Caballo Salvaje, Paseo Salvaje (Película Completa)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got my first horse when I was about 10 or 12 Roy Rogers and gene are three of my heroes I think if you're a true Horseman this is as good as it gets all right you ready let's go get him to take a wild horse and bond with him then get them footing ride him it just doesn't get any better [Music] I just want one that's kind of easygoing and gentle and he's not gonna be gentle I Got News for You oh gentle temperament I guess I mean yeah I just hope that they're not the little tiny ones [Music] give me a better one than you gave her the deal is and I make it clear and you get what you get it's luck of the draw and so you do with what you got [Music] okay okay you're all right you all right yeah smelling bad he's smelling my hands yeah nobody's gonna hurt you we're gonna get from know each other he's scared to death he's a little small tears are oh my gosh oh my god these will be Waylon and Willie alright Waylon we hope that in about 90 days these guys will be sterling examples or fine riding horses and your take on the fourth and just dad's over the horse world I have goals for one day okay and don't I do too many things at once just have one goal and money meets that goal that's it I'll be done I've never done any of this stuff before I just been basing it on you know what I've read I actually think that's the point I think it's why they have this kind of program I think that they want to show that like a real person can really do it I thought she was crazy ever got really did I thought she was creepy do you understand he's like really wild I mean like crazy wild she's like oh they won't be that bad like okay I don't think so but okay get go you won't run let's go usually when you're training your first horse its yearling that you then trained up as a two-year-old and then you break it and to start with a Mustang is sort of like starting out your singing career singing opera just trying to ignore me I'm doing this because I think it's a good cause I just hope that though I learn a lot and I want the horse to go to a good home [Music] what are your biggest fears going ahead being able to get on the horse being able to you know contact the horse walk the horse leave the horse I might come back later and try again save him some time and then come back in the morning and try again [Music] [Music] [Music] she's still trying to feel us out and what's going on because his world literally turned 180 degrees from where it was like not even you know 72 hours ago his worlds basically than her octal so he probably doesn't like people too much it's about developing the trust and right at the beginning when you get them an especially they're so wild and they're gonna be tearing around and it's tough to get that kind of communication a lot of its body language [Music] [Music] there's a stop I had no experience at all in horse training I had no idea what to do Nick and I would just sit in the field and we just sit there and watch body language and then copy them that's mostly what we're getting our education from is from the horse like how would a horse approach your scary object what that horse would do would just walk back and forth between the object until he got comfortable if they didn't approach it first you first actual scratch he's showing his bravery showing his courage he's showing himself that's why I like to see he's not hiding anything Oh shocked is how fast I am getting close to him yeah yeah go [Music] whatever say you trust until the do you really trust him right Comanche come here buddy come on they're all down when I first brought him in Saturday night and I really said that he's that kind of reversible challenges so Monday morning I went out there early in the morning and I started started to figure him out that's when he charged me it's been a long time since I seen a horse dealer like doesn't want to be close to humans or something would you go anywhere near Charles's horse not in a million years he's still on the a jumpy site but after he gets himself quiet and he's gonna be my best friend he's got his territory I've got my territory so then somewhere he's gonna invite me into his territory that's the time I won't say okay he's trusting Iowa was raised around here when I was growing up I didn't have any siblings that were the same age as me and my mom had some sheep cows and horses every morning she told me to go get the horses so I started communicating with horses when I was young it was different it don't matter how old it is how fast it is I could get on anything this competition means a whole lot of things to me I want to challenge myself and I wanted to show myself that I am still capable of doing even though I'm aching here and there but I'm still young at heart he's gonna turn out pretty good that's if I can get on that's if you can let me get on [Music] out there they say Indian they think we're stone buckskins we're still walking around out there in the wild basically we're living the same life but we're just on the reservation that's all it's just a challenge I think that's mainly just to show that I'm coming from the reservation and I can do the same amount of things anybody can do so I just want to show that to this horsey that's all I want to do the hardest part is getting them to trust you giving them to be your friend if I relax the horse will relay if you think you're gonna muscle a Mustang and go in there and be all macho to it it's gonna do the same thing back to you [Music] if you know there's a little one hot behind the biggest much time micro competition is I guess if it brings out the competitive spirit in us we want competing with and we want to win I'm getting older I know I've got a limited number of years to do this so I want this to be a good one whoa it's okay here I I'm getting him to move the way I want him to move rather than the way he wants to move I'll make him go directions I pick not what he picks we're a little older than most people are trying to do this and we realize that that we don't have the same balance and same responses and reactions that that we had but so we have to make it forward by being careful he's a little wisdom won't be guys let's go so the flower went spookier he's a little more unsure and I think he's got more fear than the black one stuck pressure off of him [Music] he's a lot wiser I think the little guys are gonna be quite a challenge more so than I originally thought Waylon is gonna have to have a lot more just sit there and talk to him time before we start chasing them around in a round pan because he's just to our handsy right now he'll hurt himself for me one or two he'll find out when he's touched it's a good thing not a bad thing but you got to get to that point and that's where patience comes in which I'm not only loaded with and so counting everyone help me with that part small theater course and I want to stop face to me you tried to buy me we went to babies never the other side hold him nothing I bet he's friend and enjoy what I do in horses and mom say do you breathe in horses and dream and horses the way I am she's slow how to be very sensor button in your hands no no get to her he follow me right there he did a nice turn people don't understand how hard to work these horses in three months you had to do a lot take some time you understand the minute what I was looking for now I want to tell him stop I was said everybody has a kid but his gift working with horses thing is great it's hard to find people without kind of skills to go from totally white horse to make a submission hold it's hard but it's not impossible and the key fish is it good for today but I think you know he's doing good there's something you need to understand it's like a gift you get from God he's uh my horse we didn't I I'm happy because he responds to me and I want to see him happy too [Music] [Music] well I've always known since I was a little girl that I was always destined for something great I didn't know what or why I just always had this inner feeling like you know what I'm gonna be something amazing I've always said I'm a daredevil with a big smile anytime I would do anything as a kid it was never hard enough for me you know I was always that Evel Knievel I'm not scared I picked him up on Saturday and then Monday morning I wrote him and then by the third ride we were riding down the road in a residential area we walked through the Taco Bell drive-thru crossing crosswalks and he just dude I mean he's just mellow considering he's a Mustang you know he's a Mustang that means he's wild and rears up on his hind legs and he eats children for breakfast but he's not he's just quiet and gentle you know [Music] [Music] my signature thing that I'm known for is standing up on a horse and stepping off of a horse from horses moving full speed I like to do that I also like to swing up on horses a lot of people don't swing up on horse especially a woman most most girls don't I like to do anything that makes you go wow how did you teach that horse to do that like to touch on the next stop really when it comes down to what I've learned doing all of these competitions but the Mustang makeovers is it's always been about the horse and that we all just want to help these horses get great homes [Music] don't touch your face I always say never fall in love with a horse but I think I'm gonna fall in love with this horse I usually I'm pretty careful about talking about what I do and the level of my education and of course this only can occur when things are at equilibrium so keep that in mind suit I think when you think your PhD engineer you have a certain stereotype in your hat in your mind and I don't think I fit that stereotype very well but my PhD is in biomedical engineering and my Bachelors of Science is also in biomedical engineering so we've limited our number of variables to just them just the fraction and then I have a coursework master's which is like a Masters of Science in just general engineering in the dynamic between my day and my evening is just it's like two different worlds he's not watching you at all the horse is nowhere near Leederville yet he's still wild for sure he's still a wild animal she's a perfectionist most most academics are well I mean I nears the most engineers are well she she's used to always getting what she wants I mean you know perfect yeah being good at it keep going just be patient he's trying to figure out what you want keep going I know just being aggressive if she listens to cream if she just if she just kind of is she gonna do that you know yeah I think that I think it'll be I think I think if she at least listens to Creon and what she has to say I think that they'll be able to come out of it in one piece I don't know I mean what else can you do it's it's frustrating it makes you know maybe somebody more experienced belongs the horse like this is the way you know you had to work when you take you time and you're ready where's the professionalism I want to stop him their way to work his feet like now no once stop it's like it if you're going to ballot you need to learn slow steps and so do you know how to maneuver control your feet you can bill you speed some the same thing on horses so I don't want to make my horse sad but how to make need to learn this other force in the horse I just teaching him become [Music] way to hell him to mayhem lay down [Music] he's a special for us he's a good-looking horse and a very smart and I all pretty much all our brothers we are compadres so compadre sis I mean like a god friend God friends there again named him compadre can see it a little bit another compiler in the Familia one more compadre yes I could happen Mexico and we did a lot of farm work but most the tiniest ranch work I'm so glad you know growing up and good thinking I have in my heart it's why I've been working so hard to to have a little better on my dream and where I live right now 2001 we start our company we start with me and my brother and now sometimes we keep like 10 people in 2005 we buy 20 acres we start doing the narcs stable it's not big enough but all this is yours now we're going to be true now with training horses to compete in Fargo Texas should be tough huh [Music] my parents always taught me if you wanted something you have to go out and get it yourself I just wanted horses when I'd was two years old and I looked outside our van window and just saw them and just how beautiful they were Chris if like if there's like a horse whisperer out there no he'd be it he's got that extra connection Christopher was at farrier school and they had this little baby in a ring outside she's six months old and she was untouchable she was wild and he asked if he could go out and just play with a little horse and the guy said no she's dangerous sheer up she'll strike you and he went in the first night and he was walking around with her I was petting her everywhere and and the guy that owned the school goes there's no way there's no reason to band in the horse if he needs help [Music] I'm a slow learner and have a hard time reading with a school if that kids lost he's lost and then he's struggling he gets angry they gave us a good foundation on who we are and what we can do that's what our parents gave us and that's what we're gonna give to the horses good job the whole point of the competition in its purest form is to be able to show that you can develop these types of partnership the secret is spending that time with the horse so that when something new happens they're not gonna wig out on us doesn't have to be that old kind of cowboy mentality where you have to treat the horse pretty rough you know you can get them to this point without touching a single spurt without kind of really forcing a horse into it boy what up boy whoa boy I just like to tell people they would ask me why in the world would somebody signs charges and I would always tell them that there's no red lines there's a post office a gas station and a bank there was not much goes on if you have to stand in line to do anything we just don't do it and that makes for a pleasant life George is a a man's man he's a cowboy I know when when we got together he talked about you know meeting a lot of women that couldn't deal with his lifestyle we've been married for three years I was six five he was six but I'm one of eight siblings all seven of the others met and made their lifetime mate when they were very young and then I come along and I guess the conquer school teacher once said oh nice we're gonna do it again and again and again till we get it right get on I did it several times and now thankfully I think I got it right well she's number seven I totally hear you're a riverboat gambler you know tell me I'm a you just straight out he gourd that kind of come across my mind to I think we're pretty good pair I think if we'd have probably made a long time ago could have kept him from having so many marriages I just I'm amazed every day that I get up that it's that that she was there and and she was the person so much that I wanted it was a matter was what I wanted nearly everything about her just thankful that I found it we're we're pretty good friends that's the thing I think it makes it work [Music] come on Oh we'll come on come on come on come on come on come on attaboy why hard-headed little sucker Whalen's a little a little outlaw fat feisty little fella don't you bite me it's just nasty he's got a nasty dude a little disposition sooner or later and him I've got to have a come-to-jesus on this bottom thing I expect instant gratification and you just don't get it doing this that fine yeah fine have fun whoa it's hard and a hundred days to get a horse to do what we got to get him two days much let's get one to do that God that has the attitude that he had he's gonna peel he's been a peel this horse maybe untrainable he may not have a gentle bone in his body I've had a lot of worry time because he the horse has been hard to figure out he's been different than any other horses and it has scary cuz I don't I don't want him to get hurt my agent always hurts when you hit the ground but my doctor's worst me recently were George you are too long a tooth to be doing this and I tell him that when I get busted up and put me back together and our people and up in the saddle as long as you can do your job I'm going to do mine [Music] [Music] I always say that horse you got it treated like a woman if you touch her in the wrong place she's gonna hit you he's a lot of horse I see and if you try to push him too much he don't like it my dad's been spending time with him he's been been doing a lot of stuff with him to actually earn his trysts he's already got that respite my dad don't have the trace on kidding on him really weird but how many days I have left before I get on or how many weeks I have left to get home 16 more days if I'm gonna get on I'm gonna do by myself in case this old man gets bucked off nobody's gonna see I'm gonna make sure I Kingdom s where I fell too so I don't leave no evidence living on the Navajo Reservation is tough the job is scarce the way that the living is hard so the best thing to do is try to find a way to where he can support herself and Carlos has come out to the point where he is making a living helping other people start their horses and he's been just successful in that area the first time he's out I'm getting him used to be familiar to his surroundings where he's gonna be at most of the time following me anywhere I go if a horse don't know how to lead I drag it down a couple of times back up and down I got a horse that's leading I just been around horses ever since the day I can get on this it's all I do I mean is little he always used to imitate training the horse saddling up a horse usually his horse was a couch or coffee table or something when he was a little kid one morning he came up to me says buy me a horse so I got him a Shetland pony and I said okay you take this ring you pull it and go this way you put your sight go that way and if he get bucked off climb back on I hear you crying I saw the horse so today he's still attic in a way what I have thought about when I was young he's doing it sometimes brings tears it's hard to talk about him it's it's more joyful talking about him I'm really proud of him I want him to be out there somewhere make a name for himself okay we have to go get you ready for school okay yeah can you say hi hi what's your name and how old are you Ryker I've always said there's two sides of wylene Wilson there's you know the public side and then there's a very private side that has a family and you know I'm a mother and and I'm a single mom which makes it even harder as it is and kentley stop here give it to me there's such a part of me that's so different that that's a fun mom a different mom not your every average day you know soccer mom no my mom my mom stands up on horses and drags tarps and she shoots guns and she she's a daredevil and she's this you know that to me is so much more fun than I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches [Music] but build up to this competition is so intense you know and you just don't know there's a lot of pressure on us as trainers judges are looking for the showmanship part of it so it's important for us trainers to also look our very best let alone horses and obviously there's there's a persona that I want to emulate and I you know I want to be professional and I want to be I want to look my best I want my horse to look as fast and so so they're there for you know fake eyelashes and lipstick and whatever it takes even a push-up bra I've even used to have before I like I like to I like to turn heads I'm not gonna lie you know what girl doesn't did you just see that I did I liked it a lot that's what I like you know holy bananas hold on to the monkeys there's gonna be a problem we don't slow down time we go to work what I don't know about this horse is he's totally unpredictable there's nothing about him that that is in sync I would disrespect a lot of people would give up on it yeah good boy Waylon good boy okay you're all right weddin easy easy boy move the smart people about this so you don't rush it but on the other hand I know you got to move forward and you won't get them where they gotta be move it I'm gonna believe that he's going to smooth out and they're super good horse I just believe he's going to you're gonna make it you're gonna make it that's good boy wheatley get your own brushed up I have bonded with Willie it's hard not to a horse like him that should I come out in the morning and he he's watching for me and I walk out and he comes up to me a lot of it I know he wants to eat he loves to eat come on George is a when I say you know the horse loves me and his big thing was that horse don't look he tolerates it you know I know she you'll want to keep I know I'm gonna have to keep telling you that that the best thing I do for those horses is do the best job we can training them and get them and the people's hands it'll rot he's he is right I mean he's he's right but but I can just see my emotions you take them in and you you taught them to trust you you know it's more and then and then you know it's it's it's like almost a mother you know and you raised your child up and and then you've got to turn them out I try to teach my horses every day something different we have only a hundred days but your horse they need to offer you what I can do they didn't have a very good relationship and I think he's doing excellent not even great excellent without holes [Music] in my preparation all my training just to see the horse let me do all my rope trick he's back what to do to be nice circle and your horse is in the middle I stayed on him and if he let me do that I'm going to be proud of my horse when I ride my horse is something wonderful you really breathe in feel love again - on him he's a good friend buddy I want to keep him even had a lot of money but if we get him in good price we like to bring him home Sammy go did your friend you investing too much time and oh I hate to give away you know - my take away from me [Music] [Music] oh boy you know there's so much emotion that goes in this I mean you think about when you pick them up and then you're training them I mean you're just on this roller coaster of a ride it's all the miles you drive all the food you feed all you know all the all the shoes and everything I mean all the discus you just do so much and it's all because we want to win and and hopefully that would pay off and so to win would just be like wow it was all worth it there's nobody who's better in competition I love competing I love being in a really challenging situation because I thrive on that if there could be 50,000 people there and ESPN and I'm like it's cool as a cucumber I can memorize patterns so if they came out to me and said you have to know this in five minutes and go do it I could do it I just like having all the pressure on me I think you have to believe you're worthy of winning it my goal is to go bareback of bridle is okay I think it would just amazed everybody well the risk is if you do it you have to be perfect because if you aren't perfect you won't win so you have to know without a shadow of a doubt the horses can do everything you asked and that he's going to perform well and if you can walk trot canter without a bridle and without a saddle that's pretty impressive in a hundred days wait let's make it do it yes good job buddy there's a lot I expect from a horse really good and I don't want to hear whiny excuses like I'm scared I don't want to do it I'm fat I'm lazy I'm spoiled I don't want to hear that what I want to hear is okay we're gonna do it let's be a team let's go wow the crowd let's go make him go Harold did you just see that I think that girl does real bareback that bridle somebody has a pose something about her she's special oh [ __ ] he slammed my foot hey we're not going that way we're one my way he's making forward progress but it's sort of like you know two steps forward one step back two steps forward one step back all right come on buddy we are gonna calm down right you little [ __ ] I want that behavior out of him before I'm on him I've made the mistake of not and then it's me on the ground dealing with horses is not if you get hurt it's when and how bad a couple times he got me off one time I landed on my head but I was wearing a helmet she hit her head hard it was it was a perfect pitch I mean he stuck his front end back end went up that english saddle popped her out and she's Superman right over his ears and her arms didn't hit first I mean she landed on her head and then rolled on to her her neck and shoulder and just sort of flipped she she got a heck of a concussion I would really like to know what she honestly thinks about that horses performance if she's going to Fort Worth with delusions then she's not only setting her horse up for failure but she's going to put herself and anyone who's in the arena with her in danger [Music] again it was not good come on we have fights and he goes through kind of periods of like I don't know he's really good he's really progressing and then he's just terrible for like a week so I'm hoping that the competition happens during a good week we work out every day and some days are great and some days are horrible you know he's awesome having a hundred days to learn to learn everything that he's learned is quite a feat kudos to him [Music] give him a minute in the dark so he doesn't know what's happening I'm gonna take away that element of sight and I wouldn't see how far I can push it to how far he can trust me defense defense there you go no that's another sense that'll be another fence I'll be fence it's all communication and if I tell him to turn right that he's trusting me enough that I'm not going to turn him into a wall or into a ditch going downhill slow slow take it easy take it easy going this way just trust me trust me take it easy okay okay all right ask him anything you'll do it without any hesitation or any fight all right you got it you got this there you go you're on the bridge there you go coming to the edge coming up hey that's too fast coming to the edge slow slow you go it's right there there you go that boy that horse has made me as the most happiest person on this earth he's just a good horse that's why he needs a good home we don't have the money don't be thinking that all of a sudden you know we're going to be cutting how how are we going to take them to the winter how you know you understand all of this before we get involved with this and it's tough it's still emotionally tough but this is something that they decided that they wanted to do all that they know is what you've taught them so it's into that point then I'm gonna say bye it's kind of rough nope it's just kind of tough to say but we're not the ability to be able to do that money-wise I guess it's basically the bottom line so it's not easy but realities in situation [Music] they'll go to a new place and kind of show people how awesome they are so it's kind of gives you a bit of good feelings about it but still gotta get a little selfish want to keep them what can you do [Music] [Music] it seems like I am way behind on everything but the competition is about ten days away from now and I haven't even get on yeah maybe I'm scared if it's only the truth keep Komachi hurt you come on when I was young and when nobody was around to help me I used to put them in a small pin and get on and tried to move them around that small space that's the way I'm gonna do it he's gotta know that I'm coming down on him there's gonna be weight on him don't you try anything Komachi it's just me your buddy the person that feeds you every day I'm scared to tell you the truth I think I have an extra pair of underwear somewhere I just want him to move a little bit take his time got a move up there you go it's all you need okay back up again some more come on that's good no I'm pretty good come at you okay turn you only have ten days to work with this horse every minute counsel I can't get off only if my son was here you always wanted to see me get on I seen him take on different horses but he actually wants to come become best friends with this horse I think he really loves his horse about three four weeks into this we were thinking he wasn't gonna make it he just wanted to uh never come down but he finally did and when he did he just you just came a good little horse yes maybe we just found that that peace with each other and he settled into me and I settled into him and he has become the best natured horse I believe I have ever worked with in over 50 years hey hey sad past oh my gosh Willy we're behind it was real touching when you started to see them connect because George had some some you know choice names that he called him at first when he was getting bitten and kicked and thrown into the dirt wailing bonding with the horses estranged from them thank you feel it there's more than you see it and he just got me to the point where I know that this could be the horse that I'm gonna finish my riding days off seven weeks ago I would know I wouldn't have thought that George would have wanted to drop this horse because number one neither us we're bringing these to home and and I know he started thinking about wanting to bring him home didn't really know what sake his weed already you know he doesn't want me to bring my no but I can see I can see that George needs to bring that horse home that little Mustang bailout heart that horse is as small as he is he's big enough for George [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel kind of the competition when I'm worried most about of luggage cars [Music] there's so many emotions right now just some wanting to do well I want to show Willie well but it's also sad delicious I know that I won't be bringing him home [Music] a few days ago I don't know what happened but it started looking tried so hard to stay in the saddle but I got bucked off and I don't have a get back on it [Music] here this is going to be different either way I'm gonna get on it's very calm by it I think you know I he will do it with job - all right here here keep loping right up if you do a drop change transition both walk them right on into the box I mean circles to the right walk out and you're done 100 trainers 100 horses 100 days quite amazing [Music] yep 74 horses name is Ram brands one Bible I mean if you leave the horse up in the trailer and he's supposed to jump in the trailer and he stalls out you're out if you go to pick up his feet and he won't give you his feet you're out serpentine through the cones at a trot and he doesn't rot you're out so there's no room for any bobbles the competition is that stiff so next get out walking along and all of a sudden his horse is down rolling everybody thought it was funny I was horrified so he just lost I'm kind of hoping that they're gonna look and say hey you know that's a relaxed horse she's done a good job you know give him kudos for that as opposed to say that we didn't expect that to be happening tip number 34 dr. melissa council burger bryan texas if they can sense that you're scared they will take advantage of that so i try to like push those kind of emotions away until we're done he could start bucking randomly which he's done he could do the running off the shoulder thing and I could totally miss an obstacle I had no idea if I could do it or not it's just absolutely no idea if I'd even get a halter on him actually getting on his back seemed like a fairy tale dream I always get nervous I felt like I was gonna throw up when together she's been proving people wrong from day one so I was proud of her nine Evelyn Gregory st. Joe Texas rod and Willie me too if number 11 coming into the arena and this ladies and gentlemen will be his sixth ride right now I can't really push myself up into the saddle from the ground so I hope you can stand still all I do doctor I just want to see how my dad's gonna get on his horse that's all give it to you Charles and we'll watch to put number six on this horse I'm scared for him because like I said he's getting old he's just trying to say that I'm still young enough to handle whatever you guys can throw at me [Music] [Music] I've been seeing myself right in the competition and have good communication with Komachi and be a good team the fear is always there it never goes away but after the competition he know he face it you feel good one of these days I'm gonna say I was there did it that'll do it six rides Charles Chee I believe we'll call this one six seven and eight it was worth it tip number 21 Christopher [Music] [Music] I love him more than he's not even once just given me a die he's just said okay we'll figure this out together it's how we've come so far very very far in a very short time [Music] it's amazing what Sue and I came to be Christopher Koko name [Music] yes I pulled what I wanted to pull off [Music] [Applause] Tucson Arizona uncle Larry some of the top trainers in the United States are go there next time and that's a challenge it's actually tonight's an honor just to be overgrown Central nice work down there Clint Bailey time and a good finish number 55 George Gregory George is riding whaling that day we bought him an and and we got him out and put him in his pan and and he had just terror in his eyes and but we didn't give up whaling probably taught me more than his horse ever peed yeah he did teach me that you know patience will pay off well if we could win i think me wicked win we can show that an old fat guy can still ride a horse to make the finals to be hot to win it would just be incredible thank you George entry number 52 Carlos raki riding I don't know everything to me if I need to talk to him when I make the tough there's not a Mia Native American email especially from the Navajo Reservation that snowing out there in the United States and I hope he gets out there and does it one day he's gonna be out there and I hope that I'll still be out there with him Carlos raki from Arizona riding IBK Thank You Carlos visit my page if number 50 is Turkey well I am a dreamer and to me is a dream you know to come to Texas in compete now hey Zeus will do his coursework [Music] it's been handling that rope since he was seven trained his first horse when he was 14 cases Cherokee Baileys Harbor Wisconsin on el compadre [Music] I know my horse and I know what I have this is why we're here if you're that good I can't do computer when they're good people wylene Wilson twin Creek riding Rembrandt buckle up when extreme Wylie ride to the theory now a few Texas Cowboys that we showed up by her and they're still trying to get over the GAO has the eye of the tiger and you know she's beautiful and flipping and crazy and fun and talks like this ha ha get it on then we'll go and kick your ass how would it feel to win almost surreal I would think unbelievable but surreal for me I think I've always been so close but just never won it so if I really did win it it would just be like I'd do a backflip probably that's not an exaggeration I probably would now in the arena Nicolas Coco we've worked on everything that we need to and I know he's got everything you don't think side passes two spins so it's just a matter of you know when we actually get out there doing it [Music] make cocoa I'm Ranahan well done Nick my nerves were kind of out of control just everything going on I don't know what happened look at the results here hopefully pretty soon and trainers you're gonna want to listen up here are your top ten finalists for tonight's legends finals lots of chrome Bill Lopez country boy and Logan leach Monty Travis Dittmer huckleberry and Lanny leach get cool Laurie groomer holidays ricochet Miranda holiday mr. Clint Bailey rip Brenton wylene Wilson brain maker and Taryn munch el compadre in hey Suz parody [Music] there are your top ten finalists that you will see tonight in tonight's finals I would like to that's okay he wasn't at the bottom I thought I was up there but there was probably some stuff that I had missed up on and maybe next year I'll be a lot better Wally sit first lane even Logan and that's like I said we got to make choices right and we were here for the horse not to teach it works how to compete but how to be a partner that's a good plan victory so we'll take it first of all it's a clean start none of your previous scores count you're going to get four minutes to set up and four minutes to perform and you're going to be scored on the required maneuvers and on artistic creative performance and overall athletic ability [Music] folks well welcome to the final extreme Mustang makeover westerns stinking boys show him what it's all about when the blonde comes walking in a wildcat boom from Arizona gonna be like oh I'm hoping so I want him to be shaking in their boots like uh not why they will say no hurt [Applause] [Music] Taron lunch he'll definitely be a tough competitor live extreme cowboy racing against him as a national champion extreme cabaret sir [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow and the leeches are really good Logan and Lana leach they're very good - they could be tough they could be a bad boys [Applause] we have to always remember that these are hundred-day horses and we get lost you know you have to keep watching and keep reminding yourself this horses wild us in a hundred days [Applause] I do that on the bonus it I know it's a hard competition you know I need to do through myself I can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but again it's all technical I mean you could be going around to the right and the horse could you know be leaning to the left and switch allele eight and the person in front of you've done perfectly so that person that did it perfectly it's going to get a higher score than you are it's all about technical stuff [Music] [Applause] click that's really good he was second last year [Music] hero vitalist on his last horse need he didn't main business Clint Bailey was stunning and when he put the cow in the pin and he took the bridle off and that was wanted to eat that cow go after you know watch it move it the crowd this dream because it epitomizes what these Mustangs [Applause] [Music] so I just gotta go out and do my thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] comes in with Rembrandt and she does extremely difficult maneuvers and her lead changes which is where the horse is almost dancing where to the music at the low for the canter it'll take two strides on the right side jump up and take two strides switching leaves on the left side come up take two strides on the right side two strides on the left side incredibly difficult because you see they're changing both the front and the back leg and then they're hopping up and doing this two strides two strikes two strides all in the same rhythm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nine point Wow really Lopes and lots of Chrome [Applause] [Music] on el compadre he said the $350 but he earned her heart [Applause] place [Applause] [Applause] all right three now in third place [Music] in second place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] horse left without a ribbon on it and that person with wylene Wilson [Music] you know I know he's a great horse to make someone a great voice and that's the bull that's the whole reason we do this is to get him a great place to live so okay see y'all tomorrow 10:00 a.m. be here to get one of these great Mustangs [Music] the Sundays it it's it's where the journey ends Sundays where he finds his new home kind of a bittersweet day in my mind I know that I've gotta let it go but in my heart it's because I do love hops I've bonded I love it I just hope [Music] [Music] all right there [Music] I'm just afraid that somebody was taking away he has his bad news let's see one so I just hope he's having one today [Music] it's gonna only trust one person I don't think I'm gonna give him up that easy [Music] if I don't get him back I'm gonna really hope he goes to somebody that really appreciated and and it'll hurt [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be taken down give me five 500 now 600 now seven seven are docketing in Connecticut now seven [Music] number 74 this is the horse with all the artistic mood does this Rembrandt the champion of the 2009 extreme Mustang makeover for town we're down to get the negative on before 4,000 I'm ready to get back in before so deep in the back $3,800 [Music] it's old but you can all do I have hope they were in your name six times and if you are willing to tell it to yourself [Music] [Music] side her daughter Barragan I got agita back up and I've now bought bought one every now want out of it 1,100 1,100 other to calculate love it no thousand bucks going home with a rider going on with George doesn't kidding me it will remember this for a long time we didn't win anything we both going home better [Music] good evening top 10 6:15 where to get you to go find out of NASA militia now seven now high up happy were to be to compile now I gonna give you the not get me two two two three three three four five 3,500 to get into day five 39 42 [Music] 52 89 American acumen - 90 - 2 - nuketown give me $92 let's get behind I know he loves his horse but what he told me when I asked him without any preemption - do you want your horse yes but you know I only have a couple thousand two thousand dollars to spend but if I could go to somebody really really good then then I would be ok $9,000 is too much for me [Music] I love it is I'm going to keep the horse in my heart because we've been working repeat with friends explain me compadre father's or life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix Español
Views: 2,132,844
Rating: 4.5093718 out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix Espanol, Paseo Salvaje, Caballo Salvaje, peliculas completas, peliculas de familia, peliculas en espanol, Wild horse wild ride, peliculas, documentales, documentales en espanol, peliculas en PG, Popcornflix, peliculas gratis, Kids movies, Caballos
Id: b8F8BIx0s5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 39sec (6459 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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