Cal Ripken, Jr.'s Sculpture Unveiling | Yankees at Orioles: FULL Game
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Channel: Baltimore Orioles
Views: 5,615
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: Major League, Major League Baseball, Baseball, MLB, Cal Ripken Jr., Ripken, Cal Riken Sculpture, Adam Jones, Darren O'Day, Baltimore Orioles, Baltimore, Orioles, O’s, Camden Yards, Oriole Park, ALDS, Yankees, NYY, NY Yankees, New York, Rookie, Andy Pettitte, A-Rod, Derek Jeter, Orioles vs. Yankees, Orioles pitcher, Ichiro, Robinson Cano, Chris Davis, Manny Machado, Orioles full game, baseball game, Orioles Win, JJ Hardy, Matt Weiters, AL East, AL East winner
Id: 9sXuqzsAaAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 26sec (9686 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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