Caitlin Clark Scored 3 Points in her WORST Game as a Pro...

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so that was a rough one that was a really really rough one if you are watching as a fan of the Indiana Fever if you are watching as a fan of the New York Liberty it was a very very comfortable win from start to finish probably the worst game of kln Clark's career however I genuinely think that this was with the way that Indiana played this game I can't I can't see it in any other way than just a free hit a free hit to just say you know what we are going to try see what works see what doesn't work and yeah that is what I kind of took from that game I could be wrong but it does seem like it was a free hit because they went away from what was working against the storm what was working at times against the sky and what was working not the sky the yeah sky and what was working against the Sparks they had spells in those games where they look good and they went completely away from when they how they look good um and they also couldn't hit a shot or didn't Kelsey MIT in the first half none none of them could hit a shot before we on if you guys are new to the channel subscribe we just hit 5 and a half thousand subscribers thank you guys so much for the support but anyway now let's get on to the video so this game got ugly fast it got ugly real fast so they were the Liberty went out to an 112 lead everyone was hitting shots like Lany Hamilton five like she only won a one from three she was hitting every single shot she was shooting Briana Stewart didn't shoot above 50% but she was doing quite well Sabrina yonescu just chipped in with I think she what she have 12 points but how or 16 for Sabrina but just so much in Rhythm JN quel Jones every Miss shot the ball was there for her the New York Liberty thoroughly outplayed the Indiana Fever the Indiana Fever looked exhausted 20 games in 11 days is going to do that to anybody but they looked absolutely exhausted like even someone like when Burke came in the first half and was just lighting them up they looked absolutely wrecked and look I'm not going to go too hard on the Indiana Fever today because I don't think they threw the game but I don't think they necessarily really tried to win this game and I'm going to explain why but again every game matters I think that they just knew they were over with the amount of miles on Indiana fever's leg on the fever's legs for all the team they looked exhaust out there and yesterday's game was a playoff game for them we saw an intensity against this guy from the Indiana Fever and a defense of philosophy and defense of just willingness to guard that we hadn't seen for the entire season and I think it just took it all out of them it happens it happens in basketball and you might be saying oh it's an excuse an excuse it happens in the sport of basketball unfortunately it is the truth but they were thoroughly outplayed today they were terrible they were absolutely terrible everyone on that team was terrible other than Kelsey Mitchell in the first half who just got hot Nelissa Smith is scoring really well maybe the worst Defender I've ever seen but she is scoring well and she's rebounding well they they need to have some sort of like a system on defense to hide the fact that none of them can play defense there is not one good defender on this fever team but I don't know what's wrong with Leah Boston I genuinely don't know what's wrong with her because to start the game like she only shot one of four she had five points three assists she actually did quite well she had double teamed once in the post and made a really nice pass out kick pass out to a shooter in the first like two minutes of the game she um had the ball twice opportunities for layups and once she just didn't take it and just didn't take an open layup and the other time she turn she fumbled and turned the ball over like she had two turnovers in the first 3 or four minutes I don't know what's wrong with her but she's not even looking for a shot she's not even looking to score and that's where like her one shot score was an and one she's getting the ball plenty of times like she got the ball in more scoring positions than cait Clark did today but she's not even looking score she's not even really looking at the pass out she's just kind of dribbling a couple of times getting caught in no man's land and sometimes chucking it up sometimes passing it and I just don't I just don't know if it's a case of she doesn't know what her role is in the offense and whether it's Christy sides I don't know what it is because I thought she was really good against this Sky I thought she was was really good in the second half against the Sparks um it just was a not very good game for her and it looked like the start of the Year again and like obviously this isn't actually the worst of these or this isn't the worst this team has looked against the Liberty surprisingly enough but they've just have their number Kelsey Mitchell shot the lights out in that game um at the fir in the first half in the second half she was garbage um but at the same time Kelsey Mitchell plays basketball like she's a my player just dribble dribble d drible drible dribble Erica wheeler had seven didn't wasn't too bad I guess samelson did not do much at all I don't know what Grace Berger is meant to do I genuinely don't know what she's meant to do I've watched enough of her play that I just don't know she doesn't seem to shoot the ball well she doesn't pass the ball well she doesn't defend um she got a nice and one I guess in the game um and then obviously I don't know what Celeste Taylor has to do to play she played 2 minutes 38 seconds in garbage time I genuinely don't know what she has to do to play to play more she can't be any worse than what's on the floor and obviously the elephant in the room is Caitlin Clark that was probably the worst game of Caitlin Clark's career um so far she shot one of 10 but it was a really really weird game because I actually thought it was one of her better defensive games I thought she did a really decent job in the first half she got two steals she obviously one of her rebounds is early only ended up with two rebounds I thought when she had the the ball in her hands she was finding her teammates open I thought that she was passing the ball pretty well she had four assists in the first half and it was another one of those games where she was told no you stand in the corner so it really did feel like every single time she touched the ball she felt the need to go tween TW or crossover crossover crossover step back three the only like really thing was like she did miss the layup on the break she got the steal missed the layup on the break and Lissa Smith came right in and finished it like if she doesn't get the steel and the layup like you can't just box score watch a lot of the time but like there are times you can't box score watch for example like again she got a really good steel ran the floor Drew in two Defenders blew the layup because obviously she drew the two Defenders ball landed in someone else's hand to score in reality it should have been an ass like not the box score will not say it's an assist but if you're watching the game it's an assist otherwise she wasn't put in a position to do anything like her one shot was a 30-footer off the move and every single time Erica wheeler was on Theo was running the point and they ran Erica wheeler or Grace Berger at the point for 30 minutes in that game like Caitlin Clark played I'd say five minutes at the one in that game and they didn't run any of the sets that worked that because it way she's still being blitzed every single almost every time or at least being hard hedged they didn't run that set once the the double screen the double screen which works quite well in getting her turn in the corner it would have been turned the corner on JN quell Jones which is a lot tougher than doing that on like an angel ree or Elizabeth Williams but they didn't run it because it doesn't necessarily free up Caitlin Clark but for starts to fre up Butters so I don't I feel felt like she was in a bit of a lose lose situation because she was just chucking and the shots weren't going in I was watching this game live she should not have she should have stopped chucking she genuinely should have stopped chucking like the shots weren't going in but every one of her seven three-point shots was a moving off the dribble off balance three-point shot and I know she can hit some of them in college but she didn't play 11 games in 20 days in college and that's one thing I will say with cait and Clark is that you got to know what's not working and she doesn't that is the big flaw in her game is that she doesn't have a b game is that if the Deep threes and the right hand layups aren't working she doesn't have much of a b game like she went left once against the sky which I liked H she put up a couple of floaters they just didn't go in but she's really got to work on that in the offseason because she's one of the best passers in the league Caitlyn Clark at the shooting guard position it was so weird because they put her standing in the corner and they went opposite her every possession they went opposite her every possession she did not catch the ball I don't remember her touching the ball when she played at the two the only time she touched the ball is when they're stuck and they give her the ball with 10 seconds to go into the shot clock leave her on an island and think oh go and do something sometimes she would shoot a dumb shot she'd shoot like a crazy shot because she's not in a position to succeed sometimes she wouldn't get the turnover because she would just throw the ball to someone with 2 seconds to go and they'd be in a position where they're screwed it's it was just like dysfunction because their offense have been looking better and they went away from everything that had been working so that's my thing where I'm like maybe Christy sides is just trying things out because early in the year it was very very clear that Eric the Erica wheeler Caitlyn Clark Mitchell 123 combo would not work that the Erica Caitlin Clark combo was not going to work like it was very very clear early in the year that that combination is not going to work like kayin Clark and Wheeler on the floor at the same time should not happen it genuinely shouldn't because wheeler just goes the opposite side to Kayan Clark wheeler will pass the ball to Mitchell if wheeler has the option to pass the ball to Mitchell or Clark she will pass the ball to mitchell8 times out of 10 and maybe nine times out of 10 for being honest so they need the starget a minutes a bit better so I like I genuinely do think that if she wants to play Erica wheeler rest Caitlyn Clark because put making Caitlyn Clark a stand in the corner shooting guard is pointless it's absolutely pointless like they try it seem like the tactic for today was let's make this game four on four let's get let's pull cait and Clark away from the ball let's pull her as far away from the ball as possible and let's try to win four on four and it was a disaster it was an absolute disastrous tactic at the same time like again citn Clark shot the ball badly so if you do want a box score watch she probably you probably think she had a bit of a worse game than she did but obviously still not a good game um the Indiana Fever looked the worst I've ever seen them like this is actually no sorry the second game of the year when they got murdered by the same team like it was worse but considering that this is a team that's meant to have gel together it was back to the way it was it started here Caitlin Clark gets blitzed off some screens and the rest of the team stand there with their hands by their side like it it's still happening everything good that they seem to have done over the last few games they just seem to throw out the window like I don't know if it sides I don't know what it is but clearly the game they had the worst game plan I think I've ever seen and I don't know like if you're going if this is the way that they're planning and playing it by the way like Kirsty Wallace is terrible B is just terrible like it's not even on her she's just it's not her fault she's playing 20 minutes a game but she's just terrible um like they've got no one they can run the ball through Kelsey Mitchell plays like an inefficient my player and Alysa Smith scores the ball but doesn't play defense Aaliyah Boston I'm not sure what's wrong with her kayn Clark if she is not the lead like if she's not able to be the main point guard and to be fair she does rely an awful lot on transition and teams getting stops and they got no stops today which and nullifies her game but if she is a standin the corner shooting guard she is literally useless sit her on the bench you are better off having Celeste Taylor on the floor if you are telling Caitlyn Clark to stand in the corner because Celeste Taylor is a better defensive player than Caitlyn Clark if you just want to use cait Clark for a gravity tra her but I just don't see that happening I think this was a free hit I think they tried out a bunch of things and I think everything they tried out did not work and it didn't also help that every idea everything they tried out was didn't work at all as well as the fact that um look Caitlyn shot terribly like if Caitlyn Clark shoots a bit better when they bring it back to 12 maybe they get it back to six and it's a ball game um but look it is what it is everyone has bad games um Kon Clark was not good like again not as horrendously awful as the box score is going to suggest she did good things it was probably one of her better defensive games she passed the ball very well of her three turnovers one was again her effectively stealing a pass from the stealing a pass because the pass was thrown so badly that she literally had to Lunge in and tip it and tipped it to the other team um and then another one of her turnovers was she was dribbling down the right sideline and some and I think it was Aaliyah Boston set a screen on the right sideline for her to go towards the Baseline and Brianna Stewart just she didn't even Blitz it she just hedged and put her foot on the sideline and Ken Clark just ran into her had to pick up the dribble and was just trapped in the corner so that is a one million per not on her turnover she actually took care I thought she took care of the ball really well today she just shot horrendously and her shot selection was was horrific like I will say like people saying Caitlyn Clark needs to shoot the ball more than 10 times if the tactic is to play Caitlyn Clark the way Chris decides did today caiton Clark should not be shooting the ball 10 times because she shot seven or she shot at least five terrible shots and I don't even mean terrible shots that she can make these are like Falling Away deep shot out of rhythm not even in Rhythm be when she's when she's doing it for what she was doing for I where she was consistently shooting she was getting herself in the Rhythm where she wasn't today it was one of those shots 3 minutes later she hasn't touched the ball for 3 minutes I'm going to go and do something else shoot out R them again no a bad shooting game bad shot selection and she's got to sometimes just accept if my Coach does not want me to shoot the ball I'm not going to shoot the ball because she com out of this game with a one and 10 one of 10 shooting game looking terrible especially if you look at the shots she shot maybe she wants to put on a show if she the way Chris decides wanted to play the game Caitlyn Clark should not have shot the ball more than four times because she might have had like it's just it's not she wasn't put in a situation to succeed and she did dumb things even with the situation she put into a bad game all around for the fever and a bad game for Clark
Channel: Mick Talks Hoops
Views: 11,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, nba news, dbg, bball daily, nba stories, nba highlights, today in basketball, Caitlin Clark, Caitlin Clark WNBA, CAitlin Clark WNBA hate, wnba, wnba players, angel reese, juju watkins
Id: FhcGJQ4ZVyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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