hard busted I'll give him that let's get it done holographic canopy okay boys rip the room tri-state up at anything interesting you know the drill kingpins commencing SS e uplink to follow to over there bingo we have the package transmitting uplink convert all right burn it down thermite out law this place in bio weapons is down Mitchell and I trade up bullion kingpin the signal pulse rate in route to lv / ETA Sigma request to stopping the hill to see with fire Roger that Sentinel - shriek bird isn't an offset for that standing five all right everyone we'll systems check great all right Mitchell just like a treasure weapon systems online move it out Mitchell [Applause] anybody look back up one step ahead of your might nice work soldier once you get this stuff decrypted madness is history actually tracked complete heading home I am honored to be the first CEO of a private corporation to become a member of the United Nations Security Council unfortunately my appearance today has been clouded by a flurry of speculation that my company is developing a weapon of mass destruction which would be capable of targeting specific ethnic groups I want to address these allegations head-on are we developing such a weapon no we are not because we've already developed it but with all due respect the United Nations is a relic from a different time when nations were unique in their ability to solve the world's problems but that just isn't the case anymore primarily because you have outsourced the job to me I have sent people to die in your Wars so I feel uniquely qualified to tell you your wars don't work which is why my priorities have changed from profits to policy because politicians don't know how to solve problems but I do [Music] so let's be clear I am here to solve the world's problems and I believe the world's problems begin with you so what the hell was that couldn't tell you me but it sounded an awful lot like irons declaring war we took out his WMDs with our mana court Alison's Danish Oh Mac you need to see this talk to me we cracked the encryption on the last set of uploads what am I looking at potential targets antenna fallback plan if Atlas was ever backed into a corner the preemptive strike he's got to try to knock us out before the fight is even begun but a direct attack on the US are we sure irons is even up for that so what's the play no way Atlas can hit them all at once San Francisco the entire third fleet is in the bay I need you two on the ground now [Music] you Vidia put it not sides all clear we play that what do you got Travis it smooth [Music] good Cormack pitbulls out of action proceeding on foot we've got the tribe check that van Mitchell no zero one the carrier is almost clear of a bridge make sure your right mate [ __ ] bastard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got movement on trp three and five confirm changes on the cargo ships attacking the fleet will be a mess at ease lieutenant how many assets do I still have active in the area spare me standby nothing you know all signal teams Radio check solid copy descend and hold position at the Carrier I'm in route [Music] Jesus Alice is trying to take control the carries weapon systems you get jammers on those rail guns and pyrotechnician sometime for enemy troops all over the carrier they're gonna try and keep it ships bridge let's move we won't let them get away with this 22 the second all enemy ships accounted for and destroyed good work team copy that kingpin [ __ ] there's no turning back from this what happens next next I just murdered thousands of innocent people on US soil next we hunt them down burial [Music] the world is asking one question why did I attack the United States the United States has said the world in a constant state of war for over a hundred years time and again we have seen the catastrophic results of this belligerent militaristic policy these wars hadn't led to resolution or peace these wars have only led to more wars the United States has set the agenda because they wielded the biggest stick well no more this is not the beginning of war this is the end of all wars after San Francisco the entire free world turned against atlas irons entrenched himself at his headquarters in New Baghdad all communications ceased both sides knew what was coming our mission was to fly in with a 37th airborne during the initial shock and awe campaign from there we would break off and infiltrate the Atlas command center taking out irons for Cormack that was the end of a journey he'd been waiting five years for this day well I was gonna change the plan and the North covering blue team on they're sorting over the target yes sir yes I've got the soft option there are no soft options on the table I just don't want all my assets in play at once we're only gonna have one shot at getting the bastard so we'll need they know it just stay alive you're our star witness when we drag his ass in front of The Hague looking forward to it all right good luck there was nothing more to say we all knew what had to be done [Music] this was the beginning of the end for one of us [Music] Sentinel 2-1 approaching a PC Romeo fixin notes at Angel's five Roger that maintain low-level flight from there to New Baghdad kink it out Sentinel flight fancy engage anything that doesn't have a sentinel beacon come on zero one final approach to New Baghdad copy zero one enemy air defense perimeter in 1.5 clicks commencing Topsy's odds are that's successful 1200 meters to target minimizing system power switching over to low detection copy all zero one your squad is off the radar [Music] connecting the heads up to the battlefield network a main target is Atlas command center where Irons is directing the war effort from deep inside multiple empty turrets have been placed as air defenses around the city we need to take them out in order to reach the command center business the target to our meters switch off heads up and prepare for touchdown coming in hot [Music] [Music] [Music] no sound I need immediate medevac on my location no it's Manticore pull back why aren't we affected Mayans engineered it to be harmless to his own troops the three of us must have been inoculated [Music] within our grasp look around you and you will see our enemies fall one by one each and every one of them can be the agents of change yes we will suffer losses we will suffer as a set an ass but making no mistake we will win the security to desire the security that you deserve is within our grasp it can only be plain if you are willing to fight fight I've cheated death many times got right up close to it it was never something I welcomed but with it comes serenity clarity that you'd never expect you experience the present as the inevitable destination of every step you've taken towards him and in that same moment you see a different path stretch out in front of you the path you could have taken at the first step we are all on this road together the good men fight for wrong causes and the corrupt men who cloaked themselves in righteousness each one of them convinced they are on the side of the angels every journey has an end and death can only be cheated for so long we had thrown everything we had an atlas and come up short now it was time to pay the price stay alert any detail could make the difference what is this place you should be a research lab there's like ions modified it since research for what medical advancements something like that doesn't matter it's a prison now [Music] this is it only way we survive this is we're keeping our heads waiting for an opportunity [Applause] how'd you end up here support was wiped out with Medicaid I was outside the blast radius but our squad was surrounded outgunned is there a rescue force coming for us downtown is contaminated we put out a city entirely I don't think anybody's coming all right let's go guys how do the bend now move it here now get over here let's go start walking [Music] okay by yourself have a nice day get away from me [Applause] I wanted to meet the man whose mission it was to kill me our mission was to stop you but if that meant killing you I don't think anybody be too troubled failure is not something we tolerate here at atlas so I'm disturbed that three of my best contractors have failed so miserably but that's the way it has to be the wheat from the chaff is strong from the weak the ancient Spartans knew the true meaning of warfare but that truth has been lost to us for two millennia what if your son will what was he wheat a chaff will was the victim of the misguided policies of the United States and government died fighting for what he believed it of course the tragedy is dying for what you believe in doesn't make it true you're not young but you are strong Cormac so I give you 20 minutes to bleed out time enough to consider whether it was all worth it [Music] and you the prodigal son returns [Music] I believed in you I gave you a second chance [Music] you're nothing like [Music] [Applause] [Music] get them out of there can you walk stop ides I'm done shut it we're leaving all of us I've got him I follow me stay quiet [Music] hold on you look like his size grab his exosuit and sigh down yeah with only one wing you won't be reloading so make every shot count and pick up a new kit when you're empty ready where is magical launching from [Music] we need a way out right which will help me moving Hey gotcha that was close Tomac he's in the back I'll help drive Aspray we're not too late come on come on stay with me we're almost there it's not much further come on Cormac [Music] so what now no we finish this thing the only ones who can stop my hands from launching Mexico City of us against an army it's suicide you're right but it's what he would have done okay you got any ideas just one it was a plan only Gideon could have come up with a frontal assault on iron stronghold using the two mech suits we found back in the base drones would fly ascend after that we'd be on our own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mitchell hang on we stopped it we stopped the launch I'm gonna get you out of here stay with me not your one city defenses are breaking and are collapsing these launches aborted company keep it coming hello are you receiving Katsav we need to move I gotta hit this building any minute I'm setting you down I need you to try and walk Mitchell need to find some light hello Mitchell [ __ ] move I could ask the same come on oh you rely too much on those things city is falling it's over what I have started won't end with me it's bigger than me and it's certainly bigger than you you think I'm a monster that's only because you don't have the conviction to do what's necessary necessary the attack on America unleashing Manticore killing thousands of innocent people I'm saving the world from itself when there's no one left to challenge Atlas there will be no more Wars there had to be sacrifices along the way yeah twisted [ __ ] throughout history have used the same argument then we've stopped the launch they'll bring this entire building down the top of you I could have killed you in the prison kid I could kill you now but I won't I'm not a monster Mitchell try to hit the release on your ex Oh now mine it's not working [Music] there's no time if he gets away this will all have been for nothing go No tuffnut iet's get away ain't going [Music] yeah hey chill homie letting go pull me up there's only two choices you wouldn't pull me up or this whole building goes down and we go down with it each other Mitchell I gave you that on Mitchell I gave him a second chance [Music] I'm claiming gotcha [Music] was only gonna add one way irons gave me a second chance and I gave it back he thought he could solve the world's problems if he did have the answer he took it with him to the grave he was right about one thing this wasn't the end it was just the beginning [Music] [Music]
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 5,791,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 60 FPS, All Cutscenes, Movie, Full Movie, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 60 FPS All Cutscenes, Call of Duty 60 FPS, Advanced Warfare, 60 FPS, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Movie, 2014, 1080p, PS4, Xbox one, PC, Playstation 4, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Ending, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare PS4, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Xbox One, Advanced Warfare All Cutscenes, Advanced Warfare 60 FPS, Advanced Warfare Movie
Id: idphc8MlwDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 14sec (7214 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 05 2014
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