Cakewalk TTS 1 instrument

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whether you have one or a hundred sofsense on your pc having a general midi sound set to go to is incredibly important whether you're downloading a standard midi file from the internet or you just need a set of bread-and-butter sounds to use on your system so let's take a look at the TTS one as you can see here I've already passed my TTS 1 into my synth rack so I'll just go ahead and open it up as you can see we could have 16 different sounds that we can choose from now all of these channels inside of the TTS 1 are identical so once we learn one we're ready to repeat that process over the 16 channels up top we have an edit button which we'll get to it second we have chorus and reverb controls pan controls a volume level preview button down at the bottom and also our patch browser from here I can click and choose what preset I want it's actually arranged for me by type of instrument and then I can go ahead and pick what I want so I've got my piano that I selected and maybe I want to hear what that sounds like so just go ahead and press the preview button [Music] and of course I also have some strings loaded up [Applause] an organ a bass and a general MIDI drum set in addition to that I can also change the reverb and chorus settings so maybe on this piano track I want to increase the reverb so go ahead and turn that up and now let's take a listen [Music] and all this reverb is being generated by the synthesizer itself so I'm not putting any more load on my CPU on a MIDI track if I want to go ahead and trigger the TTS one all I do is simply select which output I want so I said TTS one what MIDI channel and this corresponds to the vertical channels inside of the TTS 1 synthesizer each channel number represents a MIDI channel so I'm gonna go ahead and pick channel 1 then I have my bank and patch information what this means is that I don't have to have the synth open to actually choose what type of a sound I want so I'll go ahead and pick piano and then I can perform this using my keyboard if I want to record it I just go ahead and arm the track and press record [Music] you so at that point my midi information is inside of the program and I can go ahead and edit it if I want to move it back to the beginning I just go ahead and slide it over if I want to open up the notation view and edit from there I can or the piano roll view or I can even use the inline piano row view as well if I want to select multiple tracks at once as we discussed before just turn on the echo and then turn on echo on another track as well and this is how I can do layers TTS one is also fully editable as well I can go to each sound and actually choose by pressing the edit button all the different characteristics of the sound if it's an organ sound maybe I want to add more vibrato maybe if it's a bass sound I want to change the filter or if it's a synth sound and in addition I can go ahead and preview what my changes sound like directly from this view I also have an effect control this is controlling all of my 16 sends so I can actually choose what types of course is I want and what types of reverb as well all built into the synthesizer aside from that if you want to learn more of course there's a Help button that'll load up some contact sensitive help for you but for now that's everything about the TTS one so as you can see the TTS 1 is an extremely powerful synthesizer remember it's general MIDI 2 and general MIDI compatible responds to 16 MIDI channels so you can have 16 or more MIDI tracks triggering one instance of the TTS one and in addition to that it's a great set of bread-and-butter sounds
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Views: 8,482
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Id: rr79UN4hutk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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