Cow Puncher 2

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now in the morning after breakfast just about daylight you throw your side alone your horse and pull your cinch tight now your Bronco me jumped Ricky already may jump high we've all got to ride them boys Roode habu died there's sweet unwritten rules like where this fire is here took boxing right there it's against the rules of walking between the fire and the choke box you never sell someone else's bedroll unless you ask them first at a meal I'll tell the wagon boss that's ready and he'll tell the guys is ready not easy but him going first they'll give you a shopping if you wear your legging on the fly shopping is the way that Cowboys enforce rules if you get lost on the drive we do something wrong at the end of day somebody remember it I'll take you down you always have to have the fringe pointing towards your fate if you had them in that fringe goes up above their belt building the manland the leggings he gets a shopping awesome now sometime dreadful storm an sometimes pretty clear you might work a month though you might work are you but you can make a win and if you come alive and try for the whole world over bones it's rude ha go die boots are healed from the four sixes helping out we tried working with the four sixes in the pitchforks and that means that when we're working they'll send two or three men over to help us and then when they're working we'll send a couple of three men over to help them it saves you having to hire extra help and they're usually better happen probably Nova country I've chased a lot of ropes for people and daddies but everybody here ties how when we're roping in the krail brand in there doing anything while we town we hire younger people because we have a lot of young horses to ride we don't hire anybody old enough if I don't wanna ride young horses because we raise a lot of horses and we have to get them written it's not one person job to ride the unhorse it's everybody's job if their muscles and wrestling skills to get some of these big cabs well we like to call kungfu procedure it takes about six or seven men for a brand and crew and that's with one driver two sets the plonkers with us pulled me in that makes five with the drivers man run the iron and man run the knife is 7 1 Lincoln bikes Nate but you saw neat another man so you have a sailor a clean food with one driver on the double circle range where the grass grows green cattle get wild and the Cavs get bigger as the day goes by you gotta keep [ __ ] boys ruhub will die if you're right I'm out of horses you got to keep them shot you can't shoot them stand and then you lay them on the sod now you tack the iron on when you've got a mind a try you better take to it boys root ha go
Channel: Aaron brien
Views: 15,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: or7ssH-y32E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 22 2014
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