CAC Wirraway - Start Up - November 2017

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MajorMonkyjuice 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
Paul step notes here with week craft and we're gonna try to start the worl way again after having some issues with it in the past one of the problems we were having with this airplane we first went to started was we could not get the wobble pump to build up enough pressure the wild stuff is actually right here it's a little hand pump and what this does is actually draws fuel from the tank up to the carburetor I hope you'll get to the carburetor for starting the engine we're having a lot of issues with that and so then we pressurized the tank to force fuel along pump when we did get some pressure but it was kind of low and then we went to start the airplane he would start but it wouldn't maintain fuel pressure and then it would run for a little bit and then it would start dying and I was able to continue to wobble it and keep the pressure up but eventually that wobble pump would just give up and it would quit we looked into a few things and we talked to some people down in Australia who actually have a flying were away and a couple of things we found out is that the wobble pump is a bit weak it has a weak system and a lot of people say that if you run a tank dry on the on the world way it's hard to get it back going again so because of that someone recommended putting a boost pump it so that's what we did that's what this unit is right here it's an electronic boost pump electric motor basically with the fuel pump attached to it we've taken the wall from battle-ax system because basically this takes place of that piece right there so we then all that install works very well but once we put that in there we still could build up pressure in the system and I couldn't figure out why that was it's very strange so then I talked to it said on the name Andy bishop now at the tomorrow Aviation Museum they have a flying world wing and I was setting emails back and forth with them and one of the things he said is your check valve working and I emailed back to him I said what check valve there's no check valve in the system so from that we decided that they needed to have a check valve because what's happening is the boost pumps not able to produce any vacuum and so though it's just circulating around through the system so it's not building up any pressure and so what was strange about this was there wasn't a check valve in the airplane prior to us when we got the aircraft we didn't take a check valve out so we thought maybe it has something to do with the carburetor we had the carburetor overhauled and maybe was set up differently when he was in Australia and maybe there was an internal check valve of some type we weren't sure but we decided let's try it check valve so I found one we installed it which is this blue piece right here it's in in-between the engine driven pump and the carburetor and once that was installed and we put the boost pump on it works just fine now the next step of course is to find out whether it's going to start and continue to run and that's what we're going to do next doing the test run right now we start [Music] all right give this a try it's extra special the world why it's gonna blow oil both got a really nice primer yeah goodbye my paint job [Music] because motoric through a little bit mission motors do [Applause] like trying to start it is it's back to the job yeah problem there yeah oh yeah now we pulled it through but it's which was off and it sounded like this John the fire they don't want a minute you feel better a cuticles implode it's weird if two seconds like south of town start yes it did it was fired yes for a couple of months we're gonna pull a couple plugs is to make sure there isn't any oil and the cylinders even that would pull through okay but and was weird as the man this max which was off but it actually sounded like it was the tire this is not strange their 40s get oil and man take two gonna put ya [Music] yeah all right climate example [Music] [Music] Claire yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a little bit of a vibration in that and I didn't I don't want to run it unless I don't have any brakes yeah max he's checked out fun switched that off who's shutting it off started beautifully yeah started but yeah it strains it did and driven pump and I think should be picking up and dissing going down [Music] cylinder head temp good oil pressure man was there a lot of smoke I couldn't see inside the airplane [Music] that's the slippery that's a lot of oil man it's all blown up on the headrest in this turnover structure all right well I think it went good it started it started well it was extremely messy start as you can see lots of oil as it's been sitting for a while it is running much better than it was before but the mystery now is we the engine driven pump will not pick up it was running on the boost pump only and when I would shut that off we would want to quit so that's the kind of a strange thing because the engine driven pump is a piece we sent out and overall so I need to check into that but we're getting there slowly but surely hopefully we'll get the world way back in the air [Music]
Channel: Kermit Weeks
Views: 101,428
Rating: 4.9270072 out of 5
Keywords: Kermit Weeks, Fantasy of Flight, FoF Mechanic's Corner, CAC Wirraway, Engine Start Up, Airplane Restoration, Aircraft Mechanics
Id: hGJMhW2OEaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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