Cabover Peterbilt Rolling To Denver For Airport Delivery

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what's going on everybody FSC Trucking woke up this morning in avula Iowa it's getting about uh 30 40 miles before we get into Nebraska still heading west we're heading to Denver we're taking that MB piece of snow removal equipment right there go over to the Denver Airport so we're getting ready to get on our way we're getting ready to shut the green Apu down fire up the main caterpillar and get this day started me go show you what we got all righty so that's what we going on some of you are probably new to the channel so let me go ahead and explain I am Steve fjck your humble host that's Orwell Orwell is my 1984 peterbill 362 gab over George Orwell wrote a very famous book in the' 40s called 1984 this happened to have a 1984 Peter build so we named them Orwell if you know anything about me it makes more sense stay tuned we'll get into it one day you'll figure it out trust me with that Orwell is powered by a 3406b caterpillar uh Factory approximately about 400 horsepower is um I've never messed with the pump or anything like that so we basically keep Orwell Factory I like the classic look classic way it runs but we did have but we did add the green Apu to it just for creature Comfort don't have to Idle No More keeps you nice and warm I don't know if the shows up on the mic or not but it's windy really windy is today so see the flag it's definitely blown pretty good keeps it nice and warm plus the engine's warm for nice easy starts cuz that caterpillar hates cold just like me why am I up here well I don't really know I guess either way no I do know now this piece of freight we're hauling it's made by MB compy up in Chilton Wisconsin so I don't wind's taking my uh breath from me so this is a I don't know I've never seen one quite like this before but this is a mid engine in it and uh just a big old counterweight believe it or not that unit right there weighing in about 44,000 that was the thing of the last video trying to get this thing legal we're actually 78 about 79,000 lb just had to get the positioning of the truck right to make it legal for the uh tandems you know 30 you know 34,000 lb on the trailer 34k on the drives and 12K up on the steers so you just got to get the positioning right and you're good to go or if it was overweight we can just order permits yeah that's right order permits meaning pay for it and it's legal or just make it legal but if you're over it's non divisible so just give them money all of a sudden the roads got stronger the bridges got better brakes got bigger tires got stronger you know all that stuff just pay them now what I thought was real interesting with this truck I didn't realize a lot of times you see these and it'll have a trailer on the back with a big snow broom or a plow or something like that but this one doesn't have room for a fifth wheel and another one I hauled it had some kind of interesting articulated hitch but this one just got a big old penal hitch back here and the counterweight is what makes this sucker real heavy of course the engine is up under here under this I don't know is it a hood is it a bonnet she's cat powered I don't know what kind of cat but it's a cat but the other funny thing I know no was the way it's positioned if you look at this particular unit there's a harmonic balancer facing the rear of the engine well facing the front of the engine is facing rear of the truck I should say so the transmission basically is up underneath the cab thus this giant transfer case up in the front out of the plow Mount so I imagine over here is where your plow attaches to up here usually sometimes they also put blowers but yeah see here it's all right wi extend plow swing so it's definitely a plow setup for your Hydraulics but I thought this is really [Music] cool cuz apparently the transmission goes to that transfer case up top almost like a V Drive in a boat comes down to a really short little drive shaft to the input on the front of the forward disc [Music] and then to a through shaft to the drive shaft to the rear this now I've seen similar stuff on Peterbilt 6x6 cement mixers and dump trucks so that's pretty cool too figure I'd let figure I'd point that out to you because stuff I've never seen before stuff that you might not ever seen before either either way that's what we're doing so we're taking this out to Denver like I said we're over here in avoka Iowa so we're getting ready to fire up warwell man it is cold my hands are froze that wind is cutting that's pretty good so let's get the big engine fired up get the paperwork done and get strolling all righty just like that to turn a bikini and a push him a button 400 horsepower or caterpillar power comes the light and it's cold outside I should have mentioned the Truck Engine was was warm at about 160° maybe 150 In The Wind that wind will cut you so on that unit that green Apu just got to turn up the thermostat a little bit to compensate for the wind but it'll it'll do the figure and it's like [Music] check the air facing camera to go to Kenworth in fuel is you can see him very again [Music] now oh he got a big old load on that sucker [Music] going to take a thumbnail picture I don't know if that's a thumb nail I'm going to use but this the one I took try to get a picture of that cool ass Kenworth right [Music] there yeah yeah I know I'm sitting in the middle of the parking lot that's a big little de boys carrying [Music] we circle around we'll be able to take a look at [Music] it man this park a lot is so rutted up so [Music] bad [Music] f [Music] [Music] f and that's in big big big loads four axle tractor I lost counting how many axles on that [Music] trailer what those trailers cost they got to be they got to be million dooll [Music] trailers [Music] sh [Music] not really sure what we're going to get to film today C it's already kind of late in the day I pushed it last night I wanted to get ground covered roll let me fall switch apparently we're going to be facing a headwind for a considerable Bunch today so that's going to make it all more interesting or not interesting just expensive [Music] come oh yeah I wanted to get down the road last night so I pushed it pretty good certainly dragged my feet a little bit this morning I mean I left on Friday left Friday afternoon you're on his big heavy load a really that wide but he's sure here is tall sure that got some weight on it too one day will'll try to get up there long as it's banging good right obviously I've got ideas for equipment and that's one of the other things I want to try to get done next year just get that old Detroit that I got going at least get the engine machine work done and then the shop get started on it and figure out what truck well I know what truck I want to put it in I just got to buy it and then start on it that'll be in time but that's one thing I want to do I've been dragging my feet on that one for quite a long time so it's time to just get that get that block done and get it back that's going to be the heavy Hall truck and I aim to break the internet with that one nobody got one like I planned nobody I don't come this way very often so it's certainly a nice change of pace but I was saying I pushed pretty hard last night so I certainly ate into my daytime hours today for filming but you know it is what it is we got tomorrow too I mean I certainly can make it from here to Denver and straight shot without a problem I might save a little bit for tomorrow just to have a some scenes from Colorado I'd like to edit tonight too so I might shut down early get some editing done and then have a little bit of driving tomorrow so I'm not just sitting in the truck uh you know just ping away time that always bugs me I hate just wasting time but we'll see doesn't really matter at this point but yeah I don't come through here very often anymore but I don't know it was worth it on this trip at least was well then again you never know how bad I get beaten on the way back where a load out of Denver for where I got to go to get a load either way like I was seen in the last video attitude wise mentality wise I'm doing a lot better Bally I'm feeling a lot better perspectives on things you know you know just my mentality it took a while for my mindset to start to get back into the groove of things I know I've focused on that a lot but it was difficult dealing with what I was dealing with after I came back from Texas with my parents but I got a lot of good stuff going in me for me in my life now and we got stuff to look forward to and this time a year it always gets you down CU at least with me CU it gets cold and I don't like dealing with the cold in the winter but you know it's just you got to get over that get back at it for me getting back in the truck certainly helps a lot although it's one of those things where I'm like I I don't look forward to going but once I get going I feel better so now I'm still in that good mood I was in a real good mood yesterday while I was driving last night I just had the I had different uh internet radio things going on on my on the phone through my my stereo system so I'll play music or I'll listen in the different shows just things that'll help motivate me I was listening to a show yesterday found a little bit of spirituality in the last place I thought I would ever hear it or find it the absolute last place but nonetheless there it was and I was thinking and listening and just absorbing the the words the knowledge that were coming into my head and you would think that kind of show would be more talking politics than anything but know I got into spirituality a lot and I got to thinking about it just the way things were used against me and I don't wear religion on of sleeve I don't I don't push it preach it you know that's not me but I just felt like gu yesterday last night while I was driving I felt great I I was at peace in in my mind just listening to the words and thinking and praying and driving and it was just at that moment it was perfect everything was the way it's supposed to me and that made me feel great that's hard to get sometimes out here I pulled into that truck stop last night I circled once and then I saw a parking spot I drive of very recently just left and I didn't notice them leaving but it was one spot just for me I backed into it and uh taking care of last minute paperwork I looked ahead and there was a truck that just fired up in front of me and pulled out and some other lucky driver got his parking space and I went to bed with a good with a good mind with a good mindset thinking I slept like a baby a lot of people comment about the green Apu say it's real loud it really isn't my camera has an U aftermarket mic on it and it's it's it catches everything and if it it's a noise cancelling mic so if it's next to it it drones it out but if it's in front of it it puts it more prevalent so that's why if I'm talking with the green Apu faceing the camera it sounds really loud in this particular truck the way it's set up there's a little bit of droning noise when you're sitting up run and it's running but after a couple of minutes you don't even realize it CU I sit at the steering wheel and I do my editing I I can't lay down and work on a laptop I have to sit up like I'm at a computer desk so I I edit sitting at the steering wheel and it don't bother me at all after a couple minutes you don't even hear in the sleeper I don't know if it's like an insulative effect because of the mattress or whatever I uh you don't even hear it in fact some sometimes I'll wake up middle of the night and I'm like is that thing even running then I'll have to sit up and listen for it or I'll feel the air blowing out of the Ducks I'm like well it must be running cuz I feel the air coming out of it but yeah it uh recording itself actually doesn't do it any good it actually makes it sound real bad but no it's not reefers even the quiet ones are way louder than that green Apu actually is inside the truck you barely know it's there idling this caterpillar it's hard to I'd have to do it in person the only way I can really show it I'd be happy to do it if there were people around but the truck idling is way louder than the green Apu is running by itself on the camera I really don't think it really effectively shows it so if you meet me in person I'll be happy to demonstrate it check out all these big loads got another one coming up there was when we left the yard there was a four axle Striker they usually go on they well they go on company trucks because company trucks are four axle truck even if I tow a company trailer I don't have enough axles on Orwell to do them so yeah they going company trucks but I want to build a for axle tractor and I like this car doing them loads oh see I'm doing a lot of thinking worried about the money side of buying trailers and Equipment but I don't know if I do better the money should take care of itself right now we got bigger plans first step is to get a full-timer in the shop to do what I can't do when I'm not home and that's what I'll be looking for so if you're looking for full-time shop work shot me an email fastshop atgmailcom you don't need to know everything just need to be willing to learn it and be confident I'd Rather somebody that has the aptitude to know what they're doing and actually be good at it that needs to be trained rather than somebody that you could throw all the knowledge at them and it don't stick right but yeah that you're looking for that kind of work F check shop and we'll talk about it but that's the first step in making things better in in my world professionally and personally cuz I want to grow to thing better than what I've been I've definitely gotten into a slump of recent um well I be honest I got comfortable and then it turned into a slump might not have been a slump business-wise but personally it got down into the dumps and I don't like it there so I have to [Music] improve [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] all right everybody it is the next day I got as far as North Plat Nebraska over at the loves and I just went got I sound nice sound like a 60 series Detroit breathing through Street pipes I like the sound of that anyway so I got over here in North Plat did some editing would even Sundown when I got here did some editing and uh started my upload now this is the first time I've actually used my star length so I just threw it up on the top of the truck for the time being come up with a better angle to show you climb up on the back show you what I did basically I just took the ground Mount I just put it right on the roof of the [Music] truck that'll work for the time being I certainly need to get something better what I want to do maybe is get some kind of a pole that I could swing down off the headache rack put the antenna on and then put it up cuz it'd be better if I got it higher than the trailers next to me when you're sitting at truck stops right that's the idea but if you look at the angle it's at it seems like it's got a pretty good shot but the antenna does kind of maybe create an issue you see the antenna of course the stats so my thought was come off on the side here with a pole come down at an angle telescopic put it on and then swing it up so it's up higher that's my initial thought I don't know if that's what I'll do but that's my initial thought obviously you can't just leave it in the parking lot that'll get ran out fast so yeah I that's what I did figured I'd show it to you real quick upload speed on it here well it's probably about half as fast as my home computer and I pay extra for like the fastest internet that you can get that's not fiber optic so half the speed of home that's still really good that beats 12 hours off the goofy air card plus it'll work anywhere as opposed to you know that air card where it only works certain places and many places it didn't work at all which is always a problem even yeah you can tether on my phone but tethering on the phone man that took hours and hours and hours too and I'm limited to like one video on the tether before the data is too much so starling's definitely the better way to go that's the first time we've used that on the road so I'm happy with it so there it is I fig I'd showed here real quick that's how it looks goofy but it works all right so with that let's get and kill the green Apu fire up the main caterpillar let's finish our day all righty got everything put away got all well fired up ready to go the P rather want to get fuel here or go ahead and get fuel down in oala or whatever at the TA or whatever town that Pilot low Flying J whatever the hell that is down there right before you duck down on 76 I got to think about it either way let's go ahead and get in the truck get my log book caught up then get ready to stroll I'll figure it out by end decided I was getting fuel with the loves I'll set up the cameras when we leave but I want to get you shots going in the Colorado it'll probably stop the pilot put the cameras up there we might be here a long pumps are slow sh [Music] well all righty get to show on the road again this morning or rather afternoon what what happened was I got here yesterday afternoon sat at the computer edited and then there's a step between editing the video and uploading the video to YouTube where you have to what's called export it the program takes a bunch of little clips that you set and making a one continuous video and on my laptop it's not the best laptop on planet it takes for an average video about uh hour and a half to 2 hours sometimes more depending on if it's really large files or a lot of different camera angles think about I'm usually running like four GoPros that's a lot of cameras once you export the video that's when I went to sleep while I was exploring I didn't set my alarm right so I didn't get up to start to upload to Youtube until like 6:00 in the morning I don't know what people consider highspeed internet but starlink is at least here not as fast as it is at home now granted I pay for the fastest internet available you know but that's it's not fiber optic but it's the fast as I can [Music] get probably not I started to upload went back to sleep got up it had to finish up then I had to take care of a bunch of other crap but it's been a nice slow lazy ride to be honest it's I left Wisconsin I hammered on it a little at night was it's feeling way too good to led up I wanted to get to bulk of my trip behind me so tomorrow we're unloading in Denver supposed to be uh 6:00 6:30 in the morning at the airport that's tomorrow morning so that'll be cool I think got I think unloading whatever little bit I'll show of it will be on this video most likely [Music] course I can never tell the future I have no idea what's coming you [Music] know I just know what scheduled appointment all it's a low I think of like 20 20 22 is last night wasn't windy though training so cold when you go from high range to low range you change gears sometimes you'll see I'll stay in high range put it to low and once it's in gear I'll drop it once the transmission gets warmed up that crap goes away that always [Music] forget she's so the perfect it's so done worth it the secret we keep yeah I'm a sucker for [Music] it so this is what [Music] happened God is could get anyone she likes but when she's looking at me like that I know she's only mine friends she's so dumb and stupid but I won't tell anyone her hands are in my my hair was breing my ear I won't tell anyone not a soul but when we are alone she's touching me well I'm suck for it gave it to me the way she's looking at me she's so done perfect it's so done worth it the Su could be key yeah I'm a sucker forever oh [Music] well [Music] for my friends think she's so dumb my stupid but I won't tell anyone her hands are in my hair whisper in my ear anyone show but when we are alone she's touching me well I'm sucker for a gave it to me the way she's looking at me she's so D perfect it's so done with the secret be keep yeah I'm not so good for [Music] it well Su [Music] for welcome to cado sh [Music] what
Channel: FSC Trucking
Views: 38,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peterbilt, Cabover, COE, Caterpillar, Peterbilt 362, Doonan, XL specialized, 3406B, Ford, CL9000, Ford Cabover, Ford COE
Id: wZgUZq4hKYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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