Cable Rail Install | Stainless Muzata Brand from

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alright here's a video about doing stainless steel cable rails we ordered this stuff from Amazon mizuka brand are they are turned about this that are stainless steel ordered seven packs of these need a bunch of them so that's what you get we're going to show you how we do these things and how to make them look pretty good [Music] what's the advantage of using cable railings well number one is you can see through them really well and that works out well here you can see that Mountain View behind me number two maintenance you don't have to paint or stain them they're stainless steel so they won't rust and you can tighten them up again later if they do loosen up with the turnbuckles number three they just look cool to give your house a nice modern look really slick clean finish okay and if you're wondering about the cost it was six hundred ninety three dollars from amazon four ninety linear feet of railing on this house that breaks down to under eight dollars a linear foot which is still not really cheap we will have some extra cable that got us eight hundred feet of the stainless steel cable eight inch which is more than we need but it was just what we had to buy all right so we're out on the deck you can see this comes with two types of ends this is the turnbuckle in that will tension the cable that's cool okay and it's got a little hole there that you can stick something through and turn it so you don't scratch it with like pliers this is the fixed end and I'm going to put this in all the locations that are more visible because it's smaller so like out here and then against the house over here where it's less visible okay if you're new to cable railings this is a turnbuckle and this is a pretty cool piece of hardware it actually is the part that tensions the cable so how it works is it's got threads coming in into this part from both ends and these threads are threaded opposite so that if you turn this part in one direction it actually pulls the threads in from both sides at the same time giving you attention then you can lock these nuts down like so and it will keep it under tension it will lock it into place so that's very cool so before you go lock the cables in before you crimp them in there make sure now to leave some threads showing on each side like that before we crimp the cable so that you have some room to tighten this down and actually take the slack out of cable that's very important it wasn't there a ninja turtle to use these things Michelangelo alright let's talk about the spacing on these we're gonna do three and a half inches on Center for each of these you can see state's pre-drilled actually for each and already and if you go from Center to Center on each of those three and a half seven ten and a half the code is four inches a four inch ball can't fit anywhere through your railing that's the code but three and a half is even better so it looks good and that's what we usually do is three and a half inches on Center with the cables you can see we've got our nice pre-painted pre-drilled even post put in and we made these well I say we my brother Jamie actually made these he welded them and primed them and painted them and install them so I'm really coming in for the after the fact the easy fun part installing the actual cables all right here's a tool we bought on Amazon as well and this is a hydraulic crimper you can see as I pump this close it and crimps the cable into the ends and we actually modify this thing we have a longer handle that we can put on this as well to really get a lot of power to crimp these things it is Mizzou to brand as well and that's how you crimp the cables into the ends which is important all right you'll notice we have also pre stained this post you don't want to have to try to paint or stain around a bunch of these ends that'll really drive you crazy so on this end it's wood so we're gonna install it with these stainless steel wood screws that it came with okay it comes with these if you need to screw to metal you got to buy your own which I did I'll show you that cut to that clip [Music] all right we're back here we go so I pre-drill these get that out of the way there's one we just got to do I think about a hundred and forty total so one done looking good looking good looking good all right side note I ordered these yesterday and I paid like thirty five extra bucks and they arrived at my house today which is one day I ordered them then they showed up I don't even know how they do that but that's handy all right let's go to some of these turnbuckle ends on the other side also got these pre-drilled three and a half inch centers snug it up don't strip it out that's always the key okay here's some of these installed and the reason we chose this kind is that you can go at any angle like if you need to go downstairs or upstairs these are adjustable and you can use the same hardware on the stairs as in the flats all right and to get all the holes pre-drilled perfectly we made a little template out of quarter-inch steel and we pre-drilled it with the holes in the right locations for our turnbuckles all the way up and down the post and we just laid this against our posts and did all of our pre drilling so we know it's going to turn out just right all right now we're on to some turnbuckles going against our metal posts and we're using these tech five self tappers that I bought this morning at Asheville hardware and basically we've pre-drilled small holes they're not quite big enough and these will cut the hole to fit the rest of the way in I'm just an impact driver here all right a side note when you get done with these make sure you get all this little metal scrap off your deck because it will rust and stain these deck boards and look horrible so soon as we're done we're gonna vacuum all this crap up all right let's check this out in this corner here we've got a prow a 15 degree point we did two posts that's we didn't have to change the orientation of our pieces to like how Ray's holding it we could keep them like that because this face is parallel to the opposite post as well as this face of this post is parallel to the opposite post there so that's how we did these corners so that we could keep this Hardware vertical mount the same way as the rest of it all right we got the same thing going on in this corner with two posts because that is not a 90-degree angle that's coming out 90 and then 15 degrees past 90 there and we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine rows for a 36 inch high rail as what we got so since we have nine rows for each straight section of railing we need nine sets of we have a section here too there another section from there to the corner another section from the corner to that corner way down there and so on so that's how you figure how many of these turnbuckles you need all right if you're still watching this video sorry but now you get to see the cables actually go in let's do that all right all right here's a look at the cable we're dealing with eighth inch stainless steel braided cable we're gonna start by feeding this through the middle post our section which is the hard part because we've only drilled these holes just slightly bigger than the cable and it's kind of painted in there so we don't want to drill them any bigger all right so we got it through there going out to the fixed end there you go hey what's the problem on the cable okay so we're gonna feed it all the way in there now we crimp it in all right so that's what that looks like once it's crimped that cable will be held in there very well all right we've pulled this cable across to the turnbuckle in and this is gonna take two sets of hands somebody's gonna hold the cable end to the turnbuckle while another person crimps it so we're gonna get someone else to run the video camera so I can help you so first we're gonna cut the cable to link that's where it goes into the turnbuckle boo-yeah all right I'm gonna insert the cable here and hold some tension on it while ray crimps it yes alright we got that crimped in here now I'm gonna use this little allen key to go through this hole and we're gonna attention it I think this way yeah that's pinching it really doesn't take much if you hold it kind of intention like I did to start with Wow yeah that's getting tight tight should we go that's probably plenty tight banjo alright now just gonna run those nuts in and we'll come back with a real wrench and snug those tighter later oh there we go alright there it is one cable done out of like a hundred so the hardest part is to get it fed through this other hole it's kind of like one of those games at the dentist's office like getting the horseshoes apart oh I got it it was like five minutes later okay lingu nailed it okay day two it's pouring rain by the way you can see that we're gonna get on rain suits and try to finish these rails anyway we'll see how it goes [Music] what do you maniacs Dylan yeah you look like it time to get suited up phone - that thing smells super funky or maybe that's me I don't know what's been in that box - you [Music] there's so many cables it's like the guy on the fish stick box Gordon's fish sticks exactly like that guy [Music] alright guys thanks for watching our video that's a wrap on this cable railing only thing left to do now is do the worm across this dead [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Perkins Builder Brothers
Views: 194,643
Rating: 4.9420476 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, install, rails, cable, stainless, steel
Id: -PzMYtGsqSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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