OUR WEDDING DAY // Mariah & Gal // VLOG PART 1

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[Music] good morning we have finally arrived to Lipari and with only a few hiccups along the way I slept in an hour past my alarm probably cuz I'm still recovering from the bachelorette party that happened two nights ago that led me to being late to pick up my mom Nancy Hadar and Kiana I picked them up then the Jeep gets stuck it's a 30-minute cycle to get the Jeep unstuck thankfully my sister is a boss with jeeps and if it wasn't for her would have taken way longer for me to get out of it but we're finally here with plenty of time I scheduled in lots of extra time mainly because I'm doing my own makeup for the wedding and many people told me not to that was a bad idea so I wanted to schedule extra time because in my gut I like know that I should do my own makeup also gals aunt is doing my hair we practice a couple nights ago and last-minute decided to change the hairstyle so we haven't practiced this up too but I'm sure it's gonna be fine but I wanted some extra time just to make sure we can trial and error as many times as we need to make it perfect I also wanted to be here before the bridesmaids and thankfully they're an hour late because I wanted to set up their robes jewelry I got them earrings and a bracelet the bracelet has the coordinates of the wedding venue which I thought was super special one of my bridesmaids is actually a guy he's a bride's man and he's getting ready with the groomsmen I thought it would be better for him just cuz they all got the suits together and just getting ready I thought would be more fun but now I'm like kind of wishing that he was getting ready with us it would be more fun for us I think I don't know anyway missing him wishing he was here missing gal wishing he was here um speaking of gal I wonder where he is they were supposed to be here and I haven't heard of their arrival yet I would love to be a fly on the wall and see what they're up to [Music] 1215 minutes later the groomsmen are leaving me out to dry here but there should be here soon where are they where are we going hurry for what to get dressed for the fateful day Keanu is getting a bit nervous about her maid of honor speech later [Music] [Music] except the seco yes already I feel good and excited but I'm worried about my belt I don't want to cry during my vows because once I cry it's over I'm still shooting the boys we're getting married I'm getting new inari cool time just showered shaved feeling fresh is this what you're wearing [Music] how are you feeling right now arrived the day's arrived I'm ready I'm excited I want to celebrate it's gonna be awesome okay any last words before I love you Maya I can't wait to marry took them being across the world to meet I'm sure that never in a million years but many of us have thought that we were standing here on this day in Cape Town South Africa with these two incredibly beautiful people and perhaps the most meaningful day of their lives the two of you have brought together people from all over the world and the love from all of us only adds to and strengthens the true love you have already created with each other getting ready no one's getting ready let me see because it's black because it's black you don't even see the pictures you will notice stand up straight [Music] you come to dress where the men are the boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I dressed out of my sexy dough after doing photos with all the boys and I'm gonna go put it back on now the wedding starts in 45 minutes I want to shower one more time I want to put the clothes on again and gonna get this cut that Felix gave me covered up okay I'll see you down the aisle [Music] [Music] [Music] to this momentous occasion Mariah and golf getting married all right guys Cheers my minutes before we walk out [Music] please welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are gathered here today in Paradise for an event years in the making we are here for Mariah in Gaul to join the hands and lives together as one in order to make your day and this ceremony even more special I did some asking around I asked some of the people who are here today some of the people closest to you to share their first impressions of you and to describe what they thought of you as a couple well I got back a nearly endless list of positive things everyone said about you such as fun funny a breath of fresh air a fairytale couple I have never seen go this into someone before what they have created is beyond inspiring perfect and Adams first impression was God will make a fantastic Instagram husband some of the other words used to describe the two of you were a beautiful couple amazing friends I have never seen Mariah this happy with anyone else my favorite people always positive in inspiration by simply being together and also a glowing reminder that true love exists there now would both like to share their own vows with each other okay gal Babers I can't say I always saw this day coming from the moment we met but I can say I'd hope this moment would come from the moment you asked should we order dessert first when I think about our story how we met and how we continue to create on our relationship throughout all the unknowns and odds I know I could find my way to you in the dark you are a cut above the rest finding someone like you it's truly a rarity I love your kind heart ability to understand me and you are an exceptionally caring at the Kohl handsome intelligent and charismatic you flow me power and all the things I do independently but you also take my goals and create on them as if they were your own and most importantly you quantify my love of life the game of life with you has been the biggest and best adventure and I know like with any other game there will be highs and lows but I'm excited to make this next step with you and take out this game together I vow to give you a marriage that you are proud of and one that says an example for our children family and friends I vow to work out practicing your name correctly I vow to help you get the most out of life and help create areas of life with you you have stuck by me through my best in the worst and loved all that I am you always made me feel like I'm more than my worst moments and by doing this you have helped me become the finest version of myself I promise to do my best to make you feel the same way nothing but admired and loved I'll grow old with you and never stop growing with you I will ride every way with you my commitment to you is one I give willingly absolutely and without hesitation I am yours utterly and have been from the moment we met there will be unknowns in his life but this I'm sure I love you to infinity and beyond me more always more I said I wish I could kiss her Mariah McAlpin that is the woman I fell in love with Mariah Ezra that is my wife I love you and thus my first vow to say I love you every day very likely many times a day probably too much especially when hanging up the phone Mariah I love your ambition your strength your rapid sense of what is right and what is wrong you're loyal and you've cared for me so much you inspire me you're the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night and when we're apart I miss talking to you and being with you I'm always realizing even more and more with each day how lucky I am to have you as my partner when I propose to you to be my wife I said I want you to ride the next wave with me and every wave with me well here we are on the next wave which will take us to the highest highs with waves may come ups and downs as life can go but what's important is that we have each other now I don't see these vows only as promises but as an honor and a privilege and they are what make me so happy and proud to be able to fulfill them it is my privilege to always be there for you when you're winning I'll push you higher and when it's not your day I will pick you up I'll be there to support your every dream and help you in any way I can with anything and it is my honor to be there to protect our family which includes Chaya I can't wait to be the father to our kids I vowed to shower you with love and kisses I promise to keep being silly with you you know Mariah says I have two faults that I don't listen and I can't remember the other one I'm privileged to work on that I vow to listen to your advice and occasionally take it I promise this one is for my own good to say the words you're right as often as possible I promise to you're to admire your qualities all of them I promise to sit there and listen through any new justin bieber album with you I promise to highlight your worth so even if you forget it sometimes I'm there to encourage you I've out to be proud of you in our relationship always I vowed to set an example together as a couple I promise to be the most dependable person in your life except for when there's a cockroach in the house I'll need you to step in for that one I promise to give you lots and lots of quality time I look forward to the smallest moments like when I catch you singing quietly to yourself or when your eyes are red and puffy because of your dog allergy even though you own two dogs willingly Babers let's be that couple that holds hands at 85 let's build an amazing life together let's travel the world conquer our challenges and most importantly I can't wait to ride every single wave with you we now come to the part where Mariah and gall will seal the vows by exchanging rings I do believe we have a special ring bearer today these rings consist of circles and the circle is a symbol of permanency these rings represent your love for each other which like a circle is without ending and now by the honor you have vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your beautiful bride [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mariah Ezra
Views: 433,287
Rating: 4.8493433 out of 5
Keywords: Mariah, Gal, Ezra, La Paris Estate, Cape Town Wedding, Wedding vlog, wedding vows, vision on fire
Id: afGokPis0dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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