CAD Sketcher 0.27.2 Update & Hidden Features...

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so let's have a little chat about some CAD Sketcher news because there's a new release the 0.27.2 update plus what exactly is going on with the 1.0.0 release and a whole bunch of other stuff but just before we dive into that a small portion of this video is sponsored by to start it all off how about we do a quick fire round of what exactly is new in card Sketcher 0.27.2 so I will press Ctrl shift a we will have our work plans I will go for the top view work plan and there is the first update right there mesh now gets grayed out well basically we turn on x-ray rather than hiding mesh because people were just getting a little bit confused of where exactly is my mesh disappearing to it's it's a bug it must be a bug it isn't we're just gonna gray it out this time however if you are wanting to actually hide your mesh go here to the visibility options and you can just turn off your mesh right there and you might see it that is the other update this little Green Dot now fixed points and fixed and entities have a color inside of the preferences so we'll go here we're going to turn on cat Sketcher take a look all the way down here and now fixed has a color associated to it it makes it so much easier to see what exactly is a fixed entity pressing 7 on my numpad to take a look from the top down I'm going to press L to create a line because I want to remind you that if I can turn this into a construction line so I can right click it turn it into construction brilliant but that's a little bit of a pain if I want to do that to many many things and what if I just want to just draw and do everything in construction well construction mode is now a thing here in our CAD Sketcher toolbox we now have a construction mode you can turn that on there and now I can create myself a circle that's going to be a construction line a line that's going to be a construction line and I can toggle this on and off with the shortcut alt shift C again remember all these lovely shortcuts are down in the shortcut cheat sheet that I've got on underneath this video so the other update is we now have a contextual menu inside of the sketching environment so if we select both of these lines here and you right click remember in blender right clicking inside of anything gives you a context menu we have the same here and now the context menu has all of these lovely options so here I'll change these both to be either a construction line or non-construction line so this will turn them both into non-construction lines when I move my mouse over it right click once again I can turn them both into construction lines once again and that there are the main changes to CAD Sketcher 0.27.2 there is also one other caveat that I need to let you know which for Mac OS users well first card Sketcher minimum requirements at 3.0 but also there's a little bug now in blender which is you need to change your GPU rendering because there's just a problem with the metal side of things so this this is what you've got to do if you're not able to see cad Sketcher entities the work planes and all of that on Mac OS you've got to head on over to edit then preferences go to system and here you're going to have something called the GPU backend you've got to turn that into opengl for now until this lovely headache gets sorted now there's a couple of other things that I want to let you know a couple of sort of hidden things that have been in card sketch of quite a while that I just think I want to share with you plus all the other news that's going on with cat Sketcher but just quickly a quick message from today's sponsor to excel at sketch based design you need to truly understand geometry which can be a pain but I found that not to be the case with's geometry fundamentals course with their engaging Hands-On bite-sized lessons I found it the best way to learn not only that but you can take your learning on the go anywhere at any time on your phone tablet or computer try everything that brilliant has to offer for 30 days for free three and if you're among the first 200 people to sign up using forward slash maker Tales you'll enjoy a 20 discount on an annual subscription and a big thank you to brilliant for sponsoring this video so now let's cover some lovely little hidden features of scout Sketcher that I'm pretty sure you don't know about so why don't you know about these features because honestly they're debugging features so if you go to edit preferences add-ons card Sketcher scroll down you'll see show debug setting inside of here there are some features that are still very much in development one of them being a line to view as you'd expect this one basically just aligns the sketch when you go into it so here on the sides one I want to click sides and here it is by the way if you want to learn everything that I'm showing of this model and this model by the way is completely parametric it is part of my cad skitter crash course that is continuously updated and it's right here it's linked down in the description with every single update this course gets updated as well and if you don't know blender Precision modeling what you need sort of to do this course I have that too linked down in the description so that is one of them a line to view when you leave it though just be aware this is in development so it's not quite right so you've got to go out press period or your numpad or press a back tick view selected and that will also bring you out here now the other one that I absolutely love a problem with this align view is this one hide interactive constraints when you turn this off you'll now be able to see all the constraints that build the sketches and interact with them in the 3D space you don't actually have to go into the sketch itself so for instance this lovely radius here I can click into it say hey I want to change this actually to be 13 I will force the update it's now 13. I can click this four change this to three I'll also change this one here to be 30 and then with all that said I can force the update and it's all been updated it up now all of this is a parametric model so we can change this up in any way that we want and just to let you know those are some lovely little hidden features that by all means if you really really like make sure you let us know in the Discord community of cat sketch a link down in the description and who knows they might turn it into active features with a little bit more development so now let's have a little catch up about the immediate future of card Sketcher so what's just over the horizon well a whole bunch of things starting off we're probably going to get the offset tool real soon there's a little few bugs here and there but with a little bit of luck that'll be in the next update we're also going to be changing things over and adding a whole bunch of geometry node-based tools into CAD Sketcher so that we are basically creating our own modifiers the reason for this is modifiers like solidify have been adding problems in and we're seeing in the community that the mesh is going all over the place and that is due to this lovely solidify modifier so so let's create our own CAD Sketcher extrude modifier that fixes all these problems we're also going to be adding our own mirror modifier radial array modifier and a whole bunch of other ones one of them being a lovely donation from higgsus go and check him out it's absolutely amazing what they're making truly it's amazing now why is this so awesome well they're bringing lofting with blender geometry nodes that means we'll be able to Loft from two different independent sketches with geometry nodes and that's going to be absolutely amazing now there are a whole bunch of other geometry nodes that hexus has created there is a link down in the description if you want to support CAD Sketcher while you're getting it they're only five bucks and you get a whole bunch of them and I truly think you should go check it out just because wow there are some amazing things that you can do with blender geometry notes now lastly what about this big push the one point 0.0.0 release push well unfortunately I think it was a little bit too much of a bite for the developer that took on the big push because we're now four months down the line and there's a whole bunch of work that has been done and a big shout out to cheeterman truly you've been amazing some amazing things have been added in so far but we're just wanting to get past that Finish Line sooner rather than later so I'm gonna announce it here the lovely Bounty is open once again so for you blender developers out there if you're looking to get 4 300 for helping CAD Sketcher get past that Milestone of the 1.0.0 release there's a whole bunch more information for you down in the description it is a first come first serve first one to give us a timeline and get in contact with us and we agree to it we're going to lock it to you so let's hopefully get card Sketcher past that lovely threshold so that we can just start making a whole bunch of projects and just know that we have sort of an LTS version of Card Sketcher all right a massive thank you to these patrons right here truly without you I would not be able to do maker tales and I love these thanks to all of you here the supporters of card Sketcher truly if you want to carry on supporting cat Sketcher or if you want to go and see how they are supporting card Sketcher there is a link down in the description for the open Collective truly you guys are all so amazing it makes the projects of card Sketcher and other Precision add-ons like lovely Precision gears and precision bolts all possible thank you so much for watching I can't wait to see what you're all going to get making and let the quest continue
Channel: Keep Making
Views: 17,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tool tutorial, blender cad, blender construction lines, blender add on, blender cad add on, blender construction lines add on, blender cad construction lines, CAD Sketcher, addon, blender 3.1, 3.0+, blender line tool, blender arc tool, blender rectangle tool, blender circle tool, blender cad tools, SketchUp, Fusion 360, freecad, Free, Opensource, tangents, distances, angles, equal, parallel, Constraint, design, CAD, precision, 3d print, sketch, blender cad add-on, drivers, cad
Id: nM3vbRzI074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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