Californio Vaquero vs Texas Cowpuncher

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ding the moaning stalk is not the calvo's pretty wagons inside you'll be cooking call me Oh the campus is it's going to be long Longway there are two major cowboy influences in the West California and Texas the California is followed in the footsteps of the Spanish Vaqueros who lived in California Texas traditions evolved from the Texas Vaqueros as well as from the stock keepers who migrated from South Carolina this merger created the Texas cowboy that California y carol was very high in their status amongst their peers these guys showed the pride so with them came this stateliness as a saying that California takes as long as it takes while there's quite a bit of truth in that there's times you don't have the luxury of having that much time I think about something my daddy said all the time when I was growing up he he would tell me he'd say hurry every time you think about it and keep it on your mind if the California saying is takes as long as it takes this idea that a buckaroo is that laid-back shouldn't we all be shouldn't we all just enjoy a little more time on everything we do we sit down at wagon to eat breakfast you'd sit down I need say get that in your boy and let's go there's a rush or a hurry in this country that you don't see out there and a lot of it I believe is to beat the heat because we have a lot of hot weather here quite a bit of the year it's not very conducive to work in Canada they'll prowl they do a lot of prowling we call the big field we don't ridin field well we do it might be mean takers in that field but we call it the big fields why I don't know what we call gentle cattle a lot of folks might not call gentle you couldn't walk out and pet when I'm in the cattle in this country they might try to offer it might run from you but if you could get around them and get them held up and work we'd say this they're gentle the cattle out in Nevada the buckaroos are out there all the time with them but most that you know it's country big and open quite a little easier to get to cattle in than it was down here together a little cattle at all and they you know feed them all winter so they around people quite a bit where these kind of run out year-round and leave my nazi man once twice a year when you go to catch something in town tend to go get them guys deadly they're not really committed anything and always teams must yeah you daddy guys you'd have to run catch something and if things come pretty tight everything's not this right looked like not gonna work out real good you just turn your little rope loose I said yo you only got no good stories to tell when I see a bunch of guys coming in and that ropes tied to their horn you're in trying to get cattle worked and stuff I think to myself man when it comes time let go of your rope I can do it to keep somebody else from getting in a wreck those guys can and so consequently there's some Wilder time yeah you know hook that thing all night and see what happens you know if you live to live through it work you might have a good story to tell my dad had he would just take the rope and before I could ever rope a calf he'd just start walking with that rope and I was supposed to keep my horse in check and I was supposed to have the cat the coils in my hand and I supposed to dally without looking with my thumb up and it was just walked through and it was pushed through and I didn't even get out there and rope a bale without having to come back in dally that's it became second nature with that type of roping first time I ever saw anyone dally there was a cow jumped out of his pen and I don't remember now who it was but I know that a grass rope and just a little little to grow on built a loop like wicking didn't take time to hook that horn I don't know they rope that counting when trying to die little short rope on that slick on cuz it just lost the rope you know I look down at daddy and he said you see there what that damn Dahlia is good for so I kind of grew up with a negative opinion Italians from way back
Channel: Vaquero Series
Views: 168,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waddie Mitchell, Buster McLaury, Vaqueros, Cowpunchers, Cowboys, Buckaroos
Id: 8w82etm2gqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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