CABO WEDDING | The Love Story of Taylor & Steve

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[Music] so Taylor was the new girl at school and I just remember the first day of senior year one of my friends came up to me was like have you seen the new girl like she is the prettiest girl I've ever seen that's like no I haven't seen her and I remember walking on the hallway and I saw you walk about and I was like that's that's her that's got to be her okay but it's like I've never seen her before and she is the prettiest girl I've ever seen so so that must be her and I you know I never really thought I was at a caliber to talk to her I was always nervous you know to talk to girls in the first place so I was like oh well you know it would be nice to be able to talk to her one day but that's never gonna happen [Music] tailor growing up she she was um she was always the light in the room if you know what I mean by that if there was a group of people and then Taylor would walk in and there was light in the room I always knew that spiritually there was something special about her a tip I still tell parents this try and get your baby to jump as quick as you can so us working with Steve jump jump jump and it sounds silly but you know the day that I finally got him to jump it was like it's funny and he didn't put jump and he was the fastest kid in elementary school junior high in high school before he got real big I mean he was a lightning bolt but he was young like before he even went to school I mean he was so I mean so outgoing he would be friends with I mean we're talking like of the toddler like two when we lived over in Fishers mm-hmm would be planned with all the older kids all the kids are in grade school already I don't know if exist but I didn't even talk to him I I don't I just felt this draw to him and it was it was something I had never felt before like I saw him and I was like who is that and obviously he's good-looking but there was something more to it and I was brand new at this high school so I had never heard about him no I don't know anything about him so it was just kind of crazy how it happened it was kind of a god thing because I just felt this weird feeling when I saw him and I felt like I wanted to get to know him more in that I wanted to be with him I got a text from her on my phone I was like who is this she goes hey it's Taylor Chamberlain what are you doing tonight that's like I'm at my friend Brandon's you should come over I was I mean I in my head I was like man I'm so scared to even say this cuz I was just so nervous to even say anything to you so when I did ask her to come over I was like oh my gosh she might say yes like scared that she would because I was just so nervous to meet her and she did she said yes and came over and we just hung out and sang on the couch like we just talked so when she was in high school and we moved to Carmel it was the best thing that ever happened to her because she had the opportunity to meet Steve and I remember the first time I met him he came out onto the deck but where we were sitting I was sitting with one of my friends and she says is she dating him I said no they say they're not dating she should date him he's really cute and then the next day he was over and then the next day he was over and I think he's been over pretty much every day or since then Steve was pretty active in high school with a lot of different things so it's not like he really had a world long steady girlfriend and when he started dating Taylor yeah my friends date they think she's the hottest girl in high school I was like he was like trying to be all cool with his friends and I don't know I'm just trying to impress me and but he was so respectful and like so sweet and just so like genuinely funny and just I could tell right there like he was this special person [Music] like when you left that night I remember thinking like I could prop I could hang out with her every day every single day and we did yeah every day the whole summer like I just knew there was some something in me that told me that at the time I was only 18 but I knew there was something very special there between us then they graduated high school and we found out that we had to move to another state and leave Taylor behind so Steve was her rock through that whole time and you know it was hard being a mom not being able to be near her even though she was in college and college kids leave all the time usually their parents don't leave them so having him there for her was really really incredible and his family was there for her and that just meant a lot to me as a mom I didn't think I would get emotional about it but um it was hard when she moved away to college because I felt like a part of me was missing at that point and I worried about her being alone and the family moved away from her so I was so worried about her being alone but um she had Steve and Steve was such such a amazing person for her like he he is everything that she is not they're the perfect balance of two people and they come together and they just form such a just a whole seven like a perfect pair I guess so sorry so at that point I knew like she was in good hands I've ended up visiting him every weekend at Purdue just because we tried to be separated and it just we couldn't we couldn't be we couldn't be separated we had to spend at least like a little bit of time together in person every week just it felt like like I was whole when I was with him like he was not like he was a piece of me when you develop such a strong relationship with somebody that you know they're gonna be your wife in the future you don't you don't feel so bad missing out on the little things like going out with your friends on the weekend to spend time because I don't know that was just being with you is the most important thing to me so throughout college that's pretty much what we did we got we got a lot of crap for it sometimes but I remember talking with her and tell her that if you're supposed to be together and you work at it you can't just hope we're supposed to be together we're gonna be together if you're supposed to be the other hand you work at it and you put in the effort it will it'll be that way and you know so they had to fight through a lot but I always saw them like this they were they were inseparable so already at that time when they were like juniors in college I already knew that they were going to get married and then I even remember that Taylor would get frustrated and say to me dad are you gonna talk to him honey I I can't ask him to marry you you should try to be patient and when that happens and I think it will you know then the time will be right so someday came and that was the day I was gonna ask her I was gonna ask her after church so she was all dressed up and ready she she didn't get really dressed up so that was I mean I just had to take the hit there she was gonna get mad at me she was gonna get mad at me I got a phone call from my dad who whose bike broke down on the Monon and I was like okay so what's going on dad he said I got a flat tire I need somebody to pick me up so I'm like Taylor we got to go pick up my dad real quick at the Monon so I drove her to the Japanese gardens right next to the Monon I was like dad where yeah he said I'm like walking I'm like two minutes away so I said do you want to go sit on the bench then we go sit on the bench it's so it's so pretty here have you ever seen it she was like what'd you say so I persuaded her to come to the bench with me you think but it's so beautiful like O'Keefe I believe your dad over here yeah so we went and I'll let you talk and then he he sat there and I was looking at him and I saw in his eyes he was a little bit nervous or something I couldn't figure out why then he's all I said it was like Taylor we didn't come here for my dad popped his tire no today came he didn't like we came you because we've been together for and then I blacked out I kind of blacked out - but it was so like surreal to me even though I know was gonna happen at some point it was still so special and like I couldn't believe it was happening you know there's like just my ears were ringing and it was like just crazy said what like six times what it was kind of surprising cuz when she said yes I pointed over the bushes and then that's where everybody was hiding they went through college through Purdue together they've grown so much together in their faith and just as as they're growing up they're also growing closer and when Steve proposed to Taylor I was so happy because he's a good man steve is the kind of man I always hope that my daughter would end up with there's four or five big bits in your life [Music] and one of them as you dream of a strong good man to love your daughter and protect her be faithful and be there for her [Music] that was one of the big five [Music] Steve sometimes I find myself wondering how I got so lucky to have such an amazing soul as my other half you were unlike anyone I've ever met in my life [Music] Taylor over the past six and a half years we've been side by side through good and bad and I wanted to trade that for anything in the world we've become one and today I'm grateful and honored to finally call you my wife I'm the luckiest man in the world [Music] you have the purest kind of start you make me a better person and my love grows deeper and deeper for you every day six years ago on that night you took me to cold stone hello up I felt a sense of calm and peace being with you it was almost like God was telling me that I had found the one [Music] I've ever ly remember our first date together at my parents house in the hot tub listening to reggae music because I thought you would think I was cool and I was really trying hard to impress you and then we went to cold stone I had just enough money to get you something I was so nervous afterwards and thought that I blew it and was surprised you wanted to go hang out with me again [Music] I don't know who or where I would be today without you believe in me and my dreams you helped me keep my heart with God and realize the important things in life you're the smartest thoughtful hard-working honest loving selfless person I know [Music] I remember leaving for college without you and feeling the most brokenhearted and devastated and it was then that I was certain that you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with when we were together I have a sense of security and ease that I do not have anyone else we do not even need to be speaking but just knowing that you were there which made for brides me with comfort I have never felt that way with anyone else in my life [Music] our hearts and souls were made for each other you are the most important person to me and I'm never letting you go I hope we remember this day every day for the rest of our lives I know that I cannot go a day without you by my side as my wife because I I love you more than anything else on this earth and without you a shot of myself you're my person and I love you so much rough day today is just the beginning of the rest of our lives and I wouldn't be more honored to be your husband I will try my best not to cry by even writing this now I'm getting teary I love you so much to her Nicole dick [Music] Reserve are sir [Music] it isn't shy [Music] is proud to be seen [Music] I'm concerned burning bright for me I just aspire i justified [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not fraction it's not a try [Music] the rest is kind [Music] keeps [Music] [Music] what I see in Taylor is she's just a natural-born leader and I know she's gonna be a great mother uh-huh and she just makes me proud so just knowing that Taylor is my wife and the thought of her being my wife when I met her who would be something I was extremely proud of and I mean definitely has not disappointed she's no more than I could have asked for he just he's someone that have like I've never met anyone like him before he is so loving to everyone like he truly cares about people and he doesn't just say that like sweet genuinely cares about people and he's so smart like he doesn't even know it he he honestly doesn't even know how good of a person he is it's so great that he's a part of our family now and and he's just he's the best counterpart that he is that if I could picture someone he's even better than that for her he's the perfect soulmate for Taylor and I just hope that they remember how lucky they are to have found such a beautiful connection and just I hope that they stay fun like they stay playful they they keep joking with each other they don't they don't let that go because I think that's one of the best things that they have is like their friendship at the end of the day they they want to do life together and I think that I hope that they remember why they started why they got together and why they were so excited to meet each other and and I hope that that sticks with them forever he has a big heart I think that's why he loves Taylor so much because she has a kind big heart and what she does to try and help inspire people on a daily daily basis it's amazing that the future's bright for them I told Steve just you know knock it out of the park it's been a great couple and I'm excited to see what the future brings well for me obviously I think that because they are I think they're so good for one another because they support each other so much I mean he supports her she supports him and I want to see that continue to grow and I'll ever want to see that grow apart and of course the lucky grandchildren as many they'll give me I hope that they continue to respect one another I hope that they continue to fear the Lord I hope that they continue to and they work hard they're hardworking people I hope they continue to work hard towards their goals and I don't really have any kind of a finish line for that just the fact that they work hard and they do things the right way they have integrity I just hope they continue to grow the way they started I know that they're going to raise our grandchildren someday in a godly home and that means a lot because it's really rare these days to find two people who are who just bless each other so much and build one another up and I just hope that for them that they greet the world as one with open arms and open hands ready to receive the blessings that God has ready for them and I know that they are gonna do something really great together what he was looking for all ten of our babies no I'm just like obviously a family and furthering like our faith together now it's gonna be huge because we've been on a journey by ourselves first our whole life so it's gonna be very exciting moving forward in that way and moving forward in adventures and life and creating family and everything yeah I'm most excited about just creating creating our family together and doing it through Christ and just allowing him to guide us there's us there's a sense of ease in that just knowing that we are together on this and we're with him and that there's no discrepancy there we just you know we have plenty of room to grow in our face I look forward to that as well doing that together so yeah that our family I already have a little little family with Zoey but yeah she's our daughter our daughter [Music] that's gonna be the last the last thing that's in the you
Channel: Taylor Chamberlain- Dilk
Views: 370,345
Rating: 4.9517355 out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, vlog, youtube, gymshark,, abs, flex, tone, glutes, muscle, female fitness, fitness, athlete, NPC Bikini, bikini, bikini competitor, taylor chamberlain, weights, lift, blogilates, tone it up, iifym macros, isatori, isatori supplements, lean, leg day, shoulder workout, leg workout, ab workouts, back workout, back, wedding video, cabowedding, cabo wedding, destination wedding
Id: GlV2vDjMcc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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