Which 3D Modeling Software To Start With For Makers | 3D Printing

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so you're a maker and you want to get started  with 3d modeling and 3d design but you have no   idea where to start and everyone's telling  you different things and you just want to   know the truth of it all well let me tell you my  experience and hopefully that will help guide you   where to start for 3d modeling for makers now  considering you're asking yourself this question   i'm going to guess that you're pretty new to the  3d realm so i've got to let you know that there's   actually two very different ways of creating  things in the 3d space one is called nurbs   modeling also known as non-uniform rational  b-splines this is very complicated math to create   the objects through basically equations it's  really quite incredible stuff and the other one   is polygon modeling also known as mesh modeling  this deals with vertices corners edges and faces   to create a model as a whole so those are the two  sort of kingpins of 3d modeling they both have   some incredible pros and cons to one another but  that's the number one mindset to keep yourself in   so in an ideal world both of these would be merged  together into one program and that there would be   the incredible workflow that you want to learn  unfortunately that is not where we are in fact   there is sort of the opposite of where we are  there's this big rift that there's sort of this   precision modeling that needs to be done with  nerves and then there's artistic modeling that   needs to be done with polygons and the truth is  that neither of them are correct they can both   do each other's work just as well sometimes even  better than one another depending on the situation   now let's talk a little bit more about this so  nervous based modeling you need to tell it all   the rules the mathematics the equations to go  and create the things and then it sort of just   catches you and just creates the things sort of  for you now it's technically not real because   it's all just maths so you need to eventually  turn this into a real thing for instance in 3d   modeling you need to export this as a 3mf or an  stl that actually turns it into a polygon that's   sort of it sort of hurts your head a bit to  go so wait i'm doing it modeling in this way   and then you're going to turn it into that  anyway and then here's the catch-all that   once you have that let's say you've lost your  file of making this or you've got another stl   online if you want to actually turn that into  something that was nurbs based well you now   need to convert it and there is always precision  lost in that converting there have been leaps and   bounds in technology especially in fusion  360 to actually change that back that way   but that's just something that i've got to  keep you sort of in your head that sometimes   things don't work out how you expect now  let's switch on over to polygon modeling   which is in my opinion sort of the kingpin of  all because you can do anything in here and with   the developments of blender which is completely  free by the way oh my goodness things are getting   very interesting i can now do completely  parametric modeling in there unfortunately   it's not nervous based yet and i'm hoping  that one day nerves will come to there   but you do need to keep in mind about the rules  of mesh faces have a front face and a back face   edges and vertices need to not really cross each  other and need to sort of be laid out nicely how   do you have two edges crossing each other in the  real world you don't so that breaks things in that   environment you don't have problems like that  in the nerves environment because the maths is   there to catch you so which one is better there  is no one that's better that's a ridiculous way   of thinking of a 3d space unfortunately  that is sort of the mindset that a whole   bunch of the entirety of the internet is sort of  stuck in because in the past this was very much   the precision world and this was very much  the artistic world and they did not want   to interact with one another that is no longer  the case though with visual effects especially   there's been a whole bunch of procedural work  being done and when it comes to procedural work   you need a lot of precision sometimes so there's  been this gray area that's starting to come out so   let's answer that question then where should you  start i'll give you my absolute honest answer if   i could go back to seven years ago where i first  sort of started really getting into being a maker   if i could tell myself hey look don't learn these  other five programs that you know yes i've spent   way too much time learning so many programs and  i could just tell myself one program to go with   i would go with blender now  that is not discrediting   any of the parametric programs out there like  freecad openscad fusion360 rhino and all of that   just that oh my goodness me the power of blender  is mind boggling now there is a lovely catch right   there it's not going to be easy if you're looking  for something that's going to hold your hand so   you can like make some nice pretty round edges  go and make your life simple go and get yourself   free CAD to go and get maybe open scout i haven't  got much experience in openscad or fusion 360 and   then you can round any edge you want go for  it there but if you want to truly be sort of   unlimited in the way of rendering out however you  want animating it however you want dealing with   stl straight off the internet being able to create  anything really and soon parametrically in any way   you want with add-ons like cad sketcher as well  as geometry nodes and using the modifiers well   you're pretty much getting into a full parametric  workflow within the mesh environment and sort of   just going you know what i'm not going to rely  completely on the Maths of this to help me along   now by no means am i discrediting nurbs modeling  it is incredible and i wish so badly that that   was inside the blender and that actually worked  nicely but the truth of it all is that kernel the   code to do all of that maths has taken 25 years to  get to this point and they're still working on it   no wonder they don't want to give it to an open  source free program like that is a lot of hard   time and labor gone into this so that's what  i've got to say to you if you're looking to make   money from things just be aware that a lot  of these nurbs based card programs well you   know usually can't go above making a thousand  bucks a year from him so you're gonna have to   pay for it if you don't mind paying go for it  absolutely love it just make sure that you spend   the time and effort to really truly understand  whichever program it is that you're gonna go into   now when it comes to mesh modeling blender wow wow  you're going to be able to get a lot out of that   trust me i'm three years into this learning and  i still feel like i'm only scratching the surface   and then there's a whole other area that i haven't  even touched yet it is incredible stuff so to go   forward from here if you're looking for a free  nerve space workflow there is two that i know of   which is plasticity which is free for now and  then once it goes out into its first release it   will be paid but it will be a one-time payment  not this whole subscription thing and that is   linked down in the description if you want a  free way of doing it i just have a short little   Free CAD course that's also linked down in the  description just be aware that free CAD also has   its problems you can go and see that video down  there if you're looking to learn blender then you   can go and check out mine gigantic courses and  by the way i really am not being biased here i   just want to tell you my honest opinion so yes i  have my courses my paid course and all of that but   i really want to help the maker community  and that's why i'm making this video to try   and help you out so there's an entire free course  to learn everything you need that is linked down   in the description if you want to learn through  actual 3d printing projects i have my paid course   that's also down in the description but there's  no need to i have my entire free course just be   aware that you only make one tiny little model in  that and that's pretty much all i've got to say   i wish you the absolute best of luck going into  your 3d journey there is so much ahead and just   be creative that's the number one thing find  what it is that you want to make and just get   making a huge thank you to my patrons you guys  are absolutely awesome and without you i truly   would not have been able to make maker tales a  big thank you to my vip makers that is jem oscar   and david fernandez and if you're enjoying what  i'm making here i would love to see you there too   if you think i deserve your support thank you for  watching keep making and let the quest continue
Channel: Maker Tales
Views: 13,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what 3d printing software to use, 3d printing programs for beginners, 3d printing software for beginners, 3d program for 3d printing, best 3d printing design software for beginners, easy 3d print design software, easy 3d printing software, good 3d printing software, how 3d printer software works, how does 3d printing software work, how to use 3d printing software, is 3d printing hard to learn, is 3d printing the future, top 3d printing software, what is 3d printing history
Id: gGE5WlHt9ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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