Calibrating a Fisher™ 3582 Positioner - Zero and Span

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[Music] hi I'm Jim Jones with Emerson in this video I'm going to show you how to calibrate this Fischer 3582 pneumatic positioner as you can see it's already properly mounted onto this Fischer 6 5 7 size 40 I direct-acting actuator and the beam alignment has been double-checked so now we're ready to set zero and span the zero adjustment is done with the nozzle and the span is adjusted by moving the flapper assembly along the summing beam we of course have our air supply plumbed to the positioner and can see on the supply gauge the regulator is set to in this case 20 psi to get started we'll move the flapper assembly to the mid range of its travel on the direct side of the summing beam or about to the number 6 on the scale understand that the direct and reverse labels on this summing beam only tell us how the positioner will react to the input signal and have nothing to do with what kind of actuator the positioner is on don't be confused by that second will increase our input signal to the bottom of the input range in this case 3 psi third will adjust the nozzle in or out to make the needle on the output gauge sit softly on the 0 pin of the output pressure gauge step 4 is to slowly increase the input pressure but we'll watch the output pressure gauge as soon as the output gauge needle moves I stop the input and look at the input gauge ideally it should be somewhere between three and three and a half PSI this technique makes certain that when the input is at 3 the positioner output is saturated to 0 psi and the control valve is at one end of its travel in this case all the way open now let's set the span in step 5 I'll increase the input pressure but again I'm watching the output pressure gauge what I'm looking for here is saturation on the other end of the stroke saturation is identified when the output pressure rapidly changes and goes all the way to supply pressure there it is that means the valve has hit a stop and the positioner is applying full supply to in this case provide maximum seat load our goal is to make the position or saturate just inside the upper limit of our input signal that is in this case 15 psi so when it saturates ideally it should be between 14 and 1/2 and 15 psi if we increase the input pressure and the output saturates just before or after our target which is just under 15 psi we must move the flapper assembly to correct the span and move the saturation point this is step 6 if it saturates too soon or before 14 and a half move the flapper assembly to a smaller number if it saturates too late or above 15 move the flapper to a larger number every time you move the flapper assembly though you must go back and reset the zero adjustment and then check the span again when the 3582 positioner is properly calibrated we can be sure that when the input signal is at the limits in this case three and fifteen psi we know that the valve is either wide open or in the seat with full actuator force once the zero and span is set correctly don't forget to tighten up all the lock nuts so we can calibrate the 3582 positioner in just six easy steps step one move the flapper to the mid-range of its travel step two apply a signal equal to the bottom of the input range step three adjust the nozzle to make the needle on the output gauge sit softly on the zero pin step four is to increase the input to find the low saturation point the output needle should move before the input gets to three and a half step five increase the input and watch for the high saturation point step 6 adjust the flapper assembly to adjust span and to move the upper saturation point then Reesie row and check it again well visit Fischer comm to learn more about the Fischer 3582 position or to contact your local Emerson sales representative thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Fisher Valves & Instruments
Views: 88,639
Rating: 4.9030614 out of 5
Keywords: 5050223573001, FisherYouTube, Final Control & Regulate, control valves, 3582 positioner, Fisher 3582, pneumatic positioner, single-acting positioner, Fisher valves, Emerson, Fisher, zero and span, calibrate positioner, valve calibrating tutorial
Id: Xxbywx2AKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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